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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 620x357, life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7011113 No.7011113 [Reply] [Original]

I don't see an al/ck/ thread.

What are you drinking?
Why do you drink?

>> No.7011131
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Same as usual.

>why do you drink

What kind a question is that?

>> No.7011135


fucking whores

stupid bitch

>> No.7011144

anxiety disorder, depression, possibly bipolar

medication screwed me the fuck up, I had to stop. Tried four different meds and it was the most miserable time in my life, I had no control over my own behavior, lost my job and came close to losing my relationship, became a shut-in who never left my apartment, experienced constant withdrawal symptoms, and I gained weight that took ages to lose

booze 'helps.' I'm comfortable with it, I can control when I ingest it and I know what the side effects are.

It's not sustainable but it's tiding me over right now.

>> No.7011161
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Pic related. I drink because I'm a miserable fuck. I like to be high or drunk nearly constantly. It's my life, my choice, so fux it.
I like going to bars with some friends but i mostly drink alone at home. Alcoholism runs in my family but i like to believe that this is just a phase for me. I'm 21 from USA btw

>> No.7011182

It's not a phase bro, sorry to say.

>> No.7011218

ji drink wien becuaause it's sopitsicaetd

>> No.7011241

For tonight, booze is my comfort food.

Drinking vodka. Girlfriend and I broke up. It was amiable, but still it's painful.

>> No.7011243
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anxiety disorder, depression, possibly bipolar

medication screwed me the fuck up, I had to stop. Tried four different meds and it was the most miserable time in my life, I had no control over my own behavior, lost my job and came close to losing my relationship, became a shut-in who never left my apartment, experienced constant withdrawal symptoms, and I gained weight that took ages to lose

booze 'helps.' I'm comfortable with it, I can control when I ingest it and I know what the side effects are.

It's not sustainable but it's tiding me over right now.

I know that feel I became someone else on ssris

>> No.7011272
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7 weeks sober yo. Used to be 10 double vodka diet cokes a day/night, always red tassel. Good feels.

>> No.7011278

>tito's ftw

>> No.7011285

Currently drinking some Tanqueray gin, bretty good. My wine for the week is Gnarly Head cabernet (mid/low-mid shelf wine).

>> No.7011305

been sober 5 months


>> No.7011312
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Made 5 weeks, fell off, just started a new sobriety streak last night.

>That first fucking night of no booze

>> No.7011321

I'm going to try and not drink tonight. It's a good opportunity since I woke up 6 hours earlier than normal.

>> No.7011346


>if i can get just one hour

>> No.7011383
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I am drinking water because I am an alcoholic

>> No.7011395
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King Cobra malt liquor
>why do you drink?
I love being drunk. I wanna stay drunk forever

>> No.7011404

For those of you who have alcoholism that runs in the family, what age did you start drinking heavily?

Just curious, because you don't hear that much about alcoholism in the youth.

>> No.7011416

My family besides my mother and father are all alcoholics. I started heavy at age 21 because I'm not going to jail, fool.
light drinking at 16 'til 21 though.

>> No.7011427

17-18. I'd have to get an older friend to buy me a couple handles for the week plus whatever we were partying with that weekend.

>> No.7011433
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>> No.7011457

i am drinking a bud light
why? because the person who stayed in this motel room before me left some cans in the fridge

>> No.7011506


Drinking black velvet.. Drinking to come down from partying last night and still being up

>> No.7011520

woke up today and my entire left arm was numb. still kinda is. lol

>> No.7011836


4 weeks sober here. Was going through a handle of vodka every 2 days. Finally caught up to my liver so I had to quit before I killed myself.

>> No.7011891

I need to quit drinking, I really want to because I wanna live as long as I can and the girl I am interested in is not a fan of alcoholics. Hard to do, but I am not one of those that has to drink as soon as they wake up or early in the day it's always the evenings. Drinking a fifth every night for about ten years now. I don't get hangovers, I feel great physically but eventually it's going to catch up to me and I will have wished I quit earlier. As per the question, I don't really have a reason to why I drink so heavily except I enjoy the buzz, I like listening to music, playing games, watching movies while intoxicated. It also makes me funnier.

>> No.7011900

I just spilled my rum and coke by putting it on the edge of the table so I gave up and went to bed. Not even drunk, just bored.

>> No.7011903
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Pic related right now, grabbed a variety pack. Had some raspberry Hefeweizen and pura-vida tequila with dinner earlier. I drank Heady Topper for all of last month.

>> No.7011917

drunk white bitches is the worst kind of bitches

>> No.7011923

Bruh don't drink skol. That's the kind of alcohol you take four drinks and go half blind. At least get LTD.

>> No.7011924

drunk black bitches are so much worse

>> No.7011929

3 weeks here, fams
>Finally caught up to my liver
same here, i was maybe a year away from developing alcoholic hepatitis

>> No.7011930


>> No.7011943


I've been drinking a third to half a handle a day for half a decade now.

I've got issues, but nothing related to almost exlclusively drinking bottom shelf, plastic handles.

It's not the most consistent (I buy 6 packs), but it's actually much better to drink straight than many more expensive brands.

>> No.7011953

My friend who is in a similar situation has a predilection for mr Boston. I would definitely have to say of the cheap vodkas (skol, crystal palace, McCormick) I can see why he picked that one. I can't stand vodka myself.

>> No.7011957

16. it's always been easy as fuck to buy alcohol in puerto rico, and the laws are not as strict as in the states. if you don't look obviously young chances are they won't even card you (excluding bars/pubs). i haven't had more than 4 beers in a sitting since i quit my job a couple of months ago, tho, and i barely drink anymore. feels good. I'm heading to new york tomorrow, so I'll be drinking heavily again for a month. y'all have waaay more variety in beers, so I'm looking forward to trying lots of shit

>> No.7011979


It's most likely that it's been the cheapest brand I've been seeing at the places I shop at (New England, and now mid-West), and as it's over half my daily calories, I think I'm just used to it.

I used to smoke and it was the same thing if I bummed something that wasn't my brand; it's not that I actually like the taste of reds, but I'm so used to them that I associate them with the satisfaction of no longer longing for them.

Yeah, it's very much an addiction.

>wake up some days and there's an argument between my sour stomach/aching side and my brain telling me the world is on the verge of turning upside down if I don't put more vodka into my body.

>> No.7012022

God dammit. I click on this thread and then hate whats inside it. My rock bottom is only a month away and I don't want to hear your shitty stories yet. *drinks*

>> No.7012162
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I drink everclear. I've been drinking daily for 4 years. I usually mix a shot or two worth of it with a big vat of coffee and just sip on it throughout the day with some water.

It helps a lot with anxiety and to take the edge off everything. I don't think I could ever stop drinking so I hope my liver will hold out.

>> No.7012168

don't write it off as a "phase", trust me. I did that for a couple years and sure enough it turned into full-blown alcoholism...I'm talking I had to spend several days in a hospital detoxing. The withdrawal symptoms are horrible. They are NOT worth the temporary pleasure that booze brings. I'm asking you to please not continue down that path because I promise me you will end up regretting it with every ounce of your being.

Don't think it can't happen to you. That's the attitude that causes people like you and I to end up in the hospital. Withdrawal was the worst thing I've ever experienced and I never in my life want to be in that position again.

>> No.7012209

How much were you drinking for how long m8?
>tfw was supposed to have last drink Friday and detox for 8 days off
>tfw binged all 3 weekend nights

Heh heh maybe tomorrow or Tuesday amirite. I feel like I should probably have a drink or or two tomorrow for safety reasons but that could just be that booze reeling me in. I mostly only drink beer but it's a solid 5-8 drinks/night, especially with stouts and IPAs. The best/worst part is I had blood work that says my liver and kidneys are great very recently and am not broke as fuck so it's really tough to knuckle through the anxiety.

Fucking liquid jew.

>> No.7012240
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Working on my giraffe of coronas, fit 7 in there.

>> No.7012260

shut up
fukkin pussy

>> No.7012268

Everything he said was dead on dude, this is how is starts for everyone. you can go fuck off; If your young and in this thread you should seriously stop now or you WILL (I repeat, WILL) end up an alcoholic.

>> No.7012273

Posted before I finished. I was in the same boat... young just a phase etc... 10 years later your still telling yourself I'll just stop tomorrow. You read all of the forums all of the advice peole gave you but you just ignore it anyway and keep going. Don't ignore his/her advice.

>> No.7012293 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 600x338, Ding+_e45172e6f172939d24f74fc882ac678a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ding ding ding ding ding ding ding

este tipo si sabe

>> No.7012294
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finished my bottle of 10 and now I'm alc-less and depressed.

>> No.7012300

what ever bitch
sounds like you swallowed too much cock

>> No.7012313
File: 44 KB, 274x514, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to this thread
>think im gonna see a bunch of interesting cocktails
>it's full of sad lonely people getting drunk by themselves on whatever

>> No.7012323

Jager and rootbeer.
No reason to drink, usually just have one when I get home and am ready to just kick back and relax.

>> No.7012359


>still have some friends, family, and significant other
>still sad, lonely, and drunk

It's an al/ck/ thread, anon. What did you expect?

>> No.7012360




same. feelsbadman. are you able to sleep at all? think I've been averaging 2-4 hours of sleep a day since I stopped drinking.


you should at least get your liver tested more often to keep track of it. they don't give liver transplants to people until they're 6 months sober, and by then they're usually all dead.

>> No.7012383


I'm >>7012168

At my absolute worst period I was drink a 750ml of vodka every single day. Was at that level for about 5-6 months and had been steadily building up to that for quite some time. I would wake up in the morning and almost immediately have to have a drink just to be able to function enough to get in the shower and get ready for work.

I know the feeling about being in relatively good health despite consumption levels that should never be reached, because it basically gives you an excuse to continue drinking.

But trust me, the problems develop very slowly. For me, I started noticing differences in my digestion, then next thing you know I'm having horrible indigestion and forced myself ot throw up it was so bad. That's the first time my vomit had blood in it.

Progressed to me getting so sick I wasn't able to actually eat food anymore; almost all my calories were coming from vodka and whatever mixer I was using. Sometimes that mixer would be some zero calorie fake sugar drink because I was gaining weight from the massive amounts of shitty booze I was drinking. Anyway, this culminated in me not being able to go to work for several days one week because I just had zero energy. My body was only processing alcohol and had no other nutrients. Try having to somehow force yourself to get out of bed just to go to the liquor store so you can survive, and BARELY being able to make it there and back without feeling like you're going to pass out.

I started throwing up this nasty black bile. There was nothing in my stomach besides booze and it was going to kill me, so one day I decided I could no longer live like that because if I kept trying to, I wouldn't even be alive anymore anyway.

My life had gotten to a point where it was impossible to operate without alcohol in my system. I could no longer sustain that lifestyle. It was all but impossible. I told my best friend everything. I had kept it hidden so well for so long, he was shocked.

>> No.7012402

trying to get back to normal sleeping after you quit is so difficult. I know for me I ended up sweating profusely, but still feeling like I needed tons of covers because the anxiety was so bad and your body is trying to adjust to not having booze in it 24/7. That, and the horrible nightmares, sleep paralysis, jolting out of sleep from twitching, etc.

Not fun, guys. Don't ever get to that point. It will be the worst thing you'll ever experience and the alternative to not quitting is signing your own death certificate.

>> No.7012425
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Have 8 of these in the fridge, 1 currently open and right next to me. 40 of King Cobra in the fridge too.

I drink because it feels good and makes me happy.

>> No.7012471

>giraffe of coronas

>> No.7012484
File: 424 KB, 315x661, Coors_Extra-Gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm drinking pic related because my mom never loved me and my dad taught me to drink when i was about 14

>> No.7012615

I like heroin and crack wayyyyyy better, tbh, but they never breathalyze where I'm living, so I drink now. Got to stay at a sober living place for another couple months for court.

I drink Steel Reserve when I'm at school and have a break in between classes, I just go to the liquor store and slam a 40 as fast as I can behind the store. I buy a fifth of vodka every other day or so, then stick it in the bush next door in case there's a random search. It's nice because it's cold here now, so the vodka stays nicely chilled.

>> No.7012637

i love it
it's so good for the price

>> No.7012647

I'm drinking my last beer before I go to jail and/or alcohol treatment for a DUI last night. Short story, I flipped my vehicle and went into the ditch on the opposite side of the road. I'm fucked for the next 6 months. No permanent injuries, but I do have a lot of minor ones.

>> No.7012661

Shame you didn't kill yourself you cunt.

>> No.7012951

i drink 2 bottles of wine a night and im 20

all of you with health/liver problems how old are you?

>> No.7012954

I'm not trying to be judgemental but you need to reevaluate your priorities bro

>> No.7012955
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having my Wybo breakfast

>> No.7012968

Did you flee the scene?

>> No.7012988

18, started at 16. Yurop makes it so easy. My parents are high functioning alckies, same as me. I drink one to two bottles wine a day but still manage to get top grades at my masters. Going to Oxford in a bit too.

I'm glad I manage my academic life and work on the side are going well but mentally I'm in shambles. Fucking antidepressants fuck me up, my psychotherapists are of insultingly low intelligence and I havent had love in my life for over a year.

I'm 24 and what the fuck is going on

>> No.7013070

are you me?
almost the exact same but my relationship did end

>> No.7013170

A good ol bottle of Johnny Walker, Blue Label
Second Harvest

>> No.7013305

No, I was pulled out of the vehicle by firemen and police, then taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Court is on next Wednesday.

>> No.7013650

>my psychotherapists are of insultingly low intelligence
That's the fucking worst. Stupid people trying to tell you what to do and fully convinced that they are right.

>> No.7013721

tonights poison is tom collins, feels less problematic than straight wodka or gin

>> No.7013738
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got a variety pack for my birthday. The pack is all lagers. There isnt a single carbonated beer in here. i fucking hate it. it taste like if someone made ipa syrup or lager syrup and added it to water. It taste so fucking watered down. Beer snobs are the fucking worst.

>> No.7013749

Heavily? About 18-19. I'm 26 now, and these days I average about 1.5 bottles of red wine a night. I think part of its genetic, a lot of my family are heavy drinkers, but it's also my upbringing, disposition, life events and associated mental disorders like depression. Also wouldn't be surprised if I were some flavour of autistic.

>> No.7013759

I'm drying out, I drank too much this weekend. Sometimes after I drink a few days in a row I want to keep drinking but my stomach and indigestion are so bad I just can't drink without puking. That's when I know its time to put the bottle down

>> No.7013767

or just do shots of pepto bismal. it coats your stomach that is currently being dissolved from the excess acid produced in your stomach trying to deal with too much ethanol.

>> No.7013770


id stick with the alcohol if i were you. im just coming out of heroin withdrawals and its the worst experience ive ever had. alcohol destroys your body and your life, heroin steals your fucking soul.

>> No.7013805

a red wine called Robert Vic, it's shit
I don't really know why I drink, I just need something to distract myself from the crippling depression. if it's not alcohol it's something else, so it's not alcoholism per se, it's just my primary escape

>> No.7013822

Never tried it. I usually just vomit, mostly dry and bile. Then I feel 100x better. It sounds awful but that first morning ralph is so relieving.

>> No.7013871

yeah bile is just your liver being overloaded with shit. gradually ease into alcoholism ffs.

>> No.7013887

>At my absolute worst period I was drink a 750ml of vodka every single day
Damn, that would kill me.

>> No.7014023
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Who /canadianclub/ here? Currently drinking a big Styrofoam cup of canadian on the rocks

>> No.7014029

What's a good amount of time to take a break? I'm an alcoholic and recently quit for 3 months but have started slipping again, this weekend I drank two fifths and a bottle of wine. I don't want to get physically addicted again.

>> No.7014041

Just downed a 40 in campus bathroom before class. I'm thinking this instance will be the first of many

>> No.7014252


Are you new?

>> No.7014254

Just ordered some Johnny walker and oatmeal stout at the same bar I went out on a date last night. I'm drinking right now because there is a wing special. Soon I will drink because I'm playing Nintendo ;)

>> No.7014318
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Nothing like some good ole evan

>> No.7014329

I used to put whiskey into an old a&w root beer bottle i had and carry it around school drinking from it. why hole yourself up in a bathroom stall when you can enjoy your root beer in public?

>> No.7014362

>What are you drinking?
can't remember
>Why do you drink?
because i hate myself

>> No.7014370


People can smell it from the bottle and your breath. Drink in blocks if you don't wanna get caught, give your breath some "cool down" time. Carry tic tacs, hot water and maybe spare deodorant, oil/alcohol wipes etc. People can smell it on your skin. And before you ask, backpack at all times.

>> No.7014384


yeah the first week I was sweating profusely. terrible nightmares, sleep paralysis, nerve pain and the feeling of insects crawling all over my skin.

4 weeks later those feelings are all gone as are the nightmares. now i'm just dealing with terrible insomnia.

and wow those symptoms sound awful. at least you had warning signs though. the scariest thing for me was I had none. I never threw up, had hangovers, no pain in my abdomen, changes in appetite. nothing.

I only had the testing done because my mother died from liver failure a month ago. that's when I decided to quit.

>> No.7014410
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Mah nigga. We're in bourbon's home country. There's no reason the good stuff has to be expensive.

>> No.7014421

I usually do coffee and vodka or whiskey in a thermos, but I was all out.

>> No.7014422

I had a bottle of fireball in the fridge. Just took it out and sipping it straight from the bottle. I'm not an alcoholic or anything, I just like drinking it this way.

>> No.7014469

Everyone in my paternal lineage has been an an alky. It caught me in grad school (~23). I realized it at the time when I caught myself running to the liquor store between late night lab experiments. The stress and loneliness must have triggered it. Unfortunately not much has changed in the past 8 years. Feels bad; wish I could stop; will likely die this way

>> No.7014689

I probably drank 1-3 times a week for two years. How bad is my liver?

On a side note I've been sober for 7 weeks.

>> No.7014714

piss off

>> No.7014723



>> No.7014725

Drinking is not about genetic but sociology.

>> No.7014905
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pic related

>> No.7014914

gucci malt liquor

>> No.7014927

just die already

>> No.7014930

the black steel reserve is so much better then the silver

>> No.7014937

2 weeks is the minimum til your liver inflamation starts go get back to normal, according to my doctor

>> No.7014977

Fucking tripdags don't even lurk before shitting the boards up anymore

>> No.7015020

Blue moon and vodka cranberry
I drink because it takes away the feeling I have that I'm perpetually cold.
Last night I was drinking and I just started crying, but I didn't feel anything.

>> No.7015068
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This with milk (usually coffee but im working tomorrow, gotta sleep)

>> No.7015123

>Last night I was drinking and I just started crying, but I didn't feel anything.

This is one of the saddest things I've ever read.

>> No.7015146

Man id love to get blackout drunk and sloppily eat their pussies before bangin em

Wating to get home and drink a mikey of vodka.

Keep getting "triggers" to drink like oh a new podcast of my favorite show... time to drink. Oh the weather is cool and bright (my fav), time to drink. This is how it starts isnt it?

>> No.7015156

quebecfags in my /ck/? it's more likely than you think!

or is it?

>> No.7015164

right here brother
love that shit

>> No.7015167

Been experimenting mixing Jaeger with stuff. Hot (Spicy) ginger ale and orange juice are both good. Any others? Also have some Jack and Kraken

>> No.7015203

Same thing happened to me in terms of a car crash and police and DUI and everything. I'm not sure you're gonna go to jail. It's a civil infraction as far as I know. Imagine me, though: I hit a car in front of me and then hit a pole going ~35-40 MPH. Guess I had fallen asleep/passed out. I don't know what happened. Woke up in so much pain. Took me to the hospital, threw me in the drunk tank for 10 hours and then I bailed myself out on $2,500 bail. So, I can assume I wasn't being held on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter or whatever, but I've never been arrested, so I have no idea how this will turn out at next month's first court date. I really have no idea what happened, which is the worst part, and the court date was set practically a month and a half after the arrest.

>> No.7015231

>What are you drinking?
Vodka, gave up after one mouthful, remembered I hate it on its own.
>Why do you drink?
Its fucking 0343 and I cant sleep. I want amoretto and Pepsi.
I'm not an alcoholic now, and I don't want to become one.
Fuck ...

>> No.7015235

If you can't stand vodka on its own, mix in whatever fruit juice you have. Or whatever soft drink you have. You have something that mixes with vodka.

>> No.7015251


Yeah, that's what I would normally do , but I would wake everyone up
>tfw not moved out yet
I hate living at home, mostly because of my shit head of a brother. Got no money for that though.

>> No.7015396

>Girlfriend and I broke up.

Wah wah i swear every fucker cries about their faggy ass breakups in every drinking thread

>> No.7015406

>I'm not an alcoholic now, and I don't want to become one.

You wont be if youre too gay to drink more than one shot of vodka

>> No.7015408

blue moooooon

>> No.7015429 [DELETED] 
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it is

pic related for me
>inb4 cuck

>> No.7015437
File: 18 KB, 362x1000, angostura-7-year-old-rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never realised how much I liked rum until I had this.
I drink on weekends when I'm bored and have nothing else to do.

>> No.7015449

Most of the time I end up drinking Bud or Bud Lite because it's easy to find and it's my favorite macro.

But when I can make it to the liquor store I like to grab some Old Grand-dad 114 or maybe some gin for mixed drinks.

If I feel like spending more on my favorite beers I get Saranac Adirondack Lager or Lagunitas Pils, but I live in the exurbs so I only pick them up when I'm close to the stores that carry them (which are each around 45 minutes from my house).

Really though, alcohol has always been something I do when I can't get something more fun.

>> No.7015848

Hmm.. I drank quite a bit for the last 3 years. Spent about a month drunk, and when I decided I wanted to stop, had horrible withdrawals. I've been a week sober now. I'm actually good at my job now, and everything seems so much easier and better. Feels good to think clearly and not be an absolute dick to my girlfriend too. Get sober you alcoholics!

>> No.7015961

You should try JaegerMonster :^)

>> No.7016062

18. That was all I was looking forward to on my 18th birthday.

>> No.7016468

Who /drunkinclass/ here?

Coffee and vodka to last me a few morning houts. Took a few shots to wake me up and satisfy my train ride.

>> No.7016504


How's that angostura treating ya, m9?

>> No.7016625

Read in New Scientist, and in 21St Century Brain by Steven Rose, that there's a number of gene complexes associated with the disorder. Not saying it's solely genetic, or even that, in this case, genetics can't be overruled. Just saying it's a factor.

>> No.7016688

Water during the day and during meals

Beer after 8 o'clock

Once or twice a month Whiskey or other booze while watching TV/browsing 4chan

>> No.7016705

Fuck off normie

>> No.7016708


When physic is genetic, psychiatric is the best clinical social.

>> No.7016722

ree ? :^(

>> No.7016926

Why? I just turned 21, use to just binge once a month or so (more in summer) with friends but now have been trying a beer or two a night

I'm just grabbing beers that look good. Any tips? I want to try some dark beers because I like how they look lol and not that into the pale ales
That being said id try any beer so really just what do yall suggest? Live in NC, USA btw

>> No.7017161

>tfw drunkenly went out to get food on my skateboard around 1 am (havent ridden the damn thing in +5 years)
>this is fun
>holy shit going too fast
>nearly skate into the road, have to jump off and catch the board with foot
>get to an open parking lot
>decide to sprint and then jump on the board and coast
>splat, fall on my arm and leg
>spend the next couple of minutes in awe of my luck for not having broken my arm
>skate away, then see someone lighting a smoke
>"excuse me"
>he crosses the street
>my radar was hypersenitively calibrated so i followed without looking both ways
>as im crossing and setting foot on the other side, a car whizzes by and lays on the horn
>w/e got a smoke
>puffing a little bit and rolling down an alley
>next thing i know, blue and red lights explode from behind me
>its a cop car with a cop getting out
>shit bricks, have to throw out my quarter smoked cigarette to be polite (im still choked about that)
>since i had no helmet he pulled me over (i guess just to check on me because i looked suspicious)
>he runs my name and shit thru the database... nothing
>"any alcohol or dope tonight?"
>no sir
>lets me go
>get to 7/11 and eat meatballs and chips
>the meatballs sucked ass
>get home and promise not to drink again for a while
>im getting some vodka tonight and THEN quitting tomorrow... fuark

My life is so boring that this was a noteworthy adventure

>> No.7017305

Raped when I was 6. Used as a family punching bag throughout life until I moved out at 16. My parents were never ready and should not have had children.
Was bullied throughout high school because I was always out of it and never really socialized well.

Started drinking at 18 when I started my first job at a beer retailer.
I have a good life now but I still have nightmares and anxiety issues. I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression when I moved out and it pisses me off to no end even now when I struggle to cope with my issues on my own.

I drink to hide how scared I am. I fucking hate it. I'm throwing money in the toilet drinking so much, but I can't stop.

>> No.7017333

Weird, cause I drank heavily when I was 19-23 then basically cut down to drinking one night a week at most. Not everyone is a weak willed bitch

>> No.7017336

You sound like a little bitch. Everyone's life is horrible and nobody should have children. It's not a reason to become an alcoholic.

>> No.7017358

mfw you won't

>> No.7017400

>Everyone's life is horrible and nobody should have children. It's not a reason to become an alcoholic.

can't think of a better reason than this
fucking kids will make you crazy
my life isn't horrible

>> No.7017820

f3 cider, nothing

I'm as lightweight as you get, any more than three shots and I'm over-buzzed and sick in a few hours

all I can handle is smirnoff ice which is just soda for children

any cider recommendations? I was thinking cider I could tolerate better

>> No.7017834

Holy shit are you me?
I'm still on probation from a DUI I got last year the night before Thanksgiving.
Got super dunk and passed out at the wheel and took out a telephone pole. Next thing I know the police are there and taking me in. Had to spend Thanksgiving in the fucking drunk tank.
Feels bad man.
I ended up getting a year probation and had to do some AA/Counsling bullshit which was worse than the jail or probation. Had to go talk to this douchebag for an hour and pay him $100 each session. Also lost my license for about a month before I got it back for going to work and back.
I got a lawyer so maybe they were easier on me than if I didn't get one.
Anywho, don't drink and drive kids.

>> No.7017840

because it helps me sleep and relax at night. a good 12 pack at night and im good.

yeungling is easy to down quick. its also cheap so fuck you that im not drinking a local brewed IPA

>> No.7017848

>I drink one to two bottles wine a day
that's barely anything anon

>> No.7017855

>How bad is my liver?
it's just fine

>> No.7017862

I've been drinking hennessy today, not complaining. At the moment i'm drinking a stout, nothing wrong with that either.

Today i've been drinking to be able to sleep tonight.

>> No.7017871

who /drunkatwork/ here?

>> No.7017877

just got the cheapest bottle of cabernet they had at the store. gonna watch world series and drink

>> No.7017883

Working on it right now. On my lunch break and trying to hammer down tall boys in my car.

>> No.7017898

i keep some whiskey in my car at work, always go take a few sips when i'm on a smoke break. it helps calm my nerves and deal with stress better tbh

>> No.7018235

I'm drinking some cheap bordeaux.

I drink because I'm bored. I have some bowel problems though so I'm hoping I never go full al/ck/oholic or else I'll have all those problems plus 24/7 diarrhea .

For those of you that drink nice scotch, where do you buy it? My local store only has Glenfiddich and Crown Royal as their "upscale" selection.

>> No.7018241

I use that stuff for whiskey sours. 10/10.

>> No.7018274
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Here, hold my stone.

>> No.7018290

My father was an alcoholic. He was a very intelligent man but after my mother left him he was destroyed emotionally and started drinking.

He was normal all the time but after a few years he suddendly started to talk weird stuff that didnt make sense.

I saw him loosing his thoughts, then I saw him loosing his capability to speak and at the end I sat next to him in the hospital where he was in a coma. I stayed as long as I could but I couldnt watch him die.

I couldnt stand next to him, holding his hand, watching the final moment of his life ending, I had to leave him alone.

No one wanted to be there in that moment. He caused so much pain to everyone around him. He died alone.

Don't go that route, anon.

>> No.7018297

gr8 blog post m8, now shut up I'm trying to enjoy my milk jug of skunk beer

>> No.7018727

It's good stuff m8.
Goes down easy, not too expensive compared to others, tastes good straight. Gonna finish the last half of my bottle tonight or the night after.
Would recommend

>> No.7018728

Is there any better feeling than waking up and discovering you DIDN'T drink all your booze the night before? And there's enough to get a buzz going?

>> No.7018758


american ciders all have too much god damn sugar. go for the dryer ones, usually from england.

>> No.7018770



>> No.7018813

I feel you anon. I got a DUI about ten years ago and lost my license for six months (minus work privileges). Had to go to one of those weekend rehab things at a local hotel, it was actually kind of fun. Only bad part was my roommate was a 70 year old man who brought 3 cartons of smokes for one weekend and talked to himself.

Other than that, you get to watch movies, smoke cigarettes, and eat shitty deli sammiches.

>> No.7018821

I get so bored because I work 2nd shift. I get off work at 10 pm and always get a bottle of wine and a six pack because there's nothing else to do. I'll get home and start drinking at 11 pm and be in bed by 3 or 4, and repeat the following day.

I don't get withdrawal symptoms or anything, but I know I should probably stop.

>> No.7018828

You can slow down if you want. It takes a little bit of willpower. Not even saying to not get drunk, but when you're already drunk mark your cut off spot and enjoy your drunk then head to sleep.
You'll have alcohol for the next day, even if it's just a bit.

>> No.7018839

I do this sometimes. I never get drunk to the point of blackout, mostly just a nice, heavy buzz.

>> No.7019041

yea, basically. Once getting home and having a drink becomes the priority, or at least the bright side, of your day, it can be a very gradual spiral from there. Means you like it too much...but there are some people who are able to do that sort of thing and not have it turn into a full-blown problem. I, however, am not one of those people and recognizing it is the best thing you can do.

>> No.7019471

1 pm and opened my bottle, probably gonna go to the store when I get rid of my anxiety, I really want beer

>> No.7019661

What time in the day do you guys tend to start drinking?

I aim for 5pm onwards but it can be quite difficult to stick to.

Been getting into wine recently, a bottle of red goes down very easily.

>> No.7019919

>Never had bad heartburn
>Had 2 mikes hard lemonades
>heartburn for 2 days
I don't normally drink but god damn

>> No.7020092

I start at about 10pm, because that's when I get home from work (chef here). I usually get through about 1.5 bottles of red wine a night. Love that shit too much to quit. Plus, I run the kitchen solo, so I'd probably go fucking insane if I didn't drink heavily.

>> No.7020107
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Anyone /homebrew/ here? I'm thinking about getting into it, by making either cider or mead.

>> No.7020235

I quit drinking red wine when I started literally shitting my pants when I downed a bottle or two the night before.

Wodka all the way

>> No.7020244


6x 20cl of shitty vodka per day. I drink because now I have to or I'm fucked up. Still work and do normal things, just slighty tipsy. I've not been proper drunk in months.

I'm actually going in for a detox on Monday so that is maybe a step in the right direction.

>> No.7020273

Hopefully a mickey will be enough to last thru work. Goddamnit. This shits expensive too

>> No.7020312
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>probably gonna go to the store when I get rid of my anxiety
Do you get really bad hangover anxiety? I've got bad anxiety the way it is but when I'm hungover it's like 10x worse.
The other day I was hungover as fuck sitting at the internet cafe because I had no internet at the time. This really cute girl walks up and sits down next to me. She commented on something about my band t-shirt and all I could say was "t-thanks". Then I started sweating profusely and left right after.
I need to get some medication or some shit because it gets old being anxious all the fucking time when I'm not drunk.

>> No.7020445

>girl approaches you randomly
>no internet
I would've been nervous too bro

>> No.7020478
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>>What are you drinking?
pic related. Good stuff.
>Why do you drink?
Depression. Bad day. My best friend died few weeks ago.

Any suggestion for cheap irish/scotch whisky?

>> No.7020509

how many of you drink to combat depression. like, REAL depression? do you feel it helps, even though you know it doesn't?

I'm feeling a genuine depression coming on in me in the last few days. my life has been empty or outright shit in most ways for years and now the dog I've had by my side for half my entire life (pretty much the only GOOD thing left in it) died recently. I've been low before, but I'm sensing what I'm feeling now is legit depression, and not a temporary 'everything sucks' thing, and is only going to get worse with no foreseeable 'light' at the end

I already drink a bit too much as it is, so I'm worried that assuming I am depressed as mentioned above, I'll only start knocking back even more, and at increasingly inappropriate times (ie during the week)

>> No.7020524


I get panic attacks after drinking, that's why I didn't stop drinking, possibly why I'm going to detox on Monday.

Find another way to deal with the anxiety, I've nearly drunk my family away. I have a great job, good money but being drunk (I wouldn't call it drunk, just stability for me) 24/7 pisses other people off apparently. "They want to see the old me" I've been drunk that long I don't know the old me. I never ment for shit to get like this.

>TL;DR - Drink is the best and worst answer

>> No.7020604

>I need to get some medication

Nah you need to slow down on your drinking

T. Drunk idiot at work

We all need to fucking slow down

>> No.7020633

A couple weeks ago I had really bad hangover anxiety and was coming off of a 3 day bender so I had the shakes pretty bad. I had a dentist appointment, and had a full on anxiety attack while I was in the waiting room and had to leave and re-schedule, it was embarrassing, I could barely talk since my voice was so shaky

>> No.7020662

turned 21 last November and discovered non-lite beer

helped me lay off the weed a bit and been drinking heavily nearly every day since

pood my pants the other week and I've been off the booze for like a week and a half, ran out of weed yesterday

it's hard to collect my thoughts now

>> No.7020706

My dentist actually marveled at how anxious I was the last time I was there. I get put under whenever possible and this time she had to keep increasing whatever was in my IV and the gas because it took forever to knock me out. I've had novocaine/lidocaine not work on several occasions and she told me it's because I'm so nervous.

Withdrawal anxiety plus the dentist is genuine nightmare tier.

>> No.7020710

I drink because i'm paranoid as fuck (/x/phile here if that explains anything) and started because of a bad relationship a few years ago. I drink beer but have switched to vodka and OJ in large quantities now. I usually drink every other day (monday, wednesday, friday, and often sundays). Im 21 now, but when I was 17 I would drink a 5th of jack a day because I felt like I deserved to be a shaky vomiting nauseated piece of shit for losing my gf at the time...over that now.

>> No.7020721

>(/x/phile here if that explains anything)

It does.

You should investigate magic (especially in the European Christian tradition if youre white).

Otherwise well just drink ourselves to death because we know the world is bad

>> No.7020728

More of the "I wont go to sleep because the greys might walk through my wall and take me" kind of /x/phile, but atleast you understand haha

>> No.7020738

>I was 17 I would drink a 5th of jack a day because I felt like I deserved to be a shaky vomiting nauseated piece of shit for losing my gf at the time...over that now.


>> No.7020744

Because people dont normally have weak spots in life right? Lol

>> No.7020750

I got a warning from my boss at subway for showing up with booze on my breathe, not just once but constantly. So I quit drinking before work and got fired because I couldn't stop shaking, couldn't speak right, and kept sweating from my head onto the sandwich stations and my shirt was always wet. I got fired last week and don't see how I am not going to end up homeless at this point.

>> No.7020752


Not over gay shit like that. "Lol."

>> No.7020754

>I wont go to sleep because the greys might walk through my wall and take me
I actively try to convince myself aliens aren't real because if I saw one I would be so terrified I would have to kill myself. Even if they are nice.

>> No.7020759

Meh...at this point in my life, im actually inclined to agree with you.

I also would not be nice

>> No.7020768

>Meh...at this point in my life, im actually inclined to agree with you.

Im not the biggest and best guy but you gotta think highly of yourself. So you gotta let go of that shit and do what you want to do.

>> No.7020773

I am now. Im almost done with college but I do better with my steady drinking schedule. They tried to stop me before and my GPA went down a semester

>> No.7020785

>They tried to stop me


>> No.7020790

The housing people at my dorm when they found 73 empty beers between my roommate and I. Have my own place now.

>> No.7020795

>73 empty beers

Daym nigga get on that clear 40 proof shit

>> No.7020797

I am now. Vlad 50 proof

>> No.7020805

We gotta quit bro

>> No.7020980

Problem with me is everyone I hang out with is drinks every night and is borderline alcoholic so I never get people worrying about me.
Also I have a great job, get up on time and get my shit done and bills paid and all that.
I just can't fucking deal with people in a personal setting without getting at least buzzed to take the edge off.

>> No.7021280

Picked up the variety pack that woodchuck puts out, got 3 bottles of amber, green, chamomile (wat) and blueberry

>> No.7021324

>>7020797 here
Bumping while drunk because 420chan isnt popping.

>> No.7021337

> when I'm not drunk out my brain I'm stoned out of my head
Why do to hate life so much?

>> No.7021355


I'm fucked out my nut, was sick on my floor, I'm looking at a bottle of full vodka worrying if if there is enough for tomorrow

>Get Alprazolam
> Don't go down this route
>I wish I was a poof and could kill my self but I need to fight it to the end
>Will be better one day

>> No.7021361

>and don't see how I am not going to end up homeless at this point

you could start by trying to stop drinking, since it's obviously the source of your problems

>> No.7021362

green is the best

>> No.7021480

I have early huntingtons disease. My brain is shrinking. I shake like Michael J. Fox and i can't remember what i did yesterday. Drinking plus anti anxiety meds actually help. Plus if a write down what im going to eat i can cook up a pretty good meal.

>> No.7021665
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I"m drinking Four Loko Watermelon, because I've been wanting to try it out for a while.

It's okay, a solid 5/10. I had the Peach flavor, as well, but didn't think it was as good as the Watermelon, and Lemonade/Fruit Punch is just really generic to the point where I could just get actual Lemonade/Fruit Punch and put vodka in it.

It's interesting, I'll grant them that. The fruit flavoring kind of gives way quickly to the alcohol flavor, and it's the malt aftertaste of beer that doesn't really fit in with the fruity initial flavor. I like that it's light, but I can't drink too much at once because then I start feeling sick.

>> No.7021847

only have a few shots of vodka left

kind of want to take them, but then I won't be able to have them before class in the morning

evens I drink it the rest tonight

odds I save it for the morning

>> No.7021928

I don't want to be an alcohol any more. Are there ways to reverse any inevitable damage i've done from 10 years of alcohol abuse? i've been drinking at least a 12 pack throughout the week and 24+ on weekends/holidays with maybe a day off per month.

>> No.7021966

I usually drink whiskey but when money is tight its own brand vodka and cheap orange juice, I drink about 5-6 bottles a week

I drink because I hope the combination of painkillers, anti depressants and drinking will one day stop me waking up

>> No.7021967

drink it anyway and get more in the morning

>> No.7022026
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Is being an alcoholic very common? Everyone talks about it on here but when I go in public now I wonder just how many of those people will soon be going home to pound booze and be sad like me and you guys. It isn't the kind of thing we can just discuss IRL. I think it's these threads that make me think like that. I know I'm a bad alcoholic but now I constantly wonder when I meet common everyday people if were just all hiding it from one another.

>> No.7022039

when you learn to recognise the really tell tale signs of it its surprising how common place it is, at least 4 of the people I work with are alcoholics secretly and there's 2 people who are currently in sobriety

>> No.7022056

I quit drinking, and,it's great. Then I start drinking again. And it's great. Why can't I just drink socially acceptable like everyone else

>> No.7022060

Physical damage or damage to your life? Either way it really depends on you.

>> No.7022061

I wouldnt consider myself an alcoholic, but I can see how easy it is to become one. My dad, mom and both grandpas were alcoholics. I only drink beer though, my stomach can't take hard alcohol anymore. I started at like age 16 or 17 slamming 5 o'clock vodka with my friends.

Now I try to only drink on the weekends but if hockey is on and I have nothing to do I'll drink a 6 pack. Other than that I usually drink every weekend.

Last weekend I went to some IPA bar and tried a bunch of them, was pretty good. I enjoyed the seahops IPA.

>> No.7022081

this will probably be me
>Began brewing wine at 18, strong 13-20% stuff
>drink that often, but not much at a time
>dad would polish of a 6 pack just about daily

>> No.7022085

meant to reply

>> No.7022089

The scary thing is I've been a drunk so long I recognise these tale tale signs, and it frightens me the sort of people going unnoticed, and how many there are. For instance my boss and dentist, I'm certain of it. They both do a fine job, as do I and most of you guys. But fuck. I hope these people aren't such sad souls as I am.

>> No.7022093

My genetics suck. I have to live by -very- strict guidelines if I don't wanna blow up like a hamplanet and I cannot cheat. This means I had to give up alcohol. Fuck my life, man.

>> No.7022129

for some people being an alcoholic stops them being sad, funny you should say your boss and dentist, my boss is one of the two in sobriety and my dentist has recently lost his practice for fucking up an extraction because of the dt's

>> No.7022131

>hurr durr genetics
just count your calories you fucking idiot

>> No.7022134

>10 years of alcohol abuse?

Wew lad

>> No.7022137

>I wonder just how many of those people will soon be going home to pound booze and be sad like me and you guys

>not blatantly taking a swig out of a 250 ml vodka bottle in semi-concealed space

>> No.7022142

I have to get up for class before stores open.

I'm really tempted.

hmm, fuck it, suffering through 3 hours of bullshit while sober isn't so bad.

>> No.7022146

What good huehueland alcohol.

>> No.7022155

Baltika beer. Just to try to sleep better

>> No.7022161

At least they have nice bigvtits

>> No.7022172

what time do your classes start man? isn't wal-mart open 24 hours? im from the uk and we have 24 hour asdas here (uk version of wal-mart)

>> No.7022187
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Fucking alcoholic apple juice, right here. $2.50 a can.

>> No.7022203

My classes start at 7 and I don't have a walmart by me in walking distance. (I live in a major city so I don't own a car)

I tend to pop by liquor stores and chug a couple 40's for my later in the day classes, but for my 7 am's, I like to sleep in.

>> No.7022208

on my 3rd 40oz of 211

>> No.7022210

That's padding, m8

If she really had big tits they wouldn't be that high unless they're fake

>> No.7022218

get a taxi or an uber, do what I do and stock up with "reserve bottles" that you drink when you go dry and have nothing else

>> No.7022227

You inbred dipshit. You didn't even read what I posted.

Once you put all your calorie stuff into a spreadsheet you have your budget for each day. Mine is so tight there is no fucking ROOM for alcohol. Everything is down to the fucking percentage and adding even 200 extra calories to that fucks it up.

That's right, Einstein. If I exceed 1200 calories a day I gain weight. Try to fit three meals and your nutritional requirements and then try and fit one beer in there.

I'm at 135 and I intend to stay there.

>> No.7022235
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>> No.7022251

>I'm at 135 and I intend to stay there.

You best be a woman or 5"4. Faggot

>> No.7022270
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You know the beer's bad when the biggest selling point is that it's cold. You can make anything fucking cold

Anyway going through this.

>> No.7022274

did I just accidentally go on /tumblr/?

are you a manlet?

>> No.7022278

everynight man

>> No.7022279


Chug that straight before you get sodomized by that fat shirtless guy on the couch.

>> No.7022282


Dumbass nigger youre gonna kill yourself

>> No.7022296
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not him but isnt that the goal?

>> No.7022299

I can smell the beer farts, stale fast food and mantitty sweat from all the way over here. You two are watching fucking cartoons, aren't you

>> No.7022315
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>trying to spend less money on drinking
>obviously ain't going to drink less
>find one brand at liquor store, absolute bottom shelf, $12 for a 1.75L bottle of 80 proof blended 'whiskey'
>it's a very neutral flavor, barely even tastes like whiskey, somehow fucks me up more than 90 proof bourbon
>buy a total of three bottles and its all gone
>have always like Old Grand-dad, be it 80, 100 or 114 proof
>nearly all the liquor stores next to me stop stocking it
>lately tried a 1.75ml bottle of Canadian Hunter Rye 90 proof
>tastes like standard Canadian corn-sugar whiskey
>buy two bottles
>it's gone
>all other stores in the area do not carry it


>> No.7022321



Imma let you cubts in in a secret.

Listen daffors.

Once youre reqry ti die, you get energy up the wazoo and you can throw everything into your goals.

Do it faggots.


>> No.7022350

im white

>> No.7022362
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i decided to "cut back" this week and I'm drinking more than I ever have in my life

>> No.7022376

wait what

>> No.7022379

I'll be broke till saturday so i'm just smoking bong resin right now. Am I an alcoholic if I can't go a week without drinking even through I don't go through withdrawals?

I can't remember the last time I went a week without drinking, 3-4 days is usually the longest I go.

>> No.7022384

i drink 7 days a week and still dont consider myself an alki

>> No.7022408
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i always drink until i pass out

>> No.7022411

Cupcake brand Black Forest red wine blend.
I needed something and it was the only palatable choice at the grocery store at the end of the street.

it's not so bad. pretty sweet.

>> No.7022412

Used to drink at least 1/3 of a handle of Skol a day. Blacked out more frequently than I care to admit. Sometimes with friends, sometimes at home alone.

Got a DUI back in March and blew a 0.26 roadside.
Didn't get DT's but certainly had a hard time sleeping for the next couple weeks.

Trying to only keep to beer nowadays but when I do buy hard alcohol I drink a fuck ton.

>> No.7022429
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hi americans, how much does beer cost in your country, im talking shitty cheap beer btw and how many do you usually buy at once

in aus we useally get a 6 pack which is around 15 dollars

>> No.7022446

a 40oz of steel reserve where i live is like 1.89 and 8.1% alcohol

>> No.7022455

i buy 750 ml of vodka for under $5

>> No.7022464


jeez no wonder theres so many alcks in your county, so cheap. probably the cheapest thing we have here is cask wine which can be about 10 bucks for 9.5% alch and 4 liters

>> No.7022471


Fuck you.

>> No.7022474

here. Im drunk as fuck. WASTED WEDNESDAY

>> No.7022483


>> No.7022490


>> No.7022493

this tbh fam

>> No.7022702

Happiness and sadness are all relative man. Once you realize that, you'll transcend all problems in your life

>> No.7022707

Why drink then?

>> No.7022709
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>> No.7022752

drinking genuine labatt
i drink because i fucking hate myself and my life

>> No.7022761

>tfw you skip meals to be able to afford drank

>> No.7022763

>tfw you overeat and overdrink
at least if you feel full you're feeling SOMETHING

>> No.7022780
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who else here /gettingtheirmorningbuzzon/?

>> No.7022784

>3:25 am
>getting shittered
>planning on getting shittered later tonight
living the life

>> No.7022788


10.30am here, meant to be going to a ceremony and getting shitfaced tonight so probably shouldn't drink in the morning. I want to though.

>> No.7022793

ice brewing doesn't mean "it's cold"

ice brewing is when they freeze out some of the water to concentrate the beer, making the alcohol and ostensibly the flavor stronger

>> No.7022801

I have a paper due tomorrow m8, I should wait until tonight to start drinking but I can't really function when shaking this badly.

Mixing up a delicious breakfast tom collins with some fried eggs now

>> No.7022802

my granddad and dad were both alcoholics

allthough the legal age of drinking here was 16 when I was young, I didn't drink untill I was 17.
I started drinking on a daily basis when i was around 21

>> No.7022812

In the last 6 months I have only been able to go on a 3-4 day bender before becoming so sick I can't eat for days. I've lost about 40 lbs and I'm spending a lot less money on food. I'm probably dying or something.

>> No.7022815

johnnie walker black label

I tried a bottle of lagavulin 12 years on the suggestion of some whisky afficionado here on /ck/, but I just couldn't deal with the sherry aftertaste

my inner pleb took over and I went right back to johnnie after that

>> No.7022821

see a doctor m8, life isn't worth killing yourself over

>> No.7022828


Surprised you didn't like Lagavulin, the 16 is fantastic. Never tried the 12, but being rarer and more expensive I would expect it to be pretty good too.

Also surprised about the sherry after taste, that is very unusual for an Islay malt!

Have you tried sticking some water in it? Each to their own I guess, nothing wrong with black label.

>> No.7022844

my grandpa and dad were the same, on both sides of my family even

I'm depressed and bored, and suffer from severe anxiety (I literally ran away from my dream job interview because I was made to wait while my boss got ready and I lost my nerve).

By all accounts I should be a raging alcoholic, but I've never felt the need to drink more than once a week at most

the most routine drinking I ever picked up was when I worked in a restaurant and we'd all fix ourselves shots and cocktails after our shift was over, or just picking up a six pack and having a beer every night for the rest of the week

I'm spooked as hell that I'd end up like one of them, but it just hasn't gone that way

I'm sure if I were to continue drinking it I'd be able to pick out some of its character and enjoy it more, but $90 bottles are not in my budget if it's not a special occasion

>> No.7023269

Make a JAOM first off and you should have no problems.

>> No.7023323

I've just realized that I've gone to about every class drunk this semester and all my classmates must think I'm absolutely retarded as I become an incoherent socialite.

Feeling really insecure right now, but at least I'm getting A's and am currently drunk in class.

>> No.7023330

carpe diem, baby

>> No.7023414

>tfw the only place I can buy liquor from on my home is a grocery store do I end up buying vegetables along with handle a day so the cashiers don't look down upon me too much

Bout to buy some avocados and tomatoes later I think

>> No.7023423

> tfw all the cashiers know I'm a lousy drunk but they're the closest things to friends I have.
I don't mind too much

>> No.7023431

There's only one over 21 cashier that's consistently there and she always gives me pitying looks.

Half the time I'm able to just laugh it off, though.

>> No.7023536

I have 3 supermarkets within walking distance from home. I used to alternate, but I ended up knowing most of the cashiers. Not sure if they take care.

Once in a while, there is a new young guy who's all "wow, two magnums of vodka, it's going to be a large party!" and I knew it's my weekly consumption while all alone.
(2 magnum bottle = 4 "regular" 75cl bottles = 3L = 6 pints)

>> No.7023550

Anyone have tips for drying out? I can't go to my doctor for detoxing anymore. I've done it too many times. I need to taper off. I'm at the part where eating solid foods isn't happening right now

>> No.7023604

For food, you can try soylent.
I'd only recommend eating this shit for medical conditions, like detoxing home or depression.

>> No.7023702

theres only one liquor store near me and they all know me and even say the total before they scan my booze

>> No.7023771

They look fucking stupid holy shit

>> No.7023835
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Something cheap like Busch or PBR is about 13 bucks for a 30 pack of cans

>> No.7023849

Don't fuck yourself with all that sugar. Drink beer, or just do shots with a bit of chaser.

>> No.7023854

like you said, tapering off is probably the only way you're gonna do it, unless you go cold turkey but that depends on how much you're currently drinking. It takes some willpower though to be able to just have a couple beers to slowly get the amount you're drinking down without going overboard

>> No.7023869

Just keep those grades up son, that's literally the only thing that matters. If people want to step to you about shit, just drop them. Fuck normies.

>> No.7023876

them tits on the right doe

>> No.7024231

I literally just came back from there

"Anon can I see your ID?"
"Oh she comes in here often she's a regular"

The fucking look on my face. I'm going through some shit and I'm trying to taper, fuck off

>> No.7024233

Top Kek

>> No.7024242

I didn't know grils can be an alcohol

>> No.7024265


Raising kids is a bitch.

>> No.7024273


Leave it to a woman to get offended by other people noticing you being a "regular" at a liquor store.

#1 - Being a regular is embarrassing. You should feel like shit if they acknowledge your high frequency of patronage.

#2 - Everyone goes through shit. You aren't the only alcoholic in this thread.

#3 - How about you be smart and rotate liquor stores.

Dumb cunt.

>> No.7024276

Yeah kids are pretty horrible. My sympathy.

Just keep resisting the urge to drown them in a lake until they head off to college.

>> No.7024281

I hate when they make slight jabs at the quantity and frequency in which I consume.

I'm giving them money, the least they could do is be professional.

>> No.7024284

Why the fuck would I fly 10 minutes out of my way to get alcohol? They shouldn't say shit. They work at a liquor store, some people are alcoholics.

>> No.7024285

You sound like a person that will never see a vagina irl

>> No.7024287


>people shouldn't criticize my addiction

What a fucking wiener.

>> No.7024288


I'm divorced, pal. That's why I drink.

>> No.7024289

>#1 - Being a regular is embarrassing. You should feel like shit if they acknowledge your high frequency of patronage.
dumbest thing I read today

>> No.7024292
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all my friends/housemates have gone out and I'm stuck in because I'm a poorfag

was gonna save this for another time but meh
should I do it

>> No.7024296


And how exactly is it dumb?

Cry more.

>> No.7024298

> im divorced pal, that's why I hate women and I drink


>> No.7024301

They can go ahead and criticize me, but it would be nice if they didn't do it straight to my face.

>> No.7024304

Yes. People rag on drinking alone, but it's the only kind of drinking I like.

What is "herbal schnapps"? Something like jagermeister?

>> No.7024306


what a fucking prissy cunt

>> No.7024310

Maybe you just go to shitty bars, but some bartenders actually like their regular customers and try to remember who they are. Saying you should feel shitty for being treated with a little respect is ridiculous.

Got the wet brain already, huh?

>> No.7024311


>> No.7024312


>White Knighting

It's almost like everyone on 4chan get's shit on regardless of gender

>> No.7024318


Keep ignoring your problems, bud.

You love enablers because it makes it that much easier.

>> No.7024319

yeah it's poor man's jager, £5 a bottle whereas the real stuff is about £15

>> No.7024320

If you defend women on the internet they have to have sex with you. It's the law.

>> No.7024321

Joke's on you, I never even go to bars and I'm not an alcoholic tbh.

>> No.7024327



Fuck off with that nigger speak.

>> No.7024329

only an alcoholic would think spoilers work on /ck/ checkmate wiccans

>> No.7024336



need to spoiler my top secret recipes

>> No.7024367

that's half the strength though fam

>> No.7024382

yeah but still I ain't got £15 to throw around

>> No.7024429
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talisker fam

>> No.7024493

>"Anon can I see your ID?"
>"Oh she comes in here often she's a regular"

>im a girl btw

Tits or gtfo

>> No.7024525

lmao this happened before when they got a new clerk id please no hes a regular. didnt know how to feel

>> No.7024529
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>tbh is nigger speak

>> No.7024733

post girlcock

>> No.7025040

So why are you an alkie? What's your reason?

>> No.7025062

Bought a bottle having not tried cognac before and I absolutely regretted it. I love whisky a lot so I thought I might enjoy brandy but it is truly filth.

>> No.7025107

cognac is for frogs and niggers

>> No.7025122

Feel privileged anon. Ausfag Bottle of CC is 46 dollarydoos for a litre. Being an alkie is way too expensive here.

>> No.7025130

>When you're ready to die, you get lots of energy and are able to through everything into your goals.