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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 598x609, 2015-10-25_16.35.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7010681 No.7010681 [Reply] [Original]

/Poor food general/

I just bought this 7.5lb pork picnic for about $12, I've gotten them even cheaper than that before too.

I'm gonna slow roast this thing and eat it throughout the week

>> No.7010697

I let the roast sit out for a little while to bring it closer to room temp before cooking. I'm not going to go crazy with seasoning on this thing because I'll be using it in various recipes throughout the week. Probably in tacos, pulled pork, or with Korean BBQ sauce over rice.

>> No.7010698
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Nooo OP you're supposed to be poor. Where are all your limes and avocados?

>> No.7010709
File: 136 KB, 580x638, 2015-10-25_16.41.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I'm putting on the roast is salt, pepper, garlic, and olive oil. These roasts are pretty hard to fuck up when it comes to seasoning, you could put whatever you want on them to cater to the types of dishes you will be making with the pork.

>> No.7010718
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Someone gave me this meme salt and it smells pretty good so I'm gonna use it on the pork roast.

>> No.7010722
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Rubbing the seasoning mixture all over my pork now

>> No.7010725

Scrambled egg wrap for breakfast. Egg fried rice for lunch. Bean stew for dinner.

Really poor shopping skills from that rich fool but it could possibly last a week if you don't mind repetition. Probably not enough calories or protein and certainly doesn't reach the daily five portions of fruits and vegetables.

There really should be a lifeskills class taught in school that show you how to cook, budget, shop properly, plan out nutritious meals, etc since we now have a generation raised by people who can't even take care of themselves.

>> No.7010727
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Finished with some more salt and pepper

Roasting this fat cap side up in a cast iron pot, this roast is a little too big, oh well.

>> No.7010741
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I started this at 350 degrees for about 15-20 minutes and then I dropped the temp down to 250. It should take about 8 hours to roast now.

Low and slow is key with these pork picnics. You'll need a meat thermometer, 185 degrees at the center is what you want to aim for.

>> No.7010750

What are you doing? You didn't score the skin, you fool.

>> No.7010754
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What the fuck is a pork picnic? Is this just a meme thread?

>> No.7010764

It's just a type of cut. It is a pork shoulder with the shank included.

>> No.7010767

who cares, won't make much difference in the end, pork roasts are retard proof.

>> No.7010787

Scoring the skin is what you do when roasting pork. It helps it cook more evenly, it allows that marinade you put on before to actually get to the meat, it helps to render the fat and it helps to make the best crackling.

>> No.7010789


>not removing the skin

>> No.7010796

You kiss your mother with that mouth?

>> No.7010826

I can't find any slow roast pork recipes that scored the pork

I'm sure your right though and not just sperging, the roast will be the worst thing ever.

>> No.7010831

>removing the skin
just go back to mummy's coloured cereals

>> No.7010839

I see that you are just a shitposter then. Oh well, could have been a good thread.

>> No.7010840

make pork carnitas OP

>> No.7010846

>Recipes for poor people
>Oven on for 8 hours

Yuo ar of genuious

>> No.7010857

Yeah I created this thread and purposely did not score my pork to trigger one autists on /ck/

That's the plan, I didn't season it for carnitas but I could probably make some sort of carnitas sauce/marinade to toss the meat in when I'm reheating it throughout the week.

>> No.7010865

and makes virtually no difference when slow cooking. scoring is for when you quick cook with a fairly high heat

>> No.7010867

what a stupid cunt... avocados, limes, green onions, parsley, garlic? what about 10lbs of fucking potatoes first? bread? dry pasta?

>> No.7010879
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Eating silverskin and enjoying it.

>> No.7010881

Are you stroking out right now? We are talking about pork, not onions.

>> No.7010885
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>same as skin

>> No.7010894

OP's thread is really boring

And I like it.

It's cold and raining outside and this is the perfect way to spend today.

>> No.7010913
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Yeah I know...

I figured I'd post this though because it's my favorite thing to make when I don't want to spend a lot on food for the week.

>> No.7010916

What thread? He posted a few pictures and then fucked off before even finishing the recipe.

>> No.7010923

>he's still mad I didn't score the pork

There's a taco bell thread waiting for you

>> No.7010945

This is me actually, I see that you are still just shitposting and paranoid that everyone is me to boot.

You are getting paranoid over pig skin. Seek help.

>> No.7010976

Running the oven for 8 hours costs next to nothing.

If someone has electricity (or gas) in the first place, they can afford to use the oven.

>> No.7010988

I said scoring doesn't matter, some other anon did as well, doesn't sound paranoid to me. Other anons were arguing about leaving the skin on. Who cares.

You're still following the shit post

>> No.7011002
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>Running the oven for 8 hours costs next to nothing.

Where the fuck do you live that running the oven for a third of the day is something poor people can do? My god what a massive expense.

>> No.7011004

It costs maybe a couple of dollars.

You probably spend more to run your computer and lights while you shitpost on /ck/ all day.

>> No.7011005

No, the other anon said the OP didn't finish posting his recipe, which he didn't and then the OP started freaking out all paranoid that the other anon was me.

That's not normal behaviour.

>> No.7011013

>People pointing out that running your oven for 8 hours is a joke of an expense for poor people are just shitposting
Well that explains your retardation.

Are you that paranoid op too?

>> No.7011017
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Was thinking about what else I can make with the pork. I'm just going to add different sauces/marinades when I reheat depending on what I want to make

Carnitas or mojo
BBQ sauce for pulled pork
Chimi churri
Or maybe a cilantro lime sauce

What else?


>> No.7011021

ok dr. phil

>> No.7011039

Actual OP here

I guess it depends on how poor you are obviously
my power bill is about $60, no big deal for me, I'm also cooking enough pork for the week.

>> No.7011051

Or maybe not everyone lives in America where utilities seem to cost pennies. I don't know where the other guy lives but here at least that would be a considerable expense for poor people.

Even for well off people that would be a shock and it's always funny seeing the reactions to people looking at recipes to make beef jerky when they get to the cooking time part.

>> No.7011068

Fine. Poor people don't use ovens.

They also wouldn't be spending $12 on fancy pork roasts either, that's clearly beyond their means.

>> No.7011094

>Fine. Poor people don't use ovens.
And now you're sulking like a child.

>They also wouldn't be spending $12 on fancy pork roasts either
Well actually that would feed a family for days so that is exactly what they should be doing.

Stop acting like a kid because poor people can't do your recipe.

>> No.7011097

>cold and rainy
bitch you need to be making soup and fresh bread instead of browsing /ck/

>> No.7011100


>> No.7011111

shredded pork sandwiches

>> No.7011117

those are the kind of people who cook outdoors in a brick oven or something like that they made themselves, to save money, and their food tastes awesome

>> No.7011118


This wasn't intended for the homeless lol. There's usually threads here "I have x dollars, what will last me til next friday?" if you're a 3rd worlder, you could roast over a fire in a pot or something. I've had whole pig roasted over a fire in peru before, shit was amazing.

>> No.7011123

I am pretty sure this dumb cunt quit like a week in

>> No.7011124

OP here

This wasn't intended for the homeless lol. There's usually threads here "I have x dollars, what will last me til next friday?" if you're a 3rd worlder, you could roast over a fire in a pot or something. I've had whole pig roasted over a fire in peru before, shit was amazing.

>> No.7011128

What, are you saying everyone who isn't American cooks outside in the cold?

>> No.7011141

no but those who live where utilities are ungodly expensive cook shit that's gotta cook low and slow outside in some contraption using wood, like those adobe ovens you see around in mew mexico

>> No.7011158

Where are you getting that information from?

Utilities are expensive but so if wood. We don't have country sized forests like America does where everyone can just chop down trees for firewood. We would get jailed for that anyway.

People who live where utilities don't cook low and slow at all, unless they have vast forests.

People here just cook quick and efficiently. It's kind of one of the reasons I wanted to look at the poor person cooking general as the op called it.

>> No.7011169

>wahh op doesn't fit my image of poor so it's a bait thread
that's what you sound like man

>> No.7011172

OP here

So suggest fast cooking recipes?

Honestly, an oven maintaining 250 degrees for 8 hours probably uses not much more or less electricity than having to fully cook each meal throughout the week. It is bringing the oven up to temperature that uses the most electricity. cooking without heat at all would be cheapest if you are really that poor.

If taste doesn't matter I'm sure there are much cheaper things to cook. You could cut this pork roast into small pieces and cook it quick but it would be very tough.

>> No.7011175


Onions don't have siliverskin, spotted the homecook or stray stoner from /b/


>willingly consuming tendons and cartilage.

>> No.7011177

OP, you shouldn't reply to the trolls. They're the same type of people who post in the /r9k/ saying 'you can't be a robot you don't shit in plastic bags and hide them in your closet. They have a very narrow perception of the world and if you don't fit into that perception it will trigger them.

>> No.7011179

Looks good OP, I'm not poor but I buy picnics all the time, they're just good food. I roast them and use the meat in tons of things, also smoke them for awesome bbq. Pro-tip: save the huge bone that comes out of it for a big pot of beans, which is even cheaper food yet.

>> No.7011180

>Poor people can't afford the poor person recipe is calling it a bait thread

Fuck off.

>> No.7011186
File: 69 KB, 300x250, uwot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>silverskin is the same thing as skin

>> No.7011190

Yeah I always forget

Just looking to get some more cheap food ideas that don't sacrifice flavor

>> No.7011191


nice maymay frog

>> No.7011196

no you fuck off shitlord
op continue posting pics and ideas

>> No.7011197

>Onions don't have siliverskin
You utter moron.

>> No.7011199

>tendons and cartilage
>any different than eating meat

I bet your mommy cuts up your chicken fingers and makes sure none of your food touches too.

>> No.7011204

Now THIS is projecting.
>People who can't afford an extravagant cooking method aren't allowed in the thread for poor people food and are just trolls or plastic bag shitters

Fuck you, really.

>> No.7011208

>implying that shit doesn't get tossed when shredding
>further implying cartilage isn't a delightful treat to snack on while shredding the meat

>> No.7011210

Grow up, kid.

>> No.7011213
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I never knew my mother jokes on you fag.


>> No.7011220
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>waste products are my treats

>> No.7011221

The person talking about onions is the same person as the one you are arguing with about fucking tendons.

You are the paranoid op and I claim my tenner.

>> No.7011226

>$1.60/lb pork that can be found even cheaper

>> No.7011227


>> No.7011231

Samefags tend to have something to do with each other or at least reply to the same person.

No, what you have done is clicked on two completely different posts and called them a samefag.

You're a master of shitposting.

>> No.7011233



Disgusting bong, go kill some Syrians instead of shitposting on a cooking image board.

>> No.7011238

uh no, OP here, christ what a shit show.

I will remove anything that doesn't look chewable when the roast is done.

>> No.7011240

>Talking about the economical cut of meat
>Not talking about the long cooking time which is what at least a dozen posts have been talking about, what the post you are replying to was talking about

Fuck me, your reading comprehension is dwarfed by that of a toddlers.

>> No.7011250

>I"ll call him kid, that'll show him

>> No.7011251


>> No.7011255

>I'm a bong

Stop trying to save face because you fucked up your postnumbers.

>> No.7011261

fast cooking also requires using utilities
everyone knows poor people don't cook they just eat spaghetti oh's straight from the can cold, because they can't afford to heat it up

>> No.7011262

Is this the 1970s? Who the hell uses an electric cooker?

>> No.7011265

lol why the fuck did she buy so many limes? Also lettuce is essentially devoid of anything but trace minerals. Rice, beans, eggs, chicken, bundle of bananas, and frozen broccoli, spices with the leftover money would be much smarter

>> No.7011275
File: 171 KB, 1024x768, LR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You did respond to both of those posts, which was the original point, which you're now bragging about... so I don't see a point.

You should save face by killing some Syrians and Africans invading your nation. 65% of London is immigrants, get on that.

We don't have those problems in Cork, they end up disappearing and found months later in bogs half eaten by maggots. (like they deserve).

Onions don't have silverskin and you shouldn't eat the waste of animals. Might as well be sucking feces straight from the anus. Might be the better option.

>> No.7011283


bruh send me some beamish

>> No.7011286

>You did respond to both of those posts
How the fucking hell are onions related to your stupid fucking tendon argument? Fuck you, you cunt.

>> No.7011287

>onions don't have silverskin and you shouldn't eat the waste of animals. Might as well be sucking feces straight from the anus. Might be the better option.

starting to try a little too hard, 4/10 best I can do

>> No.7011288

Would whole chickens be cheaper than a pork roast? I can't seem to find chicken any cheaper than a pork picnic, maybe it's just where I live.

>> No.7011294


Simply being Irish is a greater insult than anything I could type out here.

>> No.7011296

> using an oven
> extravagant cooking method

welcome to /ck/

>> No.7011298
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>> No.7011309

It's fall nigga. Apple cider vinegar, cider, and dijon with rosemary.

>> No.7011311


Welcome to /ck/

>> No.7011315

OP every time you open the oven door to take a pic the oven drops in temperature and takes even more energy to get back up to temp. Your electricity bill is going to bankrupt you.

>> No.7011326

OP here, I don't think the people in this thread will take kindly to those expensive ingredients
Before I know it I will be homeless

>> No.7011381

OP, you might already know this, but I'm still just going to throw this out there: injecting a marinade/brine and letting the roast sit in the fridge overnight will make the meat really nice. I use about 1/2C of Jumex pineapple nectar (or mix pineapple and apple juices 50/50), 2 Tbsp salt, 1 Tbsp light brown sugar, and 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce. You could go lighter on the salt if you're oven-roasting, as this brine is meant for barbecuing. The bromelain in the pineapple helps break down the connective tissue faster, resulting in more rendered sugars at the end of the cook cycle. The pineapple flavor also breaks down into sugars, so the pork won't taste like meaty Hawaiian Punch.

Like I said, you probably know how to cook a roast, but I learned about the pineapple juice trick from a friend and really like the results.

>> No.7011388

>Now he is shitposting because his poor person thread turned out to be a rich mans thread

Grow up.

>> No.7011398

>The bromelain in the pineapple helps break down the connective tissue faster

only if you use fresh juice, anything in a can has been pasteurized.

>this kills the enzyme

>> No.7011411

I've brined but never injected meat, I wish I had a grill to try that, thx for the tip

>> No.7011412

>autism intensifies

>> No.7011422

>state something that isn't true
>someone points this out

>> No.7011463

Wait, this is a poor thread but you cooked the thing for 8 hours? Does someone cover your utility bill?

>> No.7011465

Bone-in chicken leg quarters go on sale for like 30 cents/lb, Pork picnic only gets down to like 77 cents/lb. Without sales, they are about the same price and pork picnic tastes better.

>> No.7011477
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>being this mad over nothing.

Let's get back on topic gents, don't eat silverskin it's bad for you.

>> No.7011483


H.E.A.P.... Lrn2poor

>> No.7011488

Silverskins are fucking onions, you bog eating cunt.

>> No.7011495

where in the hell does that pathetic amount of shit cost 29 fucking dollars? I live in a more expensive country and that would not even be 20 dollars over here

what the literal fuck

>> No.7011501

Oh ok, there's a yuppie grocery store near me that does 2.99/lb chicken breasts/thighs and ground beef on Tuesdays, that's the only time I buy chicken because it is too expensive where I live.

>> No.7011505

wtf you gonna eat 10 lbs of potatoes in a week nigga?

>> No.7011531

Eat them next week?

Did you think at all before you posted that?

>> No.7011546

not op here, but man you are salty as fuck

>> No.7011551

Anything you say op. What do I know, I'm just trying to get this poor person thread to have content relevant to poor people.

>> No.7011595

This could have been a decent thread. Slow cooked pork sounds fucking delicious right about now but /ck/ had to /ck/ and shit all over everything

>> No.7011626
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If you're going to cook 7 meals in a row, 1 for every dinner of the week, you're going to be using more energy than if you ran it once for the same amount of time at a constant low heat.

>but I can't afford water

Too bad, stop crying.

>> No.7011631

What if we are all OP?

Damn my shit tier oven must be inaccurate, this thing is done already, roasted too quick, hopefully it will still be tender

>> No.7011638
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Forgot pic

>> No.7011643

take out avo's limes and tortillas and its probably 10 bucks

>> No.7011645

No reason not to cook it longer if it doesn't seem cooked enough. Pork shoulders have a ton of connective tissue and the fat cap/skin will keep it moist as well.

I usually cook mine until the meat is pretty much falling apart off the bone.

>> No.7011650
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>that $1.50 spoon holder

Reporting, i thought this was a poor people thread

>> No.7011651

It is 185 degrees at the center, it has only been about 5 hours

>> No.7011655


Lol bong assuming everyone in the world calls cocktail onions silverskins.

>> No.7011656

Doesn't mean you automatically have to stop cooking it when it hits 185 degrees. If it doesn't seem tender enough, cook it longer. It'll be fine.

>> No.7011658

Yeah I just put it back in and lowered the heat a little

>> No.7011663

Figure about 1 hour of cook time per pound (raw weight). So if your roast was 7.5 pounds at the start, let the bitch ride for another 2.5 hours.

>> No.7011699

FUCK ALL OF YOU RETARDS WHO MADE THIS THREAD SO SHIT. Good god /ck/, OP made a nice thread for us and you had to shit all over it. GOD DAMNIT I'M SO FUCKING PISSED.

>> No.7011720
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>> No.7011726

It was just one mentally ill loser, it's okay anon

>> No.7012063
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And she's done, what do with the drippings?

>> No.7012107

Skim the fat and make some gravy.

>> No.7012142

Drink it

>> No.7012177
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Oh man this shit is good, falls right apart.


>> No.7012212
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Got rid of the fat

>> No.7012924

>I'm gonna slow roast this thing and eat it throughout the week

Smoke it.

btw what's the difference between a picnic pork shoulder and a boston butt pork shoulder?

>> No.7012937


Said the morbidly obese trailer-dwelling piece of human excrement.

>> No.7012942

>Paddy O'Cockmongler getting BTFO

>> No.7012981

Don't you dare throw that away nigger, keep it and use it as a cooking oil

>> No.7013021
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>Got rid of the fat

>> No.7013088

Don't have a smoker, also see >>7010764

I saved a little, I never end up using it all because I cook pork often

>> No.7013098

Poor people cant afford to own a kitchen. They dont have ovens nor the hour required to cook.

>> No.7013108

They also don't have electricity or the internet so this entire thread has been a huge lie.

>> No.7013254

>tfw rent second floor 2BR of a two family house
>pay $900 a month with utilities included and a parking space in the suburbs 20 minutes from Midtown Manhattan
>tfw landlord has no clue how to be a landlord and is too cheap to divide the utilities so they pay for both of us.

Honestly she is a good person so I limit my usage of utilities, but in winter that bitch refuses to turn on the heat so I have like 3 space heaters cranked up. But 10 hours using the oven isn't going to make a huge impact on the bill.

>> No.7014716

He already said that it costs next to nothing and that the pork would last him for the week. The other poster was being insistent that it's a waste of money, so he conceded that maybe this isn't something the extremely poor would prepare in the first place.

>> No.7016635

when i was poor I would just make pasta with olive oil and any vegetables that were on hand.

peanut butter is good for carbs

banana for potassium

also those vitamin packets, though expensive, help save you from pitfalling into deficiency from something you missed.

>> No.7017456

BBQ sandwich.
Carnitas tacos
BBQ loaded baked potatoes
BBQ pizza if willing. Can make mini ones on zucchini rounds if you prefer smaller bites.
Add in some roasted carrots and potatoes for a hearty meal.

>> No.7017486

I just did this too

Are there any recipes out there for cooked ham beyond "Sandwich" and "Split Pea Soup"?

>> No.7017737

Pernil is the shit

>> No.7018244

I'm glad I found this thread again, my supermarket is selling 8-10 lb bone in picnics for about 8 bucks on sale. Am going to grab one tomorrow and slow cook it.

If I'm using a slow cooker rather than cast iron, will I need to add liquids? I slow cook chicken before and it creates it's own juices.

>> No.7018253

It'll release a lot of liquid and fat on it's own. I usually put some beer or stock or apple juice in with it anyway though. More liquid to make gravy when it's done

>> No.7018358

Poor people really believe its the governments job to feed them. Food stamps is an assistance program to help you not take care of you. S.N.A.P stands for supplemental nutritional assistance program.

>> No.7018392

Goddamn, I wish I could find pork in Minneapolis for that cheap.

>> No.7018408

Just keep an eye out for sales.

>> No.7018609

semen . . . . . . . . . . . . animal semen