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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6906314 No.6906314 [Reply] [Original]

>go to grocery store
>self-serve meat section
>get 2 lbs organic free range chicken breasts
>go through self checkout
>mark as bananas

>> No.6906317
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>> No.6906321

I do this all the time!

>3 pounds of pine nuts, 28 dollars a pound
>oat code
>3 dollars

pine nut butter is fucking dank

>> No.6906329

sad and pathetic

>> No.6906333
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>grab a 2 lb wedge of fancy cheese
>it's 45 dollars
>scan as summer squash
>tell the security guard to have a nice day as I leave

>> No.6906340

This always seemed like one of those things that's stupidly easy to do, you're relatively unlikely to get caught at, but if you do get caught you might be fucked.

Maybe you'll just get barred from the store, maybe you'll end up with a criminal record that fucks you over for life. Personally not worth the risk to save a few bucks.

>> No.6906343

>scoop up a pound of cocaine
>put in as white sugar

>> No.6906346

What's it like being too poor to afford food, peasant?

>> No.6906352
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>go into grocery store with cart
>grab a drink from the front and go straight to the chips aisle
>go up and down the rest of the aisles eating my chips and drinking my drink putting random shit in my cart
>when the bags empty I just leave the cart where it is with the empty chip bag and soda bottle in the kid seat thing
>walk out of the store

>> No.6906353

No one ever thinks they'll get caught.

Also, most businesses have some built in loss prevention expenses. If you steal from the same store you shop at regularly then you're just going to end up paying it back in the long term with increased prices.

>> No.6906356

ITT: neets on foodstamps acting all high and mighty whilst sucking down ranch dressing from a baby bottle

>> No.6906366

fuck that.

>> No.6906368
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>peel a security strip off of a razor set
>keep security strip in wallet
>every time I visit store alarm goes off
>they think it must be my phone
>shoplift casually while laughing with the clerk about how funny it is that the alarm always goes off for me

>> No.6906378

>le epic food thief meme
*yawn* Call back when you have new material. We all know that 99% of the people who post these haven't even stolen a pen from the DMV.

>> No.6906381

Lot of places shoplifting is dealt with out of the criminal courts. They'll usually threaten you with taking it to the courts, which is honestly usually in everyone's best interest. Typically you'll see two things:

- They'll make you sign something acknowledging that you are banned from the premises/possibly their other properties, and if you ever go back then they'll have you arrested for trespass
- Demand compensation for the item. This is a civil court matter, and most states allow them to charge up to twice the cost of the item plus extra for costs and such.

Either way though, shoplifting is still an ultra pleb thing to do.

>> No.6906384

When you get caught (and you WILL get caught) the cost of court fees, damages, and time wasted on your case will be greater than the money you saved. It's just not worth it, even though swapping labels or using the wrong code is so easy. Stores can keep track of that shit too, they'll find out.

>> No.6906399

I'm fairly sure the self checkouts randomly fuck up in purpose so the girl has to come over and check your things.

>> No.6906402

>work retail in Canada when in university
>shoplifting frustrating as fuck
>basically not allowed to actually do anything, even security can't really do shit besides call the police

>> No.6906405

Then they're not really self checkouts are they?

>> No.6906406

could be. wouldnt surprise me because we put a man on the moon 50 years ago, and you are telling me automatic scanners cant read a loaf of bread?

>> No.6906414

I don't think it's a question of "Can" or "Can't," more of "It can, but we know people shoplift so we make an excuse to have the attendant come over and make sure you aren't shoplifting"

>> No.6906419

>Work in America retail at a grocery store
>Don't give a remote fuck about shoplifting
>Become a manager
>Be in an awkward position where I have to care, but cannot really do anything

Seriously, I missed being a clerk where I could simply be like "lol didn't see nuffin" and go dick around.

>> No.6906420

>fill up plate at self serve salad bar
>add an extra baby tomato
>pop the tomato in my mouth while waiting in line for weigh-in
>finish eating before paying and tipping hat to cashier as I leave

>> No.6906421

>people who can't use a simple machine properly

>> No.6906425


>> No.6906435

No, they really don't.

Hell, a lot of places are starting to pump the breaks on self checkout because the amount of theft it allows is unreal.

>> No.6906443

They've already thwarted shop lifting by checking for weight every time you scan an item at my store

>> No.6906449

Doesn't apply to things you find the code for yourself, such as things you bag yourself in whatever aisle.

>> No.6906451

Maybe you should read OPs post before you reply

>> No.6906458

This would still work though, for something like 2lbs of chicken as 2lbs of carrots.

>> No.6906463

No it wouldn't work, tard. 2 pounds is 2 pounds.

>> No.6906467

what are you talking about...? You could get away with it because 2 pounds of "chicken" is the same as 2 pounds of "carrots"

>> No.6906468

Didn't think that one through then. There has to be done system. Otherwise it's like going to space and realising when you get there you forgot to design a space suit or invent a parachute.

Surely the amount they save in not having cashiers makes up some of that loss.

>> No.6906470

Your unclear post saying "that would work" was too vague, to the point where I didn't know if you thought running something as something else would work, or the stores weighing system would somehow fool it.

>> No.6906473

I don't get why people who would never shoplift would do this at self check outs. It's the same fucking thing, less reward for stealing and same punishment / moral consequence when getting caught.

>> No.6906479

It depends; you have to remember that employees are rather expensive, even minimum wage ones. The companies that went at it full force are now realizing that theft has increased rapidly, and now that credit card fraud is becoming a store issue rather than a bank issue there are increasing concerns about the security of automated checkouts.

The clerks that watch over them tend to be there more for issues of purchasing alcohol or tobacco.

>> No.6906481

No Srsly.
>Scan item.
>Put it down
>machine says put the item down.
>pick up item and put it back down.
>unexpected item.

>> No.6906483

They generally rely on:
- Cashiers keeping an eye on things. Most are set up so the cashier can see the stations and see a list of what's being rung up on their screen.
- Most people being generally honest or at least fearful of getting arrested to say $10.

Of course, the cashiers watching the self checkouts are unreliable, and people can be pretty shitty.

>> No.6906485

>The clerks that watch over them tend to be there more for issues of purchasing alcohol or tobacco.

Not in the uk.

>> No.6906488

Fine. For issues of purchasing anything sharper than a boiled egg.

>> No.6906490

Oh god no. Imagine if a bit of the shell broke off and got in your eye.

Captcha: select eggs.

>> No.6906492
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>tfw cheeky banter

>> No.6906495
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I got busted doing this by the senior lady working the register thing there. She came zooming over and said something like "Sir these aren't rolled oats" and then asked me what they actually were. I just played dumb and made her void them.

Since then I see her all the time and she gives me nasty looks but that's all that's come of it. Plus I still do the same heist all the time when she has her back turned. You nerds claiming OMG YOU COULD GO TO PRISON need to come back to reality.

>> No.6906498

Just cause it's the future now doesn't mean that everything isn't far more technological looking than it actually is and held together with little more than string and paper clips.

>> No.6906502

Sure could be thinking you could pull a gun on her. People have done worse for less. It's not worth her paycheck to hassle you anymore than she's supposed to in front of the management.
You'll get a jobsworth one day. He'll make you day pretty crappy.

>> No.6906507

Would you have sucked her dick to get out of the arrest?

>> No.6906508

It's actually shocking how poorly engineered stuff like this is.

Probably because the talented software and hardware engineers that could build a really polished system find much cooler things to work on.

Pretty much every bit of hardware and software in the retail industry, from point of sale to inventory management feels like it was written by a team of high school kids in VB6.

>> No.6906513

Underrated post

>> No.6906514

funny you say that stuff. i recently bought an off-brand mp4 player, and the "random" setting is a very basic, obvious equation. it goes down 3 songs from the first track on the list, then up 5, then down the list 8 songs, then back up 2 etc, every time

began to think i was experiencing deja vu, but its really just some underpaid indian programmer's awful work

>> No.6906518

First jobs and worst jobs. Anyone decent is doing high tech stuff (which is still flashier looking than it actually is.)

>> No.6906527

Yup. My first job was with a huge company Keane working on some seriously shitty software. The basic workforce consisted of two core groups:
- people fresh out of school using this as a first job
- people who were so shitty they couldn't get a better job and were basically stuck there

The project I worked on was shit, and if I'm honest, I made it shittier because I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. When I did start to know what the fuck I was doing, I found a much better job.

Most people start out shitty, you have to write some shit code to get it out of your system, and a huge majority of that shitty code ends up in accounting systems and retails systems where they want cheap over good and the only people willing to dedicate their lives to a better cash register have little other options.

>> No.6906529
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It's fun too when you realize how much indifference and lack of adaption there is.

When I was in college, I was working retail and realized that the point of sale system was over 25 years old. It failed constantly, and when tax codes changed, the entire system collapsed.

>> No.6906539

well since my name isn't Jamal or Tyrone I don't steal.

>> No.6906541

I only do this with organic produce. No reason I should be charged 50 cents a pound more for something the source locally and pay less for usually.

inb4 muh organic. I've had better luck with quality when it comes to organic. It has a much faster turn around in my area so it's almost always fresher.

>> No.6906542

But self checkouts no the difference here in UK so can't do this shit anymore

>> No.6907333

>organic tomatoes
>mark as bananas

>> No.6908142

Why not just fill the banana peel with meat so nobody will ever know?

>> No.6908147

White people steal pussy shit like candy bars, so you aren't making a real point.

>> No.6908154

No, white people get jobs and contribute to society

>> No.6908164

No, gypsies, shitskins and somalis steal

Whites build society and make sure every item is registered in the checkout

>> No.6908175

Or you could just say WOOPS lol entered the wrong code, didn't even see LOL silly me!

>> No.6908176

>accidentally select organic bananas

>> No.6908179

I tried this once, I put on truss tomatoes and tried to weigh them as field tomatoes, the bitch was onto me like a hawk, I just said aren't tomatoes tomatoes?

>> No.6908183

I once saw a white woman trying to steal meat by sticking in in a clear vinyl purse.

That only works if you ring it up as something one number off.

>> No.6908202
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>take organic, expensive produce
>ring it up as regular, inexpensive produce
>if ever caught, feign ignorance, since it's a reasonable enough mistake

>> No.6908444


>> No.6908466


I don't know about in the US, but in the UK scanning an item through as something else is fraud rather than shoplifting. If caught, you'd be better off if you'd just stolen it.

>> No.6908521

Asking the tough questions.

>> No.6908533

>craving peaches
>really can't afford a peach
>literally do not have the money for a peach
>go to supermarket
>can afford a single apple but not a peach
>grab a peach, press "apple" at checkout
>get off scot free
criminal mastermind tbh

>> No.6908553

>goo to taco bell
>order water cup
>get sprite

>> No.6908573
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>yfw groceries stores count for this and let you do it

>> No.6908583
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>can't afford a single peach
you can literally beg for change outside for like 20 minutes

>> No.6908948

>TFW spent all my bux already and now I'm starving for the next week till the first of the month

I may not be a nigger, but I sure live like one

>> No.6909001

"that's a funny looking tomato" said the self-check out attendant about my bag of figs. Not paying $2.99/fig, but I feel like it makes up for it when I buy a bulb of garlic or a lemon and it's like a dollar.

>> No.6909083

>go to bodega
>high five cashier and tell him his manbun looks good
>suddenly have to take a dump
>drop pants and squat in the snack aisle
>the shit comes out really watery, probably from that curry I had earlier
>cashier notices a smell
>starts heading over to see whats going on
>I panic
>start smearing shit all over my face while laughing maniacally
>I pull out my pocket knife and start carving swastikas into my forehead and chest
>the cashier starts sobbing
>the trap has sprung.jpg
>I press start and bring up the menu
>select pokeball
>throw pokeball at cashier
>hes caught
>run over to the entrance and lock the door
>have my own fucking bodega

its like you guys don't want to be happy

>> No.6909125

>get a few things at the store
>clerk ringing up my things
>that'll be 60+ dollars
"that's can't be right"
>she accidentally entered the code for red onions as a price, 4001 or something like that
>almost paid $40.00 for 1 red onion

>> No.6909129

>start to mention the price mistake
>cashier hits the security button
>get shot by the off-duty cop behind you in line
such is life in America

>> No.6909132

>be white

>> No.6909141
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>go to /ck/
>read this

>> No.6909204

That's 20 less minutes spent shitposting.

>> No.6909213

Guys, just don't steal over $50 worth of product. They won't pursue small stuff. There are people stealing entire carriages worth of product.

>> No.6909251
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is this cheating? it even makes beef ramen taste good

>> No.6909259

As someone who's worked in a grocery store no they do not.

It's that it's impossible to catch you fuckers.

>> No.6909264

The one at my supermarkets says "item removed from bagging area" and makes you put it back down.

>> No.6909269

>see some little box of licorice hard candy things for a dollar
>clerk scans them halfway through my trolley of groceries
>rings up cost as 48k dollars
I still don't even

>> No.6909293

Please don't ever post this again

>> No.6910494

Use sambal oelek instead, it's the goat ramen condiment.

>> No.6910621


They can afford bananas.

>> No.6910633

>self serve meat section


>> No.6910639

Dumpster diver here

eat shit, richfag

>> No.6910650

it's like the butcher section except you wrap it up yourself instead of them doing it

>> No.6910665

Never seen that before

>> No.6910683

I didn't really do this on purpose but it did involve me stealing from self check out

> be in a rush shopping at Walmart
>self check out machine is going slow as fuck
>every time I put an item in the bagging area it takes 30 seconds to a minute to register and says please put item in bagging area
> anger is slowly building
>I'm eventually going as fast as I can while cursing under my breath
>realize that I forgot to scan the toilet paper but already paid so I just load up my cart with bagged items
>while I'm walking away I look to my right and see the self check out girl walking towards me and I guess I unintentionally gave her an angry or intimidating look
>she literally stops walking towards me and looks at the floor
>continue walking away with the biggest fucking grin on my face

>> No.6910882

I'll leave the shit-eating to you as well you literal trash-eating pleb.

>> No.6910888


yeah that was a poor choice of words dude

>> No.6912799

No :^)

>> No.6912899


2lbs of chicken would weigh more than 2lbs of carrots. Chicken has so much water.

>> No.6912939

Yes, you are quite correct..........

>> No.6912943


>not sure if serious . . .

>> No.6913349

depends of the breed of chicken. 2lbs of a Rhode Island Red is actually closer to 1.75lbs
that's how the chicken farmers get you

>> No.6913365

My shoes set off the alarm every time. I wonder if I can take advantage of this?

>> No.6913384

>Walk around with shopping cart of items including bag of grapes
>Pop a grape in mouth every now and then
>Eaten ~10-15 grapes
>Put rest of bag back in grape area
I get free grapes and get off scot free

>> No.6913390


Sure. Get an accomplice, have them shoplift. You walk through first, set off alarm. They walk through immediately afterwards. They'll assume the alarm is you, and while they're searching you the other person gets away.

>> No.6913399

Overrated post

>> No.6913462

Base winter lulu.

>> No.6913906

Adequately rated post

>> No.6913925

I had that happen to me before 3 months before I realized my new wallet still had a security strip in it that never got properly deactivated.

>> No.6914057

this is a post

>> No.6914168


>> No.6915044

Idk about every place, but I've work security in grocery stores before (shit job) and as long as you don't activate the alarm on the way out, we know and don't care. But if you have has a security strip in your product and it doesn't deactivate you could be screwed.

>> No.6915051

*we don't know and don't care

*But if you have a security strip

Fuck, I'm drunk sorry.

>> No.6915064

Thug lyfe

>> No.6915067

But slow eh?

>> No.6915073

I do it because suddenly I am being expected to do a task for free that the store otherwise would have had to pay a human to do. Should I come in on my weekends and clean the floors for them? Fuck no. So why should I be expected to check out my own groceries and bag my shit without being compensated? It's a fucking joke and another step in taking work away from people and making the owners of the means of production richer.

All you faggots can suck my nuts.

>> No.6915098

I like to keep that shit right at my desk with a spoon so I can just eat it straight up. Shit is straight up the best tasting use for chilis I've ever come across.

>> No.6916291

>self checkout
>banana peppers as bananas

>> No.6916647
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>> No.6916657


I hope this anon has a good day.

>> No.6916668
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>ring up organic produce as non-organic

That's as bad as I ever do.

>> No.6916703

>buying some apples
>machine screws up and marks them as very low weight
>not paying attention to the weight so I just keep on going
>lady at controlling register comes over with an angry look on her face
>"the apples were weighed incorrectly sir"
>she voids and re-weighs the apples
>finish buying and leave as she gives me another dirty look
>all this for a whooping 40 cent difference

I'm not even joking. If this lady went apeshit on me for less than fifty cents which weren't even intentional, I can't imagine anyone pulling the 'salmon strips' for bananas deal.

>> No.6916708

you are not staying rich if you waste money if you can save it...

>> No.6916710

>I can't imagine anyone pulling the 'salmon strips' for bananas deal.

That's because no one here does. People claim they do that shit all the time but it's all just nonsense. They make it up and post it on here to get a rise out of everyone else and start arguments.

>> No.6916715

This kind of thing is why I can't really identify with many 4chan boards any more. It seems like relentless poorfaggotry, and most of the board seems proud of that somehow. Like there is nobility in being poor.

I used to read /out/, but there can't be any discussion of anything other than walmart tier goods or the poorfags will flood the thread. Same with /k/.

I don't ring up meat as bananas. As a matter of fact I don't ring up anything at all, I have a a guy who shops for me, because I am smart and motivated and paid attention in school when they taught shit so I don't have to work a retard job.

>> No.6916722

Poor people think shit like that.

The fact is there are many people who make money faster than they could possibly spend it even if they ring up their fucking pine nuts as pine nuts. I could buy pine nuts all day and not outrun my income.

>> No.6916739

Why get upset over this though? It's obvious that only a small percentage can get to be wealthy or rich, while the vast majority is in the middle or lower. Be happy that you are where you are, but don't be upset that not everyone is as lucky as you.

>> No.6916749

Because it clogs up every discussion.

I don't care what people buy or don't buy, and I would like that reciprocated. But poorfags can't seem to do that. Post on /k/ that you bought an HK, and most of the replies will tell you you spent too much money and got raped by HK and you are stupid and you should have bought a SCCY for half as much because it is just as good.

>> No.6916758

It's mostly Americans who act like this. I posted a picture of a quality steak once and I got called a hipster and richfag. And I'm lower middle class here in Western Europe.

>> No.6916770

You know that some self service checkouts has the helper stand next to a monitor?

Loads of self service checkouts have a camera next to the barcode scanner that'll take a picture of the item next to the name of what it's supposed to be.

If a store notices you doing this, they WILL prosecute.

>> No.6916772

they're probably going to start stamping bar codes on every single piece of fruit now thanks to you degenerate edgelord fucks

>> No.6916780

Wait, what is the point of having employees that work at the self-service checkout if they're meant to save money by not hiring cashiers?

Why not just have no people there and the money you save by not having them is more than the money lost due to shoplifting?

>> No.6916784


One person can supervise 6 self service tills .

>> No.6917299

I was actually an APA at walmart for 4 months and literally did exactly that. We were losing about $2,500 in stolen product every week, and I'd see people steal but was too fucking lazy to go through the motions and apprehend them and fill out the subsequent paperwork so I let dozens of guys walk out. because fuck walmart

>> No.6917313

If any store deserves lazy, complacent employees and as much loss as possible, it's walmart.

>> No.6917315

>go to grocery store
>go to deli section to get a pork shoulder
>they tared the scale with the pork shoulder already on it and didn't pay attention, sticker said 0.03
>go through self check out
>5 pounds of pork shoulder for 0.03


>> No.6917444

>Criminal record that fucks you over for life
>For stealing food

lul it's not fucking murder.

>> No.6917495

And niggers steal lives and sex (rape). What the fuck is your point JaQuon?

>> No.6917514

lol you are all some fucking bitches. Learn how to do this shit. It's fucking retail, not robbing a bank. If some shitheel minimum wagecuck accosts you at the self-checkout, make fucking scene. Raise your voice ask if they are accusing you of shoplifting. 9 times out of 10 they will stand down as soon as you loudly demand "ARE YOU ACCUSING ME OF SHOPLIFTING?" Wrongful accusations of shoplifting are massive lawsuits for the company, and the worker will be terminated immediately. They are retail workers, not federal marshals. You as the customer have the upper hand.

>> No.6917516

i did this with soy protein powder

marked it as wheat flour shit was going to be like 10 bucks more expensive

>> No.6917526


I had a friend who did this all the time with a random assortment of products. eventually he got caught and arrested for it. they let him do it multiple times just to get him for grand theft from a years worth of this shit. don't do it. not worth it.

>> No.6917527

>Walk in Walmart
>Stop and mill over Magic the Gathering cards
>Grab 3 packs and throw em in my cart
>Continue shopping and put stuff over it
>Once its buried walk around for awhile
>When the coast is clear quickly stuff all the packs down my pants while pretending to be trying to adjust my crotch without anyone seeing
>Grab a few more things, ring out and leave
>Alarm goes off, immediately stop and look around for a guard
>Ask whatever worker is closest if they need to inspect my bags
>"Nah just go" or transversely they check my bags and my receipt

I've probably taken 100 packs of cards this way.

>> No.6917535
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LOL.. oh my.. I worked grocery retail in the good old... U. S. of A. I had a manager once who chased a shoplifter into the parking lot, the scummy fuck jumped in his car thinking he was home free..

oh.. but he didn't realize my manager was insane and couldn't register pain in his right hand.

So... My manager proceeds to jump on the guy's car and PUNCH HIS GOD BLESSED AMERICAN FIST through the guy's fucking driver side window.

He dragged that fucker through his window and tossed his ass on the asphalt.

This was in Florida and the shoplifter? Some scummy Canadian snow bird who learned his place that day. At the hands of AMERICAN JUSTICE.

>> No.6917545

Yet you still post on 4chan.. Nice story though.

>> No.6917553

>Muh income!

Jesus christ do you really think people on this board give a single fuck how much money you make (in your welfare checks). Kill yourself, my man.

>> No.6917578

I should also add that I'm not talking about stealing high-end items or massive amounts at a time. And I'm NOT talking about doing dumb shit like assaulting or threatening the life of the worker who stops you. I'm talking about if you rang up the item numbers or the item's wight wrong and some goody two shoes asshole workers wants to give you grief about it. Don't just snap to attention at their demands, make a scene. If they want to give you grief over a 20 cent difference, make it hard for them.

>> No.6917616

you can't afford chips and a soda? you leave your trash lying around? are you literally 12?

>you poor neckbeard :'(

>> No.6917676

Then you are an idiot, it was an absolutely clear statement.

>> No.6917740

Read the SKU as a price most likely.

>> No.6917747

alternatively you

-walk the fuck out laughing at them

and nothing happens.

i've stolen easily 150 books from barnes and nobles, when i got caught, the security guard said come with me, i just said no and left.

>> No.6917756

You left out the part where your manager lost feeling in his hand because he got shot in it while rescuing orphaned kittens from a Vietnamese POW camp and everyone watching him apprehend the shoplifter applauded.

>> No.6917764

>That only works if you ring it up as something one number off.

Seems like that would be really easy with bulk bins.

>> No.6917822

If I ever work retail and someone tries to pull this shit on me I'll know it's some asshat like you and make it harder for you than you are for me.
I'm still getting paid, you're just wasting your time, and in the end you'll get banned from the store.

>> No.6917834

Why not just steal something cheap you poorfags.So now people who work hard for money have to pay out the ass to feed themselves.

>> No.6917865

As I said before, as a customer I have the upper hand. Go ahead and "make it harder for [me]". You accuse me of shoplifting because if a 20 cent discrepancy in your shitty self-checkouts, you're job is not worth shit and your company now has a massive suit on their hands. Believe me, you're getting in over your head. You want to try and make me feel like a criminal because your shitty self-checkout is a piece of garbage, I will go directly to your store manager and if that doesn't work your district or regional manager. Is it worth it?

>> No.6917873

this is the funniest fucking post i've ever read on 4chan for the past 10 years. congrats.

>> No.6917885
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>want avocados
>none are ripe in the singles section
>the bagged avocados are all ripe
>take sticker from single avocado
>rip open bag
>take out ripe avocado

and the rest they say, is history...

>> No.6917905

>I could buy pine nuts all day
I'd like to see you try. I bet you'd have to slow WAY down to sustain it.

>> No.6917922

ranch it up

>> No.6917923

Get organic nuts and mark as regular.

>> No.6917932

this is fucking fantastic.

>> No.6917941

Right. At Target, at least, they'll let you get away with small stuff and kind of hope you keep doing it so that they can let the charges build up and get to the point where they can really hit you hard.

>> No.6917945

You're allowed to eat grapes.

>> No.6917957

A criminal record is the same no matter what. Can't leave the country and most jobs won't even look twice at you. No one cares what you did, just that you have a record so they want nothing to do with you

>> No.6917968

keep dreamin scrub, you just lack imagination how to spend and/or save your money.

>poor people think shit like that
I guess my family always has been poor then for generations. oh wait

>> No.6917985

lol, no. Not at all. That is entirely and thoroughly untrue. How old are you? You seem very young. Don't believe everything the school resource officer tells you. You cannot tell me that a (likely misdemeanor) conviction of shoplifting is going to ruin someone's life forever. You might not get hired in retail. You can leave the country after a certain amount of time has passed and most states also restore the rights to vote and certain firearms (not pistol permits) to convicted felons. The establishment wants you to think that your life is over so that you go back to crime and eventually back to prison, but it's just not true.

>> No.6918033

>No one cares what you, just that you have a record so they want nothing to do with you

Yea, maybe shallow, judgmental people. If someone refuses to associate with you because you have a conviction of stealing $5 worth of produce on your record, fuck them. That is entirely their loss.

>> No.6918055

It must be nice having a boyfriend to buy your organic faggot waffles for you anon.

>> No.6918062

>Not wanting pesticide-ridden shit food now makes one "gay"

lol kill yourself, my man.

>> No.6918253

fuck off bourgeois
i bet you work in commerce or law, fucking scum

>> No.6918352

>not wanting to associate with a thief
>their loss

>> No.6918550


People actually still think like this with all that is going on in the world? Isnt damn near everything thievery at this point? Do you realize that you are endorsing cukoldry?

>> No.6918976
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>> No.6919210
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>2lbs of chicken would weigh more than 2lbs of carrots.

>> No.6919243

not all boards are like this. the problem with /k/ and /out/ is that they appeal to teenagers. /biz/ is much better about this.

>> No.6919274

just a heads up, you can be arrested and charged with theft for that

>> No.6920524

We're not all shitskin degenerates like you.

>> No.6920533
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>> No.6920582



>> No.6920716

>want to buy hot smoked salmon
>they are individually labeled for weight
>pick up the biggest piece
>the label says 0.0001 grams
>take it and hope the cashier doesn't notice
>she doesn't
>weighed it when I got home
>tfw I got 0.5 kg (1.1 pound) smoked salmon for about 14 cents (USD)

>> No.6920721

>the label says 0.001 kg *

>> No.6920762

I've only taken advantage of the self-checkout a couple times because I refuse to use it in the first place. I'm not a cashier, I don't work at the store, so I'm got going to bag my own fucking groceries.

Anyway, one time I bought a bunch of stuff from the deli. I was scanning and throwing it in but realized some of it didn't scan it wasn't detecting the weight. Ended up scanning like 15$ in wings and got about 40$ worth.

Also one time I would get a brown paper bag for mushrooms, then put something expensive in it, like crest whitening strips or something and then fill it up with mushrooms.

There are so many ways to steal from self-checkout and not get caught it's fucking amazing that they have them in stores. I guess most people really don't want to bother or are too dumb to game the system.

>> No.6920771
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In Brazil most eggs now come in the plastic box with a removable sleeve like in the picture
>remove sleeve and open box to check if eggs are all intact
>do this with a couple boxes, one expensive organic eggs and other cheap regular brown eggs
>switch sleeves
Never actually done it, but I think about doing it every single time.

>> No.6921158

>Depriving yourself of a cool new friend or potential lover because they stole some food once

lol how can you even read this from way up on that high horse?

>> No.6921163

Or they're not denerate loser scum to want to/need to steal

>> No.6921166

Damn bro, we're talking about theft of a few dollars worth of food here, not fucking murder. You come off as judgmental as fuck. Everyone has fucked up at some point, shit you probably touch kids, kill yourself my man.

>> No.6921170

You're probably 1 or 2 paychecks away from homelessness yourself, fuck off.

>> No.6921630

I refuse to deal with criminals.
>shit you probably touch kids
Nice projection, thief.
All non-necessary theft in principle is wrong.

>> No.6921648


obviously it's wrong.

that doesn't mean i still don't do it.. i always get the $20/lb shrimp and other expensive seafood and check it out as rolled oats. stealing is fun, too; it's so satisfying knowing you got away with it.

>> No.6921665

It has nothing to do with wanting or needing to do it. I feel the obligation to do it since I'm doing the work of bagging my own groceries it's the stores way of paying me for my labour.

>> No.6921672
File: 541 KB, 2448x3264, redbox (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to redbox
>rent game
>scan game disc
>print out copy. cut into circular.
>put back in redbox..box
>return fake game, keep real one

>> No.6921689

>security guard at a supermarket

I'm glad I don't live in a city

>> No.6921708
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what about the poor guy who goes to rent black ops but gets a bit of paper instead?

>> No.6921734


>> No.6921768

I was thinking 'you'll get caught by your credit card' but there's no way for them to prove which person who rented it kept the disk. It would be really easy to identify a pattern if you kept doing it though.

>> No.6921878

he should consider himself lucky

>> No.6921940

Well, the last person to rent that particular disc without calling in and saying "hey, wtf, I got a piece of paper instead of a game" would be looking pretty suspicious to me, if I were a redbox operator.

>> No.6921982
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yeah, but that's part of the gag as well. Some people rent the game, get a legit one, but then call in that they got a fake. Redbox then told me to go ahead and return it, and then they put in a photocopy and return it and it gets held until the operator comes and takes it out.

But the guy was right in that they'll start to notice if you do this more than a couple times. your account gets flagged. It's why they've changed it so most prepaid cards don't work now as that was a workaround that was just completely destroyed some inventory. But some still work somehow, something to do with the card number identifying it as a prepaid but some don't follow the standards on that.

>> No.6922056

>I refuse to deal with criminals

Than you refuse to deal with anyone, ever? Define "criminal". Everyone is a "criminal" to some degree. A traffic ticket for speeding is a crime, so is jaywalking or smoking weed in the privacy of your own home. Do you refuse to deal with those people because they are so-called criminals? Only a crippling autist would do such.

>> No.6922063

Shut it, thieving scum

>> No.6922065

Flyover detected

>> No.6922072

Aww am I "thieving scum?" And you are likely a pedophile or a drunk driver or collect cheese pizza. Everyone has some skeletons in the closet and it's always the moral high horse asshole who have the most to hide.

>> No.6922080

>And you are likely a pedophile or a drunk driver or collect cheese pizza
Epic projection, but keep on making excuses to make yourself feel better, scum.

>> No.6922127

Your fucking shoes... what you got some neet tech shoes or some some shit.

>> No.6922130

And keep believing you have some kind of moral superiority even while touching kids.

>> No.6922139

Epic projection, simply epic.
Is that all you can come up with?
Dumb cunt

>> No.6922143


That sounds like a health code violation

>> No.6922158

Can you two just fuck already? Sodomy isn't a crime anymore, so not even little mister perfect has anything to worry about!

>> No.6922159

It is in all the good states.

>> No.6922169

>North Carolina
>South Carolina
So, let's see here. You have God's waiting room, the state with all the niggers in it, the Mormon State, the Gun State (where people couldn't even legally carry concealed until a month ago), and Kansas. Not looking like a good line-up to me. Hell, the one state in that list that I would even think about calling "good" is Idaho.

>> No.6922176

Better than all the other states which are for degenerates.

>> No.6922332

Those prices sure are a steal.

>> No.6922335

Fuck off.

>> No.6922345

lol fag

>> No.6922349

Even in fucking Croatia the item is weight coded. You can scan something different but you must place it in a bag which has a scale underneath. If the weight isn't the same an alarm goes off.
In what kind of a shit country you live in ?

>> No.6922364

yes there is a scale you stupid faggot. its asking how many pounds of chicken did you buy and you say no machine these are banana pounds not chicken pounds

>> No.6922370

So what, you have to carry X kg of bananas and X kg of chicken and scan the bananas while only bagging the chicken ? I could see that working if there is nobody working on the self checkout aisle.

>> No.6922376

no you just put what youre buying on the scale and the machine asks you what it is. if youre not a pussy you will lie to the machine and say its something cheaper per pound than what it actually is

>> No.6922377

how fucking stupid are you

you buy an x amount of chicken, go to the scale and say you bought an x amount of bananas

>> No.6922393
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>The machine asks what it is.
Wait, wait, wait.
So you're saying you don't SCAN the item, you click what you bought ?
Pic related.

>> No.6922401

the way barcodes work is the lines store a string of numbers. scanning it can only lead to one price, so if they want to charge something by the pound there is no point in scanning it. You put it on the scale and then use the computer to tell it what it is.

if they dont charge by the pound and every banana just costs 25 cents regardless of size, then you scan the code. the delis have a scale where you can weigh it there and it will print out a barcode specific to the weight you bought to prevent you from being able to steal like this usually

>> No.6922402

Here's a fun tip for all your winter bulking needs: Golden Corral does $5/lb takeout, however it gets slashed to $2/lb 30 minutes before closing. Golden Corral also has chopped pecans in their icecream topping section. Enjoy your mountain of nutmeat for like 5 bucks.

>> No.6922407

I understand it now. It is like that for fruits and vegetables here but not meat or deli.
If you buy meat in a supermarket the guy that cut it for you and wrapped it puts the barcode on the wrapper.

>> No.6923105

Enjoy your nigger AIDS and other shit from eating unwashed fruit.

>> No.6923144

I doubt anyone could prove that you didn't simply make a mistake entering the code wrong or something, the worst that can happen is you either pay the full price or don't get the item. The store must be pretty much retarded to go to court with such a thing, you could then claim to be harassed for your race or beliefs or some shit and they'd have to pay you. Unless you're literally marking everything as the cheapest stuff and not actually shoplifting nothing will actually happen.

>> No.6923146

>crest whitening strips

Fucking America

>> No.6923151

Wal-Mart frequently have barcodes on weighed items to speed up transactions. You put the items on the scale then scan a single one.

>> No.6923163

>female nigger stealing peasant games

Glad I decided to check out /ck/

>> No.6925227


Sometimes I touch my bum hole before handling all the fruit, and deciding that they're not worth purchasing.

>> No.6925235


Goddamn that is some pleb-tier shit

>> No.6925356

>buying box of dozen granola bars
>won't let me scan the box
>scan bars individually
>10 bars in
>unexpected item in bagging area
>negates all scanned bars
>bars come rolling back down conveyor toward me
>give up, go home, never go back

>> No.6926929

it's perfectly fine in homogeneous communities

>> No.6928396
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>> No.6930159

me on the left

>> No.6930162


how is that not a huge health violation

>> No.6930165


holy fucking shit, you dirty azn's, someone call the health inspector.

>> No.6930887
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I've only shoplifted once while I was in college. I had to print an essay. I couldn't afford ink. I had to steal printer ink.

It hurts man. I wish I could go back and give myself money to buy the printer ink.

>> No.6932810
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Yes, this is about to be a story about a friend of a friend, but it's my favorite story that my friend tells everytime pokemon tcg is brought up.

His high school friends (he's from a diff state than I am, we only met through military) used to play the pokemon tcg sometimes, but they lived in literal bumfuck nowhere and had no extra money. One of them decided to try shoplifting a single pack of cards, and he got caught on the first attempt. He had to spend the night in jail.

i just think it's funny as fuck that someone would go to jail for stealing pokemon cards

>> No.6932819


>this is a story I just made up

>> No.6932839

>"No one has ever been arrested for shoplifting! Clearly the meme-crab-man is lying about a stupid high-schooler getting caught."

There's skepticism, and then there's s/ck/epticism.

>> No.6932850

i worked as a cashier for like 5 years. trust me when i say that the machines are just THAT shitty. my store had four of them and the fucking things broke down ALL the fucking time.
nobody gives a shit about self service. as long as you dont try to fuck with every item you buy you can absolutely go with "oh i must have misentered the code". just dont go over board and you can get some 60$ for like 3 bucks. also if you do get caught, make sure its while a young person is working the checkout because teenagers just dont give a fuck and wont report you.