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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6881966 No.6881966 [Reply] [Original]

What do vegans put on their corn on the cob instead of butter?

Having an end of summer BBQ and with a two vegan guests and do not want to leave them out.

>> No.6881978

I'm a meat eater and I usually don't put anything on corn.

>> No.6881979

dust, dirt, cardboard etc etc vegans suck yeah yea etc

(prob some sort of oil)

>> No.6881981

I can't believe it's not butter

>> No.6881983

Go Mexican style and make elotes
instead of real mayo and cheese, use the vegan knock off

>> No.6881988

Honestly, I dont think corn really needs butter for any reason other than holding on to salt. I guess they could use margarine though?

>> No.6882005

grapeseed oil +non dairy Greek yogurt + Himalayan pink salt mix it together slather it on

>> No.6882011

>What do vegans put on their corn

One vegan recipe is to shove it in their boy pussy and cum all over it. They call this "cherry tree corn from heaven" for some reason.

>> No.6882013


just loads of jizz

that's where they get 85% of their protien

>> No.6882018

these are actually true

>> No.6882024

Listen, I've been on this website for a little under a decade and I'm getting sick and tired of shitheads like you posting "LOLTROLLU" replies.

Either contribute something useful or don't at all. Fuck.

>> No.6882027


Vegetarian perhaps (arguable considering the person could've eaten meat and semen is living and not a plant or fungus), but certainly not vegan.

>> No.6882040

You've obviously never tried that then.

Why don't you fuck off you fucking cunt

>> No.6882056

i usually put some earth balance (vegan margarine) and seasoning salt or pepper on it. i'm fairly sure earth balance is available in most stores.

>> No.6882058

Nigga salty af

>> No.6882060

Yeah I am dumb fuck I give a recipe in a sea of LOL CUM posts and I'm the only one your dumb fuck ass insults

Go choke on a corncob

>> No.6882085

That actually is a pretty nice sauce dude.

>> No.6882138

I have some vegan friends that really like a very fresh top soil.

>> No.6882163

As a vegan for many years now I would say the best way is with nothing added, not even cooked. But this typically calls for good quality corn, which is hard to come by. If you must put something on it you can simply use some sort of vegetable oil, mixed with salt and spices.

>> No.6882191

Its plenty vegan if the cob was in your own ass.

>> No.6882194

I work in ag (with plenty of fresh corn this time of year) and you sir a pretentious faggot

>> No.6882197
File: 700 KB, 1500x1260, SB_SPR_ORGANIC-DF_13oz 0 33776 01162 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually OK

>> No.6882219

We do something here called Corn on the Raw. We steam the corn still in the husk and eat it with olive oil and pepper. Corn on the Raw is great.

>> No.6882223

Vegan cheese is the worst shit imaginable.

>> No.6882225

How is any of that pretentious?

>> No.6882235

>Eating queer on the cob
>Not based bowl of gold kernels

>> No.6882241

>>Eating queer on the cob

Fucking really? Why would you call it that? To be edgy? Fucker.

>> No.6882248

Same here. Also no butter on my lobster

>> No.6882259
File: 94 KB, 775x719, 1435930519472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Simple is best"
"You just gotta find fresh ingrediants plebs"

>> No.6882261

Here's the thing, almost every "vegan knock off" version of something animal-based that I've had has been fucking awful.

I suggest you ask them, as it might turn out they like it plain, or can suggest something.

Also, vegan mayonnaise is infinitely better than regular mayonnaise. It tastes better somehow, and isn't as bad for you. I couldn't fucking believe it when I tried it either.

>> No.6882269


cold olive oil with spices in it

nothing at all

some other sort of cream or sauce

>> No.6882272

it doesn't say it's vegan
there's not a vegan logo in it

therefore it isn't vegan

>> No.6882276

Cayenne. Lime juice. Maybe chili powder. Salt and pepper. Fake butter

>> No.6882284

I understand that's a common stereotype, but that wasn't my view point at all. For corn, I prefer it to be raw, but because it can be difficult to get good quality corn, especially after it's been heavily picked through.

>> No.6882326

you eat the husk and all?
vegans are cray cray

>> No.6882406

I've been vegan for years, and all my vegan friends and I have different tastes in things, so I'd ask the person/people you're making it for. OP confirmed bro-tier for even asking though. Anyway, if you're looking for stuff that might be good to look out for, I'm sure vegan mayonnaise would be good. I like salt, pepper, lime, a little cayenne, simple stuff like that.

>> No.6882484

holy shit these fucking faggots think that putting butter on corn makes them superior.
the shit posting in this thread is off the charts.

sweet corn by itself is delicious raw and cooked. anybody that says corn needs butter is a disgusting nigger.

>> No.6882496

Not a vegan, but I imagine olive oil with some sea salt sprinkled on top would taste good.

>> No.6882504

Meanwhile at Muh Organiks Co-Op
>Hey Joe, you think we have enough buzzwords?
>I dunno, Bob, go ask the manager
>Yo, Starchild, we got enough buzzwords?
>No, we need more!

>> No.6882611
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Why cant they write "gluten free" on the label?
I love to buy products that say that.

>> No.6882632

This. I put nothing on corn.

>> No.6882641


salt, a bit of pepper. cut a lemon in half, apply salt and pepper to the cut open side, and rub it on the corn.

>> No.6883442

you have got to be kidding

>> No.6883446


>i've been vegan for years





>> No.6883456
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>> No.6883458

so is it margarine

>> No.6883459

vegetable spread faux butter...

>> No.6883470


>> No.6883471

Tears of impotent rage. They'll bring their own though.

>> No.6883477

Yes, but most margarines contain whey, vegan ones don't. I still use regular margarine (Olivina) even though it has a little whey in it, at least it's not butter.

>> No.6883485

just grill a bunch of vegetables with some pesto like sauce
also mushrooms, they're gr8 and everyone loves them.
don't try to find vegan versions of anything, you'll fuck it up. or just ask them

>> No.6883487

So you are saying there is no good vegan version of corn on the cob?

>> No.6883488

that's what Im saying fam

>> No.6883503
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>> No.6883529


nice meme, reddit

>> No.6883531

make sure they're gluten and gmo free OP

>> No.6883539
File: 43 KB, 420x280, 358219-420x280-fix-tomatenbutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take some margarine and mix it with tomato paste (the stuff that comes in a tube), garlic and salt. just use a fork and stir it until smooth. let it sit for a couple of hours, then serve them instead of butter.
voilá, tomato butter. I'm not a vegan and make this shit all the time for BBQ's. people like it, no matter what they put it on.

>> No.6883594


Around here we say Wa La!
Lurk moar

>> No.6883623

I would check with the individuals involved before you follow this recipe.

>> No.6883895

>wa la
but that's not even how it is pronounced

>> No.6883927

Thats how we say it, spell , and pronounce it here on the /ck/

>> No.6883995

only meme aspies have that tendency. It can be voilá if you are from the french belgium side of the world. If you're a merry cunt you could get away with Wa La.

>> No.6884011

That picture excites me sexually. Look at the cum dripping from that goddess's mouth. God I want to go home and watch a big fat nigger fuck my girlfriend.

>> No.6884381

Chili (sweet or hot doesn't matter)

>> No.6884386


>> No.6884404

you could ask your vegan friends what they like on their corn, and then supply that for them

>> No.6884406

The "I'm a cuck, look how pathetic I am" may-may got real old real quick

>> No.6884418
File: 63 KB, 550x787, OG MGTOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny part is that though is a meme right now, western men have been actually cucked for decades.
That is why it stings so much anon.

>> No.6884434

Yea, ok

>> No.6884885

Why would a mod delete a photo of Dick Prenoke?

>> No.6884917

it's true. enjoy covering up your shit with more shit.

>> No.6884921

bruh. put butter and pepper on it

>> No.6884992

I just put a little salt on mine.

>> No.6885020

not going to read the thread

Lime & salt

how did I do?

>> No.6885070


>> No.6885080

Who cares

>> No.6885083

Looks like about 48 people care.

>> No.6885115

There are plenty of vegan margarines out there

>> No.6885234

Coconut oil, just spread it on when it's in its hardened state and it should mimic the effect of butter and be as tasty or moreso.

But tbh corn doesn't need anything on it but salt, and maybe a little bit of pepper; I even like it plain. Though I am partial to occasionally making a compound butter with lime zest, chili powder, cilantro, and cumin. Bretty gud

>> No.6885325

that's actually a legit sauce

>> No.6885728

A little oil usually works. In fact, you can substitute oil for butter in most any recipe.

>> No.6885908


>> No.6886212


try it.

>> No.6886240

Toasted sesame oil.

>> No.6886304

I had the same problem as you but with a lactose intolerant guy. Made a mix of lime zest and juice with chilli and olive oil. Worked quite well

>> No.6886316

Really takes you back to the good old days when you could watch your father stealing your mother from you, doesn't it?

>> No.6887569

Not a vegan, but I've never actually put butter on my corn. Not really something people do around here. Just salt. Is butter really that important of a part?

>> No.6887586

earth balance whipped butter

>> No.6889205

Dude butter on corn , artichokes , or crab/lobster is fucking amazing.

>> No.6889968

Just don't give them anything.
We all know that vegans feed of attention so they won't starve.

>> No.6891504

you don't need anything on corn...

>> No.6893295


>> No.6893400

I put salt on corn