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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 615x409, received_10204857304544617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6922760 No.6922760 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this abomination?

>> No.6922766

I was on board with it until they said it was an A1 burger. Shit's nasty. They bake A1 into the bun and then put more on the burger itself. No thanks.

>> No.6922770
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I'm scared to try it, 2spooky4me. But I'm going to get it anyway. Kuddos burger king marketing.

>> No.6922771
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>> No.6922775

This is why every country except the US gets cool, innovative, promotional fast food items. This shit got eaten right up in Japan and so they release even crazier burgers. If you release anything out of the norm in the states you get retarded people reacting retardedly.

>> No.6922779

>making your burger ugly

>> No.6922781

>not liking a certain sauce being unnecessarily baked into a product makes you retarded

Oh okay

>> No.6922783
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>> No.6922793

I'm pretty sure the Japanese version was made with squid ink. Could be wrong though.

>> No.6922828

I would eat it if the bun wasn't black

>> No.6922862
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They're black buns, calm down kid

>> No.6922871

It looks completely unappetizing. Like purple ketchup.

>> No.6923345

the japanese version just looks like it tastes better

>> No.6923349

Can someone explain to me why Japan has such a boner for black burger buns?

>> No.6923354

I had one for lunch. It tastes like a whopper with A1 instead of ketchup.

>> No.6923381 [DELETED] 

it sounds good

anybody had it before? was it good?

>> No.6923385

Apparently it makes you shit green.

>> No.6923501

The Whopper is fucking amazing, it is the best premium fast food burger, hands down, so this has potential.

By policy i never spend more than $5 on fast food at a time so I may or may not get one, but I'm sure it's outstanding

>> No.6923503

i miss the angry whopper...and the ones they had a couple years back..carolina and texas versions...when will we get them again?

>> No.6923599

Fuck off burger king

>> No.6923621

didn't mention how it specially comes with A1 steak sauce on it.

I love a whopper a couple times a year. But if I saw this and ordered it without knowing about the A1, we'd have a slight problem on our hands.

It might tip me off though that it is actually called HA.1LLOWEEN WHOPPER though.

>> No.6923629
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I got one a few hours ago.

>> No.6923661


it's a whopper. the a1 barely tastes any different from the ketchup, and there's not much of it

>> No.6923666

who doesnt love black buns

>> No.6923667

It was.

>> No.6923670
File: 129 KB, 323x350, 352724592_1461989_oops_super_answer_11_xlarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops sorry

>> No.6923698

That looks so sad.. but how did it taste?

>> No.6923705

It's not even the same damn burger.

>> No.6923721

It tasted like an average whopper. I didn't even get a hint of A-1 taste from the bun.

Nothing special.

>> No.6923739

i know it tastes the same, but that bun looks so good. i dont know. maybe it'll be placeebo better.

>> No.6923743

Looks fun. Get the stick out of your ass.

>> No.6923746

Your bias is unbelievable. If Japan buys crazy burgers it's cool. You know damn well if this was a thing in America you'd be talking shit.

>> No.6923765

This. Japan eats shitty fast food and you think they're cool and innovative. America eats same fast food and you call them fat. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you're a massive weeb faggot.

>> No.6923781
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>> No.6923824

Honestly, it looks like it's been sitting in the deck ovens overnight.

>> No.6923952

Looks so fucking cool IRL, neater than the commercial pic. I dunno why I like the look so much

>> No.6923974

because they use squid ink like the italians

>> No.6924032

The cheese was, I think the buns were colored with a little charcoal or something like that. I'd try it if they used squid cheese.

Wouldn't be surprised. Did you ever get that Candy Coal in your stocking?

>> No.6924037

I can assure you they do not

>> No.6924038

BK Employee here. The flavor in the bun is hella subtle so just? Order it with ketchup instead of AI?

>> No.6924111


>> No.6924172 [DELETED] 

Trips, nice

>> No.6924177 [DELETED] 


back to your containment board

>> No.6924208

Why arnt you guys fighting for 15/hour?

>> No.6924215

BK Employee here. We are, but the managers don't see our advertising on /ck/ as "real work"

>> No.6924218 [DELETED] 



You don't work for corporate you retarded faggot. LOL.

No wonder you work for a slaves wage.

>> No.6924221

It's overtime tbh.

>> No.6924232

First time I've heard of this. How much more expensive is it than the regular one? Can I get one for free with the receipt coupon?

>> No.6924237
File: 19 KB, 208x210, 1388255897762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey asshole, it's people like him who keeps your fat ass well fed. You probably couldn't even handle the deep fryer at BK.

>> No.6924239

good double

>> No.6924244

BK Employee here. Yes there's a promotional discount at participating locations. If tell the BK staff member "Trick or treat!" while you're ordering your Whopper they'll upgrade you to a small combo meal at no additional charge.

>> No.6924248

Dubs confirm wage slave.

>> No.6924256
File: 7 KB, 205x246, 1443490692482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I know if my store does it? That's going to be really uncomfortable for me to say.....

>t-trick or treat....... :(
>somebody t-told me I get more food if I say that........
>never mind, I have to go now
>pull out drive thru in reverse

>> No.6924280
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>> No.6924289

Wow that is considered a challenge in your pathetic life? Confirmed for wage slave

>> No.6924290

If it's a real promo they'll upgrade you, if not they'll probably just think you're being stupid with Halloween so near and laugh about it. I don't understand your anxiety

>> No.6924303

I imagine if I were to eat that, it would do the same thing to me that Oreos do in making my poop turn black. No thanks!

>> No.6924316

God you're pathetic

>> No.6924496

Does it make your turds black?

>> No.6924600

No. I've had a bowel movement since and it's normal.

>> No.6924633


Someone came and did this at my location today and my buddy was like "Halloween is a month away you fag!" and everyone laughed as loud as they could into the headset and then we all got fired because it was the CEO's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate

>> No.6924874

I was thinking it would be like a pretty patty...that looks like an irl nasty patty. sickening

>> No.6924877

I would only get one if I knew for certain it would make my shit look a ball point pen exploded in my toilet.

>> No.6924886
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Depends how lazy the staff is I guess.

I bet if anyone on /ck/ orders this black burger, they have to nicely request that the burger be served as pretty as possible.

>> No.6924898

aside from the presentation (never gotten a burger that good from fast food), the original pic discussed has a nearly translucent tomato and the burger is graying. The one in your pic is definitely a pretty patty

>> No.6925146

BK Employee here.
It makes you shit green but kind of a nice shade of green so?

>> No.6925148

That looks way more appetizing than this new "black" burger.

>> No.6925154


>> No.6925373

So that is where it came from. I guess that is the "trick" part of it. As a burger, it isn't that much of a treat either. Definitely not worth the intestinal shenanigans that would cause something like this.

>> No.6925641


>> No.6925645


>> No.6925659

Give us an update later anon. We want to know. If Oreos can do it, I have faith in the whopper.

>> No.6926134

>No green mustard or purple ketchup

>> No.6926148

Is that real? I'm fucking glad I don't work there anymore so I won't have to make that disgusting shit.

>> No.6926358


Yesterday I had a bowel movement several hours after eating the halloween whopper and the color was fine. Now the next morning it is blackish. So yes. It is confirmed that the halloween whopper will change the color of your b.m. It's not as dark as oreo b.m. though.

>> No.6926373

this gave me spooks

>> No.6926564

>Muh ignorance of japanese people

>> No.6926597

>It's not as dark as oreo b.m. though.
How many fucking oreos are you eating that it changes your stool, tubby?

>> No.6926615

Most peoples shit turns green when they eat food or drink something with food dyes

>> No.6926623

I'mma try one tonight.

>> No.6926653

Red gatorade makes my poop look like I'm dieing. It's pretty funny at work.

>> No.6926669

they look a lot a like tbh

>> No.6926851

>Having an opinion on stupid shit
>Being affected by stupid shit
Confirmed for not making it. If you were really above it then you wouldn't even care if it doesn't affect you personally.

>> No.6927023

>bring black whopper home
>get ready to eat
>remember to shut off lights
>tfw it doesn't glow in the dark

>> No.6927164

Anyone know if they sell the buns by themselves? I would love to try it with meat not created from horse or worse.

>> No.6927186

Order a veggie whopper with the halloween bun. You get everything but the meat. You can then take it home, cook your own patty and enjoy.

>> No.6927193

>bring black whopper home
>get ready to eat
>remember to shut off lights
>hear ruckuss in living room
>turn on lights
>burger's gone
>fucking thing stole my tv

>> No.6927205


>> No.6927373

Still shitting green.......

>> No.6927404

It made my poo a really sickly color. I also lost a few pounds from all the diarrhea.

>> No.6927444

Found the weeb

>> No.6927458
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Should I admit I like it? Or is /ck/ nao the /mu/ of food?

>> No.6927533

I like it too

>> No.6928632

I had one yesterday [Monday]. The next day [Tuesday] I had green poop diarrhea all day. It's finally stopped now. [Early Wednesday].

Don't get one.

>> No.6928636
File: 23 KB, 500x500, cmom_re__sludge_by_nitendofan92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to eat three tomorrow, I hope my shit looks radioactive

>> No.6928657

How the fuck do you buy anything? Even a fish sandwhich at nathans is like t something.

>> No.6928661
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>> No.6928663

>never gotten a burger that good from fast food
Go to a nice town with fast food. I guarantee you the burgers will be made to look nice.

>> No.6928673

If I drink beet juice it looks like I'm shitting too much blood from my asshole.

>> No.6928675

Why not just order a halloween whopper with no toppings or meat?

>> No.6928680

one night I got blackout drunk and apparently drank like a gallon of tomato juice at some point that night. I woke up still wasted and blew out tomato red diarheaa and panicked because I didn't remember drinking all that tomato juice. I called 911 and told them I was about to die but not to send an ambulance yet because I don't have insurance, lol I asked him where I should lay down to die at. he figured out I was still wasted and we figured out that I drank a huge container of tomato juice

>> No.6928746

Hard to believe people get psyched out by the color so hard, dumbasses

>> No.6928813

not a fan of the a1 on this one. works great on the wataburger a1 thick and hearty but not the whopper. still it was a spooky experience and im glad i had it. still spooked tbh

>> No.6928834 [DELETED] 

yeah,, its pretty straight

>> No.6928835

I haven't tried it yet but I was thinking I'd feel the same. I really don't care for A1 sauce but for whatever reason it goes perfect on some whataburger burgers, like the a1 thick. I had it on a Burger King a1 burger a couple months ago, I forgot what exactly they called it. Was alright, probabably the same thing as this black burger. It was just patty, a1 sauce, cheese, bacon, and onion.

>> No.6928838

Why didn't they do the black cheese?

>> No.6928844

Tried one about an hour ago.
Whoever mentioned the "trick or treat" upgrade promo is full of shit.
It tastes so close to a regular whopper it isn't worth Ken Domik's review time.

>> No.6928845

Scratch it.
Sniff it.
The rest I'm turning into rancid diarrhea.

>> No.6928851

I'm going to eat two, just so I can has the green poops all day.

>> No.6928924

very unappealing. i dont think black is normally associated with food. seems like some desperate PR stunt with no consideration of the actual food.

>> No.6928926
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This isn't just BK recycling their asian charcoal burgers?
Or were they squid ink?
Probably squid ink.

>> No.6930501

i just ordered one. been 2 years since i had a whopper and i have to say this is the nicest presented fast food burger i've had in ever. flavor wise, not much of a difference. they must have forgotten the a1..

>> No.6930910
File: 43 KB, 700x525, 1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a burger purist. You know, one of those annoying people who hasn't had a fast food burger in 10 years, won't order a burger unless I know the name of the butcher who created the meat blend, and skips the toppings except for a tiny smear of Heinz ketchup (I'm a ketchup purist too). All that changed today when I taste-tested Burger King's Halloween Whopper.

The black bun has the squishiness of a Martin potato roll and a tiny hint of black pepper that's a good complement to the smoky charcoal-broiled burger, crunchy iceberg lettuce and creamy mayo. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the addition of the A.1. sauce really brings out the umami flavors of the sandwich. Who am I?

>> No.6930915

How much did the person who was paid to write that pay you to pretend that you weren't acting like somebody who was paid to write that on the worst food website on the whole internet?

>> No.6930934
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>> No.6930935

This post is perfect.

>> No.6930937
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>no black cheese
no thank you, m8 o potato

>> No.6931051
File: 56 KB, 722x349, 34433434r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work at Burger King
>Once a week cute single mum comes in with her son and buys him a whopper meal
>knew she was coming yesterday
>wanted to suprise her
>bought in a bunch of halloween candy
>when she came smiled and reccommended the Halloween whopper
>got the whopper
>unwrapped it in front of her and said ''time for a treat!'' and filled it with Halloween candy
>then laughed and said ''and now for a trick! and jokingly pretended I was going to spit in the burger
>she screams at me
>have to calm her down and explain I was joking
>I have to pay for a new burger
>have a meeting with manager tomorrow

fuck halloween

>> No.6931067

did she fug you

>> No.6931081

whole foods encourages their staff to be zany and unique fuckwits, go apply there

>> No.6931087

Because America is lazy as shit and you're not getting the Japanese version of this burger but the unremarkable version of this burger done as cheaply as possibly.

America ain't gonna bother with bamboo charcoal or squid ink for this Halloween Burger like the Japanese do.

>> No.6931144 [DELETED] 

I want to eat Homura.

>> No.6931156

I used to work there and got demoted after I ironically shaved my moustache. They thought I was making a statement.

>> No.6931180

Of course

>> No.6931187


>> No.6931270


A1 is the fucking bomb diggity yo

>> No.6931274


A-1 is fucking ketchup, a sweet and sour sauce for children.

>> No.6931392

Holy shit, it's been a while since I've seen a shill thread on /ck/ this blatant.

>> No.6931409


>Pull out drive thru in reverse

you can do this in a burger king drive through because no one eats their shit luke warm food and the drive through is empty

>> No.6931420 [DELETED] 

Not on steak it isn't. I love it in my tomato juice though.

>> No.6931464

It's just another burger with dyed buns. Not going to bother trying it.

>> No.6931602

i ate one today. i just pooped blue. like everything, was blue. truly horrific. i guess thats what they were going for eh?

>> No.6931604

They should do sweet potato fries too
cuz theyre orange
so you get a black burger with orange fries
it's halloween colors

>> No.6931638
File: 986 KB, 708x945, hjhvjhgcjghcjhgc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bong here

had one yesterday
just a whopper with a1. bun is a little funky on its own.
forgot how decent the whopper is, though.
dont tend to eat fast food. as far as signature burgers go, the whopper is decent.
it was fresh and hot. the burger wasnt shown on the menu, so they had to make it from scratch.

>> No.6931639

Thos sesame seeds on it look awesome though

>> No.6931640

I'd try it since I'm not a sand laden pussy fuck. It's just a hamburger.

>> No.6931658

wtf the cheese isn't melted

>> No.6931670

None of BK cheese is ever melted. It's always just barely warm and sometimes even cold. I hadn't eaten there in years and hesitated going because it's always empty. I just got the tiny normal double cheeseburger and even that was comparable to the warmth of my body temperature. The cheese wasn't melted and never was (it hadn't been pre made and sat out forever cooling down...it was just never ever hot to begin with) and the bun would fall apart because it was stale. I threw it out my window and went to chick-fil-a after one bite. There is a reason BK is always empty.

>> No.6931673

ewww. note to self, dont eat fast food in bongistan.

>> No.6931674

yeah the cheese at these places wouldn't be melted. Worked at a hardees in the US, They come in these big blocks and are partially.. serrated? so they just pull off in even slices. They are added after the burger is cooked. Maybe if for whatever reason it sat for awhile wrapped up it might get a little more pliable, partially melted maybe but not much more.

>> No.6931677

different anon from myself
he may not be a bong

my cheese was not melted at that point, no.
the burger had been in existence for all of 2 - 5 minutes at the time of the photograph. it melted slightly as time went by, but not sufficient melt to cheese ratio.

>> No.6931680

every burger i've eaten near me had its cheese melted and i've eaten at a lot of fast food joints.

>> No.6931684
File: 47 KB, 640x480, cheesepizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats processed cheese for you. It thin out and spread but.. yeah. I put it on my frozen pizzas and they always come out like this.

>> No.6931685

If they are made to order then why would they not just put the cheese on it while it is on the supposed wood fired grill or whatever it is that burger king says they use so that the cheese melts and it's actually hot when you get it? I feel like they just boil the burgers then add smoke seasoning liquid or something or it's already built into the patty and they really don't flame them at all and that is why they are cold. Whenever I grill burgers at home those things are hot as crap even 10 minutes later.

>> No.6931691

fucking gross, anon

>> No.6931692

well I know at hardees we didn't do it because it would just make a mess in the charbroiler conveyor belt oven. But these places that use actual grills... idk. Maybe same reason, easier cleanup.

But at hardees dissassembling that fucking char was a pain. And we did it with it still on. I just stood there blinking when on my first Saturday night they handed me fireman gloves and told me to reach in with the scrubbing pad.

>> No.6931696

That is crazy. So it's like a conveyor basically like what Dominos uses for their pizza? Put it in one side and comes out the other side cooked?

>> No.6931701

That's what it was when I worked there. I left right before they went to the thickburgers though, but I can't imagine they changed their kitchen process because of that. Just slowed it down most likely.

The patties would roll to the guard on the other side, and then would be put in a little vat. It was small and didn't hold more than 5 or so patties, was mostly just to help out during rushes so we can just throw a fuckton of patties on the belt to try to keep up.

Anyway yeah. Grab some buns, on the top of the condiment station was little picture cards that had every menu item on them. Make like picture. Wrap in paper. Throw it into the chute for the cashiers. Haul ass to back of oven to throw in more patties. Check fries, look at order screen for next order. repeat.

>> No.6931709

That doesn't sound like much fun really. So basically cashiers who take orders should make less than the people in the back actually doing the work because it's constantly full on busy busy work while the cashiers just seem to stand around biting their nails or pushing a few buttons

>> No.6931716

eh, customer service is a world of its own. I _thought_ I wanted to work front for months but when I finally was able to I changed my mind quickly. Takes a whole lot of either not caring or caring a whole damn lot to deal with people who are hungry and want to eat. And they're the ones that actually bag the orders, which doesn't sound complicated until you get those busy periods when there's 5 to 10 different burgers sitting in the chute, and they get the fries, cooks just keep them coming. Handling money is a whole other ball of stress, register ends over or under what the tickets say it should be at it's an ass chewing.

And don't even get me started on the fucking timers. Most fast food kitchens have the timers in the back but some have it where the customers can see them. Start taking too long per order corporate bags on the district manager which bags on your manager who then chews your ass out again.

So it really is a team effort all around, and while it is something that should also be pretty simple all around one cog on the wheel fucks up the entire system goes to a screeching halt.

tldr if I had to deal with customers I'd probably want more $.

>> No.6931718

Imagine if Australia's KFC will copy this idea.

>> No.6931720

gotcha. I worked at dominos and pizza hut but it was way different than that experience. I just made pizza all the time and if I answered the phone it would come up with the address on the computer and I just type a few letters for toppings and stuff. Pretty simple and the only stressful was trying to make like 75 pizzas an hour during rush and make them come out looking decent. But that was back in like 1999 and the pizza hut ended up closing because of people drinking the draft beer at work and smoking weed in the freezer and failed every inspection ever.

>> No.6932607

>Who am I?
A shill.

>> No.6932611
File: 202 KB, 636x358, 1410384613673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish it had the black cheese like Japan got

>> No.6932670

Why are the rest of Burger King's burgers so fucking small? They advertised a brand new double bacon cheeseburger so I got it, but when I opened the bag up it was a little toy kids meal burger.

Both McDonald's and Burger King has had a real problem with proportions, I have to go to Jack in the Box to feel satisfied

>> No.6932673


holy shit lose some weight you whale

>> No.6932783

Bun looks spongy and artificial. Burger King is shit tier fast food in general, using horsemeat in the UK and god knows what they put in their U.S. burgers, as the U.S. has even lower allowable standards in it's meat industry.

Frozen and rolled through a conveyor served with the lowest quality vegetables permissible for human consumption.

I guess the only way they can stay relevant is by introducing a gimmick every few months. Really sad that it seems to be working.

>> No.6932898


>> No.6932904 [DELETED] 


That's made with cuddlefish ink, something Americans don't know about, consume, and wouldn't enjoy consuming.

Fucking weeb.

>> No.6932914

Yep....it surely does turn your poop a bright emerald green color. Yeeeeep.....

>> No.6933163

Irrelevant. It would still be better if it was black cheese.

>> No.6933206

yeah, bad side effect of blue #1. Something that I suppose should be noted, but definitely something PR won't want to talk about. Have seen on the comments page of various food review sites people freaking out about it at first.

>> No.6933382
File: 44 KB, 404x360, Wendys-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wendy's New Zealand is doing something very similar right now. I got one yesterday, it was pretty disappointing.

>> No.6933469
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>> No.6933477
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>> No.6933484 [DELETED] 


>dye makes food better

Fucking flyover yanks...

>> No.6933490

why couldn't they just make a pumpkin burger?

>> No.6933493

I thought it was a pumpernickel bun at first. A bit disappointing.

>> No.6934442

This board is for 18+ only

>> No.6934864

3 things that make food good are taste, smell and how it looks

>> No.6934868

>and how it looks

This is a lie, anon.

>> No.6934874 [DELETED] 


Taste and smell are the same thing, cannot have one without the other.

Stop rationalizing your anime cheese nigger. Very few delectable food items come from Japan, especially their fast food abominations. They're custom tailored to the indigenous population they're built in.

Hence why german bk's and mcd's serve beer.

>> No.6934883

>Taste and smell are the same thing

Citation: Your ass.

>> No.6934885
File: 6 KB, 234x190, rations_china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it is not a requirement in a lot of cases, it's still true - if the food looks bad but doesn't smell or taste good you won't eat it unless you are starving to death
Does this pic look appetizing to you?

>> No.6934889 [DELETED] 


Education is the key to the door of success.


>> No.6934895 [DELETED] 


Berries are pretty but 90% of them are toxic. A lot of poisonous foods are aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.6934918

Still better than anything McD's has to offer.

>> No.6934940

this looks like cat food..my friend yozoh who posts here would probably enjoy this

>> No.6934958

Looks like oatmeal. I love the shit out of oatmeal.

>> No.6934964

>too much blood
How much blood is the right amount?

>> No.6935084


>> No.6935109


>> No.6935116 [DELETED] 


>German McDonald's serve beer


>> No.6935130

Same deal in the Czech Republic.
Big Mac and a bottle of beer.

>> No.6935217

Made mine purple. Was pretty fucking confused until I remembered having eaten one.

>> No.6935362

Because most Americans would throw up just at the mention of squid ink and no one would buy it.

>> No.6935385

To be fair, Asians shouldn't be allowed near cheese.

>> No.6935393 [DELETED] 



That's a pretty broad spectrum, Indians and Koreans eat cheese.

>> No.6935398

Indians arent asians

>> No.6935409


They could have used a different coloring though, such as carbon black.

I'm actually surprised to see squid or cuttlefish ink in a fast food product. It's a rather expensive ingredient.

>> No.6935413 [DELETED] 


>India isn't in Asia


>> No.6935421 [DELETED] 



Why? They eat a significantly larger quantity of said organism than all western cultures combined. Fish and shellfish is an integral part of East Asian diets.

It's not uncommon, and the ink would be considered a waste product in most of the western world. Squid ink is very briney and indelicate. I don't like it, or know a single person who does. My palate is not accustomed to such vulgar tastes. I don't enjoy cuisine from a culture that breeds every flu virus known to man.

>> No.6935472

Only in America.

>> No.6935479


Because squid (and especially cuttlefish) ink is expensive. I'm surprised to see an expensive ingredient end up in a fast-food item.

It's not the fact that they're eating squid ink in the first place, it's that it's a rather costly ingredient to use for fast food.

>> No.6936886 [DELETED] 


It's not costly in Asia, where there's an overabundance of said ingredient.

>> No.6936899

The Indian continent collided with Asia. They have their own continental plate raising the Himalayan mountains with the Asian plate.

They are also culturally different.

I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.6936903 [DELETED] 


>Pangea broke apart once then shit smashed together, so... that makes India not on the Asian Continent.

Fucking weeb.

>> No.6936940

Ok. So why do India and other Asian countries have such different cultures? Why do the people look so different?

Oh? Is it because they were geographically isolated?


>> No.6936953 [DELETED] 


What does that have to do with the fact India is in Asia? Freddie Mercury was Asian, you're not proud of that? I would be if I was some part of mongrel raced Asian.

Glacial masses kept Sub-Saharan Africans away from the rest of humanity as well... speaking about "big things keeping people apart and making them different". The rest of humanity went on to breed with the Neanderthals while the black man did not. Making them not modern man and in fact sub-human.

My statement, is on par with yours. I can't wait to read your response.

>> No.6936967

I'm just a geologist who's into geographical and anthropology related stuff as a hobby. What's the deal? They're different enough for many reasons. Why can't they be respected individually?

>> No.6936971 [DELETED] 


That's not PC, everyone is human.

Fucking bigoted piece of shit, it's people like you that make the world a shitty place to live.

>> No.6936984

You're so fuhknee anon

>> No.6936986 [DELETED] 
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>Geologist on the food and cooking board

Randy Marsh, is that you?

>> No.6937004

Ohohoho, (You)

>> No.6937126
File: 23 KB, 888x118, www_greenpoop_org_about-us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6937220

What in the absolute fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.6937228

Previous bk employee here. Yyeah we had a conveyor broiler. fuckng HATED cleaning that fucking peice of shit. But i will say, those fireman gloves worked like a charm as long as you didnt get them wet

>> No.6938721

>CEO's father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate
So what does that make us?

>> No.6938737

Can confirm, my mother texted me saying she ate one and shat bright green shortly after.

No, I don't know why she'd send me that.

>> No.6939030

Got any irish stew recipes?

>> No.6939107

Assuming you'll still read this. Just order a whopper with jalepeno and mustard for the Texas.

>> No.6939115

Wrong, if your talking about the Texas double. You get a double whopper, sub mustard for ketchup, add cheese, bacon, and jalapeno. Top whopper

>> No.6939256

Had it yesterday night.
Tastes just like the regular whopper, and they add enough mayo to disguise the A1. Honestly, wasn't bad. The bun was pretty dry, though.

My shit was green, though.

>> No.6939811

It's BBQ sauce, it goes well enough on any burger, you diva.

>> No.6939853
File: 52 KB, 540x960, black whopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend got one the other day and sent this to me. It looks pretty disappointing irl but I guess that's food ads for ya.

>> No.6939977

Ah I forgot about the bacon and no ketchup. I always got a single.

>> No.6940330
File: 44 KB, 640x480, mypizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6940337

makes your shit black.

>> No.6940338 [DELETED] 

Can you britbong faggots please stop with this shit.

>> No.6940360

BK shills btfo

>> No.6940363

Fuck normalfag American scum. GRORY TO NIPPON

>> No.6940370

I'm going to kill you

>> No.6940380

>not being adorably racist like glorious japanese

Racist amerifat

>> No.6940388

Rape her and kill her for being a cunt

>> No.6940396

Shut the fuck up faggot American. Japan is the best country, everything is clean, everyone is polite in public, they do wacky shit like the squid ink burger, and on top of that they have no fucking black people. Japan is heaven, fuck you

>> No.6940399

5 billion pound lard ass detected

>> No.6940403

>i honestly believe everyone on 4chan is a bigoted piece of shit like me

>> No.6940518

No white people either, it isn't a great place.

>> No.6940529

Wow, no wonder SJWs like that homophobic, overtly sexual, suicidal, depressing country.

>> No.6940880


Makes you shit the color blue.

>> No.6940906

Fuck your dubs faggot, there's a reason they call it A1.

>> No.6940921

I had one of these today. It took the otherwise completely forgettable Whopper and did the impossible: made it taste like something.

While the color is by far the worst thing about the burger, I think a bun with A1 baked into it is probably the most innovative thing Burger King has tried to do with their food in almost 20 years.

>> No.6940928
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone would like a word with you

>> No.6940941

>Japan eats shitty fast food and you think they're cool and innovative. America eats same fast food and you call them fat.

Last I knew, Japan does much more to make their food interesting than throw food coloring into the bun.

>> No.6940957

>pretended I was going to spit in the burger
How autistic do you have to be to think this is okay?

>> No.6941238

That fucking egg though. I love eggs on burgers.

>> No.6941285
File: 69 KB, 516x550, 1384439937516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting a1 on a burger
>but still having spermmoniase special sauce on it
projectile vomit

>> No.6941288

because they are a meme country

>> No.6941404


Don't they just put the stuff in cold and let the meat warm them up?

>> No.6941487


Can confirm. Had one on Thursday, shit was green till today.

>> No.6942228

this. was also addressed

someone else/something else makes the burgers. The person at the prep station assembles.

>> No.6942252
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Pic related

>> No.6942573
File: 7 KB, 190x266, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6942631

>coloring your food
Fucking disgusting. Everybody who does that should be gunned down in the middle of the street.

>> No.6943462

Absolutely nothing!

>> No.6943476

>no black cheese or black sauce

>> No.6943566

Bought one of these for lunch. I put carrot and banana slices on it.

>> No.6944831
File: 16 KB, 320x298, 1402910391831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umami . weabo detected

>> No.6944833

yup fucked up society

>> No.6944843

BK is garbage tier and they only stay relevant in the fast food market through gimmicky shit like this.

>> No.6944926

>mooooooooom my food isn't the same color it's disgusting :(

literally baby palates.

>> No.6945103

Just googled it, not available in Canada.
Fuck this country

>> No.6945113

>People literally get paid to do this for cents-per-post

>> No.6945779

sounded like a report of the week for me, don't know if that's what you're going for

>some people have called it the black whopper
>i'm not going to call it that
>i think that sounds a little too...uh
>a little too... to make up my own word here, a little too inuendous
>which means uh you know, to make it sound like something that it's not
>so we're just going to call it the halloween whopper
>because this isn't a penis
>forgot to get napkins again so just using a receipt this time
>they gave me two receipts, so that's...
>that's good


also why did Jack Scalfani take down junior's halloween whopper review? i thought he did fine

>> No.6945784

really? because i've seen the ads on Canadian TV

>> No.6945827
File: 489 KB, 996x1013, 20151005_110222-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been three days

When will it end?

>> No.6945897


>> No.6945944

Fuck off the famous star with cheese is better they don't add that shit liquid smoke flavoring to their burgers like bk does

>> No.6945953

the consensus is that this hallowhoppa gives neon green shits right?

>> No.6946007

It was brighter to start with but I am amazed that it's still green after four bowel movements

>> No.6946037


yesterday I was watching tv in hd and this commercial came on for the burger. I noticed that while they shoed me the sandwich, what my eyes focuse don was not the bun, but the meat inside. I saw that there was a bun, but visually, I was drawn to what was in the burger. I could see a patty, lettuce, tomato and cheese (or something else).

anyway, the effect mad eme take in what wa sin the burger, instead of seeing the burger as a whole.

it made me wonder if this would be a greta way to advertise the meat and filling in burgers.
I like the idea of it, and it certainly sounds cool. it gave me a whole new way to look at a burger

>> No.6946041

I tried it today, tastes the same as a regular whopper with A1 steak sauce

will report if my poo is green later

>> No.6946134
File: 16 KB, 416x245, new bk burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6946143

What's that brown thing inside it? Is there any meat anywhere?

>> No.6946145

r u high on weed sir?

>> No.6946276

I'm getting one tonight. What should I get to go with it? I'm not doing a ripoff combo because I don't want soda. I'm thinking about chicken fries or onion rings.

>> No.6946691

It is just a whopper

>> No.6946707
File: 3.47 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20151005_185638695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were out of Halloween buns so I decided on some A1 bacon cheeseburger instead.

>> No.6946720
File: 2.96 MB, 4320x2432, IMG_20151005_185731004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty glorious, the meat is literally hanging out of the strange symmetrical bun. Nobody talks about them on here, might it be regional?

>> No.6946728
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>> No.6946743

I work at Burger King. The buns literally smell like burnt rubber.

Also, although I've taken an oath to not revealing the secrets of the restaurant chain, I can indeed confirm that Burger King actually does use a flame broiler to cook their burgers.

>> No.6946750

Do you sell that big a1 burger at yours? It's pretty fulfilling. What kind of bun is it?

>> No.6946803

I had one last week, can confirm dark green poo

>> No.6946807

see my post>>6946803

>> No.6946858

>why don't you pay $5.99 for this shit

No thanks

>> No.6946955
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>> No.6946990

>tiny smear of Heinz ketchup (I'm a ketchup purist too).
>Hienz HFCS sauce
>ketchup purism
literally wat?
Could you shill harder?

>> No.6947040

>autists don't understand halloween
The more you know!

>> No.6947049
File: 62 KB, 500x562, 1435025582800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he wants charcoal and squid ink in his burgers

>> No.6947056

this is why the death sentence needs to stay on the table.

>> No.6947188

that only counts becaus u got dubs

>> No.6947325

oh shit son, you got dubs
did you just say weeabo?
*gets paddle*

>> No.6947327


>> No.6947419

turned my shit chemical green and did not taste any different from a whopper with A1 in it for some reason. 2/10

>> No.6947945

The cheese is made with squid ink.

The buns have charcoal in them.

>> No.6947993

If I eat this and a ton of beets will I make Christmas Poo?

>> No.6948115
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>> No.6948163


>> No.6948165


do u know there is a live skeleton inside of you RziGHT NOW waiting to escape?

>> No.6948183
File: 31 KB, 317x240, 1289871519173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mrw i still haven't been able to try one of these because every time i go by there they've run out of the fucking black buns for the day because so many people are eating them
>goddamn fat ass normies eating all my halloween whoppers

>> No.6948184

M8 it's probably because it's not American """"cheese"""".

>> No.6948188

They've been serving this for over a year, but I was always turned off because the cheese was black as well

>> No.6948497

probably when they were showing the same show as an american sister channel.

Googled it and their official facebook said not available in this shit hole.

>> No.6948517

I wanna try one and no I won't tell you if my shits green who the fuck looks in the toilet after they shit nasty fucks

>> No.6949548

Spooky af tbqh

>> No.6949559


>> No.6949560
File: 68 KB, 600x600, CQqZFdxUwAAb3Ig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately BK canada isn't sell that demon burger but a local chain is selling this pink shit. Haven't had it yet.

>> No.6949593

Are you seeing a lot of green turds in the restrooms?

>> No.6949739

Enjoy dying of stage iv colon cancer that you never saw coming because you never looked at your shit.

>> No.6949748

Sexy. When burger king can America have this? I wish they would make lots of festive buns

>> No.6949750

>not serving with a raw burger

>> No.6949771
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It turned my poo green, otherwise virtually the same as any Whopper

>> No.6950810

ate one last night, shit was green this morning.

>> No.6951358

Holy shit, so that's why my shit was green. I ate one Monday night, and when I took a shit last night and it was green. (I don't poop that often)

>> No.6951370
File: 33 KB, 600x361, 464388-cant_beat_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just ate one, was okay, way better than the last time i had a whopper (while back)
did burger king up their quality in recent years?

very hype for green poo

>> No.6951374

oh, shit, i forgot to mention, mine was cold when i got it?? anybody else experience this
wasn't a big problem cause i was already at home, but the cheese wasn't even melted
was good to go after some microwaving at least

>> No.6951401

>having to cook fast food
what is even the point?

>> No.6951414

yeah, that woulda sucked if i had tried to eat anywhere other than the store/place where i could microwave

>> No.6951444

When I got mine it the bread was stail, and when I went back the second time it was alright I don't know what all the hype is about? I wish the cheese was black too like it is in Japan

>> No.6951554

It made my poop green/blue.

>> No.6951605

hooooly shit this is gold

>> No.6951626

Was this just from one burger?? If so i'm going BK tomorrow

>> No.6952602

>ctrl+f BLACKED
>0 results

>> No.6952628

>I'm pretty sure the Japanese version was made with squid ink
that' pretty fucking badass

>> No.6952644
File: 88 KB, 574x437, Baconator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is the best premium fast food burger
Step the fuck aside, kid

>> No.6952651

That shit scares me everytime I make a beet smoothie

>> No.6952660

look how fuckin pathetic fast food burgers are

that's 90% bread and lettuce

>> No.6952671

Same here buddy

>> No.6952698

I'll give you a serious reply. Black is considered a "clean" color in Japan, like white is in the US. Black bread makes as much sense over there as bleaching bread to make it white does over here.

>> No.6952759

This thread has been on here long enough, I'm going to reach it to 300. Also sage

>> No.6952765


>> No.6952771

2 more

>> No.6952777
File: 288 KB, 800x1200, 1b0b4397-6f37-484a-8462-3dc80a0d1c2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6952822

Looks like a veggie burger with a slice of lunchmeat

>> No.6952838

Dude I thought the same fucking thing and then I saw the date
Fuck this thread and fuck BK for not bringing Kuro Chizu to the states

>> No.6953634
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, laughingwithrapeyface.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme food on a burger

>> No.6953648

My shit turns green if I eat a lot of really spicy food.

>> No.6953695

I would have nothing against it, looks kinda cool, but I think fast food in general is kinda gross to be honest.

>> No.6953704

I tried one. You seriously cannot taste the A1 in the bun. The extra A1 on the burger itself doesn't make that any easier. Just order one without A1 on it, bro. It'll just be a novelty spooky Whopper but that's why we're all interested in it anyway.

>> No.6953706
File: 15 KB, 447x249, broodwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually looks really kick-ass. I want a beelzeburger.

I've recently been looking into baking just so I can make some replica broodwiches for my friends on Halloween.

>> No.6953764

Why is everyone surprised the Halloween Whopper is giving them green shits? Haven't these people ever eaten anything with food dyes before?

>> No.6953765

It's the shame shitty product, now in a wacky color. It's pretty much the iPhone of burgers.

>> No.6953770


We have spotted the low-flying weeaboo. Get the cannons ready.

>> No.6953911
File: 360 KB, 1128x1147, BKHW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had one last night, I don't eat a lot of fast food so maybe I missed the memo of it getting so fucking expensive. Anyways, tasted mostly of mayo and vague grill taste. The tomato's had to be the worst I ever seen, but besides that it was edible.

>> No.6954077

I don't

if I did, it was like 5+ years ago

>> No.6954078

>he doesn't eat Baconators
wow I do not want your life

>> No.6954244

Had one last night. Is it just me, or is it bigger than a regular whopper?

>> No.6954631

>be me want trick or treat burger
>surprised it looks as black as on tv because tv magic usually fakey
>mmmm blacked burger
>tastes like a burnt whopper- probably the a1
>next day = green poo (dats the trick, anons)

>> No.6955432
File: 845 KB, 299x300, satan elmo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitting on Wendy's

You can fuck right off anon