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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 92 KB, 537x955, IMG_20150917_132043003_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6890842 No.6890842 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm sitting there eating my spicy chicken sandwich from Chick Fila contemplating the mysteries of life when it hits me.
The secret ingredient they use to make their sandwiches spicy is Tabasco. I never noticed this before until today.
Can anyone that works at Chick Fila confirm/deny?

>> No.6890849

Fuck yo pickle chicken.

>> No.6890853

gross tbh
just like ur mum

>> No.6890856

pretty rude tbh (to be honest)

>> No.6890857

You know Chick fil a is homophobic right?

>> No.6890859

Truth hurts

>> No.6890863

God wills it, peter puffer

>> No.6890867

You're dropping bits onto your jean leg, use a napkin you savage

>> No.6890870
File: 284 KB, 1638x1224, Q8ilK[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I give a shit

>> No.6890877

If memory serves, don't they have little packs of Tobasco you can use? If so, I assume they are affiliated with them in some way and I would say, yes, they probably use it in their breading too.

>> No.6890889

idk I never actually go in chick fila. always use the drive thru

>> No.6890890

Enjoy being on the wrong side of history

>> No.6890897
File: 90 KB, 489x750, Abraham Lincoln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little gay goes a long way

>> No.6890900

When I lived in LA, my gay boss and one of my gay coworkers would still regularly eat at Chick-Fil-A after the Prop 8 thing. Reddit are faggots.

I don't live in an area with Chick-Fil-A anymore, which kind of sucks. Especially since McDonald's discontinued the "Southern-Style" chicken biscuit and sandwich, since that's the closest I could get.

>> No.6890916

nice blog post, faggot

>> No.6890934

They are? Fuckin based

>> No.6890938

That means they DON'T like you.

>> No.6890940


Stopped reading there

>> No.6890945

I'm not a homosexual, I am a young handsome Anglo-Saxon Christian. In fact, I bet they'd hire me in an instant. Fuck faggots, my state votes against your abomination marriages

>> No.6890949

>my state votes against your abomination marriages
Gay marriage is legal everywhere.
That means you CAN marry your bf now.

>> No.6890955
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>> No.6890958

Why are you protecting?

>> No.6890966

Believe it or not I know a few gay dudes that work at chick fila.

>> No.6890967

Nice projection faggot

>> No.6890969


>> No.6890973

Yeah, I'm sure you know a lot of gay dudes..

>> No.6890980

I do actually. Is this a problem?

>> No.6890982 [DELETED] 

phlegm and msg, it'll make any moron happy

>> No.6890989

Are you hitting on me?

>> No.6890990

Yeah, fuck off back to reddit libtard

>> No.6890994

>Is this a problem?
No. You're very progressive tbh

>> No.6890995

>projecting this much

>> No.6891001

>libtarding this much

>> No.6891003 [DELETED] 

It's pathetic faggots like you that are clueless about personal desision that make you come across as the cunts that you are.

Just admit that you like tossing salad and taking cock up your asses and then waving a meaningless flag. I'm not a faggot and I certainly wouldn't support your total bullshit, because what it is, is pathetic.

You little faggots can't even speak for yourselves.

>> No.6891009

I heart the hatred CAF threads bring out in queers. Truly disturbed people.

>> No.6891010

>I'm not a faggot
You sure do talk a lot about gay sex though.
More than gays do tbh...

>> No.6891013

I mean, they suffer from severe mental illness and grandiose delusions.. Also the majority of faggots are also pedophiles

>> No.6891015

>implying all gays are faggots
>implying all gays like to parade around with flags and act fruity
>implying all gays are liberals
>implying all gays hate chick fila

>> No.6891017 [DELETED] 

Keep beliving that while you suck on the meat sausage.

>> No.6891019
File: 499 KB, 300x171, pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, they love hairy old men.

>> No.6891023 [DELETED] 

> Fruity fag doth protest too much

>> No.6891026

>suck on the meat sausage.

>> No.6891031

why do you hate faggots you fucking piece of shit

>> No.6891032

They also love little boys because they're mentally ill freaks

>> No.6891033 [DELETED] 

No I don't, but dollars to donuts that you see it often.

>> No.6891041

Those are priests.
They can't fuck women so they diddle kids like you.

>> No.6891047

>tfw no /ck/ bf to cook with

>> No.6891048

See what?

>> No.6891052

Only straight guys and lesbians do

>> No.6891053

I love how chick fila threads always turn into political debate.
Can you faggots not just talk about chicken sandwiches for once?

>> No.6891054 [DELETED] 

You sucking the meat sausage you fuckin fag.
Go wave your flag somewhere else.

>> No.6891055

Uh oh, the faggot is mad that everyone knows he likes little boys

>> No.6891058

Can homophobes not just oppress us for once?

>> No.6891057

>this thread
I see /pol/ is leaking again.

>> No.6891060 [DELETED] 

Why don't you just call them all homos?
Do they all need a little classification so they can all be "look at me" "look at me" types?

>> No.6891065

There you go again, talking about gay sex...

>> No.6891067 [DELETED] 

you're not worth it faggot, friends from PA will chase you with pitchforks in NYC Halloween if you press your bullshit.

>> No.6891068


>> No.6891073

and what are they going to do?

>> No.6891079 [DELETED] 

Your language is full of shit just as you are for taking so much cock up your ass. How does me knowing that homos are disgusting equate to me being scared of them which is what a "phobe" means?

Explain that you fucking cocksucker?

>> No.6891082

I work with a gay dude who doesn't give a fuck about it. He eats it cause he likes it. Only faggots gave a shit.

>> No.6891085

Kill you, it's only a matter of time, friend.

>> No.6891086 [DELETED] 

Chase people around for fun. Why not, faggots are good targets, especially in Chelsea or on Christopher Street Manhattan.

It's pretty faggy down there.

>> No.6891096

>cock up your ass
Are you gay?

>> No.6891099

OP here
Thanks for turning my thread into /pol/ tier discussion.

>> No.6891100

He's suppressing his true feelings.

>> No.6891102

>making threats on 4chan
Enjoy the FBI raid.

>> No.6891103

queers fuck up everything

>> No.6891104 [DELETED] 

It's /ck on a Thursday night

>> No.6891108

Your fault for eating garbage food marketed towards self hating closet homosexuals

>> No.6891109

>implying /ck/ isn't always like this

You wouldn't think people would feel the need to be edgy on a cooking board, but apparently not.

>> No.6891110
File: 65 KB, 960x720, slide_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder you all are most likely homosexuals.

>> No.6891111

You asked what they'd do, I answered. It wasn't a threat just because it hurt your feelings, faggot.

>> No.6891112

It's Thursday morning.

>> No.6891114

>your feelings
You didn't say that to me, genius.

>> No.6891122

Then why are you even responding to me, genius?

>> No.6891124

it's thursday afternoon

>> No.6891127

Wow there sure are a lot of faggots in this thread!

>> No.6891129

No surprise considering you're here.

>> No.6891130

Because you're stupid, and I like fucking with stupid people.

>> No.6891139 [DELETED] 

RUSH ~A Farewell To Kings / Hemispheres [FULL ALBUMS]

>> No.6891141

>you're stupid

>> No.6891143 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is a CAF, is that some faggot support group?

>> No.6891147
File: 36 KB, 480x320, gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was right.

>> No.6891148
File: 214 KB, 1300x866, 12608811-Newborn-calf-Stock-Photo-calf-cow-holstein[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6891149

Why do you have pictures of men engaging in homosexual behavior? Pretty suspicious if you ask me.

>> No.6891152

>I was right
>I was

>> No.6891156
File: 108 KB, 624x938, bonneau-spiderman-gay-kiss-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6891160

I work at Chick-fil-A, I can confirm that is what makes the sandwiches spicy.

>> No.6891162

>87 posts later
Thank you. I can leave the thread now.
The rest of you are faggots.

>> No.6891163

How does chick fila compare to other fast food chains in terms of price, taste and ingredients quality? Being against degeneracy is already a plus.

>> No.6891170 [DELETED] 


>> No.6891174

It's damn good. Just remember that it's corporation and if you're a faggot they're not against you, they're just for you.

Try it out and find out for yourself, that's what you expect from other when dealing with faggotry isn't it?

>> No.6891179

The only good item is the sandwich OP is eating.

>> No.6891191 [DELETED] 

t's damn good. Just remember that it's corporation and if you're a faggot they're not against you, they're just not for you.

Try it out and find out for yourself, that's what you expect from other when dealing with faggotry isn't it?

Do you faggots make it an issue to only buy things from people who's directors and creators comply with the faggot agenda? If you did you'd have a tough time at buying much of anything.

You're cocksuckers, we can deal with that, but how about not being panzy fuckers?

>> No.6891197

>have a tough time at buying much of anything.
In flyover land.

>> No.6891206 [DELETED] 

Flyover land is where the federal government is settling their 250k islamics every year.

>> No.6891231

Try fucking with yourself next time

>> No.6891247

That's because nyc was already brimming with them in the first place

>> No.6891254

But he was stupid.

>> No.6893294
