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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 460x345, recipe17[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6994283 No.6994283 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your carbonara, /ck/?

Here's an interesting recipe that I found

1 12-ounce can SPAM® Classic, diced
1/4 cup fresh sage, finely chopped
1 cup frozen green peas
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 16-ounce package pasta, cooked and drained
1 pinch pepper, or to taste
1 pinch salt-free Mexican or Southwest seasoning, or to taste
3 cups whipping cream
1/4 cup white wine


Heat sauté pan over medium heat. Add SPAM® Classic; sauté until lightly golden brown. Add sage; sauté 1 minute or until crispy.

Add wine to deglaze pan. Stir in cream; cook 2 minutes.

Stir pasta into pan; cook 3 minutes or until sauce is thickened. Stir in peas. Sprinkle with lemon juice, salt-free seasoning and pepper.

>> No.6994290


>> No.6994297

Stopped reading there.

>> No.6994301
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I prefer this recipe


>> No.6994312

I love mine with

>hot dogs (the very cheap kind, the ones cased in plastic with the red stripes on
>low fat milk (gotta stay healthy) #wifey
>vegetable shortening
>canned corn
>kraft parmesan cheese (the one that tastes like vomit and snot because why not?) #lol #jk #delicious
>pre-broken spaghetti noodles (because it's such a hassle to break spaghetti noodles in half to make them cook evenly, also don't forget to add oil to the water so the noodles don't stick) #cooking-tips
>serve with ranch dressing and a side of overcooked green beans

>> No.6994313

Waifu carb is best carb

>> No.6994315
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This makes me angry.

>> No.6994326
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Ya got me OP

>> No.6994328

Actually decent though I would have only used eggs yolk for the sauce.

>> No.6994332

You're doing it wrong faggot

>> No.6994335

Why should I care about your opinion, you turbo faggot.

>> No.6994338

Bet you're too good for cream too aren't ya

>> No.6994341

Nope cream is good. Just wouldn't use the egg white.

>> No.6994348

>no cream cheese
fucking dropped

>> No.6994350


B-b-but what about muh authenticity?

>> No.6994351

>cream cheese
>in carbonara
Worst post of the month award.

>> No.6994355

Try it, it's amazeballs

>> No.6994359

>video by Philadelphia
You just got promoted to Worst post of the year award. Also kill yourself.

>> No.6994367


Fucking hell, I remember when i was a kid and wanted to make a quick meal with leftover stuff in the fridge and let me tell you something, cream cheese does not go well with pasta at all, it's way too rich and heavy.

>> No.6994392

You guys put a lot of weird shit in your carbonara, I only use bacon and egg and salt/pepper

>> No.6994399

No cheese?

>> No.6994403

You guys put a lot of weird shit in your carbonara, I only use cold cuts and mayo and garlic salt/cumin

>> No.6994408

Some grated cheese on top, yeah

>> No.6994411

Yeah I do imagine that you like cumin in your mouth

>> No.6994447

the pan seems to be a bit too hot when she adds the egg mixture and i don't use onions in mine.

>> No.6994503


>> No.6994549

>i don't use onions in mine

>> No.6994560


>> No.6994912

what the actual fuck

>> No.6994952

please stop....I can see some fat bitch plating this up for her husband before he gets home from a 13 hour day, taking pictures and sharing them on face book with a "I know how to keep my man happy". bullshit post.

>> No.6994998

You guys put a lot of weird shit in your carbonara, I only use hot dogs and american cheese and two litres of water

>> No.6995029

philippines pls go

>> No.6996701

shit poll

>> No.6997567



>> No.6998595


>> No.6998688
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how the fuck do you make carbonara without eggs?

>> No.6998694

Raw eggs are a good way to get salmonella.

>> No.6998704
File: 39 KB, 650x366, 058796-italy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6998715

They are more expensive, but if u are worried about that, u can use this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pasteurized_eggs

And dont bullshit me, ur only gonna use this for raw egg preparations, like carbonara

>> No.6998916
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>> No.6999151


noice find total goldplated shit tier

>> No.6999153


Absolutely unsurprisingly that this is flip cooking. They are the worst cuisine on the planet bar none. I'd rather eat leaves

>> No.6999167


the fuck is that accent. if she's Italian I'll eat my hat, that's a slav/secondhand towelhead/Eastern Bloc voice if i ever heard one. Maybe she was educated in Poland or some shit but fuck my ass if that's an actual Italian

>> No.6999226

1 pound cooked fettuccine
1 shallot, finely diced
3 tablespoons corn starch
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup soymilk
3 tablespoons fake bacon bits
1 tablespoon vegan butter
4 tablespoons nutritional yeast

1) Cook pasta according to directions until al dente. 2) Melt vegan butter in saucepan. Add garlic and shallot, saute until cooked through. Add nutritional yeast and stir well. Pour in soymilk. Cook on medium heat until it starts to bubble. Add corn starch slowly, until you reach desires consistency. 3) Stir in bacon bits last. Add pasta to sauce and mix well. Enjoy!

>> No.6999292


So when exactly do i add the meat?

>> No.6999663

I'll kill you

>> No.6999670


Every time I watch Laura Vitale I consider finding an Italian wife for about 30 seconds before deciding it wouldn't be worth the trouble

>> No.6999673

I was gonna make another thread, but Carbonara is Italian so close enough. I don't know shit about cooking. How do I make Spaghetti and Meatballs using jarred pasta sauce? Every time I make it, (even if I use 2 fucking jars) the sauce sticks on the pasta, but not in a good way? It get like clumpy and shit. Like I add extra water and still gets like that. Feels like I am eating Chow Mein than actual Spaghetti.

>> No.6999676

>How do I make Spaghetti and Meatballs using jarred pasta sauce
You don't, now fuck off you slag

>> No.6999680

Help me you fucking cu/ck/. I can't cook and don't want the "hurr durr learn to cook like Ramsey" bullshit. I just want to eat some cheap fucking items I bought at the store and prepare them well. That's the reason you're on this fucking site. You should be thanking me that I am helping make your little shit board a bit more relevant.

>> No.6999733
File: 86 KB, 720x960, CARBONARAnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liek dis
>Don't do anything right
>wa la

>> No.6999743
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>> No.7000245

I wouldn't feed that to my dog tbh

>> No.7000498

The sauce is supposed to stick onto the pasta. If you don't want it to, then rinse your pasta after draining and puree your sauce in a blender.

>> No.7000729
File: 40 KB, 1000x1000, rBVaHVXVIxeAPAKvAAEUtIC9NO4581[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought these were for stirring drinks. Am I wrong? That's the second carbonara vid I've watched today with someone doing this and this one wasn't totally retarded, so I can't tell what's right anymore

>> No.7000798


100% agreed. I did this a couple times when I was a poorfag, nothing left in the kitchen but pasta, onions cream cheese and tomato concentrate. The cream cheese was way to rich and I always felt sick afterwards. I can still remember it and it makes my stomach turn.

>> No.7000808

add some olive oil to the pasta after you cook it, it wont stick to the sauce as much

>> No.7000831
File: 35 KB, 544x336, two[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“From the grille at the counter the steam of stew came pouring forth, with a sour metallic smell which did not quite overcome the fumes of Victory Gin.
Had it always been like this? Had food always tasted like this? He looked round the canteen. A low-ceilinged, crowded room, its walls grimy from the contact of innumerable bodies ; battered metal tables and chairs, placed so close together that you sat with elbows touching; bent spoons, dented trays, coarse white mugs; all surfaces greasy, grime in every crack; and a sourish, composite smell of bad gin and bad coffee and metallic stew and dirty clothes.”

>> No.7000834


Why would you want to do that? the sauce is supposed to stick to the pasta.

>> No.7000839

>Diced SPAM
>Mexican or Southwest seasoning
Your recipe is utter shit.

>> No.7000848

I don't understand how it is possible to fuck something so simple up.
Try this:
1. Boil some salted water
2. Put the pasta in
3. Put the sauce in a pan
4. Heat it up on medium
5. When the pasta is done, drain it and leave it in the colander
6. When the sauce is hot, dump the pasta into the pan.
7. Stir it together
8. Eat it and reflect on how you should really know how to make pasta sauce and meatballs from scratch because it is one of the simplest recipes ever

>> No.7000853

I wouldn't, but the guy who posted does... who am I to judge?

>> No.7000856

Look at this pussy

>> No.7000931

Give us a source or I refuse to believe this is real

>> No.7001000


>> No.7001080

Made you reply :^)

>> No.7002792

hurr im tuff xD

>> No.7004070

The heat of the pasta cooks the eggs you fucking mong

>> No.7004470

no u

>> No.7004556

What's the difference between carbonara and spaghetti?

>> No.7004557

shhh just close your eyes and pretend you never posted this

>> No.7004607
File: 41 KB, 250x250, 1445190106153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best post I've seen all day

>> No.7004756

I smirked

>> No.7006058
File: 633 KB, 1061x1049, 1413117443970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7006940

Standard carbonara, just use the egg yolks, NO CREAM, but a bit of white wine

>> No.7007936

Bobby Flay makes an excellent version

>> No.7007941 [DELETED] 

dont forget corn and trichinosis

>> No.7007954

Is this some kind of new maymay?
I've been away from /ck/ for 2 days and we have a new ebin meme.

>> No.7007959 [DELETED] 

yes so spread the word!

>> No.7008584

What do you guys think about some black olives in carbonara?

>> No.7008611

Fucking yogurt jews

>> No.7009075

Not this fucking wives tale again.
The inside of an egg is sterile, how the fuck else wouldn't the egg be anything BUT salmonella if there was salmonella in the egg considering it is a single cell with no personal immune system. Salmonella happens when it is already on the shell, something you really dont have to worry about since modern eggs are thoroughly washed and the refrigeration process kills off/retards the growth of salmonella to the point that any remnants from the washing process is m00t.

Damn now I reminded myself m00t is gone and I miss him.

>> No.7009127
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>> No.7009130

yea ohkay watergate salad eating ranch drinking gay hating man

>> No.7009166

The inside of the egg is sterile (when laid) and covered in a somewhat protective layer.
Washing the egg removes this protection, and may help the salmonella get inside the egg.

That's why it's forbidden to wash eggs in Yurop, and they are not sold refrigerated ; and mostly the opposite in the USA.
Yeah, it's a Yurup vs. 'Merica thing, but not a troll for once.
(I've heard about poultry vaccination too.)

I don't have salmonella rates in different continents, but since salmonella isn't in the news as the new black plague, I can only assume both methods are efficient enough.

>> No.7009182

How can the most powerful race in the world be such shit at cooking?

>> No.7009832

Who came up with putting peas in carbonara?

>> No.7009865


>> No.7009875


>> No.7009881

>The inside of the egg is sterile

That's not true. If the chicken is infected with salmonella it can pass directly into the egg while it is formed via the chicken's ovaries.

That being said it doesn't really matter since such a thing is incredibly rare to begin with.

>> No.7010023
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>> No.7011373

please don't hate before you try it fam

>> No.7012925

It is for drinks mostly. I've used it for both - its fine for eggs but you need to pre whisk a little with a fork - at least i do cuz mine is battery powered and not too powerful

>> No.7014188


>> No.7014533

>not sold refridgerated in yurop
Where the fuck do you live? This is bullshit

>> No.7015777

I like to put sardines in my carb

>> No.7015958
File: 278 KB, 900x1200, oeufs02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, oeufs means eggs.

>> No.7016273
File: 34 KB, 550x310, c621d40e2906d4b48599d02fd3d833a2b5d8c054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frenchfag i confirm
no bullshit

>> No.7016300

That's why you only use a tiny amount greedy pig

>> No.7016482

They are not refrigerated in the UK.

>> No.7016491
File: 82 KB, 1920x1080, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016529

The Frenchie is correct. We don't put eggs in the fridge here in Grande Bretagne.

Eggs don't need to be put in the fridge and it's only Americans that have to because FDA regulations mean that eggs must be chemical washed, which removes the outer protective coating of the egg shell.

>> No.7018106

Fucking disgusting

>> No.7018947

Get fucked fatso

>> No.7019270


The only thing I do differently is add some long slices of onions, I don't know why but I like it for some reason.

Also another frenchfag here, confirming our eggs are not refrigerated.

>> No.7020143

Cook spag. Beat a couple of egg yolks, add shredded pecorino cheese. Fry up some bacon. Strain pasta while saving a little bit of pasta water. Add yolk/cheese mixture and bacon. Mix. Add black pepper. Season with ketchup.

>> No.7020159
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>> No.7021946

Reminder that carbonara is the poor man's alfredo.

>> No.7023022

fvck carbonara

>> No.7023036

>not recognizing this meme

>> No.7023168

llok at this

>> No.7023573

All I see are personal opinions of little weight.