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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7018336 No.7018336 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best foods that are monstrously filling but don't have that many calories? Things that I can straight up beast feast on without worrying about gaining much weight?

So far I can think of oatmeal, veggies, eggs and tuna fish.

>> No.7018340


>> No.7018353

Water isn't a food you moron. Go back to jr high. #bozo

>> No.7018355

Sardines and mashed potato with a bit of ketchup.

>> No.7018357


>> No.7018360

I'll have to go with water also.

>> No.7018362

offtopic but with this post the captcha asked to select all salad but i selected all the pizza to see what would happen.
>Post successful!
lol murrica

>> No.7018364


>> No.7018365

That's revolting.

>> No.7018421

10 lbs of lettuce.

>> No.7018434

Afterbirth still has stem cells floating around and that's super nutritious.

>Really neat and fun to eat!

>> No.7018437

Sausages and blocks of cheese.

>> No.7018700

Eggs are pretty calorie-dense. You want things with lots of fiber and water. So oatmeal and veggies mostly.

However, eggs and tuna are fairly healthy in moderate quantities so you should keep eating them.

>> No.7018732

10 eggs seem pretty filling though. I feel stuffed after eating 7 eggs and that's a mere 500 calories. Meanwhile I can eat 2000 calories of pizza and not feel that stuffed.

>> No.7018738

sweet potato/yams???

>> No.7018760

Raw fruits and vegetables and lightly or unrefined carbs. That's it. Also water/non rbgh milk. Tea has too much flouride. Coffee isn't that great either.

>> No.7018775

>Tea has too much flouride


>> No.7018784

So does tap water. When I say water I mean reverse osmosis water. But drink fucking water!

>> No.7018792

Flouride is good for you ya rumazoid.

>> No.7018803

Have your fill then buddy. : )

>> No.7018811

>feasting on tuna

surprised youre still alive tbh

>> No.7018818

Winter squash. Probably the best filling to calorie ratio out of any food.

>> No.7018827

pb&j tbh

I take one with me on bike rides in case I run out of calories and need the energy to get home and the whole time I ride in fear of the jam leaking out of the container and all over my expensive white jersey.

Needless to say I'm monitoring this thread for other ideas tbh fam why can't I stop using these dumb acronyms smfh make it stop.

>> No.7018835

PB&J is made with bread which is horribly unfilling.

>> No.7018837
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You can literally stuff yourself with an entire jar of pickles and not gain a single calorie. Eating a pickle or two with a cheeseburger will keep you full and you will only consume 600-700 calories assuming you drink water instead of soda and don't go overboard with bacon.

>> No.7018847

I find the opposite to be true. But I use gluten free bread so maybe that's different. It's a lot heavier than wheat-based breads.

>> No.7018871

>Gluten free
Well memed

>> No.7018874

Reread the OP. You're providing the exact opposite of what was asked for. Peanut butter is one of the most calorie-dense foods out there.

>> No.7018876
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One of the most filling foods is beef jerky. They pack ~30 grams of protein per 3 oz bags but you only consume around 240 calories. This is a perfect "hack" to losing weight. Eat an entire 3 oz package in the morning and feel full as fuck and end up eating less for lunch and dinner.

Proteins have a higher priority over calories. Your body will bitch about not having enough proteins than not having enough calories. This is why beef jerky makes you feel so god damn "full" despite the tiny package of food.

Just make sure to drink plenty of water, beef jerky is packed with salt. The only other bad thing about beef jerky is the price, ~$7 per 3 oz bag is a pretty steep price for a simple breakfast.

>> No.7018882

cucumbers and rice waffles

>> No.7018888

This. Beef jerky is one of the few foods that can make you feel full almost instantly. Mostly because it takes your body more time to extract protein from foods.

>> No.7018904
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0 calories...

>> No.7018939

it depends on the person

people react differently to foods

for exemple I eat 3 peanut/nut the next day I am noticeably fatter. I can feel it.

for other people it wil have no effect.

>> No.7019457

Yeah but compared to Oatmeal.. 500 calories of oatmeal will last you like 10 hours until you get hungry.

>> No.7019517

Wtf are you talking about? I have one cup (300 calories) of oats in the morning and am hungry as fuck an hour later

>> No.7019771

Fat free Greek yogurt, shit fills you up mayne

>> No.7019786
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816 oz mushrooms sliced
2 medium onions halved/sliced thin
1 poblano chili chopped
splash of oil
Mrs. Dash

Put in foil packet, put on grill at Medium for 25-30 minutes

Eat like a boss. Lotsa food, nice flavor texture about 100 calories if.

>> No.7019798

Baked beans.

>> No.7019805


always feel extremely full after an apple and its like 100 calories or something

>> No.7019816

Seitan steak only thing is it isn't gluten free

>> No.7019876

Mix oatmeal with canned pumpkin puree (make sure it's not pumpkin pie filling) and it'll stretch it out and add more fiber. Tastes pretty good, too.

>> No.7019891

you know /ck/ hates /fit/, right?

>> No.7020072

What does avoiding becoming a 300kg obese fat fuck have to do with being /fit/? You can eat good tasting foods that fill you up and help you avoid becoming obese. Nothing wrong with that.

Are you saying /ck/ advocates obesity?

>> No.7020079

fuck off, sally

>> No.7020083

if you want to go this route, Change your diet so you eat as little fat and sugar as possible, don't snack, and only eat breakfast and an early dinner.

You can eat a lot, but no fat and sugar. Your body will regulate how much you can eat fairly well with this system, so that you won't eat too many calories, while still eating enough to feel full.

>> No.7020108

motherfucking CABBAGE

>> No.7020119


>> No.7020124
File: 61 KB, 608x1024, satiety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at that score, just look at it

>> No.7020125


Enjoy your cancer

>> No.7020130

so does a higher % mean they ate less or more of it?

>> No.7020145

I think it means that foods with a higher than 100 percentage are more filling than the control (white bread)

>> No.7020149

The higher the number the more satisfying it was. So potatoes are more than 3 times more satisfying as white bread

"A Satiety Index of Common Foods," European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, September 1995, pages 675-690

>> No.7020158

You may not gain any significant calories, but its hell on your stomach and poo

>> No.7020188
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>don't snack, and only eat breakfast and an early dinner.
This unfortunately won't work, believe me I've tried. After experimenting with multiple diets I found one that helped me shed 50 lbs off in 2 years.

Basically count calories, don't starve yourself, and eat plenty of proteins daily (~60 grams for most). To lose weight you have to eat close to your BMR calorie requirement (-200/+200). Every day your body will be forced to use the fat reserves as fuel (~200-400 calories). Every ~3,500 cal deficit a pound of weight will be lost.

However you MUST eat a light breakfast, heavy lunch, and light dinner. Snacks are optional but desired. Skipping a meal will aggregate your hunger risking you to binge eat. This is why adding low to 0 calorie snacks in often done (hunger suppression).

>> No.7020223
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Psilocybin Mushrooms. Eat enough of those to get full, wait 45 minutes, you wont eat for the rest of the day! Also you probably wont wanna leave your house...but nonetheless!

>> No.7020224
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Well everything probably causes cancer! I wouldn't be surprised if drinking too much water raised the chance of developing cancer by 1%.

Eating beef jerky is completely fine as long as you only eat 3 oz (~80g) of it max each day. Of course eating a pound of beef jerky each day is going to fuck your shit up in many ways. Everything eaten in moderation is fine.

If eating red meat was so dangerous humans would have all gotten cancer and died centuries ago.

>> No.7020241
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True. Well I guess eating a pickle or two each day for a snack should be fine though. I was just exaggerating to show how you can't get fat from eating pickles. In fact they rob you of calories. Every pickle you eat actually requires like 2-4 calories to process in the body, you literally have to spend more calories digesting a pickle than what your body extracts from it.

You could literally starve to death if all you ate was pickles, lol.

>> No.7020257

>This unfortunately won't work,
you just aren't eating enough. I've done it for about a year.

>Skipping a meal will aggregate your hunger risking you to binge eat.

Only true if you eat foods with fat and sugar. I eat a lot at each meal and do not overeat because the food I eat has very little fat and sugar.

your diet ideas suck, btw. snacking is extremely dumb if you're dieting. the idea is to not eat all the time. and breakfast must be a substantial meal. it is lunch that is the odd meal that shouldn't be eaten. And dinner should be eaten around 3-4pm, or a little after when lunch is usually eaten.

>> No.7020313
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>816 oz of mushrooms
>51 pounds of mushrooms

>> No.7020361

Well I lost 50 pounds in 2 years so obviously I was doing something right. During this time I never felt overtly hungry, I would eat a pickle or rice cakes as a snack to avoid packing calories and suppressing hunger.

Your timings are a little strange. Breakfast has always been ~09:00, lunch ~12:00, and dinner ~21:00 for me. This is why I say eat a big lunch to keep you good for another 9 hours.

>> No.7020472

>You could literally starve to death if all you ate was pickles, lol.
brb, gonna buy some pickles.

>> No.7020798

Oatmeal? Are you crazy?

>> No.7020807
File: 337 KB, 1800x2400, sco_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steel cut oats, honey bunches of oats whole grain (any variety), and turkey (any part).


lol no

>> No.7020809

you're very much wrong though
I ate a -800 calorie a day diet for about 8 months while dropping weight and never had any of the issues you did
I'm not retarded so losing weight isn't tough

>> No.7020818


Wait, cucumbers have zero calories?

>> No.7020821

Have you ever tried to burn a cucumber?

>> No.7020830


Teach us your secrets then, wise man.

>> No.7020860

>suppressing hunger.
See I don't feel hungry at all! You're suffering. I'm not. The key is to keep the fat and sugar down to near zero levels.

>> No.7021007

Actually no, a cucumber fresh out of a garden stands at ~50 Calories. However once pickled it becomes a "negative calorie food". Your body has to work itself to the bone to extract those precious calories. On top of this most calories are destroyed by the salt/vinegar water solution. Thus in the end the pickled cucumber will have very little calories which the body will immediately use to digest it. Even then the body will have to use more calories to finish digestion.

Point is a pickled cucumber is so devoid of calories and so hard for the body to digest it actually steals calories from your body. Thus if you ate nothing but jars of pickles and water you would die in 1-2 months due to protein+calorie starvation.

>> No.7021029
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>eating 800 calories per day
YOU MORON. You've any idea what you did to yourself in those 8 months? You've literally starved your body of getting enough proteins. So your body has had no other choice but to eat the muscles on your bones for proteins. Good job.

This is why I said DO NOT starve yourself. Getting those 60 grams of proteins daily is a requirement, not something optional. Enjoy becoming a lanky. That lean muscle mass helps skyrocket your metabolism too, now your BMR will be lower and it will be easier for you to gain weight now.

>> No.7021047


as in MINUS.

>> No.7021052

>The key is to keep the fat and sugar down to near zero levels.
Not really. The key is to not overdose on calories each day. You can literally become obese if you eat too much of any food. For example mashed potatoes has very little fat and almost no sugar yet each cup packs 200 calories. Eat of enough and you will become fat.

As long as you keep your calorie intake under control and eat less calories than you burn you will lose weight. This means it's okay to snack as long as you can control how many calories you eat.

In fact you can lose weight while eating ice cream and cheeseburgers all fucking day as long as you eat less calories than you burn. It won't be a healthy way to lose weight and I don't recommend it at all but it will work.

>> No.7021058
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That makes it worse...

Holy shit anon, go eat some grilled chicken sandwiches or something before your body eats your heart muscles and kills you. Dam, you need to talk with a doctor soon. Who knows what other damage your starvation diet has caused beside your body eating its own muscles for protein. God damn.

>> No.7021061

see doc nao

>> No.7021212

Are steel cut oats really that different from oatmeal?

>> No.7021235

this is way too late for dinner fam

>> No.7021273
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I usually go to sleep around 00:00 so it helps me stay asleep by not feeling hunger in the middle of the night. I snack between the 9 hour gap between lunch and dinner to help suppress hunger further. I guess everyone times their meals differently.

What time do you eat dinner anon-kun?

>> No.7021304

hunger... I don't feel any hunger man. My diet is superior. load up on beans and whole wheat bread. You won't feel hungry after that.

>> No.7021320

the thing with eating bigger meals rather late is that the carb your're taking in then is being processed to insulin which slows/hinders the resorption of fat. ergo the later you eat, the shorter of a phase your body has to downgrade the body fat. this is why roughage is a very important part of every diet. in conclusion, the breakfast should be the main focus on carb/protein intake during the day.

>> No.7021328

>For example mashed potatoes has very little fat and almost no sugar yet each cup packs 200 calories.

How many cups of mashed potatoes can someone eat when it doesn't have butter, sour cream, or cheese on it?
And If I'm only eating 2 meals a day, I could eat around 5 cups of mashed potatoes. That is a lot! I could eat a cup of mashed potatoes, a cup of beans, some whole wheat bread, and some soup. it adds up to a lot of food when you cut all fat out.

The body will signal satiety far sooner with dry mashed potatoes than with mashed potatoes loaded with fat. And that is my point. It is impossible to lose weight eating a high fat diet long term because fat is so calorie dense, and it signals the body to binge, because the body can store hundreds of pounds of fat easily.

>> No.7021329

additionally, it may help to increase the amount of roughage in your meals and snacks so you dont have to suppress hunger. hunger is a signal that your body lacks and followingly demands nutrition. Its a thin line between empty calories and filling though calory low food.

>> No.7021334

the difference in texture is pretty wild.


>> No.7021345

>It is impossible to lose weight eating a high fat diet long term because fat is so calorie dense, and it signals the body to binge, because the body can store hundreds of pounds of fat easily.
It's still possible but yeah feeding your body high calorie foods will encourage it to trip hunger alarms more often. However it will in large part trigger those hunger alarms because it needs more proteins. Remember your body will throw a bigger hissy fit for not getting enough proteins than not getting enough calories.

>> No.7021356

I'm discouraged by the gas. Beans are pretty based though. Some of them pack more than 15 grams of protein and more than 10 grams of fiber per cup.

>> No.7021365

Do canned salmon instead

If you could post your email, I'd like to publish your post in my Pseudoscience Weekly.

Expensive, but make sure you drink heaps of water with that.

You can have as much spaghetti squash as you desire. Also drink a glass of water with psylium husks when you eat so the fibre stops the absorption. Take a multivitamin too since it blocks nutrient absorption too.

Fat is fine, eat adequate varied amounts.

>> No.7021369
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Hmmm, well I'm still losing weight doing what I'm doing. I don't want to cause something to backfire so I'm gonna stick to what I'm doing. Interesting insight nonetheless.

>> No.7021384
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I'd love to know what part of my post is wrong. I researched all the material the best I could. I'm only human my precious anon-kun. Sorry if I provided Inaccurate/wrong info, I'd be more than happy if you could help me improve my knowledge.

>> No.7021391

losing weight is the main goal, but suffering hunger while doing so is super unhealthy and not worth the dropping body weight. simply because you're burning muscle mass. losing fat =/= losing weight, mean thing added to this is muscle mass is heavier than fat.

losing fat is a pain in the ass, meanwhile gaining it is literally a piece of cake everyday (unless you have some metabolism issues, same vice versa)

>> No.7021400

Am I being rused? Supposed I need 3000 calories to maintain my current weight and wanted to drop my intake to 2200 calories. Well, guess what? I would be on a -800 calorie diet.

>> No.7021403

losing fat*, tripped over my own point I tried to make

>> No.7021414


>> No.7021426

I don't feel hunger though, I keep it under control by eating low calorie snacks like rice cakes or fruit. I also make sure to eat at least 60 grams of protein daily and I haven't lost any body strength so I assume my muscle mass has not abated. I get protein from many sources, mostly foods with grilled chicken or a glass of milk in the morning.

I used to eat only breakfast + dinner but it kept me awake at night with a weird hunger that made me irritated and made it hard to go back to sleep. Once I started eating dinner at ~21:00 I started sleeping like a rock.

>> No.7021429

OP Here,

I eat canned salmon too sometimes. A few weeks ago I ate a can of salmon for lunch every single day at work.

>> No.7021443

Canned Salmon is pretty good, each 3 oz serving only has ~100 calories but more than 10 grams of protein.

>> No.7021448

I start my day with 500g oats spread out over 2 meals one around 10am the other around 11:30.
With the second one I have 10 bananas. Normally eaten over 4 hours or so then at 7 I'll have a carb based meal like rice with steamed veg.

I mostly eat carbs, some protein very little fat, vegan foods.

I'm in great health and a very healthy BMI.

>> No.7021452

Well you didn't specify that m9001. Just tell people you are eating 2,200 calories daily to avoid unnecessary confusion. That sounds like a lot tbh. Do you know what your BMR is?

>> No.7021460

>some protein
Are you sure you are in good health? Not eating enough proteins leads to being a lanky and possible medical problems as well. Most people require ~60 grams of protein daily, are you getting that?

>> No.7021464

this sounds like a good diet. it's super normal to feel hungry at times, it's just advised to be careful if someone's getting hungry like one hour after a meal or constantly having hunger attacks. then the issue is definitely the diet or even worse, a medical condition.
fruit are great but you shouldnt eat them additionally to the meal-defined carb intake, rather substitutionally because of the fructose. like one apple aint a problem at all to snack on but multiple servings of fruit like ppl who want to lose weight tend to eat a LOT won't help at all. another great food to snack or even eat as a whole meal is oatmeal/oats + honey + rice/almond milk. you can eat this shit with some eggs, the occational sausage, salmon and cottage cheese for the rest of your life and you will shit on everyone at the gym with their stupid ass energy bars.

>> No.7021477

should add some chicken to the rice and you're good to get that six pack

>> No.7021483
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in general, vegetables are not calorie dense and include a lot of soluble or insoluble fiber which fills you up faster.

the problem is relying on low-calorie bulk to feel satisfied a lot will sorta build a tolerance over time; you may need more over time to achieve the same fullness.

your best option is some balance between filling and something to distract you from feeling hungry as best possible. It's nice to let yourself have some variety for its own sake.

>> No.7021489

I get around 40g
I don't think what your saying is right, check the sources on this page.

>> No.7021493

I'm a vegan, I don't need chicken to get protein.

>> No.7021495

Thanks and that almond milk sounds like an interesting snack. I love almonds so this might be something I could add to my diet.

>> No.7021500

35% protein, 45% carbs, 20% fat is the daily recommended intake for the average person. you cant go wrong with that. doesnt make sense to argue about single digit proteins since they dont make a fuckin difference. As an adult you can take in up to 160g a day if you need it.

>> No.7021504
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>> No.7021507

welcome m8, its healthier than usual cow milk for reasons and even tastier mixed with other food. rice milk tasted super funny drinking it like an ordinary milk drink, but its glorious combined. you can even bake with that.

>> No.7021514

Most people that live in "Blue zones" live far longer than the average person and the longest living people on the planet okinawa japan eat 80/10/10

80 carbs 10 fat 10 protein, please by all means look this up. I don't want your bad advise and I would like it if you spent the time to read what I have linked so that you stop giving it to other people.

>> No.7021527

That's true. If your motivation for having a vegan diet is the health and not telling everyone else, you should already know that the healthiest diet possible contains vegetable proteins & animal proteins. Everything else would be substituted and impacts the body sooner or later in a way. We're omnivores for a reason.

>> No.7021534

That's for ethnic reasons, it's dangerous to generalize for every single human on our planet. That's also why milk isn't appreciated in the asian cuisine/culture but in central Europe its totally common and healthy to drink it.

>> No.7021535

>The DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per pound.
Eating less than this could cause your body to eat its own muscles in a desperate attempt to feed the brain proteins. It's humiliating being a super flat lanky and for this reason people should get enough proteins each day. Unless you have a fetish for looking like a zombie/ cancer patient.

Protein poisoning only becomes a problem if you eat like 300 grams a day which isn't easy or cheap to do anyway.

>> No.7021541
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We are not true omnivores.
Dogs are true omnivores in the sense they can eat as much meat as they want with out it killing them.

"This is from the "UK National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health"

Is atherosclerosis a disease affecting all animals or only certain animals?
>>>Atherosclerosis affects only herbivores.<<< Dogs, cats, tigers, and lions can be saturated with fat and cholesterol, and atherosclerotic plaques do not develop (1, 2). The only way to produce atherosclerosis in a carnivore is to take out the thyroid gland; then, for some reason, saturated fat and cholesterol have the same effect as in herbivores. (This seems to point to us not being made to eat meat)

(In other words, when an animal eats a diet it's made for, there are no health ricks, even massive amounts of fat for cats and dogs)
Are human beings herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

Although most of us conduct our lives as omnivores, in that we eat flesh as well as vegetables and fruits, human beings have characteristics of herbivores, not carnivores (2). The appendages of carnivores are claws; those of herbivores are hands or hooves. The teeth of carnivores are sharp; those of herbivores are mainly flat (for grinding). The intestinal tract of carnivores is short (3 times body length); that of herbivores, long (12 times body length). Body cooling of carnivores is done by panting; herbivores, by sweating. Carnivores drink fluids by lapping; herbivores, by sipping. Carnivores produce their own vitamin C, whereas herbivores obtain it from their diet. Thus, humans have characteristics of herbivores, not carnivores."


Also this. We are cultural omnivores.

>> No.7021552

Yeah, cultural omnivores - thank god we're able to cultivate the world so we have maximized benefits from it. We're living that was since the stone age. Quod erat demonstrandum.

>> No.7021556

Wouldn't mind that human mouth on muh penor tbh

>> No.7021558

If you can't show me a medical study, I don't care what you have to say.

One not founded by the dairy or meat industry that is.

>> No.7021570

According to this wiki, the common diet in these zones is semi-vegetarianism.
Plus the italian zone, which is a major part of the diagram, is well known for eating good amounts of healthy meat.
I mean, they're Italians and Ive been there before as well. This reason for the longevity in these zones most certainly isnt only due to their nutrition but other influenced like occupations, lifestyle, climate.

>> No.7021572
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>I'm vegan
I consider this to be dangerous for a human being. I hope you know how toxic soy protein can be for male hormones. I at least hope you get proteins from somewhere else beside soybeans and its derivatives. I also hope you don't abuse animals by forcing them to eat apples and celery for every meal. Hope you don't kill your babies by forcing them to be vegan either.

>> No.7021576

Typical lanky, I bet you can't even lift a 24 pack of water. It's a miracle your body hasn't eaten your heart muscles and killed you yet.

>> No.7021585

Every unilateral diet is unhealthy. That's common sense far away from any scientific proof that's not even necessary. We don't need to prove god doesn't exist, it's the same thing - it's common sense.

Eat moderate, eat healthy veggies, eat healthy self-processed meat, slay your own animals and grow your own trees. Study chemistry and medicine and live by what you've learned. If that's not granted, yall can continuing your wikipedia influenced life. Trying to be healthy.

>> No.7021595

salty vegan detected

>> No.7021598

Reread the post carefully. Then a second time. Then check your reply. Check it again.

>> No.7021606

/fit/ says carbs are bad

and I know they're full of horseshit

>> No.7021609

Oh my bad, I guess you're just autistic then. Still 10x better than being a vegan I suppose.

>> No.7021611
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>we don't need to prove god doesn't exist, it's common sense



>> No.7021613
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>10 eggs
>Not 5 dozen eggs

>> No.7021614

hit the weak spot

>> No.7021616

He's a religious autist at that. Probably fat too. Not sure if he's still better than a vegan though.

>> No.7021624

If you would spend time reading posts carefully instead of pseudo-socializing with faggots you could grasp an understanding that the post wasn't writting from a religious perspective. At all. Show me one unironically religious person on whole 4chan and I will gladly leave this site and never come back.

>> No.7021633

Yes it was, he was implying god exists which is a steaming pile of shit. Wouldn't be surprised if we was a jewish vegan as well.

>> No.7021653

Do you think all religious people are shut-ins that stick to family-friendly TV-14 content in all aspects of their life?

>> No.7021655

Morally, yes. Totally.

>> No.7023015

I'm getting almost 80g per day just from my morning oats lol oats are 17g protrin protein per 100g and I eat almost 100g oats I have to be highly carbed though, I do long distance running, a vegan high carb diet works really well for my sport. Lots of elite level runners if not most eat tons of carbs in training season and hardly any protein

>> No.7023017

Almost 500g per day*

>> No.7023026

Well good for you. Soy protein is really harmful to male hormones like I said. Protein starvation should be avoided as much as possible since it can cause medical problems and the body has a harder time regaining muscle mass. Human beings were never designed to be vegan, I hope you understand that.

That being said if you insist on your lifestyle please do it for yourself, don't force it on animals or your own kids. I can respect vegans who don't force their diets on others.

>> No.7023040


>> No.7023054

You do know vegans live longer than meat eaters on average of around 10 years right?

Cat is full meat diet, dog is around 50% meat, also feed him beans, veggies, rice, oats.

My kids will be vegan, my wife is vegan.


"5. Lower risk of cancer: Researchers at Loma Linda University in California studied different versions of the vegetarian diet and cancer risk among people at a low risk for cancer overall and discovered that a vegetarian diet may have protective benefits. Although the study is not the final say on the matter, vegans had the lowest risk for cancers, specifically cancers most common among women, like breast cancer."


"After Dr. Ornish's team showed that the bloodstreams of men eating vegan for a year had nearly eight times the cancer-stopping power, a series of elegant experiments showed that women could boost their defenses against breast cancer after just two weeks on a plant-based diet. See the before and after here. If you or anyone you know has ever had a cancer scare, this research will make your heart soar. Because there is real, true hope -- something you can do to stave off "the big C.""



"Vegans had a significantly reduced risk, in both sexes combined, of deaths from non-cancer, non-cardiovascular causes (HR 0.74, 95% CI 0.56 to 0.99)." p1

>> No.7023057

Its also not moral to eat animals.
"We are smarter there for ok"
Well if a 4th dimensional being that was vastly intellectually superior wanted to make you fuck and then eat your babies, it would be fucking sick. Just like what you currently do.

We live longer, can fight cancer better, and tend to have better overall


Also more erectile dysfunction. ^^

"and are regarded as appropriate for all stages of the life-cycle by the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, and Dietitians of Canada."
So there are big research councils and even they say its fine for ALL STAGES OF LIFE

Dr. Kim A. Williams, the president-elect of the American College of Cardiology the highest authority and heart disease in America is vegan, and uses a vegan diet for his patients.


Now even after all this, I'm sure you know something I just can't know, so why don't you stop giving me your opinion and share some links. p2

>> No.7023060


Fuck off shitposter. Life is not about doing whatever is objectively best for you. If I die when I'm 80 I won't give a fuck because who the fuck wants to be 90 anyway?

And the fact that you'll push your shit on your loved ones is even more disgusting. I hope you kill yourself you bully.

>> No.7023061


>> No.7023065

I refuse to eat any oatmeal other than steel cut. The texture is phenomenal. It's way more dense and I like it sort of chewey as well. Normal oatmeal is like a broth compared to the hearty stew that is steel cut oats.

>> No.7023066

I busted 4 nuts last night bro, carb the fuck up, go vegan, live like a beast.

I have provided links to every one of my claims, you have given me nothing but your opinion lol, your a fucking retard.

Give me links showing me what I am doing is bad.
As far as I know meat has heme iron, protein, b12, and a few other things.... I can get all that from plants? Omega 3 found in fish? they eat algae to get that omega 3 they don't make their own, I eat flaxseeds, it has more omega 3 per 100g than fish.

So come on, come at me faggot, prove my diet for my health. I'm running 15KM (10 miles) every other day and can keep my dick hard easily for 4-6 nuts please PLEASE please show me links that what I am doing is bad for me, my wife and one day my kids.

>> No.7023069
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>Its also not moral to eat animals.
"We are smarter there for ok"
Well if a 4th dimensional being that was vastly intellectually superior wanted to make you fuck and then eat your babies, it would be fucking sick. Just like what you currently do.

WOW that's the dumbest shit I've ever read.

>> No.7023072

So what is your moral justification for doing it?
Most people, its how unintelligent other earthlings are.

Why is it ok to kill a living being, that you don't need to eat to live a long life or be healthy, its purely for pleasure so please explain rather than call people dumb.

>> No.7023076


It doesn't matter. There is no objective way to live the best. There are people who eat meat who do exactly as well as you. Like for instance, myself. I can cum ten times in a single day and I run 15 km a day. I also do 100 sit ups, 100 push ups, 100 squats, and I can kill anything by punching it once. It's great.

Troll elsewhere. That you'd sit on an anonymous website is just beyond pathetic. You're no different than the scrubs who sit here and post about how sjws are taking over the world. You're also a liar.

>> No.7023080

I'll happily provide proof for every claim made other than cumming 5 times, I am not doing that on cam for strangers XD

>> No.7023082

It's a fact that animals aren't even aware of death. They have no concious thought. They cannot cure disease, or write a beautiful story, or at the very least, debate their reasons to not be eaten. They don't fucking care and neither should you.

>> No.7023085

>I'll happily provide proof

Than do it. While you're at it we'd like proof that this lifestyle is exclusive to your lifestyle and there are no meat eaters we can attain whatever bullshit you do. I know for a fact that olympic athletes eat like champions, including that mommy dearest would disapprove of.

>> No.7023159
File: 36 KB, 442x648, fuck_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dog is around 50% meat, also feed him beans, veggies, rice, oats.
>My kids will be vegan
Kill yourself you sick sick fuck. I hope they take away your pets and social services takes your kids away before you kill them. You are the worst kind of vegan out there.

>> No.7023300

Because we're meat eaters you moldy turd. We literally became the smartest animals on this god forsaken rock because we ate meat. We also eat plants but we also require meat. Yeah killing animals for food is sad boo hoo. You don't see a fucking falcon crying a river because it pecked a mouse to death and ate it. It's nature get over it you pussy.

>> No.7023527

Frozen spinach man. Just boil and east that shit with some low fat yogurt and salt. A bit of garlic for aroma too.
Half a kg is just 130 calories.

>> No.7023558

>13% of your daily recommended salt intake
>in half a pickle
wew lads eat the whole thing

>> No.7023579

Eat a fuckload of broccoli, spinach, carrot, beans and couliflower.. Then drink a lot of water.

If that doesn't fill you up, then you are a nasty fatty. I'm not vegan, but that shit will make you want to vomit if you eat too much.

>> No.7023586

I don't eat breakfast usually. But I do eat lunch at 12pm and dinner right around 5:30-6 when I get home from work.

>> No.7023615

You should make an effort to eat something protein rich in the morning, you'll feel based throughout the day. Hell even a tall glass of milk will give you a good spark to start the day.

>> No.7023951

Didn't read this post but by the way you're my favorite troll.

>> No.7024454

Nice pic.

>> No.7024478

lol tru

>> No.7024533
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[attacks Russia internally]

>> No.7024559

of course they do there's no tiberium in the blue zones

but yellow zones have brotherhood of nod though, don't you want to serve the messiah?

>> No.7024566



>> No.7024594


You can make stews and soups or eat it raw. It's filling, healthy and tastes very good if you prepare it well. You can add quite a bit of other stuff to you cabbage dishes as cabbage itself is so low in calories.

all hail cabbage.

>> No.7024740

>people not saying soup

how mong is you fam?

>> No.7024747

low or 0 fat quark cream cheese will fill you up forever

>> No.7024816


its what our ancestors survived on until they got the rootjew

>> No.7024841

It's drastically cheaper to make your own. You can even make it with ground meat and it's decent.

>> No.7024853

Yeah but it's time consuming though. I'd rather hand over the beef jerky Jews my shekels if it means I get beef jerky in a few minutes. I'm a lazy bum, sorry anon.

>> No.7024937

Run it through a meat grinder and make afterbirgers

>> No.7025057

Salt really isn't bad for you.

>> No.7025074

Depends if you drink enough water to counter the extra sodium in your blood. This is why burgerland fatties are getting high blood pressure and other medical problems. They rarely drink water and stuff their fat faces with salty soda and food 24/7.

>> No.7025393

It must be nice to be unemployed.

>> No.7025425

No, I had a job during that time. Work just made it easier to lose weight really. I always had a calorie deficit daily and working helped me made avoid eating more calories than I could burn. I never starved myself of eating any of the 3 daily meals and ate snacks so my hunger was kept under control nicely.

>> No.7025745
File: 653 KB, 1209x1311, Pouring_liquid_mercury_bionerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elemental mercury.

Fills you up and has zero(0) calories.

>> No.7025807

I only eat once per day, I get home at 5pm and make a small snack, either protein, dairy of vege being concerned with nutrient richness then have a microwave meat and 3 vege dinner at about 6pm.

Im losing about 1kg a week working as a commercial electrician.

I drink 2 espresso coffees for breakfast then drink another at around 1pm and chug water the rest of the time.

>> No.7025813

Stirfry it with grated carrot and crack an egg into it and stirfry it some more.

>> No.7025834

>Are you saying /ck/ advocates obesity?
Are you saying it DOESN'T?

>> No.7025920
File: 498 KB, 418x252, ATX2K.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mandrake, do you recall what Clemnceau once said about war?

>> No.7025926

>However you MUST eat a light breakfast, heavy lunch, and light dinner.
I lost 40 pounds in 5 months by eating at a 1400 calories deficit. I ate whenever the fuck I wanted. Making sure to have a large breakfast, light lunch and heavy dinner.

Losing weight is literally calories in/ calories out. It doesn't matter if you eat heavy earlier or later.

>> No.7025933

And by 1400 calorie deficit, i meant 1400 calories a day.

BMR was around 2100-2200

Mostly ate cod/salmon/tuna/halibut
Sweet potatoes/brown rice
any vegetable

Losing weight is pretty brainless.