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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6911914 No.6911914 [Reply] [Original]

Europeans always did eat better. They have healthier food than the U.S. all the stuff banned in Europe you can find all over the food here. Chemicals,dyes, preservatives. It's pathetic really. Shows how much our politicians have their noses stuck up the asses of Corporate America.

>> No.6911932

We have everything they have, plus the gmo's and processed garbage the trolls pretend is what the entire continent eats.

We just have more variety...

>> No.6911936


>> No.6911955

I don't. I am American. I don't like the fact that our political system is run by the corporate elite. I love my country. I don't like who's been running it for the last sixty years or so.

>> No.6911997

but there is no evidence that gmo's make any fucking difference at all. Its just fucking idiots who are duped by fear mongers.

>> No.6912011
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>countries ban genetically modified crops
>meanwhile temperatures get more extreme, causing more drought and other devastation
>weak, unmodified crops fail across the countries

>> No.6912019

yay another thread where the resident nutter vegan and his gang of cronies spam macros with unsourced information from their facebook group and call everybody they disagree with a monsanto shill, despite the only shilling going on being theirs for said facebook group

>> No.6912041

countries are only banning the GMOs as an act of protectionism.
They do not have a GM industry and american GMOs will out compete the domestic produce in those countries. Nobody will buy an italian grown tomato in italy if an american one is twice the size for half the price

this isnt about health or safety, its literally about borderline illegal legislation to prevent foreign companies from selling their goods

>> No.6912046

Europe will learn they have to modify crops when people start dying of starvation.

>> No.6912053

How do you even define a GMO at this point? Aren't most crop genetically modified in some wary or another?

>> No.6912055

GMO food seems ok but apparently the research has created some pretty scary viruses by accident.

Fucked up whole species of unrelated plants.

>> No.6912058

I was worried that I was alone.

>> No.6912060

GMO's are actually pretty wonderful and do a great job tackling famine in places where it is a huge problem.

On the other hand the US FDA have very low standard on what constitutes as "food" but lets be honest the US legal system has never been in favour of the consumer.

>> No.6912260

you know the the industrial nations throw away millions of tonnes of food every year? sometimes just to keep the price artificially up for the market? and I don't talk about the "Use before date " stuff who is perfectly good evend days or week after this date...

>> No.6912264

Basically, is it patented.

>> No.6912271
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putting a gene from a fish in a tomatoes is not really "natural" ...
let the fish fucking the tomatoes and look what's happened...

>> No.6912275
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>> No.6912284

>Breaking news
Austria has banned GMO in food since 1998, kiddo


>> No.6912288



Virtually all crops are genetically modified these days anyway. Hint: breeding is a form of genetic modification.

inb4 I get called a monsanto shill or similar. Monsanto has great products, terribly business products.

>> No.6912289



>> No.6912341

Anyone know any good documentaries about gmos and/or monsanto?

I don't wholly understand why they have been banned although i think avoiding them is good in itself

>> No.6912380

In Italy, GMOs (Organismi Geneticamente Modificati) are defined as “organisms whose genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally for fertilization and/or natural recombination. GMOs can be plants, animals, or microorganisms, such as bacteria, parasites and fungi.”

>> No.6912650

So no insulin-producing bacteria? Fuck diabetics!

>> No.6912667

is it just me or is banning GMOs because one corporation did some shady nasty shit with it throwing the baby out with the bathwater? I mean, there is nothing inherent in the technology of genetic modification that leads to the use of carcinogenic chemical pesticides, just this one application.

Imagine if we banned all industrial architecture just because one poorly, sloppily made building collapsed...

>> No.6912797

This is why the rest of the world is opting out of GMO.


>> No.6912807


Organic agriculture lobbyists are tired of being shit on and out produced by World Hunger ending GM crops.

>> No.6912809
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You are a fucking idiot. Completely different. One is done in a lab injecting foreign DNA into the DNA of a plant. The other is done in the field through cross pollination of grafting. But Monsanto wants you to believe they are the same while telling the patent office they are different.

>> No.6912810


>> No.6912813
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GM crops are not designed to fix world hunger. They are designed to sell more chemicals. Period. If they were so interested in fixing world hunger why is ther still such a huge problem. At least 1/3 of food grown or made is thrown away.

>> No.6912816

India has more Drs and scientists than the paid off monsanto scientists in the US.

>> No.6912826


>> No.6912835

It might be unhealthy or not, but I mean we're doing fine without GMO food in europe. I just don't see the point. There is just no need. Farmers don't want GMO, people don't want GMO, so like.. what's the point?

>> No.6912836

I'm sure Monsanto will figure out a way to kill all their crops to make them use their seed. Yes! I do believe they are capable and willing to do this.

>> No.6912842

All of Monsantos genetically modified drought resistant crops have all failed miserable. Your statement is invalid.

>> No.6912844

You are a fucking moron. It has nothing to do with the. They are protecting their food source from contamination and their citizens from the other poison chemicals Monsanto sells.

>> No.6912848
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>> No.6912851

they are mostly non-reproductiv so the farmer must buy them new every year... and if he keep some seeds for next year ( like farmers do for the last 10.000 years) he is will be prosecuted by the GMO patent owner for sterling their goods... etc, etc ,etc...

>> No.6912856

I heard that in south America wild corn doesn't exist anymore because cross pollination from industrial GMO corn .. even if the wild corn was kilometres away from.the fields of GMO corn.... they can't control the spreading of this stuff

>> No.6912874


Wild Corn was never a thing - the domestication of corn is intriguing because unlike wheat or other grains corn CANNOT reproduce without human aid.

>> No.6912875

>Shows how much our politicians have their noses stuck up the asses of Corporate America.
actually it shows that very thing about european politicians, they would rather listen to loud uneducated mothers than scientists.

Is europe going to ban vaccines and name food babe in charge of their science related policies next?

>> No.6912879

>I heard that in south America wild corn doesn't exist anymore because cross pollination from industrial GMO corn .. even if the wild corn was kilometres away from.the fields of GMO corn.... they can't control the spreading of this stuff
This just isn't true at all

>> No.6912883

please explain? why? it's not like the vanilla plant I suppose....

>> No.6912889

Viruses have been doing what Monsanto does since the dawn of time.

Monsanto can still patent it because they have a way to do it in a controlled fashion.

>> No.6912892


>> No.6912893

Go google "Golden Rice".

>> No.6912900

>Is europe going to ban vaccines and name food babe in charge of their science related policies next?
Talk about logical fallacy.

Why the fuck is GMO shit shilled so hard here? You people got fucking stocks in Monsanto?

>> No.6912903

not that guy, but corn did arise from a wild plant some 8000 years ago but that plant is not corn and would not be recognized as anything but grass to us. Plus I am quite certain we don't have fields of wildly growing GMO corn (or any other domesticated corn) taking over grasslands. If this were actually a plausible threat it would have occurred long before GMOs were a thing as the ability to resist pesticided does not give a crop any selective advantage in a non-agricultural environment and it likely puts it at a mild disadvantage as they require more energy to grow (I am just assuming this part as we have added a new biochemical pathway into them)

>> No.6912905

You know how they introduce foreign DNA right?

Through bacteria which then does the DNA transfer itself. Nature already figured this shit out

>> No.6912906


Corn, as we know it, cannot spread its seeds. They're stuck on the cob. Thus corn requires human aid to reproduce - it's only domestic, there's not a thing of 'wild corn'. Teosintes, the nearest relative of corn and believed to be its probable ancestor, does not cross pollinate readily with maize/corn.

So what the person I replied to is claiming is not a thing - there isn't 'wild corn' that's being cross pollinated with GMO corn.

>> No.6912912
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The logic behind banning GMOs and banning vaccines are the exact same thing. It comes down to "I don't understand science, and this is scary"
Scientifically literate people overwhelmingly agree GMOs are at least good if not necessary to sustain the global population, especially with global warming and its ability to disrupt old pre-GMO crops which we can now fight with science

Note that there is even a stronger consensus amongst scieentists about GMOs than there is with global warming or vaccines

>> No.6912935

Are you seriously implying we don't have imported crops? Really?
Lemme tell ya: we do.
And guess what else? They are cheaper, they are bigger and they are also [generally] bland as snow. So despite imported crops costing as little as a third the price of domestic, we don't tend to buy them much. Stores like Aldi and other discount grocers, the various Euro/Kroner/Kronor/Krone/Pound shops and other low-cost/low-quality stores carry them as well as some regular supermarkets.

The only country in Europe that I know of where your statement might be true isn't even part of the Eurozone: Switzerland. Generally, the only produce imported to Switzerland is stuff that isn't grown within Swiss borders so mostly things like tropical fruits and the like.

In the US, good produce is rare and very expensive. In EU, good produce is far more common and not nearly as costly.

>> No.6912937


This is very true. However there is a very valid argument to be made against the current ownership of GMO by Monsanto, which IMHO is a perversion of IP to create basically an extortion racket. Not to mention while the GMO might be fine, that doesn't mean that pesticide residue doesn't exist.

>> No.6912947

>which IMHO is a perversion of IP to create basically an extortion racket.
I think that is an extreme exaggeration

>> No.6912954

And if their GMO pollen contaminates the Organic crops, Monsanto can sue them for patent infringement.

>> No.6912955


Not really - I understand the desire to reward development of GMOs. However Monsanto putting the cost of preserving their IP onto farmer's that don't use them (which they very much do) is the perversion I'm talking about.

And with that the basic premise to the farmer is "you buy our seed, or we sue you to death". That's extortion.

>> No.6912958

Most scientists throughout the world are now changing their minds about GMOs and realizing how dangerous they are. Hence the banning of GMOs in other countries where the scientists are not paid shills for Monsanto.

>> No.6912960

>that doesn't mean that pesticide residue doesn't exist.
I have never seen any evidence of pesticide or herbicide residue being left on crops to a point where a biologically significant quantity is consumed by people.
Also its not like this issue is unique to GMOs, this applies to all modern farming, in some cases GMOs give us the opportunity to decrease pesticide usage such as with bt corn where we can code for a protein that is inert to mammals but toxic to insects right in the plants DNA

>> No.6912964

Dr. Oz pls go

>> No.6912969


>> No.6912970

So you blame the GMO's instead of shitty patent law?

>> No.6912972

Monsanto isn't even that big of a company, if you think they are paying off nearly 90% of american scientists you cannot be reasoned with. There are literally several hundred larger american companies, its not this shadowy behemoth that you people try and paint it as.

and european countries banning has nothing to do with scientists. Do you seriously think these beurocrats in eruope are listening to scientists when they make these decisions? There are two main motivations, one to appease uneducated voters, and two such as the case of russia as an economic attack on the west in response to our sanctions on them (not only have they banned GMOs they have banned the import on most western food)

>> No.6912974

Your an idiot. Even DrOz is being demonized by Monsanto because he is right. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to realize what they are doing is bad for the planet and the health of animals and humans alike. I've been studying this for twenty years asshole.

>> No.6912976

>And with that the basic premise to the farmer is "you buy our seed, or we sue you to death". That's extortion.
This is a myth though

>> No.6912982
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They just offered 40 billion dollars to Syngenta. Are you kidding? Not to mention all the political clout they have. The FDA and S
USDA have been bought and paid for by Monsanto. As well as the politicians.
Once you control the world food supply you control the people.

>> No.6912985

'cause I'm looking for a webm where two guys make stuff I don't recognize on a very wide hot plate
might have been burgers with eggs

also where's the best place to eat street food?
what do you think of street food in general?

>> No.6912986

They have don it over and over again. They will do it again

>> No.6912988

>this applies to all modern farming

Oh sure - it's the one valid point for organic foods though, is they don't have pesticides. Conceivably you could have organic GMOs, but due to scare tactics consumer demand prevents that.

>> No.6912990

Michael Taylor an ex Monsanto lawyer and lobbyist now runs the fucking FDA. Tom Vilsac also worked for Monsanto, he runs the USDA. But Monsanto has no clout! This is what I call conflict of interest.

>> No.6912994

I am saying that is actually rather small influence, no different than their competitors and much less than hundreds of other companies

But really, what politicians say is beside the point, all that matters is the science and it overwhelmingly says GMOS are safe, its not like the special interests in european countries working to ban GMOs are any more pure or benevolent than Monsanto

>> No.6912996

Have you ever watched Dr. Oz when he talks about GMO's? Here's how it goes.
>have a pro-GMO scientist and an anti-GMO scientist on to fake a sincere debate
>spend entire show talking to anti-GMO guy, give pro-GMO guy no chance to talk
>conclude that GMO's are bad

FUN FACT: Dr. Oz and his wife are both leading members of multiple anti-GMO and "organic" groups. They stand to make a lot of money off demonizing GMO's.

>> No.6912997

wrong place, sorry, I suck dicks, I'll be more careful

>> No.6912999


It's not, see link posted here (not by me), as well as numerous public documents.

Like I said, the fear mongering about GMOs is untrue, and it hurts a great tech that could quickly end hunger, reduce carbon footprints of agriculture, etc. Monsanto is just bastards though.

>> No.6913001

>Oh sure - it's the one valid point for organic foods though, is they don't have pesticides.
Organic food corporations must love this myth, it isn't true at all, they use pesticide and often more harmful ones because they have to be "nautral".They just do not use artificial pesticides. Its a very dumb thing because being natural/unnatural does not imply anything about how good they are for humans regardless of what most consumers thing

>> No.6913006


Thanks Democrats!

>> No.6913007


Which natural pesticides are you referring to? It obviously depends on the producer ('organic' has no legal meaning in the US), but most certification bodies don't allow arsenic or other 'natural' pesticides either.

>> No.6913008

It is literally impossible to staff a government bureaucracy with qualified people if you do not hire anyone involved in the industry at any point in their life.

It would be a very bad idea to have people that know nothing about science or agriculture running these things as is apparently being done with their european analogues

>> No.6913010


>> No.6913019

suck my dick TTIP
t. goncerned austrian

>> No.6913024

Monsanto is a shitshow but there is nothing wrong with GMOs.

>> No.6913027


herp derp - yeah, because the GOP was keeping SUCH a tight lid on agribusiness as well . . . . that's why they kept crop subsidies while they held all branches of government last decade.

Stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.6913046

>We just have more variety...

You guys are really funny. So cute and naive. Have you ever left your country?

>> No.6913057

It started with Reagan continues through both bushes Clinton and now Obama. He pretended to label GM. He was bought and paid for before he even became president. He's turned out to be quite the corporate shill.

>> No.6913064

Scientific american has been bought and paid for by corporate America and what they want to sell.

>> No.6913068


Yeah, his treatment of the treasury showed that in 2009. But fucking idiot teabaggers somehow want to pretend that the GOP isn't even more in bed with corporatist interests than the Democrats.

<---- obvious Sanders/Warren wing

>> No.6913071

So why don't hthe you have Any green peace scientists for balance. It is all geared to sell Monsanto shit.

>> No.6913100
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This guy Folta is a paid Monsanto idiot. So busted he didn't know what to do with himself. LMAO!!! This is what Monsanto passes as a credible scientist.


>> No.6913104
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>> No.6913108


Please just shut the fuck up. It's idiots like you that give leftists a bad name - your our unfortunate version of the Tea Party.

You don't know what you're talking about, but want to pretend you do. And it just makes actual valid arguments look stupid by correlation.

>> No.6913126


Right, so, what we have to remember here is that this is more about Monsanto's business practice than about GMOs. This is the same company that sued farmers for the wind blowing neighboring Monsanto brand seeds onto their lots and alleging that they were using it without their permission.

I don't think GMOs matter as much as I used to think that they do, but at the same time, the absolute lack of apology or damage control on Monsanto's business practices have led to an appropriate estrangement to the market.

TLDR; Monsanto is losing money because it failed to correct its business practices, or failing that, appoint a better face to make it seem less antagonistic.

>> No.6913134

>breeding is a form of genetic modification

Not a GMO opponent, but that's a stupid fucking argument. GMO refers to organisms that have their genes directly modified, not done through multiple generational iterations. Pretending it doesn't is just willfully stupid, like many GMO opponents that think 'natural' means 'healthy'.

>> No.6913137

This pretty much sums up my sentiments. I'd say a lot of Americans feel the same way too.

>> No.6913166

Only 68% of scientists agreeing that pesticide grown food is safe is no where near a concensus. Realistically anything that has below 95% agreement in the scientific community should not be considered as endorsed by the community. The point of the scientific process is that results are demonstrable and repeatable.

>> No.6913196

Your a pathetic douche. If they want actual diversity in the FDA or USDA. Get rid of the corporate interests or add on some green peace folk. Might just keep things in balance. Both are the far side of each scale.

>> No.6913204

Bullshit. It just means the rest are paid by Wall Street.

>> No.6913212

Sure it's buisness practices suck. Their chemicals for many years have been causing cancer and they say they are all safe. Lies. People are onto it and are choosing with their pocketbook.

>> No.6913270
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More Monsanto Scientists coming to their rescue. Sell outs! Pathetic! Independent academic scientists eh?


>> No.6913362

sure, that may be a large part of the current situation but are you implying that this technology could absolutely *never* be used to help people? banning ALL GMO technology just seems short-sighted.

>> No.6913421

>this is more about Monsanto's business practice than about GMOs
They banned GMOs, not Monsanto.

>> No.6913435


Jesus fucktard, exactly what I'm talking about. You can't even form a coherent sentence, yet want to give your view?

You're (see that? You are, not YOUR) not helping by spraying your stupidity everywhere. If you have actual facts to argue with, then do so. You haven't posted one, just wild accusations near conspiracy theories.

The FDA and USDA have a problem with regulatory capture. Combining that with accusations that GMOs are dangerous when NO study has shown so simply allows both points to be dismissed.

>> No.6913455 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6913458

sfw board.jpg

>> No.6913495

Pay attentiom they banned the growing not the consumption.

Europoors still consume GM foods/corn syrup by the truckload.

It's a puss symbolic vote, they never grew much corn, soybean, or cotton to begin with.

>> No.6913512

Why are yuros so obsessed with Americans?

>> No.6913780

True. They are also labeled. People are given a choice.

>> No.6913796

You are complete douchenozzle. FDA and USDA are corrupt. Run by ex Monsanto employees and interests. That is why Monsanto regulates themselves. All the "scientific" studies done for the FDF and USDA are from Monsanto interests. Then they are passed by those who used to work for Monsanto. You are a dipshit shill.

>> No.6913880


Except I'm not - and like I said the regulatory capture of the FDA is enabled by idiot people like you screaming that EVERY STUDY has been faked, etc. Because they can label the people with actual valid points as crazy people like you.

So thanks, not only for not learning anything, but actively making things worse. Also, learn what the term shill means, you fucking lepton.

>> No.6913905


>> No.6913911


>> No.6913916

Ther problem with you and your reasoning is that you work for Monsanto. This science is on our side. Monsanto is now gaining miserably and will continue to do so with their lies. They have poisoned this planet for too long.
Continue to watch your stock fall.
Continue to watch organic food sources get bigger.

>> No.6913941


and they're a first-world nation as well

...oh wait

>> No.6913946


>all of these agreements are for people who get funded a lot of money to agree with eachother

>> No.6913951



>> No.6914384

yeah, all scientists are wrong, the cashier at whole foods that gave you your information knows way more than them

>> No.6914385

>This science is on our side.
Says the art major who has never even read an academic article

>> No.6914422

i don't work for Monsanto - nor would you have any basis to say that on an anonymous board. I was working for left wing political causes when you were abortion age. I just actually know how to read a research paper and fact check, which are things you should learn. Your use of our is just more example

>> No.6914423

Your rediculous attempts to pretend I'm an art majors make me, which I am not offended by, make me laugh. I read about the biotech industry every day. I read what about what they do and how they do it. I graduated with a degree in horticulture. It does not even take a scientist to realize that Monsanto is in it for the bottom line. They sell seed to sell chemicals. There is no helping the planet. Not one of their inventions have actually helped anyone. It is all an illusion they try to convince people they need. Organic crops out produce GM and actually helps the soil instead of poisoning it. Go back to your desk at Monsanto and suck the dick of your superiors like we all know you do. It s a paycheck and you sold yourself for it. You sold your family. The funny thing is that the highest in Monsanto don't even eat GMO. It's all organic. I've eaten at their houses. They won't have it any other way. They know the poison they shill.

>> No.6914426

>Your rediculous attempts to pretend I'm an art majors make me, which I am not offended by, make me laugh.
Likewise with you assuming literally everybody that disagrees with you is a paid shill of Monsanto you fucking fruit loop.

>> No.6914431

the anti-gmo/anti-vax/anti-gluten crowd is overwhelmingly scientifically illiterate

>> No.6914433

You are a child.

>> No.6914436

>It does not even take a scientist to realize that Monsanto is in it for the bottom line
So what? I could say the same thing about apple though you almost certainly own one of their phones and computers

Regardless of Monsanto's intentions, GMO food is beneficial to both humanity and the environment as it will allow more food to be grow on less land with safer and smaller volumes of pesticides and in less ideal climates

>> No.6914440

>Organic crops out produce GM and actually helps the soil instead of poisoning it.
This just isn't true at all. What are you talking about?

>> No.6914444

This is a joke post, right?

>> No.6914473

Very true. Your a fucking idiot that has been brainwashed by the media if you believe otherwise.

>> No.6914478

So many Monsanto retards here today. How do they even sleep at night knowing what a bunch of idiots they are.

>> No.6914480

No seriously, that makes no sense and has no basis in empiric data or science. GMO foods use less water, nutrients and pesticides to get higher yields. That's literally what they're designed to do. Organic crops do have higher amounts of minerals but that's because they have to be planted in very rich, heavily fertilized soil to produce a decent crop.

>> No.6914481

what exactly about that statement is not factually correct?

It seems like the anti-science people here never have any argument besides "you and every scientist ever is paid by monsanto" or things that are factually untrue

>> No.6914484

Do you ever read? And yes these are from universities not paid for by Monsanto.


>> No.6914485


>> No.6914489

lol, sounds legit

>> No.6914491

lol, I'd rather have some symbiotic fungi on my crops than shitty pesticides that are still used on "organic" crops

>> No.6914494
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Bwahahahahaha! You guys are laughable.

>> No.6914496


>> No.6914497

No, you fucking nigger.
Selective breeding is technically considered genetic modification by any geneticist by or biologist worth his salt.
Where do you think the modern banana would be without genetic modification/selective breeding? Nature wants to KILL YOU and nothing wants to be EATEN. Thus we modify the organism to suit our needs.
Fuck you.

>> No.6914498

>bahahaha! here's another unsourced macro from my facebook page! btfo ell oh ell

>> No.6914500

Sources dude sources. Read the article. But you won't will you. Your afraid you might find the truth..

>> No.6914503

I know the farmer asshole.

>> No.6914505

did you even read the article they cited? They have a ridiculous way on interpreting the results

Your own fucking article says "With the exception of one commonly used trait—a Bt type designed to kill the European corn borer" which is the single most common type of genetic modification in corn.

Most importantly though, you are disregarding how your Luddite rhetoric is trying to prevent more crops from being developed in the future, even if your claim that GMOs do not allow more crop to be produce was currently true (which it isn't) the great thing about science is we can keep adding to what we currently have to develop even better stuff. This seems like a much better alternative than to never seek to make anything better by scientific means as you advocate

>> No.6914506

You are full of shit. One has nothing to do with the other. GM is done in a lab. Selective breeding is not. GM is done injecting foreign DNA that has nothing to do with plant matter. Selective breeding is breeding plants. Your an obvious ignorant Monsanto shill.

>> No.6914508

If anything that ad is saying how effective Organic food corporation marketing has been

>> No.6914509

>I read
That's hard to believe, considering you're a fucking illiterate. Write a paragraph without an egregious error, and we can start from there.

>> No.6914510

I'm thoroughly enjoying watching Europe's decline into the third world.

>> No.6914512

>Selective breeding is not
Well thats not true at all
>GM is done injecting foreign DNA that has nothing to do with plant matter.
and what is wrong with that?

>> No.6914513

Interesting you have your own spin on that article. Your an idiot.

>> No.6914514

leaving aside the quality source, that report was apparently funded by the USDA, whom you've called Monsanto shills, proving that you are a conspiracytard who will jump through hoops to cherrypick without a shred of logic or self-awareness.

I know his neighbour and he told me you are a retard. See why sources are important?

>> No.6914517

that article is incredibly misleading, and you should feel bad for even posting it

>> No.6914526
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Selective breeding has nothing to do with GM. I've provided proof and all you can say is "Derp! No it is the same." Obvious retard.

>> No.6914528

Here is a quote straight from the UW study that shitty source cited "For single-transgenic-trait hybrids compared with conventional seeds, average yield is greater by 6.54 bushels per acre for maize expressing Bt against European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis
; ECB) and by 5.76 for maize expressing phosphinothricin acetyl transferase conferring glufosinate tolerance (GFT)."

>> No.6914529


>> No.6914531

Source has university backups. Douche!

Unlike the universities that Monsanto pays millions to get their own results.

>> No.6914533

I actually have. Europeans eat pretty nice (of particular note on my trip to Europe was how the Italians have unreasonably good cheeses and tomatoes) and pay out the ass for food compared to in the States (even ignoring the stronger euro vs the dollar, food was like you took the price in dollars, added 2-3, and filed off the dollar sign and added a euro sign, that hurt my wallet like fuck, this was everywhere I went, France, Spain, Italy, Greece).

>> No.6914535

>Only universities that say what I want them to say count
When are you going to drop the ad hominem bullshit?

>> No.6914537

Selective breeding is just a less effective and less direct form of genetic modification. The results are the same, it just takes way the fuck longer. It is silly to be for one and against the other

>> No.6914540

One offends the Earth Mother, one doesn't. You wouldn't want to offend the Earth Mother, would you?

>> No.6914544

>This is the same company that sued farmers for the wind blowing neighboring Monsanto brand seeds onto their lots and alleging that they were using it without their permission.
They dropped the charges after it was proven that those seeds were on their lot by accident.

>> No.6914548

It was a quote from a Monsanto source in that article dumbass.

>> No.6914551

That dropped the charges on that one farmer. While going after many others.

>> No.6914552

what was?

>> No.6914557

To the patent office Mnsanto claims it is totally different. This is why they are able to patent it.

>> No.6914561

yes, but americans need to have control over all organic content, thus gmo.

>> No.6914568
File: 49 KB, 599x362, GMO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a summary of the results from the UW study that motherjones article cited.

Literally all of the GMO strains they studied were better than conventional corn. That article put such a ridiculous spin on these results

>> No.6914569

Funding type

Safe for environment

Prima facie evidence that a phytocystatin for transgenic plant resistance to nematodes is not a toxic risk in the human diet

Funding source

Scottish Executive of Rural Affairs
Department for International Development, UK

Funding country


Funding type


No adverse effect of genetically modified antifungal wheat on decomposition dynamics and the soil fauna community--a field study
Funding source

Swiss National Science Foundation


There are hundreds of independent studies, and they all show one thing.
It's not a health concern.

Fuck off luddites.

>> No.6914574

you can put patents on selectively bred crops too, look at the entire apple market

>> No.6914579


Here are all the studies.
Not all are independent, but there are a lot of government studies.
Find them yourself, I already linked a few.
GMO is safe.

>> No.6914593

>Selective breeding is not genetic modificaiton because I said so

>Y-you scientists are just Monsanto shills

Send an e-mail to my department head highlighting your points.
No, really, I want to see what he says so our entire lab can have a good laugh about it.

Here is his e-mail:


>> No.6914602

Ah cool, apparently pretty good for geology, one of my old profs was pretty proud to have done some research there, though it might have been the nature of his work that he was keen on.

>> No.6914616

That pic sort of implies that the only possible GMO is herbicide tolerance.

Are you also against crops being modified to be more virus resistant?

Or this
There is an ongoing research project called C4 Rice, which aims to create rice which uses the more efficient C4 photosynthesis pathway from corn, rather than the C3 photosynthesis native to rice. The C4 pathway requires only ⅓ the water as C3, meaning C4 rice could be grown in hot semi-arid environments and provide a stable food supply even during droughts. C4 plants also fix about an order of magnitude more CO2 than C3 plants, which could offset quite a bit of harm. If it ever proves successful, it may open the door to creating C4 wheat, C4 potatoes, C4 sugar beets, etc..

>> No.6914624

The UK government is a donor of the rice project.
So no Monsanto shilling.

>> No.6914628

Here's ten more scientific studies against GMOs.


>> No.6914647

that article was clearly written by someone who has never even studied science, they jump to wild conclusions from what they read in those studies, and most of what is reported there is not actually bad

>> No.6914651

>This study has since been retracted,
Lol, they are actually citing studies that have been retracted despite knowing they have been retracted

>> No.6914655

>Cites a website instead of the actual papers

Wow. You must have had a good read through all of those studies, huh? You must own a subscription to those journals because half of those papers have to be paid for.
Stop trying to be "scientific" you pleb.

>> No.6914656

1. has nothing to do with non herbicide tolerant GMOs.
2. >This still doesn’t mean that GMOs can enter into our cells
3. only about BT modified crops.
4. again herbicide
5. herbicide
6. herbicide
7. herbicide
8. herbicide
9. open the study, it's about the herbicide

Except for 1, they're all about herbicide use linked with those things.
What has herbicide use to do with other GMOs such as the golden rice project or >>6914616 rice project.

Please campaign against herbicide use, rather than GMO as GMO is much broader than herbicide tolerance.

>10 studies
And there are 1000+ studies from independent sources where the overwhelming majority is in favour of GMO use.

Most of what was reported was about herbicide use any way, and herbicide tolerance is only a very small part of what has been and can be done with GM.

He's probably somebody who protested against the golden rice project

>> No.6914659

How much money do you think Monsanto must have to provide a wage to literally everybody that disagrees with you? Because there's a lot just in this thread that do.

Both you and thart article, probably deliberately, conflate glyphosate herbicide with GMOs themselves, the Institute for Responsible Technology is a lobby group, and
> DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Can Be Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them
if DNA fragments do cross barriers enter the blood, it certainly doesn't somehow distinguish between GM DNA fragments and non-GM.

>> No.6914664

Hers some more peer reviewed


>> No.6914665

Monsanto should pay me to waste time on these idiots, seriously.

>> No.6914668

>DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Can Be Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them
thats my favorite one. It is such a ridiculous thing to be afraid of. As though your stomach can distinguish between "natural" DNA and DNA from GMO crops, also the implication that this DNA can enter your cells and then be transcribed (which would have some really wild implications if every gene from everything you eat was expressed in you)

>> No.6914669

Everything Monsanto Genetically Modifies is fucking Roundup resistant. That is all they are interested in is selling Chemicals. Have them come up with something that doesn't have terminator seeds so farmers have to buy every year or is not roundup resistant and we will talk about how good their GMOs are.

>> No.6914676

All those studies say is "Glyphosate", what has that to do with GMO as a whole.
Herbicide tolerance is only a very small part of GM.

But how does that affect GMO as a whole?
What about >>6914579 or the golden rice project?

Campaign against herbicide use instead of GMO you fucking Luddite.

>> No.6914677

>also the implication that this DNA can enter your cells and then be transcribed

Please tell me nobody actually thinks this.
Fucking normies can't even into 200 level cell biology.

>> No.6914678

Monsanto doesn't have a patent on genetic modification. Juts because you believe some conspiracy theory stuff about one company doesn't mean we should throw all science and progress out the window

>> No.6914681

>. Have them come up with something that doesn't have terminator seeds
Then you people would whine that it will get loose in the environment

>> No.6914682

This. So much this

>> No.6914683

lol shill didnt youre parents ever tell you you are what you eat, shill!

>> No.6914685

Yeah, they probably don't even know what gene expression is, they probably literally think GMO DNA strands are toxic

>> No.6914690

They play the patent game well. They exist to create profit. It doesn't matter what you think, they do not exist for the good of humanity.

Ethics isn't a part of the equation. Otherwise they wouldn't use lawsuits against farmers to create extra revenue.

>> No.6914694

>. They exist to create profit. It doesn't matter what you think, they do not exist for the good of humanity.
so what? The same can be said of basically everything. That doesn't mean we should disregard science

I know its cool to be anti-capitalist these days but it really shows your ignorance of both science and economics

>> No.6914926

You have this thing about disregarding science. No one is disregarding science. At all. That's your old ploy. It's idotic. It shows how stupid you really are.

>> No.6914931

It already is loose in the environment. Before the terminator seed were even around.

>> No.6914978

They also have the most designated shitting streets in the world, because they're the only country in the world with designated shitting streets.

>> No.6914992

I never said that. They do have the patent on the seeds they GM to be resistant to roundup (so they can sell their chemicals) seed that will be terminator, ( so the farmers will have to buy new seed every year) and so Monsanto can sue those that have the GM pollen get on their organic crops and sue the farmers. They have done it before and they will do it again.


>> No.6915002

We are not far behind them.

>> No.6915060

>all the studies that disprove my position are obviously fake and paid for by evil monsanto agents!
>all the studies that prove my position are independent, scientifically solid, and 100% irrefutable proof for my claims!

>> No.6915065

>degree in horticulture

so you're a glorified farmhand and think you know shit about biotech?
go take ochem and biochem 101 kid

>> No.6915068

You're right, we should all follow the lead of Greece when it comes to how to run a country.

>> No.6915462
File: 63 KB, 500x375, Simpsons Tomacco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting tomaccos

>> No.6915478

yeah. on a field.

Except you forgot to mention the part about hard radiation and chemical mutagenes to make the field part a bit quicker. Oh, and that type of completely random mutagenesis over the whole genome is completely legal and does not make it a GMO.

Fucking uneducated hypocrites.

>> No.6915483
File: 62 KB, 625x416, 6066e29ca06304b7763d06eccf282f43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they're not allowed to have a patent on life itself and sue farmers for the wind blowing on their field, then you hate science.

Why do liberals hate science? Water is dihydrogen monoxide.

>> No.6915678

I have a PHD bitch.

>> No.6915679

Then why does Monsanto lie and tell two tales? Who's the hypocrite?

>> No.6915684

what are they lying about?

>> No.6915709

>europeans continue being ignorant and a century behind the US

>> No.6915738

yeah, Europe has pulled this shit in the past

>> No.6915864

So many shills. Monsanto must be proud to have paid Luddites working for them in the fagatorium.

>> No.6915888

They tell the patent office they use an "inventive step" in the process of making GMOs. They do this to show there is a huge difference so they can get their patents.
They tell the rest of the world that it is the same thing as traditional breeding. They do this to keep everyone believing it is the same thing when it is not at all.

>> No.6915893

its a different means to the same ends. I don't think that is dishonest in anyway. I am not sure if you genuinely do not understand the process or are being facetious

>> No.6915901

It is getting worse for Monsanto and will continue to get worse for them. They stocks will continue to drop and all you butthurt Monsanto faggots will lose money and I will laugh my ass off. This is what happens when a company continuously lies about their products,(agent Orange, roundup, DDT, Aspertame, saccharin.) they sue farmers over patent infringement because GMO pollen gets on organic plants. Over 160000 Indian farmers have committed suicide because of Monsanto. This company will continue to fail and fuck them.

>> No.6915911

>Over 160000 Indian farmers have committed suicide because of Monsanto
God bless Monsanto. Go ahead and hedge against them, put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.6915913

you are an Aspartame conspiracy guy too? I am surprised you didn't add vaccines to the list. There is literally zero evidence aspartame is unhealthy
>Over 160000 Indian farmers have committed suicide because of Monsanto
Yeah, thats not true
>This company will continue to fail

I like how in your narrative they are both the largest, most politically influential company in the world, and also failing

>> No.6915921

>>6915893This is so laughable. You continue to spin this even when they lie to people's faces. I feel sorry for you. You are failing because everyone sees behind your bullshit. They are done. They've tried to change their name, they tried to buy Syngenta and they won't touch. They try to change the name of high fructose corn syrup to keep people confused. We will continue to let people know the truth. Soon it will be all over the U.S. media outlets. You are pathetic and scared. Good luck with that. I will keep my money in organic, and I'm making a shit ton of money. Not like Monsanto stock. Bwahahahahahaha!

>> No.6915927

read up on genetics a little, or just science in general for that matter

>> No.6915930

They have been and are the one of the most politically influential. They just don't have any say on individuals pocket books. This is why the are going to continue to fail. People are sick of the corporate run politicians and making up their own mind.

>> No.6915933

Obviously you need to. I have a PHD nigger.

>> No.6915941

So you got a phd without ever taking a genetics or biochem class?

>> No.6915945

we college now

>> No.6915967



>> No.6915982

those are very disreputable sources that actively lie to you in order to trick you into joining their cause

>> No.6915987

Your so pathetic. I have it all bitch. I will be speaking tomorrow night about the dangers of GM crops not being used the way they should be. Not to help mankind but to sell chemicals. You should come and we can have a discussion. It shouldn't be too hard to find where I am. It is all over the Internet. I tried to get Kevin Folta to come, but he is too much of a pussy to debate me.

>> No.6915990

And your going to tell me that some Monsanto paid for University is on the up and up? Both of these sources are very reputable. More so than any paid for Monsanto crap.

>> No.6915991


>> No.6915996

Yeah, I believe a peer reviewed article from a major university more than an uneducated blogger

>> No.6916000
File: 69 KB, 428x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6916001

don't be laughable

>> No.6916004

Every source I supplied was peer reviewed. Just not peer reviewed by Monsanto paid lackies.

>> No.6916010

maybe reviewed by some organic agribusiness shills

>> No.6916014


>> No.6916115

Or the every heating up climate does that while liberals like you decide to stop scientific progress and kill off billions.
But hey, all that matters is that you feel good about yourself while you live in fucking Beverly Hills driving your electric car to Whole Food

>> No.6916120

I'm not a liberal. Is that the only response you assholes can come up with. Liberal, hippie, Luddite. It's like your on a tape loop.

>> No.6916124

I don't shop at whole foods. There is plenty of food to feed the world. 1/3 of the worlds food goes to the dump.

>> No.6916128

>Is that the only response you assholes can come up with
not really, the response has mostly been science, but you apparently don't care about facts because all scientists and university chairs are on Monsanto's payroll but conspiracy theorist bloggers are reputable

>> No.6916134

>There is plenty of food to feed the world. 1/3 of the worlds food goes to the dump.
Thats misleading because most of the food that goes to the dump is in affluent places, GMOs will increase yields in areas with shitty climate and soil, or simply places that just have much less land per person. You are also not taking into consideration how the world population is expected to boom over the next few decades, so even if we have plenty of food now the amount of farmland per person globally will shrink manyfold in the near future

>> No.6916157

That's because that's what you are. Want us to make more adjectives to describe you with?

>> No.6916259


>> No.6916262

Wild corn doesn't even exist mate wtf

>> No.6916274

Prove it faggot. Show us your degree.

>> No.6916595

Obviously you don't either. I cited all non paid for by Monsanto peer reviewed studies. Anything that comes out of Monsanto is bullshit. Just to sell their products.

>> No.6916609


>> No.6916618

Prove to me you have any buisness saying Monsanto GMO are safe. Faggot.

>> No.6916624

Name one good Monsanto product.

>> No.6917627

You are a hippie.

>> No.6917641

Not one person could name a good Monsanto product.

>> No.6919467

Fuck all of you American GMO shills.

I don't care about Monsanto, all GMOs are bad. I wish European countries would start banning HFCS next. Fuck all this poisonous US "food". We don't want your shit, fuck off.

>> No.6919470

>all GMOs are bad

Please explain what is negative about GMOs, I'll wait.

>> No.6919482

Aren't you shills the ones who call anti GMO people liberals? But now you are crying crocodile tears about feeding billions of nigger spawn? Fuck you, they can starve for all I care, there's too much of them already.

If no GMOs means less niggers alive, that's just an extra.

Now call me a liberal again you shilling fuck face.

>> No.6919494

They are bad for your health.

Food shouldn't come out of a fucking laboratory. I don't eat stuff with preservatives or artificial coloring either.

>> No.6919499

most anti-GMO people are liberals and women. the exact same people behind the anti-vax and anti-gluten and anti-MSG movements.

You will have a hard time finding a man who is as afraid of science and progress as liberals are

>> No.6919503

>Food shouldn't come out of a fucking laboratory
Why not?

The farm is a lab too, agriculture is entirely unnatural and the result of human ingenuity and experimentation

>> No.6919542

>You will have a hard time finding a man who is as afraid of science and progress as liberals are

Nobody is afraid of science and progress. Fucking up our food isn't progress. I don't even eat regular supermarket food, I only eat organic and mostly locally farmed produce, dairy and meat.

There's lots of men, farmers, pencil pushers and just regular consumers in Europe, who are very much against GMOs and other unhealthy "food" products from the USA.

>> No.6919553

This. Carrots used to be purple, until humans (I think the Danish?) starting breeding them and messing wit them. Only difference with modern methods is that they are cheaper in the long run, decades quicker and a lot more precise. Also, no verified reports of negative effects.

Downside? Don't worry, I'll wait.

>> No.6919560

I thought HFCS was banned?

>> No.6919570

I love this fucking angle. Pure fucking dishonesty and semantics.

Next you'll tell me that modifying plants with animal DNA is the same thing as non-hybrid vegetable varieties that have been selected for centuries.

Even hybrid plants are absolutely not the same as GMOs out of the lab.

>> No.6919585

>breeding them and messing wit them
They weren't messed with and breeding vegetables just means you use only the seeds of the plants that were the best or most desirable.

>> No.6919597

Selective breeding (and with it modern mutagenic techniques that are considered organic by the left) is just as unnatural as modern GMO techniques, the distinction is one is more scary to you as you are uneducated.

How is humans experimenting with breeding plants for desired traits not qualify for what you describe as "Food shouldn't come out of a fucking laboratory? It is completely arbitrary for you to be against GMOs because it is "unnatural" to use a lab when agricultural fields were literally the original labs that allowed human civilization to begin

>> No.6919603

>here's lots of men, farmers, pencil pushers and just regular consumers in Europe, who are very much against GMOs and other unhealthy "food" products from the USA.
Thanks to good marketing and a lot of money spent by the organic food lobby and general lack of science education in europe (see how their universities rank compared to american ones)

>> No.6919604

It's not banned but just like everything else, it has to be listed as an ingredient. So you can completely avoid it if you wish but it's rather hard to find products with it.

There are also no tariffs on sugar so there's no economic incentive to use HFCS instead of real sugar.

So while it is not banned, it is relative rare to find brands that use it.

>> No.6919608

>just means you use only the seeds of the plants that were the best or most desirable.
How is that any different than adding in a desirable gene with modern techniques other than taking longer?

>> No.6919610

>Selective breeding is just as unnatural as modern GMO techniques


>> No.6919618

>HFCS instead of real sugar.
lol at the implication that sugar from one source is more real than sugar from another source

>> No.6919625

Selectively breeding tomatoes and splicing a fish gene into a tomato plant is not the same thing.

>> No.6919627

What the fuck does 'unnatural' mean to you? You are obviously using the term incorrectly apparently as a word for sciencey things you do not understand
Farming of any kind is entirely unnatural, just because GMO techniques are more modern advancements doesn't make them less natural than previous technological advancements

>> No.6919640
File: 117 KB, 447x747, Best Global Universities for Agricultural Sciences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks to good marketing and a lot of money spent by the organic food lobby
The organic food lobby? Thanks for a hearty laugh, I wish there was one though.

>and general lack of science education in europe
Are you fucking serious? You have schools teaching fucking creationism. Don't you fucking talk to me about a lack of science education here. Get fucked, burger.

>> No.6919645

Of course a GMO shill would also think HFCS is the same as sugar.

>> No.6919651

And you obviously think scientists can do no wrong. Everything produced in a lab is progress and therefore good and healthy according to you.

Companies would never try to get their shit on the market without stringent and sufficient testing. They don't care about profits, all that really matters to them is your health as a consumer.

>> No.6919666

>Thanks for a hearty laugh, I wish there was one though.
The very fact that people think being "organic" is a desirable trait shows what am effective job the corporations have done at marketing them
>Are you fucking serious? You have schools teaching fucking creationism. Don't you fucking talk to me about a lack of science education here
Yeah, in some bumfuck place in the south were few people live, which is awful and undefendable but its not like its is commonplace in america

The fact is that while ameerican child education lags behind, american universities are far more advanced than their european counterpart, especially when it comes to science and technology

>> No.6919673

>is the same as sugar.
It is a type of sugar, no more or less sugar than cane sugar, not the same but sugar none the less

>> No.6919676

>And you obviously think scientists can do no wrong. Everything produced in a lab is progress and therefore good and healthy according to you.
Sure scientists can do wrong, but I am not prepared to assume almost the entirety of science and research is wrong because Monsanto has corrupted them without a shred of evidence to support that position.

Believing in things for which there is no evidence and shunning progress is the realm of religion, and this is firmly where you stand

>> No.6919686

>Companies would never try to get their shit on the market without stringent and sufficient testing. They don't care about profits, all that really matters to them is your health as a consumer.
No one is saying these companies are benevolent or charities, but the fact is killing you customers is rarely good business and it is crazy to assume they are trying to do that.
Really you have to follow the evidence, the corporations' motives are irrelevant, all that matters is the evidence and there is no evidence whatsoever than GMOs are unhealthy despite an incredibly amount or research put into it

>> No.6919702

>Companies would never try to get their shit on the market without stringent and sufficient testing.
Monsanto spends millions of dollars on research every single day. It is a fucking nightmare for a company to release a product that ends up being harmful

>> No.6919716

>I went to an anti-Monsanto rally in New York City and I was really impressed by how thoughtless and short-sighted the people there were … It got to the point where they wanted you to believe the President of the United States is controlled by Monsanto.
Bill Nye on anti-GMOers

>> No.6920801

He is controlled by Monsanto. He went into his presidency saying he was going to label GM. Turned his back on everyone. He's done that a lot. He turned out to be a corporate lacky.

>> No.6920807

Funny Bill Nye was anti GMO until Monsanto brought him to their headquarters and changed his mind. Either they had pictures of him with a dead tranny or they paid his ass off.

>> No.6920814

The FDA could do no wrong.


>> No.6920824

A desirable gene only to Monsanto so they can sell more herbicide at the cost of the health of the planet and the humans and animals that live on it.

>> No.6920835


Or, being a science guy, he evaluated new evidence and reevaluated his conclusions in light of it?

Having previously been anti-GMO myself, I can tell you I modified my view WITHOUT Monsanto blackmailing me. I STILL don't like Monsanto, and think they're criminals - but GMOs as a technology I have not problem with.

>> No.6920836

The Pharmaceutical companies wait till people start dying before they take a product off the market and have to pay out millions in fines and retribution. They know from the start the problems will arise. They put it in their budget.
Just like Monsanto.

>> No.6920839

The technology I don't have a problem with either. It is how it is being used at this point I have a problem with.

>> No.6920854


I don't like how Monsanto is using it to try and steal the entire agriculture business as a perversion of IP either.

>> No.6920859


Why is it that Crazy People often fuck up on capitalization, but Rarely on Spelling?

>> No.6920915

Natural arsenic is not a carcinogen

You either take enough of it into your blood that you suffocate or you don't

>> No.6920971

You have got to be kidding me. They are even ad,it ting it is at levels too high for human consumption. Cancer causing.

>> No.6921190

or you know he just talked to a bunch of scientists and became better educated

>> No.6921816

The best before dates are usually when the money back guarantee ends on those products so they have to be kinda proactive with setting them to be SURE they don't go stale or anything

>> No.6921830

>europe is willingly walking backwards through time

>> No.6921883
File: 57 KB, 396x530, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've eaten at their houses.

>> No.6921891
File: 226 KB, 1409x1435, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm running out of thaiboy digital reaction pics someone get more

>> No.6921917

Are you serious? Take a fucking class about soil, or at least read a tiny bit about it before you fucking embarass yourself again

>> No.6922942

google for "superweeds" and see how nature reacts to gmos.

>> No.6923000

it's just conservatism at this point. Some old grandpa in a rocking chair mumbling shit

>food used to be this way it should always be this way! God is my science

>> No.6923030

No he talked to a bunch of shills and got richer because of it.

>> No.6923034
File: 165 KB, 713x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is definitely a sign when animals prefer organic. I actually tried this with a number of organic and GMO fruits and vegetables. Organic chosen every time.

>> No.6923042

Science is how breeding was started. So it has nothing to do with hating science. The difference is that Monsanto Genetically Modifies to be Roundup resistant, have its own pesticide in the seed to kill bagworms, and to not produce more seed. (Terminator seeds) there is no helping mankind by feeding them. There is and always has been enough food to feed the world. Their drought resistant corn failed miserably. Outdone by organic corn crops. They want to sell seed that will sell their chemicals.

>> No.6923208

So global warming is a hoax, right?

>> No.6923228

>tfw living in Italy
>sometimes I just want some oreos man

>> No.6923230


That's actually a quite valid critique.

>> No.6923231

That was very nice of the animals to eat top to bottom and then eat without missing kernels.

>> No.6923249

It would only be a valid critique if it were backed up by evidence to state his contrary claims.

>> No.6923256


It's not sourced - however critiquing Monsanto for focusing on pesticide resistance rather than yield or drought resistance, if true, is a valid critique of the benefits of GMOs being squandered.


>> No.6923265

No it isn't, it's the exact same since hippies think profit is evil. And Monsanto focusing on pesticide resistance doesn't preclude another company pumping research into yield or drought resistant crops (although it may serve as evidence that such research is not profitable to be undertaken by a for-profit corporation).

>> No.6923287


Hello from 1973 time traveller, we have many wonders here in the future. But no hippies determining policy.

>although it may serve as evidence that such research is not profitable to be undertaken by a for-profit corporation

That's part of the problem with the Monsanto approach. They have to focus on a way to monetize the GMO product, and to do so they're basically extorting farmers who aren't customers of theirs. That's a bad business model that necessitates graft and corruption, because it can only be enforced through regulation.

It also ignores the fact that the crops Monsanto is modifying don't come from the void - corn, in particular, represents many generations of humans working to domesticate the crop to the point where it can't reproduce on its own. However I don't see Monsanto paying IP royalties (like they demand for their own products) to Mexico.

All in all I think an opensource model of staple crops would provide more good overall. Just like, my opinion, man.

>> No.6923404

>One corporation does scummy things with a new production method
>Universally ban said method
Stay classy Yurop

>> No.6923415

>using patent office as a source for claims
There are patents for time machines and perpetual motion mechanical engines. Kindly fuck off. Monsanto may be a shit corporation, but that doesn't mean GMOs as a whole are evil, toxic or hazardous.

>> No.6923427

No one here is defending Monsanto you retard. Monsanto isn't the only source of GMOs out there.

>> No.6923431

A PhD on women's studies and/or political science?

>> No.6923435

>special interest source

>> No.6923763

Can't buy fucking anything in poland, even in the "luxury" markets. I rather live in merica and have the variety

>> No.6923825

You do know that what Europoors decide to ban is just as dictated by politics as what the US decides to ban, right?