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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 406 KB, 602x878, cricket-flour.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6941301 No.6941301 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a meme or could we expect to see it be used more in the future?

>> No.6941305

This should be in the funny names thread.

>> No.6941308
File: 48 KB, 478x634, banter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is definitely not a real thing

>Cricket Bread
>Cricket Cake
>Cricket Tortilla

>> No.6941311

its a real thing

one of the first youtube results, not my opinion


>> No.6941417

should've removed the picture of the cricket tbh

>> No.6941461

Has anyone tried raising mealworms for human consumption?
There's documentation on how to raise them for pets but I'm not sure if there are further steps necessary to eat them yourself.

>> No.6941465

Vegans are gonna go mental over this.

>> No.6941482

Is it gluten free

>> No.6941576
File: 560 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-10-04-12-11-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was planned to be a cheap, healthy, and sustainable food. But the trend setters have got hold of it. So your suspicions are correct OP.

There's no point even buying it because it's highly marked up now.

>> No.6941625

>trend setters
>eating crickets

>> No.6941640

yeah, you want bbq


or salt and pepper?

>> No.6941647
File: 167 KB, 725x544, insect_plate_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, you're trend setters.

>> No.6941660

Surprise, you already are eating it if you eat bread. This is one of the fortification agents they use.

>> No.6941666

See, ANY cookie made with 100% non-wheat flour falls short. Should've had a 50/50 one too.

>> No.6941671

It's a meme. Not even a meat shortage will drive people to eat crickets - they'll just eat soy.

>> No.6941673
File: 8 KB, 169x240, 35068541_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy as a strabismus and hypertelorism.

He basically look like a monster who eat bugs.

I wonder if he's getting laid and what kind of girls would mate this.

>> No.6941676


>> No.6941681
File: 7 KB, 345x146, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon they are a good source of protien

>> No.6941710

So is cum. But nobody is going to buy 2 liter bottles of it and drink it

>> No.6941713


>> No.6941722

Isn't that the guy from Mr. Robot?

>> No.6941723

King Ja/ck/ even recommends it!


>> No.6941729


>> No.6941791

No, but a lot of actors seems to have hypertelorism.

Brendan Fraser is another one.

>> No.6941795

not really. It's made of proteins, but it's not a good source of dietary protein.

>> No.6941876

I hope it gets used more in the future. I already hear fit people rave about it since its an incredibly healthy protein. I would love to supplement my diet with some of this protein because beef and pork are getting more expensive.

>> No.6941915
File: 41 KB, 488x374, 52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this one is obviously made out of crickets

Fucking Sherlock over here

>> No.6941933

I've actually had an energy bar made with cricket flour, and to be honest it really tasted like crickets.

Like, if you have a lizard or something that you feed crickets, and you go to the store and get a bag, when you open the bag and you can smell the crickets, that's what the bar tasted like.

>> No.6941939

That's disgusting. Crickets smell fucking awful.

>> No.6941995

Maybe it's my western privilege showing but I don't think I could ever eat crickets. I know people in other countries don't find that weird at all but there's just a primal disgust there that I could never overcome, even if they're ground up very finely.

I'd sooner eat soy, like the other anon said. Maybe in a couple generations cricket flour will be a normal thing, I dunno.

I think vegans by and large do not care about insects.

>> No.6942096

irrational bitch

>> No.6942261

Sure, I think it's something we'll see more of in the future, particularly in over-populated and food-poor areas.

In wealthy western Europe and the US, it will probably be a very long time before it is anything other than a niche thing.

As a source of protein, though, bugs are great and they require very little resources to raise compared to livestock.

>> No.6944240

Serious talk time, are bugs really a wonder food? All the research I've seen advertise crickets and shit as being basically protein and jack shit else.

>> No.6944263

theyre a wonder because of the cost in resources involved in raising them being much much cheaper than cattle. its about economy, not taste. its basically animal protein from something we have to kill anyway in order to raise crops. that doesn't work out quite the same as raising it and eating it.

>> No.6944277

Depends on the bug. Crickets are nasty, but grasshoppers, scorpion claws and most grubs are pretty tasty. Don't bother with dried bugs online, either. You wouldn't cook dried shrimp.

>> No.6944299

Don't expect much, it's supposed to be good, cheap protein but it fails to deliver. All the products are either not cheap or not particularly healthy or taste like shit, usually a combination of all three.

I personally don't mind crickets, I went to Thailand and ate them. They basically taste like sunflower seeds, the only thing I didn't like was that the legs get stuck in your teeth.

>> No.6944339
File: 284 KB, 1920x1355, mealwormfriedrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see it becoming a thing for fitness type people first (especially if it stops being sold so expensively - I understand why though - not many people know about it but those who are might pay more so they price it high..) and then maybe expanding from there.
I'd consider it a good thing to add to your diet.. I don't believe in wonder foods. Everything in balance :)
They actually don't taste bad at all though, they taste no more offensive than nuts/oats which is sort of what their flavor reminds me of.
The little salted dried shrimps are delicious though. The big ones too.. I think people use them for cooking, I've only used them for kimchi which is fermenting not cooking but since I was a kid I just liked them right out the package.

>> No.6944365

>could we expect to see it be used more in the future?

Yes, but not in our lifetimes

>> No.6944374

I wonder what kind of parasites and sickness the bugs can get
Its surely a lot easier to deal with bugs seeing how much faster they can grow in captivity

>> No.6944390

I think that chicken and beef are going to be around for a long time
You can make synthetic meat ribbons out of whatever, but until you can mimic the actual texture of meat, people won't switch over

>> No.6944395

I don't think it's about replacing meat, it's about supplementing it. I'd like to see it replace soy protein tbh.

>> No.6944397

shit i love that movie

>> No.6944399


>> No.6944404

Meme food.

That's why the FDA will always put insects under experimental food status.

There is zero research or knowledge on the possibility of getting diseases or illnesses from cooked or raw insects.

>> No.6944411

But insects are in your yogurt anon

>> No.6944416

Don't know why anyone would care about a food shortage.

If humanity reached that point, we would have been desperate and willing enough to genetically engineer ourselves to be photosynthetic at that point and get energy from sunlight in the exact same way plants do.

>> No.6944422

Don't eat yogurt anymore after they stopped being high in fat and became low fat garbage.

I just eat cheese instead.

>> No.6944434

I miss Custard Style Yoplait

Thick and Creamy is NOT the same

>> No.6944436

Lobster, crab, and shrimp are insects too

>> No.6944440

those are nucky foods

>> No.6944451

They do it all the time in Thailand and are fine there. Also there's no reason farmed bugs would be more likely to give you diseases than farmed meat. Especially since we're so biologically different that bug diseases are less likely to affect humans.. It's doubtful there'd be a "cricket flu".
When bugs spread diseases it's usually because there's something that evolved to use the bug as an intermediary - like malaria with mosquitoes (not sure if any of these exist for crickets, and it would be easily controlled on a farm.. You can get parasites from regular meat that hasn't been raised and prepared properly anyway).
I'm pretty sure there's been at least some research done also.

>> No.6944464

I work in an insectary and moth flour is more commonly what people come to us asking for. Moth flour is higher in protein and works better in nearly all respects. However, shit like this will never be popular, as, at present, when you feed colonies if insects its almost always using a standardized diet made from corn-soy blend.

>> No.6944468

But lobsters, crab, and shrimp are soaked in brine 24/7.

Land insects are soaked in pesticide and whatever crap they are in.

>> No.6944484

Insects are willing to eat poop.

Lobsters, crabs, and shrimp are only willing to eat things that are still alive and not poop like plankton, fish, etc

There's a food hierarchy here and insects are bottom tier.

>> No.6944505

Most insects eat plants and aren't too into eating poop unless they're a dung beetle or something.