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7005201 No.7005201[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much should I tip dominoes guys? I've never had delivery, and google has no clear answers.

>> No.7005210
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$10-20 order = $3 tip
$20-30 order = $4 tip

Just keep going up a dollar for every ten spent

Source: delivered for pizza butt

>> No.7005214

>tipping delivery people
I already paid a fee to get it delivered, why should I tip?

>> No.7005216

subtle bait

>> No.7005217

>being obligated to tip

>> No.7005227

>calling unsubtle bait subtle

Now that's subtle

>> No.7005242
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I usually pay at least 5 when I tip. People are assholes and the delivery guys have a shit job. Other people probably stiff them all the time.

>> No.7005250

>tip culture
time to vote for Bernie Sanders

>> No.7005268

pizza places started itemizing delivery fees instead of hiding them in the food prices so food looks cheaper (might also be legal reasons behind this idk). As a driver I got about $0.50-1.50 of the fee depending on how far I had to drive. I was paid $7.80/hr when not on the road and like $3.80/hr when on the road.

When I first starting working at pizza hut in 2008 a large pizza with a few toppings was about $18-20. Once everyone stated doing the $10 large deals, pizza prices remained lower and the fee went up a little but overall it is still cheaper for pizza these days.

Tldr stop being a jew faggot and pick up your own pizza, better yet take an uber and pay twice as much.

>> No.7005269

I average around $2 an order and get paid shit.
You are a good person in my book if you tip $3+.

>> No.7005385

>and the delivery guys have a shit job
That's wrong as hell. My friend just got a job as a delivery guy and he fucking loves it. You literally drive around all day, listening to music and raking in tips for pretty much nothing. Not to mention cheap as fuck pizza.

>> No.7005390

I paid him 8 tip for a 22$ order because I didn't have change and was too anxious to work out how much he should pay me back for a 40 for a 4 tip so I just asked for 10 back
Whatever, these cinna sticks are fucking tasty

>> No.7005996

This is a lie. I used to work as a delivery driver. That shit is not fun. You don't drive around all day. You stand around and do 5 other jobs and deliver shit once in a blue moon.

>> No.7006020 [DELETED] 

U went 2 Google figure tip wow do u have learning

>> No.7006028

>This is what delivery drivers want you to believe
>oh woe is me! plz gib free money!

Anyone who tips a delivery driver is a fucking mug.

>> No.7006035 [DELETED] 

It's work if I don't tip your cheap+gay

>> No.7006043

$3 flat.
$5 if the weather is a little nasty.

Pizza guy pays for gas and auto maintenance out of his own pocket is the normal excuse but mainly I appreciate that of all the service industry workers who beg for cash like homeless bums, delivery guys at least have the decency to ask a specific dollar amount rather than a percentage of the bill.

>> No.7006047

I don't see why this is an issue.

I usually know how much it cost's and I only throw in a couple of quid extra.

In Britain, delivery chaps are happy to get a tip, they don't see it as a 'human right' and stand there with their hand out, like Americans (or Indians beggars on the streets of Mumbai)

>> No.7006086
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>U went 2 Google figure tip wow do u have learning disability

>> No.7006102

Depends on service. If it's snowy and they get here in under 30 minutes then like $5. If they take over an hour none.

Once I had a delivery driver take 2 hours, I shit you not. I called the restaurant after an hour and asked "where's the pizza I ordered?" And got the response "....we sent it out 40 minutes ago." They told me they'd call me back. They did promptly, said that the driver got lost but he was on his way now. I called back 30 minutes later. "Hes still no there yet, we'll call him again." He got lost again. Over a half hour after that he shows up. "Sorry it took so long man, your house is hard to find." "Yeah man, I know how hard it is to look at a map and find a main road." Then the dude just looked at the ground the whole time, wouldn't make eye contact. I checked the pizza...Not only is it cold but it's the wrong pizza. I ordered a veggie supreme, they gave me a supreme. I told him, "This is cold, it's wrong, and it's over 2 hours late, I don't want this. I'm ordering from someone else." Right after I shut the door the store manager called me back, I told him what happened and he told me, "don't order from someone else yet, give me 15 minutes." Within 15 minutes he was at my front door with the right pizza. Not only that, but the dude comped me on it, and have me a $20 credit to the store. So not only my worst/funniest experience with pizza deliveries, but also my best. I tipped the manager $5 lol.

>> No.7006110

You're full of shit. No one asks for a tip or even mentions it. You would not only not get a tip but you would get fired too. If you offer it they will take it, otherwise...

I have dealt with old cunt waitresses at diners like Perkins or Bob Evans that would sigh and act all put off when is teens would sit in their section fearing we would not tip, but believe it or not, not every American is a dried up old fat slot, at least not most of us.

>> No.7006121
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>> No.7006123 [DELETED] 

2 much 2 read

>> No.7006140

>You're full of shit. No one asks for a tip or even mentions it.

I don't mean directly begging at the door, you caucasoid, I mean in general.
You know waiters beg for 15-30% of the bill because they'll fucking call you a shitlord everywhere that isn't their workplace for bringing it up.

>> No.7006150

Improbably took you longer to respond than it took me to read it :^)

>> No.7006156

I usually tip $7 on a $13 order

But I live in NYC so that might be a little high for other places

>> No.7006165

Pretty good for four bucks

>> No.7006239 [DELETED] 

haha holy shit what a cuck

>> No.7006403

nyc here i tip $2 flat, $3-5 on crappy weather (rain, little snow, etc)

i've always assumed they get the delivery fee's so rounds out to $4 for them every time i order out

>> No.7006411


I tip delivery drivers based on how fast they bring my shit. Fastest ive gotten an order is about 15 minutes since I started this. Only works if you tip well though.

>> No.7006412


In America, tipping is considered an insult. It says to a worker, you are not getting the true value for your labor and I know it.

>> No.7006421

At least for the big 3. Cheese price went up, but they didn't want to raise pizza prices so they added delivery fee. Then when cheese prices went down delivery fee never went away.

>> No.7006426

Must have been a shitty store. I was always back on the road within 2 minutes of stepping in the door.

>> No.7006432

Sometimes delivery drivers want a bit of a percentage. That 5 bucks on a 400 dollar order really hurts.

>> No.7006449

who is this semen demon

>> No.7006932

Like I said, you are full of shit. Your post makes no sense and even doing my best to decipher it, you still sound like a jelly idiot who can't afford a few bucks to tip. And who worries about what some waiter says behind your back? You sound like a big fat pussy.

>> No.7007476

you sound like an ass

>> No.7007583

How much the food costs that's the amount you should pay the driver regardless about how fast they bring your food. If they bring it quickly you're obligated to pay them 150% the meal cost.

>> No.7007587
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The price of the food shouldn't affect the tip.

Get fucked.
Get absolutely fucked.

>> No.7007594

I can confirm this. When I worked as a delivery boy I made so much money in tips I didn't care if my pay was below minimum wage. I was always capable of buying the latest ipad and iphone when they came out. Eventually quit because I wanted to do something more with my life and also the fact the store manager used to bitch at everyone when her boyfriend didn't give her the dick. Can't blame him though, she was fat and ugly.

>> No.7007605

Yes it should.
I'm not lugging 8 god damn pizzas out to you for a $5 tip. Expect longer delivery times next time.

>> No.7007630

Oh dear, sorry you have to carry slightly more.

This is why I don't tip. All delivery guys are entitled manchildren.

>> No.7007653

What if when you call they tell you over an hour?

>> No.7007682

A couple bucks if they're not late.

I use to work as a delivery driver. I never gave a shit if I got tips or not. Most people tipped about $2.00. Some of the nicer neighborhoods tipped $3-4, with one guy who ordered 2 large pizzas every Friday night regularly tipping $5.

Also, change/coins are fucking awful, I hate them so much.

>> No.7008357


>> No.7008550

You sound like a spergy manchild tbh

>> No.7008566

Question for delivery drivers,

How would you feel if someone tipped you a beer? My roommates were always cheapskates when they ordered pizza and would get the exact total + a "road beer." I told them multiple times we could get arrested for it if the driver was under 21, but they continued doing it anyway. Never did actually get in trouble, though.

>> No.7008583

Half my coworkers were non-drinking muslims, but that probably isn't usual everywhere. Be prepared to stereotype and switch your tip at the last minute for cash.

>> No.7008595

We have a very small "dry" population here. Mostly hispanics and low/middle class whites. Occasionally some blacks.

I think the most uncanny delivery experience for me was when I was smoking with some friends, and my friend answers the door, goes to pay the guy, and the guy steps a foot into the house and asks if he can have a hit. My friend's a pretty private person, so he just declined and shut the door quickly.

>> No.7008607
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I don't see a problem here, just boycott restaurants that don't pay their employees real wages or get take out. That shouldn't be a problem for you right, faggot? Why shouldn't someone making 3 something an hour expect tips to supplement the rest of the wage they should be making in the first place?

>> No.7008610

I'd probably take it and save it for later tbh

Someone gave me a nug of weed before as a tip

>> No.7008630
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>> No.7008641

>too poor to tip

>> No.7008648

Once or twice I've had people order cigarettes. Not supposed to resell them, but they usually offer an extra 10. 5 for the smokes, 5 for the trouble.

>> No.7008650

I once delivered to a pool, and a teenage girl wrote me out a check (was the 90s) while she was writing it she squeezed her arms in and forward to display her breasts. "Sorry I don't have enough money for a tip" she said.

>> No.7008661

beer does not buy my weed.

>> No.7008674

I'm pretty surprised at the answers here to be honest. I usually tip delivery people 5-20 dollars and restaurant service staff 10-40 depending on service. Growing up my dad always used to tip the delivery guy at least 5 dollars and he was generally cheap so I figured it was normal.

>> No.7008685


Any tip under $5 seems so little for so much work. To avoid personal guilt and also not giving away my hard-earned income, I drive to Dominoes and pick it up myself (and I always do take out for other restaurants).

I feel that if you aren't going to bother tipping $5 just go fucking pick it up yourself or do take out.

>> No.7008688

shill detected

>> No.7008696
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I feel like it would be better than nothing, but I couldn't bring it back in the store with me and I'd have to hide it in the truck til I could take it home and rechill it.
So while better than nothing, a dollar would have been better.

>> No.7008704

I'm already being charged for the delivery. Drivers should be grateful to get two bucks.

>> No.7008713

Was the pizza extra "gooey"?

>> No.7008727


Nah after looking at things here I'll prolly just start tipping 5 flat. I didn't realize I was being so generous.

>> No.7008775
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Stop working at places that pay you a living wage.
Also, if you pull this shit say goodbye to your tip.

>> No.7008802

I give $5.00.

Anything is kind of petty and I have enough surplus cash.

Think of it as insurance against having your future orders tampered with.

>> No.7008872
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Pull what? I just do my job

Pretty sure it's a lot easier for you to drive your fatass to the restaurant to pick the pizza up then for the driver to "find another job"