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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 389x260, Aurelio's_Pizza_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6942368 No.6942368 [Reply] [Original]

Homemade pizza general.

Please post tips, recipes and pics of your God-tier pizzas.

>> No.6942371

step 1) preheat oven
step 2) remove red baron pizza from packaging
step 3) cook until done

>> No.6942691


>> No.6942692

>implying the oven isn't in my home

>> No.6942697

oh you! I mean from scratch.

>> No.6942704

>from scratch
step 1) get a job
step 2) work
step 3) get paid in scratch
step 4) use scratch to buy red baron pizza
step 5) follow directions in >>6942371

>> No.6942708
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Pizza stones are a pain in the ass to store (I put mine on top of the fridge when not in use) but I swear to god, they are WORTH the investment on making a flaky crispy crust. It's not really a one trick pony, as it can bake other things really well too (like chicken tenders).

If you see one in a thrift store, snag it and give it a try. I bet you'll agree. :)

>> No.6942736
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Pic related
I'll post my method to do it like it
1) buy flour,yeast and 'peperoni'
2) In a taperware put the yeast, 2 glasses of water, the fresh-yeast
3) add flour
4) mix-it with a fork
repeat 3 and 4 until you can mix it a little with your hands..
5) wait, wait,waaait
6) preheat oven
7) gib shape to the dough
8) prepare and cook
9) post it and get insulted :D

>> No.6942739

you could use oven-paper and do the pizza directly on the base of the oven

>> No.6942843

I am sorry anon, but that looks terrible. You could do better.

>> No.6942862

Wait is this a thing? Can somebody confirm?

>> No.6942877
File: 319 KB, 1153x2048, 11780219_984846688234996_2113363514_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this pizza for my bf's birthday. I was bretty impressed with myself tbh. Pizza is uncooked in the pic btw

>> No.6942901

I've broken three and I know how to follow instructions. One tiny imbalance in the heat placement and they crack. No matter how expensive or cheap.

Parchment paper for baking generally has a temperature limit below pizza, like 400 degrees. Pizza wants to be done at like Auschwitz degrees.

>> No.6942949
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it sure is it can hold 220 celsius one paper can be used about 3 times
I can D: pic related

>> No.6942968

It seems an 5/10 could feed my cat

>> No.6943049

It can be done i did it like 9000 times

>> No.6943054
File: 83 KB, 500x375, pizza1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post some photos of my pizzas

>> No.6943060
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>too much bacon on this.

Another one.

>> No.6943065

mangled sloppy and too much crust
bathed in cream
: |
4/10 needs work harder

>> No.6943087
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another one

>> No.6943089
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i make this small one one day that i was home alone

>> No.6943092
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Would /ck/ senpai eat my pizza?

>> No.6943094
File: 2.74 MB, 3264x2448, pizza4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here it is before eating it

>> No.6943098
File: 2.51 MB, 2448x3264, pizza7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pizza from another day.

>> No.6943099

I could try but what is that :#

>> No.6943104
File: 3.18 MB, 3264x2448, pizzapizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pizza, i like to put olives or tuna in it sometimes.

>> No.6943108

Jalapeños, olives, and basil.

>> No.6943116

Looks decent, but one of you should be shot for not liking onions.

>> No.6943118

you lack disaprin
the way of the pizza should not lead to high cholesterol
Use the appropriate quantity of cheese not less not more

>> No.6943124
File: 2.77 MB, 3264x2448, pizza23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is the last one

>> No.6943138

I would need to test but seems a 4/5 at least :D
could you give more recipts please?

I usually go with peperoni or
onion - pepper - egg
cream - bacon
onion - eggs
pineapple - ham
or any variation

>> No.6943144

>I made this pizza for my bf's birthday
bragging much

>> No.6943478
File: 1.37 MB, 2048x1536, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to practice my pulling. I always end up with a massive, over thick crust.

Fuck yeah I'd eat that.

>> No.6943511

Green bell pepper. What the fuck why are you buying filler?

>> No.6943608

I'll usually just make make focaccia and top it with whatever I have on hand. Never managed to make a legit brick oven pizza without a brick oven.

>> No.6943617

I made some dough with old yeast yesterday and it didnt come out so good, it was chewy and weird as fuck.
Anyone done a cauliflower dough?

>> No.6943621
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this thread needs more deep dish
>hurrhurr tomato casserole

>> No.6943702

What went into the filling for that? I've never had a deep dish pizza before, but my understanding is that it's primarily cheese, and that looks like a good foot diameter by inch thick cylinder. I can't imagine a block of stuff that big really doing much after ten minutes in the oven.

>> No.6943831

sausage, pepperoni, beef, bacon, green pepper, onion, cheese, and cheese-stuffed ravioli

tried to be as over the top as I could

and ravioli is shockingly good in pizza

>> No.6943876
File: 154 KB, 480x559, IMG_20150313_162520_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only pizza in the thread that looks even moderately decent.

The rest of y'all motherfuckers need to step your game up.

>> No.6943882
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You niggas even trying to pizza?

>> No.6943892
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also mine, excuse the potato quality

>> No.6943897

ahh cheese pizza needs some anchovies.

>> No.6943898
File: 138 KB, 480x594, IMG_20150311_161658_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be doing a spinach, onion, mushroom, and meatball pizza tomorrow. If this thread's still up I'll post more pictures.

>MFW you wish your mouth was on my meatballs

>> No.6943932

Parchment or pizza stone? I'm on board for parchment, I can adjust my dough to take 400 degrees for a longer time.

But the stone thing. It's a ripoff for anything other than pizza. Even bread, the heat flows get uneven, and [crack] goes the stone.

>> No.6943937

9/10 Pollock ratio distribution of toppings. Round actually round. Rare talent. Keep it up.

>> No.6943941

Also good Pollock ratio. Anti-Yerp distribution. No splotches. Well done.

>> No.6943956

Get unglazed red clay tile from Home Depot

>> No.6943966
File: 109 KB, 480x501, IMG_20150728_155346-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if Pollock is good, but here's something relevant

Bratwurst pizza I made

>> No.6944021

the parchment

>> No.6944059
File: 39 KB, 514x386, 20121001-baking-steel-thick-pizza-lab-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get a pizza steel instead. Much better.

>> No.6944092

See now this is what I need to eat more often. Every time I order a sausage pizza, the sausage is like little gray lumps of meat, maybe, at best, there will be a piece of anise inside. Nobody actually makes the sausage actual proper sausage.

>> No.6944110

Anyone cook cast iron skillet pizza

>> No.6944146
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>> No.6944148
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>> No.6944164
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, 20150619_165358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pesto sauce, sauteed yellow onion, chanterelles, thick-cut peppered bacon, and fresh mozzarella.

>> No.6944168
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, 20150619_172741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End result. Sorry for the terrible pic quality.

>> No.6944385


>> No.6944388

Doesn't look like it to me. Looks like pesto pizza anon.

>> No.6944400

Or, what you're considering to be the burnt crust could be the cast iron pizza plate...

>> No.6944550

Looks pretty gud

>> No.6944648

yum. i love chantrelles

>> No.6944893

I like to put garlic powder in my pizza dough.

>> No.6944943


These look delicious.
I used to make bomb pizza, then I stopped for a while. So when I make thrm now, they suck. The dough is always fucked up.

>> No.6944949

The best cheese combina yt? Ion for pizza is provologne (smoked or non smoked ) right on the naked crust, then add your sauce and mozzarella with more provologne optional. It gives it such a wonderful flavor and mouth feel.

>> No.6944959


>> No.6945357
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Concur. Mine is round. Love it.

It looks appetizing, but Jackson would have pushed those toppings cheese and sauce all the way to the edge.

>> No.6945362
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>> No.6945372
File: 758 KB, 1206x1600, image_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all these pizzas look like literal garbage? Is everyone here from ohio or something?

>> No.6945375
File: 403 KB, 1280x2835, 1387436846636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw no pizza oven

>> No.6945568

you motherfuckers need to learn about egg wash, these pizza's crusts look like those people with the Michael Jackson disease

>> No.6945582
File: 1.22 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed so god damn much.
Got one this weekend, first try, best pizza i've made. Fuckin delish

>> No.6945633
File: 2.65 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_2707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my pizza

>> No.6945799

what egg wash?

somtimes i mix eggs with the cheese

>> No.6945985
File: 152 KB, 1456x1047, Yerpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about brushing egg wash (egg, water/cream, salt) to seal and brown the crust. Gives a Yerpy pastry appearance. (pic)

When the crust is properly covered to the edge with toppings, sauce, and cheese, however, no such labor intensive spergatronics are necessary.

>> No.6946016
File: 16 KB, 460x276, what am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>egg washing a pizza crust

>> No.6946034


>> No.6946042

its a damm 4/10
I could try but it seems too much job for pizza

>> No.6947940

>Not cutting your green peppers in long slivers or rings
>Not enough mushrooms
>That topping distribution

I'll give points for the crust, but I wonder how this cooked.

>> No.6947942

Well, you can always brush a pie with oil.

>> No.6947953

How do the toppings not just fall off after cooking when they are not held on by anything? If I put pepperoni on my hand then lay an onion on it then a green pepper then a piece of mushroom and tilt my hand at all, everything but the pepperoni is most likely falling off my hand. I assume the same would go for pizza if you did not tie it together with a small amount of cheese on top which would mean less under it as well.

>> No.6947972

>egg wash on pizza crust
just brush it lightly with olive oil

>> No.6947977

What kind of dough do you usually prepare?
00 flours or just regular?
Do you proof the dough in fridge for days or just in room temp for a few hours?
Sauce recipes?

>> No.6948010

well they would fall in that pizza
Do a layered pizza
1 sauce
2 little cheese
3 toppings
2*2 cheese

>> No.6948066
File: 558 KB, 1080x1776, Snapchat-7529680094718491598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this a few weeks ago

the base is 2 wraps with tomato paste sticking it together, while toppings are sliced chorizo, double smoked leg ham, and can't forget pepperoni.

>> No.6948088
File: 1.57 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20151002_182608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this last weekend. Apologies for shit camera.

2 cups white whole wheat flour
1 tsp activated dry yeast
1 tbs extra virgin olive oil
1 tbs honey
1/2 kosher salt
Let rise in fridge over night

minced fresh tomato (about 16 oz or so)
2 tsp basil
2 tsp marjoram
salt and pepper to taste

Pesto Sauce:
1 cup fresh basil
1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan
1/3 cup olive oil

top with fresh mozzarella, pesto

add additional toppings if desired

>> No.6948091

you forgot to cook it m8

>> No.6948166

If you wish to make pizza from scratch, you must first create the universe.

>> No.6948172

>Doesn't even create God itself so he can create the universe for you
>claims pizza is made from scratch

Yeah no

>> No.6948180
File: 138 KB, 1280x960, 858850_4548053860391_1314921635_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does sliced bread pizza count?

>> No.6948189

>is a warm sandwich a pizza?

>> No.6948221
File: 9 KB, 300x171, shining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks fucking revolting

>> No.6948297

>sliced bread pizza
thats a contradiction in terms

Also it will never taste like pizza without oregano :D

>> No.6948337

Pic was taken before putting everything in the oven. Oregano was put on afterwards

>> No.6948419

Please post the end result... Fuck i feel sorry for you anon

>> No.6948499


You're suppose to SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the amount of Pepperoni used when you add more toppings. There's usually a hierarchy too.

Salami before Pepperoni
Mushrooms before uncooked Sausage and Bell peppers but after Pepperoni

Onions go before green pepper but can go after uncooked sausage.

>> No.6948504

>There's usually a hierarchy too.
Pepperoni has no place on pizza.

>> No.6948507

Pepperoni is the goat topping you humongous faggot

>> No.6948511

People are gonna use the grease pucks whether you like it or not.

If they are, may as well tell them the proper stacking order for them and how much or how little is appropriate when using them in a combo.

>> No.6948513

Only if your a beetus ridden pleb.

>> No.6948519

maybe if you're poor and unwilling to pay for fresh meat over high sodium cow nipples

>> No.6948568


this but with a 00 flour

i've made it with high gluten flour also,comes out good but i prefer the 00

>> No.6948672
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I've worked in two different local pizza places and this is the worst example of topping distribution I've ever seen

>> No.6948757

00 is pastry flour anon, use at least 0 for pizza, it has 11-12% protein, 00 has 7-8%

>> No.6948765
File: 2.79 MB, 3120x4208, IMG_20150402_200135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well... My way of doing pizza...

>> No.6949165
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>> No.6949168
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and this. Im not good a cooking, but these both tasted great. fuck presentation

>> No.6949768
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>> No.6950356
File: 32 KB, 381x500, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's different with this "caputo tipo 00" stuff

the 00 only refers to how fine it is in this case

should have clarified

>> No.6950373


>> No.6950638
File: 194 KB, 1529x536, Partypizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to party pizza

>> No.6950647

>muh style
You made bacon cheddar rolls using pizza dough.

At best you made a savory equivalent to the cinnamon bun.

>> No.6950721
File: 310 KB, 948x592, 00c6d82d-1754-4e28-928c-1fd0b235d72e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could be a barely decent bruschetta if you toast the bread before put topping once toasted the bread scratch with garlic and then topping

plobaly your white flat sugar full american bread will fuck up everything anyway

>> No.6950729
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Crappy out-of-focus tablet pic. Made those at least six months ago. Probably the most like American chain style-looking as the ones I make get (quite a bit of cheese). I don't have any good pics on this desktop atm.

Steel or a stone (and a peel/paddle) is pretty much mandatory, preferably a steel. If you don't have one the best way is in a steel (not fucking aluminum) baking pan, like your typical 11 x 13 cake pan, and make a rectangular pan pizza. You don't need any special tools for that and it can be awesome if you ferment the dough. But trying to cook raw dough on a thin aluminum round pizza pan made for frozen pizzas does not work. The topping might taste okay, but the crust will always be white flat shit. I know because that's how I started.


Yah. Tipo 00/Caputo is for a wood-fired oven. Buying it to use to make pizza in your home electric oven is counterproductive and a waste of money. Home ovens do not get hot enough to do what the flour was designed for. And, yeah, they are actually LOW protein/gluten; they are the exact opposite of NY style flours and are much closer to All Purpose than the 14-15% protein of "high gluten" flours.


Fermenting the dough is the secret to great pizza crust. Using a very small amount of yeast (like 1/16 of a tsp for a typical 10 ounce/300g or so dough ball) and then oiling and covering and putting the dough ball in the refrigerator for 48 hours before using it is what separates the men from the boys. Those who do 36 hour room temp fermentations with a wild yeast they caught themselves are the big league, and that method makes the best and most tastiest pizza crust.

>> No.6950734

> 1kg
da fuq there are only 25 kg package here

>> No.6951312
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So one time I got shitfaced enough to make a poutine pizza and also take a really bad picture before I demolished it

>> No.6951314

the dough doesn't look browned because I used a biscuit dough recipe and cooking it too much would make it supremely dry

>> No.6951324

That's a strange pizza, but I'd destroy it drunk.

>> No.6951337
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>> No.6951351

>Americans think pizzas are square

Bloody heathens tbh.

>> No.6951467

Kid Cuisine and school lunches aren't the norm, fam.

>> No.6952386

It was godly

>> No.6952389

No one does this

Stop doing that

>> No.6952405

this looks good

>> No.6952416

>non americans think they are clever

>> No.6952422
File: 969 KB, 1932x2604, IMG_20150821_191705~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first attempt a few weeks ago.
I used dough from Publix bakery, I think I'll make my own next time. I made my own sauce though. Used my kamodo grill which with a stone, can act as a sudo wood fired oven.
I enjoyed it but need to work on my dough stretching and let it rise longer.

>> No.6952674

Dough stretching tips 4U

1 make a ball
2 put flour on
3 WITH YOUR PALMS make it plain enough to roll
4 put flour on both sides
6 flip and flour and roll

The goal is a uniformed pizza, flip and flour is essential to have control

>> No.6952711

Thanks anon.
I didn't have a rolling pin at the time. I'll give these a shit soon.

>> No.6952722

Meant a shot. I am of liquor.