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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 85 KB, 480x640, nats-packing-rkelly-oe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6955210 No.6955210 [Reply] [Original]

What yall niggas drinking?

I just picked up two 40s of OE.

>> No.6955219

>two 40s
It's Thirsty Thursday m9, you can do much better.

>> No.6955237

Nothing, I drank a fifth of vodka last night.

>> No.6955249

I posted the thread at 6:35 pm, it's now 6:43 and I'm halfway gone through one.

I'll probably pick up some 24s later.

>> No.6955266

European here:

What the fuck is malt liquor?

>> No.6955274

>80oz beer
no, try 12 a night every night. anyone drinks more than me, i lose.
i just drank 5 starting at 530. i dont stop until 9ish. train your liver and live like bukowski nigger

>> No.6955275

damn nigga, can i come over and hang out on your porch with you?

i'm more of a colt 45 or mickey's type of dude myself

a lot of people give these types of brews shit for being shitty and cheap but i love them fam

>> No.6955280

I can't go to work drunk foo, I get muh drunk on after work nigga pop off son

>> No.6955285

>damn nigga, can i come over and hang out on your porch with you?
You already know my dude, g shit

>> No.6955287

>Malt liquor is a North American term referring to a type of beer with high alcohol content. In legal statutes, the term often includes any alcoholic beverage with 5% or more alcohol by volume made with malted barley. In common parlance, however, it is used for high-alcohol beers (6–7% and more)

Basically it's an Amerilard fag name for "slightly strong beer".

>> No.6955299

Get outta here with your bumass eurotrash shit, drink your proseccos with your gay homies and fuck off before I wipe the floor with your face nigga

>> No.6955311

The appeal is to be strong and cheap, not just strong. Get your shit straight

>> No.6955323
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>The appeal is to be strong and cheap

Like I said.

>> No.6955325

Vodka and Orange&Lime, no idea if that is an actual drink but it makes me feel less nauseous.

>> No.6955345

Amoretto and coke, but I'm just drunk (or buzzed, heavily buzzed). Not an alcoholic though, I like driving too much, and I'm really fucking poor.

>tfw a fucking lightweight

Side question, what's do you think the difference is between buzzed and drunk?

>> No.6955357

>Side question, what's do you think the difference is between buzzed and drunk?
Very fine line. I'd say drunk is when you can no longer control your body with a certain degree of control. Buzzed is being buzzed obviously and heavily buzzed will mean you're still sluggish but can obviously keep up more than enough.

Drunk is like when you try to do something and don't make it all the way through while buzzed means you accomplish tasks successfully. I'm buzzed right now for example and can type just fine without making corrections. 40 in 40 waiting roight now nigga

>> No.6955404

I do want to add that buzzed is still in the realm of accomplishing tasks successfully but just at a slower pace, drunk is like when you fail or struggle at doing simple things.

>> No.6955408

Does drinking a beer a night make me an alcoholic?

Will it fuck me up in the long run?

>> No.6955413


So, in your opinion anon, would you say that being slightly numb in the limb, struggling to type without autocorrect etc etc is drunk or buzzed?

>> No.6955436


is this b8?

>> No.6955443


I shouldn't think so, 1 beer shouldn't equal to more than whatever the UK gov says is okay to drink per night (around 4 units at most if memory serves me correctly). That's what, 1 bottle at 5%? A bottle and a half maybe?

So yeah you're good to go drink that one beer a day, unless is the strength of fucking absinthe or something.

>> No.6955464
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>> No.6955489

gonna get some vodka and mcdonalds later

>> No.6955553

I wish I knew a chick like this. I just want to party with cool people, not sot around drinking with a bunch of people staring at their phones all night.

>> No.6955591

Finishing my handle of Bacardi Gold, then going to switch to some very vile tequila

>> No.6955650

I going to have to be honest I drink 3 to 4 24ozs every day of this. Better then getting the shits from drinking Hurricane.

>> No.6955662

it might. 1 beer turns to 2, eventually 3 and so on until you potentially hit 12. but if you keep it at 1 then no youre good.

>> No.6955664

Has anyone started to notice stores going to plastic 40s?

It's fucking horrible, I can't get a mickey's 40 packaged in anything but a giant ugly mouthwash bottle.

>> No.6955673
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Pic related

>> No.6955752

I'd say you may be drunk, or heavily buzzed. So there's buzzed and heavily buzzed. Buzzed is when like you're feeling it my g but can acconpkish tasks my nigga. If you struggling too much you might be drunk. But there is light drunk and heavily drunk while there is buzzed and heavily buzzed.

>> No.6955794

Cause nigga you gotta keep shit in insperpective, dropping a glass 40 of OE on the streets means no more drank, plastic just richochets my nigga, keeping our dranksafe to drank sum more nigga

>> No.6955937

whitey anon over here

>> No.6955989

that depends, can you switch to 0 per night w/ no problems or do you start getting after a few days of that? it's not really based on the quantity but how you relate/react to it. some people can knock back tons w/ no issue. others drink themselves to misery with just a couple cocktails per night.

>> No.6955993

>or do you start getting after a few days of that?
*getting antsy

>> No.6956004

wORD WORD soometimes pple can;t wean themselves from one drink a nigght a nigjt whie others stopdrinking fine from one night to another just fine

>> No.6956014
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Cheers buddays

>> No.6956039

My nigga.

>> No.6956050

New Amsterdam gin, like every night. Cheap and good, if you're into gins on the more citrusy side

>> No.6956267

Arbys guy

>> No.6956754

Does anyone know what's a good armagnac to drink? Been trying to branch out to some harder liquors than craft piss water and I'm finding out all these things about grades and aging and youthfulness of these different kinds of hard liquor.

>> No.6956759

>Cheap and good, if you're into gins on the more citrusy side
But isn't New Amsterdam like one of those companies that don't specialize in making gins?

>> No.6956774

cheap lager followed by even cheaper pear cider

I'm not even poor or anything. I just love cheap & cheerful boozing

>> No.6956805
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This is what i have a thing for now.

>> No.6956954
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I was trying to get serious with this dumb broad awhile back and gave up the hootch. Tried to get back into it earlier this year and was pretty disappointed to find out they don't make Big Bear anymore. tfw Colt .45 & Black Bull just aren't the same. oh well

>> No.6956969

Sorry bro it's physically impossible to drink that much. Stop lying on 4chan please.

>> No.6956994

>tfw yuropoor
>tfw I'll never have an OE
>tfw I'll never experience the 90s gangsta rap drunk

>> No.6956997
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ALDIs, king of quality bitch! (^ω^)

>> No.6957035

>sort guld
did they mean Short Cold?

>> No.6957047
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Rich as fuck in flavor, maybe even a bit too aromatic for a beer to drink right after a meal.

>> No.6957217

Some red wine soon. Anyone else prefer red wine cold? I like to have it cold and neck 1/3rd of the bottle in a glass in one go.

>> No.6957259

Basically, OE tastes like sweet malt and a tinge of alcohol. Imagine a beer-flavoured soda.

The drunk is just like beer drunk, I don't buy into the "different drinks make you feel different" meme.

>> No.6957349
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hvad så??

Drinking this heavy, tasty as fuck motherfucker this fine evening.

>> No.6957351

I'm liking all the piss beers in this thread. Who the fuck has the money to get drunk every night off all this Fancy shit.

I just buy two 3 packs and 25oz Bud Lite. Gets me drunk and isn't horrible.

>> No.6958880

Just picked up two 40s of Coors Light

>> No.6958892

anyone wonder if it's even worth it?

>> No.6958898

jus b urself

>> No.6959413

You know she's doing it just for the photo right? She probably looks at her phone all thet time.

>> No.6959436
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My case came in today. On my second bottle with friends. A real decent BBQ wine.

>> No.6959463

Anyone ever drank a fifth in one night? Is that a lot?

>> No.6959493
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>> No.6959499




>> No.6959505


So is it a dry beer?

>> No.6959507

Holy fucking kek

Why did this make my laugh so hard

>> No.6959570

Only one way to find out, and that's to marry her.

I'm willing to take the bullet. Anybody know where she lives?

>> No.6959810

how is 2 40s considered "alcoholism?"

I went on a 3 month stint in college where I was drinking a 12 pack a day. and i only realized how bad it was when i saw my bank account.

>> No.6959858

Most I ever go with alcohol is maybe 1 wine glass per event and maybe 1 shot of whatever hard liquor I feel like drinking once a week at the most.

>> No.6959863

I presume you're sipping that serving of liquor? Most people don't call them shots unless they're taking them as shots.

Or, if you're taking it as a shot, why? You don't get a chance to taste it, and there's not enough alcohol there to have any worthwhile effect.

>> No.6959870

The shots is basically just the measure of drink. But yes, it's mostly sipping.

>> No.6959875

>wanting to get drunk instead of enjoying the flavor of the drink with full consciousness

>> No.6959882

I didn't say anything like that. Is this what you're like when you're sober?

>> No.6960571

Is it not liquid? Does it come out like sand or what?

>> No.6960577

I drink OE

>> No.6960593

A 9 dollar bottle of skol gin mixed with pineapple juice.

Here's my signature beverage called life fucking sucks
>put 3 ice cubes into an 8 oz glass
>fill half the glass or more with gin
>mix in a little pineapple juice so it doesn't taste like your drinking straight up cheap gin but it should still burn

>> No.6960614

Haha I used to work at the mikkeller bar in San fransisco. Try that beer with vainilla ice cream. Godly godly stuff

>> No.6960684
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This, and whatever beer i have left along with some vodka.

>> No.6961400
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>sipping a shot

>> No.6961465



>> No.6961640

And you wonder why women run from you.

>> No.6961670

I usually get steel reserve when I'm drinking high gravity stuff.

>> No.6961884
File: 3.14 MB, 4160x2340, 1010151807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 year Laphroiag and a Guinness. I am officially the happiest man in Oregon.

>> No.6961889

>I am officially the happiest man in Oregon.

That's not saying much. That's like saying you're the least black guy in Argentina.

>> No.6961940

i bought out all the OE at the convenience store so i bought 3 40oz of natty ice for 6 bucks

>> No.6961957

saw this thread still alive

no, im drinking a good 12 beers a night, no hangover. im a big guy, used to work out. the guts big, tbh, but seriously. and how do you think thats physically impossible?

>> No.6962048

Vodka and grapefruit for now, I'll switch to black bull when I run out

>> No.6962380

Always been a malibu rum nigga... dark if possible

>> No.6962537

wild irish rose

>> No.6963366

I dk what dry means. It has more flavour than a typical standard bitter type lager, but its more like a Japanese style lager than an Australian Crownie type beer.

>> No.6963384

He's trolling, old-timer.

>> No.6963460
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I'm actually quitting cold turkey, at least for a few months. It's already been a few days and I feel so much better.

I was drinking a fifth of 90 proof vodka every night for about 2-3 weeks straight, and before that it was every other day or so. My tolerance was so high, I could drink a fifth or more and still function as if I was sober (driving. cooking, etc).

I will say this, I've been bored shitless ever since I stopped, but I'm sure that will pass.

....I am still planning on drinking a few beers here and there. I'm just trying to stop binge drinking liquor.

>> No.6963481
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> strong and cheap
strong sure but definitely not cheap, not for a long time.
This is the drink of choice for the money conscious alkie.

>> No.6963508


I have no idea how you can drink this. All I see on Saturdays is disgusting chavs puking this unmitigated blue shit up on the pavement, often before 1700. Are you one of them?

>> No.6963516

No, I'm an alkie, I drink at home alone. Getting good at drinking this stuff takes time, dedication and stamina.

>> No.6963577

You also get know the people who run the local offie quite well.

>> No.6963592
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Best bourbon I've ever had.

>> No.6964563
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Can you anons rec me some rum that's wonderful yet affordable?

Best I've tried was Pampero Aniversario Reserva Exclusia, it's a cute lil' bottle in a nice looking bag used as a package, gr8 for a present I guess.

>> No.6964582
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>> No.6964691

Meyer's dark rum is my go-to for cheap yet tastey rum.

>> No.6964729

Meyers kracken depending on what's cheaper. all others are overpriced or shitty tasting

>> No.6964875
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>He thinks frosty's is actually blue

>> No.6964917

>turn 21 in a few hours
>no liquor stores open past midnight here

simply epic

any recommendations for good wheat beer, IPA, rum, or whiskey (southern california)?

>> No.6964919

You can get alcohol until like 2am in California.

>> No.6964937

yeah but literally everywhere except bars closes at midnight for some reason and fuck bars tbh

>> No.6965014
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Now drink up, let's get drunk
Le-le, le-le, let's get drunk
Now drink up, let's get drunk
And throwup in the car, let's get drunk


I'm sideways doin about a buck fifty
Perkin' off some of that top of the line wine, Carlos Rossi
Drank about a gallon to the dome, then that's the hit
Everything's blurry, burnt twisted eyes bloodshot red
Straight up on four
Don't forget about Legit though
Danked out, and full of that Cisco
Siding with the proper dame I don't know her name
But I'm lovin this part of the game (yeah)
And I'mma take her for a real ride (uh-huh)
Somewhere deep in the hillside
I got about a eighth in the coo-ler (coo-ler)
I thinks this just might do her (might do her?)
And ain't nobody gonna stop me main (yeah)
Once I gets her sloppy main (sloppy main)
Drunk as a skunk, and high as a kite
I hope I don't earl on baby tonight


Used to be sophisticated, but now she's intosticated
High society stuck up broad, violated then graduated
If we was the seven, can we get eight? (uh-huh, sure)
Just by you forgettin to say (yeah)
And then the question later, just like my big ol middle finger
Such an ignorant question, sittin in the corner blushin
It's really no problems I'mma go head and side and like I'm hecka stuck
And watch baby drink up



Mack D-Shot needin a dose of that gin
Cause I'm in it to win, as I'm tossin a ten
To plug it right, that is my mo-tive
To dig real dip, as I explose this
And watch the expression, on her face (yeah)
It gets me off as I collaborate
But that's how it goes another night, another session
But the tender straight taught me a lesson
Night number two (yeah) I know I shoulda been sober (uh-huh)
But now I'm advanced, and I'm about to bend her over
I can't get enough of that fetti for real
And now I'm hopin that she's on the pill (yeah)

>> No.6965028

a 12 pack of 40's?

or just normal 330ml beers?

>> No.6965081

Mmmm sluricane. Had it recently. Kinda pricy

>> No.6965089

just go hit up stone or ballast point faggot

>> No.6965180
File: 1.08 MB, 1440x2560, so tore up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click up baby


>> No.6965190

did you get night sweats and anxiety?

i stopped for a week and i hated it so guess what i did.

also what made you want to quit

>> No.6965422

40oz of steel reserve and a 24oz natty daddy

>> No.6966024

I haven't drank since Wednesday. I-....is that pretty good?

>> No.6966185 [DELETED] 

I remember recently reading a report on a study finding that the long term health effects are the same whether you have one drink every night or binge them all in one go

It really depends on what you call a "beer" though. At home it'd be a nice 568ml pint of 5% or so, but here in the land of cuckolds and insecurity it would be a tiny coke sized can of some lite macrobrew

>> No.6966191

Yeah just don't buy any locally produced craft brews, they're fucking horrible and only sell because americans are teying desperately to convince themselves they make the best beer now

>> No.6966217

I'm actually quitting for a while because for the last few months alcohol barely got me buzzed and was practically nyquil for me. Plus I get stomach aches instead of drunk now. I'm fairly sure my digestive tract has been slightly corroded. Might go without until around Thanksgiving.

As other anons have already stated in this thread, being sober is SO FUCKING BORING.

>> No.6967559
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Night sweats, no. Anxiety, yes. I also had very shaky hands the first day without. I'm on day 3 now and feel great. I don't seem to be having too many issues, thankfully. I've heard horror stories like people having seizures or heart attacks.

I just want to stay quit for a month or so, then start drinking a few beers when I get home in the evening. The goal isn't to stop drinking, it's to stop chugging (basically) liquor.


Is the beer belly thing a myth? Will I gain any more weight from drinking a 6 pack in the evening as opposed to a pint of vodka?

>> No.6967569

>Is the beer belly thing a myth?

Depends on what you mean. There's no guarantee that drinking beer will put extra weight on your belly.

>>Will I gain any more weight from drinking a 6 pack in the evening as opposed to a pint of vodka?

Assuming you are drinking the same amount of alcohol in either case, and that you're drinking the vodka straight instead of mixing it then the beer would result in more weight gain. Vodka is alcohol only. Beer contains alcohol as well as carbs. Whether or not that extra weight ends up on your belly or elsewhere on your body is up to genetics.

>> No.6967578
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>Is the beer belly thing a myth? Will I gain any more weight from drinking a 6 pack in the evening as opposed to a pint of vodka?
Yes. pecifically, it has to do with the phytestrogens in the hops. It has an effect similar to pueraria mirifica.

>> No.6967607

>beerfags thinking they are alcoholics
Step it up niggas and go to the hard shit. Even winos drink harder than you.
Use to drink a fifth a night plus whatever else it took to get me through the day to stay calm. I wouldn't say it's normal but it always felt right to me. Trying to stay sober now though.
>tfw the withdrawals are finally easing off but the cravings just get worse
>tfw tempting yourself by posting in an alcoholics thread
I miss alcohol bros, but I'm already in too deep in aa.

>> No.6967620
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I drink oe if i gotta work the next day. Pic related if not

>> No.6968837
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>tfw gave in to cravings today
I just don't know anymore

>> No.6968849

It's OK. We all die. Some of us just deteriorate sooner than others.

>> No.6968850

I see nothing but some girl's legs and hips.

>> No.6968852

same. Half through a fifth, I don't feel any better than I did. Cutting back isn't hard, its just boring. And now drinking is boring too. I can't even feel anymore, I almost miss being sad.

>> No.6968895
File: 47 KB, 342x562, tumblr_mi33jdjYIh1qbrgydo1_400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. $2.50 for a 4 pack of 16oz's, I usually down a 4 pack 3-4 times a week. This whole "being an alcoholic" thing is starting to get old though, I'm starting to notice the physical effects, I constantly feel like shit anytime I'm not drinking

>> No.6968919
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>I almost miss being sad.
Why do we hate ourselves that we must prefer this to normal states.

>> No.6968934

today i woke up and decided not to have a breakfast beer.
willpower is understated these days. it's easier not to think of things as a challenge, but instead a choice.
learn to enjoy pacing yourself, and don't beat yourself up too much about giving in.
don't place anything higher than your health, safety and wellbeing also helps imho.
hope you're doing okay, anon, and to all anons going through the struggle.

>> No.6968947

I think he thought other anon was saying he drinks 12 40oz a night

>> No.6968958
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I can't even hate myself or anything anymore. I feel nothing, good or bad. I can't even be enough of a human to feel depressed, angry, or agitated. I can't be happy, excited, or curious either. I used to have so much life, for better or worse. I'd get mad, I'd have enough spark to learn things I found interesting. I had friends to hug and enemies to fight. Now I just don't and it isn't even bad. I've mostly quit drinking, sometimes I do. I can't even find the motivation to kill myself because I've internally killed any feeling or motivating drive to take on something so meaningful.

>> No.6968970
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>> No.6968977

Kek. Gardettos snack mix pls and thank you.

>> No.6969203

Wew lad. Just had my breakfast wodka, the ride never ends anon.

>> No.6969327

anyone else hate buying booze? I feel like a degenerate going to walmart at 9 in the morning and buying only a handle of vodka wish you could buy alchohal on those automated checkout machines

>> No.6969541

It's walmart m8, no way you're the most degenerate person in there

>> No.6969578

I'm a pothead now. I don't miss the taste of breakfast vodka but this thread does give me many nostalgia feels for all the social stuff drinking vodka got me to do.

>> No.6969697

>get drunk
>wake up in the middle of the night and stay up for four hours watching movies, then go back to sleep
every time

>> No.6969772

Getting my King Cobra on right this second.
/ck/ is fun. It's not the fastest board.

>> No.6969776
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Wyborowa checking in

>> No.6970045

You're either lying, or you're retarded. It was bottled in 1990, meaning it's 25 y/o.
If you're gonna pretend to be a big man and drink Scottish whiskey then stop being such a spacker. It drives us Scots up the fucking wall

>> No.6970103

Bought 3 660ml bottles of Singha, a bottle of captain morgan's rum and 4 cans of Hobgoblin, a grand old night is ahead of me lads.

>> No.6970280

How is bombay sapphire gin? I see it pictured in peoples collections here so much and I'd really like to try it, and it doesn't sound too expensive at 23$ a bottle. Should I grab some little airplane bottles of it?

>> No.6970287

Same here, I always wake up in the middle of the night with no tiredness out of nowhere. It's probably because I'm so deep asleep when I drink enough that I wake up feeling perfect.

>> No.6970304
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>Is the beer belly thing a myth?

No, beer will bloat you generally and make you look fatter than you are
Obviously it has more calories than vodka so you'll get fatter too



>> No.6970313

It's popular... that is all I can say for it. Pretty weak tasting, but might be because I really like juniper and Sapphire has a poor showing for it.

If it's your first foray into gin, then it'd be a good choice, but it is basically vodka with some mild flavourings.

>> No.6970320

Evan Williams bourbon. it's fucking garbage

>> No.6970330


This is a lot of alcohol for an american?

>> No.6970354

Sorta depends on what particular variety of OE that is. It's anywhere from 6 to 8 % abv. That's 5 proper 16oz pints there and I'd say five pints of an 8% drink is a fair bit by anyone's standards. Unless you're Finnish or Russian.

>> No.6970397
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Haven't opened it yet but I will be drinking this today

>> No.6970412

Ever heard of a Tactical Nuclear Penguin?

>> No.6970465

Why yes.

Is this an everyday beer for non-Americans?

>> No.6970488

Nope. Not at all, Jamal.

>> No.6970749

Yeah, even without that much training.
When going out, my nights usually last from 8/9pm to 3/4 am, sometimes later.
A fifth (750ml) of everything between 20-50% shouldn't be a problem.
Most will be pretty drunk, but that ain't enough for a hangover.
I'd wager I would do a fifth of forties in two or three hours without feeling that bad, and I'm drinking a few beers every other night and hard stuff like thrice a month, only on weekends.

>> No.6970796

Rec me some good $30 whiskey

I'm in Baltimore area fam

>> No.6970866
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>have 2 midterms tomorrow
>haven't really studied
Good thing they're both shit that should be pretty easy. I don't know how I'll function if I get a real job. Probably end up suicidal again tbh.

>> No.6971378
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> you will never become a sommolier

All I want is to drink wine all day but the pay is still shit unless you're a master, of which there are ~200 in the world.

>> No.6972328

tame tuna 010

>> No.6972351
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My roommate just got kicked out of a bar for being blackout drunk
Had to wrestle him into my car and he bailed out to puke as I was pulling away. Had to come back around and carry him across the street.
Just dragged him up the stairs to his room and took a cold shower and shower beer

>> No.6972354

man you must have a really easy major

working life is easier imo

>> No.6972554
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When you're buzzed your body feels good. When you're drunk it feels like shit.

>> No.6972565
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>> No.6972588
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>flavoured stout
You disgusting Hipster cunt, get on my level you swine

>> No.6972593

Jameson and coke, halfway through my last one :(

>> No.6972611

English pint glasses are the ugliest things ever

>> No.6973075

way easier in my case. the hard part is finding a job.

>> No.6973089

My housemate had some cans of Foster's that went out of date in January which he didn't want. Suit yourself, I mean it's crap and way past sell by but I'm not turning down free booze.

>> No.6973357 [DELETED] 
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>pay my bills on time
>take care of my dog
>never miss a day of work
>apparently worse than Hitler because I like drinking before 5, or early in the morning

Why am I the bad guy?

>> No.6973361
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Remember, you're a Stalin-tier war criminal if you drink before 5 o' clock.

Seriously, why are people such faggots? Are conventions really stuck in people's heads that hard? Disgusting.

>> No.6973363

How much do you typically drink before work, /ck/?

>> No.6974866

>thread almost died

saving it

It's 3:44 Am where I live (norway) and I've gotten started on my beers; I woke up late and managed to distract myself for most of the day, but I knew I had beer in the fridge. Only 3 half-liter 4.5%'s down, and the store opens again in 4 hours and 15 minutes.

>> No.6974897
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A local brewery here in Tulsa. This is fucking delicious. 13% ABV too.

>> No.6974906
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On my second one, got two more in the fridge.


>> No.6974951

Nice man.

can you tell me about steel reserve? it's just a high ABV cheap lager beer?

as a norwegian used to drinking the cheapest of beers to save money, i suppose it would actually be pretty good?

>> No.6974956

yeah, it's 40 oz of 8.1% ABV malt liquor(sweet, strong, usually shitty lager) for 2.50-3.00 USD, which is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

>> No.6974969


Same. Tonight is my first night in weeks/maybe months that I havent had a drink. Usually need about 10 of those 100 proof Smirnoff Root Beer or Espresso nips a night after work.

Tired of blacking out nightly though

>> No.6975039

that does sound pretty nice anon

as a frequent user of alcohol I sort of wish I lived in another country, either eastern europe or USA.

I know this sounds ridiculous but it costs me about 19 bucks for 3 liters of 4.5% beer. And I can't buy liqour or wine or any alcohol stronger than 4.6% in the grocery store.

it sucks

>> No.6975043

I live in Denver, and you can't buy anything stronger than 3.4% in grocery stores and gas stations. There's a liquor store on practically every block, though

>> No.6975523
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What about Natural Ice? Cheap beer, and 5.9%.

>> No.6975539

>tfw the ramones will never write a song about OE

>> No.6975600
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>> No.6976002

This was my go-to for a long time, until it was cheaper to get something else. I'd still drink it any day.

>> No.6976350

What are your favourite rums not considering price? I'm looking for something gr9

>> No.6976367


Just bought this today. It was expensive as hell, but looks good. Bought the apple brandy noir as well.I live in Norway btw.

>> No.6976382

Majorska Vodka & Powerade.

>> No.6976479

American here, reporting for duty.

It's strong beer that has this gross fucking sweet taste to it. It's utter shit and people only drink it around here if they're black or hipster faggots. No one else seriously drinks 40s of malt.

>> No.6976485


Fuck me why can't Americans just drink fucking proper BEER? You are literally children.

>> No.6976487

ITT: whites without friends

>> No.6976492

This one is also white.

>> No.6976615

It's been explained multiple times in here that they're imbibed because they're cheap and an efficient means of getting plastered.

>> No.6976626

>it's n-not proper beer you s-stupid Americans

>> No.6977350

i have to call it quits for a while. i got the worst withdrawals ive ever had on monday and i was about ready to call the hospital.
effects are lingering throughout the week and it's scaring me pretty bad. im realizing that i could really hurt myself if i continue this way.

sorry for the blog post but i thought maybe some of you could relate. if not go fuck yourselves.

>> No.6977371

Hang in there, I went through physical dependence and checked into hospital detox. It isn't cheap but if you think you might have seizures and die its what you have to do. How much were you drinking, how much have you drank this week, and what were your drinking patterns? You able to go to work?

>> No.6977412

>Hang in there, I went through physical dependence and checked into hospital detox. It isn't cheap but if you think you might have seizures and die its what you have to do
i dont think im at the point of seizures, but elevated shallow heartbeat and trouble breathing. it's just enough to make me realize i need to stop or at least cut way down.

>How much were you drinking, how much have you drank this week, and what were your drinking patterns? You able to go to work?
usually a handle of vodka over 2 or 3 days, drinking every night with maybe 1 or 2 days off. havent drank this week at all which i think is why the withdrawals arent going away. i didnt go to work on monday but every other day has been ok. i sit at a desk so it's tolerable but physical exertion makes my heart race and i have to stop.

>> No.6977431

Your very close to being in big trouble, please realize this. I wouldn't check into a hospital if I were you, its just too expensive. I went through every phase of alcoholism though and you are right on the brink of going over that edge. And you should be scared because it gets much worse. Right now it sounds like you can limit yourself with some effort, please do for your sake. If you don't soon it reaches a point where you have zero control.

>> No.6977455

alright thanks man. i am fucking terrified honestly and i hope all this clears up over the next few days. i appreciate your advice.

>> No.6977486

Keep your head up, you can still cut back and after your withdrawal subsides you'll feel much better. It really does suck but I can't stress enough that you can't turn your back on it. I didn't know that when I was where you are right now and let it slip so far I couldn't get a grip on it. It's really small miracle I didn't end up dead or in jail, those last months were just hellish. Whatever works for you though, maybe it's complete abstinence if you need that, or maybe it's cutting down and drinking responsibly after you dry up for awhile. I just don't want anyone to go through a crippling addiction if they don't have to, its so bad.

>> No.6977600
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going back and forth between these two

>> No.6977643

Do alcoholics think of alcohol as a drug or not?
If not, why?

>> No.6977650

Yes. If you don't, you're either in denial or not an alcoholic. If you're the kind of person who drinks sometimes just because you like the taste and don't even drink enough to get drunk, that's the only way I can buy somebody saying "it's not a drug to me".

>> No.6977961

I had a really bad panic attack today and went to the ER. They got me on some meds for a while and I think I might join a program or something

>> No.6978429

Sorry to hear. After detox I did outpatient rehab for a couple months and stopped going, I don't think it helped me because I couldn't relate to the people in there. Most of them were straight ankle monitor criminals and parolees who had to go for probation, I was probably the only one there voluntarily. There were a couple other whites that looked rough as fuck. I went to an AA meeting that actually seemed like a really good and laid back group, everyone chainsmoked inside and said fuck a lot while downing pots of coffee. I didn't go back because of my anxiety speaking in front of groups but if you find a chill AA group it probably helps a lot. Best thing to do is straight up admit it to somebody your really close to, maybe a parent, best friend, or girlfriend. I couldn't have just stopped on my own, I opened up and told someone how deep of shit I was in, they were shocked but thankful.

>> No.6978496

I usually get it and mix it with some tonic, lemons, and limes. It's my unwinding drink, but I'm the only person I know that likes gin and doesn't become a bitter fuck up getting drunk on it.

>> No.6978850
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Cheers again buddays, gonna get drunk

>> No.6978884

whats for dinner budday?

>> No.6978885

on my second 40oz of 211

>> No.6978895

Oh, just had some mostaccioli to finish up some leftover sauce. Would post it but I already ate it.

>> No.6978934
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making bad decisions now

>> No.6979243

Same. I used to hide my drinking and make excuses and get rly guilty after benders, but now I just own it. Idk wats worse

>> No.6979833
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Who /kraken/ here?

>> No.6980764

Is green label Russian vodka a good type? Got it for £15 a liter.Mixing it with cranberry juice and its pretty good.

>> No.6981874
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>this thread is still alive
not bad tbh

>> No.6981970
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Just crackes one myself.

>> No.6982010




fam I gotta know

how much does one 40 cost where you live (AZ)

I feel like I'm getting ripped off when I hear about people getting actually cheap malt liquor (less than $2)

It's like $2.99 before tax for me

fam pls

>> No.6982034

2.62 at the liquor store I go to in MI, but they give em to me three 40s for six bucks even because they're cool with me

Different stores have diff prices though, 711 is the most overpriced place I've seen

>> No.6983215



>> No.6984865

>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.

Would have gotten Olde English but it was out of stock. This works, though.

>> No.6985243

>malt liquor
Nigger beer. Plain and simple (although I like it, as well)

>> No.6985277
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Been drinkan these for the whole evening. gonna go to a party to get even more drunk.

>> No.6985291
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>liquid atomic fireballs mixed with caramel coloring and vodka
>slightly alcoholic soda

How's being 16 going? You parents buy you a car yet?

>> No.6985304

Been a total hipster tonight and fucking loved it

Smoked a pipe all night and sipped port wine

it was like having a 5 hr desert with basically no calories

>> No.6985359

Is that even bourbon? I thought it was Tennessee, or sour mash

>> No.6985366

MUH >>6985277

>> No.6985378
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Drinking this homebrew IPA.
The recipe said its a Hairy Eyeball clone but I've never tasted Hairy Eyeball so I'm not sure if it tastes like it.

>> No.6985514
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Came home from a party earlier and started working on some tequila. For middle of the road tequila I love this stuff.

>> No.6985518

And apparently I live in Australia, sorry gents.

>> No.6985524

why won't you guys just stop drinking?

>> No.6985527

>actually facing life sober

>> No.6985578

yea, like thats an option

>> No.6986043
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Guys. Why do we do this to ourselves?

>> No.6986436


Is it gr8?

>> No.6986598

Beats the shit out of Captain Morgan. It's great mixed with vanilla coke. Others recommend orange juice, but I never tried that.

>> No.6986611
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>tfw broke up with gf and think it was a mistake
>tfw finished just about all liquor and beer i had on hand
>tfw drunk text her and ask if she wants to talk
>her reply has exclamation points after every sentence
feels bad man

>> No.6986618

hairy eyeball is not even IPA m8

>> No.6986636

could be worse. on Friday night I ended up making out with my gf's friend while she watched kek

>> No.6986652

at least you still have gf bro

>> No.6986655

I don't that's the point

>> No.6986688


>> No.6986712

It worked out better in the end really

>> No.6986751

My nigga. Best rum I've ever had.

I just use normal Coca-Cola. (We get the proper sugared version.) It's delicious enough to be sippable on its own.

I only drink occasionally, and not much (I'm a lightweight, in every sense), and very good stuff when I do, so... this thread makes me feel kind of bad for some of you. Stay alive, anons.

>> No.6986946
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noon on Sunday, I've got a few of these left from last night, probably gonna finish them off pretty soon, then buy some more beer. I gotta get up at 5 tomorrow so I'm probably gonna get day drunk and be in bed by eight

I don't really like hard liquor, wine is good, but I like being able to drink all day and not get too fucked up. nothing like a steady day buzz.

>> No.6987137

i really need to stop

>> No.6987159

How else would we hold back the crushing loneliness?

>> No.6987176
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i ask myself this every day