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File: 24 KB, 306x306, 10956602_1609548852590289_1261802417_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6933496 No.6933496 [Reply] [Original]

Chunky vs smooth guac. thoughts? also I'm going to be making some guacamole whenever my avocados ripen and would really appreciate any tips y'all might have.

>> No.6933502

In-between is best imo.

I mince the garlic and use a fork to semi mash the provacados.

>> No.6933520

don't add too much other stuff
people always want to be special little snow flakes and put their own little twist on things, which is great and all, until it becomes cumin, cilantro, yogurt, garlic, jalapeno, bell pepper, tomato, cayenne, kafir leaves with avocado accents.

>> No.6933536

what would you consider to be essential guacamole ingredients? So far I have garlic cloves, guacamole, lime juice, and tomatoes.

>> No.6933541


I really like some carmelized onions mixed into mine, although that's not "essential"

>> No.6933546

what about yellow/white onion and jalapeno peppers and lime juice. using a fork sucks and using a blender result in soup. any tips?

>> No.6933548

My own preferences are just onion, lime juice, salt, and a little fresh chile.
I'd say lime or lemon juice and salt are essential, anything else is preferential.

>> No.6933549

Use less lime juice.

>> No.6933550

meant avocados instead of guacamole. sorry, I have guacamole on the brain haha.

onions would be good, but I don't think the crunchiness would be worth it.

Does anyone think onion powder would be a good substitute?

>> No.6933551

i put garlic if people ask but leave it if they don't. if i'm using it i crush it in a pestle and mortar and then add lime juice and get a little emulsion going. then smoked paprika, lots of black pepper and salt, then the avocado. definitely err on the chunky side, using a pestle and mortar is the best way to get a good balance. that's it. i don't put onion and tomato and chilli and coriander and shit in it cause for me it's a bit redundant to serve that alongside a salsa.

>> No.6933557

any of the following should help:
find a bigger fork, use riper avocados, don't be a pussy, get a food processor

>> No.6933567

>caramelized onions

u wut m8?

>> No.6933570

Never had it as chunky as in your OP. I will make it like that next time and report back

>> No.6933572

more crunchy than the buttery smooth texture of guac. yes, compared to raw onions they aren't as crunchy, but they definitely have a certain crunchiness to them.

>> No.6933582

You've never had properly caramelized onions... I feel bad for you anon...

Also fuck these street sign fucking captchas mother fucking fuckers

>> No.6933589

true caramalized onions aren't at all crunchy you've been duped

>> No.6933591

this. caramelized onions are sweet and buttery.

>> No.6933595

Comparing them to mushy avocado, they are most certainly more crunchy. I guess another way to put it is they take more bite power to chew than avocado.

>> No.6933602

unless you've completely obliterated onions by adding baking soda or blending them up or some shit they will still have a granular, discontinuous structure. crunchy clearly isn't the right word but you should be able to see what OP is getting it.

>> No.6933610



i meant to say texture, but i guess it's related to the cell wall structure.

>> No.6933619
File: 18 KB, 250x250, Constanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you can mash caramelized onions, they are not crunchy at all.

Even gelatin is more firm

>> No.6933623

i feel like you're the one incorrectly cooking onions as this point. they shouldn't be mashable.

>> No.6933646
File: 109 KB, 783x377, 1257967772793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not actually the same guy as you last replied to. But you might be right there. Still a properly caramelized onion should be no harder than the tomatoes you add. I might be cooking them mushier than they should be, I dunno, but they taste a lot better than if they were less caramelized.

>> No.6933654

it's subjective to some degree, surely.

>> No.6933669
File: 12 KB, 200x146, 2131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate when people do that. Keep it green.

Avacados, salt/pepper, lime juice, cilantro, jalapenos, and tiny bit of mashed up garlic.

>> No.6933678
File: 38 KB, 420x280, Guacamole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither of those are guacamole, a guacamole is a sauce hence the "-mole" portion of the word. Standard guacamole is used as a condiment kind of like white people use ketchup/ranch. It's made by blending avocados, garlic, green onion and cilantro, with jalapeño or serrano for spice. Its consistency should be like a crème fraîche. it never has tomato or chunks of onion. What you posted in your images are macerated avocados on the bottom and some kind of avocado salad on the top, but neither of them are a mole. Guacamole will look like the picture I posted. Don't know what the fuck "guac" is, people need to stop making up these retarded-shorterned terms.

>> No.6933679

honestly i don't even like tomatoes that much in the first place. but a bunch of recipes i've found use them and i wanted to try it at least once before i dismiss it.

>> No.6933682

I can't believe there are guacamole elitists.

>> No.6933689

It's not about elitism, is about being correct. If you look up any mole recipe, you will not find "chunky" or "macerated" versions of it. It's like calling ranch sauce spread a salad or vice-versa. What do you call an italian bruschetta?

>> No.6933690


>Neither of those are guacamole

oh shut your fucking mouth. this isn't a 'white people' thing, chunky guacamole is eaten by everyone including *authentic mexicans*

>> No.6933695


>you will not find "chunky" or "macerated" versions of it.

well no shit you won't find macerated versions of it, you're using the word macerated completely incorrectly.

>> No.6933697

To be clear, I'm not saying guacamole is a salsa/sauce either, it is a mole. There already exists salsas de aguacate were they use cooked tomato instead of xitomate, and it is a true salsa.

>> No.6933702

It's isn't a question of "authenticity" and I did not claim that Mexicans don't eat the ensaladas de aguacate, we do. It is a question of correct nomenclature. Like I've mentioned before there are salads, moles, and salsas so I'm pointing out that guacamole is a mole not a salad or salsa.

1540-50; < Latin mācerātus (past participle of mācerāre to make soft, weaken, steep); see -ate1

Ok sorry.

>> No.6933704

I keep it smooth and simple. Avocado, cilantro, and lime juice, that's it.

>> No.6933710


that's an etymological definition, not necessarily a current one, so even if it did support your argument you would be arguing from flawed semantics. however it doesn't support your argument because the avocados in the bottom image aren't just 'made soft', they are pulverised.

the difference between the top and bottom is less pulverisation, that's it. you take an avocado and pound it and stop short of a smooth paste and there you have most people's preference for a guacamole. you're right, it isn't a sauce consistency, but the process is the same. i suggest you relax your anal muscles to avoid haemorrhoids.

>> No.6933711

when you caramelize onions they've got barely any crunch left to them mate.

>> No.6933712

ok you clearly know more than me regarding mexican/spanish cuisine. however there is clearly something to be said in defense of guacamole colloquialism in American culture.

>> No.6933764
File: 14 KB, 236x355, allright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Allright allright allright

>> No.6933787

how long does guac store in the fridge?

>> No.6933797


like a day if you cover it in lime juice/oil

>> No.6933801

really? a day? what would you do if you plan on it lasting a few days or more? freeze it?

>> No.6933806

serious? ive fallen in love with it recently but cmon

>> No.6933808


Also make sure the wrap is directly on the surface. Avocado likes to discolor, even with lime on it.

>> No.6933810

Stop being so fucking autistic.
Might as well complain that pineapples aren't even apples.
Its a name, and both forms have been eaten for hundreds of years.
No one cares about your semantics. I'll keep on eating my alligator pear relish and liking it. Just like everyone else in the world.

>> No.6933812


you can keep it longer, it just oxidises and goes rancid quite rapidly. freezing won't help. it's like banana.

i never really had a problem with it because it's a pleasure to make.

>> No.6933818

aw, im starting to prefer it over hummus as a spread now but what a bummer

>> No.6933829


what i suggest is that you make a large batch of the other ingredients, which keep relatively well, and then only combine/mash the avocado as needed, storing it intact with lime rubbed over the cut surface and wrapped tightly. it takes two seconds just to mash it up with a fork and combine with the onions and tomatoes or whatever other ingredients you use.

>> No.6933831
File: 25 KB, 500x333, 1441830750374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect? Avocados are already delicate enough as it is. Did you think that removing the avocado meat from its only protective layer would make it last for a week?

>> No.6933832

Smooth, be careful with the tobasco sauce, do it with green onions instead of regular.
also, you can smoke avocado, its pretty cool, guacamole smoked 8/10

>> No.6933850

honestly this is my first time making guacamole or even using avocados in general, so i didn't know what to expect.

>> No.6933851

I love both, but i prefer chuny

>> No.6933856


>tabasco in guacamole

You are below scum.

>> No.6933881


That chunky is too chunky. That smooth is too smooth. Stop thinking there are only 2 fucking extremes you idiot moronic fucking shit cook pleb piece of dolt garbage.

>> No.6933901

I prefer smooth. If you're going to do chunky like that, use a lot of citrus to cut through that fatty avocado. It's not fun biting into chunks of pure fat, and it's not very easy to dip chips in.

>> No.6933904

my plan is to use it for condiments for tacos

>> No.6933980

If you cover it with plastic wrap pushed right onto the surface, like you do with milky mixtures to keep a skin from forming, it will last quite a bit longer. Even without the browning effect, though, the flavor starts to go off after a few days.

>> No.6934130


>> No.6934170


>> No.6934403

I use garlic, red onion, cilantro, tomato, jalapeno, lime juice, and just a bit of smoked chile powder.

>> No.6934451

You are probably loads of fun to be around. Pretending that colloquialisms aren't a thing and that something as non-essential as fucking guacamole has to fit an exact, archaic definition is pretty cringe-worthy. It's not bechamel for dick's sake

>> No.6934511

Who chipotle guac here?

>> No.6935328

avocado+sour cream+salt

>> No.6935333

maybe some lime juice if you need to be fancy

>> No.6935501

For bare essentials you really just need lime juice and avacodos. Past that you can add salt/pepper. Then you can get fancy with your garlic, tomatoes, jalepenos or whatever. But really guacamole is just lime juice and avocados.

>> No.6935582

I actually just mash with my hands

>> No.6935767

I've been trying to find someone who works at Chipotle to get their guac recipe. That is by far the best ever. I know finely shredded purple onion is one of the secret ingredients.

>> No.6936533

So guacamole is now a part of American culture? Seems like again America is incorrectly appropriating something, the name guacamole is specific to a sauce, why don't Americans just call it what it is: Avocado Dip?


A week, any part exposed to air will oxidize and change the colour. It doesn't really change the flavour so as long as you don't mind the darkening colour it should be fine. The acid in lime doesn't stop oxidation, and avocado is already so full of fat that covering it oil like others have suggested is pointless. If you want to avoid oxidation the covering it with a plastic (where there is actual contact with the plastic and no air) will help this.

I don't know the etymological reason why pineapples are named that way but undoubtedly had to do with ignorance. Such isn't the case for the word mole, which isn't archaic (like another anon mentioned) nor unused, it is a modern current word that is being incorrectly used and spread by Americans. The word guacamole hasn't been used for hundreds of years in the context that the OP posted, it is a recent mistake, just like the "refried beans" thing (an erroneous mistranslation). Enjoy your alligator pear relish I've never heard of it, technically what the Op posted is a dip not a mole. You could call it guacadip I suppose, In Spanish the above one is ensalada de aguacate and the bottom one is a pureé de aguacate. :)

I fail to see what being around me has to do with correctly naming something. Where am I pretending that colloquialisms aren't a thing? I'm merely pointing out that this particular one is incorrect. However essential you find it is also irrelevant to using the name of something correctly, a mole is not an archaic definition it is something specific, it is not a béchamel, it is a mole.

Guacamole doesn't have lime juice, it has to have aromatics; garlic and onion, an herb (cilantro or culantro), and spice; jalapeño or serrano chiles.

>> No.6936614

Your definition of traditional guacamole is arbitrary shit and so are the rest of your posts. Fuck off and take your false authoritarian attitude with you.

>> No.6936828

Oh my god, stop trying so hard. Language is elastic. Food changes. Things evolve and turn upside down over time. The only immalleable thing here is your strict allegiance to what you decide is "correct."

>> No.6938684


>why don't Americans just call it what it is: Avocado Dip?

you know started calling it guacamole

mexicans in america

they're still mexicans

>> No.6938690

>language prescriptivist

fuck off you dumb cunt

>> No.6938740

>So guacamole is now a part of American culture? Seems like again America is incorrectly appropriating something, the name guacamole is specific to a sauce, why don't Americans just call it what it is: Avocado Dip?
Because we take whatever the fuck we want, and call it whatever the fuck we please, because we are not some kind of commie mud-person slaves like the rest of the world

>> No.6938810

Do you know of any sites that give a recipe for this? I've always had gauc with tomatoes and red onion in it. Finally tried some made by mexicans and liked it so much better. Do you use the entire green onion? Is it grilled before blending?

>> No.6938825

ITT this post getting BTFO

>> No.6938851

>why don't Americans just call it what it is: Avocado Dip?

I believe we all know the answer to that anon.

Americans are dumb, overeager, and proud of it.

>> No.6939073

ITT: uppity chicanos and white hipsters

>> No.6939271

>>durr why dont murican use english
do you have any idea how common latinos are in this country you stupid fuck?

>> No.6939295

please go find the nearest interstate freeway, and run back and forth across the lanes until you're tired

thanks in advance


>> No.6939296

>Grow up with Hass because that's all the stores carry
>Go to friends house with a tree
>Yeah pick a few, we've got plenty anon.
>They're small and round and have a huge seed... not much meat
>Take a spoonful
>Creamiest avocado ever eaten
Fucking Hass shit. Its just easiest to grow and ship.

>> No.6939829

You are confusing guacamole and green salsa with avocado. They are not the same, nor they are used in the same way. Guacamole can be used and served as a side dish, hence the need to have some texture to it. Green salsa with avocado is what you are describing.

>> No.6939845

I like mine as Avocados, salt, lime juice, garlic, green onion and jalapeno

>> No.6940283

Guac as in aguacate. The fruit native name

>> No.6940374

It is not my definition of "traditional guacamole." There is only guacamole, a mole. Would you correct someone that called taco bell food burgers?

Language is elastic? I never said it wasn't. But I guess being American where the feminists and trannies rule and things such as marriage and what a male and female are being redifined I wouldn't expect you to quite understand what I am saying.

Mexicans living in America don't call it guacamole. Maybe second generation shitheads that have no culture and think they're Mexican because their parents were might, and they're the biggest elitist fucks.

You're not some commie mud-person slave but you seem to have the same taste in food just not the intelligence to know what you're eating.

I'm not sure if there are in English since the dip oversaturates any time you look it up. You can find them in Spanish, this site in fact has various moles and dips with avocado (even with mayo yuck) http://www.recetaguacamole.com/
Recipes are going to vary from family to family depending on region, the only consistent thing is that it is a dressing topping like crème fraîche or ranch, hence the name mole. That's really the only thing I'm trying to clarify. The way we make it, we use the entire green onion, raw. Everything just goes into a blender.

I don't think it's a question of intelligence, just misinformation and being lazy.

Irrelevant how many latinos there are. How many Chinese, Koreans are there? Do you use the Mandarin/Cantonese/Hangul names for foods for those dishes?

Already did my cardio.

Guacamole is a MOLE look up any other mole recipes (there are a lot of them) and none of them are served as a side dish, they are either a main thick sauce kind of like a curry or as a dressing (the consistency is always thick). I mentioned on a previous post salsa de aguacate, which is a green sauce (tomate) with avocado in it, that is something.

>> No.6940392

What are you talking about? Guac isn't a word either in Spanish or Náhuatl. Náhuatl is an agglutinative language and "Guac" is neither a word or part of one in Náhuatl, in fact the "g" sound doesn't exist in Náhuatl it is archaic Old Spanish spelling for the "w'" sound since Spanish alphabet didn't have that letter, and Spaniards (even to this day) can't hear the soft "g" sound in gua, güe, güi, guo, guú clusters (they hear wa, we wi wo wu). Furthermore the avocado fruit isn't just a native of México, it is found as far south as Brazil so many names for it exist, English even has "alligator pear." Guacamole is a native Méxican word though and it's a portmanteau of aguacate + mole.

>> No.6940760

Who the fuck would ever eat that?

>> No.6940765


>> No.6940809

salt, lime, cilantro, and a little jalapeno and red onion.

>> No.6940851

so you're one of those faggots who has to reply to everyone in the thread. literally kill yourself m8

>> No.6940905

Thanks for the site. Google translate easily fixes the language problem. Neat to see that different countries have lots of variations like ones with anchovies or mayo. I already knew that mole is just the word for sauce, yet it never dawned on me that guacamole was just another mole.

>> No.6940930

how long until amerilards claim guacamole as "tex-mex" like nachos?

>> No.6941823

Make one half of your avado smooth, make the other half chunky, and put them together. Best of both worlds.

>> No.6941836

chunky, lime and salt are a must