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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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7005929 No.7005929 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason you're supposed to eat "traditional" breakfast foods at breakfast? Why eggs, sausage, and toast?

What's wrong with meat, potatoes, and maybe some fruit? Hell, what's wrong with simply eating your dinner leftovers for breakfast, just in a smaller portion?

>> No.7005932

Because it's quick to cook, you fucking sperglord.

>> No.7005936

but heating up my dinner leftovers is quicker than frying up some eggs and making toast

>> No.7005941

I've never understood the English Breakfast because if I ate one I'd feel sluggish and shit for th rest of the day. I need sugary carbs (fruit) and grains in the morning. Breakfast is a great way to some grains into your system because it can be difficult to incorporate grains into a lunch or dinner, imo. Unless you count rice as grains.

Eat want you want m8. If you feel crap after it then eat something else next time. Personally I'd save the dinner left overs for lunch and stick with oats and fruit for breakfast.

Or invite me over for dinner and there won't be any leftovers (no homo).

>> No.7005942

But that's not a fucking set meal is it?
That's just reheated other meals.

Oh my god, please screen yourself for problems.

>> No.7005960

Eggs, sausage and bacon is not a "traditional" breakfast.
It was presented as such in th 60s by Edward Bernays.


The only traditional thing here is Amerca's willingness to be sold anything that the TV says.

>> No.7005965

I don't eat breakfast for taste but energy, hence why cornflakes, oats, porridge and the like are eaten then. At dinner I don't need energy so I eat for taste, I'll be hungry but I choose what to eat on taste. Lunch is a balance of the two.

Full English is something I have on weekends because it tastes good not for energy. It goes in the breakfast slot because it's not good enough for dinner but is quick and simple to make.

>> No.7006029

Since when is dinner not a set meal? You are literally retarded.

>> No.7006033

Get fucked, get absolutely fucked.

It's not a meal. It's the leftovers from another meal.

>> No.7006039

You are so dumb, do I really have to explain the concept of leftovers to you?

Damn son how did you even pass first grade.

>> No.7006041

You probably haven't even passed first grade. I'd be impressed if you aren't underage.

It's the leftovers from another meal. You're dragging the remainder of that meal over to a next one. When people think of breakfast meals they don't think

>eggs, bacon, oatmeal, OH AND YESTERDAYS LEFTOVERS

It's not an established meal.

>> No.7006042

I honestly don't think you believe what you are typing and just want replies because you are lonely

kind of pathetic tbh, I mean 99% of normal people would agree that leftovers can be a meal, but here you are, being autistic on a cartoon board

>> No.7006045

It's not called a meal you fuckwit. In a recipe book you're not going to have a recipe for fucking leftovers.

>typing and just want replies because you are lonely
Projecting much?
I have comfort in knowing you don't actually believe this shit.

>> No.7006057

>autism: the post

obviously I can't convince you but I take solace in the fact knowing that anyone with a brain could see that leftovers being a meal is just a simple quantity issue....and also see that you are just another edgy autist arguing for the sake of arguing because you have no life.

keep throwing /v/ tier memes around though I'm sure it will convince the crowd

>> No.7006066

It's not a quantity issue. We're talking about meals that are established as particular meals for certain times of the day.

When people think of breakfast foods, it's different than other mealtimes. This is why you can't just slap the shit from last nights dinner on the table and call it breakfast.

>> No.7006075

if I cook one meal that servers two people and eat the other serving later, its still a meal.

there is literally no arguing this, and anything else you say is just shitposting.

>> No.7006079

>breakfast autism
Well the thread certainly turned out that way. Top job.

>> No.7006082

It's not a fucking breakfast meal you autist. It's not a breakfast food.

I have to go to work now, because I'm not an autistic child. So enjoy crying by yourself.

>> No.7006104
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traditional breakfast foods do not take a long time to prepare. traditional dinner foods do. most people prefer to sleep in and not spend a lot of time preparing the first meal of the day.

there's nothing wrong with reheating leftovers for breakfast.

>> No.7006124
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Just eat whatever the fuck you want, faggot.

But don't come crawling back crying when people call you a fatass.

>> No.7006170

Dinner leftovers is for lunch, twat.

>> No.7006733

I like to throw together a quick carbonara for breakfast.

>> No.7006756


>> No.7006759

meh, the article says that americans ate toast and coffee for breakfast before that, which is still 'breakfast food'.

>> No.7006769

>What's wrong with meat

Sausage IS meat.

>potatoes, and maybe some fruit

Home fries and fresh fruit also fit into American breakfast traditions.

>> No.7006777
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>Is there any reason you're supposed to eat "traditional" breakfast foods at breakfast?

Traditional breakfast is calorie-dense, meant to be eaten very early in the morning, and meant to provide you enough energy to do physically rigorous morning tasks (so you can burn off the calories).

If you have a job that involves sitting on your ass all day and you're not gonna exercise, then lay off traditional shit and have something light.

>> No.7006794

I'll eat whatever I want for breakfast, shithead

>> No.7006817

that's why you're fat

>> No.7006875
File: 1.90 MB, 2048x1536, Steak_for_breakfast[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast steak is the brekky of kings.

>> No.7006882
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>those eggs
no, thank you

>> No.7006906

Breakfast is whatever you eat for your first meal of the day you sperg. You could have potato chips and salsa for breakfast

>> No.7006927
File: 17 KB, 260x190, gorevidal44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You could have potato chips and salsa for breakfast

How about potato chips and French onion dip?

>> No.7006936

Breakfast is virtually useless.
I live off of sub 1000 kcals a day and I do manual labour

>> No.7007822

Say that to my face fucker, not online
see what happens

>> No.7007867
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>> No.7008575

sometimes i have a ear of corn for breakfast

>> No.7008670

subtle bait

>> No.7009275

I usually have bacon, sausage, eggs, mushrooms, chopped tomatoes, blood pudding, hash browns, fried onion and fruit juice and coffee

I'm not fat, I'm tall and I work in a factory, pretty much all I do all day is move heavy pieces of metal

>> No.7009846

I just had three fried eggs and a big juicy steak for breakfast. Come at me homos.

>> No.7011377

don't tell me what to do faggot

>> No.7011528

I went and looked at the 1896 version of fannie farmer which specifically mentions "breakfast bacon" on page 210.

another version(search for breakfast menus)

and you find:

Bacon and Fried Eggs Baked Potatoes Rye Muffins


there's also a lot of reference to griddle cakes and waffles, along with rolled oats and fruits, a lot of elements of the traditional breakfast we see persisting into the 21st century. probably as meat prices drop in the 20th century you start to see people eating both sausage and bacon and eggs at the same time, but to say that that breakfast isn't traditional at all seems untrue.

>> No.7011564

No one give a shit.

>> No.7011572

I had leftover spaghetti and meatballs for breakfast this morning. I didn't know people actually thought twice about things like this. Eat whatever you want when you fucking want to. This is a perk of being an adult.

>> No.7011573

glad i clicked on this thread, the autism is high quality.

there's obviously nothing wrong with eating anything for breakfast if it works for you. there is no coherent, clear best nutritional practice for your first meal of the day. people eat meat, potatoes and fruit for breakfast in various parts of the world. there is obviously some merit to the idea that traditional breakfast foods are traditionally eaten for breakfast because they are quick to cook. however, many breakfast foods take plenty of preparation, they just store well or are prepared over the course of the evening with residual heat or whatever.

>> No.7011587

ITT: fagets calling each other fagets.

>> No.7011602


>> No.7011605

>what's wrong with simply eating your dinner leftovers for breakfast, just in a smaller portion?

Odd question since many people claim that breakfast is supposed to be the largest meal of the day. But apart from that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating dinner food for breakfast. Actually, I prefer it because I hate fucking candy breakfast like donuts and sugar syrup pancakes/waffles, etc. I don't even eat breakfast food, I just eat lunch twice.


You are a gigantic faggot retard. Dinner food is almost always much more of a meal than breakfast food. The fact that it is just being reheated does not change anything about the components of the meal. And yes, it is a meal. More of a meal than faggoty breadcakes and sugar sauce.

>> No.7011632


>You are a gigantic faggot retard. Dinner food is almost always much more of a meal than breakfast food. The fact that it is just being reheated does not change anything about the components of the meal. And yes, it is a meal.

i have no idea why people are being this retarded about that guy's post. leftovers is what you have when you take a meal that may have taken a long or short amount of time to cook out of storage, and you eat it. yes, it takes a short period of time to prepare, but it is clearly not a 'breakfast food' in the sense of something you freshly prepare, quickly, in the morning, it is a stored, pre-prepared meal.

the guy you're responding to is not saying that you can't eat leftovers for breakfast. he is simply saying that the reason traditional breakfast foods are traditional is that they are quick to prepare. this may or may not be right, but how you don't get what he's saying is completely baffling to me. are you a fucking moron?

>> No.7011711

He's saying its not a meal. It is.


>> No.7011722

It's not an established meal. It's food at a certain time of day.

I woke up and ate some doritos today, that was the first thing I ate but it was not my breakfast. I had my actual breakfast after that.


>> No.7011725

Doritos were your previous night's dinner that you reheated for breakfast today?

lol. ok, retard.

>> No.7011729


he clearly refers to it as a 'meal' in his post, he just distinguishes between a meal specifically tied to a time or purpose and leftovers, which obviously transcend the conventions of specific mealtimes.

>> No.7011745

We eat certain foods at certain times of the day. You have breakfast foods, you have dinner foods.

>> No.7011746
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>> No.7011751


I don't eat "breakfast foods". And therefore my way does not fit your mold.

>> No.7011754


you don't have to fit the 'mold', the point is that the 'mold' exists, and a thread exists asking for explanations of the 'mold', and you're chewing someone out for explaining it, you enormous pillock.

>> No.7011768

>you're chewing someone out for explaining it, you

Hardly. I only just joined the thread and submitted my input. Don't blame me if someone earlier felt the same. Also, fuck "the point" and your lack of understanding a quotation. It works like "this" not like 'this'. Fix your shit, for starters.

>> No.7011773


>Also, fuck "the point"

take a step back and think about the kind of person you want to be.

>> No.7011780

I was referring to YOUR point. And if what you are doing right now isn't what YOU want to be, then you need to take your own advice.

>> No.7011787


to be clear - there is my point, there is this guy's point: >>7005942

and there is OP's point. and you are missing all of them by ranting about how you personally eat leftovers for breakfast.

>> No.7011790

>potato chips and salsa

>> No.7011795

>how you personally eat leftovers for breakfast

Happily! Thanks for the life lessons! Bye bye.

>> No.7011847

Fruits are pretty common for breakfast, as are different cuts of meat, although they're usually cold cuts and whatnot.

Provides caffeine
provides basic starches/carbs
Protein and several nutrients
More protein, dietary fat, vitamins
>Potatoes/hash browns
Again, more starches and carbs, with the added benefit of some fiber

>> No.7013066

Spag bol for breakfast is great, makes me shit too

>> No.7013466
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Who gives a fuck, just eat whatever sounds good and is going to fill you up.

Mein breakfast

>> No.7013469

I'd scrape off the vegetables and then devour that shit tbh

>> No.7013479
File: 135 KB, 340x487, akari 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tbh fam

I don't like making many of the traditional breakfast foods, at least the meats. Things like bacon and sausage end up making me feel sluggish and hurt my tummy. I usually just stick to a bowl of rice topped with whatever I have on hand. Sometimes I'll have oatmeal and some fruit, but rice ends up keeping me full longer.

>> No.7013486

Fuck right off

>> No.7013490

What? Why?

>> No.7013495

because you're a grown man. stop watching cartoons made for little kids, and start talking like an adult.

>> No.7013500

>stop liking what I don't like

As far as the word tummy, I've always hated the word stomach so I say tummy instead. Sue me.

>> No.7013502

Putting on a wig and tucking your dick doesn't make you a woman, faggot.

>> No.7013508
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>implying I do that

>> No.7013510

Regardless, you're over the age of 18 years old and you have a penis. Talk like a man.

>inb4 but im a gril
no you're not, faggot

>> No.7013514

I don't have one.

>> No.7013516

>btw im a gril xD

stop lying on the internet for attention. it's pathetic.

>> No.7013517

But I don't. Calm your autism.

>> No.7013520

>claims to be a girl on 4chan
>isn't lying
kek, okay. you win, buddy. 10/10 troll.

>> No.7013526

I'm a stranger on the internet. Why would I lie?

>> No.7013529

so you look like less of a faggot for saying "tummy" like an 8 year old girl

>> No.7013532

We're all faggots here. Also, stop derailing the thread because my word choices trigger you're autism.

>> No.7013534

Well, the original guy who called you out on it isn't here, so I have to pick up the slack.

>> No.7013538

I often eat leftovers, cereal, or a bagel for breakfast. When I eat breakfast food, its for lunch or dinner. The only breakfast food I eat for breakfast is if its a lazy weekend morning and I have bacon and eggs, or if someone makes it for me.

>> No.7013539

You can eat whatever you want for breakfast. Who's stopping you?

Personally I'm not a fan of how greasy the typical non-cereal American breakfast is. Stuff like bacon and fried eggs and sausage and hasbrowns. It's tasty but I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack afterwards. Having a salad for breakfast is awesome and I prefer it over having a salad for dinner.

>> No.7013541


>> No.7013542

You shouldn't bully. It's mean.

>> No.7013543


>> No.7013558
File: 500 KB, 1280x1707, 1445002337581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got that right!

>> No.7013560

day of the rope when?

>> No.7013619

i get the meme xP

>> No.7013786


>> No.7014805

Of course you would, you tub of dripping fat.

>> No.7014817

not soon enough

>> No.7015990

>Scrape off the vegetables

I found the real tism'.

>> No.7016000

Is this entire thread just bitching about what's considered breakfast and what isn't?

>> No.7016361

"traditional breakfast food" varies largely by area, in other words you're a retarded autist who can't imagine a world outside your moms basement and suburb.
Eat whatever you want you oversensitive baby.

>> No.7016480

No, half of it is arguing whether leftovers can be considered a meal, the other half is arguing about the word tummy. And then there's you and me, meta-shitposters who add nothing to the thread.

>> No.7017678

You are acting like a bitch

>> No.7017712

It's literally culture that dictates what is considered 'proper' breakfast. In reality there's nothing stopping you from having last night's leftovers except the feeling that it is wrong to do so.

Also, lots of places do eat fruit for breakfast.

>> No.7017795

I had leftover pizza for breakfast once. NEVER again.

>> No.7017825

Why? Reheated breakfast pizza is god-tier.