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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 1000x563, cutthroat-kitchen-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7006533 No.7006533 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't watched food TV shows for a very long time, and the other day I came upon Cutthroat Kitchen. It's actually a really fun concept and really enjoyable.

So I was wondering, /ck/, do you have a food related or cooking show you enjoy these days? Do you prefer competition-style where the chefs are challenged or laid back shows where they showcase food and/or how to make it?

>> No.7006540

That show is fucking awful and a giant gimmick.
>dude lmao he has to cut peppers while walking on a treadmill

>> No.7006543

cutthroat kitchen is more about being a game show and a reality television show than a food show.

>> No.7006556

It's a gameshow about cooking food while being silly.

>> No.7006581

chopped>>>>>>>>>>>>cutthroat kitchen

>> No.7006744


Mind of a Chef is a great show. The Edward Lee episodes are the best while the ones with the other guy who says "umami" way too much are still good but not nearly as good. Haven't watched the one with the girl hosting.

>that katsuobushi episode

I had no idea that stuff even existed. I want it.

>> No.7006787

I only enjoy the seasonal "blah blah" baking championship or "blah blah" Wars. I reallt like Chopped Canada too.

>> No.7006807

Chopped has pornhub tier acting

>> No.7006819


If you can't appreciate someone trying and failing to cook a steak in a tin can over a stove on national television then I don't want to know you as a person.

>> No.7008564

Edward Lee was really interesting.

This show is great for showing the passion that people feel for creating food.

>> No.7008593


really this

many of the contestants are obviously not particularly good to begin with

>> No.7010848

Anybody else?

>> No.7011006
File: 500 KB, 240x214, TsHXgti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iron Chef for the secret ingredients and the strange things the judges say.

>> No.7012144

The first 1-2 seasons of Cutthroat Kitchen were better

>typical season 1 sabotages
>use a utensil for something besides its intended purpose
>use a weirder substitute for an integral ingredient

>typical sabotages in newer seasons
>you have to steam veggies in a BALL PIT because it's WAAAACKY
>you have to JUMP on a POGO STICK while you FLIP PANCAKES lol so random
>you have DO CARTWHEELS inside a PLASTIC BUBBLE while wearing a RABBIT SUIT and fuck you also there's cooking

>> No.7012185

In terms of cooking yeah but in terms of entertainment no. I liked chopped as a concept and as watch every once and a while but it falls a bit flat.

Its either
A) Some one fails to use an ingredient so hard it fucks the entire dish

B) Some one forgets an ingredient all together.

Maybe one challenge out of the three will have a decent cook off maybe.

>> No.7012233

Cutthroat Kitchen is fucking awful. The people competing on it aren't that good to begin with, but it's just plain stupid. The winners act like they got there because they're amazing cooks or something. They're just there because of luck. A guy could be the greatest chef in the world but if you make him cook risotto in a blender while standing on a trampoline or something no fucking shit he isn't going to make good food.

That's like saying "WHO IS THE BEST FIREFIGHTER???" while giving one guy a fire hose and another guy a super soaker.

Chopped is alright though. But I hate how they try to make you feel so sorry for the people who come in
>My story? Well not much, I've had 3 different cancers in the past 3 weeks. I was born with paper skin and glass bones. Every morning I wake up and break my legs. My heart attacks put me to sleep, I'm trying to put my 3 kids through Harvard by working at McDonalds
My favorite is when someone actually gets on there and tells the truth about what they're going to use the money for
>If I win the $10,000 I'll probably take a vacation with the family

>> No.7012264


>> No.7012275

>implying the whole shit isn't fucking staged and scripted
Why else would someone leave out an ingredient at least once in EVERY



>> No.7012281

because they have to think up and cook a dish in 20 minutes?

>> No.7012318
File: 39 KB, 479x317, 1389397725988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CK is fucking awful
>Chopped is alright

>> No.7012497

He's right, you fucking fish poster.

>> No.7012512

I really enjoy cutthroat kitchen.

However I can never watch it again.
Not after that one episode where they had to make gyros and everyone acted like it was an Italian sandwich, and kept insisting on its italianness.

I just... I just couldn't man.

>> No.7013498


>not getting the spongebob reference

>> No.7013671


>spongebob reference

Can there be some kind of /sperg/ board or something to contain this kind of autism? Or is this Doubleswee posting? In that case forget I said anything.

>> No.7013843

I'm missing the Iron Chef synctube sessions /ck/ used to have.

>> No.7014076

Anything Alton Brown touches is gold. Jump on that podcast, fam.

>> No.7014087

>Anything Alton Brown touches is absolute scripted garbage
> anyone that responds with "fam" is obviously gay

>> No.7014090

I'm fucking tired of "competitions". All the competitors are the fucking same idiots with their pumped up winner personas, who aren't there "to make friends"

I wince at FN now some 90% of the time..

>> No.7014120


Agreed. And even the competitons are getting worse. If you watched the old Iron Chef show (the one that was dubbed into English), or the earlier seasons of Iron Chef America: yes, it was a competition, but the focus was mainly on the cooking. And it was worth watching too--you had skilled chefs with pretty much whatever they wanted as far as ingredients and equipment on hand. The focus of the show was what an expert can do with the ingredients provided. The competitions programs now are mostly silly gimmicks and drama. Even Iron Chef America--which focused more on the food and less on the drama than things like Chopped or Cutthroat Kitchen did--started getting silly in its later seasons with the 20-minute dish and the "culinary curveball" silliness.

>> No.7014159

We watch it to watch people suffer.

As someone with HK Tv. I can say HK food/cooking shows is pomp and pretentious or outright silly. They did do a series where young models must follow the stereotype of staying in the kitchen. In our case though maybe the guy should stay in the kitchen since 3/4th of the stuff they make is barely edible and one guy had food poisoning that the show invited him as a guest for the season finale dinner. Beautiful cooking it was called

>> No.7014175

Chopped is pretty good though.

But how many different type of sodas can pop up in those picnic baskets to make it challenging.

I actually enjoy Fieri's diners show, even though I can't stand him.

>> No.7014190


The reason I don't really care for Chopped is because I don't really give a crap about the competition or the judging. What I want to see is techniques being demonstrated by experts and also to get ideas for dishes to make. The somewhat silly ingredients that show up in the baskets in Chopped might make for an interesting competition (if you're into that) but IMHO it harms the cooking aspect of it.

I don't want to see someone have a hard time because there was some weird candy in their basket. I'd rather see them demonstrate their skills in a more practical way.

>> No.7014445

I like Good Eats with Alton
The recipes he follows are always way too long winded to be practical (sear, then slow cook, then grill, then char directly on hot coals, 12 hour process for 4 servings type of shit) but I enjoy the science behind it. And he always explains why going the extra step improves flavor.

>> No.7014456

>Chopped is pretty good though.

The fucking judges make me want to beat them with hammers sometimes.

Alex Guarnawhatthefuckever is always a turbo-cunt and that one guy that always cries like a little bitch about raw onions both really piss me off.

>> No.7014472

It's a fun concept but all the footage is fake. I remember seeing a clip of an editing flub that exposed the fact that they did the cooking twice. I think it'd still be fun if they stopped trying so hard to script it and make all the chefs as big of caricatures as possible (suburban housewife cook vs a big angry military cook? LMAO). It would be nice to see less LOLRANDOM shit and more "Oh fuck how am I legitimately going to make this work" type stuff. Something that requires cooking-related skill.

>> No.7014550
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1441495349560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to think that I couldve missed out on a great tv series if i hadnt clicked this thread.

thank you.

>> No.7015285

>taking cutthroat kitchen wayy to seriously.
>thinking chopped is good.
Holy shit autismo supreme.
Ck isnt ment to be taken seriously but it is impressive that these people can pull off cooking with these handicaps

>> No.7015296

>giant gimmick

No shit retard. Do you think gimmick is a bad word? How fucked does your brain have to be to post this inane garbage?

>> No.7015302

He probably tipped his fedora and took a sip of his non gimmick, gmo free, gluten free, local aged whiskey thats also organic

>> No.7015312
File: 51 KB, 451x280, train-wreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post: pic related

>> No.7015318

>So I was wondering, /ck/, do you have a food related or cooking show you enjoy these days? Do you prefer competition-style where the chefs are challenged or laid back shows where they showcase food and/or how to make it?

I don't watch "reality" TV shows. They're way too scripted and seem like entertainment TV rather than educational.
And honestly, I don't really watch educational TV cooking shows. There's too many good videos on YT to waste my time bothering with TV shows.
These interest me more.

>> No.7015839

I love Chopped, but wish they'd outlaw certain things from being made.

>It's the dessert basket

Seriously enough with the fucking bread pudding and french toast. Get creative already, the only reason I watch the show is to get ideas for how to use random shit. I'll watch it with the girlfriend but she's useless in the kitchen anyway so that's a moot point.

>> No.7015852

That's the point. also it wouldn't be needed if actual cooking shows weren't boring as shit

>> No.7015871

His show on canned tuna where he proceeded to ask people to use bagged fancy tuna was just... no.
Fuck off Alton.
The episode was about canned tuna, and you fucking started off with saying it owuld be about canned tuna.
You fucking cunt.

>> No.7015887

>Seriously enough with the fucking bread pudding and french toast

gotcha boss, one napoleon coming up right away

>> No.7015951

ANOTHER THING about Chopped that pisses me off are the people making meal-sized portions for appetizers.

It's like what the fuck, do you not understand portions? I get that we're in America here (predom show viewers/creators) but there's enough chefs on there that I'd expect otherwise.