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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 550x375, 16_carbonara_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6994214 No.6994214 [Reply] [Original]

I've been on a mission recently to find the perfect carbonara recipe. It seems every chef does it differently and it's hard to find two recipes that agree.

How do you do it /ck/?

Do you use whole eggs or just the yolk? Cream or no cream? Regular bacon or smoked? What kind of pasta do you use? What kind of cheese? Do you add anything else like peas, mushrooms, etc. or do you like to keep it simple?

Is there an objectively superior method?

I should say that I'm not that interested in what anyone thinks is 'authentic' carbonara or not - I'm mainly concerned with the taste.

>> No.6994223

>carbonara thread




>> No.6994272

Yeah by you....

>> No.6994289
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>> No.6994302

my god

>> No.6994330


>> No.6994376

1. whole eggs

2. cream is for faggots and disgusting cream users pls go

3. regular bacon in vacuum packs. I'm a student, can't afford pancetta. Also isn't regular bacon smoked?

4. any spagootle shaped pasta is good by me

5. good quality parmesan and pecorino romano, 3:1 ish ratio

6. just hella garlic

7. just a little chopped parsley

i always make more sauce than i need since i really, really, really, like this sauce. (It's all mine, my friend). Hella delicous, hella unhealthy, but then i don't eat it daily.

>> No.6994381

This is legit.

>> No.6994388

Carbonara is supposed to have cream in it you massive faggot. It is however NOT supposed to contain garlic. Fucking kill yourself you waste of oxygen.

>> No.6994406


https://wwwyoutube.com/watch?v=K-PKO2FrdPY is this u

>> No.6994425

>yet another carbonara thread

fuck carbonara, it's glorified mac & cheese

>> No.6994445

>it's glorified mac & cheese
Only because amerifats bastardized it to death.

>> No.6994455

We take delicious european recipes and perfect them. No need to thank us! Italian pizza is a cruel joke compared to american pizza for instance

>> No.6994509

Whole eggs, canadian bacon, double cream, frozen peas, mushrooms, capers and lots and lots of parmesan cheese. Delicious.

>> No.6994548

>Carbonara is supposed to have cream in it you massive faggot
no u

>> No.6994550

beat me to it

>> No.6994557

Alright, let's settle this

>> No.6994578

Your poll is retarded and so are you.

>> No.6994579
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Op, follow this video.

Seriously, this is the best way to make carbonara. It's really easy and quick, good in a pinch if you're not sure what to have for dinner.

>> No.6994582

Antonio Carluccio is a fat faggot

>> No.6994602


Why do Murricans insist on referring to 'pasta' as 'noodles' all the time? It triggers muh autism

>> No.6994608

Well, this is how you make Carbonara. Doesn't matter if the one who showed you is a "fat faggot".

>> No.6994615

That's one take on carbonara. There are many different variants.

>> No.6994645

Carbonara provokes endless butthurt but I think 100% of us can agree that this is absolutely worthless monkey garbage

>> No.6994678


>> No.6994737

why do people get mad over this? i don't get it.
whatever you're all cooking is probably delicious, but that doesn't make it a carbonara. the only acceptable recipe is guanciale or pancetta, eggs, spaghetti, pecorino or parmesan and salt and pepper.

No cream, garlic, onions, peas, mushroom or herbs.

>> No.6994789

I'll put cream in my carbonara if I want and you can't stop me

>> No.6994794

>supposed to have cream

WRONG, you raging faglord fucking idiot dirty bathtub ring bum

>> No.6994798

You're right, double cream is the way to go.

>> No.6994800

No, there's only one way to make carbonara. The others are BASTARDIZATIONS, not variants.
Fucking idiots....

>> No.6994802

Calm down there Sal

>> No.6994814

>the only acceptable recipe
According to who exactly? Who owns carbonara?

>> No.6994832
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Always use cream for carbonara. Thats how my granma used to make and everyone loves it.

>> No.6994876
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holy fuck

>> No.6995088

Mine ain't perfect but it's pretty good.

I use the whole egg, because... where would I put the whites? I guess if I made the pasta with the whites, I could save the yolks, but that's fucking weird.

- a nice cured pork product (guanciale's my preference, but not always available... boar bacon was pretty good), cut thick enough to have a moist inside as well as a crispy outside goes into the pan
- (homemade whenever possible) linguine or spaghetti (reasonably thin ribbon pasta, but still thick enough to give some chew) goes into well salted boiling water
- while that's going, I mix two eggs well, then fold in cheese and a lot of black pepper, and very thinly slice, or mash a clove of garlic
- add the garlic to the bacon, and remove from heat, wait 60 seconds
- add pasta, and roughly 1/4 cup of pasta water, stir well around the bacon grease
- add egg-cheese, and keep moving until saucy. The pan, pasta, and water should still be hot enough to coagulate the egg, but should be cool enough to keep from scrambling them.
- then I add more pepper, and maybe some dried, crushed/powdered hot pepper.

>> No.6995089

should have mentioned... romano cheese.

>> No.6995542

Carbonara elitists are fucking pathetic, cream is completely ok.

>> No.6995555
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>> No.6995560
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no u

>> No.6995845

Made a variation of this today
Used bacon instead and added in one clove of garlic.
Was delicious

>> No.6996195
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Alright, I think we are all in agreement.

Absolutely haram: cream, onion, peas, mushrooms, any non-noodle shaped pasta
Debatable inclusions: garlic, olive oil, smoked bacon
Acceptable variation: whole eggs, unsmoked bacon, parmesan instead of pecorino
Required ingredients: egg yolks, guanciale or pancetta, coarsely ground black pepper, pecorino romano

>> No.6996305

I have never been this triggered in my entire life.

>> No.6996353

whole eggs - I'm too stingy to use just the yolk because I don't cook enough with just egg whites, although yolk only is superior in taste - obviously.
no cream - useless calories, and we're talking carbonara not alfredo.
whatever bacon I've got - but I do think non-smoked is better
spaghetti - but it works with a lot of different kinds
parmesan or grana padano - everything else is heresy
no peas, no mushrooms, just pepper - it's a simple dish and should stay that way.

>> No.6996700

Parmesan should be used instead of pecorino at all times.

>> No.6997647

she burnt the garlic oh my fuckig god this is too good

>> No.6997830


>whatever you're all cooking is probably delicious, but that doesn't make it a carbonara.





>> No.6997839


Stop being a cunt, you guys are getting worse than vegans. Do you not enjoy improved recipes and always cry like a child over authenticity? Before you start screaming about Italy remember that Italy is a pretty big place and most parts of Italy have different recipes for the same foods. There is no huge "ITALIAN COMMUNIST COOKBOOK OF AUTHENTIC CUISINE APPROVED BY GREAT LEADER MUSSOLLINI"

>> No.6997881
File: 2.79 MB, 4320x2432, and wa la, the finest carbonara, authentic Italian style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The idea that REAL carbonara made by REAL Italians is NEVER made with cream is just a piece of spurious bullshit spread by arrogant Roman chefs (because that's how they usually make it there) and swallowed by insecure amateurs desperate to appear knowledgeable and cultured. There are many regional variations in Italy, some of which use cream. There isn't even a clear dividing line between what is called carbonara and the hundreds of other types of Italian pasta made using eggs, cheese and bacon.

>> No.6998131
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>> No.6998155

It's literally one of the key ingredients
If there's no bacon it's not carbonara

>> No.6998166


Just kill yourself, pancetta is pork belly and guanciale is pork cheek. If you want to be a snobby "foodie" prick at least know what you're talking about.

>> No.6998237

At least cream made the trains run on time

>> No.6998256

Pinoys cant cook, it is a fact

btw you seach "carbonara" on youtube you are gonna see some fucked up shit

>> No.6998321

Why does carbonara inspire such butthurt?

>> No.6998328

Had a flip cook for a while, can confirm

>she was literally fired and arrested for stealing

>> No.6998331


Because some people evolved and realized that eating pasta with bacon and raw eggs is not really that great, so people started adding cream and other stuff to improve the traditional dish. Some people never evolved and some people are just so stupid that they have forced themselves to think that spaghetti with raw eggs and bacon is the best thing ever. Just like some people still eat intestines and shit, completely oblivious to the fact that it was merely a survival technique of the past.

>> No.6998354

So much this

Carluccio y Contaldo 4 life fam, tbh (to be honest)

>> No.6998371
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i hope you enjoyed all your cut up hot dogs and ketchup in "stews"

>> No.6998372
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Bucatini is under appreciated but much lived by Romans. I suggest you try it!


>> No.6998375

Marco Pierre White trained Gordon Ramsay, and he uses cream.


>> No.6998376
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My theory is that people misread some recipe and started making it with whole eggs instead of just the yolks. Ending up with a gloopy undercooked mess, they started adding cream to improve the flavour and increase the richness, which is diluted by adding the whites. Forgetting to add pasta water or not putting the pasta in the sauce while it's still hot are other possible concurrent factors.

In its traditional form, it's basically a very easy dish to fuck up, and relies a lot on good timing. Adding things like cream, garlic, peas etc. transforms it into an easier, more standard pasta sauce which is less reliant on perfect timing. It also diminishes the central role of the eggs, which is helpful if you can't get super fresh ones.

Personally I don't mind a bit of cream, but, properly done, the egg yolks plus the pork fat provide all the richness you need.

Pic unrelated

>> No.6998379

then he's wrong and no amount of success will make him right
putting oil in the pan while using guanciale is redundant, guanciale has lots of fat and when it melts it releases lots of oil

>> No.6998381

>posting an advert for Knorr™ Chicken Stockpots

>> No.6998386


>> No.6998395

While I agree with the principle of what you're saying I'm just gonna have to go with the old Italian guy's culinary expertise.

Perhaps frying the guanciale too much in it's own fat will lend too much of a robust smoky and fatty flavor and instead using the more delicate flavor of extra virgin olive oil will lend a better lightness to harmonize all the flavors?

>> No.6998399


>that obvious reading off the teleprompter

>> No.6998401


marco pierre white trained gordon ramsay, and this is how he thinks jamaicans make chicken with rice and peas:



>> No.6998426

I love olive oil but too much oily fats will make your carbonara look and feel like a BP oil spill

>> No.6998501

Can I use smoked sandwich ham instead of bacon?

>> No.6998502

I honestly feel sick when I think of her cooking

>> No.6998504
File: 3 KB, 125x70, 1443641372850s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was expecting the king ja/ck/

>> No.6998509

I got carbonara from dominos today

they just put slices of what seems to be raw onions in it, like they are kinda cooked I guess but they are still white and crunchy

fucking why?

>> No.6998521
File: 36 KB, 337x411, 1445207542067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you order carbonara from dominos in the first place?

why would you order the one dish that needs to be eaten immediately from a takeaway place that is renowned for a completely different dish, and actually does it decently?

>> No.6998535

I had a coupon

>> No.6998540

Dominos carbonara is delicious you slut

>> No.6998649


What do you think of this recipe? I'm not sure about draining the panchetta fat tbh

>> No.6998651

I like my carbonara with double cream, peas, carrots and broccoli. Try and stop me fucktards

>> No.6998662

This ain't mine but I like it.

Boil spaghettoni, fry up some guanciale (or whatever salty pork i have if its not a big occasion) in olive oil, add cooked spaghettoni to pork, then pour in a mixture of eggs, parmesan, and pepper to the pasta while its still hot to coat everything. First add the pasta to the guanciale, then add that to the egg in a bowl, otherwise the pan dries the shit out of the eggs and they dont have that creamy texture.

>> No.6998674

The guanciale is fatty enough, there is no need for olive oil.

>> No.6998700

if i don't have bacon i throw in some cut up franks

>> No.6998727


Fat draining is a meme.

People hear that its called fat and assume that it'll make them obese if they eat it.

As for the recipe, its weird. I've never seen someone just use the yolks, I assume its an anti idiot recipe for people who keep scrambling the eggs but I might try it some day to see what thats about.

Also don't use just parmesean, use a mix of Pecorino and Parmesean, its just so much better.

>> No.6998825

Why would you use whites? They're gloopy and completely tasteless. We only eat whites (like in fried eggs) when they're cooked and seasoned to fuck. In carbonara the only thing they'll give you is a disgusting gelatinous texture. All they do in a carbonara is prevent the yolks from cooking properly by drowning them in their disgusting slimy mass.

If you rely on the whites to give the sauce moisture then I guarantee that adding the starchy pasta water or even fucking cream will serve you better

>> No.6999664

wow who cares, get fucked

>> No.6999692

how hard can it be to google a word to spell check it before using it

>> No.6999699

truth is, for like half a kg of pasta, you use 3 egg reds and 1 whole egg

end of the story

>> No.6999702

>end of the story
Says who? I'll use three whole eggs if I like you fucking faggot.

>> No.6999791

Take guangiale/pancetta and let it cook in a pan.
Meanwhile cook your bucatini for about a minute less than what their cooking time says.
In a bowl mix an amount of eggs with some salt and pepper equal to the amount of servings of pasta + one (Two people eating = three eggs)
When the bucatini are done drop them in the pan with the pork product to let them absorb flavour.
Pour the bucatini in a bowl and put the egg mixture on top, mix for a while.
If you want you can put grated cheese on top


>> No.6999792

>not using carbon

>> No.6999793
File: 95 KB, 960x720, 12108904_10204569008657973_359026365100471699_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy bacon
shred it up with a penknife
put it in a pot over your camping stove with some water, render
throw in broken up spaghetti
pour in seasoned water just to cover and stir to absorb
fold in eggs off heat
WA LA now climb a mountain

>> No.6999803

>cook spaghetti al dente
>fry up guanciale (starting with a cold pan)
>drain spaghetti (keeping a little bit of the cooking water)
>mix egg yolk into spaghetti
>mix guanciale into spaghetti
>mix parmesan or pecorino into spaghetti
>season with lots of black pepper

there you go

>> No.6999805

It's better with cream tbh

>> No.6999808

>putting bacon into your carbonara
i want this meme to die

>> No.6999811

its not bacon idiot
is pancetta mostly

>> No.6999955

Pancetta and guanciale are types of bacon you pretentious fuck

>> No.6999976

>I'm a fucking retard
Fixed that post for you.

>> No.7000360


>> No.7000379

The way I do it is:
cook up some pasta
meanwhile make the sauce, 2 eggs p.p. and rasp some parmezan and of course stir
that's like all there is to making the sauce
after that just bake some bacon/pancetta and add it to the sauce
when pasta is cooked al dente, wait a sec for it to cool off, if you add the pasta to your sauce immediately, your eggs will fry because of the heat
stir again and voila

>> No.7000410

It's better with cream.

>> No.7000512
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>> No.7001165

Is carbonara a meme food?

>> No.7001544

fat faggots are the best cooks.

proof me wrong.

>> No.7001549

well, ja/ck/

>> No.7001643


So I tried just using yokes tonight and I don't really like it.

It is indeed a bit safer, I was able to put the it into a hot pan and get it mixed with the pasta + bacon easily and without it ruining, but it made the noodles unbearably sticky. They would get stuck in my throat and become really uncomfortable. it just didn't feel like a suace, it just felt like sticky noodles.

I think what >>6999699 suggests is probably the best way to do it, will again on saturday probably.

>> No.7001648

You forgot the black pepper. Its a must

>> No.7001689

If it's too sticky, you should add some of the pasta water. Although I do agree that using yolk only would be too rich

>> No.7001896

SECONDED! My wife is Italian and she approved this video. I love carbonara that way!

>> No.7002794

The very definition of a fat faggot indeed.

>> No.7002811

You wouldn't know, flyover.

>> No.7002814

Yea, no shit. The name carbonara referrs to the black pepper which should be heavily used. carbonara referrs to coal

>> No.7002939

Alright, just doing this because the smell of russtled jimmies is even sweeter than the smell of grandma's apple pie

I made the "classic" carbonara, it was breddy gud, my brother, however decided to smother it in ketchup
I. Did. Not. Fucking. Flinch.
You know why? Because of people like you

>> No.7003030

I only use the yolk. Regular bacon, and lots of it. Your bacon can easily become a rare occurrence in your carbonara if you're cooking for +2 people. Fresh pasta, and lots of cream. I don't like cheese in or on my carbonara, sue me.

>> No.7003069

Eggs, cheese, cream and bacon grease? I'm so turned off by fat these days that it honestly sounds really disgusting.

>> No.7003071

Sounds delicious fam

>> No.7003186
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As italian i would say:
Guanciale is halal (pancetta is quite haram)
Bacon smoked bacon pre diced sweet bacon is totally haram
whole eggs is halal (1 or 1.5 eggs per person)
garlic peas mushroom haram
cream is haram ( when you die you'll go to hell)
long pasta of durum wheat flour halal (spaghetti are the best, linguine, spaghetti chitarra ) also other types of pasta is ok but are for losers
parmesan and pecorino halal (ratio by choise)
salt + black pepper halal

>> No.7003196

So like, does it taste like breakfast? Is it essentially breakfast spaghetti?

>> No.7003206

i never saw it from this perspective
you could eat it with a cappuccino

>> No.7003222

As a certified pureblood Italian Carbonara Imam and High Cooking Dervish I approve of this recepy.
This is indeed Halal.


Do not forget to use some of the water you used to cook the pasta when you whip up the sauce, it will make the cream's texture a delight for your mouth.

>> No.7003315

Informative post

>> No.7003663

Nobody cares, fuck off

>> No.7004254

Thats fucking scrambled eggs with pasta

>> No.7004357

Kek, I just made myself carbonara for dinner. It's one of my can't-be-fucked-to-go-to-the-shops dishes, as I always have some kind of bacon, eggs, parmesan and spaghetti in the house. Anyway, my recipe is much the same as a lot of the 'authentic' ones:

>cook pig flesh until all the fat has rendered out
>boil spaghetti (I actually use a kind of linguine)
>beat a couple of egg yolks with loads of pepper and plenty of parmesan
>add a little of the pasta water to the eggs to temper them
>chuck the pasta in with the bacon and stir thoroughly to coat it with the fat
>add to the egg mix

It's about as simple as it gets, and fucking delicious. Pissing about with other ingredients doesn't improve the flavour at all.

>> No.7004364

Cream does improve the flavor and texture substantially.

>> No.7004369


I've done it with and without, you're wrong. Chances are you're just incapable of getting it right without, and the cream is a crutch for your shitty cooking skills.

>> No.7004373

this, except some slight differences

1. Yolks. Not whole eggs. You want creaminess.

2. Ideally guanciale (unsmoked face bacon). I prefer bacon over pancetta if you can't get guanciale. Some people prefer pancetta. Bacon makes it smokey (duh)

3. No garlic. NO NO NO.

4. After you've cooked the bacon, add white wine and boil off the alcohol.

5. Add everything together, in a bowl, add hot pasta (this cooks the eggs)

>> No.7004474

Wine has no place in carbonara you cunt

>> No.7004542

I'm making this tomorrow, how do I not fuck up?

>> No.7004555

I follow the James May recipe

>> No.7004562

Can someone explain why it's wrong to put garlic in carbonara? Pork goes well with garlic. Eggs go well with garlic. Seems like a pretty obvious addition to me

>> No.7004600


its just from the purist standpoint

i've done both and enjoy it either way

>> No.7004610

it's not carbonara if you put garlic in

if you put garlic in it's something else

>> No.7004615
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>it's not carbonara if

Stopped reading there. Why does carbonara inspire such aggressive autism?

>> No.7004623

>muh authenticity
About what I was expecting. Anyone have a reason that isn't pure, unadulterated bullshit?

>> No.7004703

I was with you until adding wine.

>> No.7004839

Hard to get good heat control on a camping stove.. although he definitely should have tempered his eggs.

>> No.7005865

this might actually be the GOAT recipe

>no gloopy egg white
>no cream
>pasta water if it gets too thick

>> No.7005902


Fry up some chopped up bacon in a pan, add onions and garlic and deglaze the browns bits with the onion juice (optionally with some white wine if the onions aren't enough) and pour in as much cream as you feel like

season with salt, thyme and pepper, serve with spaghetti

>> No.7006049


>> No.7006429

Lots of cream, lots of bacon, about half a diced onion, no pepper

>> No.7006434

and parsley

>> No.7006835

How does the egg cook? The spaghetti heats it enough?

>> No.7007092


It doesn't. Unless you mess it it up.

>> No.7007128

what's a good salad to serve with carbonara?

All this shitposting I've been doing has given me a craving for carbonara but I'm not sure how to make the meal complete. Bread, wine, salad is obvious, I want to keep it simple but I want to bring in flavors good enough that I'd eat the salad on its own so I can load up on that after I'm done being a fag about enjoying my meal.

>> No.7007150

So are you just using the pasta heat to warm the egg or something?

>> No.7007151

Why are you so angry over something that doesn't affect you?

>> No.7007184
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>Do you use whole eggs or just the yolk?

One whole and one extra yolk

> Cream or no cream?

"Cream is not commonly used in this dish."

>Regular bacon or smoked?

Guanciale if you can find it. Pancetta if you can find it. Put a scorch on it.

>What kind of pasta do you use? What kind of cheese?

Parmigiano Reggiano. There is no other.

"Spaghetti is usually used as the pasta; however, fettuccine, rigatoni, linguine or bucatini can also be used."

>Do you add anything else like peas, mushrooms, etc. or do you like to keep it simple?

Don't get kinky with food.

>> No.7007187

Yolk, cream, parmesan, regular organic bacon (tastes way better, non-organic is filled with preservatives and shit), and zuchinni fried with the bacon. Ties it together real well. Oh, and a ton of black peppar of course

>> No.7007253


Yes, but you don't want it to get so hot that it .. uh. coagulates (? sry, not my 1st language). The egg should be raw basically.

>> No.7007256


you're drunk, bitch

>> No.7007271
File: 38 KB, 240x200, Disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot dogs
>mushroom soup
>rinsing the pasta in cold water after cooking
>a LITRE of water in the sauce
>slices of cheese

Good fucking god what is wrong with some people

>> No.7007423


Yeah. What he said.

>> No.7007439 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 500x400, ssw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genious. i bet the director of this video is a guy over 30 wit han IQ of over 150.

>> No.7007552

I made rice carbonara once, surprisingly delicious.

>> No.7007581

If I make it without meat it will suck right. The shops are too far away and I want some. Could I add smoked salt to pretend.

>> No.7007697
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>> No.7007702 [DELETED] 

thats the least shitpost i have ever trichinosis

>> No.7007710
File: 64 KB, 606x508, anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very upset

>> No.7007729

>tfw I make Fettucini carbonara

Adding cream or peas would be wrong, though. If I wanted to do that I'd be obliged to add cognac and skip the eggs and have pasta in a cognac cream sauce.

>> No.7007758


This one is good

>> No.7007776
File: 10 KB, 460x244, GLU2ddddd_chorizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use chorizo instead of bacon, come at me

>> No.7007785

I fry the bacon in chorizo fat, the cream absorbs a lot of the delicious flavor later, it's so fucking good.

>> No.7007901 [DELETED] 

did you ever tried adding corn? it's soo good!

>> No.7007913

Weird as that is, I can kind of see it working.
Did this once. It was amazing

>> No.7007935

I got drunk last night and tried to make carbonara, made a huge mess in my kitchen and added to much pasta water and ended up with parmesan flavoured noodle soup.

>> No.7007982


>> No.7008633


>> No.7008881

Is carbonara supposed to be EXTREMELY thick?

I just tried making it using Anthony Carlucio's recipe and while it's tasty, it's so thick that it's difficult to pick up with a fork... I end up picking up half the bowl full of spaghetti with just one or two spins of the fork. I think I should have used fewer egg yolks or more olive oil.

>> No.7008910
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Also, I suppose I should post a pic.

This is how my carbonara came out.

Does it look halal?

>> No.7008952

You're supposed to add pasta water

>> No.7008974

Looks pretty thick, but I always have the same problem. I know that purists say no cream, but maybe that'd sort it out?

>> No.7008987

This. The first time I made carbonara, I didn't add any pasta water. Also, add one more egg than the recipe calls for. I find it makes the sauce richer and more smooth. But that's just me!

>> No.7009010

You got it backwards friendo.

>> No.7009826

Pecorino is way too salty.

>> No.7010326

Then use less of it. It still has a better flavor than Parmesan

>> No.7010351

I put chicken through my carbonara, aswell as bacon

fight me

>> No.7010365


>> No.7010372
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>Regular bacon or smoked?
Not using Pancetta

>> No.7010378

>not using guanciale like you're supposed to

>> No.7010381

What's with all the memeing?
This looks like one of the easiest dishes in the world even a kid could make it

>> No.7010385


Most recommend a bit of the pasta cooking water into it to water it down

>> No.7010392

Panchetta is a variety of bacon, smartarse

>> No.7010399

Nah, this is better.


Better recipe with garlic and a bit of pasta water for the sauce.

>> No.7010407

No cream, no care.

>> No.7010408

Jesus fucking Christ. The ham triggered me worse than the milk.

>> No.7010453

They do it BECAUSE even a child can make it. They can't make anything genuinely difficult or impressive so they get snobby about the few things they're able to make so they can pretend they're still somehow superior. Just like they do with chili and steak.

>> No.7010468

i'm going to use ramen in my carbonara.

because I'm a student and ramen is student food

>> No.7010471

Enjoy your disappointing meal.

>> No.7010480

Why? Dried pasta is incredibly cheap

>> No.7010521

I like to make it with low fat milk or only egg whites because cream is too fatty and egg yolks contain cholesterol.

>> No.7010557

Same. I also use whole grain pasta and low fat turkey ham.

>> No.7010901


i like it when the eggs curdle a bit. actually most of the people i know like it that way. including a lot of italians, even romans. i have no idea why /ck/ is so autistic about this shit it's just a template.

>> No.7010946
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>cream is completely unnecessary
fix'd 4 u

>> No.7012115

Nah, it's really good bro

>> No.7012478


So I re-tried making this tonight. The pasta water did indeed make all the difference in the world. Thanks for the advice anons, I now have a new delicious dish that I think I'm going to be making fairly regularly.

>> No.7012740
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Did you take a pic?

>> No.7013464

You are a genius!

BTW, in ITA we have many variations and everyday we use what we hav in our kitchen.
Try pecorino from sardinia, from sicily or a aged and dry ricotta.
Cream is a thin that many do-but-don't-tell.
Our italian actor, amateur cook and gourmet (and comedy genius) Ugo Tognazzi once said he used cream (panna) to make the egg richer. (can't find source but he used to author some cookbook). just remember that cream dilutes egg and prevent it's cooking (purists suggests to not sautè the pasta with the guanciale/pancetta and to rapidly wash the pasta to cool it and to make the egg stick better). it's not hard to find in italy professional variation like sze-chuan pepper, hot pepper, garlic, powdered yolk or stuff like this. (once in your life i suggest you to taste the 120months aged parmigiano reggiano). Both purist and improvised versions are well accepted here...and also: once in italy stay away from "tourist trap" restaurants..."nonnas" may be a little dirty and odd about recipes but they can sure cook a great carbosomething

>> No.7013467
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just what the fuck is this shit

>> No.7014754

How sad.

>> No.7015779

fuck off

>> No.7016035

there is, however, the Accademia Italiana della Cucina

>> No.7016041

wow who cares, go choke on a cock

>> No.7016052

someone is mad for getting called out

>> No.7018110

Leeks are a surprisingly good addition, just don't overdo it.

>> No.7019259

How about chives?

>> No.7019296

Daily reminder carbonara is shit and Alfredo is the superior one.

>> No.7019307

Alfredo with a ton of applewood smoked bacon is delicious

>> No.7019358

I use Spaghetti normally but any pasta will do
3-4 Eggs, depending on how many people you want to serve.
Cream, Paprika(don't kill me), chopped onions, parmesan cheese, and bacon.
Cook the bacon and onion together in a pan, in a separate bowl mix the paprika (just a pinch of it), cream, cheese and egg yolks together. Once the onions and bacon is done, add the sauce to the pan. The fat from the cooked bacon makes the sauce sooo good. Once your pasta is finished cooking, drain it and quickly add the sauce to the pasta so the egg can cook from the heat. Add salt and pepper according to your taste. Don't judge this recipe or me without trying it first.

>> No.7020187

Paprika sounds pretty good actually, gonna have to try that.

>> No.7021974

So much this

>> No.7023373

Why don't you learn from always superior Japanese chefs?

>> No.7024343

fuck off weeb

>> No.7026513

Do you even realize what imageboard you're on?

>> No.7028097

triggered as fuck

>> No.7028162


>> No.7029133
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Gonna have me some carbonara for dinner :)

>> No.7029142
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Wa la!

>> No.7029147

>undercooked bacon

>> No.7029153
File: 105 KB, 272x335, 1020-246046-product_suce_lfredo_272x335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boil a bunch of spaghetti
Mix up white sauce with water and butter, add salt and pepper to taste
Fry up a pack of bacon until crisp and cumble it
Drain pasta and dump sauce and bacon in it
Stir it up
Serve with a can of parmesan and toast


>> No.7029181

That's how I like my carbonara bacon, I like it crispy with my morning breakfast.

>> No.7029258

Reposting my recipe from old thread. I tried out lots of recipes and tried to combine the best bits from all of them


>Panchetta or guanciale, diced
>Pasta: spaghetti is traditional but I use penne rigatoni as it holds the sauce better and is easier to eat
>3 egg yolks per person, no whites
>Parmigiano Reggiano
>Pecorino Romano (you can leave this out if you can't be bothered)
>Dry white wine
>Salt and pepper


>Fry the pork in the pan without oil. Bring it up from a low heat to allow the fat to render. When cooked to your liking add a small amount of dry white wine and allow to evaporate
>Whisk the egg yolks with equal parts grated parmesan and pecorino. Don't add too much cheese or the sauce will be too thick. You can add more cheese after serving if need be. Add pepper, but no salt. The salt is in the cheese
>Boil the pasta in salted water. Drain when al dente and reserve the cooking water
>These three steps can be done concurrently. The tricky thing is bringing them all together
>Transfer the cooked pasta to the pork pan, while it's all still piping hot. Quickly coat the pasta with the oil and then transfer the contents of the pan to the egg mix. If it's too hot don't add it all at once. You want the egg to cook but not to scramble. Add some of the hot pasta water until you have the right consistency. It shouldn't be too thick
>Once mixed, serve and add extra pepper and parmesan to taste. Traditionally the dish is very peppery, but you don't have to add too much if you don't want to

Wa la

>> No.7029286
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Does this carbonara look 'right' to you cu/ck/s?

I thought it looked too liquidy compared to the pics of carbonara I saw online.

>> No.7029353
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looks sad, watery and what looks like curdled egg in between at the same time, how did you do that? baka desu sempai

>> No.7029358

American here and I've never seen pasta referred to as noodles unless it was like.. Japanese noodles. I've seen it posted before but assumed it was like a European thing.

>> No.7029359

>tfw got the technique down but can't afford guanciale or pecorino romano so i just use plain bacon and "parmesan"

feels bland

>> No.7029363

>baka desu

hah, a new filter?

>> No.7029470

That's not curdled egg, it's specks of bacon grease I think

>> No.7029597

This thread has made me eat Cabonara twice this week. Observations: cream not needed. Garlic definitely lifts it.

>> No.7029662

Well at least is not mc shills

>> No.7029935

Does anyone know how to get rid of the halloween theme?

>> No.7029942

Use cream, egg yolks, penne pasta. Season with thyme. Try courgettes and pancetta, or chorizo and mushroom.

Trust me.

>> No.7029953

Cook pasta, I personally hate spaghetti because it's so thin, so I use fettucine or linguine. Fuck the inevitable butthurt fags who will be triggered by this

Add your bacon to a pan with butter and aromatics. Saute for a bit. I use applewood smoked bacon because pancetta is kinda expensive. For aromatics, I use onions, leeks, and sometimes some garlic but I hate garlic so not much.

Crack an egg, separate the yolk. Beat the yolk with some black pepper. Add the aromatics and bacon. Beat quickly.

Add to a pan or mixing bowl. Add the cooked pasta and just a little bit of the hot pasta water. Stir quickly, but not for long. You don't want the pasta to cook the egg.

After stirring to coat, place it on the plate. Top with some Parmesan or cheese of your choice.


>> No.7030598

what are you taliking about?

>> No.7030659
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>> No.7031108

What the fuck is that?

>> No.7031434


I actually like bacon though. I prefer guanciale to bacon, but bacon to pancetta.

>> No.7031503
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I'm butthurt you hate garlic. fUCKING VAMPIRE.

>> No.7032081

>supposed to have cream

No, its a roman egg based dish you waste of space.

>> No.7032222


I think this video is a great starting point for a basic carbonara recipe.


Personally I do use Pancetta and sometimes whisk a bit of cream (not too much though) under the eggs before adding them.

You can also choose to only use the egg yellows.

I also tend to add some kind of vegetable like courgettes.

>> No.7032363

>Carbonara is supposed to have cream

Go fucking die

t. Italian

NO fucking cream
NO fucking onion
NO fucking garlic

How hard can it fucking be? It's one of the simplest fucking pasta dishes you can make.

>> No.7032371

I agree with no cream or onion.

But I like garlic in my carbonara. I don't give a fuck if it deeply offends your Italian ancestry. It tastes good and I'll continue to put it in my carbonara.

>> No.7032387

You're free to put fucking spraycan cheese on it if you want, just as long as you don't try to pass it off as real Carbonara. Real one does not include garlic, if you then prefer it with garlic that's up to you, just as long as you know you're deviating from the original recipe and don't go around parading Carbonara with garlic as the original correct recipe.

>your Italian ancestry
>implying I'm some American guido going muh ancestry and not an actual pastanigger

>> No.7032389

Kill yourself

>> No.7032411

This dude knows


>> No.7032416


Stop the trolling, no one gives a fuck about 'real' carbonara. It's a truck drivers dish ffs.

>> No.7032420

Nobody cares about your fat old italian fossil dad.

>> No.7032433

having a bad day?

>> No.7032462

no u

>> No.7033389

Only time I've tried carbonara without cream it was dry and powdery

>> No.7033438

Bacon, Egg yolks, Cream, Spaghetti, Loads of black pepper, Parmesan to tase.

Works for me!

>> No.7033448

Some fresh dill works wonders.

>> No.7035258

Carbonara is overrated.

>> No.7035368
File: 75 KB, 537x534, 1445661024261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-fry guanciale (or bacon if you're a normo whatever) in some nice oil
-cool pan a little
-boil spaghetti pre al dente
-pour spaghetti into pan so it cooks to al dente
-mix egg yokes with a little parmesan and pepper then add
-heat through and make sure the pan isn't hot so you don't scramble the eggs.
-add a little black pepper and grated parmesan to garnish

wow was that hard?

Why do people try and do a ton of random shit to it? It's a really simple N. Italian dish.
NEVER put garlic in it
NEVER put cream in it
NEVER put random shit in it for no reason

>> No.7035378

>NEVER put garlic in it
>NEVER put cream in it
>NEVER put random shit in it for no reason
Wow, really? I'll put whatever I want in my carbonara you elitist faggot.

>> No.7035388

it's not bad with cream but it tends to get too heavy I think the original recipe is without cream.
more important: use good bacon not that cube sliced shit and use a shitton of black pepper carbonara means coal so without pepper it's shit. I put at least a table spoon of black pepper in that shit fckn godlike

>> No.7035390
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>"Hey anon can you pour me a Gin and Tonic?"
>"yeah sure.. lets see, bit of gin.. some tonic... a slosh of beer... a bit of single malt, ahh and who could forget the port? here you go!"
>"what the fuck dude? that's not a G+T"
>"WAHH WAHH U R elitist!!"

>> No.7035391

I mean like carbonara is without cream, with cream it would be carbonara con crema which is still pretty good as long as you put a retarded amount of pepper in it

>> No.7035410


there's obviously a distinction between making a thing and making a variation of that thing, clinging to the idea that any variation is a bastardisation of its essential nature is for lame-os.

>> No.7035412

food network, pls go

>> No.7035483

> fry bacon, drain most of the grease
> boil spaghetti
> whisk eggs
> put it all in the bacon pan
> add cheese and pepper


>> No.7035493

A splash of warm cream to even out the smoothness and we're talking.

>> No.7035674

I like putting cream in my carbonara and I always get complements from the guests on how mine is better than the real thing.

>> No.7035684

That's what pasta water is for

>> No.7035686


or cream

>> No.7035688

Or cream.

>> No.7035916

haha what a faggot

>> No.7035930

I omit cream, not due to the fact that its "traditional" or anything like that.

Its simply cheaper and can be the difference between it being an every day not super duper unhealthy and a "special" meal.

However, to keep it an "every day" meal, this also means I use quite a lean cut of bacon.

>> No.7035968

Sounds good. I prefer tagliatelle for the same reason. Substitute it for spaghetti in most recipes as it holds sauce much better.

>> No.7035988


>> No.7036012

Cream is superior.

>> No.7036678
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Real cabonara is the one from the knorr bag

No cream, no bacon

just water

>> No.7036831

jesus christ this bitch needs to clean her fucking stove

i want to keep on getting mad but there's just too much, the cheese, the oil in the water, it just goes on and on, i don't think she did a single thing right

lol the way the guy's eyebrows kept on jumping when he tried it you could just tell he was thinking "if she thinks I don't like it she won't fuck me, lie lie lie"

>> No.7036881

i feel this feel

>> No.7037158
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>> No.7037205

This video, though doesn't need to be specific with ingredients. Serious amounts of butthurt over Carbonara tf is wrong with you cunts?

Substitute what you have / can afford, smoked bacon is fine chopped up. I've been making this for years and i prefer just the yolk, add cooked pasta and and chopped bacon bits to bowl with the egg yolks in and just keep stirring, not too hot else it scrambles, keep it moving. Use some of the pasta water to loosen the sauce if you like, parmesan makes a difference here, add peas to it if you like it's your pref, add a good amount of pepper, job done.

>> No.7037705
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>wa la

>> No.7037710

did u cum into your carbonara or something god damn

>> No.7038013


>> No.7038057

1 pound of spaghetti
2-3 pounds water
panchetta/lardo/guanciale/unsmoked bacon
2 eggs

1. Place water in a large pot and salt. Place on high heat to boil.
2. While it boils, chop pork product of choice into tiny bits.
3. Render out the fat in a pan over medium-low heat.
4. You want roughly two tablespoons worth of fat from your efforts - discard any extra. Pour your fat into a measuring cup and set aside.
5. Place spaghetti into boiling water. Lower heat slightly.
6. While the pasta cooks, grate cheese to taste and place it with the eggs into a separate vessel and beat vigorously. Add pepper to taste.
7. When spaghetti is al dente, reserve half a cup of pasta water and drain, placing the pasta in your serving vessel.
8. Toss hot pork fat/product into the spaghetti into well-incorporated.
9. Begin to stir the pasta vigorously, and pour the egg mixture over the hot pasta and fat. Do not stop stirring into eggs thicken and turn creamy.
10. If the sauce looks dry, add half a teaspoon of pasta water at a time and mix until sauce is creamy and moist.

It's not hard.

>> No.7038611

Eggs, fancier bacon variety, onions, leeks, cream, parmesan. I like it with elbow macaroni because it soaks up so much of the goodness.

>> No.7038815


>tum blr

>> No.7038818

What's a good use for the egg whites if you only use the yellow stuff for carbonara?

>> No.7038934
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RATE my carbonara, /ck/

>> No.7038964

coagulated semen/10

>> No.7038975

looks nice, method?

>> No.7038984

>yellow stuff
why am i laughing

>> No.7039003

Whole eggs, no cream, FOR FUCKS SAKE NOT SMOKED HOLY FUCK, THAT SHIT IS DANGEROUS, as a food chemist, the curing salt on smoked meats is transformed to a very strong carcinogen under high temperatures, extremely unhealthy and unsmoked bacon is just as good.
These things should be set in stone, I wouldn't use any flavorful veggies, mushrooms might be fine, but I've never used them, rather have them on the side in some salad.

>> No.7039007

Fatty pork belly is what I'd use, not bacon in strips, also forgot to mention leeks/spring onions

>> No.7039014


Smoked vs unsmoked has nothing to do with whether or not there are nitrates/nitrites added. What you need to look for is how the meat was cured. And in fact, it's more likely that bacon cured without the use of sodium nitrate/nitrite would be smoked, since the smoking process acts as a natural preservative which is important if the nitrates are left out.

>> No.7039216

I might have generalized for purpose of effect, but where I live (in Austria), I guess in accordance to local tastes, Speck is smoked and cured with Pökelsalz (nitrates) 95% of the time and the only uncured ones are specified as Bratspeck, which is never smoked or the option I listed above; fatty pork belly.

So, yes while not always true, the rule of thumb for me is not to fry smoked bacon

>> No.7039400

What difference does the egg white make in your carbonara?

>> No.7039421

>see carbona threads for 2 weeks
>Suddenly want to eat carbonara
>Check fridge
>no guanciale, no smoked italian meats
>no bacon, only bacon grease
>let's try cubed hot dogs fried in bacon grease
>add peas because /ck/ says why not
>not bad, but not carbonara, better than mac and cheese

fuck your elitist carbonara /ck/

>> No.7039427

That sounds deliciously unhealthy. Would eat, but it would trigger me if somebody called it carbonara.

>> No.7039440


>> No.7039476


The egg white screws with the texture. You know how the egg white sets up firm when you fry an egg? You don't want that in your carbonara.

>> No.7039569

Well that was not about the food at all.

>> No.7039576


>> No.7039904

It was good, but no carbonara.

elitist carbonara made with guanciale, spaghettoni and peccorino romano.

hick carbonara: hotdogs fried in bacon grease, peas and pramesan.

>> No.7039987

Learn from a real Italian

>> No.7040038
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>just needed the pic from link

>> No.7040041

Good recipe, although I wouldn't use egg whites. What's the point? They're tasteless and have a horrible texture. Use pasta water if the yolk + cheese sauce is too thick

>> No.7040085


wow im so sorry for making this food better

i am deeply regretful of its superiority

>> No.7040410

Thanks for posting this for the 11th time, nobody cares

>> No.7040460

These threads gave me cancer and food sickness and now I'm dead. Fukking faggots

>> No.7040480

Aren't both guanciale and pancetta cured?

>> No.7040520


How about developing the perfect carbonara recipe for yourself?

Are you trying to cook, or make food from a box and label, where the box is spread across a store, and the label is on your phone?

>> No.7040600
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>where would I put the whites?
>I guess if I made the pasta with the whites, I could save the yolks, but that's fucking weird
>(homemade whenever possible) linguine or spaghetti

>> No.7040767

>I use the whole egg, because... where would I put the whites?
Wherever you want, just not in the pasta

>> No.7040776

Whats the difference between spaghetti and carbonara?

>> No.7040786

I love garlic, but carbonara is a very eggy dish and garlic overpowers the taste of the egg.

I mean, you wouldn't add garlic to eggs benedict right? Same concept here

>> No.7040789

I would. I fucking love garlic.

>> No.7040798

>I mean, you wouldn't add garlic to eggs benedict right? Same concept here
Sure, why not.

>> No.7040854

I like this recipe

>> No.7041060

I didn't know carbonara can bring this level of devastation amongst /co/cks.

Protip: Italy is a big place and each region has her own ways of cooking carbonara, some even with cream.

>> No.7041237

Carbonara is from Lazio and the recipe never included cream.

>> No.7041262

Carbonara is just pretentious Alfredo sauce

>> No.7041270

why did she fukin rinse it

>> No.7041275



If you don't rinse pasta it sticks together.

>> No.7041643
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what? no it doesn't

>> No.7041665

Most people don't want to waste time and money and eat shit food a load if times before they get it right. Who the fuck do you think you are? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.7041952

>but it made the noodles unbearably sticky. They would get stuck in my throat and become really uncomfortable. it just didn't feel like a suace, it just felt like sticky noodles.

That's why you add pasta water and more importantly cream to wetten the noodle.