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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 300x396, jamie_oliver300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6972852 No.6972852 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a twat?

>> No.6972853


>> No.6972854


Prove it

>> No.6972856


>> No.6972859

He's more a cunt.

>> No.6972873

There's probably 10 people on the planet who claim to work in food service who aren't unbearable tossers. I haven't met any of them.

I probably want to hang out with Jaime before hanging out with Alton Brown who seems like the epitome of the 'insufferable cunt'. Bourdain would be fun I reckon, same with Mr Flavo(u)r Town, meeting Nigella would end up with me in court, unless she's down for a squeeze.

>> No.6972877

>Alton Brown who seems like the epitome of the 'insufferable cunt'

Go home, bongland. You're drunk.

>> No.6972878

He's alright; his Fifteen restaurants were started specifically to train young people and are pretty successful at it.


>> No.6972880

>Brown is an insufferable cunt
>Bourdain isn't

Did I step into the mirror universe?

>> No.6972889


He rubs me the wrong way,

>"Oh, you haven't had a steak until you've cooked it directly on coals for 30 seconds!

He's the elitist fuck that everyone I know copies. I'm in my 40s and these wire-framed glassed cunts adore him.

>> No.6972896

I like Jamie, his dishes are pretty simple and rustic and he promotes using cheaper cuts of meat and spending some time with them to make good food, suits my style of cooking.

>> No.6972898

>Is he a twat?

He should just shut up and cook.

>> No.6972901


Have you watched his show? His entire shtick was simple, inoffensive recipes that the average American wouldn't run away in terror from.
They were bland, even. Probably why he always encouraged the viewer to experiment to their taste.

>> No.6972903


I'm not American, thank Dawkins

>> No.6972904
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>> No.6972906

I don't see how that's relevant, other than further evidence that you are backwards and wrong.

>> No.6972911


Well see, Alton Brown isn't known in other countries unless people search him out. The people in countries that aren't America who like food that do know about him will name drop him as a point of difference to try and bamboozle 'less knowledgeable' people.

Terrifying to know that the world doesn't end 50km from your house. Enjoy your Mac'nCheese and insulin.

>> No.6972920

he's a massive, massive twat. but i really like watching him cook. there's not much comfier than jamie at home tbh

>> No.6972922

"Jamie Oliver sees his children – Poppy Honey Rosie, 12, Daisy Boo Pamela, 11, Petal Blossom Rainbow, five, and Buddy Bear Maurice, three – only on weekends and during holidays, “which is fine”, he says."

>> No.6972943
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>> No.6973079

He comes across as a bit of an oaf, but I actually think his campaigns against unhealthy school dinners and sugary foods were spot on.

The rising levels of obesity in the UK could be directly correlated with the increase of American/American-style food products available in this country. His campaign DID lessen that rise to some extent

>> No.6973109



>> No.6973116

>"look, children! ORGANS! In YOUR chicken nuggers! Isn't that absolutely disgusting? Don't you feel revolted by this perfectly good, nourishing offal's presence in your food? Doesn't it make your spine tingle and your skin crawl? Don't you want to swear off any meat you haven't personally ground by your own hand?"

Jamie was a retard about school lunches.

>> No.6973124

I agree the program he made was a bit retarded in getting the message across, but the aim of the campaign was perfectly valid. Some of the shit they served kids was not only pretty disgusting, but really unhealthy

>> No.6973211
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I didn't use to have any opinion about him until one day when I realized that he has a really big tongue. It becomes very obvious when he's talking, as if he has a constant pool of saliva building under it, and he sounds like a retard sometimes because of that.

Once I noticed that, I could never un-see it and it kinda ruined things for me...

>> No.6973218
File: 31 KB, 468x286, twizzlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink slime ;_;

>> No.6973222

he has mild down's syndrome

>> No.6973232

>Jamie was a retard about school lunches.

He was spot on about school lunches; they were feeding kids complete shit, full of salt & sugar, because of budget constraints. He showed it was actually possible to feed the kids better food on the same budget.

Also yes, pink slime is fucking bullshit and people should be told what's really in their "meat".

>> No.6973238

He's more a pillock than a twat. >>6972873
Given the choice, I'd go for a pint with Raymond blanc.

>> No.6973258

He is a chef, so yes, it is part of the job.

>> No.6973360
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>> No.6973366



>> No.6973377

>Buddy Bear Maurice
Had to google to see if this was real and then I found this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/mother-tongue/9495117/Jools-Oliver-says-naming-her-daughter-after-a-My-Little-Pony-toy-is-nobody-elses-business.html

Yeah he's a twat

>> No.6973380

gordon's crispy pancakes had me in stitches

took me a while to realise it was a parody as well, at first I thought gordon was actually slopping milk around his kitchen, which is a hilarious concept

>> No.6973407

>I'd go for a pint with Raymond blanc

>implying he wouldn't complain it was too warm and ask for some cognac instead

assuming you're a bong of course

>> No.6973494
File: 52 KB, 620x413, 7240[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at Jamie's wife face you'll know exactly why he does not want to be at home.

>> No.6973511

she used to be hot as well

>> No.6973934


She doesn't look bad at all you homo. She just looks aged.

>> No.6973936


And aged =/= hot.

>> No.6974029

I can't even tell if that's a joke but I'm half tempted to believe it.

>> No.6974037
File: 56 KB, 940x627, 231912-3x2-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6974051

>implying you won't be shagging your wife when she's 40 because her vagina is wrinkled
enjoy being a divorced man with half a dozen types of HPV you got from the hookers whose shoulder you cry on because of your erectile dysfunction.

>> No.6974058
File: 27 KB, 615x409, Nigella-Lawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind giving Nigella a midnight snack seeing as she likes them so much. she won't even have to go down to the fridge for it.

>> No.6975061 [DELETED] 

Aww look, another American hater. What a unique and well-founded opinion you have there. Your stereotypes and hatred are on point with every other sheep who blindly follows the news and believes everything they see to be an accurate representation of the whole. Surely you are an intelligent and useful member of society, not an ignorant fool who allows others to generate his opinion for him.

>> No.6975341

He's a huge fucking sell out, just look at the prices of this shit


>Bacon @ $39.99 per kilo

>> No.6975356

Nigella reminds me of my ex so fucking much.

>> No.6975359

post pics faggot

>> No.6975379


>> No.6975716
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, sadsad life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow, I cringed.

>> No.6975720

no he's a wanker

>> No.6975759

Did he have a custom treadmill made that can support someone who weighs 500 lbs lumbering on top of it?

>> No.6975764
File: 388 KB, 396x519, downs_confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is Ramsay's Downy little brother a twat


>> No.6975963


Can't never have too much olive oil. Keeps your shits nice and slippery

>> No.6975965


It's a matter of taste.

>> No.6975983
File: 357 KB, 400x300, happywat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this pasta?

>> No.6976010

Well, they already have stripper names, it's only natural he'd go for abandonment issues in order to truly set their path in life in stone.

>> No.6976061

I served him the other day in my restaurant, he's doing his new series in my town (Southend)

he's a sound bloke to be honest, was really nice about the food even though I'm just starting out and gave me some nice advice

>> No.6976063

"my restaurant"

what I mean is, the restaurant where I work

>> No.6976069
File: 14 KB, 210x224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't look at him without thinking South Park.


>> No.6976070

I believe you.

>> No.6976096

i don't believe you

>> No.6976355
File: 604 KB, 850x637, Screenshot 2015-10-15 15.09.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6976397

he took away my fucking Turkey Twizzlers, i shall never forgive.

>> No.6976453
File: 27 KB, 508x524, 1443735274201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate his chippy and casual style, it really rubs me the wrong way

>hello you lovely people today we're making an absolute classic recipe that I got from my mate Dave trust me you're gonna love it

>> No.6976456


I felt the same for the longest time.

Then I had a meal in Barbecoa and warmed to the downy little spacker a little.

>> No.6976467
File: 76 KB, 682x512, britbongsnexttopmodel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>she just looks British

There's your problem, friendo.

Friendly reminder that these are considered 10/10's in the UK.

>> No.6976475


yea the cunts a bit of a tosser. Hosts with english as a 2nd language cooking shows are always the best

>> No.6976516

British TV chefs rankings

The One True God tier:
Keith Floyd

Acceptable tier:
Rick Stein
Fanny Cradock
Delia Smith
Tom Kerridge
Nigella Lawson

Jog on tier:
Jaime Oliver
James Martin
Gordon Ramsey
Antony Worrall Thompson
Gary Rhodes

Silvery moon tier:
Ainsley Harriott
Lorraine Pascal

Why aren't you fucking dead yet tier:
Mary Berry

People not mentioned don't deserve to be tiered because they are lower than garbard.

>> No.6976542

Simon Rimmer from Sunday Brunch is pretty good.

Mostly because him and the other host are just drunk for the last half hour of the show.

>> No.6976627

"Grandma" looks waaaay older than me.
I'm almost 34.

In all fairness, though; you could find specimens like these in any country.

>> No.6976636


this was literally the impetus I needed to purge my mushroom swiss burger and buffalo chicken pizza, thank you lad

>> No.6976677
File: 18 KB, 400x461, 1444441990456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sad thing is these specimins are absolutely typical for working class people in the UK

>> No.6977135

yes because he banned turkey twizzlers.What a faggot

>> No.6977179

are the two kids trying to bread a new race of massive headed children?

>> No.6977539

I notice Autism Blumenthal isn't in your list, well done you

>> No.6977680

Can't associate the word "Rimmer" with a programme about food m8

>> No.6977683

The man is a wanker.

>> No.6978416

>mocking a fat guy for trying to exercise

I mean come on dude

>> No.6979574

I met Jamie Oliver once. He was a guy

>> No.6979576

>He was a guy
I don't believe you

>> No.6979585

>Simon Rimmer

He's Simon, Simon, Simon Rimmer
Without him life would be much grimmer.
He's handsome, trim, and no-one slimmer.
He will never need a zimmer.

>> No.6979589
File: 55 KB, 620x310, Floyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keith Floyd

>> No.6979595

It was a list of chefs, not industrial chemists.

>> No.6979759
File: 32 KB, 300x300, gutted tbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be alcoholic
>poking around charity shop one day
>look through their VHS videos
>find "Floyd on Hangovers: the 3 day self-preservation plan"
>fuck yes
>get it home
>slap it in the VHS player
>player chews up the tape
>tape is kill
>search online for it
>no torrents/downloads anywhere
>£10 on amazon

>> No.6979778


>> No.6979798

implying anyone on /ck/ knows who Delia Smith is

>> No.6979809

>Delia Smith


I fucking hate Delia Smith, and it'll be November soon and she'll be back on the telly with all her fucking Christmas cooking shows. Fuck.

>> No.6979812

>what a cruel world where I'm forced to watch television shows I dislike

oh wait

>> No.6979813

No one said I'd be forced to watch them, chuckles.

>> No.6979923

of course you hate Delia Smith, isn't /ck/ number 1 rule "If you don't hate it, it's not worth thinking about"?

>> No.6979957

So you're just very upset that they exist at all. You're right that's much more reasonable.

>> No.6980079



>> No.6980153

Jamie was one of the first chefs I really liked on tv. His first few shows were fantastic. But he has since gone the Rachel Ray route and is making crap that supposedly home cooks make because it's easy. In the last 5 or so years the only good shows he's made were the ones about his travels, the ones showing how to cook have some horrible recipes.

Also, olive oil.

>> No.6980354

>not pointing out Fanny Cradock
