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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 1347x885, amerifats_2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6923051 No.6923051 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong in the United Fats of Americu/ck/?

>> No.6923057

Great post

>> No.6923060


do euro's actually believe this?

>> No.6923062 [DELETED] 

What board did this "cuck" shit start on anyway?

>> No.6923068
File: 26 KB, 588x228, biggest_faggots_ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like most cancers, it began in /pol/ and grew dramatically in /b/

>> No.6923072

>Do American actually believe that euros actually believe health statistics collected and reported by the American government?

>> No.6923073 [DELETED] 


we needed a term that described you, so we invented cuck.

>> No.6923075
File: 150 KB, 727x739, 1428442756524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6923077

>do American

Learn english

>> No.6923081

>not capitalizing proper nouns

You learn English first, faggot.

>> No.6923090


Your use of the word faggot in context would also be considered a proper noun; so you could take the dicks out of your mouth for two seconds and follow your own advice, it would be helpful in trying to communicate in English, Faggot.

>> No.6923102

>state whos deaths are majority caused by DIET AND NUTRITIONAL RELATED CAUSES
Fucking hell m8.

>> No.6923121

No, it wouldn't be a proper noun in that context. You've also misused a semicolon and your sentence contains a splice because the first should be a conditional clause. You ought to try to actually learn the language before attempting to correct someone else's use of that language.

>> No.6923122

>faggot in context would also be considered a proper noun
No it wouldn't you ignoramus.

>> No.6923136

>What went wrong in the United Fats of Americu/ck/?

We got fat.

>> No.6923138


Too true, btw wtf does nigger fucking have to do with obesity? It's not like people consume calories through their genitals.

>> No.6923143


The use of a double negative within your sentence structure is incorrect, you huge Faggot (notice my correct capitalization of faggot, when I refer to you as a Faggot).

>Titles instead of Names – Capitalize titles when used as a means of personally addressing the individual.

>> No.6923155

Who says you can't learn something on 4chan?

>> No.6923162

actually you can absorb things through any wet mucus layer
it's just easier to not put multivitamins in your butt

>> No.6923179


Well, anything that is readily absorbed through a mucous layer isn't really "food" and is more on the "fun time juice" side of things. While alcohol carries some caloric value, I'm pretty lsd and cocaine do not (I think coke has a negative caloric value, but that's just because of all the skinny cokeheads I've seen)

>> No.6923316

Yeah no I've been to hawaii and eaten hawaiian food. Every (and I mean every) native person I saw there was fat as fuck. Can't blame them though, king loco moco is the best shit ever

>> No.6923338


Cocaine suppresses appetite and speeds metabolism.

>> No.6923340

>self-reported data

Man, people suck at stats

>> No.6923342

Straight up. Everything's delicious here.

The study does say "self-reported," though. So obviously the fat bros are busy being fat while the skinny haole bitches are taking the time to respond to surveys.

>> No.6923343

I know but negacalories sounds way funnier

>> No.6923368
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>> No.6923390

It seems the califaggots are having trouble being honest

>> No.6923398


>> No.6923855

Faggot isn't a title, retard--it's an insult or identifier, neither of which are necessarily proper nouns. It's not proper to capitalize "idiot" or "moron" either unless they are actually names or legitimate titles, e.g. the King of Faggots.

>> No.6923859

I live in California so I'm probably more healthy than most yurpoors

>> No.6923880

Women going into the workforce, leaving processed foods the most convenient food source.

>> No.6923884

You hate us...cause you ain't us.

>> No.6923888

I usually go there around this time of year because there's a lot of fall premieres and while it's thankfully not the pedo shit it used to be, it's really fucking awful right now

>> No.6923894

It was /tv/

>> No.6923912

>right now
and always
took long enough for the nonce janny to cut down on paedo shit

>> No.6924135


Nah, the racist undertones of this shit came from /pol/, no doubt. It gained some popularity on /tv/ though and then it hit /b/ and exploded.

>> No.6924140


>fetishism was invented on 4chan

>> No.6924153

Well villainizing that fetish is from /pol/ as far as 4chan history is concerned. Obviously the fetish is much much older. Plus, the original question was about which channel it came from

>> No.6924161


2channel would be the answer then, any number of those boards have bull niggers plowing out little lolis and other useless/illegal/depraved shit.

The content of 2channel is what forced the Board of Directors to literally fire Hiroyuki from his own site, why he bought this shithole I will never figure out.

>> No.6924469


pretty sure its higher honestly

>> No.6924736
File: 397 KB, 731x543, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I think I see a correlation
>Live life for eternal afterlife
>Live like fatfuck because you get to chill with jesus at Cosmic McDonalds for eternity


Not even once

>> No.6924752

Back to reddit

>> No.6924758

what's going on up there in the northeast

i had no idea

>> No.6924763
File: 723 KB, 603x615, RByUkmh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to 9gag

>> No.6925261

Back to gaia
or am I skipping a bogeyman there?

>> No.6925489
File: 145 KB, 960x520, 657687544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible education combined with the palate and self-control of a docile, domesticated farm pig.

>> No.6925502

>doesnt go to church
>isnt fat
>whites are minority
pretty based

>> No.6925562

Why do you care, OP. Quit trying to justify your obesity.

>> No.6925798
File: 86 KB, 1128x515, screen shot 2015-01-22 at 10.27.56 am.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know that America being fat is kinda a meme right? I mean yea, we're fat, but so is the rest of the world.

>> No.6925808

The correlation you're seeing is black people, if you didn't know.

>> No.6925849

women are so fucking useless, i cant wait for asexual reproduction so we can get rid of them

>> No.6925852


did you wander out of some containment board?

most men are fat too

>> No.6925861

So what if they other fucks are fat, we should know better. Plus the Euros are healthier than us which is fucking bullshit and we need to step up as a country and stop being lazy fat slobs.

>> No.6925870

I blame black people, fried chicken is too damn tasty.

>> No.6925886

>i cant wait for asexual reproduction

Would people really even bother procreating then, or would everyone just have VR fleshlight sessions?

>> No.6926377
File: 259 KB, 650x2441, diabetesfactsheet_a650px[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat fucks and diabetes are the only reason I oppose universal healthcare. I want these Type 2 fucks to die out although I do feel bad for the kids. Just let the adults die.

>> No.6926470


It's why I support a fat tax - I'm sick of supporting the fat fucks, I'm sick of the restaurants serving these lardasses making profits while pushing the costs onto us . . .

And it's not universal healthcare only. If you have health insurance, you're paying for these fucks. At least with a government scheme you can start charging the fat fucks what they cost the rest of us, which the private US system never could.

>> No.6926483


We hosted /ck/.

>> No.6926487


Look I'm not saying diabetes isn't a problem but these fucking edutainment things hold no value at all.

What the fuck is prediabetes? 15-30%? Those are some pretty huge error margins. Is the twice as expensive due to a small group of really expensive people, or can I actually expect my bills to go up? Same question with mortality...

Half the time it doesn't even distinguish between the types, why is it using type one stats and then saying "what you can do?"

>> No.6926515

>self reported
yeah that pretty much ends any accuracy and relevance of that map

>> No.6926552

Like you ever had a job above minimum wage. Jerk off to Rand Paul more.

>> No.6926566

>double negative
that's not a double negative

>> No.6926580


Actually make very good money - and I'm a little to the left of Bernie Sanders. See that part where I'm defending universal health care, fucknuts? I'm a market socialist, which is pretty much the furthest thing from pseudo-Randian crap like Rand Paul.

What I DON'T support is the 'right' of McDonald's to go in and sell food they know causes obesity, and let all of us pick up the tab. I also DON'T support the 'right' of a landwhale to shove 5 Big Macs a day down his gullet and then charge the rest of us who don't live like that while he dies. So tax the fucking things, so they reflect their actual cost.

>> No.6926620



>> No.6926849

That was released by the CDC, take a look at their actual report then you dumb faggot.

>> No.6926864

I would love to see this happen but it never will. Unless we basically purge congress of shills and get a president that isn't a total sellout.

>> No.6927009

Our military, economy, and government control your countries so we stopped giving a shit about our health to laugh at you.

>> No.6927035

IDK, I'm /fit/ and I fucking love this 'epidemic'.

The bigger women get, the harder my penis pulses all day.

>> No.6927047

fat/sugar tastes good, Americans do what makes them feel good in the short term despite the long term consequences.

>follow your bliss they said

>> No.6927138

>What went wrong in the United Fats of Americu/ck/?

Two main reasons. The first is that much of American home cooking has been handed down from when doing manual labor was generally the order of the day while the average American has become much more sedentary. If you work in a steel mill or if you're a kid that rides your bike to school and spends the rest of your afternoon running around in an empty lot, you can eat as much as you damn well please of whatever you want at dinner and you still probably won't get fat.

The second is that Americans lost much of their discipline during the post-war urbanization. People used to be much more connected to their food either through the fact that they grew it or the fact that there wasn't really enough to go around, but after the war the average family had a tendency to cook with all of the things they'd been denied (butter, sugar, white bread, etc.) and advertisement agencies capitalized on that post-war sentiment to such an extent that immediate and/or total gratification has become the norm.

>> No.6927469

Niggers are attracted to fat.

Probably also because of southern cooking.

>> No.6927867
File: 114 KB, 600x450, Almost+into+bear+mode+here+_3aa4027ff8b37bdb39858a08f12b5ec0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm /fit/
Pic related?
Big agribusiness convinced middle americans that it's unpatriotic to eat food that isn't grown, processed, and distributed by Cargill/ADM/Kraft/etc, or one of its subsidiaries. This is what right wing retards call "normal food" (preferably deep fried and Now With More Real Genuine Cheesy Bits Than Ever!) and if you don't religiously eat it, you're a European commie islamic jew atheist social justice warrior who will stop at nothing less than the total annihilation of the American Way.

>> No.6927897

We're the guinea pigs of the food world, scientifically speaking.

>> No.6927901


>> No.6928069

Based Minnesota, an oasis in the bumfuck hickery meth-region known as the midwest

>> No.6928086

meth isnt even that prevalent here, in the northern parts sure but like 8/10ths of the state is addicted to oxycodone

>> No.6928096

misread your post, disregard my idiocy.

>> No.6928112

The great depression is what went wrong. All that hunger resulted in the pre-boomer generation becoming obsessed with food, telling their kids, grandkids, and great grandkids to EAT MOAR.

>> No.6928117


>> No.6928166


OP please

Europe as a whole is just as bad as the US.

>> No.6928170

human stupidity combined with abundance. the real stupidity is just concentrated in the places where we already knew it would be.

>> No.6928268

When exercise isn't part of your lifestyle, then all exercise just feels like an obligation.
That's why my obese brother says anyway. He has a point. Losing weight when you work out of the home isn't easy. I hope going back to grad school helps, I find staying healthy easier during the school year because school forces me to at least just walk around campus.
Point being that exercise isn't part of the lifestyle of any american. Americans drive to work where the sit around behind a desk, then they drive home, and they're tired from work and just want to netflix and chill on the couch. People who exercise are people who can afford to take time out of their day, hence the poorest states being the fattest.
Also southern cooking is revolting.

>> No.6928280
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x997, black people in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're learning a lot here today.

>> No.6928286

women and blacks/hispanics.
I'm not even being edgy with the last one.
I have literally never seen and anorexic of those origin

>> No.6928305

>He has a point. Losing weight when you work out of the home isn't easy.
U wot m8? Working out of your house means thatyou can go to the gym any time you damn well please.

>> No.6928320

yeah but I never got the impression that Europeans were gym rats, just that they might walk to work or the store more often.
He also has disgusting eating habits but whatever fatties gonna fat.

>> No.6928330

europe isn't car-centric and that is a major difference in lifestyle

>> No.6928415

Colorado master race reporting in.

>> No.6929688
File: 93 KB, 847x541, amerifat_blk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the blacks mostly. Black women have an obesity rate over 80%.

>> No.6930531
File: 41 KB, 640x360, conserv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6930539

Brazil reporting in, hoping to move to the US eventually. What makes American conservatives fatter?

>> No.6930554

Nothing. They're just more honest when it comes to self-reporting. The places with the lowest rates of self-reported obesity are also the libiest, jewiest shithole states.

>> No.6930556

poor critical thinking and long term planning skills.

>> No.6930568

hawaii is interesting because there's a ton of slims and a ton of fatties

>> No.6930641

Oils, sugars and alcohol. Many Americans subsist on a diet of sweetened diesel fuel.

>> No.6930662
File: 31 KB, 126x136, 1433183892723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying positive things about government institutions

>> No.6930675

A combination of almost no one having physically demanding jobs anymore and the government's insistence that fat was the worst thing ever leading to the trend of high carb diets

>> No.6930713

Are you American? Please say no, or that you're a troll.