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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.39 MB, 636x358, 1282255778121453345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6968380 No.6968380 [Reply] [Original]

Is she the actual tan of this board? bitch is waifu material.

>> No.6968423

Watching her eat so much is baffling, disgusting, and sort of arousing all at the same time.

>> No.6968427


She has the same biological defect takeru kobayashi has, it's actually common in Japan and other parts of east asia.

>> No.6968438



Stopped watching there.

>> No.6968484

many carbonara recipes call for cream, autistic smartass! There's not only one way to make it.

>> No.6968585

Who is this fine girl and why should we care about her?

>> No.6968603

Who is this lady of the asian persuasion?

>> No.6968623


Is she the culinary advisor for Shokugeki no Souma?

>> No.6968626

You do realize she has to poop them all out in a dozen hours or so right?

>> No.6968630

glad im not the only one

>> No.6968632


>> No.6968688

Girls don't poop, dumbass.

>> No.6968690

Citation? I never heard of this.

>> No.6968707

They have a condition that causes their stomach to descend lower than normal and expand abnormally large. This allows them to hold more in their stomachs. He talks about it in a documentary about him.

>> No.6968715



Explained here. Something about his esophagus being longer than most people's and his stomach sitting significantly lower in his abdominal cavity allowing for easier fill up without ribs restricting how much food he can cram into his fucking face.

>> No.6968719

she's a competitive eater and eats gigantic quantities of food. also she's qt

>> No.6968783

I couldn't find any explanation on his site, no.
Or on his wikipedia page.
Or on Google.

I'm sure that's just me being an idiot, though.

>> No.6968788

why are those nuggets in the gif so huge

>> No.6968802


His "True Life" documentary on MTV goes into full details, seriously not going to waste that much time trying to find the clip where he explains how/why his stomach is lower. He cited his Father as having the same condition as well. It's not a bad thing, no adverse affects from having this ailment.

>> No.6968829

because shes Asian tiny

>> No.6968832


Not all Asians are tiny, Freddie Mercury was pretty tall.

>> No.6968905


>> No.6968960

she makes my dick happy

>> No.6970059

She cooks and eats just like /ck/

>> No.6970070

Jesus. That's something /ck/ would cook up.

>> No.6970097

That's how I like it, baffling and disgusting.

For real though, how the fuck does she eat so much.

>> No.6970106

She does mok bang or what?

>> No.6970129


this woman is disgusting and should feel ashamed

>> No.6970153

yea this is basically the jap version of mukbang

>> No.6970200

>I would make this for my boyfriend if I had one
Guess I'm going to Japan.

>> No.6970205

Her food bills will bankrupt you, anon.

>> No.6970219

I would work like a salaryman for her happiness.

>> No.6970246


>implying Whapanese women would procreate with you, bringing shame to their families in a rapidly dying society of "non-breeding" people.

Stay classy weeaboo.

>> No.6970267
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>5k Cal

Does she not eat for the next 4 days or something?

>> No.6970272


>implying she's not bulimic purging up all the shit she crams in to her body after the camera gets shut off.

>> No.6970284

I watch her eat while I eat.

>> No.6970285

>if you don't like it that heavy use milk instead

>> No.6970296


Carbonara is a sauce comprised of raw egg yolks and grated cheese with pancetta and peas, pepper and salt... tossed with the noodles. The heat "cooks" the yolks to an ideal doneness.

Alfredo is supposed to be the same way, only Americans have such distorted palates that they need something as thick, salty and semen-like as heavy cream to make "Italian food"

Protip: What she's eating, that isn't carbonara.

>> No.6970341

I can watch her all day.

>> No.6970346

I want to lick the crumbs of her lips.

>> No.6970352

I wonder what her farts are like

>> No.6970355
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Oh god. They're probably amazing.
>tfw she will never dutch oven you

>> No.6970405
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This tbh

>> No.6970408
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I bet you put corn in spaghetti too you monster

>> No.6970433


>> No.6970472

I know exactly what you mean

It's gross but kind of hot at the same time

I've got no idea why

>> No.6970479


I don't eat products non-indigenous to my island, not good for my body.

>> No.6970595

> tfw getting slight boner at the thought of her needing help getting up after eating all that food
> kill me

>> No.6970655

This Yuka looks like a less attractive version of one of my second cousins.

>> No.6970815

She's a westaboo, at least for food, so there's always a chance.
>this is what neckbeards always believe.

>> No.6970876

>hearing her chewing and making satisfied noises
Why is it so boner inducing

>> No.6970891
File: 67 KB, 470x550, Hello-Kitty-Burger-Shop-Re-Ment-miniature-blind-box-169467-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All japs pretend to be Americans. All of their pop culture is western. Gotta getum while they're young.

>> No.6970904

Genuine question, Does she throw up?

>> No.6970907

Liking cheese that much, I wonder if she lives in the more interior of Japan instead of near the coast. I heard that people along the coast don't really eat cheese or drink milk. I wrong?

>> No.6970948

If she's smart, she's also capitalizing on that through some other video site.

>> No.6970977
File: 251 KB, 2824x1545, failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shamefur dispray

>> No.6971113

She's cute when she eats, but I don't think she can cook to save her life.

>> No.6971216

Holy fuck my sides. I can practically read the /ck/ thread as it happens.

>Hey guys gonna try out a recipe I saw on the internet
>Just gonna put a bunch of McDonalds onto some rice
>Don't know how much coke to put it
>That's probably too much
>Fuck I nearly dropped it
>It doesn't look great guys
>The buns are pretty wobbly
>I put some parsley on
>Added some eggs, did that help?
>Literally eight fucking pounds of food
>Slather it in ketchup
>I actually think it tastes pretty good

Yeah, she seems like an appropriate /ck/ tan.

>> No.6971233

Must say, it's fucking hilarious how despite italian cuisine being top tier, they're completely fucking incapable of doing it well because they're all stupid. greasy, superstitious, ignorant, dogmatic morons who cling to things like "Noooo, mamma mia, you can't-a put-a cream-a in-a carbonara, no no no no no, don't-a you know-a that-a de ancient romans who-a invented-a it hadn't invented-a cream-a yet, and you don't-a use-a pancetta, no no no no the poor ancient farmers who-a invented-a it were so poor-a they-a had-a to use-a leftover pig anus-a", when actually carbonara was first invented in the mid 20th century, post-war, when the US brought shit tons of eggs and cream and bacon (not even pancetta, fucking bacon) to italy, and there is literally not a scrap of documentary evidence indicating carbonara ever existed before WWII.

Fucking pastaniggers

>> No.6971278
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shamefur indeed... Seppuku or gtfo

>> No.6971313


i cant stand watching those mainly because how fucking koreans always make that slurping sound even though they arent eating anything that requires slurping.
its tolerable when they are eating noodles or soup. but they also fucking slurp when they eat a hamburger or chicken.

>> No.6971320

Koreans are disgusting.
The Japanese are pure.

>> No.6971549

>>his true life mtv documentary
i can't understand which is more stupid, that this existed or that you are dumb enough to believe it over the complete lack of a presence in any place reputable.

japan's women on tv industry is corrupt and sensationalist bullshit. link to some place reputable.

>>seiyuu industry
sure you pathetic neet.

>> No.6973290

how do I make a living eating on camera?

for reals... I need to try.

>> No.6973344

look at her size.

there is absolutely no way this girl doesn't have some form of severe eating disorder.

>> No.6973612

she might just eat like this for show every few days, and snack on smaller stuff throughout the week

>> No.6973644


That rant wad hysterical, all on behalf of an annoying little yellow person.



>> No.6973716

>if I ever manage to get a boyfriend
I know she's banking on beta shut-in virgins but cmon
not gonna lie though I would eat that, no matter how salty she made it

>> No.6973795

That's still an ED mate

>> No.6973821

I'm Italian and I use cream in carbonara. Heavy cream to be exact.

>> No.6973839


You're making it wrong, according to every recipe outside of America.

>> No.6973861

no, she is cute and entertaining. you should feel ashamed for being such a faggot.

>> No.6973870

citation needed pls

>> No.6973933





Google helps out a lot, literally NO traditional recipes call for cream, it's an American indulgence that was added to boast about success, as are most Americanized ethnic foods.

>> No.6973963


>American indulgence

This. The way Chinese food in the USA almost always has meat of some sort while traditional Chinese food is mostly rice and vegetables.

>> No.6974001
File: 1.53 MB, 235x124, I3AuL4F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HHhhnnnngggg, I'd eat her shit tbh fam.

>Tfw no qt3.14 Japanese gf to McDonald's fart on me while cuddling at night.

Why live?

>> No.6974038

Italianfags BTFO

>> No.6974053

>it's an American indulgence that was added to boast about success,

I disagree.

I think it's a crutch for idiots who can't stop overcooking the egg and thereby getting a shitty texture out of the traditional recipe

>> No.6974077


>Cream in Carbonara


A greasy italian man somewhere in the suburbs of Rome just had a single tear fall down his cheek and he has no idea why.

>> No.6974142

I'm trying to imagine her greasy megashit after eating all those burgers.

>> No.6974156


Either that or her body digests the food too fast to get much nutrients out of it. Or she has tape worms.

>> No.6974160


She IS japanese, could have picked up any number of parasites from ill-prepared sushi.

>> No.6974176

She probably has to activate the secret mulcher setting on her japanese toilet.

>> No.6974207

>Dubs and a huge rant


>> No.6974224

>Ey, Roberto. Why you look so sad?
>Non ho avuto un buon merda oggi

>> No.6974855

I wish she would post video of her fat distended belly after she eats

I dont want to see it for sexual reasons, It just makes me happy to see people with fat bellies after they eat

>> No.6974859

>cream sauce
I made it 14 seconds

>> No.6974879 [DELETED] 

Wopcucks on suicide watch tbh

>> No.6974883

>that music that starts playing right as she starts eating

Japan really is just like my japanese animes...

>> No.6974886

It's amazing what a horrific war loss will do to a nation.

>> No.6974893
File: 19 KB, 512x323, 1444848878855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she always talks about wanting a boyfriend

>> No.6974899

>implying that's not a part of her act
>implying she's not a cold, calculating marketing genius

show business is always a lie, and youtube is show business, especially in asia

>> No.6974903
File: 316 KB, 816x612, close enough for now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck 4chan i got girl, or got a girl, fuck i hate text message new ways to meet girl... fuck.. im gonna blow it it so hard

im old fart too lol you youngs must be good at knowing each others personalities on the instant

>> No.6974919
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, Anime Burger Kerwaiis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's just eat 20 Bic Macs for fun

>> No.6974923

>Bic Macs

>> No.6974954
File: 36 KB, 316x263, 1306152538049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6974968

Poor turtle.

>> No.6974982

i let him go

>> No.6974983

She must shit literal bricks.

>> No.6975084

Those are my thoughts exactly. She probably makes bank off youtube videos as a youtube partner in japan and just vomits the food afterwards.

>> No.6975176

So this is what happens before bukkake

>> No.6975569

>I wish she would post video of her fat distended belly after she eats
Same, except I do want to see it for sexual reasons.

>> No.6975616

Why do (asian) women cover their mouths with their hands when they eat instead of just closing their mouths? Is it supposed to emulate anime behavior?

>> No.6975630

How does she stay so tiny?

I'd like to cuddle and eat homecooked meals with her

>> No.6975681
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>brought shit tons of eggs and cream and bacon
Citation? Wikipedia mentions eggs and bacon, but not cream. I can imagine eggs and bacon being brought over because they can keep slightly, but cream doesn't.
>stupid. greasy, superstitious, ignorant, dogmatic morons
tbh sounds like most Americans, especially you.
>mfw fat americans tell me that I'm greasy for not needing cream in my carbonara
What a joke

>> No.6975694

>traditional Chinese food is mostly rice and vegetables
Holy fuck you are incredibly stupid.
China =/= Japan =/= india

>> No.6975728

>gratted cheese is now a full recipe
Let's face it, the "original" is poor people trash food equivalent of sketty but even more miserable.
If you don't seek to improve your recipes, just eat dried shit on the pavement and die like the animal you want to be.

>> No.6975729

>not even pancetta, fucking bacon
So Pancetta which is bacon, is not bacon? You realise that outside of america, in civilized countries that the word bacon refers to a product which is just cured pork right?

>> No.6975865


My dick twitches the way she says big Mac at the start

>> No.6975911

>all dat ketchup
>also this - http://en.rocketnews24.com/2014/03/26/japan-now-has-so-many-30-year-old-virgins-its-language-needs-a-new-slang-term-for-them/

>> No.6975920

Coz its considered barbaric for females to chew. They made special burger wrappers you can fold up to hide your ugly burger chewing face when you eat your burger.

>> No.6975921

Whoops misfired >>6975616

>> No.6975952
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



"Muh dik"

>> No.6976023

Nah she disgusts me in the same manner as when Jack the fat Cu/ck/ makes Aunt Myrna's cheese salad.

Not even thirsty enough to give her a free pass for being a jap female.

>> No.6976144


>> No.6976151

also here's a yuka FAQ


>> No.6976557

Has she ever NOT enjoyed what she's cooked?
In all her videos she seems to absolutely love everything in her bowl.

>> No.6976569

That is NOT how you make Alfredo sauce for carbonara.

>> No.6976580
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1435220578858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amused me, have another (You)

>> No.6976597

It's cute.

>> No.6976614

Huge shitter confirmed.

>> No.6976619


Her first video is the cutest thing.

>> No.6976652

No tomatoes for you then.

>> No.6976663

You've just reminded me of when my dad was complaining about potatoes being in a curry
"They're not native to India so they don't belong in a curry."
then I pointed out to him that tomatoes are not native to India either and roughly come from the same place as potatoes

that shut him up

>> No.6976668

Autism strikes again.

>> No.6976706

That video is clearly edited. There is a cut after every bite probably she's spitting it.

>> No.6976713



mein sides.

>> No.6976757
File: 32 KB, 422x317, super_mario[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that in Marios voice.

>> No.6976764


Tomatoes are a mildly toxic berry, I don't eat them.

>> No.6977027

because traditionally showing your teeth is considered unladylike, so thats why when they laugh or eat they cover their mouths, so you dont see their teeth

>> No.6977360

yes but why not just close your mouth like anon said?

>> No.6977389

because closing your mouth when you eat is an unnatural learned behavior and isnt the way your mouth is designed to process food

>> No.6977766


>being this much of a weeaboo when the woman in the video is a westaboo

Why do people think that Japanese women actually would want them? They don't even want their own men, 2nd lowest birth rate on the planet. 33% of their population will be dead in 30 years time, 100 years from now they will be either a 3rd world nation, or a commonwealth of China.

Japan= ded

Their women= look identical, boring, ugly, too introverted

Men who want their women= weak, submissive, failures, bottom-of-the-barrel types, feminine

>> No.6977818

But.. traditional Chinese food really is mostly rice and vegetables.. most stir fries only have a small amount of meat if any at all, there's a lot of tofu and mushroom dishes too

>> No.6977832
File: 41 KB, 560x303, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my stomach can hold only
1.8 kg of minestrone
2 pizzas and 5/8 (italian type) with a glass of coke (around 300 ml)
3 pizza buitoni (its like the dr oetker) with 660 ml of beer
around 50 pieces of bintoro sushi from the sushi zamai in akihabara

>> No.6977844

>Why do people think that Japanese women actually would want them?
white guys are like the black guys of japan. The girls will fuck them to get back at daddy

>> No.6977861

Are you kidding? We eat anything that moves, and half the time there's a vegetable dish it gets minced pork, prawns or egg shoved in.

>> No.6977884

Not really, if you eat like this ON-
>she puts out a video like this every goddamn day
jesus christ the only explanation is that she pukes it up afterwards

>> No.6977973

>Touches hair while eating

>> No.6978026 [DELETED] 

>Is she the actual tan of this board?

It's already been decided.

>Chinese food is the same everywhere

Nigger have you ever been to Northern China? Those faggots don't even eat rice. Not everyone eats Cantonese cuck food.

>> No.6978034


>this is what neckbeards actually believe

No, they don't. The lower class (basically prostitutes) will fuck service men, but you'd have to leave the basement in order to join the military.

>> No.6978559

ahaha, mouthbreather detected. Unless you're obese or have bad genetics, breathing through your nose is the natural behavior.

>> No.6979258

What about liquid? I managed 2.5L of diet coke

>> No.6979425

ITT: a bunch of neckbearded virgin crcakerass crackers

>> No.6980224

Still don't get how she manages to avoid gaining weight

>> No.6980232

shes eating so much that her body ends up passing most of it before it can digest it all

>> No.6980295

dunno, maybe 2 liters i drank 2 bottles of wine once and other stuff

>> No.6980782


She doesnt actually eat that much.. Even if she does cardio for 20 mins 3 times a week and only does thins once on the weekend she may not even gain.. She could have an active life..

>> No.6980796

Look at her upload schedule
She's been releasing a couple vids a week consistently for months meaning she has to be filming these constantly
Even if she works out like mad all the terrible fast foods should have given her other medical problems by now

>> No.6980847

Japanese fast food is actually made entirely out of ingeniously coloured and formed rice and seaweed.

>> No.6980977

ew gross, you're italian?

>> No.6980988

>Defined civilized
>Having a highly developed society and culture
>highly developed society
>developed society
you're welcome for your technology

>> No.6980992


Japan used to manufacture all the pre-existing products of the world, then China opened their doors to the world, making all the cheap useless shit 1st worlders demand.

Japanese people didn't invent the technology necessary to harness electricity.... europeans brought it to them, along with guns, vaccinations, plumbing...etc etc etc.

They're a "mock" society... only capable of refining pre-existing things. Period.

Japan is disgusting and I am happy 33% of them will be dead in the next 25 years. From there (taking their birthrate into account and their xenophobia/racism towards "non-Japanese") they will steadily decline into a 3rd world shit hole as no new people will be able to pay the pensions of the "boomer" generation.

Their economy has been in the shitter for the last 20 years, nothing about their society is "progressive" at all. They're ancient people with toys to play with that get out of hand and overwhelm their lives.

Anyone who idolizes these people is no familiar or associated with their own culture... or rejects of said culture. Only sad lonely faggots become Gaijin Otaku.

>> No.6981009

>Still don't get how she manages to avoid gaining weight
>shes eating so much that her body ends up passing most of it before it can digest it all
I agree. While my guess is that there's no funny business, It's also possible she induces vomiting after a big meal, or that she doesn't actually eat it all (during the sped-up time lapse filming, it would be easy to put bites into a concealed bag, and just edit those frames out during video editing).

>> No.6981018

>being this assblasted about a country
Dude, are you a frustrated ex-weeb or something? Chill.

>> No.6981027


>posting facts
>ass blasted

pick one.

>> No.6981079

Yeah, right, only facts, no judgement and extrapolation. Keep being so assblasted, lad

>> No.6981100

That's a pretty safe assumption whenever you see someone ranting about japan here
Sorry you never found your anime waifu, but the important thing is that you're trying to become normal again

>> No.6981106


What ever you say.


>> No.6981120


What is it about history that scares you exactly?

I mean, it's basic knowledge that Japan, or really any Asian country stopped evolving technologically in the 13th-15th centuries. Nothing of importance came out of this Continent.

I have a hard time understanding why people would idolize their culture, hence I learned about it. Economically and technologically speaking. The very little I know about their culture is it has progressed into the anti-weeaboo stage. They're very western obsessed people.

>> No.6981130

Here again, before anyone flames me. It should be noted that I've been perfectly civil to every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know.

That said.

In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area.

An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test.

My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it.

I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan).

>> No.6981136

Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories.

I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it.

I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking.

>> No.6981237

Is this /ck/ copypasta? I very rarely come here but I find it hard to believe you have autists of this caliber.

>> No.6981252


>> No.6981260
File: 320 KB, 1903x756, 1390852468204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We maintain a very high caliber of autism here

>> No.6981282

Try and say that on /fit/

>> No.6981285


stalepasta, that's also /b/pasta

>> No.6981300
File: 823 KB, 1270x3469, 1422231506294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reads like a tumblr fantasy story. Holy shit I really should come here more often.

>> No.6981323

Yes she are, but even being an ectomorph she should gain some weight, so she probably do a lot of cardio and eat tons of iodine.

>> No.6981416

Please don't

>> No.6982228

>They're a "mock" society... only capable of refining pre-existing things. Period.
So? At least they are capable of functioning as a civilized society. The majority of people on this planet aren't. Just look at India, Africa and mainland China.

>Japan is disgusting and I am happy 33% of them will be dead in the next 25 years.
What's disgusting about Japan? Those 33% will mostly die peacefully of natural death. If nothing changes, people with European ancestry will face the same problem. Importing shitskins from all over the world and giving them your citizenship doesn't mean your people aren't dying out. It means they are dying out and are at the same time replaced with violent, retarded feral beasts.

>From there (taking their birthrate into account and their xenophobia/racism towards "non-Japanese") they will steadily decline into a 3rd world shit hole as no new people will be able to pay the pensions of the "boomer" generation.
This has to be a fucking joke. You know what turns countries into 3rd world shitholes? Immigration from actual 3rd world shitholes. Just take a look at Germany to see it happening in real time.

>Their economy has been in the shitter for the last 20 years, nothing about their society is "progressive" at all.
So called "progressive" societies are all doomed to failure.

>> No.6982236

Silly Yuka. The nuggets will get cold if she aligns them on the board like that!