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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 500x375, blacksheeptruffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6919101 No.6919101 [Reply] [Original]

Carr valley wisconsin cheese.
16 goat
15 sheep
20 cow
11 mixed milk

Where is your snoot now?

>> No.6919114

We have close to 300 varieties of cheese in Quebec.

Step it up

>> No.6919130 [DELETED] 

lmao canacucks have to use an entire province to beat a single American company.

>> No.6919132
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>I wonder where they're going? What lives they must lead.

>> No.6919155
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Going to get their limburger on rye with a nice New Glarus beer.

>> No.6919169

>my local jesus town is the only place on earth that has local beers
>my fake plastic cheese with a vaguely european sounding name is just as good as real cheese made in coastal areas

>> No.6919184


more like

>I get 10c a post for creating brand awareness!

>> No.6919306

Reminder that Mickey Mantle got a blowjob under the bleachers once.

>> No.6919459

Wat? fake plastic cheese? You are talking out of your azz. I pity you.

So you think a small artisanal cheese maker in an obscure corner of flyover is paying me to tout for them? I was driving by Mauston last week and picked up a few varieties. I pity you too.

I don't pity you, you are too stupid to deserve it.

>> No.6919518

Wisconsin is the only state where a craft beer (Spotted Cow) outsells Bud Light

>> No.6919581
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>paying me to tout for them?
advertise for free then, it's a "free country" right?

You can't even grasp that people exist outside of America, biting hard down on 'flyover' bait. You get no option to pity others. Your entire country is the planets flyover. Thinking your cheese makes you important?

https://www.smellycheese.com.au/ -Australia

www.tacoma.co.za/ - South Africa

http://www.henson.co.uk/products/cheese-deli/ - United Kingdom

would you look at that! ZERO(0) cheese from Wisconsin! Wonder why that is? Must have been overlooked! The entire Solar System is ignorant of our brilliance! Must be.

>> No.6919612

>20 cow milk varieties
They took one cheese, and added a bunch of different flavors like chipotle and garlic.

>cranberry cheddar

>> No.6919615

this is an american website, so obviously any discussion will focus on america unless otherwise specified

>> No.6919621

>monterey jack
>mild cheddar
Yep, they sure have the market cornered on "artisan" blandness.

>> No.6919634

>that picture

>> No.6919688

I'm from alberta and I want to move to wisconsin
any tips? our country is a joke, and the NDP is aboot to win the election.
I want to move to the land of the free

>> No.6919724

Do you want rural or urban living, do you have kids. I'd need to know more about what you are looking for to give meaningful advice

>> No.6919947
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cave-aged for more than 8 months.

You don't have a clue about cheese. The only thing you are able to do is make crap posts.

>> No.6919960

Sneak across the border by Thunder Bay.
Go south until you see GB packer flags.
You are in Superior at that point. It's as good as it gets.

>> No.6919962

I bought some allegedly 4 year aged Wisconsin cheddar that was on sale.

It tasted like Colby and didn't even have crystals.

Never again.

>> No.6919976

That's what happens when you age pasteurize process cheese food for 4 years

Literally nothing

But if you ever showed real cheese to a midwesterner they'd make childish faces and go EEEW YUCKYEEEEEEEEEE! and then demand to be driven to Culver's or some shit

>> No.6919980
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>Wisconsin "cheese"
Sounds delicious.

>> No.6919988


It's the best you'll get in America.

>> No.6919990


>> No.6919992

>this post brought to you by the Wisconsin cheese association, a subsidiary of Mondelez

>> No.6920000

>But if you ever showed real cheese to a midwesterner they'd make childish faces and go EEEW YUCKYEEEEEEEEEE!
They literally make the majority of the country's 'real' cheese

>> No.6920001
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no, only retards from Panera hell actually believe this

America makes great cheeses, but they are from places like Vermont, NH, northern california, and so on

>> No.6920006

oh, its you again

>> No.6920010
File: 13 KB, 425x299, MADE WITH REAL CHEESE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only in Wisconsin is it necessary to say "real cheese, now made with real authentic milk"

as if that's even up for debate in normal places

>> No.6920011


I've lived in 7 dif states and moved here (WI) 2 years ago and it's one of my favorite things.

Something about the original bacteria being transported from Europe or whatever. So its essentially similar or as 'ancient' as snobby Europeans cheese.

>> No.6920014

Yep, most of America's top cheesemakers are in Wisconsin, with a decent amount also in Vermont/northern New York.

Most of the "American cheese" comes from factory farms and Kraft factories in California

>> No.6920015



Ayy lmao

>> No.6920018

all the good tasting bacteria must have died off, because I've literally never tasted a wisconsin cheese that had any depth of flavor.

>> No.6920020

>only in Wisconsin is it necessary to say "real cheese, now made with real authentic milk"
Yeah, this isn't a thing there

>> No.6920025

You sound like the europeans who drink a BUd Light and deem all american beer as bad

>> No.6920030

Not at all, I've been to wisconsin and your "cheese curds" are pretty tasty especially when deep fried, and I'm not expecting the depth of flavors you get from aging, since they are essentially on the same level as quark or paneer or whatever (look those up, they are commie shitskin cheeses that want to turn you into a muslim vegan)

But when it comes to anything else, such as soft bloomy rind cheeses or anything hard, forget it. See >>6919976

>> No.6920034

carr valley has pretty decent cheeses

but I mainly like them because they make leipajuusto which is rare.

of course it is, it's always the same autist. was that ever up for debate?

>> No.6920045

So in your mind Wisconsin just manufactures cheese curd?

Also why do you put "cheese curds" in quotes?

I mean deep fried cheese curds are amazing, and a bar staple in Wisconsin, but they are hardly indicative of Wisconsin cheese as a whole, they are just a byproduct of the industry being there as they ship very poorly and are pretty tough to find fresh outside a place with top tier cheese making

>> No.6920052

You say "in your mind" as if this is some kind of subjective debate.

Factually, Wisconsin is known for its cheese curds, bratwurst injected with pasteurized process cheese food, and vast quantities of flavorless velveeta-like substance labeled as "gouda", "cheddar", etc, based largely on which mixture of food colorings were added (since they all taste the same).

I put it in quotes because curds are in fact a universal thing, only in Wisconsin it means something very specific. Kind of like how they say "coke" in the south and it means something different down there. You'd know this if you had ever set foot outside of Wisconsin.

>> No.6920063

cheese curds are the same thing in iowa, minnesota and the dakotas though


you should really find a positive outlet for your autism. have you tried building model trains? even minecraft would be better than this

>> No.6920104

Cheese Curd has a specific meaning in the english language

Seems like you are mostly talking out your ass. Wisconsin is simply known for cheese, all sorts of it, sure Wisconsin makes the majority of America's pizza mozzarella (though if you seriously think this is indistinguishable from cheddar you are very confused), but it also makes most of america's higher tier cheddar and all sorts of niche styles that are very rarely made elsewhere in the country. Its not that good cheese cannot be made elsewhere, its just that experienced well trained cheesemakers are more common in Wisconsin than anywhere else in america largely because of the industry's traditional place there.

>> No.6920155

>In many areas where fried cheese curds are common, the term "cheese curds" refers to the fried variety; non-fried curds are distinguished by calling them "raw" or "plain" cheese curds.
Oh look, even your own citation confirms that you're completely, utterly clueless about regionalisms. How embarrassing.

>> No.6920186

uh, we call fried cheese curds just that, fried cheese curds

a menu at a bar might just say "cheese curds", but that's because it's known they won't just give you a bowl of cheese curds with nothing done to them

I don't go to a store and buy raw cheese curds though. I just get cheese curds

>> No.6920246
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>but that's because it's known
No. Nowhere outside of Wisconsin and maybe the Upper Peninsula is that the case. If a bar here said "cheese curds" people would ask about it, or visualize something not deep fried, because deep frying food is not the default outside flyover land. Hence why it's a regionalism to say "cheese curds" and mean a deep fried bar food.

>> No.6920278

but I'm not in wisconsin or the up and it's like that here

like I said, it's the same in minnesota, iowa and the dakotas so your claim that it's only wisconsin is bullshit

well, have fun with your autism. it's supper time here, so I have to go fill up my feeding trough.

>> No.6920297

>minnesota, iowa and the dakotas
Part of the same region, hence: regionalism.

Do flyovers understand that there is a world outside of their fear-gripped, bland, cultureless bubble of mega churches, Cinnabon, and Panera?

>> No.6920354
File: 49 KB, 950x650, mega1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on mate, again with the mega churches bit? how many times are you going to make me post this image?

>> No.6920516
File: 81 KB, 277x265, real wisconsin cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some of the best in the northern half of the country.

>> No.6920538
File: 283 KB, 313x300, wisconsin dick cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6920563

>at least we're not the south

>> No.6920567

to my knowledge ive never had sheep cheese

>> No.6920573

Well yeah, who wants to be a cousin fucker? The South is like the USA's Britain.

>> No.6920576

never had pecorino romano?

>> No.6920579

If I had to live in flyover land, at least I'd want some sweet cousin loving to make up for the general misery of having to eat bland recombinant cuisine aka "normal food" as they call it, on penalty of ostracism and possible lynching for being a traitor to MURRIKA

>> No.6920580
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Enjoy your denial

>> No.6920588

>the South isn't flyover land

Who would the Southern equivalent of Peggy Hunt be? Bertha Hogfucker?

>> No.6920590

nope not that I know of

>> No.6920607

The South is flyover land, Cletus.

>> No.6920610


>> No.6920632

My literal words were "If I had to live in flyover land"

What part of "if I had to live in flyover land" did you not grasp?

>> No.6920635
File: 13 KB, 275x183, download (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one make cheese with no water ?

Cali cheese will fall Wisconsin will prevail!

>> No.6920658
File: 57 KB, 600x401, PC-10651-Robiola_Rocchetta_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who thinks anyone who doesn't think wisconsin "cheese" is the best thing ever must be from california
uhh.... lol?

>> No.6920794

Years ago I made up a joke about how Wisconsin got its name.

>black guy with his Asian friend in the unnamed state
>gets phone call
>other friend asked him where he's at
>"Wit Khan, son!"

>> No.6920887

you're so delusional jesus christ

yes, the most popular restaurants around here tend to be burgers and beer or typical diner style places, but mexican restaurants are still insanely popular even amongst us mayo white bread cumskin blue eyed devils

sorry we haven't caught on to your epic fusion trend. I'm sure we'll lap that up soon enough oh might coastal overlords

>> No.6921213

>>In many areas where fried cheese curds are common, the term "cheese curds" refers to the fried variety; non-fried curds are distinguished by calling them "raw" or "plain" cheese curds.
I am from Wisconsin and that is entirely inaccurate. If you are in a bar it may be fair to assume just saying cheese curd means fried, but even then it is typically specified that it is fried. I have never heard of regular cheese curds referred to as 'raw' or 'plain'. Though fresh cheese curds are often sold with seasoning so I could see plain used amongst various packs of cheese curds some with seasoning some without

>> No.6921381
File: 10 KB, 200x234, asian-merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is an american website

low quality bait

>> No.6921387

Invented in america by an American=/= b8

>> No.6921391

You've been lied to. Or you're just dumb. Probably both.

>> No.6921394

how is it anything but american? It was created by an america guy in america.

>> No.6921400

note: canada has 1/10 the population of america

>> No.6921403


An American invented this site in the same manner a certain Texan Muslim invented a clock last week.

>> No.6921411

yeah but way more people than Wisconsin

>> No.6921420

>America invented the English language

>> No.6921426
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Wow, Americans sure get devastated easily.

>> No.6921431

Recall America was founded by and then split off from England, it is silly to consider the people left behind as having more of a claim on the language especially considering that now most native english speakers are american

>> No.6922245

>most native english speakers are american

> the majority of americans are african american
> therefore africa invented the english breakfast
> god is american and invented earth
> america invented the universe (but not dinosaurs)
flawless american logic

>> No.6922262

Do you believe this to be true?

>> No.6922269

Yup, I guess that's the tragedy of it.

>> No.6922272

I know that many Americans call the language that they speak 'American'.
> do you speak American?

I also know that many web designers put an American flag next the English language option where language options are available.

>> No.6922278
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>> No.6922859

Minnesota makes the best cheese.

>> No.6922887

I flew over there once.

>> No.6922889

My cum flew over your mother's asscheeks on to her back.

>> No.6923277

>13% is now a majority


>> No.6923514


>> No.6924278

How can you faggots not understand that Wisconsin even has a town that named a cheese - COLBY! Tell me that you are from pecorino or some shit now.

>> No.6924293

I was born in Cheddar.
I also have a friend who comes from Stilton.
These are towns that produce real cheese.
Colby is a "cheese" product slop marketed to uncultured, obese people.

>> No.6925224

Colby is cheddar with washed curds, so you are typically uneducated. Colby (pop. 1,852) has 2 dentists.
You really should visit.

>> No.6925241

Cheddar comes from Cheddar.

>> No.6925246

You're like those annoying religious people who say "you really should read our book, you'll understand and convert on the spot"

The "Wisconsin cheese is good" myth is considered a joke (and not the funny kind) outside Wisconsin.

Not the guy you're responding to, but you are welcome to rant now about foreigners if it relieves stress.

>> No.6925252


That's not saying much

>> No.6925254

>muh cheese

I can smell the stench of 30% body fat from here.

>> No.6925266

I'm in the cheese biz and not a huge fan of carr valley. a lot of it just seems so gimmicky and I generally don't like flavored cheeses.

But there are plenty of great cheesemakers in Wisconsin like Hidden Springs or Saxon.

>> No.6925269
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wisconsin cheese

>> No.6925317

Not going to rant about foreigners, I enjoy cheese from all over. I'm just tired of stupid people who have no experience or understanding of the quality of so many small creamery cheeses.