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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 400x260, Midwest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6920955 No.6920955 [Reply] [Original]

>good quality cheese
>best produce in the country
>best water
>invented chicken fried steak
>invented Faygo
>hardly any groids or SJWs

Tell me why the midwest is bad again?

>> No.6920972

I like how people will include some things about food in their post, so that their thread won't be deleted even though what OP posted should not even be here.

>> No.6920988


I drink Faygo from time to time and enjoy it. That being said, let's not pretend it's something to brag about.

>> No.6920989

>good quality cheese
>best produce in the country

Actually both of those are California. Midwest just has lots and lots of corn.

>best water

That's NYC actually.

>invented chicken fried steak
Uhhhh no, that's the hill country in Texas, where the german immigrants modified Weinerschnitzel. They also did Kolaches, which didn't spread as far.

>invented Faygo

OMG FOOD COLORING AND SUGAR, and somehow you tards STILL managed to fuck it up

>hardly any groids or SJWs
Because anyone with half a brain gets out.

For food, the midwest likes bland and massive portions. From Chicago's Italian Beef, to hotdish, midwestern food is just crap.

>> No.6921002
File: 429 KB, 539x834, flyover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's full of literally retarded fat fucks

>> No.6921010
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I had to google this.
Jesus Christ it's disgusting.

>> No.6921013

How can you do produce when there's no water and fire everywhere?
California is done. Earthquake cumming soon
NYC is polluted to fuck. Fuck it.
How is Italian beef bland?

>> No.6921015

California is bigger than your small brain can comprehend.

>> No.6921016
File: 175 KB, 640x427, hotdish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh cmon, have a bite while we all sit around and pretend to be nice while judging the fuck out of anyone with any spark of actual personality! It's the midwest!!!!

>> No.6921031

It's so big that it's taking the whole summer and then some to burn to the ground

>> No.6921032
File: 59 KB, 337x300, nowwithflavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I understand if you've never tried actual flavorful food before (like the LA french dip, NYC pastrami, or Texas brisket) you might think that the Italian beef has flavor. Then you try something with actual flavor, and realize what a waste of beef that sandwich is.

>> No.6921036

Sometimes I forget flyovers never learn about nature.

>> No.6921038

I've been to all 3 of those places and tried everything except the LA French dip because I left that city asap. I'm not missing anything.

>> No.6921039
File: 29 KB, 500x275, 1440421974928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey, it's this autistic spam thread again. guess i hide it again. go sperge some other people who will take your bait, flyover child

>> No.6921041
File: 32 KB, 650x452, laughinggirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> he thinks NYC drinks water from the city

All comes down from the watersheds upstate, and it's amazing. See, since we're not all in tiny midwestern shit towns we can arrange things to work so we have density and culture, AND clean drinking water!

Meanwhile you subhumans are probably guzzling the Ohio untreated, ignoring the taste from the manure factory upriver.

>> No.6921043

Did your motor scooter give out?

>> No.6921044

I live in Chicago. I know OP is baiting, but we do have good cheese from Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. And we have plenty of local breweries. And the local produce from Michigan is fantastic. The wines there are hit or miss though. Chicken fried steak is from German immigrants, it's a kinda schnitzel. like how the Indiana pork tenderloin sandwich is a kinda schnitzel.

Anyways, we have a great food scene here in Chicago, and there are plenty of local producers nearby in the Midwest.I like it.

>> No.6921045

Extreme drought followed by massive forest fires isn't common for California I think. I don't think it's common anywhere in the US tbh fam

>> No.6921049

Wildfires are natural.

>> No.6921053

What the fuck is a groid?

>> No.6921054

A slur for a black person.

>> No.6921055
File: 90 KB, 489x750, Abraham Lincoln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then Lincoln said,
>Don't dis mah homies

>> No.6921060

No I just didn't get it. It was the dirtiest city I've been to, yet almost the most expensive. There was nothing that was going to keep me there. San Diego was great though.

>> No.6921062

And do you understand why people hate tourists?

Because they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.6921065
File: 50 KB, 600x599, CPxztwMUYAAtKte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it isn't the South! Buncha red neck hillfucks.

>> No.6921067

Didn't say they werent.

>> No.6921068


Translation - I went to Times Square, had a shitty pastrami at Applebee's, and then went to Dallas BBQ. Meanwhile this shit Chicago sandwich I pretend to like is about that same quality!

>> No.6921071

>hardly any groids
ohio and michigan are full of negroes.

>> No.6921074

*moments before John Lennon was shot*

>> No.6921075

I was with my friend who had been living in California for a few years thanks to the military. He didn't want to be there either. LA sucks, bro. Even the "real" Californians I talked to hated it.

>> No.6921090


Those are the "fly-over" states quite literally no one visits while on Holiday in America. They grow the food for places that actually matter. Most are Lottery Funded school systems as well, so they're on par with the southern states for pure-bred retards.

Especially Ohio. Ohio is the dumping grounds for anything and everything that has failed in the United States of America.

California, New York, and Florida are the ONLY reason for tourism in the USA. Chicago, Seattle and Philly being major cities people go out of their way to visit while visiting above mentioned states.

The food is absolutely disgusting in these states, Walmart tier cuisine. Ohio does have a nice Micro-brew community going on in Columbus though. That being said none of those states matter to anyone except the people living there.

>> No.6921095

lol, flyovers actually believe this shit.

>> No.6921223


>implying military areas aren't just transplanted Midwest crap

Might as well say you know the Middle East because you ate at a KFC on base in Iraq

>> No.6921229

>Hardly any grids
>St Louis

Motherfucker I love the MW and the food here, but it's dark as fuck anywhere near civilization. Unless you're in the middle of the boonies, you'll see plenty of black people.

Also, Vernors.

>> No.6921236

>LA french dip
lol, since when does LA have a claim on french dip? Do you seriously think they are uncommon in the midwest?

>> No.6921240

>lol flyover food sucks
>eats at Taco Bell

>> No.6921244

Since it was invented there, and they actually do good versions there? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_dip

The Midwest does tamales as well, doesn't mean their version isn't shit tier.

>> No.6921249

you can get almost entirely the same food in any city of even a moderate populations, there are a few regional specialties of course but they are such a small subsection of what people eat, they are rather insignificant

and the midwest is the second most densely populated part of the country besides the northeast

Having said that, Ohio is basically the south, they cannot be redeemed

>> No.6921253

The thing about the mdiwest is black people are extremely uncommon, and the few they do have are sequestered in small inner cties. All of those cities have significant black populations but they are all in specific parts of the city that no one else ever has reason to go to. They are a tiny fraction of the regions population

>> No.6921264

Meh - California coast is denser, it's just got lots of desert to the east. Parts of the Midwest are actual cities - but most is just farms and shit mill towns. East coast is similar, but its cities are far better.

>> No.6921278

>California coast is denser
if you define the region very precisely maybe, but that is a stretch

>> No.6921286

>but its cities are far better.
I mean New York, DC and Boston are cool to visit, not very nice to live in. Baltimore and Philly are awful. New Jersey is the worst. Never been to Delaware before, it might be ok.
I don't see how you can say they are far better, most northern cities are pretty similar, but the ones in the northeast are way more expensive for less

>> No.6921291

Jersey is a city?

Good cities in the Midwest - Chicago is nice, but second to nyc, and Minneapolis, when it's not frozen. Detroit is its own area really.

>> No.6921294


> high rents in east cost cities
> not nice to live in

Seems yours is a minority opinion, judging by supply and demand

>> No.6921298

>Jersey is a city?
I wasn't trying to imply there was only one city there, just that its cities are junk

>> No.6921311

by that logic Bud Light is the best beer in america.

Yeah, it would be kind of cool to live in New York, but you have to pay out the ass and live in a tiny rundown apartment in a bad neighborhood, you have to be incredibly rich, and most likely old to become that rich to afford anything in a nice part of the city. Plus you have to deal with public transport and extreme taxes.

Meanwhile in more inland cities you can afford to live in a nice part of town right out of college, and probably live in a much larger apartment that is also more modern

>> No.6921313

They don't really have cities - the north is an extension of nyc, the south is pretty sparse

>> No.6921315


> residing in the Midwest is living

>> No.6921324

Do you think the midwest is just North Dakota? A vast expanse of emptiness?

>> No.6921594

>The best cheeses are made by coastal states like VA, MD, CA, and OR
>Better produce in coastal states
>Alaska has the best water hands down
>CFS was brought by immigrants and took root in OK/TX, not the midwest
>Nobody likes faygo
>Midwest is full of racist fucktards

They're flyover states for a reason.

>> No.6922197
File: 162 KB, 1159x1500, midwest_gourmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They grow the food for places that actually matter.
Not really though, just because agriculture is all they have doesn't mean states that matter don't have agriculture. Why do you think the food is so terrible in the midwest? Besides the lack of knowledge of and outright hostility to good food, I mean. It's because what local agriculture they do have is all industrialized monoculture. You can't fix a bad tomato, let alone SUPRO-injected cuts of boneless skinless chicken breast.

>> No.6922199

Because it's full of compulsive liars.

>> No.6922200

Are you high...? They're the majority of all those cities populations. And that's not even counting the suburban sprawl that houses quite a few as well.

I don't care, because I don't hate black people (only date black women in fact) but you're delusional if you think they're a rarity.

>> No.6922201

>invented chicken fried steak
That was you guys? I thought it was the South. Well...shit, I'm sorry guys, I take back every unkind word I've ever said. You're all okay in my book now.

>> No.6922208

Midwesterners don't know or care about bad tomatoes. Vegetables are from PETA, and they need to be deep fried to defeat Ingrid Newkirk.

>> No.6922239
File: 245 KB, 984x850, 1438585329988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6922243

here comes maps folder butthurt guy to save the day
>at least we're not the south

>> No.6922246

completely retarded/10

>> No.6922251

>the closer to canada the smarter the state


>> No.6922718

Canada jokes aside, the discrepancy is likely due to the opposite border.

Racism aside, it's apparent that IQ scores would be lower for recently displaced individuals raised in poor conditions with non-native speaking parents. (as govt. funded IQ tests are usually given in early elementary school).

t. jerseyfriend