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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6902473 No.6902473 [Reply] [Original]

what is the one thing you've eaten that you're most ashamed of?

>> No.6902476

Your mom.

>> No.6902477


ur mum

>> No.6902484

I once drank a cup of straight cream. Felt sick afterwards.

>> No.6902488

Ate a whole XL pizza to myself

>> No.6902524 [DELETED] 
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I like cat food but I'll do it front of people
I usually taste my seamen to see how it fares and what I should add to my diet so the lady's like to swallow it
I remember throwing half a cheesecake on my front lawn on under a tree once .
Then I got high the next day and remembered about the cheesecake. So I went out in the front and ate the cheesecake. Ants and all.

>> No.6902547

American cheese straight outta the wrapper

>> No.6902584

I once found a pie out in the snow and ate it.

>> No.6902587

you're mum

>> No.6902597

A fortune cookie.. Including the fortune

>> No.6902600

8 strips of bacon in one sitting.

so much fat

>> No.6902604

i used to eat my semen off my girlfriend's back because i thought she liked it, but then it turned out she didn't like it.

>> No.6902606

this and wonder bread

>> No.6902609

T.. Tom?

>> No.6902614

Lmao rekt

>> No.6902617

I-I would have liked it, anon

>> No.6902639


>> No.6902654

wew lads

>> No.6902670

Armadillo meat in southern mexico

I felt guilty and it wasnt good either.

>> No.6902688

I like to eat fairly healthy/non-processed/home-cooked stuff, but jesus christ sometimes I really get a craving for Kraft with hot dog pieces mixed in. It's shameful but I like it.

>> No.6902713

Almost fucked my back consuming guess what

At least I know its not worth doing it again

>> No.6902750

I ate a dropped pizza on the ground when i was year 8 or so just to prove how much I dont give a fuck
good times tbh

>> No.6902754

Made a hotdog and took a bite. Then I realized the bun had black mold all over it. Nearly puked.

>> No.6903207

my boogers. over and over and over and over again every day since i was a child. i cant stop

>> No.6903214


>> No.6903215



>> No.6903217

once ate a small tub of cake frosting

but now that I think of it, im not really ashamed of that shit. Cake frosting is delicious

>> No.6903220

snow pie?

>> No.6903221

i made some cornbread batter out of a box mix and just fucking ate it like the filthy animal i am

>> No.6903222

When I was hooked on tweek, I forgot about the big line I just sniffed and blew my nose so I ate the snot rag.

>> No.6903224

I used to drink coffee creamer in those little cups at McDonalds because I thought it was milk.

>> No.6903229

I went to McDonalds and ate a big mac meal and then I ate a teenburger combo and then I went back to mcdonalds and ate a mcchicken and a mcfish and then induced vomiting because I felt so ashamed.

>> No.6903235

a hooker's butthole

>> No.6903236


I once ate an entire pound of bacon that I put into a bowl and mixed with applesauce.

>> No.6903238

one time I wanted biscuits and gravy, but I absolutely did not feel like cooking, and at the time I hadn't learned to drive yet, so I made an instant powdered kind of country gravy I found in the pantry. And then I poured it in a glass and drank it.

>> No.6903240

>I used to drink
Are you trying to say you drank it repeatedly without noticing that it wasn't milk?

>> No.6903243

Oh, and I'm not ashamed of it either. It was delicious.

>> No.6903250



>> No.6903258
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>> No.6903261

I was like 6 at the time. Creamer was not in my vocabulary

>> No.6903270

Still pretty gross tbh. It's just shocking to me you couldn't tell that it wasn't milk.

>> No.6903274


Why would you be ashamed of eating human placenta?

>> No.6903498

Whenever I eat Fast Food or eat a relatively big dish at a diner.

>> No.6903509


>> No.6903562

I regularly make jail hous cook ups and enjoy them immensely

>> No.6903567

Same tbh

>> No.6903581

The first time I lived alone and could make whatever I wanted I went through a phase of eating canned corned beef hash and frozen creamed spinach.

>> No.6903641



Anon, you made me close to physically ill. Congrats.

Anyways, once I made a sandwhich where both of the slices of bread were eggies in a basket. In the sandwhich were three slices of American soy vinyl "cheese", another fried egg, and like four slices of ham.

It was disgusting.

But it was delicious.

>> No.6903644


No more cannibalism than earning your redwings or suckling from your mother is.

Products of the body aren't the body, wiseass.

>> No.6903653

I made some butterscotch jell-o pudding with a pint of heavy whipping cream once

I ate it all by myself

>> No.6903658


Not that anon, but I used to travel a lot growing up, and my older brother convinced me on multiple occasions that the little butter stick on plane meals was a white chocolate.

I was a smart enough kid, but still young and stupid.

>used to eat pepto bismol tablets out of my mom's bathroom cabinet, thinking that they were candies she was hiding for herself

>> No.6903671

Fat girl pussy.

>> No.6903687


It's sad that someone would think that that's more shameful than eating any number of actual foods...

>> No.6903688

I once ate a Wendy's Bacon Cheeseburger that had sitting out in my room mayonnaise and all for two days. It's tasted really tangy but I didn't get sick.

What I'm most ashamed of though is enjoying hot dog buns with ketchup and nothing else.

>> No.6903713
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I rolled a Totino's pizza like a burrito and then dipped it in buttermilk ranch.

>> No.6903715

I bought a whole loaf of sourdough bread, and ate it to myself in one sitting. Was not filling.

>> No.6903717

>Was not filling.

>> No.6903726

>guess what

>> No.6903732

An eclair out of the garbage

>> No.6903739

A pile if gelontonous, Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper.

>> No.6903778

This one time I found a fresh unpeeled banana laying on top of some papers in a trash can.
hey, free breakfast

>> No.6903786

I've done like half the stuff in this thread.
>I can't make bacon and not eat the whole pound.
>Totinos party pizza? More like totinos snack food.
>I actually enjoy white rice + american cheese

>> No.6903826


Fuck off back to your own shithole.

>> No.6903860


>> No.6903867

Been there, done that.

>> No.6903874


>eating out a girl

Sure thing, anon. I'll give you a pat on the back when you reach wizard status in another 15 years.

>> No.6903878

Another human being.

>> No.6903880

i once found a skittle on the floor of a bathroom i was cleaning at work. i rinsed it off and ate it.

>> No.6903883

George Costanza?

>> No.6903887

Eat shit.

>> No.6903904
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>implying I haven't already ascended beyond wizard status

>> No.6903910

>making jello
>like the taste of warm jello before it sets
>decide to pour myself a glass of hot liquid jello
>puke my guys out hours later
It was good tho

>> No.6903926

Cheese burger made with 2 lbs of meat, with sides. For compleating this challange i won a coupon for another burger. I never went back.

>> No.6903945

Drinking kfc gravy straight from the little styrofoam cup

>> No.6903949

An entire package of Oreos and a few cups of milk in one day.

Once I was at a friend's house and, while she stepped out to walk the dog or something, I jerked it with a pair of her dirty underwear and there was a dried stain on it. I tasted it (and by "tasted" I mean I licked it and noticed no taste)

two packages of those Reese's eggs (they were on sale after Easter. 6 pack of 'em for like 40 cents each)

>> No.6903976


Everybody's done that at some point in their life.

>> No.6904101


One and a half large pizzas from Pizza Hut in one night. For some reason I never really felt full until afterwards. Ended up incapacitated from the stomach pain for like 20 minutes before all the extra pizza finally came out.

>> No.6904108

dunnnn na na na na na na na na

>> No.6904109


same here man.

>> No.6904140


Little Jimmy?!?

>> No.6904157

Half of a Papa John's XL pizza for lunch.
It wasn't that I ate something so unhealthy, it's that I was so desperate to eat something so unhealthy that I didn't even wait for a good pizza place to open.
God that was such a sad depressing pizza.

>> No.6904179
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>ITT: "This one time I ate a slightly unhealthy food I'm such a disgusting fat pig"

>> No.6904189

san pedro slime

worst tasting thing I've ever eaten, by far

and I've eaten a lot of gross shit, including my own literal shit

and this one time I plugged some morphine but I used too much liquid and it spurted out but luckily I had put some toilet paper under my ass on the bed in case (to protect the bed)

anyway I just thought fuck it, you eaither eat it and feel good, or you go into worse withdrawal

so I ate/washed down the dissolved morphine soggy toilet paper and it was worth it

also you're typical shit, constantly love eating my snot, scabs, skin, fingernail clippins, occasinoal little lick or bite of my shit, dead skin that I've shaved off my feet, pubic hair, smegma etc

>> No.6904190

His own baby batter

>> No.6904193

his one time I went to a local sesh spot where cars pull up and get high

anyway I searched around and picked all the joints, most still have a little weed in it, I got about 15 or so, then I went home and put the weed in a firecracker and cooked it and then ate it and got really high, I even cooked in some of the super resiounous paper I had torn off, along with scrapings from the inside from a piece of hose used for a bong

>> No.6904198

>slightly unhealthy food
>tons of people posting about eating various kinds of semen and drinking things like jello mix and sour cream

>> No.6904199

I've done this. Was a little sickly, but actually quite fun. Hits you like a sledgehammer.

To be fair, I was quite hungry.

>> No.6904200


>> No.6904219

Pizza rolls

>> No.6904388

Bro thats fucking disgusting

>> No.6904413

Cinnamon Poptarts. I've drunk my own pee to extend a drug high but I'm not ashamed of that. I am ashamed of eating cinnamon pop-tarts.

>> No.6904422

I ate 2 sausage biscuits, 1 chicken biscuit and 1 steak egg and cheese biscuit and 2 hashbrowns in one sitting once

>> No.6904424


Fat girl detected.

>> No.6904430

fried twinkies
(that's plural, multiple fried twinkies)

>> No.6904433

Probably 2 mc chickens, 2 double cheeseburgers, 2 medium fries and 2 pies from McDonald's...I had the munchies

>> No.6904434

Idk, it's not like I'm a big, powerful man either. The loaf was 500 grams I guess it may have something to do with having a high glyceamic index.

>> No.6904435

Fat chick.

>> No.6904438
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A tub of this ya a full tub in about 3 hours......I dont even fucking know

>> No.6904443

This guy wins the thread.

>> No.6904455

Philledelphia is easy to eat in one sitting provided you have some crackera to dip

>> No.6904457

Everything up until this moment in time where I weight over 370lbs

>> No.6904461

My own cum.

Captcha: select all the food.

>> No.6904543

was on a cut and ate a jar of nutella with a spoon.

>> No.6904555

A well done steak :^)

>> No.6904586

I would stack 2 totinos facing each other like a sandwhich.

>> No.6904599

i hate that, even with good pizza i dont enjoy it folded over, it doesnt taste as good.

>> No.6904623

>being ashamed of trying new things

>> No.6904643

I can't really think of anything truly shameful (considering some of the shit I've seen and people I've been around, my standards for "shameful" are quite high), but last Thursday over the course of the Denver/Kansas City handegg game I ate an entire large pizza (eight toppings) from Pizza Hut washed down with an entire six-pack of ~7% beer.

I was still hungry after doing it, too, and I have no idea how that's even possible.

>> No.6904661

>I was still hungry after doing it, too, and I have no idea how that's even possible.

..are you a big guy?

>> No.6904668

Ate a double pounder.
Was fun

>> No.6904688

a fat girls vagina.

>> No.6904697
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Can you explain what you mean by "san pedro slime"? Also, you win the thread

>> No.6904700

nvm i'm retarded

>> No.6904701

No, not really. I thought it was even stranger because I'm on a cut and eating pretty clean but since it was the first Broncos game of the year that I was going to be able to watch I decided to have a cheat day with all the pizza and beer I wanted. I thought I'd go through maybe half of each if I really stuffed myself but I just stayed hungry even after all of the pizza and beer was gone.

>> No.6904762

I honestly wouldn't mind eating some human flesh. I've always wondered what it taste like.

>> No.6904862

This tbh

>> No.6905007

and people still say weed isn't addicting

>> No.6905020

Potato chip sandwiches

>> No.6905024


>> No.6905034

nah it sounds like he just doesn't know any dealers

>> No.6905514
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A pint of Ben & Jerry's (cause fuck those tiny cups). Erry time I buy it I eat it in one sitting and then feel awful about it. I'm staring at one right now, waiting for it to defrost a little.

Oh yeah and I drank my own piss like twice to see what would happen but not really embarrassed about that, sue me.
It did taste awful though. (surprise surprise)

>> No.6905521

How insecure and fat do you have to be to feel ashamed of eating some food?

>> No.6905524
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>drinking your own piss "to see what would happen'
>posting that picture

>> No.6905531

Maybe you're not cutting right, are you sure you get all your vitamins and minerals ?

>> No.6905538

I drank my own piss and it just tasted like warm water with a slightly bitter aftertaste because of dat hydration.

Also reeee at that pic

>> No.6905548

What, I was young and curious/naive and heard that it has some health benefits. I don't remember what they're supposed to be though cause it was abot 10y ago.

Pic is from a fat shaming/fat hate thread on /fit/, it was posted to show how delusional fatties are.

Not sure what you mean by

>> No.6905558
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>I drank my own piss like twice

I can't even

>> No.6905567

Of course.

>> No.6905573

Once, when I was young and poor, I was out of pretty much everything in the kitchen, and I didn't get paid for two more days, so I ended up eating saltine crackers with condiments on them as my meals. That felt pretty damn shameful.

>> No.6905576
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>> No.6905586


>> No.6905591

Do you eat large meals ? If so, maybe you have a stretched out stomach. I know I do.
>permabulk masterrace
If that's not it then idk how you managed it either.

>> No.6905598

Nope. I'm at ~1500 calories per day otherwise. That's why it's so strange.

>> No.6905600

dozen donuts and 50 donut holes in one sitting.
Got Diabetes

>> No.6905604
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>> No.6905613
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Yes dammit, I was curious if it actually gave you those health benefits that I read about (which again, I forgot by now). So naturally I had to do it multiple times to confirm, but I couldn't stomach the taste anymore after the 2nd day. In the end yeah, I guess I drank piss for nothing. Still not very embarrassed about it. What's the big fucking deal ?

>> No.6905622

I once ate a few spoonfuls of yogurt that was about a year old.

It had somehow gotten buried in the back of my fridge and it was the same exact container I had some fresh yogurts in so I didn't bother to check the date. I remember it tasting like cheese and rot, but for some reason I took another spoon.

Also I guess drinking raw eggs like in Rocky was kind of fucking dumb. The feeling of having that sludge go down your throat is enough to induce a vomit reflex.

>> No.6905640

That's over 2500 calories in one sitting you fat fuck

>> No.6905655
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>> No.6905657

At my first apartment I had just moved in and was pretty broke but didn't want to tell my mother because she was poor as well. So instead of asking for her to cook something I could take back to my place I stole a bottle of ranch dressing. Ate it with a spoon from a bowl for two days before I got paid. Was pretty ashamed for stealing

Also while managing a McDonald's I made a burger with three 1/3 pound patties, 6 strips of bacon, 4 pieces of cheese, sautéed mushrooms, and and a m chicken patty between two of the beef patties. It was fucking delicious but I didn't do shit for the rest of the night because eating that thing was exhausting.

>> No.6905666
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you need to stretch a lot beforehand if you want to reach, anon
until you can comfortably hold onto your ankles, you're not flexible enough

if you're too muscular or fat it just plain won't work

>> No.6905669

Wut r we talking about here m80

>> No.6905689

>eating lean for months
>at target weight for years, happy
>see a billboard for salted pretzel crust pizza
> go buy a bottle of vodka and a large pretzel pizza with four cups of marinara
>flip half onto the other half,get shitfaced,eat pizza.
>crawl into bathroom
>insides feel like they are on fire
>fill the tub with water and crawl in
>as soon as I hit the water I vomited and shit at the same time
>freak out,stand up and turn on the shower. Sitting in an exact aproximation of my own shame

Worth it tbh

>> No.6905706

I'm guessing dude threw out his back trying to suck his own dick.

>> No.6905733

what the fuck

>> No.6905810

What's it like being fat

>> No.6905865


I had a Frostie from Wendie's and a whole can of pizza flavored Pringles for dinner last night. So much self hate.

>> No.6905921

my own cum.

>> No.6906035
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jesus you must be enormous.

>> No.6906036

Underarm deodorant. Not really proud of that one.

>> No.6906856

A juice made from the san padro catus people
It contains the same stuff as payote and makes you trip
It tastes like bitter ass hole

>> No.6906891

>this is what flyovers actually believe
spooky tbh

>> No.6906893
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Half a can of powdered hot-coco mix when i was 12.

>> No.6906895

Look again.
That's not an 8oz tub of cream cheese.
That's a 24.3oz tub if CHEESECAKE FILLING. meant for a pie crust.

>> No.6906918


for you

>> No.6906970
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Peanut butter, nutella, marshmallow fluff white bread sandwich dipped in vanilla cinnomin pancake batter fried in butter, cut into sticks and drizzeled with powdered sugar then eaten with maple syrup.

I ate it, had a great time, And immideatly I quit the ganja for good.

>> No.6907181

>worked security at an event
>was supposed to be there all night to watch over the cleanup crew
>clean up crew for some reason decided to say fuck it and left to clean up tomorrow
>all alone in the middle of the night surrounded by tables of half eaten food

Suffice to say I went around picking my way through all the tables; anything that looked like it was only moderately touched, I ate. Steak, biscuits, baked potato... it was awesome seeing how some people would eat all of their steak, but wouldn't touch the potato, or they left whole rolls of bread on their plate. I think I had four slices of cake and two slices of pie as well.

I felt like a king.

>> No.6907200
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>> No.6907209


Still feel kinda guilty but I was in korea and the morbid curiosity got the better of me

>> No.6907214

Not really food or eating, but I shot up with gatorade before.

>> No.6907218

As teenagers with a little bit of pocket money, my friend and I had the sudden realization we could buy ANYTHING we wanted from the grocery store and our parents couldn't stop us from eating all of it. So we each got a 1/2 gallon of caramel flavored coffee creamer and a jar of marshmallow fluff, ate it all, and vomited continuously.

Ah, to be young again. I'd probably die if I tried that now.

>> No.6907246

10 Patty baconater, bacon poutine, 2 liters coke.

>> No.6907300
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>ate whole cheesy bites pizza and 8 wings from pizza hut by myself
>puked it up an hour later
>2 days later stopped eating meat

>> No.6907302

I tried eating a spider because it crawled into the oven and onto my pizza without me noticing and I was just like "whatever, might as well see what it tastes like". Vomited for two days straight, because I didn't realize that even some house spiders are still kinda venomous. Not dangerously so, but to a fuck up your stomach for a few days degree at least. So, yeah. That was fucking retarded.

>> No.6907315

Freeze Dried baby octopus

>> No.6907326

My dentist gave me some steaks off cecil the lion. Pretty tasty tbh.

>> No.6907330

when i was 9 my dad took me to papa johns to get a whole pie of pizza for me and my mom and dropped me off at the house as he went to work

i ate the entire thing in an hour, and when my mom came home she said that the pizza was for both of us

needless to say she was astounded that i actually downed that pizza myself and that i didnt consider it was for two people

>> No.6907344

end yourself

>> No.6907346

Honestly, I'm thoroughly disgusted.

>> No.6907465


>> No.6907500
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I ate human meat once. Won't go into detail about why or how, and I don't particularly care if you believe me.

I'm not really ashamed for eating it, I'm ashamed because it tasted like shit. Very tough and gamey.

>> No.6907529

Probably depends on the race

>> No.6907571

How was is prepared? any side dishes?

>> No.6907588

It was in a stew made in a cast iron pot. It cooked for a while but it was still pretty tough.

>> No.6907608

How old was the person? Male or female? What country?

>> No.6907613

So it was just human meat cubes and water? Was there anything else, spices, vegetables?

>> No.6907615

Hard to tell. Late teens, early twenties maybe. Male. Southeast Asia, I won't go into any more specifics. If I did it's most likely everyone would call me a liar anyways so there's no need to know

>> No.6907620

Some vegetables, rice, a little salt and pepper and some Asian spices but not much else. It wasn't really a sit-down type of meal I was in the middle of the jungle

>> No.6907628

Buddy paid me $7 to drink half a glass of straight bacon grease

It was so warm and bacony

>> No.6907634

You sure you don't want to tell the story? I personally don't care if its true or false.

>> No.6907647
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>> No.6907666

I'd you think noone is going to believe you anyways, why not just tell the damn story?

>> No.6907671

I sometimes drink milk when i eat hotdogs/sausages. It sounds disgusting but for some reason it goes well to me.

>> No.6907674


damn man you post this story a lot

>> No.6907687

Same, along with fingernails, hangnails, scabs, and pus. Pretty much anything that comes off of my body that isn't waste or hair. I think it's a legitimate disorder.

>> No.6907694

i do the same. my gut flora is resilient as fuck too, i have no allergic reactions to anything, and i never get sick.

i eat scabs just like a monkey picking bugs off each other like its no big deal, but not in front of anyone. im conscious about it.

>> No.6907698

I eat donner kebabs almost every time I get smashed out in town.

>> No.6907706

Same here. I keep wondering if I'm going to get an infection from all the cuts I keep reopening but I think my immune system is fortified enough to make up for it.

>> No.6907713

Any animal product

>> No.6907725

I was doing some sketchy work in Southeast Asia about 15 years back. "Mercenary" isn't a good word because that's not exactly what I was doing but it was related to that. Stuck in the jungle for several weeks, lost a lot of our supplies over a cliff. Long story short we ate a guy that got shot, along with what was left of our supplies.

>> No.6907733
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You couldn't just subsist on the rice and vegetables you had?

>> No.6907742
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>tfw you manage to scrape that booger stuck to the inside bridge/septum of your nose off after a few minutes of picking
>no blood either

>> No.6907748

Interesting. What part of him did you eat?

>> No.6907751

There wasn't a whole lot of rice or vegetables left, certainly not enough to feed 6 people. We cooked it with the meat to make it more palatable because a couple of the guys were having some major qualms about eating someone.

>> No.6907754

A bit of everything. We just threw it all into a stew. Didn't touch the organs or anything though. A couple of the guys felt really bad so we gave him a burial and everything.

>> No.6907762

>is a 4chan posting neet/weeb
>performed mercenary work in Southeast Asia

You have a vivid imagination son. Did you recently watch rambo?

>> No.6907775

I said it wasn't mercenary work, it's just easier to call it that. I don't care if you believe me or not, after all it is an anonymous image board. But don't be so sheltered as to believe things like this don't regularly happen in the parts of the world that civilized nations like to overlook.

>> No.6907784

Hey man, me too! It's a great stress reliever after work, or any time. It's actually a good way to build your immune system too. Just make sure no one sees you, even your mom...

>> No.6907796

I know alot of things take place in the outside world. And people who sit at their computer all day posting on 4chan take part in none of them.

>> No.6907800

Whatever, man. That's a pretty closeted view to have that says if you spend any part of your day on an image board it immediately excludes you from participating in anything else.

>> No.6907803

Nigger, you are dumb as fuck. You can digest venom fine.

>> No.6907818

Unless you have bleeding ulcers

>> No.6907820
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pusswah—used to gorge on big greasy foccacia rounds studded with asiago. no shame.

(spoiler: i'm now a baker, just to make it cheaper)

>> No.6907852

jesus christ anon

>> No.6908816

Countless pieces of food out of the trash
I have standards so it was perfectly good food, but it's still the rightful stigma of eating out of the trash

>> No.6908936
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I once ate a whole corn on the cob...with the cob

>> No.6908957
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>> No.6908980

i think it's supposed to be good for you since it's roughage

>> No.6909025

A bowl of nails without any milk.

>> No.6909028
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>> No.6909037

whole bag of frozen chicken nuggets in one sitting.

it was delicious.

>> No.6909047
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Fat girls pussy tbh

>> No.6909146


>> No.6909158
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I ate about 40 packets of creamer once. I enjoyed it but if anyone saw me do i am sure i would be ashamed.

I blame the creamer packets in MREs for my love for the powdery goodness.

>> No.6910194

I ate sugar cookie dough with Lays potato chips.
I'm garbage.

>> No.6910195
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I am ashamed to have liked these. Never eat the entire bag at one time.

>> No.6910980

i used to eat fruit flavored Tums like candy.

recently ate an entire jar of cookie butter. absolutely would do it again.

>> No.6910993

idk, ask your mum, m8

>> No.6910994

This and for me it was a fat black girl

>> No.6910996

I once ate a 16 inch pizza by myself because my friends were too autistic to have any of it because it had onions on it

>> No.6911000
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I drink the brine from jar hotdogs.

>> No.6911004

Hot dogs in jars? WTF Europe...

>> No.6911025

how else are you going to preserve them?

>> No.6911028

In the refrigerator or freezer?

>> No.6911045

oh you're talking about fresh hot dogs

no this is europe, fresh meat is expensive, so everything comes in jars or tin cans

even pies come in tins

>> No.6911070

i had to drink a cup of piss for a BDSM thing once... i regret it because i didnt barf, which is "unusual" apparently, and he thought that was quite special so i had to do it a few times over the course of a month while we were hooking up...

and dude was always so fucking dehydrated

>> No.6911192
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>puke my guys out

>> No.6911198

I tasted my cum

It was nasty

>> No.6911728

If you haven't had two large chik fil a sandwiches, two large fries, a large drink, and two ben n jerry's pints in a night, you are S M A L L T I M E

>> No.6911747


I dunno, I kind of liked it

>> No.6911750

How do I get my gf to eat my cum she says it's nasty

>> No.6911793


Have sex with a sexually deprived fat girl.

They typically go the extra distance, and actually want to.

>> No.6911853
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>> No.6911873

Eat lots of fruit to make it tasty, and refuse to take your dick out of her mouth until she swallows

>> No.6911968

Steven Hyde?

>> No.6912129

One time when I was drunk I decided to make chicken and broccoli, but I also brought a ramen packet with me, because in my mind it would be like chow mein if I just added cooked ramen to chicken and broccoli

I've never had chow mein

>> No.6912301


Um no dumbass, you are only partially right.

Venom from snakes is protein based so therefore you can ingest it without any complications provided there is no way for the venom to enter your bloodstream directly, such as from bleeding gums, or a ulcer.

Venom from spiders is toxin based, see neurotoxin. There is no way in hell you can ingest this shit and not get sick/die.

>> No.6912336

When I was 7-8 I stayed at nun grandparent's house got a weekend, and aye an ex-lax bar that I found in the cupboard and thought was chocolate.
My grandpa walked in the room right as I finished it, looked at the wrapper, and said "Buckle up, kid, it's gonna be an interesting afternoon".

>> No.6912444

i thought it was a spiderman cake :(

>> No.6912670

My own boogers. My semen. Earwax. That kind of thing.

I would die if anyone ever found out.

>> No.6912913

I don't know that a tough one, but if it had to be one it would be the time I ate two X-L pepperoni pizza's and a large coke. Then again there was the time I stuffed twenty one peeps into my mouth to see if I could eat it.

>> No.6912931


Me too bud

>> No.6913577

I do this and im not even poor

>> No.6913593

Fast food
I feel ashamed because I am fat.

>> No.6913902

Fried snickers.

>> No.6913908

Deep fried froot loops.

Damn you state fair carny!

>> No.6913928

I tried it too in Afghanistan not ashamed but keep it to myself

>> No.6913949

I fucked up some homemade mayo, looked like barf, and tried making a sandwich.

Not my brightest moment.

>> No.6913969

Similarly, when I visited Graceland I got the fried PB/banana/mayo sandwich at a restaurant.

It wasn't that good.

>> No.6913978

No it ain't.

>> No.6914002

I used to take food from the trash at work. It's like that episode of Seinfeld where George finds the eclair in the bin, half the time my co-workers throw something out it's still in the packaging or just on top of paperwork.

>> No.6914072


>> No.6914114

When I was in high school, I went through a period where I basically binged every day. My low point was probably realizing that I had run out of binge-worthy food, and then deciding to bake something. I found a recipe for "emergency cake" (or something along those lines that I could make quickly. This recipe used mayo for some reason, maybe as a substitute for eggs?). So I mix the batter and pour it into a pan, put it in the oven. After about 10 minutes I can't wait anymore, so I take the cake out of the oven. When I put my fork into it, it's still half unbaked batter. Kind of like clam chowder in a bread bowl, but cake.

I ate the entire thing. It was OK, I guess.

>> No.6914124

Same !! Except I bought raw cookie dough and marshmallow fluff. I wouldn't them all at once but God I still threw up it felt so heavy

>> No.6914812

In my 8 years of being on this site, 4 of which were spent on /b/, this is the fourth most disgusting thing I've read.

>> No.6914820

Sounds like bread pudding.

>> No.6914848
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A large monster burger combo with curly fries and a large Dr. Pepper.

>> No.6914944



>> No.6915863

So, what did it taste like?

>> No.6915882

>and your typical shit
Eating your own shit is reason enough to be euthanised.

>> No.6916738

Microwawed hot dogs with grape jelly on top

>> No.6916744

wow badass madman here

>> No.6916763

>has half the calories of two burgers

why did I laugh at this?

>> No.6916767

Oh ye. One time I was still drunk and it was morning and I was still stumbling around town. I had lost my wallet and money, so when I found a sandwhich with ants running on it on the side of the road I just ate it.

Another time a homeless bum shared his pizza he got from god knows where with me. We spent the evening together with other drunkards and it was pretty fun.

>> No.6916782

Spam straight out of the can with my fingers

>> No.6917712
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The Big Bite is never a good idea.

>> No.6917727

The jelly from the popin's cookin' set or w/e those japanese play food things were.

>> No.6917737

I eat my own shit sometimes
Occasionally I bite into something that didn't digest all the way, like a peppercorn (which tastes fucking horrid) or a seed

>> No.6917915

Everything I ate as a child. Every junk food imaginable and I also picked some clean looking things out of the school garbage. I was also considered the leader of the losers at the time so I demanded taxes in food form from them. I used to keep the wrappers for all this shit hidden around my house or just thrown on the street so I wouldn't get in trouble for constantly gorging myself.

Then thankfully teenage depression let me stop being a fat kid.

>> No.6917918

I only feel bad when I eat things, entire things, that are intended for multiple people
So, whole pizzas
Entire boxes of cookies
Whenever there's a coupon for an offer and it's "family sized" or a "family meal"
Whole Cakes or Pies

>> No.6917930

two big macs
I haven't had mcfatties since

>> No.6917972

>only 4 results
surprisingly low tbh

>> No.6917992

How long was the period? How did you manage to get out? Did you have to lose any weight?

>> No.6917995

Loaded fries from Oggies

>> No.6918029

I would get a Triple Cheeseburger with a large fry and large root beer from Wendy's at least twice a week when I lived closer to the city.

One time I ate it all, and then three hours later I gave my friend $15 and told him to go in and get it and keep the change. I ate in silence when we got back to his house. Their ghost sauce stuff was a dark time in my life.

>> No.6918048

In high school I once ate two medium pizzas, three bags of popcorn, two chicken burgers from Wendy's and three chicken burgers from Burger King. Probably had at least 4 medium sodas with it all + fries and shit. It was a dark time.

>> No.6918054

boogers and scabs, those will boost your immune system. its proven by biology and evolution

feed yourself your own dna. cutters use blood.

i use cuticle skin, small xacto knife.

>> No.6918076

a few days ago I ate a whole jar of Kraft parm cheese with a spoon because there was nothing else to eat and was drunk

>> No.6918171

The second or third time I smoked I really overdid it. I didn't really have any control over what I put into my mouth, so I ate 2 packages of Oscar Mayer Bolonga with some mayo and a piece of cheese on each slice.

I'm ashamed I did it but it was really fucking good so w/e.

>> No.6918191

It lasted from the time I was 13 to the time I was about 20. I never got really fat, but I was definitely overweight. Now I'm not. Cognitive behavioral therapy and a general lifestyle overhaul got me back to a normal weight. I actually enjoy food more now, which was actually unexpected.

>> No.6918205

There's not a single damn thing I'm ashamed of eating. Now the AMOUNT of any given thing, that's a different issue.

>> No.6918220

Back when I was a fat fuck I bought a 2 liter of coke, drank it down, went back to the store and bought another one.

Not the worst thing I did during that era, but I'll have to think about it.

>> No.6918221

food coloring. i wanted to find out what it tasted like

it tastes like shit and my mouth was pure blue for 2 days

>> No.6918255

Yeah, Pizza hut has that effect on me too

Seriously, have they recently fucked up their crusts again? I ordered a regular crust and it is like the fuckers crushed it down into some bastard offspring of a thincrust and regular.

The fucking crust seasonings are shit too, I cant find a good one besides basic old garlic and salt and even that feels shitty. Their wings are shit with no actual sauce on them and it makes me feel ashamed and betrayed to eat them.

I have never hated Pizza Hut until recently, I loved them as a kid, but now they have tried too hard to change shit up and act all new and innovative. God I hate Pizza Hut..... why did they have to ruin themselves?

Shitty part is there is no Dominoes in my area, so if I want shitty pizza I am out of luck and have to order the good shit from one of the Italian family restaurants in the area.

Sometimes you just want a good shitty pizza.

>> No.6918274

You eat the left thigh for future reference. It is usually one of the bigger muscles and most people have a dominant leg that is the same side as their dominant hand so the left leg is usually less used and more tender.

Grandfather had to do it in Vietnam because him and his crew got trapped behind enemy lines and basically lived in a cave. Some guys tried subsisting off mushrooms and starved, others just didnt know what it was they were eating, grandpa and a few different guys would come back and say they stole a ham and some rice from a village. Really they had ganked a cong and hacked off the left leg and stolen his rations.

Occasionally some people got suspicious why all the hams seemed to come from the left side of the pigs and why they never brought them back with the skin on. Sometimes those people figured it out and let themselves starve, other times they figured it out and just kept doing what they had to do.

Vietnam was a hell of a war

>> No.6919127

Cough it up anon, join the party

>> No.6919837

>How to gain 6 pounds in one sitting: The Meal edition

>400 gram bag of zesty cheese flavored taco chips
>400 grams of marble cheese
>Half a pound of beef
>Quarter pound of chicken breast
>200 grams of bacon
>100 grams of roast beef or anything you find left over in the fridge.

>Cook meats, combine and lather in a thai chili sauce bbq sauce combination and with a big tray lay down a layer of chips, put a layer of meat on the chips, then sprinkle a layer of cheese. Repeat until you're all out and then cook.

When I was at a disgusting weight, I did this once or twice a week. Since I lost half my body weight (280 - 140) I can't eat even a tenth of that in one sit down. It's delicious but fuck is it shameful to consume.

>> No.6919892


They used to have a ginger flavored crust that I like but they got rid of it

>> No.6920044

a 1/2 pound bag of skittles
>tfw constantly eating your snot, fingernails, dead skin, and scabs is finally paying off

>> No.6920066

>intended for multiple people
Do you only buy family size pizzas?

>> No.6920087
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I eat trash food all the time. A long as it's in a container or not sitting IN a pile of wet filth, you're fine.

PRO TIP: If enough co-workers see you take their half eaten food out of the trash, they will hand it directly to you instead of trashing it next time!

>TFW I'm their supervisor

>> No.6920141

this one time during a field trip i was dared to taste white goo that was on a statue. It was icecream but everyone thought it was cum

>> No.6920148

thats nothing, once i went to walmart and the big skittles bag where priced the same as the tiny ones so i bought 12 and ate them over a weekend

>> No.6920160

30 times the amount of sleeping pills i was diagnosed

>> No.6921666

Half a bag of Lay's Classic potatoe chips... Family Size.

>> No.6923395

Yeah weed is really awful for over-eating and eating retarded things. I ate a peanut butter and bologne sandwich because I saw it in some shitty buzzfeed video.

It was delicious. Will try sober.

>> No.6923409

earwax is by far the worst tasting thing you just mentioned

shit is awful.

>> No.6923928

You know your grandpappy wasn't off being a hero and killing charlies to eat right?

He was eating and serving 'merican boys.

>> No.6924948

i had a kitty that would do everything in his power to get used q-tips out of the trash. It was his main motivator to learn how to open doors.

>> No.6924991
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I ate an entire full Sicilian pizza with extra cheese and ham from NYPD in about 30 minutes. I had just worked out but hadn't eaten all day, I immediately transformed into a ravenous zombie and the only thing that could slake my thirst was that pizza.

It was just over 5000 calories all in, and a dark moment in my life.

>> No.6925000

Oh, and a whole bottle of Bacardi silver and two king size bags of skittles when I was in college and first started out drinking.

>> No.6925136

Any grilled portobello sandwich I've ever eaten. Love me some mushroom

>> No.6925267


>> No.6925272

my breakfast this morning..after seeing my bank account drop to -$20, I made 2 whole wheat tortilla folds with applesauce and some honey.

its really not that good...

>> No.6925273

Kill yourself

>> No.6925280

If someone when around at a party filling up a cup from leftover beers/drinks and got fucked up on it, I would call them and alcoholic.

>> No.6925305
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i mix that with pic related or vodka. and drink it ofc

makes a decent longdrink.

works with pickle-water aswell

>> No.6925353

Boogers, regularly.

>> No.6925394

A large pizza. I'm ashamed of it but I have no regrets.
Once I hit 60 I'm gonna start eating the grossest stuff not caring about my health since I'll be close to dying anyway.

>> No.6925400


>close to dying


>> No.6925413


Don't worry Señor Autismo, Obama will give you free hospital

>> No.6925472

>i didnt reach

i didnt reach comfortably is all

>> No.6925578

Two large domino's pizzas in one sitting, they weren't even the regular kind. They were philly cheese stake and buffalo chicken.

>> No.6926841

literally thousands of tv dinners

>> No.6927096

nutella on jaffa cakes, I know I know