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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7020251 No.7020251 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: foods to get you through the winter

>> No.7020259

Vodka and dried squid

Keeps me warm and gives me gains

Also sardines

>> No.7020260

looks like shit, wouldn't want to eat

I'm a big fan of stews and soups in the winter personally.

>> No.7020267

>stews and soups

Best way to eat lots of cheap food, easy to cook big batches, is delicious

GOAT winter food

>> No.7020271

>this soviet poverty(I know, redundant) food looks like shit
really? you don't say?

>> No.7020283
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I finally got pie crust technique down, so this will be the winter where I make pot pies.

>> No.7020343

I reccomend topping one with mashed potato

>> No.7020354

Damn I wish I could be a soviet fam.

>> No.7020366
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>> No.7020520

>water bottle in the pic

>> No.7020892
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comfy: weeb edition

>> No.7020942
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>you'll never be a young russian man sniping germans and eating leather belt broth at leningrad

>> No.7020947

>you'll never be a young russian girl doing the same thing.

>> No.7020951

Why live?

>> No.7020967


>> No.7021567

>you will never kill people for their ration of grain fried in motor oil

>> No.7021582
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>> No.7021632

What's up with gay revolver?That 22 dude get a 9mm

>> No.7021654

7.62x38mmR Nagant

>> No.7021676
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Iktf why even live, comrade

>> No.7021727
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a good chicken noodle is fine too.

>> No.7021743

what's the can on the right supposed to be? Ashes?

>> No.7021757

That's an ash tray, Stosh.

>> No.7021762
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>> No.7021806
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Kippers for breakfast, broth for lunch, corned beef for dinner.

That will get you through even the nastiest winter. Supplement with plenty of beer and single malt scotch.

>> No.7021821

>you will never be a young russian man darting through the ruins of stalingrad and killing buildings full of nazis with submachine guns
>you will never bait a panther into an alleyway and destroy it with molotov cocktails
why am i even on this earth

>> No.7021826

That's way too much sauce for mapo tofu

>> No.7021831

I just gave my cat a tin of chicken of the sea kipper snacks. The smokey flavor was just too much.

>> No.7021842
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>you will never serve with Stannis Baratheon, eating shoe leather and horse meat in the frigid North, trying to lure the hapless Bolton/Frey army onto a frozen lake to drown them

Just die in my sleep already.

>> No.7021846

>chicken of the sea

There's your problem.

King Oscar and Crown Prince kipper snacks are delicious. I've never had the Chicken of the Sea kippers, but if they're anything like the COTS sardines, I'd have to pass on them.

>> No.7021851
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I have no reason to live. Drinking vodka.

>> No.7021860

mother fucking stew

and chili

then make some pot roasts

>> No.7021863


Why does nothing in this current time frame compel me to die? I can understand dying for my nation's survival or for someone I respect greatly (like a king who puts himself in danger along with his men), but at this moment in history, it seems like shitposting on a Mongolian horse wrangling imageboard is preferable to dying or this pampered oligarch or another.

>> No.7021945
File: 34 KB, 470x450, New-England-Clam-Chowder_18588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New England clam chowder, better than hot cocoa when you're done shoveling the driveway.

Probably because western and northern European governments are selling their own native peoples up the river and the American government is basically a front for corporate rule, granting you the illusion of choice with the vote. I'd rather serve a fucking street gang, at least they have fun.

>> No.7022092

i'll keep that in mind next time at the market

>> No.7022128

is that like picked fish on the plate? or salo?

>> No.7022141

>hand nugget
>not a tokarev
Being in Florida I eat everything I normally would

>> No.7022152

do you have a solid recipe?

Live in Australia, had it once and loved it, its edging on summer here, but I love my soups.

>> No.7022170
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Solid soup? What the... I say, WTF?

>> No.7022197

Pickled eggs, squash soup, roasted potatoes

>> No.7022389
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Potatoes and toast is great in the winter before you have to step into the cold.

>> No.7022430
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>> No.7022528

pocket soup


>> No.7022535

The West in general is gradually dying to multiculturalism anyway. You can expect China, Japan, Russia etc all to keep their own culture/people and remain strong countries.

>> No.7022543

it's a stock cube

>> No.7022545

got a recipe fam?

>> No.7022554

California here. Its pretty much the same shit as any other day. We get like a dozen days below 60F a year. These days we cherish.

>> No.7023248
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I'll trade the Nagant for a liter of vodka and a whole pack of belomorkanal and I'd be golden.

>> No.7023347

I'm not an expert on the matter, but I've had mapo tofu at several restaurants and it always has lots of sauce. A google image search results in a majority of pictures with quite a bit of sauce, as in my picture. Anybody else have an opinion on the amount of sauce in their mapo tofu?

>> No.7023383

Damn even their cigarettes look depressing.

>> No.7023469
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Baked apples

>> No.7024627


You bitchniggas better stop talking shit about based "Špek". It kind of panslavic tradition and while it looks poor and describtion of it sounds terrible, it is actually delicious.

It is smoked and salted pork lard that you can get fuckload for cheep then you slice all of the fuckload to little slices, get it on xboxhuge wooden plate and get on table. Then you get mustard, salt, pickles, horseradish and shit like that into little bowls and get in on the table aswell. Then you find friends, relatives etc. and bring them home. And last but definately not least you get beer, vodka or slivovice in a amount that could supply whole west europe/american town and drink all of it while eating all the "špek" you can till you pass out.
Next day Naděžda will clean the mess you and your comrades made while screaming obscenities at you.
One of the best traditions ever.

>> No.7024637

Liver and onions for them iron gains to keep warm.

>> No.7024638

Similar, but no. It would be closer to a glacé, but it is not exactly that, either. It is pocket soup.

>> No.7024667

you will never smoke the cigs from the 5th element

>> No.7024722

I'll try tbg fam.

You'll need Beef (preferably with fat attached), Onion, salt, pepper, ground cumin, garlic, oil/lard/butter (true slav uses pork lard tbh), marjoram, ground allspice, tomato puree, paprika and obtionaly beer and bell pepper.
The amount of the beef and onion should be the same and depends on how much you want to make. I think you can estimate the amount of the other shit that will serve your taste buds.

Chop the beef into dices and onion into small small dices. If you want to add bell pepper chop it into slices.

Take big pot and fry the onion on lard till it's browny. Then add already peppered beef and stew for a little while but not too long, and stir lest you want the shit to burn. Then add fuckload of paprika and salt. Now it's the time to add bell pepper if you want. Squish some garlic into the stew, add some tomato puree, rest of the spices, stir as madman and let it stew for a while till the meat is done. Of course check it often and if you think it needs more watter add it. Or you can be true slav and add beer instead. After and hour and half it should be done, take a piece of the beef out and taste it. If it's already soft turn off the stove and let it finish. Put a ration into a bowl and add few wheels of onion as a final crowning, open a bottle of ale and devour the shit. The bread looking thing is a knedlík. It's not necessery but if you want a recipe for that just ask.

Side note: you can always add chilli if you like

>> No.7024743

*an hour

Another side note: Guláš is always better the next day after it's done. Don't know why but it is.

>> No.7024748

mexican food is godlike during winter

dont forget the doto, comrades

>> No.7024762

Meant for >>7022545

Hell I shouldn't have drunk so much today.

>> No.7025097

A drunk Czech is always better than a sober Czech.

>> No.7025176

you tryin' to trick me, son

>> No.7025200

I'm gonna be eating a shitload of borscht and perogies. Potatoes and beets are always dirt cheap at my grocery store.

Probably gonna have a bunch of vodka too, because I need something to help me pretend I'm not living in poverty through another shitty Canadian winter.

>> No.7025442

So alligator and turtle soup?

>> No.7025698

>tfw living in southern Texas
>no winter for me ;_;

>> No.7025723
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I worked on the border near Eagle Pass / Piedras Negras in December, January and February. It snowed.

>> No.7025730


>in any way a strong country

if it weren't for their nuclear arsenal and natural resources literally nobody would give a shit about them

>> No.7025809

This is something to be fucking glad about.

>> No.7025827

I hate soup. My mother does not understand the concept of poverty origin food. You just can not throw a bunch of stuff into a pot. Bringing it to boil and call it soup.

Soups and stews have to be cooked slowly all day. From horrible and cheap ingredients. Chicken bones browned in an oven. Then boiled all day.

She wants to cook so much soup during the winter too. Because she wants to be warm. Next time I I visit I really need to tell her to just drink some hot broth in a cup. If she wants to warm up on hot liquids. Don't make everyone suffer through months of horrible soup.

>> No.7025836

I fucking love spek (I assume from your use of accents/spellings that you're Czech?)
My grandpa had a smokehouse and made his own
Then he'd put pieces in a salad, the utter madman

>> No.7025849

>Soups and stews have to be cooked slowly all day. From horrible and cheap ingredients.

And you've convinced yourself this is a rule of law?

Are you a little kid?

>> No.7025880

Chili and Pot roast in the slow cooker.

>> No.7025977

>You just can not throw a bunch of stuff into a pot. Bringing it to boil and call it soup.
Why not? Not every soup is supposed to simmer all day.

>> No.7025986

This. Soup is literally a drink. It should be served along side a real meal in place of a soft drink.

>> No.7026027

Pinto Beans, pearl onions, and the ham still stuck to the bone when everything that can be used for a sandwich has been cut off.

>> No.7026067
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Here's your beverage, sir. Enjoy!

>> No.7026311

>got pie crust technique down
care to elaborate?

>> No.7026317

Why is it called cottage pie when there is no pie?

>> No.7026341
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Erwtensoep met rookworst en speak
Slitpee soup with smoked sausges and spek. Its a awesome soep really thick and filling. From the netherlands

>> No.7026353
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>tfw you have to pretend you don't live with your mother and when you "visit" you will tell her this and that

She cooks for you. She can cook whatever the fuck she likes. Don't like it? Get a job and do your own cooking.

>> No.7026368

It's not hard, they just look like any other euro just tired and angry.

>> No.7026390

bacon retard

>> No.7026455

>are different cuts
>one is smoked other is cured

>> No.7026474

You fuckers know how to live.

>> No.7026475
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>> No.7027157


>> No.7027555


West is all about business and making money.

Dead people can't buy stuff.

>> No.7027570

soups, stews, and chili