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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 134 KB, 705x397, halal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6914281 No.6914281 [Reply] [Original]

>British Cuisine

>> No.6914283

this garbage is disgusting

>> No.6914285

What oil does he fry the fish fingers in?

>> No.6914289


Are you gonna pick one or should I?

>> No.6914293

Go ahead and pick one and only one

>> No.6914298

I'm starting to wonder if they look the way they do because of the inbreeding, or the fact that they exclusively eat grease

>> No.6914304

second for disgusting

>> No.6914307

I'll take cuisine

>> No.6914309

prolly canola/saffflower(?)

>> No.6914310

Well you won't find that in England, just look at the video for reference.

>> No.6914314

is there something wrong with the British water supply? britbongs are so ugly

>> No.6914316

Inbreeding mostly
I think rednecks england people are way worse than USA's or any other country tbh

>> No.6914324

Fucking white people.

>> No.6914327

I'm a bit of a sucker for more premium reframings of low-brow and poverty food, looks good.

>> No.6914329

As if colored folks had the monopole of being weird tbph

>> No.6914338
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Tru fam

>> No.6914339
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>> No.6914358

You people should learn the meaning of a word before you use it.

>> No.6914361

africa has a cuisine?

>> No.6914362

If you fried the bread in a pan with butter that would be the best sandwich ever

>> No.6914363
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>fucking your cousin because they're just like you

>> No.6914364

Time for the daily Britain obsession thread eh?

>> No.6914368 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 799x599, oral-tradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah men, it's a pretty simple cuisine, but they do make the best with what they have

>> No.6914367

You didn't know that?

>> No.6914370

>Getting in the way of Americans obsessing over Britain

They would ignore cake itself if it meant they could talk about us some more.

>> No.6914377

Ok ignoramus

The ignorance is just so frustrating, especially since Britain was one of the first nations make cousin marriage illegal.

>> No.6914382


Yes. It is out of kindness to look after impoverished people such as the Brits, instead of pillaging and enslaving for exotic spices we'll never use.

>> No.6914383

Yes, it is ironic that the sister fucking hillbillies attempt to call someone else inbred, but it's more amusing than anything else.

They can't go a day without sharing their obsession of Britain to the world.

>> No.6914387

Top hypocrite

>> No.6914389

If that's what you need to do to get yourself going, then go right ahead skip.

>> No.6914396

>Nuh uh, not true! This thread is just a dream, we Americans aren't obsessed!

>> No.6914401

More than one - Ethiopian, Egyptian, Moroccan to name just a few

>> No.6914447


>> No.6914457
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>african cuisine

>> No.6914495

why the boobs flat?

>> No.6914530

>those fries

>that fish
I can get behind it

>puts fries in bread



why are you doing this

if anything belongs between the bread it's the fish

>> No.6914541
File: 102 KB, 460x280, chicken-black-bean-burritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting rice or beans between bread

Why, why would Americans do that? It's just carbs with carbs in carbs.

>> No.6914546

I don't know, you should ask them

>> No.6914553

honestly I would eat this, never had fries/chips on bread before. Would be interesting.

>> No.6914556

But I'm asking you instead damn it. Tell me your secrets.

>> No.6914559

Am I being detained

>> No.6914591


>> No.6914594

Well fuck I hadn't planned that far, really

>> No.6914653

arab cuisine kicks the shit out of every other cuisine.

>> No.6914658

she's old, and probably breast fed nearly everyone in that pic.

>> No.6914727

And a tasty beverage

>> No.6914740

>ethnicity, region, region, language, skin colour
Who the fuck made this comparison?
And for the record Arab cuisine is way more limited than what is covered under Asian or Hispanic. And also less varied than African. Also where is Indian and Italian?

If you're making a joke/trolling at least put some effort in.

>> No.6914759

Oh fuck off. Carbs on carbs are perfectly acceptable as long as they texturally complement each other. Do you storm out of the room every time gnocchi is served. What about cake which has both fat on fat and carbs on carbs. Or eggs and bacon.

>> No.6914773

What the fuck is wrong with the people in this thread.
That looks good as fuck.

>> No.6914794
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>Britooth cuisine

>> No.6914800

do you assholes really not understand the concept of comfort food. i know you do, don't be retarded

>> No.6914817
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>> No.6914886

I actually like fries on bread. I use a spread of horseradish and spicy mustard though. It's Bretty good

>> No.6914890

Don't know about the peanut butter and bread but chips and pickles go good together in my opinion

>> No.6914935

>implying tortillas are bread
When was the last time you had a ketchup and fries burrito?

>> No.6915281

This picture was actually made by an American.

>> No.6915283

A month ago, actually. You are pretty retarded if you think flatbread isn't bread.

>> No.6915285
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>> No.6915287
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>> No.6915289

Why do you think about us so much?

>> No.6915330

I don't get it.

>> No.6915336


>chip pancakes

>> No.6915338

Confirmed for never tried a chip butty.

Stay plebian, pleb.

>> No.6915349

What an odd channel. Does he receive financial compensation for these videos?

>> No.6915357

Is this the man that is supposed to shout at everyone in his kitchen program?

>> No.6915368
File: 52 KB, 582x480, 4587734522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>British cuisine,
>british girls
>british weather
all fucking disgusting lads tbh

>> No.6915390

And yet you can't stop thinking about them.

>> No.6915391

Are Brits literally the poorest sports in the world? These threads are made for fun and these Sharia lovers get assmad about some posts on a Sri Lankan topography reference website.

>> No.6915394

You wouldn't know tbh.
Ever travelled?

>> No.6915396

I don't see any chips.

>> No.6915472 [DELETED] 


top kek

>> No.6915535

Wait, so if we made something ridiculous like a french fry sandwich, we're fucking disgusting amerifats(like with everything else), but if you do the same thing, it's suddenly comfort food and fuck you for trying to say shit about it?

>> No.6915541

Yeah maybe because these threads aren't fucking funny. You are insulting an entire NATIONS cuisine. Don't you realise that british cuisine is important to Brits you fucking arrogant shithead? This country is getting worse and fucking worse and the cuisine is one of the only things I can have that makes me feel like an actual British person in Britain and not fucking Arabia.

How do you expect me to react? I come home after a nice trip to the shops with a bag full of pork pies, baked beans, toast, cumberland sausage, sausage rolls, cheese and onion pasties, and more delightful British snacks like Haribo, Dairy Milk, Mr Porkies Pork scratchings, Gummy Gary and his Gobstopping Garfields, and other tasty shit, and see a fucking thread basically telling me I've just wasted all of my fucking money.

Just fuck off. You are insulting me entire country. You may think its funny to point at a plate of beans on toast and giggle, or to point at a bowl of faggots and start laughing but it isn't funny, it is downright racist and inexcusable.

>> No.6915552


nigger are you completely incapable of appreciating context

>> No.6915561


/ck/ is an autism friendly board. you need to be clearer with your implications and take nothing for granted with regards to inferring context.

>> No.6915564


>reverse image search
>find wikimedia page
>'This image was originally posted to Flickr by abardwell at http://flickr.com/photos/65438265@N00/349153193'
>go to page
>guy who took the photo lives in fucking ohio

every fucking time you people try to troll brits you use american pictures. every fucking time.

>> No.6915569

I'm just sat here laughing at these pretentious Americans thinking they're authorities on culture/cuisine

We always laugh at New Yorkers/Californians who think they're 'oh so civilised' but in reality they're uncultured and have literally no class at all-complete pseuds. Americans have no sense of decorum, humility or adhere to even the most basic social conventions. Its no coincidence that the entirety of Europe looks down its nose at you.

As for the cooking, admittedly this video isnt british cooking at its best. But for Americans to so much as criticise another country's cuisine is beyond rich. Your food is basically just corn syrup and E numbers. You can't even buy proper sweets and chocolate!

Your beer tastes like piss as well.

>Delia Smith
>Keith Floyd
>Rick Stein
>Gordon Ramsey
>Heston Blumenthal

I could go on but I think you get the picture

>> No.6915574
File: 263 KB, 492x520, banang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If amerifats were as easily offended as you are, there would not be any of us left on this board.

You call out amerifats for seemingly no reason in like a third of the threads on here, but you can't even handle a little of it coming back towards you? THAT'S inexcusable.

>> No.6915582

Americans represent the majority of posters on this board, but from the reactions of certain hypersensitive flyovers you'd think we're a persecuted minority getting genocided by evil French people (seems like anyone with an opinion flyoverland doesn't like is automatically assumed to be English or French... why only these two countries, out of all countries in the world, is beyond me).

>> No.6915631

Why do you want so hard to belive in lies? Does it boost your sore ego?
Everything you said is a lie.
I'm half tempted to take you out and show you how wrong you are with a weekend of fun and beer.

You have no idea how large America is, and you have no idea how many quality places there are to buy food. Just within 15 minutes from my home are 4 bakeries, 3 specialty meat shops that dry and cure their own meats, and ethnic restaurants owned by first generation immigrants.

I can walk to most of those. Take the train and I'm in Chicago, with greek town and China town etc. There's a thriving Korean town in the suburbs.

Half acre, pipeworks, and more for breweries. Of course there's pubs that brew their own as well.

Multiple farmers markets every weekend.

Now anon, why do you lie?

>> No.6915642
File: 307 KB, 600x478, californiaburrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Carne Asada burritos are a great food.

That said, the amount of a burrito that is tortilla is far less than the portion of a sandwich that is bread. The problem isn't carb on carb - it's with nasty british food it's NOTHING but carb on carb.

Carne Asada Burrito - tortilla, carne asada, guacamole, pico de gallo, papas fritas, hot salsa

Chip Butty - bread. fries.

See the difference?

>> No.6915644

YES just ignore the video because reasons

>> No.6915648

>why only these two countries, out of all countries in the world, is beyond me

It's the only two they know about. They only know about France because they refused to bomb brown people in Eye-rack

>> No.6915650


I have - I enjoy every minute except for when the asshole British tourists show up, thinking they still rule the world.

You don't, and the natives hate you more than anyone.

I live in NYC, and we purposefully fuck up drinks for both you and the Aussies, just so you know. The Aussies because they're bros who don't tip, and the Limey's because they're insufferable twits.

>> No.6915651

>Take the train and I'm in Chicago

Oh, I'm so sorry.

>> No.6915656
File: 262 KB, 800x800, your-opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I live in NYC

>> No.6915657

I don't know why you are. It's a great place to live. You're ignorant if you honestly think that. Probably never spent time in the area.

>> No.6915698

>Farmer's market


nuff said

>> No.6915702 [DELETED] 


>> No.6915729
File: 20 KB, 418x279, FE_DA_Ignore_051612425x284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I enjoy every minute except for when the asshole British tourists show up, thinking they still rule the world

post yfw travelling by air and a Murrfat complete with hawaiian shirt and annoying family is seated close by

>> No.6915742


from 0 to desperately fucking unfunny in about 18 seconds

>> No.6915851

I have fry sandwiches whenever I go to Harold's.

Not that bad

>> No.6915859
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>> No.6915869
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>> No.6915873
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>> No.6915887

fish and chips is great you fucking faggot

>> No.6915891
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>> No.6915934
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>> No.6915937

the UK had a real problem with mad cow disease back in the 80s so their cuisine suffered badly even from that period onward.

>> No.6915965

You're joking I assume

>> No.6915968

no wonder he has so many michelin stars, the quality of food in britain is so shit the standards for a star is probably attainable by any decent american/european chef.

>> No.6915989
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>> No.6915995
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>> No.6916008


as much as I hate to admit it, the beans and cheese hotpocket they sell at the bakeries are damn good.

it's so fucking pleb I can't help but enjoy it.

>> No.6916013

Nice try Rasheed.

>> No.6916030

fucking lol'd

>> No.6916042

Maybe Britain didn't invent so many fancy delicacies because while the Italians were busy twirling pasta into silly shapes the British were busy establishing trade routes and inventing the modern world.

Britain doesn't need it's own cuisine. It has everyone else's to choose from.

>> No.6916056

>inventing anything other than inbreeding and mudshit fusion food

top kek

>> No.6916069

You felt silly even as you typed that, didn't you.

>> No.6916091
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>> No.6916107
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>> No.6916125

why are /ck/ brits more patriotic than any other brits on 4chan?

>> No.6916138
File: 24 KB, 280x357, julia-child-1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they literally don't know any better
you can _see_ how other countries are doing on the telly and in Internet movies
can't taste French food by remote

>> No.6916140

>Irn Bru
good lad

>> No.6916166
File: 63 KB, 1024x834, Cornish-Pasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6916167

I'd eat it. Why wouldn't you? Looks simple and good. I'd probably skip the ketchup though.

>> No.6916170
File: 65 KB, 800x600, Parkin cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6916175


>85% of the filling is just potatos

literally poverty food.

Oh well, what can you expect from hicksville region.

>> No.6916179
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>> No.6916182
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>> No.6916188
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>> No.6916191

What's wrong with poverty food?

>> No.6916196


>carbs on carbs on carbs
>fucking cheapshit food catered to inbred hicks from the poorest area of britain

go kill yourself.

>> No.6916201

God damn, you're a bitter person.

>> No.6916206

Clappyfats on lifesupport.

>> No.6916208

American here. I worked with some kids from India who made sandwiches like this with hashbrowns. They cAlled it their 'Holy Food'. Probably when you're not allowed to eat meat, you need to push the limits of what qualifies as proper sandwich filling

>> No.6916214

Citation needed.

Yeah, because Michelin stars aren't an international standard.

Bad British food is a stereotype. Bad British fashion, cosplay, art, etc. is not. Non-Brits feel more justified to critique British food while Brits have more of a need to be defensive.

>> No.6916218

Obviously you have never actually tried a proper Cornish pasty from the heart of Cornwall while sat on the beach. God tier warming food

>> No.6916222

These threads are just Americans looking for attention.

>> No.6916226
File: 53 KB, 448x256, lancashire hotpot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, look at Italian cuisine with their pasta and pizza. Both originally foods of the poor but now loved throughout the world.

>> No.6916234

only because their pizza and pasta became 9000 times better in America

>> No.6916239

Americans really do earn their title as the worst posters.

>> No.6916241
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>> No.6916244
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>> No.6916246
File: 111 KB, 675x900, brit chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's honestly nothing better than British food

>> No.6916247
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>tfw you will never make people like this so anally apocalypsed that by breathing you cause them pain

Oh wait, I do.

>> No.6916250

britbong genocide best day of my life

>> No.6916251
File: 157 KB, 1000x1000, toad in the hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost like you've never been to Italy.

>> No.6916254
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>> No.6916255


Fuuuuck. It's been months since I last visited the top steakhouse in town to enjoy a proper yorkshire pudding and prime rib. Don't have 80 bucks to drop right now. Fuck my life.

>> No.6916261


you know what I'm talking about faggot.

>> No.6916264

Has jock science gone too far?

>> No.6916265
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>> No.6916268
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>> No.6916271
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>> No.6916294

>mfw Bongs are so obsessed with America they name their sandwiches after our cities

>> No.6916314
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>> No.6916322
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>New York

You name your cities after our cities.

I <3 NY

>> No.6916326

I went to Fuddybutty's when I visited Newcastle last year. They just smeared mayonnaise all over the chips like I was a Belgian. Never again.

>> No.6916327
File: 33 KB, 475x356, 7e1dd85b9ab0e193f30039409a78a0f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puddings only thing redeemable about brit shite.

i would inhale clootie dumplings and plum breads forevermore.

>> No.6916330
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>> No.6916334
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>> No.6916337
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>> No.6916338
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>> No.6916340
File: 243 KB, 1024x766, the cousin fucking states of america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not more inbred than everyone else

>> No.6916343

Why do all of britbongs food items have to be the same color?

>> No.6916349

Why would we use an inferior colour?

>> No.6916352

Is it really surprising? Those hillbillies were using their sisters as cum rags for centuries.

>> No.6916355

why are britshitters always so assblasted? how bonged is your brain fam

>> No.6916367
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>> No.6916370

All the Brits I've met were pretty cool. But I've never been to England.

>> No.6916373

nothing. better than posh wanker waitrose 'PROPER crisps', 'coconut water' and 'goji berry' shite. cheese on toast any day. cheap n' nasty is the way to go. down to earth, unpretentious, actually fills you . y'know, like a meal should.

>> No.6916421


>> No.6916524

>dat manly jawline
Yeah nah bitch is ugly.
You're all simply reliving the crush you had on her from those shitty wizard films, she happened to take part in.

>> No.6918250


>> No.6918265
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>> No.6918282

>'PROPER crisps'
Have you ever considered eating vegetables?

>> No.6918305

probably in reference to the fact all that fraud's restaurants have everything premade/ prepackaged and just reheat everything and charge 100+ per plate still

>> No.6918573

>no spuds

>> No.6918576

By which I mean roast potatoes.

>> No.6919012

Im american and i dont give a fuck. British cuisine looks based as fuck.

I would eat the fuck out of a buttered bread and frie sandwich. Cant find proper fried fish and chips anywhere where i am and the breakfast looks like a fucking dinner.

What are those pastry looking round things i see in some photos. Are those little fried dough things or onion rings? Is there cheese inside?

>> No.6919048
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>> No.6919052
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>> No.6919061

>toast in napkin holder
I'm dying

>> No.6919069
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>> No.6919071

>napkin holder

>> No.6919072


>> No.6919073
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>> No.6919076

Would eat tbh.

>> No.6919078
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>> No.6919081
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>> No.6919082
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>> No.6919086
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>> No.6919089
File: 45 KB, 552x342, macaroni cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that the first modern interpretation of macaroni cheese, that is macaroni baked in a mornay sauce first appeared in a British cookbook.

>> No.6919091
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>> No.6919097
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>> No.6919135

Are those tomatoes on top? If so that makes the dish look even better.

>> No.6919138

I think you might be referring to Yorkshire pudding, fellow Amerinon.


They're really savory and delicious, think of a dinner roll but more rich in flavor. They go really well with a good steak or roast bird.

>> No.6919144

This looks so goddamned comfy.

>> No.6919168

>British snacks like Haribo

Not to ruin your day any further but Haribo is a German company.

>> No.6919217
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>> No.6919224
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>> No.6919230

Yeah, I always slice some tomatoes on mine before baking. I think it might be a British thing and it really brings out the dish.

>> No.6919235

Carbs on carbs are basically the best poverty comfort foods. Samosas especially. And there's nothing wrong with carbs on carbs it's more nutritionally well rounded than other comfortable foods like ice cream and bacon.

>> No.6919242
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>> No.6919247
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>> No.6919251
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>> No.6919265
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>> No.6919276

>all that mayo


>> No.6919290
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>> No.6919296

Please say you have the picture of this post-press.

>> No.6919304
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>> No.6919323
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>> No.6919401


Quiet flyover, grownups are talking

>> No.6919407


Americans don't say roast bird, fail harder Britfag.

>> No.6919416

You must be gay if you don't think that looks delicious

>> No.6919423

how on earth can you actually think haribo is british

>> No.6919427

kill yourself
those are chips bud
proper chips

>> No.6919429

>roast bird

Neither do British people. Perhaps they are Australian.

>> No.6919432

Honestly, I would eat everything in this thread. Not the fry sandwich though, looks like a carb overload. American btw.

Also where in the US can I find a scotch egg? Looks fucking amazing.

>> No.6919435


If it's a choice between British 'cuisine' and sucking dick, my only question is "how much do I work the balls?". Britfood is that fucking nasty.

>> No.6919440


American board, fucktard. Sorry that you fags invented a new accent in the 19th century to try and seem fancy, but we don't play that in the USA, and we run the English speaking world. So fuck off.

>> No.6919454

Cornish pasties are fucking goat

>> No.6919458

Pretty big opinion of yourself there pal.
Make you come across like some kind of a cunt.

>> No.6919461

it's usually beef

>> No.6919464
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Potted Shrimp ftw

Ladyboy asian king prawns can't compare

>> No.6919469

I think you mean flank steak, old fruit

>> No.6919476

>american "cheese" plastic

>> No.6919477

Biting wit from the Americans again

>> No.6919483

Hmmmm, much like little pissants of an island that has no relevance to anything anymore, but still want to act like they matter?

>> No.6919488
File: 752 KB, 300x225, lol no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Germans don't have a cuisine
>Spaniards don't have a cuisine
>Frenchies don't have a cuisine
>britbongs don't have a cuisine
>Armenian don't have a cuisine
>Swedes don't have a cuisine
>Hollanders don't have a cuisine
>Potatoes don't have a cuisine
>Viking bros don't have a cuisine

Also bread is the best food in that macro

>> No.6919490
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>> No.6919493


Look, I know why you're upset - since all Brits suck cock anyways, and then eat that crap they call food, it seems unfair we get a choice. But just think of it as paying off karma for colonialism.

>> No.6919500
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why is /ck/ so obsesed with us?

>> No.6919501
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>those toes

>> No.6919513

i use oliva motor oil.

>> No.6919516

cheeky fuker with that hat m8

>> No.6919517

looks pretty comfy 2010 Wetherspoons Sunday Club tbh

>> No.6919526
File: 113 KB, 375x500, Mr-Wimpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not being funny, but no-one works the balls. you cup the balls. you work the shaft.

>> No.6919530
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Not meaning this in a racist way, but I honestly figured with all the Syrians and Armenians and the rest of the middle east taking over Europe, British cuisine pretty much WAS Arabic cuisine by now.

>> No.6919533

I genuinely like Wetherspoons. My local one opens early and serves breakfast but when I go in there at 10am it's just old men drinking pints

>> No.6919541

UK, France and Germany have relatively high populations. It's the small countries like Iceland and Norway which will be the first to go full habeeb

>> No.6919555
File: 982 KB, 1128x1552, VINO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wish they would put more staff on in the morning. I know it's how they keep the breakfasts affordable and the coffee unlimited refills until lunch, but so annoying having to wait for your eggs benny behind five 50 year old alcoholic early retired baby boomers ordering a bottle of cheap Rosé and a pint glass filled with ice. On a Monday.

>> No.6919563

>ordering eggs benedict on a monday morning
spot the unemployed individual

>> No.6919595
File: 2.39 MB, 2184x2216, Greg Rudz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame your a low grade wageslave. I often enjoy using an hour of my flexitime for a late start on a Monday tbh.

>> No.6919660
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>when he says "always cut in half, never in an angle"

>> No.6919674
File: 1.82 MB, 300x264, 1429056778611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fish dicks look good (needs some homemade tartar sauce with capers), but what is the point of the carb on carb sandwich?

>> No.6919699


Kill yourself.

>> No.6919709

>No butter

>> No.6919727
File: 8 KB, 243x207, L.O.L..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the point of the carb on carb sandwich?

Carb loaded food is crucial for any nation that fully participates in a World War.

It is often undervalued by those nations that can only muster the courage to participate in battle part way through.

>> No.6919739

Isn't that the guy that fucked a pig?

Or is it the guy that sucked a dude off but it wasn't gay because "rugby"

>> No.6919740


What you did wrong. Didn't toast the bread. Added wilted garbage greens. Didn't make homemade tartar sauce. Didn't add a slice of cheese.

>> No.6919745

>eating eggs benedict before work at all
It's like you enjoy feeling sluggish and gross all day

Let me guess you also slug a couple glasses of whisky when no one is looking because you're a high class desk jockey?

>> No.6919772
File: 35 KB, 331x408, Vegan-Family-Meals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure a high protein, low carb diet maintains high alertness and minimizes fatigue.

stay angry though.

>> No.6919777
File: 72 KB, 550x366, fellowkids2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low carb
>high protein
>eggs benedict
Let's hear what you think eggs benedict actually is, britbong

>> No.6919795

Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.6919804
File: 107 KB, 484x915, no sandniggers in Iceland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, mate, not Iceland. They are one of the last bastions of whiteness. I wonder if they even have kebab stands, probably not.

>Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland (official) 76.2%, Roman Catholic 3.4%, Reykjavik Free Church 2.9%, Hafnarfjorour Free Church 1.9%, The Independent Congregation 1%, other religions 3.6% (includes Pentecostal and Asatru Association), none 5.2%, other or unspecified 5.9% (2013 est.)

Norway is in rough shape but not much better or worse than Germany or the UK.

If nothing changes, Sweden will most definitely be the first country to fall.

>> No.6919816

>low carb
>minimizes fatigue

Look at him and laugh.

I dare you to stop eating carbs for a week and report back.

>> No.6919820

Recipe please!

>> No.6919840
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>> No.6919841

Only on a poverty board like 4chan will a food forum turn to race. Get your shit together.

>> No.6919859

but dont you know anon? the brits are the highest in culture. shakespeare and the beatles are literally the best. they tell you so in school, when you are growing and learning

i wish i was british

>> No.6919863


>> No.6919877

Fat people (the only people who tout being on low carb) are able to stop eating carbs for longer because they have so much fat stored up to live on.

>> No.6919948


are you ignorant of this keto diet shit that's been going on for the past decade?

>> No.6919981
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>> No.6920489

See >>6919877

>> No.6920500


yeah dude, you're not suppose to be proud of that statement. everyone was happily ignoring that faux pas.