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File: 38 KB, 255x304, 01-12-2011 08.09.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7014021 No.7014021 [Reply] [Original]

>in grocery store
>person in front of me doesn't help bag their groceries
>waits until AFTER all their shit has been bagged and the cashier tells them the price to swipe credit card
>literally just standing there for three minutes while the cashier rings up their items
>doesn't even label produce or bulk items
>puts cold things at random on conveyor belt, so every bag has a cold item in it, rather than bunching them together to keep cold things cold
>uses coupons

I seriously hope this isn't you

>> No.7014035

I was a grocery bagger when I was like 16 and people like this fucking suck.

I've even had some people tell me how bad of a job I did .

>> No.7014043

>>person in front of me doesn't help bag their groceries

That bugs the crap out of me too. Why just stand there when you can help bag? It saves everyone time, including yours.

>> No.7014060

>>person in front of me doesn't help bag their groceries
The places I go don't let me do it. I'd be happy to bag my own stuff, but they scan it and move it right to a bag themselves.
>waits until AFTER to swipe credit card
When the fuck else are you supposed to swipe it? After every single item is scanned?
>label produce or bulk items
>cold things at random
In the first world, we have vehicles to haul our groceries home. They won't un-freeze or spoil in the 8 minute drive home.
good stuff

>> No.7014061

>I've even had some people tell me how bad of a job I did .

Oh shit, they besmirched your honor as a bag boy? Did you take them to court?

>> No.7014079
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Eurofag here.
I was in NYC last year and the nigger cashier in Kmart didn't wanted me to bag my items. He slowly scan every fucking thing, them he put them in the bag as slow as possible.

I standed there boiling, watching this fucking chimp finish and I just left, letting him with everything.

You have a serious nigger problem. We don't have this kind of "unemployable employee", we pay them to stay at home and not working.

>> No.7014096

>>puts cold things at random on conveyor belt, so every bag has a cold item in it, rather than bunching them together to keep cold things cold

you don't really believe this has any effect, do you?

>> No.7014100

well there's your problem

>> No.7014101

The thing is, if they wanted it done a certain way why didn't they just do it themselves?

>> No.7014124

>waits until AFTER to swipe credit card
When the fuck else are you supposed to swipe it? After every single item is scanned?

At most places, you can swipe at the start of the transaction. They don't process the charge until everything has been rung up.

>> No.7014139

>At most places, you can swipe at the start of the transaction
The places I shop, they don't activate that card reader until everything is done scanning and then they say "Ok, go ahead"

>> No.7014147
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You get PAID to bag my groceries you fucking faglord. I'm not doing your job

>> No.7014150


Depends on what anon did, I suppose. There are certain basics you'd expect out a bagger. Stuff like putting wet foods in plastic bags rather than paper, keeping food items separate from things that are potentially toxic (bug spray, household cleaners, etc.), grouping cold items together, and putting heavy items in the bottom of bags while crushable items go above them. That's the basics of the job and I would expect any bagger to know those things.

On the other hand, if some OCD Autismo goober walks in and insists that the cans need to be bagged in alphabetical order or some silly shit like that it's a different story. If you have an unreasonable and/or unusual way you want things bagged then do it yourself.

>> No.7014208

Oh no they actually made you do your job? Ain't that a bitch tbrhwy family.

>> No.7014227


I've had issues with ice cream. It can melt a bit on the way home, and becomes gritty when it refreezes.

Packing your ice cream wkth other frozen items can prevent this.

>> No.7014237

are you implying it doesn't?

>> No.7014250

>be euro
>bag my own groceries
>no coupons either


>> No.7014347

>Why just stand there when you can help bag?
Literally not my job.
If I wanted self-checkout, I would have done so.

>> No.7014360

I did not like when people bagged things themselves when I was a bagger. That being said this one time this downsy kid who makes frog noises wanted to help and I was more than happy to let him. His mom was the nicest customer.
Another time this bitch wouldn't tell me if she wanted paper or plastic. I asked 3 times and finally was like fuck it plaatic ya cunt. She leaves her credit card and the cashier is like "oh shit, Anon go catch up to her" and she's over at the redbox outside getting a movie. "Ma'am you're credit card" "..." She stares at screen
"Ma'aam?" a little louder, I go up an tap her shoulder and hold card out she says in the most deaf sounding voice "dank-OOOO"

I felt bad afterwards

>> No.7014490

I bagged groceries in HS for a few months, so I put everything in a good order so they can bag it easily. They still always do random ass shit like putting 1 small thing in its own bag for no reason, or mixing cold & warm things that I purposely separated.

>> No.7015185

>go to grocery store
>lots of stuff
>all the bags are behind the register area so I can't reach any to help
>have to stand there awkwardly and feel like a jerk while the cashier does all the work, and it's slow since I can't help

>> No.7015186

>>doesn't even label produce or bulk items

>> No.7015191

What the fuck kind of shitty slow cashier allows you enough time to bag your groceries before its time to swipe your card?

Its not even worth trying to start your groceries before paying unless you have a massive purchase, and they will almost always have a bagger to you well before you can meaningfully contribute

>> No.7015199

>people who still pay with checks

Please never do this. Why do old people like checks so much?

>> No.7015288


old people are weird

>always pay with checks
>either that, or they always have to pay in exact change, taking a really long time to count out exactly the amount
>always want paper inside plastic

>> No.7015291
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>people who use reusable bags

Yes I get they're great for the environment. But they obviously take longer to bag and the sides of the bag always fold in

>> No.7015293

>$2.31? Oh I'm not going to use my card that's so low
>$20 bill slapped down
Fuck you

>> No.7015294

yeah, reusable bags are the worst

>> No.7015322


I work as a cashier. I feel petty complaining about anything, because its just my job to deal with stuff like this, its what I get paid for.

I really can't blame someone for using coupons, i mean anything to save money right? But 70% of the time they don't work, the person forgot to read it correctly, and when it doesn't work, you have to dig out the item in question to confirm why its not working.

and then when i tell them it doesn't work because its not exactly the right item, they get mad at me. i don't understand it, why not just read what the coupon says?

and i also feel petty complaining about when people don't bag. again, its just my job. still, it is annoying when i'm bagging someone's groceries, and then they complain about how i'm doing it, like they want a very specific combination of items in their bag. ironically, the least patient people seem to be the ones who don't want to bag and just wait for you to do it, despite the fact this takes quite a bit longer.

>> No.7015326


I hate customers who bitch about things being on sale when they're not. If they bitch enough they WILL get a discount, because a store knows its best to keep them happy and coming back. In my eyes its a sort of shameful way to take advantage of the business, knowing that they'll give you discounts you don't deserve because you make a fuss. I can't imagine what it would be like if everyone was like that.

>> No.7015353
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ITT: nobody seems to realize that there's this thing called self checkout which is designed to replace monkey's like these two
and that allows you to check out fast without complication as long as you're not retarded

>> No.7015357


machines that bag your groceries would be so much more convenient than machines that scan your items., bagging is what takes up the majority of the time anyway

>> No.7015533

>>>7014021 (OP) #
>>>person in front of me doesn't help bag their groceries
>The places I go don't let me do it. I'd be happy to bag my own stuff, but they scan it and move it right to a bag themselves.
okay, this one's true. most decent places are really good about their bagging service, because it's one of the only places where they always have to have customer service on point.

>>When the fuck else are you supposed to swipe it? After every single item is scanned?
you can scan as soon as the transaction starts and save everyone 20 seconds, or the difference between a red light or a green light on the way home.

>>label produce or bulk items
places with bulk bins like sprouts have little clips with paper so you can label your 2 pounds of flour and 1.5 pounds of trail mix and 1 pound of some kind of seed so that the cashier doesn't have to spend 15 seconds per bag asking you what variation of nut mix you have.

>In the first world, we have vehicles to haul our groceries home. They won't un-freeze or spoil in the 8 minute drive home.
Baggers don't know how you're getting home, or where else you're stopping on the way home, or how far home is for you. Besides, most chains train the workers to bag based on temperature/type of item so that your shirt, raid bug spray, and eggs don't sit in the same bag.

one will always require a manager's approval, one will be expired, and one won't be applicable.

>> No.7015542
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Nigga shut up that's what your payed to do i wouldn't expect a cook or chef to start crthat the customer isn't helping make the food they ordered

>> No.7015545
File: 16 KB, 300x225, m0moqv-b78926438z.120120309092821000g1415vtk1.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it *paid

>> No.7016214

I vaguely remember reading an article in a magazine a long time ago, maybe in the 70s or 80s, that described a new process of grocery checkout where you'd just shove the whole cart into this gizmo that would read all of the RFID tags and instantly you'd have a total.

I've yet to see anything even remotely like that actaully implemented.

Maybe one of you Google-Fu Masters can locate said reference article...

anyway, it would be bad ass.

>> No.7016308

RFID is the weirdest tech phenomenon.

They've had the available technology for at least 20 years, and every year we hear about how it's going to drastically change the world.

But nothing ever happens.

With the grocery store the idea is that you'd just walk out of the store and a bill would be sent to your house. But they've been promising that for at least 15 years

>> No.7016313

You are just spending more time there when you could be stuffing your face with chocolate bars you lazy faggot.

>> No.7016323

I bet you dream you were rich to have a butler.

>> No.7016330
File: 184 KB, 1024x768, 1429166368792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old woman in line
>gets her wallet out of her purse
>stands in front of the counter for two minutes while putting her things back in her purse instead of moving out of the way first

>> No.7016331

By refusing to allow the humble bag boy do his job, you are showing that you do not value the service that he provides.

You may think you're helping the bag boy, when in reality you are destroying his already fading industry. There used to be a bag boy for every checkout line. Now look around you.

Now instead of working, kids are sitting in their basements playing Call of Duty as the jobs they once were able to get no longer exist

>> No.7016338

Those things literally never work right and I end up waiting longer as I have to flag down the damn guy because the machine didn't like that when I placed the fucking apples on the belt like it told me to that they somehow magically gained weight from the moment I weighed them but really they were just not set down with the patience of an actual zen master and the impact caused the machine to register a total shit fit and make me re scan every single item on the belt.

Yes I'm mad fuck those things

>> No.7016350

Their job is already doomed. You aren´t saving his job. You are just lazy.

>> No.7016354

>Bag everything super fast and ready for the next customer
>customer I thought i had just finished with is not moving
>Mumbles to themselves about how this cant go in that bag or and some other shit about not finding stuff
>they stand there re-doing all their bags on the counter
>everyone is waiting for this person to re-do their fucking bags
>ask them if they need a hand
>they ignore me still mumbling to themselves

Fuck i know i am working a shit job and i am a useless human being but why do people gotta be so mean?

>> No.7016395

Oh fuck off, you lazy cunt. It's part of your/their job. You just want to do nothing but scan the items, fucking faggot.

>> No.7016424

I do this all the time. If you don't like it please tell me to not shop at your store.

>> No.7016434

my thought is that most people are so lost in their own little world that they aren't even aware that they're being a dick, and aren't doing it on purpose. at least that's what i tell myself so i can get through the day.

>> No.7016462

Please do not shop at my store.

Do not darken my door.

Do not breathe my air.

Get the fuck off of my planet.

Go die in space, cold and alone.

>> No.7016469

I love self checkout because then you can't get stuck behind old slow ass people or niggers that only pay with change.

>> No.7016473

In Croatia nobody bags your items. They just ring them up you pay and move on to the next customer. Your problem if you're not fast enough.
Honorable mention Lidl. Their cashiers are so fast that they ring up 2 more people before the first one bags their items. I like them.

>> No.7016477
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 61xl6b-719L._SY498_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be stoned as fuck
>when high, I seem to have quite some OCD
>pack stuff in shoppingcar sorted by size, color and tetris-like aligned.
>at cashier, I put cold and robust items first, followed by warm robust items, aso till I put items which break easily on top.
>all this happens at speeds, which nobody would expect by someone stoned
>see this thread
>realize I could do this shit as a "job" in the US while being stoned
>would probably do better as most co-workers

What's up with those people?!

>> No.7016485

I love using the self checkout personally imo, because I hide all my stolen goods in my bag/under my bag at the cart, and sometimes a block of cheese or something will be sticking out, and a cashier might get suspicious, but with the self checkout I just scan all my items and no ones the wiser to my theiving ways.

Stole 50 dollars of groceries last time, really helps me save much needed money.

>> No.7016505

In Australia the plastic bags are behind the counter, the checkout chick scans it and pops it in the bag and all you have to do is stand at the end of the register like an awkward penguin and put the bags in your trolley. Pay for your shit after .

>> No.7016508

>shop for groceries exclusively at Aldi
>cashiers always scan everything super quick and place in separate cart methodically
>never slow thanks to genius barcode size and placement
>designated bagging area right outside or checkout so I can bag everything with reusable bags however I wish
>leave happy and give someone else my cart and a free quarter
>save tons of money and get healthy, quality products

fuck man I love that place
>work at CVS during 3rd shift
>people always go couponing during that time
>tons of expired coupons, stuff that doesn't apply to what they buy, the works
>validate it all anyway since we still get reimbursed for it and because I don't give a fuck
>all these old ladies coming in and seeing me with the biggest smile on their face

>> No.7016521

You can do a job reserved for stoned teenagers as well as a stoned teenager? You must be a god amongst men.

>> No.7016553

In what kind of 3rd world shithole you live that they don't scan for items when you leave ? Even in the self checkout area ?

>> No.7016570

If they are watching the screen to make sure they products are ringing up right, I can forgive them for not bagging immediately

>> No.7016597

Oh boy this brings me back to walmart
>be 18
>have a cashier shift
>usually check out people and bag their items
>one lady comes into my lane everything going normal
>bag her stuff and get the next person
>hear a loud irritated sigh and she angrily re bags what I bagged for her
I'm pretty sure I properly bagged her items but goddamn she doesn't need to throw a hissy fit or didn't tell me if I bagged something wrong

>> No.7016614

I walk everywhere. ain't no way i'm walking home with my groceries in flimsy-ass disposable bags.

>> No.7016634

How much fucking shit are you Americans buying that you cant bag it up on your own?

>> No.7016643

has literally never crossed my mind

here in canada, there are two types of stores

stores that bag your groceries

and stores that do not

in the stores that do, they bag your groceries as they price check the item

i don't see how i'm supposed to do that task when the bag is on the other side of the divider by the checkout person

i don't understand or empathize with this dilemma

if there are actual bag persons there, why would i do their job? i think i've been in one store like that and the bag person did their job.

for me to bag my own groceries in that situation would not only get in his way, it's also not my fucking job

he's there to bag my groceries

>> No.7016654
File: 1.06 MB, 3964x2647, 12_Meijer (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this. usually, the cashier will scan the item and put it directly into the bag, which is just past the scanner. It would take longer for me to get involved at any step of this process.

>> No.7016772

He probably got upset when he wasn't tipped, too.

>> No.7016775


>cashier awkwardly starts to move things around at their register because they can't do anything else

>> No.7016787

No, I dream that i'm the butler of an all ladies maison, and the ladies are all christmas cakes.

>> No.7016800


In the US what often happens is this:
-cashier's station is set up for two people: bagger and cashier. yet for whatever reason the bagger is absent
-that means the cashier first rings everything up, THEN bags.
-but it's much faster for all involved if the customer bags while the cashier rings stuff up

of course that isn't possible if the checkout station isn't set up for two people.

>> No.7016938

>take longer to bag
What? Having one proper bag for everything is much faster than trying to get shit in plastic ones

>> No.7016951

I have never seen this in my life, any station that is setup for a bagger always has a smaller section next to the cashier so they can bag as they go without a bagger if they need to. Never have I had a cashier bag everything at the end.

>> No.7017015

Another cashier here, It's usually slow ass niggers and old people that only pay with change.

>> No.7017016

>second Wednesday of every month
>social security checks today
>old fucks, tons of old fucks in line
>they get out of the house once a month
>make stupid long conversation with cashier
They also drove to the store.

>> No.7017162

I'm not >>7016800 but I've been to many places where the bags are within reach of both the cashier and the customer so you can help bag in absence of a bagger. Even if there is a bagger though I prefer to do it myself so they don't fuck it up.

>> No.7017342

I'm from Mexico and here cashiers usually work fast as fuck and there's another people who's only job is to bag the groceries. Usually these are young (and poor) middle school kids or old, retired (and poor) folks, and afaik they don't get paid, they live from tips that people give them.

But once I was working in Brasil, and I was surprised by how relaxed supermarkets are there. The cashiers are actually sitting down and take forever to do their thing. The customers are supposed to bag their own stuff too. And everbody was fine with this, nobody complaint about how slow it was.

>> No.7017354

>nobody bagged my items
>they bagged my items incorrectly
First world problems.

>> No.7017375

Came here to say this. Rest of the thread is unnecessary. Props for the correct usage of "literally."

>> No.7017521


holy shit i do this all the time.

>> No.7017534


But that's not true at all. At almost all grocery stores, the cashiers are told to scan everything before bagging. This is because the cashiers are measured on their speed, which the machine records. If they stopped to bag every item it would record them as taking way too much time.

>> No.7017539

I think it's amazing how people want their stuff bagged so specifically. I get wanting your chemical/cleaners in a separate bag, and I get wanting bloody meat in a separate bag. But anything else? I don't see why you can't just shove it all in randomly. Some people are weirdly uptight and want their bags super organized, even if they're just gonna take everything out when they get home.

>> No.7017558

>be euro
>Go to self serve till
>Takes 1 mins for around a dozen or so items in no rush
>go in the bag as I go

Why is it so hard?
Even if I went to a manned till I'd just bag my shit as it's scanned and passed to me, it takes almost no more time I just like the self serve as you don't have to talk to somebody about fuck all.

>> No.7017559

It ain't easy brah, you gotta make sure the cashier doesn't ring up an item twice and applies the appropriate discounts.

>> No.7017572

Is it really that hard to count out change you nigger? I used to do it all the time and if you can handle basic math its a lot faster than a credit card.

>> No.7017573


>worked at a grocery store where it took over 60 seconds for the check reader to return a code

I couldn't agree more.

>> No.7017861

>But that's not true at all.
>At almost all grocery stores, the cashiers are told to scan everything before bagging.
I have literally never seen this. Don't tell me that my personal experiences aren't true.

>> No.7018035

>in restaurant
>waitress "helps" me bring me my food
>waits until AFTER I eat to ask for compensation for a service I didn't ask for
>literally just brings food over and wants a tip for something I want to do myself
I seriously hope this changes.

>> No.7018076

Just fill the bags bagboy.

>> No.7018097

Stop being retarded. I use reusable bags and I sometimes bag my own groceries. They're easier to pack than plastic unless you've got some kind of mental deficiency.

You're probably the type of person that throws two items into each plastic bag because you can't figure out how to organize the shit.

>> No.7018109

Or better yet,

>cashier starts scanning next customer and sort of just works around the elderly person like they're a construction zone or something

>> No.7018149

They do get paid, but the disclaimers are way out in the back, in the bathrooms near their communal area or near customers service. You are still expected to tip them a peso or loose change. Fuck that that noise.

>> No.7018195
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The thing is that here in Brazil they know most BRs are impulsive consumers. The isles right beside the cashier or the long ones made to organize the lines are designed that way so that the longer the consumers stay there, the higher the chance they will pick up some crap from there. That is why they don´t bother with the speed. In fact, some supermarkets have idle people around that could work in the empty registers, but they choose not to until the lines get too big. And of course most BRs are too dumb to notice. I stopped buying at one particular supermarket which was blatantly holding back their own workers.

>> No.7018215
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>being racist

>> No.7018218
File: 17 KB, 316x239, 1432753651013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swipe item
>machine throws a bitch fit if you don't put it on the scale within the next two seconds

>> No.7018233

>mfw all these niggercunts shit talking baggers

You're all poor fucking NEETS living on SSDI, get a fucking job

>> No.7018261

>only 2 fucking registers at rush hour commute home in the evening
>both full
>go with the slightly shorter line
>older lady at cashier
>hold on let me get out my coupons
>speed of a snail at everything
>other line wouldve finished if I chose that one
>gets out a checkbook and asks cashier if she can do cashback
>Sure let me call the manager over for his key

>> No.7018291


When I was a cashier I was horrible at packing bags. I guess its hard to pack them neatly when you're under pressure to do it as fast as possible and have to select specific items.

>> No.7018301

>By the way, it's a third party, out-of-town check

>> No.7018726

>one will always require a manager's approval, one will be expired, and one won't be applicable.
But I know what I'm doing with my coupons. I didn't even know you had to get managers approval over some.

>> No.7018908

Why do they have the baggers, if you are supposed to help? I mean bagging shit should not be a two person job. Unless you are the downy they employ at a qfc I went to who takes half an hour to bag 10 things and puts the eggs in the bottom. Why are these people employed again?

>> No.7019351

They are there because it is of the supermarket´s interest that lines move faster. More people being attended means more money and consumers happier since they don´t have to wait long.

They are there because the supermarket knows that there are some people who don´t care about the others and will delay everyone.

Don´t want your eggs at the bottom? Pack them yourself.

>> No.7019356

Ok, Ahmed, don't you have bo-clocks to be inventing?

>> No.7019549

>I've even had some people tell me how bad of a job I did .
You were probably shit at it like 99% of baggers.

>> No.7019612

Helping bag groceries isn't really a thing for me. Grocery stores in my experience are one of two things.

>Cashier scans the item and immediately places it into a bag never leaving his/her hand
>There's a cashier and a bagger where the bagger immediately puts the food into a bag after it's scanned

I'm not sure how I can help out with that fam. I just do self-checkout now though anyway.

>> No.7019638
File: 45 KB, 500x747, mar_motorola_1motorola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be euro
>wireless self-check scanner thingies everywhere, pick one up
>scan stuff as I grab them from the shelves, put them in my reusable bags directly in my cart
>go to self-checkout, just scan the barcode at the cash register
>pay with NFC card
>pick my already filled bags from the cart and leave
Feels good man

>> No.7019744


ancient thread but I wanna tell my story

>be kid
>get told to help bag, because bagger wasn't there
>bagger comes over and scolds me saying I'm doing his job
>different time, try to help bag for mummy
>get told I'm not supposed to do it, might bag wrong
>never help anyone bag ever again, baggers are cunts. they can do it themselves.

I don't get paid to stock shelves, so I'm not fucking stocking my own groceries. Why should bagging be any different.

>> No.7019797

Teenage employment is at an all time high, you ox-head

>> No.7019814

Stereotypes exist for a reason. It isn't racism. It is experience.

>> No.7020202

>uses coupons
What? Do you not like saving money?

>> No.7020292

It's a pretty shitty job and if you work in a busy market people have terrible attitudes and you're constantly rushed. You have to be a saint to not let it get to you after awhile.

I worked at a grocery store for three years trying to pay my way through college but all my money went to housing myself in a shitty apartment and school costs. I had to get food at a food bank some weeks. I started working more hours so I could save money but then the managers started taking advantage of that, moving me around the departments to help as they started not replacing the people who were smart enough to quit. My grades suffered and I had to take a semester off. The place was a trap and you only got a 25 cent raise after working three years. Only made 9.25 an hour working myself ragged getting yelled at for having an hour of overtime a week.

Grocery store workers are rarely happy people. They're just able to hide their misery well. The store will suck the life out of you. They'll beg you not to leave and try to tell you how special you are, how much you matter, but it's all lies. You're a lowly paid servant that has to deal with the terrible attitudes people carry with them.

I work at a specialty craft beer and wine store now and it's so much better. People are happy to buy their booze. Every asshole and lunatic has to buy groceries. Only alcoholics and happy people are buying booze.

I just want to get a geology degree and not have to deal with people any more.

>> No.7020442


At my store, we do have baggers, but that's not their sole jobs. The baggers are also the people who get carts, clean spills, check the aisles, etc so they are not at the lane the whole time. Also, its not like everyone lane has a bagger.

So its a situation where the cashier DOESNT scan the item immediately - they are told to scan everything before bagging - and there often isn't a bagger there. So either the customers bags while the order is being scanned, or the cashier does it all after calculating the total. Obviously, the latter takes much longer.

Not complaining, just explaining how it works. I've never seen stores that just have "bagger" as a job, its just one part of their job.

>> No.7020536
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>At supermarket
>Buying the ingredients to bake a cake
>Checkout girl, a 10/10 qt, starts scanning everything
>Smiles at me as she takes the flour to bag it
>''baking a cake?''
>don't know how to react
>pretend to be angry with her for some reason
>grab the flour out of her hand
>put the eggs in the bag
>drop everything else on top and pay
>storm out with eggs dripping out of the bags

Still regret this shit

>> No.7020547
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>> No.7020595

Pls be real

>> No.7021046 [DELETED] 

Aw, little baby got traumatized.

>> No.7021089

>qt Indian grill checking out my groceries today
>sees squash, chicken stock, spices
>"ahr you meaking zoup for the cold weatha"
>"Yea, my grandfather used to make it, good way to stay warm..."
>She smiles and giggles
>go about my day

I didn't fuck up /ck/ be proud.

>> No.7021102

you like aldis?

>> No.7021118
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fuckin' love aldi

>> No.7021124
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my sides

>> No.7021126
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>so every bag has a cold item in it
this is the best because all the bags have some cold in them

>> No.7021134

> in grocery store using a self checkout
> type in a number forba discount but dont see the discount result on the screen like usual
> well there were s8gns up last time saying they were redoing the checkouts so-


> 'I uh... yeah I know I just was looking at the item list to seenif the coupon had taken -'

> 'I know how- *slides and accidentally presses debit because the freaking woman is all up in my shit making me nervous*
> 'Well.. how do i cancel-'
> she stands behind me for the minute and a half it takes the machine to go back

Jesus christ why do they post anyone other than apathetic 20something year old or teen dudes at the self checkouts. I am at the self checkouts I always use them and I know how jesus shit lady fuck off and let me use the machine.

Fucking hate overly attentive self checkout people. If I wanted help I would go through the regular lanes.

>> No.7021148

I wish someone would pay me to stay at home and not infect everyone with my loserdom.

I didnt ask to be born, the least you could do is provide me with a bit of square footage to sleep, shit, clean myself, and store and cook food. And give me a bit of money for food and toiletries. Make a huge apartment building block and power it with solar panels on the roof. If I want a phone and cats then I work for those things otherwise I just waste away sleeping peacefully.

>> No.7021166

This old bitch yesterday tried to take my reciept I had sitting next to my bag on the counter (Aldis) probably to pretend an item on there was bad and complain to get some shit for free.

'Oh I thought it was my reciept!'

Bitch you have an empty bag in an empty cart you just got here stop being such a fucking shitbag waste of life and get out of here. Fucking shitlords I wish they lived on a different contintent like Australia and got eaten by a giant spider.

Adults need to be punished for doing bad but not illegal shit. Fuck.

>> No.7021177

If there's no guy standing at the end of the checkout bagging, then I do it myself. 9/10 times the guy behind the checkout thanks me for bagging.

At the vietnamese market no one bags. If you don't do it yourself, it doesn't get done.

>> No.7021206

> I work at the dollar tree
> eye the items on the belt
> scan and bag immediately
> stuff that wont go on that bag is set aside on the counter on my other side and grouped and immediately bagged when the first is full
> those people who think they need to tell me how to bag shit like I'm going to put food with chemicals or cans with chips

To be fair I am well practiced so that's why I can be so fast. The stores are so small though that you get four people in line and even if it takes 1 or two minutes per person people become bitchy and impatient because the line seems longer than it really is. With the skeleton crew dollar tree works with there is usually only one other person to help (a manager) and so they have to stop doing their own shit.

People always come to the register at the same time even if they entered at different times and are of course not together. Somehow all the people just finish at the same time and mame a huge line and then I have 20 minutes of no one or a few people trickling ing again before 20 more people get to the checkout at the same time again.

Also the only thing I really really hate besides people who smell is this..

> old person is old and needs less things in each bag, telling me how old they are and how they cant carry a lot in each bag
> they complain about how many bags there are and how they have so many bags at home


>> No.7021247


it goes both ways. i was a mostly apathetic employee who would only help when necessary, and this annoys some customers who feel like you're not doing absolutely everything to give them great service. people fuck up all the time and get mad if the problem isnt fixed immediately

>> No.7021255


>person says they want their bags heavy, "pack as heavy as you can", say they want as little bags as possible
>complain the bags are too heavy

>person says they want their bags light
>complain when there's too many bags

People need to realize that if you make specifications, people will follow those specifications. If you are really that anal and specific about bags, why not just do it yourself?

>> No.7021301

The worst part about people wanting heavy bags or trying to get the least bags possible is that the plastic bags (the only stuff we have at my work) are really really really crappy. Anything with a pointed edge like a box or bag of candy will poke a hole in them, so then you have to double everything. Ugh so mang bags are used.

Dollar tree has grey bags and white ones. The grey ones are best because they dont need to be dyed white and are thicker and hold more. The white ones are always crap.

TBH I cant wait until they can 3d print just anything, then they can 3d print a bag around items on a scale in an instant and save time and plastic. Sigh.... I will be an old fart trying to use debit instead of an eye implant chip by the time that technology exists.

>> No.7021560
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i've gotten to where i buy a couple of days of food at a time and got used to going through self-checkout.

this way i don't have to talk to people.

>> No.7021566

You're doing people a favor by removing yourself from their day's experience.

>> No.7021586

Here's the thing, bagboy, and I do hope you take this to heart -- any labor no matter how menial... actually no, any obligation is a way of paving a road for others to follow your example. IT DOES NOT matter if nobody appreciates your hard work in the end because what does matter is you have set a precedent of going above and beyond FOR YOURSELF. When you do everything in your life on this curve, nothing you do in life is any less than a job well done. If you had any self respect you would realize that allowing yourself to suck at anything is your way of saying this life isn't worth the effort of being more than. You're saying it's better to set in stone the conduct of a failure rather than an over-achiever. That is not how I live my life and I'm on my way to becoming highly notable. Give a damn.

>> No.7021623

>waits until AFTER all their shit has been bagged and the cashier tells them the price to swipe credit card
That is the most reasonable thing to do. Especially since it doesn't take that much time, unless you're old.

>> No.7022796
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I love Japanese supermarkets. Service is so quick. The cashier puts your basket in front of him/her, passes the item through the scanner, and places the item on an empty basket on the right side. When it is finished, you take the now full basket to a table next to the cashier where you can use plastic bags or use your own bags like most japs do. Now the cashier places the now empty basket on the right side. Everyone has to bag their own stuff.

>> No.7022845

That system would never work in the US.

Too many niggers would be throwing shit in the bags without scanning.

Store would be bankrupt in a day.

Niggers are why we can't have nice things...

>> No.7022856

>Go to bag my shit because you bag boy
>Open up a bag
>he rushes over
>Awkwardly let him bag it
>I can't help because the bag rack is towards him and I can't grab them
>Just start putting the bags in my cart as I awkwardly grab them from him
pls kill me

>> No.7022858
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>americans are so fat they need people to bag their groceries for them

>> No.7022868

>highly notable
>tripfaggot on 4chins
I legitimately can't tell if you're shitposting or you really just don't get it.

>> No.7022876

do you people also tip the bagger? lmfao

>> No.7022877

I'm always in for a joke on Americans, but this one is just dumb and boring.
It's other Americans who bag the items. It's a service. A futile service, but a service nontheless. If they like to pay for that, I don't mind.

>> No.7022897

Is this really an insult? I guess if you live in a poor country, accusing someone of wanting money could be considered mean?

>> No.7022901

Probably not an insult, just telling you it will never happen.

>> No.7022952

I have never been to a grocery store where they don't at least put it in a bag for you. What kind of janky ass ghetto stores do yall shop at? Do you actually buy your food at fucking dollar stores?

>> No.7022989

Also, if our economy was functioning worth a damn right now, it would be a charity job. Bagging is supposed to be the domain of retards, the very old and some kinds of handicapped people- something easy to do that supplements a basic needs income and gets them out of the house to stave off depression.

>> No.7023058

The local supermarket near me only hires "mentally disabled" people as baggers. They only work the express lanes, but I think it's really good that they give them employment opportunities.

The worst for me is when people pay with a check and have nothing on the check pre-filled.

>> No.7023070


Can they hire mentally disabled people to be cashiers as well? Doesn't seem that much harder than bagging, you just scan items and give back the change the machine tells you to.

>> No.7023160

More often than not I do think the cashier is mentally handicapped when I buy at supermarkets.
On the other hand it's not like he gets any chance to shine.

>> No.7023164

Yeah, maybe it's an American thing bUT I don't have that option

>> No.7023177

Holy shit am I the only person who uses self check out exclusively so I don't have to talk to anyone and go get in and leave? There is even a cub foods with a conveyer belt self check out so when I needs a lot of groceries I stand at the top scanning and have the gf bag shit and we gtfo, fuck the slow ass cashiers and baggers.

>> No.7023189

They have to remember more things though (PLUs, any required greetings or questions)

>> No.7023202

Yeah, I've definitely used the self checkout for petty theft before. Its actually a method which invites MORE shoplifting since there's no human cashier, thereby making it easier to slip stuff into your bags unnoticed.

>> No.7023266

I hate you

>> No.7023324

>having shitty cashiers and a need for baggers

Where i live the cashier does the bagging and basically everyone i see knows how to separate items to make the job of them bagging the goods easier.

I am glad i don't live in America.

>people using self-serve checkouts willingly doing a job that people are paid to do and contributing to the rise of unemployment

>> No.7023449

The store I shop at does this 'ultimate service' gimmick to help justify being overpriced. This doesn't come without its drawbacks:

>no self-checkouts
>discouraged from bagging things yourself
>baggers are required to follow you out and help load your car
>because of this, there's a constant shortage of baggers during busy hours
>baggers are also mindless as hell, i can't remember how many times i've come home with something squashed or crushed up

I just want to get my shit and leave. It's reached the point where I bring a few reusable bags and bag things as I go through the store.

>> No.7023466

What about the people who don't donate money to the starving children? Those are the worst.

>> No.7023496

cvs coupons dont expire in the US you commie bastard

>> No.7023932

>we pay them to stay at home
I like you, you can stay.

>> No.7024194

we have that in the states bro

>> No.7024253

Instead of getting robots to cashier, why not get robots to bag? It seems like a much more needed service that would actually speed up, and not slow down, the time to order and leave.

>> No.7024467

>can't take alcohol to self checkout
> people who park their carts in the middle of the fucking aisle
> no hand baskets at the entrance so you sweep by the checkout lanes for baskets
>those new chip readers that don't have the chip reader activated yet
> people who pull everything out of their purse to pay and are still putting shit away when it's your turn so the cashier can't move your shit forward

>> No.7024469

Because the overhead need for the grocery stores to sponsor donations is outrageous anything more than 0% isn't worth it

>> No.7026210

The technology for this just isn´t there yet. It is still much cheaper to get someone to do that than to develop such advanced stuff.

>> No.7026219

fine if you're getting a couple of things, if you're getting weeks worth of food the regular line is much faster

>> No.7026252

You don't help bag for the bagger's sake. You do it for your fellow shoppers' sake. Especially if you have a lot of groceries, twiddling your thumbs and standing there like some kind of hobo just results in the line being held up that much longer. Stop being a burden on others.

>> No.7026275

A fun game me and my friends used to do was go the grocery stores and fill up a basket with all kinds of shit, then have them ring them up....and once everything is bagged pull out our pockets and be like OOPS, NO MONEY, then quickly leave the store and laff

>> No.7026282

Enjoy being a grocery bagger when your parents kick you out.

>> No.7026295
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>Am I cool yet? Am I?

>> No.7026466

What kind of cuck bags their own groceries? I bet you people go into the kitchen at a restaurant and bring your food to your table too.