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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 562 KB, 1000x2837, Canuck Fast Food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6975566 No.6975566 [Reply] [Original]

Which country has the best fast food and why is it Canada?

>> No.6975580

Lick's is a chain? I always thought it was just the local ice cream place.

>> No.6975583

if half of these places even qualify as fast food, then the US west coast definitely has it better

>> No.6975585

>Lick's is a chain?

Nigga have you ever even Goggled them?

>> No.6975588

no I never goggled them you fucking faggot

>> No.6975593

this infographic was obviously not made by a canadian. because tim hortons is fucking garbage

>> No.6975598

>go to restaurant
>don't look up their hours
>don't look up their menu
>just assume it's a local place because you've never left your hometown in bumblefuck nowhere

>> No.6975601

Anyone else find that Mary Browns can be the most inconsistent place ever, or is that just the ones near me? I find the quality, freshness and even portion size can vary considerably. It's one of my favorite places when it' good, but it feels like Russian roulette sometimes.

>> No.6975602

Tim Hortons is honestly delicious (for the price point). Unless you're in Eastern Canada (save for Quebec) or the USA, that is...then it tastes like liquid shit.

>> No.6975606

It's not just you, anon. The one by my apartment is either amazing (fresh, huge portions, delicious) or the worst thing I've ever tasted (half cold, almost no food, everything's a mess, it tastes like they forgot their secret sauce, etc.).

It was like that in the city I used to live, too.

Seems like their trademark is "hit or miss".

>> No.6975610

This has me interested. I'm on the east coast and now I want to try this supposedly better western Tims.

>> No.6975621

you're either fucking fat or retarded. tim hortons hasn't been good in YEARS (i.e. when they stopped making their donuts in house).

>> No.6975625

The doughnuts are about as "fresh" as they were then. They're made in a factory, frozen, and...shipped to the store basically that same day. Reheated in an oven. Big fucking deal? It's fast food. You want them to keep making doughnuts in-house for the literal thousands of customers per restaurant per day, then be prepared for 10x longer wait times and at least tripled pricing.

>> No.6975626

I'm in the West. That anon is a fucking idiot who probably never tasted fresh baked goods in his entire pathetic life. Fuck Tim Hortons for their disgusting frozen/parbaked donuts and their horrible cold and watered coffee. Pro-tip: if you want good fast food-tier coffee, go to McD's. they basically STOLE the original supplier of Tim Hortons coffee beans right out from under them (which is why you see all this Tim Hortons Dark bullshit now, because they're selling lower grade beans from a shitty supplier)

>> No.6975632

I'm just curious to see how it's different honestly, I would not be expecting gold by any means.

>> No.6975636

you can't even tell the difference between fresh and frozen? you're a fucking GARBAGE PLEB with no sense of taste. and where is this notion of 'good for the price'? you want fresh baked, you can get it for LESS than tims is charging for their GARBAGE at a dozen other places. it's ridiculous an ice capp with a shot of espresso or a latte basically costs the same at tims as it does at starbucks or a local coffee shop when tims uses inferior coffee beans and subpar machines (fuck their shitty lattes uses fucking POWDERED milk)

>> No.6975640

pro-tip: you have SHIT taste, sherlock. there's no mystery there

>> No.6975644

>go to get fast food
>don't expect everything to be fresh and made locally that minute because I'm not a retard and understand what fast food means
>apparently I'm among dozens of troglodytes who, because I expect fast food to be fast food quality, have never had fresh food in my life

I mean, like, that...sure? Tim's is good for the price. Sure it's sucks that they don't do in-house baking anymore, but honestly, can you really expect them to? Their staff is already overworked as it is, and they serve so many people in a day. It's just not economical for them to make everything fresh in-house anymore.

It would be nice, but it doesn't work. Also, I'm not sure how liking Tim's for what it is somehow means I'm banned from an actual bakery or something. If I want a tea and doughnut in a minute or two in the mornings for two or three bucks, it's fine. I'm not expecting some artisan baked good or fancy tea.

>> No.6975648

except it's not good for the price. it's just plain AWFUL. period. you must live in the middle of fuck no where if you think tims is GOOD FOR THE PRICE HURR

>> No.6975649

West coast Timmies is by no means "fresh", but it's definitely better than a Toronto one.

>> No.6975654

that's only because filipinos and chinese are less likely to stink up the food than pakis

>> No.6975657

still fucking garbage in either case. it's like comparing the merits of sticking your face in pile of dog shit vs a pile of dog puke

>> No.6975659

I can get a medium tea for 1,70$, then a doughnut for less than a buck. Considering how quickly I get it and how many locations there are, I think it's a good price.

What are my other options? Starbucks for double the price? It's fast food, I don't care about fancy fruity teas or "free trade" doughnuts. It's fast food. What else is there, then? Dunkin Donuts? Coffee Time? Terrible. And a bakery...sure, I could go there...but it's completely out of the way, and any money I might - MIGHT - save on my single doughnut in the morning will be offset by the time I've taken out of my day to go to their store.

>> No.6975663

living in the middle of fuck nowhere confirmed

>> No.6975667

Tims is shit mate. Just give up and admit you have fucking Stockholm syndrome already

>> No.6975675

pack your own tea bag and thermos, buy a half dozen fresh donuts at bakery every 3 days and pack them with you. CHEAPER and infinitely better than supporting garbage selling swindlers like Tim Hortons every single time

>> No.6975677

>middle of nowhere
>multiple coffee chains and a bakery

At least a town, maybe a small city. Not exactly "middle of nowhere".

>> No.6975680

yet somehow you can't find a single place better than tims. YEAH FUCKING RIGHT. LOL

>> No.6975684

The tea in a thermos makes sense. Carrying donuts around with you...less so.

Though I think most people eat at fast food places for the convenience, not so much for the economic or quality assurance sense.

>> No.6975686

wtf is this bait?
in anything but shit tier

Montana's cutting it close to shit tier.

swiss chalet is canadianarama so it's monarchy tier tho crappy

Licks is about as good as coldstone/marble slab

cora is meh, some locations are good and bilingual which is fun.. Kinda meh for breakfast, especially considering how many good independents there are.

Harveys should be monarchy tier since its probably the best as far as greazburger chains go.

Canadian Pizza Unlimited isnt on list but its a godlike chain, huge ass cheap good creative topping pizzas. Cheap slices and combos.

Every Canadian crys if u shit on timmys but its really garbage. Worse than krispy kreme donuts which are overly sweet greazy rings of crap. Coffee is worse than *$ which is meh tier.

Mcds is way better up here tho.

>> No.6975691

>Mcds is way better up here tho.

True that. Last country on Earth where it's at least halfway decent.

>> No.6975693

if you can't be arse bothered to go to a supermarket with an in house bakery at least every other day than you don't belong on /ck/
don't tell me you don't cook with fresh meat & veggies? also unlike tim hort shit, baked goods from a decent bakery will still be delicious after 2-3 days. tim hort shit is genetically modified to taste like ass automatically after half a day

>> No.6975697

I actually had Harvey's for the very first time when I was in Toronto last month. Great burger, amazing poutine. I did see a few Swiss Chalet and HERO places.

>> No.6975700

Cause we dont allow hormones and nearly as much bullshit into the meat. We get slightly fresher produce it seems and we get odd menu items. Mcrib is different but still meh, mclobster is pretty good. McPizza in some places still.

Costs more but ur paying for halfway decent ingredients.

>> No.6975702

>quality assurance sense.

you're shoveling that shit in YOUR mouth pal. it's your choice. no one's holding a fucking gun to your head and saying you have to choose between something being convenient OR good. because the notion that you can't have both is LAUGHABLE. just like the notion that tim hortons is anything but SHIT

>> No.6975703

>don't tell me you don't cook with fresh meat & veggies?

Why would I tell you that? How hard is it to understand that fast food is fast food. Just because I grab some Timmies in the mornings doesn't mean I don't cook my own supper and lunch every day.

Jesus God, it's all or nothing with you people.

>> No.6975704

your choice to pay money for that shit, but don't pretend it's not shit because it is. period.

>> No.6975706

It's not shit, though. Sure it's not great, but that's the thing...it's FAST FOOD. It's not supposed to be the freshest ingredients for the lowest price. It's a decent price, and it's quick and convenient.

That's the entire point.

>> No.6975708

it's your taste that's shit pal. stop trying to justify your stockholm syndrome

>> No.6975719

nah mcds at least uses fresh produce for half the menu. Tims is like sev/*$ tier sandwhiches and shit. Unwrap and heat up

Most fast food places at least assemble from somewhat fresh ingredients instead of rehashing something made somewhere else for the majority of their menus. Tims might not have a single item prepared fresh.

>> No.6975721

>tim hortons is top tier
>coras not top tier
>harveys sucks
>no taco villa
>shit chalet is only good at xmas
>half these restaurants are sit down places
>pizza pizza not shit tier
>pizza nova not on list
>ali babas not on list
>no bourbon street grill

>> No.6975723


>> No.6975731

You sit at milestones if you want you can stand and get most orders quick and my local mall with a restaurant milestones has a food court location elsewhere. It's mcds assembly style but comfy interior and servers, which mcds will soon have.

Tims blows, harveys aint half bad at all, they have unique toppings and fresh shit with better patties.

ali babas should be top or monarchy, some best drunk food. Bourbon st is good portions of non carbs which is rare and good.

>> No.6975732

Convenience, price, and quality aren't mutually exclusive. You just have horrible taste and or are just plain lazy/set in your ways. Stop trying to defend Tim Hortons, because you can't. They really are terrible.

>> No.6975733

>Unwrap and heat up

That's wrong, though. The only things frozen are the bread items, like buns, donuts, and so on. They come frozen (cooked in a factory, the same way they were cooked in-house), then are reheated in an actual oven. Veggies, dairy and such go in the fridge and are brought out as needed. Coffee is all fresh and sealed in individual packs, only opened to make a new pot. Soup comes standard for fast food places: either powdered or frozen, then cooked in double pots.

>> No.6975740

>pizza pizza

fucking this. terrible

you're retarded mate. look at their fucking menu and then their equipment. they don't do any fucking cooking or prep at all. the only equipment that generates heat is their toaster and they use that for 100% of their 'cooking'. that poster was spot on.

>> No.6975744

I worked at Tim Hortons for a few years, dumb ass. We most definitely do have ovens, and a stovetop, and more. Just because it's not out front like the toaster doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The bacon also comes frozen, forgot to mention. Then it's heated in the microwave. Don't eat the bacon.

And for the record, I'm not the guy who eats Tim Hortons every day. I might grab the odd cup if I'm out and want something, but that's about it.

>> No.6975754

I used to work at Harveys so I just got sick of the taste. Wendys is my favorite bigbox burger joint but they are not Canadian so meh....

>Timotys not on the list
>Thai Express not on the list

>> No.6975757

do you still work there? go to any tims now. they have LESS equipment and MORE people shitting out pre-made goods. they've streamlined EVERYTHING and cut a thousand corners.

>> No.6975760

>got sick of the taste

that would be the taste of unburnt propane. not exactly 'delicious' iMO

>> No.6975765

oddly enough i bought the fried chicken sandwich more than the burgers

>> No.6975768

I moved on to bigger and better things in February. My last position was training the new manager at a newly-opened location. They had multiple ovens (two "quick" ones out front for muffins and such, then a larger one in the back), as well as a four-burner stove, and three microwaves (one in the back, one at drive-thru, and one at the sandwich counter).

Honestly, they need the equipment, especially in high-traffic areas. Night staff has to make all the initial soup for the day (eight or more, plus extras), then day staff has to keep up with demand in the day. They need the stove. Then baked goods...again, night staff has to stock for the day (things come out of the freezer and are made in the ovens), then that has to be kept up with during the day. The microwaves are only really used to make the bacon and reheat things customers might want reheated. The toasters are only for toasting bagels, muffins, buns, or whatever a customer wants toasted.

The fruits and veggies are sliced out in the back multiple times daily, same with dairy. Stuff's delivered every two or three days depending on location, and most of it goes into the fridge (milk and cream bags, lettuce, etc.), being brought out to the smaller fridges as needed.

Honestly it's not that bad. Obviously it's not MUH QUALITY, but it's a fast food place / coffee chain. Can't expect too much from it, honestly.

>> No.6975773


yeah, so where is any actual cooking done? pre-cooked bacon, pre-cooked egg patties that are microwaved, pre-cooked and then toasted chicken patties. ZERO COOKING. you do actually know the difference between cooking and re-heating right? as the other poster said, 7-ELEVEN TIER

>> No.6975782

...the other poster said they had less equipment, I disputed that.

As far as cooking goes...that's a dumb argument. If I buy chicken from the grocery store and freeze it, then toss it in the oven, am I "reheating" it? No, I'm cooking it. Also, everything WAS cooked...just not in-house, because that's not even remotely viable when you have literally thousands of people coming in every day.

Cooking...I suppose you could call the soup cooking, but even then it's a stretch. Making a sandwich...that could be cooking, maybe. But honestly, why are you expecting fast food workers to cook? Virtually no fast food places do this. The entire argument I'm hearing against Tim's is that it's...you know...fast food.

But the egg patties aren't microwaves, they're done up in the oven. Same with the chicken. Only thing microwaved is the bacon strips.

>> No.6975784


So...fast food?

>> No.6975799

>/ck/ in charge of understanding fast food

Wow it's almost like it's all reheated crap! What a surprise!

>> No.6975892

reheating pre-cooked chicken patties isn't cooking retard, it's pre-heating. there is ZERO cooking at timmies, it's all re-heataed and microwaved garbage. learn the difference. this is /ck/ you fucking fast food flunkie

>> No.6975912

There's nothing wrong with re-heating food.

>> No.6976152
File: 11 KB, 259x383, 1441644705558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harveys should be monarchy tier since its probably the best as far as greazburger chains go.
youre a fucking degenerate, youre literally in the same category as ladyboys, furries, and homosexuals. please consider suicide, but before you do, apologize to the trees for wasting the oxygen they produced.

>> No.6976169

>McPizza in some places still.
in canada? i dont think so. but i would love for you to prove me wrong.

closest thing ive found is subway pizza, which is equally hard to find.

>> No.6976266

Burger Baron am i righte guys?

>> No.6976378

local franchise in Calgary has the equipment and has done them infrequently as events in the past.

>> No.6976414
File: 108 KB, 500x355, Harper-Tim-Hortons-Coffee-Cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't teach illegal temporary Indian workers how to make good doughnuts.

>> No.6976416

>Tim Horton's in top tier
>plastic sandwiches and frozen doughnuts

>Mr. Sub but no Capt'n. Sub
>Manchu Wok but no Wok Box
>New York Fries but no Smoke's Poutinerie

This list is fucked.

>> No.6976430
File: 103 KB, 460x244, brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've eaten Mary Browns in Ontario and in Newfoundland. Worst chicken I've ever had in my life.

>be me
>be at Mary Brown's
>first customer, so it's quiet in there
>hear microwave oven
>fuck me. they're nuking the gravy
>plate arrives
>hardly any gravy at all
>sorry anon (heavy indian accent), we're out of gravy

>no fries
>sorry anon (heavy indian accent), the fries will be ready in 10 minutes
>eat dry hot chicken sandwich

>10 minutes later
>fries arrive
>drink arrives

>> No.6976435

>smoke's poutinerie
>shit tier in Quebec
>best-you're-gonna-get tier in rest of the country

There are only a few smoke's poutineries. Doesn't deserve to be on the list.

>> No.6976452
File: 518 KB, 1024x711, mcpizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>local franchise in Calgary
fug i need to gtfo of ontario and go out west

>> No.6976459

>basically the opposite of this thread on fast food

Anon shut up and go home with your thermos bullshit. You're a moron

>> No.6976469

ive done repair work in a tim hortons factory(its called maidstone).
its pretty clean and the forklift drivers are pretty cozy, they have heated forklifts for working in the -30C blast freezers, most places dont.

i walked through the production accidentally once, it was clean as fuck, a lot cleaner than 99% of the places ive worked in that work with processed food.

a memorable moment was seeing a dude sitting there picking out imperfect donuts on a conveyor belt. he just sat there all day shooting defective donuts in the trash with a pair of thongs, man was living the dream.

>> No.6976478


Did mr Tim Horton himself fuck your mom and give you the tape himself?

I can tell this is the same anon from the style of writing. This is some deep seeded hate right here that goes further than fast food anon. Get some help.

>> No.6976508

Tim Horton's betrayed all of Canada when they were bought out by Americans— twice.
You can claim that frozen doughnuts help them serve faster, but they aren't even a fast food joint anymore: they're a drive-through bistro with entirely too many menu items to even pretend to be fast.

The reason fast food is fast is because it's got only like five menu items with no customization and can be mindlessly shat out in seconds.

>> No.6976548

Ontario here. I've never seen or heard of
>La Belle Province (assuming Quebec)
>Mary Brown's (which reminds me, OP forgot Dixie Lee)
>Hero Certified Burgers

>> No.6976620

>he just sat there all day shooting defective donuts in the trash with a pair of thongs
You have some unusual dreams, anon.

>> No.6976898

Are you fucking serious, OP?
We get nothing here, and half of those aren't even fast food.

>> No.6976913
File: 2.49 MB, 3264x2448, 20150823_142203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maam Balduc in Montreal - Best Poutine Ever

>> No.6976915
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, 20150820_032134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunns gives you it in a fucking salad bowl, amazing as well, but not as great.

>> No.6976933
File: 2.52 MB, 2448x3264, 20140819_145242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place was one of my favorites. Right across from Schwartz....even better smoke meat here I find as well.

>> No.6976936

When was the last time you left your goddamn basement? I live in a smallish town and we have a Wimpy's, Lick's, Mary Brown's and a failed Hero Certified Burgers.

>> No.6976940
File: 2.22 MB, 3264x2448, 20150823_180013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is it from my Quebec trip

>> No.6976946
File: 2.57 MB, 3264x2448, 20140820_024550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yea, this one too

>> No.6976971

What the other guy said. Leave your basement, holy fuck.

Wimpy's are everywhere, same with Hero, Mary Brown's, and Lick's. La Belle Province is obviously a mostly Quebec thing, you mongoloid.

Fuck, I've seen all of those chains literally everywhere I've been in Ontario. Toronto, Niagara Falls, Kitchener-Waterloo, Ottawa, Barrie, Sudbury...they're everywhere.

>> No.6978013

Lived in Ottawa my whole life, don't recall any of those. Must only be downtown or way east.

>> No.6978141

Whereabouts in Ottawa? I used to live around the bridge to Hull and they were all over, both sides.

>> No.6978201

So I was right about all those being near the French end. I was in Stittsville/Kanata.

>> No.6978205


I'm so sorry.

>> No.6978409
File: 27 KB, 359x393, steak gold cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunn's should be in the Monarchy Tier.
It's Pan-Canadian (Mtl, Moronto, Wong-couver)
It's great smoked meat.
Agreed not the best, but the freshest since they have a high volume.

>> No.6978411


They Canadian? Always assumed they were an external chain, like Moe's.

>> No.6978464

Nope, first restaurant was in Montréal.

>> No.6978489

bp should be high tier, the wings are bretty good

and st. hubert is in the right place

>> No.6978510

Just because nobody has eaten St. hubert doesn't mean you can lie about it like this.
Anyone saying tim horton's is worth half a shit needs to get themselves checked for numbed tastebuds.
Jimmy the greek is fine, their roast chicken is cooked evenly and their rice is great.
New york fries is mid-tier. You get what you expect, and it's not entirely terrible like pizza pizza's pizzas.
Pizza pizza does great chicken wings. Fuck their pizzas though, I guess they can stay in low tier.

>> No.6978532

Literally nothing wrong with Kanata.

>> No.6978545

Jimmy the Greek is pretty good.
Also the cora by my house is fantastic, and easily one of the best breakfast places around.
Tim hortons isn't great, but it's one of the better drive thru coffee places. Not as good as patrician Starbucks though^_^

>> No.6978578

mickey d's in brazil beats the shit out of any other mickey d anywhere else in the world though (or at least where ive been, most of western europe, usa, japan, china, 2nd best korea, south africa, mexico, and guatemala)

>> No.6978665

Spoken like somebody from Kanata.

>> No.6978680

>Tim Hortons Dark bullshit
Source? I'm interested in how this came to be.

>> No.6978690

Basically what happened is the company that used to provide Tim Hortons with their beans wanted a bit more money, and Tims basically said "lolno". McDonald's came in and scooped them up, which is why their coffee is good now and Timmies' has gone to shit. Tims basically went with the lowest bidder for their coffee, and - surprise surprise - it sucks. So then they brought out "dark roast" to try and imitate their old blend and keep people drinking their coffee.

>> No.6978695

Ty anon, but is there an actual article or link that you got this info from? How'd you hear about this in the first place, do you work in the industry?

>> No.6978708

I'm the poster from earlier, management at Tim Hortons for a few years. There's a few articles out there, but I can't be assed to find them.

Basically a few general meetings bitching about how upper corporate dun goofed and some overheard conversations at head office.

>> No.6978729

No worries fam. I'll look em up myself. I'm just legit curious as to how this Dark Roast shit came to be.

>> No.6978759

Tims use to get their beans from Mother Parkers Tea and Coffee. But they wanted to jew some more pennies off the cost of a cup, so went inhouse for their roasting. McD's now gets their beans from that supplier, while Timmies is trying to pawn off their "Dark Roast" shite as a way of spinning the fact their coffee tastes like the water collected out of the bottom of a garbage can left out in the rain

>> No.6978771

Is this just the McD's in Canuckistan? Or do they supply to U.S. McD also? I'm just curious because on the rare occasion I get coffee at McDougals here in Amerifat land, it's always been pretty good.

>> No.6978779

canada. pretty sure us mcd gets their coffee elsewhere

>> No.6979298

Just in communist Canada AFAIK.