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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.40 MB, 3695x2869, go_vegan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6904477 No.6904477 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck Got any good facts for being a vegan or a
Meat eater??

>> No.6904479

Vegans don't eat meat.

>> No.6904482


fact: men who eat meat, eat glorious vag.

fact: men who go vegan take it in the pooper to avoid consuming meat.

>> No.6904485

Eat whatever the hell you want

>> No.6905028

There are no facts. Only interpretations.
That being said, if you don't eat meat period you are probably sick in your head and require psychical assistance

>> No.6905032
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The only thing you can't get out of veggies that you can get out of meat is testosterone. Vegans are usually more feminine than meat eaters.

Fun fact: If you want to become a trap it's highly advised to become vegan.

>> No.6905057


>> No.6905109

Fact: Vegans don't like veggies, they just hate people.

>> No.6905152
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>totally not a biased website

>> No.6905268

Am vegan, can confirm

>> No.6905290

I've cut down on my meat consumption the past year, and I've done things where I go vegan for a week.
But there's no way I'll ever go vegetarian or vegan for life

>> No.6905295
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Ethical veganism is the only acceptable form, IMO. You can be unhealthy as shit and still be vegan, and a lot of people go vegan because it's a health craze. But if you're eating fucking oreos and smart bacon mac and teese every day you're still going to be a fatty.

That said, my decision is solely based on the fact I personally couldn't kill and animal knowing they feel pain and some have sentience, so I'm not going to pay someone to do it for me in a far crueler fashion.There are other reasons, but that started it.

>> No.6905942

What other reasons? If you don't want to kill then why not eat naturally died animals or animals that committed suicide?

>> No.6906674

Because factory farmers don't serve animals who've died of natural causes and found in their own environment. Raping cows for your appetite is unethical farmers won't wait for animals to die of natural causes, as it would cost them money to have an animal in stock they could otherwise kill and not lose any money.

>> No.6906815


>> No.6906852

>animals dying of "natural causes"
while i'm aware that industrial meat comes from animals whose butchers didn't care about the animal at all and didn't show any effort for a quick, clean kill keep in mind there is no such thing as a humane death as in "i-just-close-my-eyes-and-sleep-while-having-a-fullfilled-life" in nature and "natural causes" of death are generally just as cruel and "unethical" as said butchers.

if you can't use animal-products due to your ethical point of view and in that, due to your unwillingness to kill an animal by yourself fine to me. But don't force your ethics on nature.

>> No.6907663

>butchers didn't care about the animal at all and didn't show any effort for a quick, clean kill
1. Any butcher is only human. If you do not believe they do their best for quick, clean deaths out of empathy, then you surely believe they give quick, clean kills just because it gives them less stress (noise, screeching, spassing, etc.) to deal with in their workday.
2. It's actually efficient to have animals die as quickly as possible. The faster they're dead, the faster they can be worked on.
3. If a slaughterhouse works efficiently and kills the animals quickly, there is less risk of the panicked animals damaging equipment, harming themselfes or wasting time.
4. For the same reasons it's also beneficent to keep the animals unaware of what's happening for as long as possible, thus the need for a surprise dead.

>> No.6908040

Nice peer reviewed study there, bud

>> No.6909740

Look here as well

>> No.6909751


>> No.6909787

i wouldn't go vegan because then i wouldn't get as much energy for the day, also my body would get pretty weak

>> No.6909823
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>> No.6909834
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>tfw my roommate owns forks over knives

that absolute limp wristed faggot

>> No.6909985
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>> No.6909991

So that's why he never grew over 4'5"

>> No.6909993

Should've eaten his bacon

>> No.6909997

I bet you vegans don't even work with animals.
"muh poor piggy wiggys"

Fuck pigs.

>> No.6910008

Plant based 60/40 (Raw/Cooked) works best for me. I believe diet should be individualized by the person and a nutritionist however. Watch Forks over Knives, Food Matters, Hungry for Change, Generation Rx, and Cowspiracy though. Doctors/pHD level researches and statistics confirming the power of the plant based diet. Also there's no need to worry about protein. Spirulina, a type of spanish moss is 45g of protein per 8oz, where as steak is only 24g and loaded with cholesterol. I'm sure a lot of people insecure about their diet will feel the need to attack this post with ad hominem. Idc about that. Watch the documentaries and take it from experts, not 4chan. Also frutivore Vagina tastes better. My girlfriend juices 2 pineapples every morning and drinks them. She tastes like a salty pineapple. Enjoy your dead flesh salty tasting vaginas meat eaters. I could NEVER go back. =)

>> No.6910016
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>> No.6910021

Sup brother. They just dont know right? The Earth cannot sustain a population of 7 billion people eating hamburgers everyday. Deforestation due to animal agriculture is the biggest environmental problem we face. It has nothing to do with what you think tastes good anymore... this is about having a planet to live on for the next 80 years.

>> No.6910024


>> No.6910037

How do I know what conditions the animal I eat lived in? I can't stop eating meat for health reasons but I've recently started to think about factory farming and such

>> No.6910043

You really can't. Thats why no one is allowed to visit factory farms and that dude had to fly a drone over Smithfield's factory to get a video of that 7 mile long lake of toxic feces and waste.

Too ween off meat I'd recommend looking up local farms or farmers markets. CSA project is a great website.

>> No.6910049

Watch Earthlings
Read on adaptt.org
They talk about the standard practices.

>> No.6910083

i watched two minutes of a video on PETA's youtube about the conditions of all slaughterhouses and I was physically sick, I decided to go vegan immediately the way these animals are treated is a scandal and folks like PETA are exposing it right now.

>> No.6910090

How can someone run one of those horrible factory farms and go to sleep at night?

>> No.6910094

PETA does a lot of harm to the movement IMO. The i find the easiest route to get people to convert is cowspiracy. Just show them an hour and a half of peer reviewed evidence the Earth could easily be destroyed beyond repair by 2040.

>> No.6910103

Have you seen the interviews with the farmers? I try not to speak bad of anyone but they just seem... the lights are on but nobodies home. They think they have no choice and it's all they know. Half human, half sheep hybrids that have no idea what's going on. I hope they find hearts.

>> No.6910496
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>> No.6910504


Is it a biased study too?

>> No.6910508

>Puberty is ending around this age
>Stopped drinking milk at this age
Hmm...which one is more likely.

>> No.6910510

I quit dairy and had that result too. Took longer than 3 days for the skin to heal though

Seriously I haven't had a fresh pimple since I quit. I eat a shitload of meat though so it's not really vegan

>> No.6910517


>puberty ends at age 24


>> No.6910519

Happens to adults plenty

>> No.6910525

You're bascally just watching a compilation of cherry-picked videos.

A PETA video is like going to liveleak and searching "animal abuse"

>> No.6910786

Both messes with your hormones so it was probably a combination

>> No.6910984
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>> No.6912659


>> No.6913219
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>> No.6913225


>> No.6913241

I've seen the Peta episode of P&T Bullshit! and the only point I remember agreeing with them on was that Peta is evil.

You can read more about how veganism helps on veganstreet.com, on adaptt.org, and/or watch some of the movies talked about in the thread. There's proof.

>> No.6913280

The aggressive vegan/meat eater conversation is only between the loudest, most inflammatory people. Self proclaimed Democrats and Republicans have similar spats. Cyclists and motorists in the US.

I've got a long fuse... some people have taken swings at me for the food I eat but those people are not lasting figures in my life. My dear jewish mother though, she has a very hard time when her 22 year old son does not eat meatbohl. She can worry with the best!

Seems most of the battle is about health issues, but that's only a fraction of the topic. There are the environmental, humanity, taste, cost, and efficiency aspects as well.

>> No.6913493
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>> No.6913583


>> No.6913687
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>> No.6913807

That's "trypophobia" you're looking for.

>> No.6913834

>While hair and height and body type will look adult and complete, many males will continue growing and developing into their 20s


>Many boys will finish puberty in their early twenties.

The moar you know

>> No.6913868

Could one of you vegans give me a sample of what you eat everyday

Thinking of trying vegan for a week

>> No.6913873

Watching forks over knives now. See you on the other side, Anons.

>> No.6913877

Thanks fam 404

>> No.6913984

>>6913873 here. I'm turning into a vegan. Why does anyone mock vegans? Oh, right, because they are ignorant.

>> No.6913986

Truth: Men who eat meat get their sperm spat out as it tastes like shit.
Truth : Glourious vegan sperm gets swallowd due to superior taste.

>> No.6914153

Skipping cowspiracy because the earth is warming up because of the approach of nibiru, not carbon/mathane.
Proof: Pluto, Neptune, Uranuse, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are all warming up too in order from most (6*C) to least (1.4*C). Whatever is happening is thus solar system wide.

>> No.6914175

meat eaters just have worse eating habits in general. There's really nothing proven to 100% that meat itself is unhealthy

>> No.6914181

Vegan Fact:
Those who eat vegetarian or vegan are less apt to smoke or drink. They usually have a lower BMI/weight control.

Meat Eating Fact: those who eat meat have less doctor visits than their non-animal based diet, counterparts.

So even though vegans are more apt to be slim and have less bad habits, they are still more sickly on average because of the nutrients their vegan diets lack.

Bonus: vegans on average have more diagnosed mental illnesses.

>> No.6914183
File: 488 KB, 1024x2000, vegetarian vegan guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakfast @8:30am- 3 cups whole grain quick oat with ground cloves (from dollar tree). 1 tbsp chia seeds. 1 tbsp ground flax seeds. 2 cups of soy milk (Westsoy, organic, from dollar tree)
lunch @ 12:30pm- 3 cups whole grain quick oats with ground cloves and cinnamon. 2 more cups of soy milk, cup of peppermint tea
dinner @ 7pm- 1 cup whole grain quick oats with 1 tbsp Italian seasoning, broccoli, tomato, carrot, sweet potato, banana, cup chamomile tea

>> No.6914248

Thank you so much !

>> No.6914271

Vegetarian fact of the day: Cheese has same effect on your body as morphine.

How do vegans live without daily fix ?

It is mostly due to fact that sperm takes taste of some of the food you eat. Red meat makes it taste disgusting. Fruits and vegetables that are non asparagus give it good taste.


>> No.6914392
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Friendly reminder if you don't want to go vegan for muh animals or muh health you still definitely should for environmental reasons and quite simply to feel better --- try feeling horrible after eating a nice bowl of fruit and good'stuff. It's pretty hard, unlike after eating a burger, pizza, fried chicken, hell even grilled chicken often times.

A different fella here, this is what I ate today, definitely not an economical as I ate Indian out rather than eating at home, as well as I chose to have a fruit-breakfast for times sake, and biked 20~ miles.
For some reason I wasn't hungry despite this all adding up to only around 2400~ calories. Usually I'll go for around 3000~ with a bike like that.

Usually I'll have potatoes or oats for breakfast/dinner, one or the other, or pasta, which usually boosts my calories up quite a bit over what I had today.

Container of blueberries & half a container of strawberries ($2-3~)

Masala Dolsa & two idli's & one vada from local Indian restaurant ($8~)

Clif bar & a glass of soy milk ($1.50~)

Gogo-squeez apple-apple ($.45~)
Fresh green-juice ($1-2: had some cucumber, lemon, kale & extra pineapple slice from earlier)
Pineapple (Split with bike-pal, $1)

More doctor visits don't even suggest bad health m8.

What health reasons?
Unless you have a one in thousands condition there's nothing really prohibiting you health-wise.

>> No.6914408

While I admit I feel pretty shitty after eating fast food, literally nothing made me feel sicker than trying to switch to an all-fruit diet.

And salad always gives me diarrhea.

>> No.6914523

That's the most bullshit "fact" I've ever heard.

>> No.6914534

How do you get enough protein, specifically essential amino acids, on a vegan diet without consuming shit like soy in large quantities?
I am talking about 150g/day+.
Are there even a wide variety of vegan foods that fit the criteria of 1) contain all amino acids 2) have a high protein to calories ratio?
Meat just seems way more convenient. I can have a several hundred grams of chicken breast or lean beef and be done with it, instead of horking down a mound of soy or something.

>> No.6914547

If this were the case, practically every professional athlete would be clamoring for a vegan diet. Do you really think something like this, if it were true, would go unnoticed by the sports and fitness world?

>> No.6914554

>carbs carbs carbs
>seeds with practically no nutritional value
>fucking soy milk

Are you a woman?
Jesus, what a pathetic diet.

>> No.6914560

Germany's strongest man is vegan

>> No.6914587
File: 43 KB, 500x368, c5f0l4V5R1qgleeso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All amino acids are found in the plant kingdom with alfalfa sprouts, almonds, bananas, bean sprouts, brazil nuts, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, coconuts, corn, dates, eggplant, filberts, goji berries, okra, pecans, soy, spirulina (seaweed), squash, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, tempeh (fermented soy), tomatoes, walnuts and wheatgrass being complete proteins. However, consuming all amino acids at one meal is unnecessary. Meat, dairy and egg-eaters receive NO benefit from eating complete animal-based proteins except having a complete chance at cancer, osteoporosis and a host of other ailments. Beans, brown rice, cacao/chocolate (genuine cacao/chocolate is a bean so it's naturally vegan), grains (all), hemp (milk/oil/powder/seed), lentils, nuts (all), seeds (all), vegetables (all), and all vegan meats/dairy are great sources of protein, too. Even fruit has around 5 percent protein, which is the same amount of protein human babies receive from mother's breast milk.

>> No.6914595


>more protien in veggies than meat or eggs

yeah no

>> No.6914603

Casomorphins m8, look em up

>> No.6914605


Please tell me a vegan food that has better macros than this so I can start eating and saving money on overpriced chicken,


>> No.6914608

Yet very few elite athletes are.
Did you perhaps not stop to think that he is strong because he lifts?
The question here is do vegans have higher endogenous testosterone levels.

>> No.6914615

I had more oatmeal today than I usually do, but whole grains are good for you.

Look up the nutritional value of chia and flax

I had a quart of organic soymilk for $1 at dollar tree
Most of the misinformation about soy comes from the meat, dairy, and egg industries, and their apologists Eric Schlosser and Michael Pollan (authors of Fast Food Nation, Food Inc., and The Omnivore's Dilemma) who are blinded by their bloodthirsty cravings of meat, cheese, milk and eggs. Legitimate studies show positive effects of soy on human health. An excellent example of such a study is Soy and Health, published by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. As you peruse the study, note that these are not merely PCRM's conclusions. These conclusions are amply documented, and are based on numerous studies published in well-established, widely respected medical journals that have no axe to grind with meat-eaters, vegetarians or vegans.
If you're still not convinced that soy is safe because of all the negative propaganda, soy does not have to be part of your diet. However, since 95 percent of all GM soy in America is set aside for animal feed, you still have to take the vegan route because the animals in the meat, dairy and egg industries are fed soy.

Tea is good for you. No caffeine in those.

>> No.6914650

Oatmeal is fine. Good carb source.

>Chia seeds


You need to eat an ounce before you even get a significant amount of nutrients. Even then, the macros are not the best. You're better off drinking milk if you want a good balance of fats, carbs and proteins.

>Flax seeds

God awful macros. And again, you need to eat a lot before it's significant.

>Soy milk

Soy is fine if you're a woman, but the macros are still garbage. I'd rather not drink fake milk that is full of phyoestrogens when I can have the real thing.


I don't think you even had 100g of protein during the entire day. If you're a woman, fine, this is probably enough sustain you.

>> No.6914674
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>> No.6914687

Yeah, nah.
How about posting a quote from someone that has the academic credentials and evidence to make such a statement.

Your shitty diet is not enough to sustain even a novice athlete. Maybe it is enough to sustain someone who sits on their ass all day.


>> No.6914689
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>> No.6914693

In baking a butter-type cake, I can substitute vegetable oil instead but what should I use instead of eggs (for the emulsifier I assume)?

>> No.6914696

[citation needed]

Even if half of that shit were true, I would be okay with that. Milk is excellent for recovery and growth. Get back to me about "being healthy" when you can snatch 140 kilo, fatass.

>> No.6914697


>> No.6914700

Your macro means nothing

You cannot compare the person who eats a shitty fast food diet that includes meats to those that eat meat and dairy along with vegetables as their main source of calories.

Did you forget about all the vegetarians and false vegans who eat horribly yet still try to claim moral superiority?

There's plenty of shitty eaters out there, vegans and vegs included.

>> No.6914702
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>> No.6914723
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Average man needs ~56g of protein. Average woman needs ~46g of protein. I had 70g today only counting from the oatmeal.

Watch Forks Over Knives. That's Dr. Esselstyn's son.

animal protein is too acidic for the human body. you're not meant to drink cow's milk just as you aren't to drink horse's. dog's, giraffe's, or any others except your mothers
I didn't say that

>> No.6914730

I think I'll go for Applesauce next time I'm at the store. Thanks.

>> No.6915188

The world is warming up because of nibiru the approaching comet like planet, not cow farts: https://youtu.be/kZujoXRMhKY?t=56m19s

All the planets are warming up and some of their moons too and their poles are shifting.

The earth atmosphere has risen 0.67C over the last century yet the ocean has warmed 1.5-3C over the last 50 years Water is harder to heart that air because it is denser thus take more heat. Thus obviously the earth is warming from the inside out not the outside in.

>> No.6915209


Again, like in the other thread:

I have a positive attitude towards vegetarian and vegan diets, being vegetarian myself, but this "documentary" is not scientifically sound, the most important study this documentary relies on does absolutely not hold water.

For further reading: http://rawfoodsos.com/2011/09/22/forks-over-knives-is-the-science-legit-a-review-and-critique/

>> No.6915475


>> No.6915477

>flax seeds
>no nutritional value

Are you fucking mentally impaired?

>> No.6915485

>implying everyone who isn't "an athlete" sits on his ass all day

>> No.6915487

Buy veggies and fruits. Divide that mass by how much money you have and then eat that much mass a day. besides, veggies i eat 3/4 cups of wheat bran and 2 tbsp of psyllium husk for insoluble fiber (colon cleanse) and and soluble fiber (serum cholesterol lower and bile detoxificaion).

I whatever is on sale at Sam's club, new in walmart, and on sale wherever. It depends on your on skill to find what you need.

Oh yeah and a 1/1tsp of ground seaweed or whatever for iodine which the thyroid needs a bunch of. I'm pretty hackkneed in my veganism and play everything by ear and by heart and by computer.

>> No.6915490

That's why you buy bulk chia/flax (they're both piss-cheap), grind them and sprinkle heavily over all your food. More so in the case of flax, as chia has a somewhat distinct taste.

>> No.6915491

At lot of good things make you feel shitty or shittier(!) at first, especially when you are eliminating something already in your body (detoxing). It's called a herxheimer reaction. What was dormant and being released just enough to cause chronic inflammation is being released and causing acute inflammation. It's true for tons of things.

>> No.6915498

He "supplements" his test levels.

>> No.6915512


This is how you become fat and unhealthy.

I have a major sweet tooth. I'd have fudge or cheesecake with every meal and be sipping on a Pepsi right now if there weren't any consequences to doing so. People say that a taste for unhealthy food goes away after a few months of a healthy diet (I lost 50~ pounds), but on the contrary, it just made them taste better on the occasions that I have them.

The key is moderation. Eat what you want to eat a few times per month, but the rest of the time, eat what's good for your health.

>> No.6915536

I just googled that and it appears to refer to a thing that happens during an infection, and has nothing to do with "toxins" from too much gluten or whatever insane bullshit you think

>> No.6915553

>dumb nutritionists and scientists who won't say meat is unhealthy!

>> No.6915572

You're off-based and wrong. What I said is true. You googled wrong.

>> No.6915576

It's true. Doctor, nutritionists, and scientists have dumb people pulling the party line into a pit of unhealth. They treat instead of cure. Manage bad impulses rather than tempering the energy that fuels them into proper and good impulses which are beneficial for the population. Don't trust them or follow them. Read their literature and polish it using your OWN MIND tumbler.

>> No.6915580


>doctors and nutritionists
>you know, those guys who's careers revolve around studying health and nutrition
>haven't got a clue

Come on, you'd think that he'd at least try to beat around the fact that educated people think that he's full of shit.

Of course, I guess if he's trying to win over dumb hambeasts who are easily wooed by claims of being more enlightened than conventional professionals in the field, he might sell some copies of his book or whatever he's selling that way.

>> No.6915616

yes it's all a conspiracy to make people eat meat

>> No.6915618

>literally nothing made me feel sicker than trying to switch to an all-fruit diet.
Seeing as an all fruit diet would be almost exclusively sugar, duh, it's not a good source of energy throughout the day, has little protein, and not widely varied nutrients.
But as a snack or meal, it's likely preferred to the listed, even if the listed was home-made.
Veganism is mostly grains/starches m8.

I never eat salad.
I really should.

A food doesn't need to have all the amino acids, but yes, there are actually many vegan foods/plants that are like that. Even scooby has admitted to that. He just thinks that it's easier and slightly more efficient to just eat baked/grilled chicken w/ bbq apparently.

You also don't need 150g/day of protein regardless of your activity level (within reason). Unless you're eating 4k+ calories due to activity, there's no reason to get or try to get that much.
That being said, at that level you'd easily hit it naturally without even trying unless you eat garbage like Oreos.

Personally I get around 80-120~ every day naturally.
Just don't eat trash m8, you don't need to eat only soy. Have a protein bar, or a shake, they're made vegan too. Have some good quality bread. Have some pita. Have a spicy vege stir-fry. Have some pb2. You seem to be forgetting that potatoes combined with, say, califlower (assuming combining is needed) will still net you about 80-100g/protein a day if that's literally all you ate, possibly more depending on your caloric needs.
All of that would be useable in terms of amino acids, even if that combining thing is a must.

In terms of macros unless you buy protein powder chicken will always win (boneless skinless, grilled), that's a given. That applies to every food out there.
That doesn't mean with smart eating you can't get all your protein, even 100-150g/day depending on your caloric intake, albeit slightly boring (most likely) unless you're a great cook.

>> No.6915619

Do you know that is true?

>> No.6915629

Doctors treat the disease but they don't address the cause 99% of the time. Because they don't currently understand the root cause. but raw veganism treats the root cause. It doesn't matter if you understand why. IT JUST DOES. Naming and concepting the reason isn't necessary.

>> No.6915638

>Hey /ck Got any good facts for being a vegan or a Meat eater??
Yeah, meat tastes good

>> No.6915639

>Yet very few elite athletes are.
This is because very few people are vegan, especially athletes, due to culture and trainers.

If he can be strong and vegan I don't see what you're trying to suggest with the "muh testosterone" myth. It would make literally no difference.

>You need to eat an ounce before you even get a significant amount of nutrients. Even then, the macros are not the best. You're better off drinking milk if you want a good balance of fats, carbs and proteins.
The fats and fiber in the Chia seeds are by far better than that of milk, and it has less (no) cholesterol and little sodium, and of course less sugar. Assuming there is nothing bad with milk other than the nutrition Chia seeds are still better.

>God awful macros. And again, you need to eat a lot before it's significant.
Those macros are still better than milk unless you can't stop eating garbage with no protein like candy. Even then it is due to fat actually.

You can easily mix it in a smoothie or juice, your oats or your breads, it's really not a big deal or hard to get much if you want to.

>Soy is fine if you're a woman, but the macros are still garbage.
The macros are literally the same as milk minus the cholesterol and the soy having better fats.

>Milk is excellent for recovery and growth.
I would like a citation on this please.
Please no gotmilk.org

Baking you can use a banana or applesauce, or you can use ground flaxseed. Googling will give ratios, or I will if you need me to.
Woops looks like someone already gave you the full list...

>> No.6915640
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It's what your arguing.

People are not perfect and most do not want to put effort into their diet, vegans and vegetarians included.

You can easily eat alkaline foods with meat and suppliment your diet with meat, just like "exclusive" herbivores do.

Every time I see these threads it's the same shallow black and white thinking. It also ignores how to actually interact with society to make a difference and instead everything is delivered with a patronizing attitude.

I'll continue to source my meats from farms that are rightfully more expensive because they actually take care of their animals. I'll continue to hunt over populated animals and spend a year going through two deer and a bear. I'll eat my friends chickens she raises herself. I'm do all this with vegetables being the bulk of my diet.

The only shame is I can't find a good source of fish.

>> No.6915643

No it's tons of ignorant people seeking money.

The seasonings in meat taste good, not the meat.
Try eating plain chicken breast or beef. Tastes like rubber, smells like (literally) burning flesh, even when cooked properly it's not very tasty.

>> No.6915647

Ignore typos please. I'm phone posting.

If you're going for an ethical decision, then hunting over populated animals and sourcing meat, therfore supporting, from places that use proper ethical farming practices, is the most ethical route.

Holy shit imma stop trying to post while on this bouncy train.

>> No.6915665

jesus fuck imagine if we stopped hunting. Moose alone increase in population 25-30% every year

>> No.6915676
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Read the What's Wrong With Hunting page here

>> No.6916062

Wow i love biased studies and shit pulled out of another mans ass.

>> No.6916084

Meat is fucking delicious

>> No.6916273

The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men

— Leonardo DaVinci

>> No.6916921
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>> No.6916935

Holy shit guys, according to this, camels must be carnivores

>> No.6916944

Dunno man. I'm from the Middle East and my family is Muslim (I'm not anymore). It's Eid now and there are thousands of sheep/other animals being slaughtered and their blood is running on the streets and it's making me not want to eat animals anymore. It shouldn't be too difficult as a lot of food here should be free of animal stuff. I don't know, I've seen a space between 2 buildings where they were selling the live sheep and slaughtering them, 160 a day and it was really shitty. I haven't been able to take the image out of my head.

>> No.6916956

According to google, in humas the small intestine is about 20 feet long. which is about 3-4 times the length of a human body.

Because 3-4 is not 10-11, this fact is incorrect. Which brings doubts to all of the other claims made by this picture. A better source than "Milton R. Mills" will need to be provided.

>> No.6917037
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Soylent drinker here.
Feels pretty good to eat vegan without even trying. Also, it has 100g protein per 2000 calories.
But obviously I miss eating food.

>> No.6917081

So I'm not allowed to eat food I think tastes good because science says so?

>> No.6917175

obviously you can put whatever you want in your mouth, but it's good to think about what you're doing to yourself

>> No.6917197

Reading about this. I got to get some.

>> No.6917203

ever since begin start vegan diet i only drank paint thinner now

>> No.6917211

I don't understand how all of you fucking retards fall for this bait every fucking time.
This is the same shit from a few years back, the old nightly vegan threads.
Fucking idiots.

>> No.6917224
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>> No.6917238
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>> No.6917441
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>> No.6917447
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>> No.6917454
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>> No.6917459
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>> No.6917463
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>> No.6917503
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>> No.6917512

Eh, I think there are sound reasons for not eating as much meat/dairy products, but it's probably more productive to encourage everyone to eat 20% less meat than have 10% of people consume no meat at all.

>> No.6917530


the basic principles of supply-and-demand are always at play, the animal slave-trade will become unprofitable once people stop buying and eating animal products; each meat, dairy and egg-eater is responsible for the deaths of 3,000 land animals and 5,000-6,000 thousand marine animals throughout their lifetime!

>> No.6917839

>needs 5 meals a day

a good healthy meat based diet 1 or 2 meals tops.

>> No.6917965


>healthy meat based diet


>> No.6918492

>waaaaaah but it tastes goood

>> No.6918530

The seasonings in meat taste good, not the meat.
No, different types of meat and different cuts all have different tastes, even with the exact same seasoning.
Try herring and halibut side by side. You will notice a massive difference.

>Try eating plain chicken breast or beef.
Why would I do that? I'm also not eating raw potatoes, so why would I eat my meat like an animal without thumbs?
Fact is, that we humans have a big brain and thumbs and those things allow us to use our surroundings. For example, we can make fire and reliably use it to prepare food for us, thus making it edible or more digestible.
Saying us eating meat is unnatural is saying that us living in tempered climates is unhealthy, because we use clothes instead of growing fur.

>Tastes like rubber, smells like (literally) burning flesh, even when cooked properly it's not very tasty.
It's nice that you're a vegan, but please, do not think your opinion on the taste of meat has any meaning. You wouldn't listen to a normal eater when he's deriding soy products he's never eaten, would you?

>> No.6918536

Ranting about society and sheeple...the true and tested defense when you're called crazy.

>> No.6918628

Throughout the entire span of human history, there has never been a vegan culture, veganism is a modern construct stemming from middle class guilt, abundant internationally imported fruits and veggies, misguided youths, the disney animal fantasy mentality bubble and radical animal rights groups.

>> No.6918708

It's very revealing to examine how each society, culture, race, religion and ethnicity justifies eating certain animals, denying them their inherent right to be happy and free, while attempting to never harm other animals that they've arbitrarily decided to protect. If people from all nationalities, races, religions, and creeds ever got together for a meal, only veganism could yield a meal that wouldn't offend. At this table of peace, Americans would say, "We're not eating dogs, cats and horses!" Muslims and Orthodox Jews would say, "You're not feeding us pigs!" Indians would say, "We're not eating cows!" Seventh Day Adventists, Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, and Rastafarians would rule out all the other animals and animal products because they're all vegetarians or vegans. The only things left to eat that everybody could agree upon would be fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes.

>> No.6918711

For anyone actually interested in veganism, you should watch some of Gary Yourovsky's lectures.
This is the speech that turned me from a vegetarian to a vegan.

>> No.6918721
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Most vegans agree meat and other animal products can tastes good. You can have the same smell, taste and texture of meat, cheese and milk, without it! Nobody has to suffer and die for your dinner anymore, including you! They make all the products you like to eat, in a vegan version. They make it from soy and wheat and rice and hemp!

>> No.6918733

>That false equivalence
Hitler was a vegetarian, you are a Nazi.

>> No.6918739

Those meat substitutes neither taste nor have the same texture like meat. Look, it's okay that you're vegan, but please, you really have to stop talking about taste and texture of meat. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Which is okay, not everybody eats meat, so how would you know?

Also, I recognise your misspelling of 'taste'. You're the same guy who complained in the last vegan thread about how meat substitutes made to look like meat still help the culture of meat eating. You asked people to abolish those products.

>Nobody has to suffer and die for your dinner anymore
Unless you think of all those animals who die in large scale farming of plants. Unless you think of all those people that die producing and transporting all those exotic plants vegans eat. Unless you think of all those habitats that are damaged and destroyed producing artificial fertiliser and the raw materials needed to have all these vegan products made from plastics.

Or, we could just keep using animals for food and for raw materials and fertiliser.
If you think mankind can forego animals then you're deluded. Life on this planet is so intertwined that there is no way to have anything without using animals directly or indirectly.

And please, fuck off with these pics. Comparing eating a steak to rape only shows what a spoiled shit you are! You have no idea of hardship and you don't know what it means not living in a society of surplus. You'd never been a vegan if you had to worry about where your next meal comes from. If you'd live in a society that can't just choose not to eat offal and has to use the whole animal instead.

>> No.6918745

Not that anon, but veganism is about minimising the harm we inflict upon animals.

>Unless you think of all those animals who die in large scale farming of plants. Unless you think of all those people that die producing and transporting all those exotic plants vegans eat. Unless you think of all those habitats that are damaged and destroyed producing artificial fertiliser and the raw materials needed to have all these vegan products made from plastics.
It's practically impossible to purchase anything that doesn't involve harm or cruelty somewhere during the process, but that doesn't mean we should do nothing. Just because we can't solve the problem of all cruelty doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to the cruelty we can very easily minimise. This is a really shitty argument for consuming animal products.

>You have no idea of hardship and you don't know what it means not living in a society of surplus. You'd never been a vegan if you had to worry about where your next meal comes from. If you'd live in a society that can't just choose not to eat offal and has to use the whole animal instead.
These kinds of messages are generally aimed at people in developed first world countries who can go into a supermarket and choose exactly what they want to buy. I don't think there are any vegan activists screaming at poverty stricken families in third world countries to eat kale and quinoa. If you yourself have the choice of what to eat or not eat, somebody else somewhere else in the world NOT having that choice does not excuse you from abstaining from cruelty.

>> No.6918755
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>> No.6918757
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looks legit

>> No.6918762

He wasn't, that was a rumor to make him seem like Gandhi. Vegetarians

Vegetarianism is a half-assed attempt at ethical living, kindness, environmentalism and health, because vegetarians simply replace meat with dairy and/or eggs. So, first and foremost, the people in this group show the same disdain towards cows, hens and bees as meat-eaters show to all animals. Moreover, the dairy and egg industries are crueler than the meat industry. Dairy and egg facilities destroy the environment as much as the meat industry. And dairy and eggs are much worse for the body than meat.

>> No.6918779



By body the chart meant torso. Length of our intestines are somewhere between 7 to 13 times the length of our torso, our trunk

>> No.6918789
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There are plenty of good reasons to talk about it.

>> No.6918791

>that we humans have a big brain and thumbs and those things allow us to use our surroundings.
So use your brain to go manipulate a child and go stick your thumbs up its butt. huh? that's bad? Yeah! It is!

Just because you have the capacity to do something doesn't mean it is good or bad. Veganism is good because its not bad to animals and their LIVING CONSCIOUSNESS.

>> No.6918797

The bhagavat gita says of the Kali Yuga which is this degenerated age "They will eat the flesh of animals."

This is an exception that proves the rule that, this was weird and degenerate in that time.

>> No.6918800

Vegan >presents facts as to why veganism is the healthier diet

Typical meat eater response >but muh bacon cheezburger is so good mmmmmmmm

>> No.6918802

I agree 100% I believe it is okay to eat fruit because trees drop them on the ground for propagation anyway. Same with nuts and grains. But! Even that is not the highest good.

>> No.6918804

hey /ck/, here is my situation:
i gave up weed, tobacco and alcohol about 6 month ago. I am also eating no dairy products and i am totally sure that eting vegan is the answer. But once a month i am still buying a cheeseburger or even two and feast on it, just to feel sorry one hour later. how can i get the discipline to get rid of the bad habits?

>> No.6918807

You must know. How many loads of sperm do you swallow daily?

>> No.6918809

Even if I convert to your shitty diet, I'll still die.

I'd rather enjoy my time alive with a double bacon cheeseburger tbh

>> No.6918810

>but muh bacon cheezburger is so good mmmmmmmm

That's a completely valid response though, because it is impossible to refute a subjective claim like that.

The problem is that carnists also believe that if you don't hork down 30 kilos of pink slime every day you'll die of protein deficiency instantly, and if you even look at a carrot, you'll grow man boobs because they read that on bodybuilding.com or some such thing.

>> No.6918819

Men who don't eat meat have low testosterone and will be little girly pussies and have more diseases than healthy meat eaters.

>> No.6918823


Using that term to describe omnivorous individuals is like calling all vegans tree fuckers, it makes assumptions about motivations for a particular diet.

>> No.6918825

>veganism is about minimising the harm we inflict upon animals.
A vegan is somebody who does not eat animal products. Often that dietary choice is coupled with a moral choice to reduce perceived suffering.

>It's practically impossible to purchase anything that doesn't involve harm or cruelty somewhere during the process,
Not practically impossible. It is impossible. That's just how life is. Suffering, or rather physical discomfort and death are part of existance.
>the problem of [..] cruelty
What problem? Animals are nothing more than bio robots. They don't have free will or an understanding of the philosophical concepts behind 'suffering'. Suffering is as meaningless to them as joy, honour or piety. But we humans are evolved and complex enough so that those concepts have meaning to us. This means that suffering is a man made problem of our perception.
>we should turn a blind eye to the cruelty we can very easily minimise.
We don't and never have turned a blind eye to cruelty. People always tried to kill animals quickly. Superimposing a human morality on nature however, is not going to work. Nature does not play by our rules. What works fine amongst humans does not apply to nature as a whole.
It's just a fact that every animal born dies someday. Most of them without having offspring or without growing old. They die in pain, they die slowly, they live in far worse conditions than our farm animals.

>people in developed first world countries who can go into a supermarket and choose exactly what they want to buy.
Exactly my point. Veganism as a large scale phenomenon is nothing but a privilege of the post scarcity society. It will end once global resource production goes down again.
>I don't think there are any vegan activists screaming at poverty stricken families in third world countries to eat kale and quinoa.
There's a trend amongst vegans to push for meat eating to be labeled a crime. Globally.

>> No.6918837

Nice strawman.

Yup, I finally figured it out. The trip, the attitude, the bullshit you spew whenever you try to use logic. You're a troll. You're just here to bait.

>> No.6918838

Omnivorous: someone who takes advantage of all food sources.

A person who scrupulously avoids vegetables because of ignorance and bad habits is not an omnivore, carnist-kun.

>> No.6918845

>A person who scrupulously avoids vegetables because of ignorance and bad habits is not an omnivore

Nor are they a carnist.

>> No.6918854

Let's not get pedantic about definitions, the intention is always the same. Minimising harm includes abstaining from animal products, all of which are inherently cruel.

>What problem? Animals are nothing more than bio robots. They don't have free will or an understanding of the philosophical concepts behind 'suffering'. Suffering is as meaningless to them as joy, honour or piety. But we humans are evolved and complex enough so that those concepts have meaning to us. This means that suffering is a man made problem of our perception.
As far as I'm concerned, if animals are able to feel pain and fear then it's a good enough reason not to kill and eat them. If we're going to argue about cognitive development (which it really shouldn't come down to, if you've ever seen any footage inside a slaughterhouse it's fairly obvious the animals don't want to be there unless you totally lack empathy) then pigs are smarter than dogs. Joy is not meaningless to animals, that's simply wrong.
Not having the ability to understand philosophy doesn't mean it's acceptable to commodotise them, don't be ridiculous. Your dog doesn't understand cultural marxism but you wouldn't cut it up and serve it to your family.

>We don't and never have turned a blind eye to cruelty. People always tried to kill animals quickly.
The problem is that we're killing them at all. Are you saying it's okay to kill somebody as long as I do it nicely? The practice of meat production involves killing beings that have a will to live. There are animal welfare standards of course (which always seem to be ignored, given the countless undercover investigations that are constantly being released, whoopsie!) but the most humane thing we can do for animals is not to kill them. It's fairly simple.

>> No.6918857

>Exactly my point. Veganism as a large scale phenomenon is nothing but a privilege of the post scarcity society. It will end once global resource production goes down again.
What? Eating a whole foods plant based diet is much cheaper than living on animal products. Grains, fruits and vegetables are not expensive. The only way veganism is expensive is if you live off of meat substitutes and other processed soy products. Plus the cost of land and water to rear livestock versus the cost to grow crops is absurd. Watch Cowspiracy, get informed. Animal agriculture is killing the planet and as the population grows, the demand for meat isn't doing the earth any favours.

>There's a trend amongst vegans to push for meat eating to be labeled a crime. Globally.
[Citation needed]

>> No.6918859

So it's morally wrong to be homosexual then?

>> No.6918862

that sounds like a 100% neutral point of view

>> No.6918866

It's a documentary about the effects of animal agriculture on the environment and how all major so-called environmental organisations refuse to talk about it. It's eye opening, honestly.

>> No.6918880

So what do you call a guy who does not eat animal products because it doesn't taste good to him, while not giving a shit about minimising harm? A vegan. The phrase you're looking for is ethical vegan.

>If we're going to argue about cognitive development
Which is why it's okay to eat plants. Because they do feel danger and harm done to them, but lack anything we humans recognise as awareness without tools.

>Your dog doesn't understand cultural marxism but you wouldn't cut it up and serve it to your family.
I wouldn't, as long as other food sources are available. But without many sources of meat and if my dog were to die in an accident or had to be put down, you bet I'd eat it afterwards.
I also have zero problems with keeping goats, chicken or goose to fatten them up and slaughter them. They were born to be tasty one day.

>Are you saying it's okay to kill somebody as long as I do it nicely?
An animal is not a person.

>> No.6918882
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You've never been to a cruelty free farm nor met the people who run them. You've probably never hunted either. Sometimes the least cruel thing is to make sure certain animals don't become over populated.

And if you're talking about cruelty, nature is inherently cruel. That black and white logic you're using does nothing but support your weak argument. It doesn't actually apply to reality.

Why do just assume you're correct.

>> No.6918905

Glad we can agree on plants.

>They were born to be tasty one day.
Totally subjective and something I can't even argue. If you feel that way I can't change your mind. I personally believe animals were born to live, not to be our food source. If that animal is to be eaten by another animal predator then so be it, but as humans we have a choice to make whether we eat compassionately or not.

>An animal is not a person.
An animal has a will to live and actively avoids death. That is enough.

>You've never been to a cruelty free farm nor met the people who run them. You've probably never hunted either. Sometimes the least cruel thing is to make sure certain animals don't become over populated.
Correct, but the intrinsic nature of unnecessarily killing something is cruel to me. The cows could be pampered and loved up until their throats were cut and I would still consider it cruel.
>And if you're talking about cruelty, nature is inherently cruel. That black and white logic you're using does nothing but support your weak argument. It doesn't actually apply to reality.
Absolutely shite argument, I'm sorry. Nature is cruel but we have a choice whether or not to participate in the cruelty or to live a compassionate lifestyle making every effort to avoid cruelty. We have no carnivorous instinct or biological need to consume meat, so why bother?

>> No.6918907

>What? Eating a whole foods plant based diet is much cheaper than living on animal products.
Price is not a measurement for ecological viability/sustainability. Take for example corn or oil. One is heavily subsidised and the other is running out.
>Grains, fruits and vegetables are not expensive.
Because you live in a society that supplies you with all these things fresh and in good quality and quantity all year round. Just transportation costs resources.
Move to Canada or Scandinavia and ask yourself how you'd live vegan with only regional products.

>Plus the cost of land and water to rear livestock versus the cost to grow crops is absurd.
Livestock gives a lot more than just meat. Bones, blood, skin, fur, hair, hoofs, menure and lots more. Even if it were possible to substitute all that stuff with plants, that would still take a lot of land. Animals can also be kept where agriculture is not viable. The alms in the alps for example, on dikes or where soil quality is too bad for agriculture, in the woods, etc. Those are just examples from Germany.
Why is water cost even important for animals? They don't destroy the water, it's coming out again almost the same day as they drink it.

>Animal agriculture is killing the planet
No, human populations are killing the planet. Our numbers are so big, that the 3rd world with their little resource usage per head is destroying the world by itself. Us keeping animals doesn't change the result at all. So not keeping animals is not a solution to that problem.
>as the population grows
Fuck 'em. Earth is crowded and just because every black woman south of the Sahara has to have 6 children can't be a reason for me to stop eating meat.
Because if we limit our resource usage to feed those masses, we'll just have a bigger problem two generations later.
In fact, the problems coming to a head now would be beneficial to us. Instead of having a billion or more people starve and die, we have a couple hundred million people starve.

>> No.6918926

>Totally subjective and something I can't even argue.
As is any argument for moral responsibility towards animals.
>as humans we have a choice to make whether we eat compassionately or not.
As wealthy humans living in an abundance of natural resources we have a choice to make what we eat. Morality towards animals is a luxury we can only afford because we're straining the resources of our planet past breaking point. Without artificial fertiliser, we'd actually need animals just for that reason alone. Oh, raw materials for fertiliser are running out, btw.

>An animal has a will to live and actively avoids death. That is enough.
So do plants. Plants do everything in their power to stay alive. Birch trees have an interesting thing going on. If a couple of birches stand together and one of them has its bark eaten by a deer, that birch notices and sends out pheromones, which make the other birches increase production of a poisenous and bitter tasting chemical.

Hehehehe, captcha, that's right, a dog is food!

>> No.6918957

In the grand scheme of things, veganism is the most inexpensive diet on this planet. Once animal products have been eliminated from the diet, virtually any chance of getting a disease has been eliminated as well. Our health is priceless. Yet meat, dairy and egg-eaters are rarely healthy and vibrant, especially in their golden years if they even make it that far. Add the cost of health care and insurance, prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, doctor visits and hospital stays, and you can easily see how meat, dairy and egg-eating is the most expensive lifestyle around!

When eating at fast food restaurants or other establishments, veganism is the cheapest way to go or, at worst, the exact same price as meat. For instance, one of the cheapest items at Taco Bell is the bean burrito without cheese (at 99 cents this means the McDonald's dollar menu folks have NO excuse not to switch to Taco Bell). The cheapest item at Subway is the veggie sub. When eating at Asian establishments, tofu and veggies are no more expensive than the meat dishes. When ordering a cheese-less pizza, it's the exact same price as a pizza with cheese. Specialty vegan restaurants might be pricey, but eating at vegan restaurants is not a requirement, and all specialty establishments cost more. Meat, dairy and egg-eaters love to ignore the fact that specialty places that serve filet mignon, lobster and fish are more expensive than a hot dog stand or a hamburger joint.

Ten times out of ten, poverty-stricken societies are vegetarian or vegan because rice, millet, beans, lentils, potatoes, tomatoes, apples, carrots, tofu, peanut butter and pasta/noodles are the cheapest items around. This is why the world's two largest feed-the-hungry organizations—Plenty and Food for Life Global—feed millions of hungry people free vegetarian/vegan meals on a daily basis!

>> No.6918966
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When meat, dairy and egg-eaters run out of excuses to eat dead animals, they usually spew one of two inanities. First, they promulgate respect for the vegan lifestyle, and ask for some respect in return. Of course these animal exploiters respect the vegan way. What's not to respect? Are we too compassionate, too merciful and too altruistic? Meat, dairy and egg-eaters begging for vegan respect is akin to NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) pedophiles asking people who don't rape little boys for respect. I don't respect people who choose cruelty. I don't respect a pedophile's choice to molest kids. I don't respect a rapist's desire to violate a woman's body. I don't respect a thief's desire to rob banks. I don't respect a Nazi's belief that Jews, blacks, gays, etc. are inferior and should be exterminated. I don't respect lifestyles based on hatred and discrimination.

The second inanity of meat, dairy and egg-eaters is attempting to indict the vegan lifestyle by claiming that plants suffer and die to feed the vegans of the world. veryone knows the difference between taking a carrot out of the ground and slicing a pig into pieces. Everyone also knows the difference between mowing a lawn and tossing a live baby male chick (egg industry) into a rendering machine. If one does not understand the difference, then that person is disingenuous, irrational and illogical. The fact that some people compare carrots to cows proves how muck-deep in oppressive thought meat, dairy and egg-eaters truly are.

>> No.6918968 [DELETED] 
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just to show how thoroughly disingenuous this so-called "plant-killing argument" really is, let's suppose for the moment that the meat, dairy and egg-eaters who invoke it really believe that their vegan counterparts cause plants to suffer and die. Even if that were the case, these animal exploiters would be logically committed to switching to veganism right away! If you've studied the two sections on animal-based agriculture above, you already know that meat, dairy and egg-eating societies destroy many more plants than the vegan ones do. In America, 70 to 80 percent of our corn, wheat, oats and soy are fed to the 10 billion land animals killed annually. Globally, 35 to 65 percent of the world's plants are fed to 60 billion land animals killed annually. If humans stopped eating animals, fewer plants would be harvested; remember, a single vegan directly consumes about one-tenth of the plant material that is either directly or indirectly consumed by a single meat, dairy and egg-eating human. Veganism is still the ONLY solution to this problem, because fewer beings—sentient and insentient—would die if humans, who are physiologically herbivorous anyway, ate plants directly. Even the Council for Science, Technology and Agriculture, a group of animal agriculture people, stated in the early '90s that all the crops in America could feed every human on this planet twice-over! However, there had to be one stipulation; everyone would have to be vegan!

>> No.6918972
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just to show how thoroughly disingenuous this so-called "plant-killing argument" really is, let's suppose for the moment that the meat, dairy and egg-eaters who invoke it really believe that their vegan counterparts cause plants to suffer and die. Even if that were the case, these animal exploiters would be logically committed to switching to veganism right away! meat, dairy and egg-eating societies destroy many more plants than the vegan ones do. In America, 70 to 80 percent of our corn, wheat, oats and soy are fed to the 10 billion land animals killed annually. Globally, 35 to 65 percent of the world's plants are fed to 60 billion land animals killed annually. If humans stopped eating animals, fewer plants would be harvested; remember, a single vegan directly consumes about one-tenth of the plant material that is either directly or indirectly consumed by a single meat, dairy and egg-eating human. Veganism is still the ONLY solution to this problem, because fewer beings—sentient and insentient—would die if humans, who are physiologically herbivorous anyway, ate plants directly. Even the Council for Science, Technology and Agriculture, a group of animal agriculture people, stated in the early '90s that all the crops in America could feed every human on this planet twice-over! However, there had to be one stipulation; everyone would have to be vegan!

>> No.6918974

>In the grand scheme of things, veganism is the most inexpensive diet on this planet.
No, veganism requires the import of vegetables and fruits from far away regions. Not just because of different climates but also thanks to dietary needs of humans.

>Once animal products have been eliminated from the diet, virtually any chance of getting a disease has been eliminated as well.
No. In fact we know you're lying because we have the direct comparison between hunter-gatherer societies who ate majorly meat and animal products and agricultural societies, who ate very little meat.
The hunter-gatherer societies were healthier, lived longer and showed less wear and tear on their teeth, while agricultural societies, like the Romans, showed every sign of civilization diseases, had worse teeth and a lower life expectancy.

>Our health is priceless.
There are a lot of sickly looking vegans out there. If you want to compare health benefits, you need to compare vegans and normal people who live in similar conditions and who spent the same amount of time per week on diet and fitness.
>Yet meat, dairy and egg-eaters are rarely healthy and vibrant
That's just wrong.
>especially in their golden years if they even make it that far.
Life expectancy is at 80 or so years right now. When do the golden years start?
>Add the cost of health care and insurance, prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, doctor visits and hospital stays, and you can easily see how meat, dairy and egg-eating is the most expensive lifestyle around!
Nothing of that is exclusive to normal people. Vegans can get ill just as normal people can get ill.

>When eating at fast food restaurants
Don't care.

>Ten times out of ten, [...]
No society on earth has ever been vegan. None of these poor societies are vegetarian for health benefits or for moral reasons. They simply can't afford meat often. They still eat animal products, they still use animals and they still use leather and other stuff.

>> No.6918991

Get a trip, so we can filter you.

>> No.6919008

eating grains offends me

>> No.6919013

Seek things that will give you reasons to not eat meat in respect to things you actually care about.

>> No.6919017

>presents facts
You misspelt lies

Or are you sticking to humans having 60 feet of small intestine?

>> No.6919025

the poorer the country, the less vegans.

>> No.6919032

anyway, that was one poorly worded point in the comparative chart

>> No.6919042

>What problem? Animals are nothing more than bio robots. They don't have free will or an understanding of the philosophical concepts behind 'suffering'. Suffering is as meaningless to them as joy, honour or piety. But we humans are evolved and complex enough so that those concepts have meaning to us. This means that suffering is a man made problem of our perception.
You're wrong.

>> No.6919043

Then how about dogs? they have longer small intestines than humans? Are you suggesting dogs should be herbivores too?

And the teeth? have you seen a camel's teeth? not in line with the herbivore column at all.

stomach acidity row is wrong too.

>> No.6919045

Y-you too.

>> No.6919050

No. Just him.

>> No.6919063

I see, you don't speak dank memes.

Oh well, if that's all there is to your argument, let me ignore it.

>> No.6919070

>let me ignore it
No! You're wrong. Think about it and suffer under the crushing weight of an unforgiving pardigm shift. Psych! I forgive you. Do better. Soften your heart to the life around you.

>> No.6919074

That just reads like pseudo religious bullshit to me.
Speak lucid, not lunatic.

>Soften your heart to the life around you.
I have passing grades in biology. Life is an asshole!

>> No.6919083 [DELETED] 


It's just dumbfounding that many of those who would grant rights to human babies in an instant won't even begin to concede the rights of other beings that
are, by most accounts, far more intelligent than a human infant. Fortunately, Rene Descartes' idiocy about animals operating like unthinking machines has
been exposed a long time ago. All animals, including insects, are rational, aware, self-aware, intelligent beings. They experience an array of emotions,
especially pain and happiness. Anyone who disagrees with this is displaying speciesistic, discriminatory, irrational thought.

If you're a social justice historian, you might recall all the idiotic discussions about the rationality and intelligence of certain humans, too (when
certain humans wanted their freedom and equality). Victimizers and oppressors always deny that victims suffer, feel pain or are intelligent. This allows
enslavement and murder to happen nonchalantly and guilt-free. The victimizers' mind-set goes like this: "You don't count because you're stupid. You don't
matter because you're dumb. I laugh at your suffering. I'll kill you when I want to. I'll sell you and your family. You're worthless. You don't think
the way I do. Prove to me why I should be kind to you. Prove to me that you deserve to be free." So even though victims always look and act differently
from each other (bees, lobsters, cows, pigs, blacks, women, Christians, Muslims, Jews, witches, Gypsies, Rwandans, etc.), they've suffered equally
because of the victimizers' mind-set. It's so trite that a few enlightened folks have to continually explain why the majority of people shouldn't be
enslaving and murdering innocents en masse. Something else that has always bothered me: Why do oppressors think they're more important than THE
OPPRESSED? Why do tormentors believe they're more important than THE TORMENTED? What kind of sociopath thinks murderers are more important than

>> No.6919090


It's just dumbfounding that many of those who would grant rights to human babies in an instant won't even begin to concede the rights of other beings that are, by most accounts, far more intelligent than a human infant. Fortunately, Rene Descartes' idiocy about animals operating like unthinking machines has been exposed a long time ago. All animals, including insects, are rational, aware, self-aware, intelligent beings. They experience an array of emotions, especially pain and happiness. Anyone who disagrees with this is displaying speciesistic, discriminatory, irrational thought.

If you're a social justice historian, you might recall all the idiotic discussions about the rationality and intelligence of certain humans, too (when certain humans wanted their freedom and equality). Victimizers and oppressors always deny that victims suffer, feel pain or are intelligent. This allows enslavement and murder to happen nonchalantly and guilt-free. The victimizers' mind-set goes like this: "You don't count because you're stupid. You don't matter because you're dumb. I laugh at your suffering. I'll kill you when I want to. I'll sell you and your family. You're worthless. You don't think the way I do. Prove to me why I should be kind to you. Prove to me that you deserve to be free." So even though victims always look and act differently from each other (bees, lobsters, cows, pigs, blacks, women, Christians, Muslims, Jews, witches, Gypsies, Rwandans, etc.), they've suffered equally because of the victimizers' mind-set. It's so trite that a few enlightened folks have to continually explain why the majority of people shouldn't be
enslaving and murdering innocents en masse. Something else that has always bothered me: Why do oppressors think they're more important than THE OPPRESSED? Why do tormentors believe they're more important than THE TORMENTED? What kind of sociopath thinks murderers are more important than

>> No.6919092

Ants, bees and the rest of the insect world are some of the most intelligent beings on the planet. Step on an ant near the colony, and watch the whole ant community go ballistic. They know when they're under attack. They easily TRY to avoid pain and death.
If you're still wavering about the intelligence of animals, re-examine the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that struck the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, and
devastated Sri Lanka and many other nations. More than 200,000 humans died while animal corpses were nearly impossible to locate. If they weren't caged
up, animals took off before the disaster struck. Ravi Corea of the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society told Fox News, "There have been no reports of
elephant carcasses, deer, leopards, black bears, sloth bears." Fox also reported that Corea "drove through towns like Galle, which are full of stray
animals, and 'didn't see any dead cows or goats.' " There's no doubt that surviving animals were thinking: "With all your mathematical skills, extensive
language and technology, you two-legged imbeciles didn't know there was a 100-foot wave coming? Idiots!" And the animals weren't being instinctive when
they fled the scene before the tsunami hit. They were simply paying attention. They were aware of their surroundings, unlike the instinctive human robots
who stroll this earth. When it comes to technology, humans are brilliant. When it comes to awareness, humans have the mental acuity of a dingleberry
(dried piece of shit stuck to the hair surrounding an asshole). And when it comes to decency, humans are on par with viruses.

>> No.6919093

gary yourovsky pls go

>> No.6919094

If animals and insects aren't aware, then what are they? If they are NOT capable of feeling pain, then what do they feel? Eating, sleeping, drinking, surviving, procreating, looking for shelter, building a home, defending themselves and saving each other aren't instinctual behaviors. They are thoughts attached to actions. It's the human animal who operates instinctively. Very few people think for themselves and come to rational conclusions. Pulling into McDonald's for a Big Mac is NOT rational thought. It happens because the media, the government, schools and parents tell people to do it. If humans were rational, we wouldn't be killing the animals, the earth and ourselves!

>> No.6919103


>> No.6919109

>then what are they?

Little robots,

>> No.6919112
File: 13 KB, 353x264, covering-ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop pointing out my hypocrisy

>> No.6919113

I'm totally eating a steak tonight. Really rare, dripping with blood. I will offer a prayer of thanks to the cow who fed me. : )

>> No.6919123

>I'm gonna buy some second rate meat from the local Wal Mart and cook it wrong

Just like a tiger lmao

That will show the stupid vegans

>> No.6919165
File: 54 KB, 907x331, 1348809282058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs are omnivores. Teeth aren't a deciding factor really, but interesting for comparisons. Bodies have to have all attributes or have a majority to be determined.
When there is food in the stomach the pH can raise to as high as 4-5. After the food leaves the stomach bicarbonate ions are secreted to neutralize and alkalinize the mixture. The pH of the small intestine is approximately 8.

>> No.6919172

; )

>> No.6919199

>dogs are omnivores

but but

but the chart says that omnivores have short small intestines like humans, not longer ones like cows.

>> No.6919208

I actually meant the other 3 columns. not all carnivores are that low. Most omnivores are not that low, and not all herbivores are in that range either.

>> No.6919303

Actually dogs can be vegan too http://www.care2.com/greenliving/vegetarian-dog-lives-to-189-years.html
so exceptions exist. the chart is generally speaking I'd say. If it's wrong that's still just one example of a vegan mistake. Nobody is perfect, but vegans do their best

>> No.6919364

>Nobody is perfect, but vegans do their best
This is what it's all about. You're living in surplus without any care in the world, so you find some other problem to complain about. Bonus points if it makes you feel better than the rest of your fellow men.

>insects, are rational, aware, self-aware, intelligent beings.
Compared to you, perhabs.

>> No.6919434
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Who cares about any of this? Why is veganism, in 2015, still an effective way to bait /ck/?

>> No.6919496

Because /ck/ is full of fat autistic spergs that eat straight bricks of butter and cheese.

Seriously, go look at the "how much do you weigh" thread, it's full of fats.

>> No.6919510

What is your excuse, in 2015, to continue to intentionally cause suffering to animals when you don't have to.

>> No.6919531
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Yeah, this seems legit.

>> No.6919537

Animals won't be returning the favor once
you're dead and in the ground.

>> No.6919588

>not allowed to eat meat because it hurts the animals feelings
>will use products made from animal skin, tested on animals in labs, and used to herd and kill animals
>no contradiction lol

>> No.6919682

>that = everything
yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutualism_(biology) now you know more, innit?

>> No.6919733

vegans choose products that don't use and/or test on animals too

>> No.6919738

I'm the guy who pointed out how animal husbandry is a simbiotic relationship that benefits us and the animals.
This mechanism of co-evolution is what makes animals so invaluable to us and which makes it impossible to stop 'abusing' them. It's just not how the world works.

>> No.6919754

That's bullshit. It's only impossible because you don't know the value of life other than your own. That makes you a bad person. Period.

There's nothing else to say. You've been judged.

To say that animal husbandry is symbiotic is hugely bullshit. A symboitic relationship is attended to much much more than providing food for something's physical body. The relationship is parasitic in the beginning, parasitic in the middle, and parasitic in the end. There is absolutely nothing symbiotic about it in 99% of the cases.

>> No.6919756

The world works for vegans. The many benefits to health and the environment are bonuses of the ethical choice. Kind of like karma really.

>> No.6919761

I want to trap but eat meat

>> No.6919771

>There is absolutely nothing symbiotic about it in 99% of the cases.

Except for the part where farmers provide food for their livestock, protect them from predators and disease, and so on.

I'm not trying to claim that farming is a happy thing, but it's complete bunk to say that it's not symbiotic in the slightest.

>> No.6919775

That's a trap. It is better that they were not born than to be born to a farmer.

>> No.6919784


So now the argument is changing entirely?

>> No.6919787

You have to ask? You tell me.

>> No.6919793

>You have to ask?

Yes. I don't know if >>6919775 was the same person as >>6919754 trying to continue the argument, or if >>6919775 was a side comment by someone else. Hence the question. So, >>6919787, are you a kind anon warning me not to feed the trolls, or are you engaged in a little goalpost moving?

>> No.6919805

Neither. Is animal husbandry farming?

>> No.6919811

>A symboitic relationship is attended to much much more than providing food for something's physical body.
We provide our farm animals food, shelter, protection from enemys and disease, help them with childbirth, help them rearing their young, completely take upon us to find their suitable mates and reproduction in general. We even take care to spread those species everywhere where we humans live. Without us, many breeds would not have conquered so many eco-systems.
That's not a parasitic relationship. You can see the changes in the genetic makeup of animals who lived with humans for a long time. Wolfes became all kinds of dogs, pigs changed, sheep and cattle did as well. We also changed with our closeness to animals. Europeans and certain Africans can now digest milk and dairy very well, for example.

>You've been judged.
See >>6919364 Come back when you lived more than 20kmhalf an hour from a supermarket for a year. Move to Alaska and try to live vegan from regional products there. Then you'll see how vegans can only exist because they're wealthy princesses.

Vegans are still living in a society that uses animals as a whole. So no, a vegan world does not work.

>> No.6919815


Literally? No. In casual conversation, yes.

>> No.6919818

You're cracked. Your value system is all fucked. All that stuff is worthless without spirit and animal husbandry is a violation of spirit. Spirit = emotion/thoughts. You don't see what I see. That's the last I'll say to you so please don't reply.

>> No.6919839

Did you realise that animals had to die for your PC?

>> No.6919842

Not that guy here, animals are killed by farmers who grow vegetables, pests like crow, deer, wild pigs, mice, rabbits, tons of insects... all killed to ensure optimal crop quality.

Ground up fish and blood and bone meal are all popular organic fertilizers...

You have blood on your kale, veggie boy.

>> No.6919852

Not that guy, but do you realize how much grain goes to feeding livestock animals?

For every cow you eat, that many more crows, mice, and so on are killed, to make the soy and corn that the cow ate.

Explain how, if someone wanted to minimize the body count, you imagined the math would still work out in favor of eating cows over garbanzo beans and kale.

I'll wait.

>> No.6919860

I only eat grass fed beef and free ranged chicken. Your move grass skirt.

>> No.6919867

That's not what I asked you, and I'm neither vegan nor vegetarian. I am also a male, but if it gets you off to imagine you're arguing with a woman, I am a progressive individual and it's your freedom to masturbate while thinking about me.

But thank you for admitting your argument was flawed, and that you were wrong and stupid, so we can move on.

>> No.6919868

Hey, if being vegan means not using animal products, doesn't that mean various manures are off limits?
Does that mean only liquid chemical fertilizers are acceptable?

>> No.6919872

I suppose it depends on what flavor of veganism the person subscribes to

It's like saying "if you're christian is it ok to have non-missionary sex"

>> No.6919881
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Maybe its time you took a break from posting. You seem a little tired.

>> No.6919888

Are you trying to distract from your wrongness by posting weeaboo shit?

How does it feel to be a pederast, one of the few things on earth hated more than vegans?

>> No.6919889

Uhhh do you realize that those manures come from FARMS where they MURDER animals? You can't call your self a vegan if your vegetables are grown using the body bi-products of animals, its as simple as that.

>> No.6919899

Who are you replying to? I don't call myself a vegan, but what about that farm where the rescue cows cavort in the field? What to do with all that manure, hmm?

>> No.6919900

>Explain how, if someone wanted to minimize the body count, you imagined the math would still work out in favor of eating cows over garbanzo beans and kale.
Bones, blood, fur, hair, hooves, feathers, sinews, fats, leather, fertiliser. Going vegan also means stopping fishing. Plus animals can be kept where agriculture can not be done, like on alms, dikes and on poor soil. Animals are also a source of food that's available in the winter. So unless you want to keep shipping fresh vegetables all around the world, instead of switching to regional products, then you have to use animals.
Animals are also valuable for their muscle power, their senses, guard duty, companionship, pest control.
Really, the question is how is our culture supposed to work without animals.

>> No.6919904
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Shes eating a hamburger, hamburgers are delicious.

>> No.6919906

You are conflating a whole lot of different issues with a dietary choice, and then basically saying that since it is difficult to impossible to solve every last dilemma posed by modern civilization, everyone should be forced to eat what you think they should eat.

And I suppose you think vegans are the ones shoving their lifestyle down your throat. Hilarious.

>> No.6919907

Not have farm animals to produce it in the first place, you're apart of the problem, your morals are fucked.

>> No.6919911

They certainly are. And you are a pederast. You have no room to be criticizing vegans, at this point.

>> No.6919914

I like it how when your inane arguments against veganism get shot down, you start pretending to be vegan and posting equally inane shit.

Nice to know you have really nothing of substance to say about anything at all.

>> No.6919916

The word you're looking for is pedophile. Most people don't even know what pederasts even are. Neither do you, actually, because pederasty means adult male + adolescent male.
What that guy posted was clearly heterosexual weeaboo shit.

>hated more than vegans
Vegans aren't hated. Most people don't give a shit about vegans. People like this guy are hated>>6919818 because he's a) a nutjob and b) a total dick about it.
I guarantee you, if he'd defend soccer the way he defends veganism, he'd be laughed at just as much as now.

>> No.6919920

Humans only evolved to be as intelligent as we are because of our meat based high protein diet. Eat meat.

>> No.6919921

Oh great, a 4chan pedo is now splitting hairs over exactly what flavor pedo he is.

Next thing you'll have typed up a 3 page diatribe about how the ancient greeks, yadda yadda 14 years is actually an adult in some cultures.

Give me a break, pederast. It's all the same sick shit.

>> No.6919922
File: 107 KB, 576x1024, 1439803017139_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having an anime picture doesn't make you a pedo, do you realize you're on a Japanese image board? Do you just get linked to vegan threads by your vegan friends or something? Whats wrong with you.

>> No.6919928

What the fuck, keep your sexual issues out of /ck/ please.

>> No.6919931

>Explain how, if someone wanted to minimize the body count, you imagined the math would still work out in favor of eating cows over garbanzo beans and kale.
This was the question. I just named a lot of the things animals provide us apart from their edible parts.
But if you want me to shove something down your throat, I have something for you. I'm German and Germany is famous for its Würste. If you know what I mean.

>> No.6919932

>>6919818 here. I defended veganism? Where? Is that what you understood? I was defending veganism. I thought I was attacking something worse than veganism. Hmm. Who else totally missed the beginning, middle, and end of my words?

>> No.6919939

There is never ground to be gained, neither side will cede points, there is no winning and losing, everything involved is based in personal beliefs and values, meaning its nigh impossible to change them by shitposting on an image board.
You're retarded.

>> No.6919944

If you think veganism is correct, you must therefore think that transexuality and HRT therapy is wrong because its derived from animal bi-products.

>> No.6919949

On a scale of Neil Armstrong to Snoop Dog, how high are you right now?

>> No.6919954

Brain damage from a lack of b12 and creatine/10

>> No.6919957

Veganism is a choice about which food to eat. It can't be "correct" or "incorrect"

And please take your sexual identity issues to /r9k/

>> No.6919959

I hope he is trolling, because if not, he's stark raving mad.
But it's so much effort for such a poor troll.

>> No.6919961

If you are vegan, you *CANNOT* be trans, HRT is derived from animal hormones.

>> No.6919966

Ok cool. I hope you're able to work out that dilemma, sounds like you have a big heap of issues to deal with :(

>> No.6919975
File: 402 KB, 402x536, Guy_Fieri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have diabetes and use insulin, you cannot be vegan, insulin used lab animals for testing.
Most medications were tested on animals, meaning if you're vegan, you need to go unmedicated.

>> No.6919978

Is guy fueri the carnist mascot?

>> No.6919983

animal products cause diabetes.
veganism can reverse diabetes.

>> No.6919986
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>> No.6919999

Oh surely this is an unbiased--- "veganhealthnews"
Oh, not clicking.

I bet any dietary change that moves one away from sugary foods and carbohydrates will be healthy.
Its a no brainer and you don't need to be vegan to do so. Whats your point?

>> No.6920046

Who do you dislike? Tell me so I can make a site that is from that group and is Pro-"breathing-at-all" so you can die and the world will have one less stupid motherfuck.

>> No.6920053
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>> No.6920281

First, let's understand that animals are a completely different bio-mechanical entity than humans. The anatomical, physiological, immunological, histological, and even psychological differences between humans and animals are too great to overcome. At this moment, a formula for making animal-derived research relevant to human health is non-existent. Animal research has not, cannot and will not save human lives because information cannot be extrapolated from one species to another.
No matter how diligently animal researchers try, they can never re-create the spontaneously-occurring diseases that humans get. They can only re-create symptoms and give mutations. Plus, the experiments are always done in a controlled, manipulative environment where researchers can produce whatever answer they're looking for. Over the years, thousands of drugs have 'passed' animal research tests only to harm or kill humans later on.

>> No.6920302

lol yeah okay, I trust "vegan scientists" such as yourself to come up with the nect big cure by having no medium with which to test on.

>> No.6920427

10 forms of true scientific research techniques: 1) human-based clinical research; 2) epidemiology (study, causes and distribution of human diseases); 3) cellular and molecular biology using human-based tissue and cell cultures and in vitro; 4) autopsy research; 5) biopsy research; 6) computer models using virtual reality, simulators and 3D programs; 7) mathematical models using formulas to determine drug concoctions and reactions; 8) case studies; 9) human-based DNA/genetic research; 10) trial and error methodology.

We are not going to save the lives of our fellow humans by using archaic, outmoded animal experimentation. The scientists who still use animals in their research are not only frauds, but are addicted to an outdated form of research.

>> No.6920435

vegans are 207% more likely to have a sexual deviation

>> No.6920440

Fact: if you eat meat you are more likely to poop out poops of digested meat.

>> No.6920442

Don't bother going vegan. Save more animals the easy way!


>> No.6920527

Meat taste good, veg taste good. Why limit yourself by removing one or the other?

>> No.6920569

No brainer.

>> No.6920596

No doubt some of the things here are the future for pharma. But i reckon animal testing will always be around. You cant get behavior on organ chips unfortunately. I do agree that animal testing should be kept to a minimum just be used for toxicology.

Animal testing will have a reduced role in pharma but i dont think it will ever be fully abolished, not for at least another 40-80 years. Its a pretty big grey area and i think its bad to label animal testing purely black and white.

>> No.6920601

and shouldnt be used for toxicology*
total mindfart.

>> No.6920663

Too bad those characteristics have nothing to do with a species being carnivore, omnivore or herbivore

>> No.6921006
File: 23 KB, 531x245, CMjCBIBW8AAym4V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evolution to vegan

>> No.6921215

>high protein diet

you mean high fat diet

>> No.6921219

liquid chemical fertilizers cause global warming. Vegans are killing the planet.

>> No.6921250

>quoting a thieving kike
nice one

>> No.6921914

Try soya meat, taste like meat, but aint.

>> No.6922317

thanks for the link, anon. that was a really powerful and motivational speech. i've been vegetarian for the past 5 years and just started eating vegan (4-5 days) and the video was really moving, i needed that.

>> No.6922334

Contrary to the lies being spread by biased meat, dairy and egg-eating scientists, meat was NOT responsible for brain development either. It was plant starch, as Dartmouth University Professor Nathaniel Dominy explains in this article. The “nutcracker man” article also supports the aforesaid fact! Believing that meat is beneficial to anyone’s brain is an absurd notion anyway. If meat contained a magic potion to help the brain evolve, then why did Albert Einstein – who incidentally abstained from meat-eating – figure out the Theory of Relativity before sharks, snakes and hyenas? And why haven’t the still-existing, meat-eating tribal societies invented computers or cars yet? Fortunately, any person with HALF A BRAIN understands that something else was at play when CERTAIN humans ascended the “technology” ladder, and separated themselves from OTHER humans, and the rest of the animal kingdom.
Sadly, the only glaring difference between the non-herbivore brain and the herbivore one is that it is incapable of understanding the value of compassionate living. And, YES, I am condemning carnivore/omnivore animals with the aforesaid statement. Herbivores are the ONLY evolved species on the planet. And they suffer more than anyone else because even animal rights activists support the bullying, bloody habits of carnivores/omnivores! Wouldn’t it be logical for everyone to get their nutrients directly from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and legumes rather than consuming creatures who consumed them first? The Nyanyana crocodile farm in Zimbabwe has proven the validity of the aforesaid claim by converting more than 150,000 crocs to veganism.

>> No.6922339

Dartmouth University Professor Nathaniel Dominy explains in this article

The “nutcracker man” article

>> No.6922348


I always thought that early human brain development was due to the addition of fish to our diet cause they are filled with all sorts of fatty acids that are good for brain health

>> No.6922362

I can't understand how people are vegan, the humanity since the beginning of everything is carnivorous, I love meat but I'm aware about of animal protection and the quality

>> No.6922373

Abuse, murder, rape, molestation, slavery and sex slavery, and cannibalizing have as long if not a longer history.

>> No.6922496

What it comes down to is that vegans don't believe we can take ownership and decide the fate of a species of animals despite how well they are treated

>> No.6922513

stopped producing any notable work after he stopped eating flesh

>> No.6922520

>tfw an entirely valid and defensible ethical decision is the lowest hanging fruit of /ck/ bait
>tfw there will n e v e r be a good vegan cooking thread because of autists

>> No.6922521

The brain can't really work at the same level or consciousness without meat

Vegans claim they feel better and in the same way you also feel better on drugs and other things that cloud your mind

>> No.6922545

is This true about dairy? I tried going off it for a while but had no luck. I only have organic milk too, and not a lot of it.

>> No.6922580

Personally I just eat meat because it makes my life more enjoyable. I get to eat all different tasty things. I can also engage in the social aspect of sharing food with people, and traveling to different countries to meet new cultures. It is always weird when you try to ever eat food around someone who is vegan. They can never partake in whatever we are all eating and then it feels awkward leaving them out.

>> No.6922604

Personally, being vegan makes my life more enjoyable. I get to eat different tasty things. I learned about foods I never knew about when I became vegan. I can engage in the social aspect of sharing food with people and traveling to different countries to meet new cultures. It's always weird when you see all the animal parts, secretions (milk), chicken periods (eggs), and bee vomit (honey) going into other people mouths. They can learn to be vegan and trade that pile of tasty food that causes suffering and is unhealthy for tasty foods that don't cause suffering and are healthy if they decide to.

>> No.6922740
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>> No.6922838

And none of them would've existed without humans in the first place

>> No.6922844

Now that's a kill streak.

>> No.6922863

you mean they should be thankful for their life of torture?

>> No.6922883

Well no but I personally don't buy such meat

>> No.6922903

An animal has little other a thought than eat, fuck, sleep.
No animal is thinking, they aren't comtemplating.
Chickens and fish aren't even considered to have souls in hinduism, thus are eaten by many a hindu along with dairy products like yogurt.

>> No.6922924

hinduism? so?
>No animal is thinking
bad bait

>> No.6922936


>> No.6922981

>strawmanning twice in a row

>> No.6923123

NOrmal eaters can eat vegan food too. Whatever you said doesn't make sense about traveling. What you are going to show up and some families house and tell them to cook vegan? Or maybe you will just sit there and rice the whole time? Enjoy going to some boring resorts where you can check a vegan box so the staff knows how to pamper you properly.

Animals parts don't bother me. I buy my meat alive in the market and I eat organs and blood, they are delicious.

>> No.6923266

I'd rather not be at the table with people who aren't vegan or go to places that don't know about veganism anyways.

>> No.6923901
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>> No.6924120
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>> No.6924410

>tfw raw vegan
>tfw thanks to /ck/ I learned the benefits of not cooking

>> No.6924416

>Personally I have a hole in me and I'm desperately trying to fill it with things that will only increase the hole
Stop eating meat.

>> No.6924481

Eating processed food is a waste of being a vegan.