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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6959279 No.6959279 [Reply] [Original]

Do women like a man who can cook?

>> No.6959289

yes, but they really don't know what they want so just be the best version of you tbh.

>> No.6959291

Is this a serious question?

>> No.6959298

Enjoying your Friday night?
I have to work tomorrow.
What's your excuse?

>> No.6959314

Since a lot of them can't cook for shit, yes.

>> No.6959347

Only if you cook exactly what they want, whenever they want it.

>> No.6959357

They'd like to go out and be seen eating than be at home. So, no.

>> No.6959361

Women like a man who doesn't give a shit whether people like if he cooks tbh.

>> No.6959386


>Enjoying your Friday night?


>> No.6959399

Some of them pretend to like cooks, just like they pretend to "like" everything. Don't fall for the ruse, they're only after big dicks and $$$

>> No.6959416

this is true. and don't get involved with a gold digger because they are the female equivalent of a male rapist, except they can do a lot more damage than just psychological. they'll take you for all you're worth and you'll never see the kids.

>> No.6959425

>never see the kids

fuck that, just have her try and stop me

>> No.6959435

then you might end up doing time. you can't win unless you don't play with them.

>> No.6959451

If that were true, women would be eager to become donkey-human pornstars.

OP: you need to enjoy cooking for yourself first, only then will it become impressive to girls. Learning how to cook just to suck up to her is lame.

>> No.6959455

>Learning how to cook just to suck up to her is lame.

That's pretty much what my life has come down to, though. Should I just kill myself?

>> No.6959456

need more details. legitimately interested if you're willing to produce.

>> No.6959458

Interested in what? My ominous obsession over her?

>> No.6959469

i dunno dude, fuck you.

>> No.6959470


>> No.6959471

dumb frogposter

>> No.6959510

i'm going to say yes on the basis that it's a good skill to have, as well as it saying that you take care of yourself

>> No.6959540

Some do, yes. Some might see it as a sign of maturity/independence but tbh I just like to cook with someone. Its a nice, simple thing to do with your significant other.

>> No.6959595

>fucking monkeys give me my dragonballs reeeeeeeeee

>> No.6959598

Why wouldn't they? Dumb frogposter.

>> No.6959820
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yes. butchery included
the race will not be denied, you see
a good cook is generally fast and energetic, has keen eyesight, smell and taste, excellent fine motor control, good sense of timing and proprioception and a casual attitude towards killing things
in other words, by cooking well, you demonstrate many, if not most, of the characteristics of a good mate
this is what dancing is for, as well, but it only deals with motor capabilities. still a very nice and hard to fake signal of health and reproductive fitness.

>> No.6959849

stupid friezaposter

>> No.6960080

Women don't necessarily "like" a man who can cook, but they like having everything done for them.

>> No.6960243

exactly... and when i cook for a date, 99% of them finished in the bed for Dessert...

>> No.6960356

It's funny you say that. Look into actual statistics on this: the greater a proportion of the joint income is earned by the man, and the higher that income is, the lower the rate of divorce.

Which makes sense. A 'gold digging' woman actually stands to lose something if she leaves you. Whereas, why would a strong independent womyn who is earning just as much as her husband stay with him if a better offer comes along?

>> No.6960398


>> No.6960583

Since a lot of them can't cook for shit, no.

(Because they still want to think that cooking is their private realm of expertise and have their sub-par skills constantly affirmed as superior to yours).

>> No.6960599
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>> No.6960605
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Hell yeah. Or at least I would

>> No.6960638

I suggest you declare three weeks of your life a period of absolute celibacy.

During this period, do not even think about sex. If <famously hot woman> herself propositions you, commit yourself to turning her down.
However, don't become a hermit. Go to social places during this period of absolute celibacy, and then do not even consider sex a possibility. Talk to girls about random shit while thinking "if she asked me to join her in a broom closet, I would claim to have a headache."

Think about the most selfish, self-indulgent things you can imagine, and then do them. Hot baths. Desserts. Really rich food like crab or broth-based soup. Creamery butter. Go to a massage parlour, the kind that women go to, and get your back tension murdered by some dude. Try rare spices in rare ways - say, spiced coffee.

Basically, you need to be self-sufficient for women to see you as a source of strength. Sex with her should be an evening's diversion for you, not your personal moon landing.
To be self-sufficient, you need to learn to be selfish, self-satisfied, self-indulgent, all sorts of things that make other men nervous and agitated.

>> No.6960674
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>> No.6961347

Of course. it indicates he can take care of himself and has the life skills of a self-sufficient adult.

>> No.6961383


Sure they do, but never go for a woman who can't cook either.

Some women like men they can cook -with-. So there's that.

Just don't date a chick who can't cook. It means she lacks even the fundamental skills of living on your own and being healthy and in the end, will only be dead weight for what ever life you might build with her.

>> No.6961403

I dunno dude do you wanna get laid or be dead? Seems pretty obvious tbh

>> No.6961475

doesnt matter. don't bother cooking just because you want to impress girls. cook because you want to. that will impress girls

>> No.6961476

This is truth.

Other indulgent things include learning a skill such as drawing or lifting weights or more daring styles of fashion.

You'll find yourself in a situation where people are envious of you. Attracts the people you'd want to attract while driving lazy bums and users away.

>> No.6962376


Look into actual statistics on this: the greater a proportion of the joint income is earned by the man, and the higher that income is, the lower the rate of divorce.

link the statistics, would be curious if they also take into account the female's income at marriage relative to his

>> No.6962384

fucking hilarious

>> No.6962409

I'll give it a try, anon-kun. It better be worth it.

>> No.6962650


>> No.6962653

Of course. Cooking is a life skill. Who doesn't like men (or women for that matter ) with life skills? You'd have to be an idiot not to.

>> No.6962667

Hmmmm, I guess my marriage is an exception. My wife made more money than I did when we got married, and did for years after as well. Now I make more money than she does.
Marriage isn't about money, at least, not if you're smart. It's about being with someone who you can depend on, and who's your best friend in good times and bad. And sex. Lots of sex. Lots of unprotected sex, because thank fuck you don't have to worry about condoms anymore. Lots of dirty, filthy, great sex. I gotta go....

>> No.6962678

Most women claim they do, women say a lot of things that dont mean anything. Women like men that make money and have their own house, and will put up with their shit. It doesnt matter if you even know how to boil water, it isnt going to make or break a relationship. Hell, you could just lie and say you know how to cook just to have something to talk about at first and she pretends that matters, it wont after you 2 are fucking.
Just imagine how shallow you are...now multiply that times 10 and add selfishness and insecurity in there. Thats a woman.

>> No.6962679

>Do women like a man who can cook?

They prefer it if you are rich and take them out to eat in overpriced restaurants (that are generally designed for women to show off in anyways).

>> No.6962689

Yes. Although don't count on it as your main or only skill.

>> No.6962712

>never see the kids

Anon why would you ever do that to yourself?

>> No.6962820

you never got sex for cooking a meal for your date?

>> No.6962825

>Thinking the sex had anything to do with you cooking a meal

>> No.6963430

Underrated post

>> No.6963447

Its less that a woman likes a good cook, but that a good cook usually signifies a well-rounded person

also being wined and dined on is probably nice

>> No.6963499

No, it just means you're a bitch because you never had someone cook for you

>> No.6963504

Girlfriend is much much more successful then me.
Interested in sharing her life with me because I can cook.
Joke last night about the reason we started dating was the food. 100% true. OP learn to cook chicks love it.

>> No.6963519

bcuz babby a cute

>> No.6963521

They like it but its not the end all be all of qualities they look for

>> No.6963533

Nope I never got it just because I cooked
Besides you wanna have sex before the meal while the lasagna is cooking not after it, thats how I usually roll

>> No.6963751

thats not a fucking matrix is a linear graph jesus fucking christ someone execute this man in the name of proper nomenclature.

>> No.6963781

>Do women like a man who can cook?

Women are lazy and love a man who'll do anything for them. They won't thank you or repay you, just soak up your labor and expect more.

>> No.6963812

I like when he can make at least something enough when I'm sick or out of the house on business
Grilled cheese, simple soups, chicken breast

>> No.6963818


You're dating the wrong women, breh