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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6934059 No.6934059 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s opinion on this man.

>> No.6934063

i like him, not the greatest cook on earth, but a pro and write funny books

>> No.6934066

Tryhard Jack Kerouac wannabe.

>> No.6934071
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Just got this in the mail, I read the first few pages and its impossible to not read it in his voice.

>> No.6934075

Kek I just ordered that and the devil in the kitchen

>> No.6934078

I don't think Bourdain is tryhard. From his early work, you can see he began as uncomfortable with the "roving culinarian" motif but grew very nicely into the role

Are there instances of fabricated wonderment? Sure, but such is the way of it when you have a backlog of works experiencing the best dozens of cultures have to offer. After a while, a backyard barbecue in urban Detroit seems trite. Yet his job mandates he manufacture intrigue, which he does quite well

>Jack Kerouac wannabe

In the same sense that Little Miss Sunshine is an adolescent On the Road
Kerouac did not expect his musings to be well-adopted. They were and he evolved to suit them. Was he more successful at the whole "journeyman adventurer" concept. Indeed, look no further than Alone in a Mountaintop to see that clearly.
But Bourdain does in the modern era what Kerouac could not; appeal to a sense of wonderment in a broader swath of society
Food is a relatable and critical aspect of culture. He bridges the gap between food and culture more than anyone on TV at the moment

Tryhard Jack Kerouac wannabe

More like Jack Kerouac: 21st century reboot

>> No.6934082


>> No.6934991

I think he looks a little bit like Caetano Veloso... just a little.

>> No.6935025

Who isn't?

He's moderately based. I wish i had his life, travelling, eating, getting unabashedly drunk.

>> No.6935455

I see it too, Bourdain looks less Jewy though.

>> No.6935465

He's a more French version of my uncle

>> No.6935483


Junkie that got lucky writing a book about the inner workings of kitchens in large cities.

Polished PC turd for the mass market.

I am ashamed to have graduated from the same Culinary School as him. I don't like when he visits either as I work there and my entire days itinerary is fucked.

>> No.6935492


He is half Jewish according to his wiki.

Bourdain has said he was raised without religion, and that his ancestors were Catholic on his father's side and Jewish on his mother's side.[10] His paternal grandparents were French: his paternal grandfather emigrated from Arcachon to New York following World War I, and his father grew up speaking French and spent many summers in France.[11] Bourdain also traces his roots, in various parts, to Europe more broadly (Austria, Spain and Gibraltar, and Ukraine), and to South America (Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay).[12

>Jewish on his Mother's side

>Jewish Mother

That makes his Jewish.

>> No.6935499


a miserable misanthropic kitchen peon? I can't believe it..

>> No.6935500


He's clearly non-observant though. His favorite food is pork.

>> No.6935513


"reformed" Judaism, is Zionism, not Judaism.

Hence the Orthodox and Hacidic sects absolutely hate people who claim to be Zionists.

Go to Monsey, Crown Heights, The Catskills... you won't see ONE israeli flag.

There is a significant difference between a Zionist and a Jewish person.


I have to instruct other aspiring cooks to become Chefs, not an easy task. I am happy I am not tenured, or mandated to actually run a class, assisting is fine for now. If offered a fell teaching position I would probably quit and go back into the weeds with the other cooks of the world.

>> No.6935530

he seems like a bully

>> No.6935543

A bully?
He's a 90 pound metrosexual

>> No.6935552
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Kitchen Confidential is essential /ck/ reading. No Reservations is also pretty damn watchable.

A cook's travels, or whatever it's called, really shows his amateurishness as a write, as he's writing about shit he has no idea about such as travel, culture, and food tourism. His CNN shit was so contrived it was pretentious, and his other books are a cash grab.

I don't blame him for any of this, but only the first two are worth your time.

>> No.6935553


>> No.6935562



He sold out because he has a small child to provide for, any of us would do the same thing if provided the same opportunity.

>> No.6935577

hes v rude to people.

>> No.6935581



He's a New Yorker, never come here if you expect manners from anyone.

The upstate folk might have manners, I don't know, I don't care either.

>> No.6935589

People shouldn't use geographical region as an excuse to be rude to others.

Manners is a major component of food culture and if he doesn't have any, i don't like him.

>> No.6935591


New Yorkers have great MANNERS, but we're direct. Upstate and flyovers are nice, but unmannered as fuck.

>> No.6935596

You live in a city chock full of fags and liberals and you act tough. lol tbh

>> No.6935603

Well to do kid from the burbs who moved to the city, toughed out his way to becoming a chef, with a detour along the way into being a junkie.

He then funneled all that attitude into a very good best selling book and being a TV celebrity.

Good for him.

I tend to agree with his opinions, and enjoy his writing and TV stuff, so I like the guy. I'm a little concerned that his celebrity has knocked him out of the loop as far as an understanding of the NYC food scene goes, which makes me a little fearful for the success of the giant food court thing he's got planned for a West Side pier. I fear he will be responsible for a very expensive, high profile, grand scale flop.

>> No.6935608


Go to any major city in the world, people simply don't have the time to cater to tourism needs unless that's their job.


Culture=/= manners



>> No.6935639

hes a caustic unnecessarily verbose pseudo intellectual pseudo deep asshole who expects people justolovewhathewantsorfuckoff XD without realizing his own egotistic narcissim and bully tactics block him from being his own self view of a deep life individual, which is yet another veil of his ego and in reality is gaudy monotone narration of his shitty travels. andrew zimmerman is far more entertaining and complex and culturally endowed and respectful than anthony bourlame. why anyone would chose to watch him over zimmerman is crazy. you can tell andrew cares about the people the culture the food stories told, in contrast its obvious anthony cares about himself first, about his reflection of the culture or the food, his journey, this goes back to his egotistical narcissim i.e. this stuff is there for him and his story and its okay if he acts like a prick because hes anthony bourdain and anthony bouradain likes anthony bourdain to narrate dramatic non deep attention whore blog post tier lines on his shitty show. aside from zimmerman there are dozens of food celebrities that are far better than him, how he got the show i have no idea, but i wouldnt be surprised if this ex druggy sucked his dick up the way to the top

pic related

its what he really is like on the inside not the pic OP posted

>> No.6935641

this makes sense on how he got popular

>> No.6935647


Yeah, I don't mean culture. I see more people here open doors for others, eat properly, offer seats to the eldery etc than most other places in the US (old southern cities being one exception, especially New Orleans).

But the flyovers complaining about New Yorkers being rude don't mean that - they mean we're brisk and direct. Because nobody here has time to listen to their passive aggressive midwestern nice bullshit.

>> No.6935648



/thread over.

Go to bed Anthony, you shouldn't stay up so late cracked out on cocaine.

>> No.6935649
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forgot my pic

>> No.6935651
File: 39 KB, 308x365, jody-bourdain-79968411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6935659

top jej

>> No.6935661

Bordain totally has manners. He goes out of his way to show respect to those gracious enough to host him. What he has that rubs some folks the wrong way is snark, coupled with huge contempt for mediocre shit.

Many Americans find it rude to point out mediocre shit, because they just accept it as "normal". Those are usually the people who find him "rude". But the guy is gracious. It's his opinions that are a little spiky sometimes.

>> No.6935671

>Bordain totally has manners.
LOL no he doesnt, hes a whiney baby when something doesnt go his way, and he insults people.

> He goes out of his way to show respect to those gracious enough to host him.
for the first 2 minutes like even the most autistic of autists would be

>Many Americans find it rude to point out mediocre shit, because they just accept it as "normal".

What does this even mean, and why do you have a grudge against America?

>ind him "rude". But the guy is gracious
you do realize youre posting opposites right? you might want to look into cognitive dissonance because you have it. the guy is called snark by you and rude by others and far worse by a lot for a reason, it isnt because hes gracious, nice gracious humble people dont get called these things. youre merely justifying his shitty actions because he can pretend to not be a drug addict prick edgelord narcissist for 5 minutes

>> No.6935672

being snarky and sarcastic to people serving food is the epitome of rude. people only put up with him cuz he has a tv show.

>> No.6935691

>What does this even mean,

A lot of americans have never had anything other than commodity-grade processed food, TV dinners, instant meals, hamburger helper, and the like. The moment you start talking about fine food they get offended and talk about how that's pretentious.

>>and why do you have a grudge against America?

What makes you think anyone has a grudge? Since when is stating a fact considered holding a grudge?

>> No.6935695

You live in a very strange fantasy, m8

>> No.6935696


>pretending all Americans are flyovers

You do know Bourdain is American, right?

>> No.6935705

>LOL no he doesnt, hes a whiney baby when something doesnt go his way, and he insults people.

The fuck is wrong with you? He's one of the most gracious people on television. He bites his tongue and rolls with it, ALL the fucking time.

God you people on this site are vermin.

>> No.6935713

Why are you so emotionally invested in a tv personality?

>> No.6935715

Who said anything about "All americans"? I Said "a lot of", not "all", or even "most".

And yeah, I know Bourdain is American. That's the whole damn point. He is American but he has no tolerance for bullshit and points out when food is made badly. That seems to offend many other Americans who don't understand why he's calling out bad food when he sees it. That food seems normal to them so they think he's being an ass. He simply has higher standards than they do.

>> No.6935717


I don't even watch his show much anymore, I just get sick to death of outright lies. Doesn't that piss you off? People just making shit up?

>> No.6935721


He's not. He's correcting factual mistakes when he sees them.

Personally I find Bourdain insufferable. But anon is right, he's usually a very polite guest. You don't have to like someone to correct inaccuracies when you see them.

>> No.6935734

Zimmern is also an ex druggy homeless faggot

>> No.6935737

Which episode was he rude to a guest? I've honestly never seen one. I can point to when El Fatso Gaylord Zimmern was (the durian episode or the many times he sticks out his tongue like a pig before eating).

>> No.6935745

You type like a retard. I really can't take your opinions seriously.

>> No.6935756


I happen to agree Bourdain is correct. The "many other Americans" who get butthurt are flyovers.

>> No.6935758

>A lot of americans have never had anything other than commodity-grade processed food,

LOL this is what eurocucs actually think, americans eat a wide variety of food, i dont see how eating boiled sheep guts and salted cod is any better faggot. and people in general like processed foods/ fast food, thats why your country has dozens if not hudnreds of mcdonalds, burgrkings, kfc etc. I have literally never seen any european restaurants ine america, yet we have ours there hmm i wonder why.

>What makes you think anyone has a grudge? Since when is stating a fact considered holding a grudge?

Because you went straight into american bashing. also your facts are wrong, america has one of the most diverse food cultures in the world entailing multiple different climate regions, dozens of cultures, fast good, casual dining, some of the best restaurants in the world etc. just because america is the best at making fast food and processed foods and mass produced foods for cheaper, doesnt mean we dont have a vast food culture too. We have the best growing regions in the world, the best food trends like food trucks, etc the only thing were lacking is a prenentious attitude and overpricing something that costs cents to make.

what snow ridden country are you from to be this mad at americans for?

>> No.6935766

>The fuck is wrong with you? He's one of the most gracious people on television.

Lol are you autstic and delusional, cant you tell when hes being fake and do you just ignore all the negative bitter insulting things he says? Biting your tongue a few times isnt the same as being gracious you fucktard, gracious people have no need to bite their toungue.

>> No.6935770

>i have literally never seen any european restaurants in america

>> No.6935777


LOL why do you guys get blown the fuck out by this post >>6935639

then just cry that theyre wrong without posting any factual evidence other thant I THINK HES GRACIOUS!! HE DINDO NUFFIN!

lol get bent losers

hes an asshole, even he knows it. His shows objectively suck

>> No.6935782 [DELETED] 

yes, ive gone to europe though and saw dozens of american restaurants. is this not a hard concept for you? if american food sucks so much then why does your country vote with their dollars to have them there? maybe youre just being obtuse and have a grudge against america eurocuck

>> No.6935783

>What does this even mean, and why do you have a grudge against America?
A little insecure, aren't we? I'm American, and I love America. But as far as American food is concerned the common tendency to label mediocre stuff good is a fucking shame.

>the guy is called snark by you and rude by others and far worse by a lot for a reason, it isnt because hes gracious, nice gracious humble people dont get called these things.
I never said he was humble, nor would I use that word in a positive way when describing someone. The snark comes from his opinions. Some folks think it's rude to express your opinions, especially negative ones, in front of people who might disagree with you. I don't see that as rude. Disagreeing with someone is not being rude.

>A lot of americans have never had anything other than commodity-grade processed food, TV dinners, instant meals, hamburger helper, and the like. The moment you start talking about fine food they get offended and talk about how that's pretentious.
This. Bourdain gets paid for his opinions, because not only did he go to cooking school then have a career as a chef, he's also traveled the world extensively. His opinions are very well informed. Less informed people may find his opinions off-putting, but that's their problem, not Tony being rude.

Most successful chefs consider mediocrity unacceptable. They would not have been successful if they had tolerated it in their restaurants.

>> No.6935786

>linking to your own post to praise yourself

Ok, dude.

>> No.6935787


you're some kind of homunculus created by 4chan that can type memes and nothing more. Do you live in an aquarium? #btfo #dindu #famtbh

>> No.6935790

seems like a chill dude

would hangout with at a lady-boy bar/10

>> No.6935800

Relax mister fastfood patriot, I'm american too. How the fuck have you never seen a european restaurant here? That's a whole new level of flyover

>> No.6935806

>LOL this is what eurocucs actually think,

I'm American bro. I don't mean to insult anyone, I'm just calling it like I see it. Most of my peers are happy to eat fast food and box mix. That's normal for them. It's how they grew up.

>>i dont see how eating boiled sheep guts and salted cod is any better faggot.

I agree with you.

>>and people in general like processed foods/ fast food

Probably because they've never had anything better.

>>Because you went straight into american bashing.
Stating a fact is not bashing bro.

>>america has one of the most diverse food cultures in the world....
Yes. I agree. But that doesn't change the fact that many americans consider anything better than Wal-mart tier to be pretentious. these things are not mutually exclusive.

>>what snow ridden country are you from to be this mad at americans for?

That would be the good 'ol USA.

>> No.6935833

>A little insecure, aren't we?
the word youre looking for is befuddled. youre low iq though so i will forgive you. you are forgiven.

>But as far as American food is concerned

> tendency to label mediocre stuff good is a fucking shame.

Subjective much? Most people think Chipotle is good, because it is. Is it the best or authentic, no but it sure is good. Is mcdonalds, kfc, taco bell, etc good? It is or other countries wouldnt have them there. I think youre mistaking good for exceptional.. you idiot.

>never said he was humble, nor would I use that word in a positive way when describing someone. The snark comes from his opinions

lol youre just running in circles at this point trying to somehow negate your cognitive dissonance

even anthony bourdain thinks anthony bourdain is an asshole. i dont see why youre pushing this good guy image so hard?

>because not only did he go to cooking school then have a career as a chef, he's also traveled the world extensively

nowhere did anybody deny this. youre making up arguments, like we think anthony bourdain is criticising american culture/food when its really you doing this and using the image of anthony bourdain as a foil for your argument. stop being an idiot please. again he objectively is an asshole to his own contention, and fake deep person, this shows in the grating and annoying nature of his show. nobody here said hes judges the food too hard, why would i even care about that lol

>> No.6935850

>Most people think Chipotle is good, because it is.
Stopped reading right there. Enjoy missing the point entirely.

>> No.6935851

>Is mcdonalds, kfc, taco bell, etc good?

Nope. But it is convenient. People sacrifice quality in exchange for convenience.

>> No.6935862


convenience x saltiness = pleasure.

>> No.6935881 [DELETED] 

and you have no succinct counter argument so you resort to ad hominem, try harder ;)

which restaurant? name one and i will tell you how i havent seen it here but have seen american restaurants over there. does this concept makes sense to you? does it???

>I'm American bro.
keep lying to yourself

>I don't mean to insult anyone, I'm just calling it like I see it
Im not insulted, but youre an idiot and your logic is flawed because your ignorance is an insult on the nature of raitonalism. Please excuse yourself from this conversation. You are not worthy of it.

>Probably because they've never had anything better.

no because your body is biologcially wired to like what constitutes as fast food idiot. i used to work in fine dining restaurants, and i still prefer a mcdonalds cheesburger over a dry aged porterhouse on numerous occasions. fast food just tastes good

>Stating a fact is not bashing bro.
it wasnt factual, it was your minds own view

>many americans consider anything better than Wal-mart tier to be pretentious

this is just you saying stuff, even in the most redneck areas of the south people like eating chinese food chipotle etc, and they often go to local bbq or soul food restaurants which is almost always above mediocre by far. you eurocucks just have a stigma of american culture and are as biased/ foolish as anyone else

>That would be the good 'ol USA.
why lie on a mongolian basket weaving forum?

>> No.6935883 [DELETED] 

how is chipotle bad?

lol then why are they the most successful business in the world and cucking your country with its restaurants? they must be doing something right, if their food didtnt taste food then it simply wouldnt sell.

>> No.6935892

>how is chipotle bad?
It isn't. It's astoundingly mediocre.

>> No.6935897

whats better than chipotle? im not saying that chipotle is the best, but i am saying it is good. tell me whats better please

>> No.6935908

>your country
I'm American.

>> if their food didtnt taste food then it simply wouldnt sell.
It sells because it's convenient, and because later generations in any country are growing up not learning how to cook. They, just like many of us Americans, simply never had anything better to use as point of comparison.

>> No.6935910

>tell me whats better please
What's better than fast food? If you have to ask...

>> No.6935915

Likable asshole.

>> No.6935918

You forgot to mention how they've brainwashed us through advertisements.
Lazy, lazy.

>> No.6935923

Why are you so emotionally invested in a tv personality?

>> No.6935945

He's an arrogant dickhead but I like his off color humor.

>> No.6935973 [DELETED] 

>It sells because it's convenient,
lol there are far better convenint food options than mcdonalds, it has to taste good to be successful. im not denying that it is convenient, you seem to be bent up on denying that its good though. why is that? do you just want to win the argument?

>many of us Americans,
sure thing eurocuck :^)

>simply never had anything better to use as point of comparison.

completely unfounded thinking used at your convenience. do you think americans dont have nice sit down and eat restaurants or something they can readily compare food to? lol

>Likable asshole.

anthony bourdain gave up on calling himself gracious and is now going for the likable asshole meme. lol hes shit

because i despise anthony bourdain and his type of people. unfounded elitism and narcissism worn on the sleeve while pretending to be a deep person. he is not deep nor does he produce good television. someone like andrew zimmerman deserves desrerves the attention because his show is better AND he does it by being a genuinely nice person. anthony bourdain is a maggot.

>> No.6936001

All right, Holden. We all get it. He's a phoney.

>> No.6936017

>why is that?

Because it isn't good. I don't mean that it's rotten or that it makes people sick. I mean that it's very mediocre. It's easy to do better.
For example, McD's makes their patties in a factory, freezes them, and then re-heats them to make your burger. Why would you want that when you could have a freshly made cooked-to-order burger instead? Why would you want bacon that's so thin it looks like it was cut on a microtome when you could have some nice thick bacon? Why would you want rubbery "cheese" when you could have a nice slice of mature cheddar or perhaps some blue cheese instead? Everything about McDonald's is a shortcut in the name of convenience. It's no surprise that quality suffers.

>> do you think americans dont have nice sit down and eat restaurants or something they can readily compare food to? lol

We do. But many of us never go to a really nice restaurant. We go to Chili's. Applebees. Cracker Barrel. Olive Garden. Some local dive that serves institutional food they ordered in from Sysco. Many Americans have never set food in a good restaurant.

>> No.6936048

He's "arrogant" and "pretentious" and "rude" because he's just like you vile pieces of shit, but instead of dying from alcoholism or arteriosclerosis he became a successful, intelligent author and celebrity, where you failed miserably. You hate him for representing what you could have been and are not.

>> No.6936069


>p-please take our picture in front of this building
>annoying asian tourist- piktcha piktcha, piktcha, piktcha, PIKTCHA PIKTCHA

Every day on my way to work. I take the Metro-North up to Poughkeepsie, so I have no idea why these people think I have the fucking time to waste, 4hrs of my day is commuting. Fucking hell.

I don't think "eating well" constitutes good manners, unless you mean staying fit so you're not a slovenly faggot too obese to wash out your fat folds, offending passersby with your odorous emissions.

I've also been told I "talk too fast" which I don't understand, I have never had an issue understanding anyone here when speaking. No matter the pace or broken Engrish.

>> No.6936097

>freezes them, and then re-heats them to make your burge

lel the end product is good, why cant you see past this? the worls highest quaility sushi fish is amost always frozen to kill bacteria by law, even in the worlds most famous fish market in japan the most expensive fish, blue fin tuna which sells for thousands of dolalrs per fish arrives frozen.

>Why would you want that when you could have

because it tastes good, someoen could fuck up the home made bun or over mix the burger so its tough, youre also missing the this isnt a debate of preference, its a debate if it tastes good or not, and it does despite having frozen buns or whatever excuse you will make.

to all your other "why would you" questions, they fall under the same category as above, but also there plenty of nights where id rather have a mcdouble than a dry aged 50 dollar a pound porterhouse steak with morel mushrooms. and i want the mcdouble because it tastes good.

at the very least you must concede that mcdonalds over decades has perfected the fast food conveinent and cheap burger into something that tastes delicious. this is why its the most successful busniness in the world.

>We go to Chili's. Applebees. Cracker Barrel. Olive Garden.

These are medicore restaurants overall but good restaurants for casual dining. I know theres better food, but its hardly better than what you will eat everyday at home unless youre a trained chef which most people in the world are not. Nevertheless, your point is mute because there are plenty of other restaurants from whole in the walls to food trucks to fine dining that people go to

its time to stop posting anthony, this is just embarassing now.

>> No.6936160

>lel the end product is good,
Saying McDonald's is good over and over does not make it true.
>I know theres better food, but its hardly better than what you will eat everyday at home unless youre a trained chef which most people in the world are not.
Using one's own laziness as a justification for mediocrity. Oh, that's just terrific. I'm lazy and sourcing ingredients well then cooking them is hard. How about I just move the goalposts? Call mediocre good, and be done with it.

You are everything wrong with food in America.

>> No.6936266

I like watching him eat weird stuff :3

>> No.6936550

I don't mind that about him. There's plenty more about him to not enjoy. I think his hipster tendencies are the worst thing about him, but >>6934066 nailed the rest of what I dislike about him, except that he's a libtard on top of it all (totally forgivable if liberal but not full on libtard, and forgivable enough on it's own, but not on top of everything else). Everything else I'm pretty forgiving of. Some on /ck/ are fanboy faggots, though, or are autists and think any criticism of things or people that they like is a criticism of theirself.
his subject would be better discussed on >>>/trv/
than /ck/

>> No.6936882

Why does this faggot constantly make threads about himself?>>6934059

>> No.6936921

He's better than flavortown but who isn't

>> No.6936924


Simply speaking if McDonald's wasn't good, it wouldn't be as successful as it is. Period.

It's not good for you, that's obvious, but to say it's not delicious is fucking absurd.

They have teams, across the planet, of sell-out gourmets that are classically trained, won thousands of cumulative awards and put their efforts into engineering the abominations that their company spews out.

Are you one of those people that would sue McDonald's because they became obese eating off the dollar menu throughout University? I know a few people like that, that blame all their problems on everyone but themselves. That's a mental illness you might want to go check out.

Let's say for the sake of argument that YOU yourself started a restaurant, and someone came to you with the idea of Franchising out, you would say no? I wouldn't. I own a small pub and if someone walked into my establishment and offered me millions of dollars to simply copy my ideas to make money, I wouldn't say no. If you would then you're also mentally retarded as well as emotionally deficient.

TLDR- stay frosty jealous faggot. y u mirin on mcdonald's doe

>> No.6937071


>i work at McD

>> No.6937081

I have no reservations

>> No.6937129

>Simply speaking if McDonald's wasn't good, it wouldn't be as successful as it is. Period.
That's not an aesthetic judgement. That's a business one. Part of the marvel of the 20th Century, particularly the second half of it in America is getting people to eat what amounts to garbage through the efforts of advertising and cost cutting.

I admire business success. But it leads to mediocre products. Nature of the beast.

>y u mirin on mcdonald's doe
naw. They're in decline, and I think their food tastes like shit. Then again I was raised among the privileged for whom going out to eat at McDonald's wasn't a treat, but proof we were on some car trip without any other options. Even as a kid that shit tasted too greasy, too salty, synthetic and just plain not very good to me.

Good aesthetics do not equal good business. Cheap crap sold for a reasonable markup is good business. That's what McDonald's is. I can admire the business sense of it from a distance, because I'm sure as fuck not eating that crap. It's awful.

>> No.6937154


Franchise and operations managers make 6 figures where I live. Would be more lucrative than what I'm currently doing.


>it's awful

You're a minority in the world my friend.

Even their coffee is ranked with the best in the entire world.

To each their own.

>> No.6937204

>Even their coffee is ranked with the best in the entire world.
Among whom? People who really give a shit about coffee, or people without any better options?
>To each their own
Damn right. I can admire a ruthless business strategy without eating the shit it would have me shove down my throat.

>> No.6937738

I dunno he seems like an alcoholic that tours the country drinking and eating. Sounds like the good life to me.
Though I wouldn't want to go out with him just the stuff he says makes him sound like an insufferable cunt.

>> No.6937743

>Even their coffee is ranked with the best in the entire world

lol'd hard

>> No.6937747

>the stuff he says makes him sound like an insufferable cunt.

You think he keeps up his TV persona at all time?

>> No.6937749

I've watched him do enough different types of shows and he seems to still be "him" regardless of show type.

>> No.6937751

He's tall and handsome, and has a voice made for the radio.

He's a hack compared to half of the Food Network lineup of celebrity chefs, but he's eloquent, intelligent, and knowledgeable to keep putting out food/travel shows that are a tier above almost everything else.

>> No.6937753

It doesn't matter, as long as it's a large and diverse enough group. He said ranked, and you can't judge and compare without other coffees. So the better options, or other options rather, would be provided I assume. I mean, if this was done in some sort of official capacity. I don't know. Maybe they just crawled a bunch of blogs about coffee.

>> No.6937821

The dude likes MLP. He's a-ok in my book. Good writer too. Les Halles cookbook I use regularly.

>> No.6937826


>the dude likes mlp

I'm drunk so I'll bite. Source?

>> No.6938325

He has a daughter who watched the show, so he was exposed to it. Twice he referenced it while eating horse meat, which was kinda funny.

Here's one example:

FWIW, Tony seems pretty drunk in this clip, too.

>> No.6938329

>He's a hack compared to half of the Food Network lineup of celebrity chefs
what the actual fuck, over?

>> No.6938348
File: 401 KB, 450x253, 5228876543.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he mentioned it a few times
>he's a bronie lyke meeeeee :^)

>> No.6938420

>he's a bronie
I seriously doubt it. Like I said, he has a daughter who watched it. My guess is she's outgrown it by now, and he's forgotten about it entirely.

That doesn't make it any less funny to see mister badass singing the theme song drunkenly while eating horse meat.

>> No.6938431


Why aren't you capable of detecting sarcasm? I knew most of 4chan is socially retarded, but you're a special kind of poster. Bravo to you sir.

>> No.6938483

To be fair, calling me a bronie was a pretty low blow.

>> No.6938507
File: 889 KB, 984x1390, 288576636637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why else mention it...

>> No.6938561

I bet Tony is a little afraid of his wife. She could kick his ass.

>> No.6938862

Hes a new yorker hea brash yes, but not rude. He was at a bar after one of his filmings and actually a pretty cool dude. Sure can drink though