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File: 37 KB, 1000x611, cheddar-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6919261 No.6919261 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best cheese and why is it sharp cheddar?

>> No.6919263

Because it goes great with apple pie

>> No.6919269
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It's extra mature/sharp. Why half ass it when you can go all the way? Not going to get all those delicious cheese crystals otherwise.

>> No.6919277

Which part of New England are you from?

>> No.6919293

What part of Old America are YOU from?

>> No.6919317

colby jack is best you nigger

>> No.6919325

>the child's cheese
come back when you've tried something exotic. I'm sure even gouda would be a stretch for you.

>> No.6919329
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>> No.6919342

>he doesn't understand the minutiae of language
please go back to china.

>> No.6919347
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Exotic cheeses are all extraordinarily bland or poor tasting on their own. You need to eat half the cheeses in existence with something extremely specific in order for it to taste any good. Cheddar can be eaten alone, and it stands to reason that if its any good independently without using a crutch like poppy seed crackers then it is the best.

>> No.6919348

NH VT border region,

>> No.6919350


You do know what board you're on, right?

>> No.6919352

Right, let me check my privilege


>> No.6919353
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That looks like a sea sponge

>> No.6919474

I prefer dry jack but I don't try to humiliate anyone on their cheese preference as long as it's not processed cheese food.

>> No.6919489

But thats Red Leicester Fam

>> No.6919571

i'm from new england and i've never tried this, though I know it is a thing. I will give it a go this fall

>> No.6919712
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>> No.6919764

the moon is really made of cheese...

>> No.6919875

Gruyere is the best hard cheese and anyone who disagrees is a fucking pleb.

>> No.6919972


This is true.

>> No.6920013

My gf likes that fake liquid cheese shit that gets poured on nachos in school cafeterias

please help me

>> No.6920062
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how old is she?

>> No.6920116
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cheddar is entry level cheese tbh

>> No.6920124

Well, we're both in college. She's actually a vegetarian too, I just find it weird that for a person that doesn't eat meat, she could love something so unhealthy.

>> No.6920132

edam is for people who like cheddar but want to seem patrician

>> No.6920137


Go to England, have some bespoke cheddar from the countryside, then tell me it's an entry-level cheese.

Good God, that was worth the trip alone.

>> No.6920166

Not everyone is vegeratian for health benefits.

Many do it just because they feel bad for animals.

>> No.6920170

>sharp cheddar

Fucking Americlaps. The word you are looking for is "mature".

>> No.6920171

which is ironic since farming is the number one threat to wild habitats

>> No.6920178


Why, they wouldn't feel bad for you if you were their food.

Humans are the apex of predatory animals on the planet, using animals as tools was just an eventuality. Makes sense.

Shaolin Monks are Vegan, look at them. Small, nearly malnourished and completely dedicated to martial arts. That is their sole focus in life. Seems a bit skewed.

Then there's India. some 80% of Indians are Vegan. They're loud, toxic, slovenly, and incredibly detrimental to their environment. Look at the Ganges. Fuck.

Veganism is a mental disorder, and vegetarians are hypocrites.

>I only eat dairy and veggies
>sometimes chicken
>uhhhh sometimes steak too if it's an expensive one and someone else is paying
>uhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhh uhhhhhh yea I'm a better person than you

>> No.6920179

Everyone knows gruyere is the best

>> No.6920183
File: 334 KB, 1024x1536, two-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underated post.

>> No.6920184

Keep in mind many of these are the same people who shit on all GMO's, and own 7 bikes that they display proudly near their front door so you know just how much they love the earth, and how terrible of a person you are.

>> No.6920188

She's told me she became a veggie because she just doesn't like the taste of meat, so I know it's not necessarily a health thing. Still doesn't make the love for fake cheese less strange to me, though.

>> No.6920190

havarti is the best soft cheese

>> No.6920193

gotta be havarti with dill though fam

>> No.6920195

also the best cheese to put in sandwiches

>> No.6920204
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Do you know how I know you know nothing about cheese?

>> No.6920215

Vegan and vegetarian based diets are well known for causing people to smell like shit. Doesn't help that India uses their sidewalks as toilets.

I imagine it's an soda situation where cheap garbage food has become so common for her that anything else has either no taste, or just tastes bad.

I know what it feels like to grow up with Kraft singles and then switching to locally produced cheese.

>> No.6920239
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>0 results

you really are all plebs, the lot of you

>> No.6920264

Market Basket store brand smoked gouda cheese. Has to be Market Basket brand. I've tried several other brands of smoked gouda and they're not the same.

The Market Basket brand is so creamy and smokey and goes perfect with anything. It costs like $4 a wheel and I generally finish it in one sitting. 10/10 would engorge again

>> No.6920274

>buying smoked gouda in a wheel and not a tubular shape
non bulk pleb detected

>> No.6920283

>not eating camembert

>> No.6920294

Raising animals requires a lot of farmland for feedstock because animals are higher on the food pyramid.

Of course, that still doesn't support vegetarianism because they aren't vegan, you still have to raise dairy cows.

>> No.6920299

That shit's pretty good, but tougher than grandma's tits

>> No.6920377

i honestly dont care for meat all that much and could probably go full veg if i had too without any issue
until then i still partake every once in awhile though
the longer i go without it,the better it seems to be

>> No.6920919
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>Suitable for every meal of the day
>Obnoxiously healthy
>Tastes delish

>> No.6920935

Only good for cheesecake

>> No.6920946

Prästost is best cheese

>> No.6920973

I want to be a fancy cheese person, but I can't afford it. Even when I could though, there are no cheese shops or anything I could just go to. I find the flavor of cheddar really distinct.
I also think American cheese is underrated.

>> No.6921124


>no cambrozola
>no stilton
>not even any brie

jesus christ it seems being american is literally suffering

>> No.6921128

America is just the worst. Please don't ever come here.