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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7021200 No.7021200 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, how's it going ?

I wanted to ask you some advice about jellyfish

I bought one salted and it is currently soaking in water to make it edible and soft

Any tips or recipes on how to deal with jellyfish ?
I was planning on having it rest in a soy/sesame oil/garlic marinade

Have a great day /ck/ !

>pic related, it's my jellyfish chilling in his bath. I called him Terry.

>> No.7021213

>Any tips or recipes on how to deal with jellyfish ?

I generally try to avoid eating them, personally. I find that works.

>> No.7021221

Wow, what a brilliant contribution, thanks anon ! That was amazing, I didn't know someone could be so learned in the art of cooking, please teach me your ways you fucking jackass

If anyone has something worthwhile to contribute that would be nice too

>> No.7021227

Fuck off back to reddit faggot.

>> No.7021230


>> No.7021237

Obviously I already googled it but I was trying to get advice from actual people
wew lad

>> No.7021244
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>If anyone has something worthwhile to contribute that would be nice too
yeah, you should probably not spend your food budget on fucking jellyfish
maybe you'll get a helping hand over on r/food you overreactive boob
enjoy your salty tasteless blob of shit; you probably bought it just to say that you've eaten jellyfish before you poser

i hope "terry" haunts your dreams, slowly poisons your mind, and leads you to kill your whole family

>> No.7021258

it literally cost me 4 bucks at the local asian shop (also I've eaten it before I just wanted to try and cook that stuff)
sounds to me like you're a bit jelly ...

>> No.7021265
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You sound a little devastated there bitchboy :^)

>> No.7021874

let me give you a tip as a 4chan memay champion of 10+ years. never do what you just did. it never ends well. your thread will always go to shit. ignore the post next time and someone may have helped you

you're welcome

>> No.7021926

Just don't step on one laying on the beach, it'll hurt like a son of a bitch.

>> No.7021934

Op do it it. Hit it with a garlic chili sause

>> No.7021962
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>defending a shitposter

Nice job there /ck/

>> No.7022833


>> No.7022878

You're supposed to grind it up and smoke it. Why the fuck did you put it in water?

>> No.7022887

Lick the tentacles, it gives you a buzz like nothing else

>> No.7022912

lol, I enjoy reading these...

heyo Op, cant give you much advice since the preserved jellyfish you are using ist preserved. just like pickled stuff, it's original taste is scorched
if I have to use it, I put it in duck soups, fishsoups, or plain, with a little salt on rice. who wants can use soy sauce foe swallowability. i personnally like eating it with hoi sin sauce, taste like chocolate chewing gum
bon appetit

>> No.7022945

Draxx it sklounst, OP