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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.50 MB, 2572x1954, steak-tartar31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6964191 No.6964191 [Reply] [Original]

how do i tartare guys?

>> No.6964197

stick it up your ass

>> No.6964207
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chop up some raw meat and add other stuff to it if you like

>> No.6964223
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>> No.6964244 [DELETED] 

Just follow one of Jack's burger recipes, the end result should look like tartare

>> No.6964247
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Just follow one of Jack's burger recipes, the end result should look like tartare

>> No.6965157

Check out this one, as a cook i find it FUCKING AWESOME. (2nd half of the vid)

>> No.6965179

if you are going to eat raw meat make sure that you know really well where it came from and that its frist quality meat. you can die if its not really good meat

>> No.6965192

I really want to try steak tartare but I'm too much of a pussy. I feel like just the texture of raw meat would make me gag. Plus, being an American, we're kind of conditioned from birth to abhor any and all raw animal products. You pretty much have to be reeducated when you get old enough to actually learn to appreciate shit that hasn't been cooked to all hell

How do I go about preparing myself to eat steak tartare? Is it safe?

>> No.6966438
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If we get sick, we get to sue

The nose knows

>> No.6966443

I had this once at some fancy restaurant a while ago

It's basically just beef sashimi

the flavour is beautiful and intense, it's just that the texture isn't too great

>> No.6966446

Also, stop being such a fag, i can smell the murica from here

>> No.6966450

that shit looks based as fuck

>> No.6966480

That's so over the top, I can't even imagine what the texture would be like. The baby squids look good too.

>> No.6966489

Instead of a raw egg yolk, try an egg cooked at 75°C (167°F) for 13 minutes. You don't need to cook it sous-vide. Just a pot of water and a decent digital thermometer is perfectly fine.

>> No.6966510

We do this a LOT in our family. In Germany it is a traditional dish. I just love it
You take FRESH meat from a BUTCHER (fuck that supermarket shit)
If you want to go full fancy shmancy then take beef and if you don't have to much money take half beef half pork.
Then for the spices: one egg, salt, pepper, paprika, Majoran, curry, you can take any spice you've got
You mix everything well on your plate (everyone does their own mixing)
Then you grab fresh bread (dark or light doesn't matter) butter it (or nor completely up to you) and put the mixture on. I absolutely love it!

>> No.6966511

>carefully arrange thinly cut tomato slices, the barely touched squid and greens to then proceed to smash it all to fuck with some cloth containing salt

>> No.6966577
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>eating raw pork

>> No.6966592

gotaa eat da jizz, boi

>> No.6966627


all i can think about is GT3 menu music

>> No.6966665
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yes its delicious....

>> No.6966666

Love me some raw pork.
Aso get

>> No.6966671
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>> No.6966673

i just use ground beef

>> No.6966674

Big gYSre

>> No.6966681

Gysre get plæx gois?

>> No.6966684

underrated post

>> No.6966690


ialways found the opposite was true. very mild flavour, sublime texture.

>> No.6966698
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Me gystre es tu Gystgran

>> No.6966706 [DELETED] 
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Here's one I prepared earlier.

>> No.6966719
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>> No.6967066
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hello my friend, for this one i used foie, which i cook it in a pan and ox meat, pickle and shallot. This tartar is semi cooked, just a few seconds each side in the pan.

>> No.6967163
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Good Lord

>> No.6967174


>> No.6967195
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wew lad

>> No.6968375

>if you don't have to much money take half beef half pork.
>raw pork

how much of an idiot are you?

>> No.6968379

i just use ground beef

>> No.6968649

are you jews or mudslimes?
aryans have no problem eating raw pork

>> No.6969291
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>> No.6969292
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>> No.6969298
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>mega Satan eats raw pork

>> No.6969309

Confirmed that if you aren't eating your pork raw then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6969444

I like with the horse colt meat version

>> No.6969453
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>> No.6971026

Give me a little pile of kosher salt so i can season it as I eat and I'll pay like $30 for that. holy shit that sounds amazing.

>> No.6971037


>Asian guy 1: Dude I bet I could trick big city Americans into paying high prices and not even cooking the shit

>Asian guy 2: No way, people aren't that stupid

>Asiana guy 1: watch me

How Sushi and tartare became a thing.

>> No.6971046

>Sushi and Tartare were invented in America
why do we still let these people breed, much less use technology?

>> No.6971057
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>> No.6971058 [DELETED] 


>reading comprehension

I never said we invented it retarded foreigner. I said they popularized it in big Cuck cities.

>> No.6971074
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>> No.6971084
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>> No.6971088
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>Sushi and tartare are only popular in large American cities

>> No.6971090
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Marco Pierre White made venison tartar for hit great British feast show. Apparently, everyone loved it. I believe he even put ketchup in it, if I recall correctly. Check it out, all the episodes are on YouTube, I think.

>> No.6971093


>reading comprehension is not my strong suit


There you go adding your own words to things.

>> No.6971094


Said the foreigner.

>> No.6971104

Never eat raw meat you dumb fuck. Unless you know that the meat is grounded from cuts away from the digestive tract, don't eat it less than well done.

>> No.6971120

Steak tartare came from nomads pillaging cities on horseback. The tartares would tenderise the meat below the saddle and eat on the go. Mind you that they didn't use ground beef and salted the meat for curing.

>> No.6971127

>Yuropoors are so poor they eat their eggs and meat raw

>> No.6971135

>Never eat raw meat you dumb fuck

Found the USDA approved meat eater.

>> No.6971146

Yeah. Do you know your butcher? You dont!? You're vegan? Oh hey there's some peanut butter for you that has something special in it.

>> No.6971147


So meat that smelled like horse? Right up Europe's ally.

>> No.6971154

>Do you know your butcher? You dont!?

I do.

>You're vegan?

I'm not.

I'm sorry you're such a pleb. Please git gud.

>> No.6971168

That's awesome but at the same time a little bit disgusting. Cold meat shouldn't look like it went a lot of handling and too long to make or be that pressed together and rolled.

>> No.6971727
File: 26 KB, 367x332, 26068-25648-10778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tartare is not a verb, OP.

>> No.6971731


wow what a shit get

well done

>> No.6971733

why doesn't the FDA make it safe to eat raw meat so we can without getting sick?

>> No.6971750
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>> No.6971753

they already have

>> No.6972050

I don't know much but I know those quints don't lie, son

>> No.6972912

One time I was in Piedmont (Italy) and a friend of mine suggested we have some raw beef. So he got some quality minced beef and mixed it with french mustard, some olive oil and salt/pepper. Was surprisingly good, even better on toasted bread.
Would eat again, but not quite tartare.

>> No.6973522

Sushi isn't even the raw fish. You could have fried meat and it would be just as much sushi as having it with raw fish.

>> No.6973907

howdy satan

>> No.6974496
