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6906628 No.6906628 [Reply] [Original]

Peanut butter n' jelly thread. What kinds of improvements can be made for delicious PBnJs? like is marmalade/jam better alternatives, and softer tastier breads rather than wonderbread?

>> No.6906629


>> No.6906639

I use tortillas. I've moved passed white bread.

>> No.6906642

Peanut butter, pickle, mayonnaise, a little bit of honey if you have it.

>> No.6906643

>le memes
some form of chocolate.
i dont really care about the bread because its whats inside that counts.

>> No.6906653

>persevere of choice or honey
>banana slices

>> No.6906656

This tbh fam

>> No.6906658

Grill that shit like a grilled cheese

>> No.6906665

I used to live off of PB&pickle as a kid, but adding mayo and honey is fucking gross. Maybe the honey only would be okay but just GTFO with that mayo bullshit.
I personally like chunky PB and blackberry preserves, and I imagine if you beer battered it and deep fried it it would be even better.

>> No.6906671

>GTFO with that mayo bullshit

Try it m8. Haven't had one of those sammy's in forever, but the mayo definitely adds something.

>> No.6906675

Rye bread, spicy mustard and leaf lettuce with mint chocolate chip icecream, pb&j

>> No.6906679

Was always fond of potato bread.

Honey obviously and bananas if you want to eat like a 6 year old.

The best is to take just peanut butter and bread and throw it in a pan like you would a grilled cheese.

>> No.6906703

prepare to rage

>> No.6906706

I think the best part is when she shills for the jew bread

>> No.6906713

Put a couple slices of Oscar Meyer bologna in the middle and fry it up.
Elvis Presley may have died on the pot, but damn if he didn't know how to eat.

>> No.6908133
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At first I was like... Okay, fresh peanut butter, fresh jam, I agree.
Never had challah but it's gotta be better than wonder bread, so again agree.
then she had to do it.
all my barf.

Steps to a good PB&J
1. Good ingredients
2. Toast the bread or pan-fry the slices first. (adds firmness and texture. Don't fry the whole sandwich, fry the bread and add ingredients afterwards)
thats it.

Good alternative ingredients:
Honey, Preserves, mild or sweet cheeses, sliced fruit, chocolate/caramel/hazelnut types of spreads, bacon, chopped nuts.

>> No.6908150

All a peanut butter sandwich needs is a good jam or jelly. My current favorite is Peach Cardamom Jam.

>> No.6908160

Besides the bacon (does nothing for me honestly), everything here I agree with.

>> No.6908165

My ideas have changed, but not what it can be. What it's not allowed to be. This is not allowed.

>> No.6908169

I do this, but lightly dip each side of the sandwich in egg/milk and fry up like French toast.

>> No.6908383

cooking it on the stove with some butter like a grilled cheese is fucking bomb. maybe add some bacon

>> No.6908400

Fig preserves bro, trust me on this.

>> No.6908428
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>> No.6908693

>dip each side of the sandwich in egg/milk and fry up like French toast.
Now that sounds interesting.
This. Best preserve for a pbj. I don't know why, but it's absolutely fucking perfect.

>> No.6908736

I'm an apricot man myself

>> No.6909239

mein nigr

>> No.6909271

this. fig jam/preserves and cashew butter. it sounds pretentious because it is. but it's also delicious.

>> No.6910498

lol murricans

>> No.6910521

Hey there friend,
PB&J has made its way to Ireland, I have them pretty regularly. They are great stuff (although its jam instead of jelly.
Don't knock it until you try it.

I always toast mine, brings out the peanut flavour even more.

>> No.6910529

hey americans I had peanut butter some weeks ago and it was dry and plain as fuck why do you eat that shit

It was out of an MRE thing so it might have been bad I don't know

>> No.6910530

Sliced banana

>> No.6910535

You're an idiot

>> No.6910555

Peanut butter and pumpkin butter together.

Use english muffin.


Would you judge Japan by some cheap two-day-old truckstop sushi?

>> No.6910579

Bread of choice, peanut butter, mango chutney, butter both sides and grill like a grilled cheese.

>> No.6910601
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went to a peanut butter and jelly specialty eatery today and was harshly reminded that the only reason pb&j's are fucking baller is because they are simple and lazy as fuck. paying $6+ for a pb&j is such fucking shit.

>> No.6910610

roasted cherry tomatos go well on the sandwich; also honey.

>> No.6910613

>posting grilled cheese in pbj thread
fug off lad

>> No.6910663
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>> No.6910667

>Your doing it wrong!
Fuck off I do what I want.
I just want to punch her.

Also that fresh peanut butter is greasy as fuck too. Peanuts are oily.

>> No.6910722

I just have crunchy peanut butter (the kind with nothing but peanuts) and some extra mixed nuts in the sandwich for extra crunchiness. I refrigerate my pb though, so its not really oily.

>> No.6910918

Why don't you pb both slices?

>> No.6910975
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>Being over the age of 13
>Still drinking milk

>> No.6910988

>that turn the video takes at 2:05

>> No.6911019
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>being an adult
>still giving a fuck about what other people think

>> No.6911023

guava jelly and cayenne pepper

>> No.6911081

second time i've seen someone say this today. Why? milk is amazing, what shitty milk do you drink ?

>> No.6911093
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>that guy that always enters threads with "being over the age of 13, drinking/eating X"

>> No.6911135

PP&J Perfect as is. Screw with something else.

>> No.6911145

Make it with eggo waffles.

>> No.6911996
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>Peanut butter and pumpkin butter together.

Seconding this option, it's superb.

>> No.6912089

peanut butter and apple butter

>> No.6913804

>Ruining your peanut butter sandwich with fucking jelly