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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 400x300, taco-bell-peed-nacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6882083 No.6882083 [Reply] [Original]

Post all the nasty things you did as a restaurant or fastfood worker and would like to share or get off your chest.

worked at mcdonalds for 3 years.

>seriously hated my job and everyone who ordered food at mcdonalds
>scratch butthole at home and go to work with shit stained fingernails
>wipes hands on inner no mans land and around ball sack at home for vinigar smelling cheese sweat
>literally never ever wash my hands, ever,
>touch food as much as i can while preparing
>dropped food on the ground and still used it
>anytime someone would order more than 2 dollar menu items i would lick the buns
>never gave a fuck tbh fam

>> No.6882099

stale pasta
kill self

>> No.6882109

Why would you pee on a nice persons nachos?

>> No.6882124

Phst jokes on them, I would instantly recognize the flavor of pee on my chips. And I would immediately call the cops over this shit.

>> No.6882160

One time I blew my nose on someone's thin crust pizza before I put the sauce on it when I used to work at pizza slut.

>> No.6882231

there's already a thread like this up, and you already posted your shitty made up story there.

>> No.6882267

When i was a biscuit maker I would absolutely lather the biscuits in butter more than any other maker. Then I quit suddenly without any replacement available probably disrupting the flow of biscuits for a day unless they called in the only other maker who was sick.

>> No.6882278

This is the only authentic restaurant confession itt

>> No.6882378

one time i pushed a single pube into raw pizza dough before making the pizza while

also similar to that biskit fucker, one of the times i quit my job i was fed up with being stuck on sink duty to pick up slack of new kids and shit, so i decided to wait until things got super fucking busy during rush.....then, i filled every single sink up and filled them with all the dishes that could possibly be done

then i just snuck out the back door and went home and got drunk, my cousin who worked there came looking for me yelling like about how crazy things got and i was so pleased with myself

>> No.6882388 [DELETED] 

not a pasta i just posted it in other threads faggot

>> No.6882390 [DELETED] 

not made upi used to do this every single day :^)

>> No.6882401

wrong. i used to do this and many other co workers would at least drop shit and pick it back up. You're all choosing to be in denial and don't want to believe it because you probably eat out a lot and want to stay ignorant about the fact that people who make a starvation wage at a servitude job fuck with your food.

>> No.6882404


Not a pasta I just posted it in other threads


Not made up, just get over it, fast food workers fuck with your food all the time.

>> No.6882410

>work at Subway
>sometimes put translucent cucumbers on people sandwiches

>> No.6882436

While it does happen, it really depends on the place and management. Lots of places film their employees and in those place...you're not going to do shit, because if you're working in the service industry that basically means you are desperate for a job and cant afford to lose it

For that same reason, any place that has a manager present at all times people wouldnt be too quick to try anything either, or in the case of the McDonalds by my house...everyone in the store can clearly see everything going on behind the counter because the kitchen is right htere behind the register

>> No.6882450

>For that same reason, any place that has a manager present at all times people wouldnt be too quick to try anything either,

Our shift manager would do it as well, didn't gaf

>everyone in the store can clearly see everything going on behind the counter because the kitchen is right htere behind the register

Does that stop me from not washing my hands with my poop residue/ball sweat fingers?

>> No.6882479

>Our shift manager would do it as well, didn't gaf

Well that's what I means by depends I guess

>Does that stop me from not washing my hands with my poop residue/ball sweat fingers?

Also case of depends, personally I don't wash my hands after going to the bathroom when handling food myself...germs don't bug me and when shit gets cooked, germs are killed. However where I worked I always washed my hands before touching food and everyone pretty much had to do it, but management was very uptight and drilled that shit into peoples heads cause they were always looking for reasons to fire people....hell we'd have to wash our hands at any time rush slowed down and there werent any pizzas to make

>> No.6882481

fucking kek. thanks for the lulz m8

>> No.6882483
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>> No.6882497

>when shit gets cooked, germs are killed.

The food would already be cooked at the Mcdonalds position I had, I was on the condiment section. I guess with pizzas it would be a lot harder.

>> No.6882512

I've never worked in fast food, but I've worked in a lot of restaurants. There was one place I worked where the owners ate dinner there almost every night. I offered a guy I work with $200 (offer started at $50) to rub his cock and balls all over the owners steak and he refused. This was a guy that was broke as fuck and had a drug habit.

We would joke about it when we had shitty customers, but I've never seen anyone fuck with the food in any of the places I've worked.

>> No.6882519

When I think about it it just doesn't bug me that much, I mean I'll finger somebodies butthole and then suck my fingers no problem

>> No.6882522

This is why I only go to places that only hire mexican girls to cook the fast food, if I see any male teenagers or ex cons in the back i'm walking out.

>> No.6882548

I worked at a Burger King about 10 years ago. We had a thing called "bunning". It was to stick the burgers vertically in our ass cheeks. And 1 time a guy ordered 2 fish sandwiches and claimed he only got 1 in his bag. We all knew he was lieing. So my boss spit atop the tartar sauce of the man's sandwich. I was young when all this happened. But as I got older and more conscious of what I eat and where it has been or comes from, I feel bad about what I did. I am afraid of karma every time I eat food prepared by strangers.

>> No.6882554

This was basically my experience of 5 years in the industry, never saw anything bad. It was almost all restaurants but I started at a Pizza Hut and did a couple months at Carl's jr, never saw anyone fuck with anything. Polite canadians

>> No.6882558

You're probably going to catch a life threatening disease.

>> No.6882590

>Used to work at le trendy downtown restaurant.
>Worked my way up from dishes to prep to line to sous all in the matter of 2 years and alot of lost sleep.
>Restaurant be struggling finding competent workers.
>Er'body quitting erbody quitting
>I decide to work 3 positions at once
>5 months pass, making dah paper
>Boss decides to fire me because
> 0 shits GIVEN
>Get a call about a day later
>Im all like fork off mate
Restaurant ended up going under like 3 months later..idk if it was directly because I didn't go back..but I wanted to but my ethics conflicted with that after all I helped a shit ton and ended up getting fired because of it so..meh.

>> No.6882598

I used to work in an open kitchen and occasionally..I mean everyday would have a 30 minute dance off whilst cooking.
supervisor hated when I did it
owner hated when I did it
I still did it...
thats really the only "unethical" thing ive done...as far as violating food...um no food is my lively hood...fuck if a customer is a tard..I like to cook. I rather wow them wit ha banging plate then fuck wit their food

>> No.6882599

ALL OF THESE CONFESSIONS ARE BORING AS FUCK AND NOT EVEN GROSS I WANT SOME NASTY STORIES. Looks like the fucked up people at fast food who do such things aren't browsing /ck/

>> No.6882601

This is why I only eat home cooked food and never go to restaurants.

>> No.6882613

Why you weren't looking I stole one of your fries.

>> No.6882810

Fuck cucumbers are nasty

>> No.6882836

when I worked at a pizzaria we had a small seperate walk in cooler for the dough to rise in. I went in there several times a day to fart because I'd hold it in until I was alone. it always smelled like open ass whenever they'd open the door to grab dough, it just trapped my gas inside and recirculated the air.

>> No.6882852

I used to work at In N Out and when the boss wasn't looking I'd wipe my ass with the lettuce and then put it on the burger. One time the boss left for five minutes so I dropped trou and dropped a deuce in the deep fryer and the whole place smelled like fried poo for hours. I got fired because I stole $300 from the register

>> No.6882867

The worst I did was when I was working at a fast food restaurant when I was a teenager.

I dropped a frozen chicken patty on the ground for a second, yet still I deep fried it

>> No.6882872

If you're not baiting you should kill yourself.

>> No.6882889

i work at mcdonalds and one time a hot chick came in so i put a roofie in her soda then took her home and made love on my lunch break

>> No.6882897
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>made love

>> No.6883032

I used to work as a dishwasher at a hotel for about 3 months.

I typically would work with another person, but he bailed on me during a 700 person wedding. I was pissed. I kept dropping silverware on the floor, and just didn't feel like washing it again, so I threw it in the bin. It was only on the floor for like three seconds.

>> No.6883052

This isn't true, I can tell by the pixels

>> No.6883091

Dropped about 20L of chili on the floor that we were going to deliver in the next 10 minutes. We had just washed the floor, so we just swept it back in the bowl.

>> No.6883116


They are too busy working their second job. These stories are why you morons get laid a wage below a livable level

>> No.6883439

If true, you are far too proud of being an absolutely disgusting person. Shit stained fingernails all day?

>> No.6883515

I wasn't all that big on washing my hands and other hygiene when working with produce.

When making samples (cutting up fruit) I usually didn't bother with washing the fruit either, and didn't really check if the knife was clean or not.

Then again the place itself was pretty clean, and I did wash my hands when I had a break / went to the bathroom. Also you shouldn't eat samples if you've got a shit immune system anyways. Especially because the customers that came in to manhandle the food were a lot grosser than I was.

>> No.6883536

I'm sure this is fake, but I read a story on /b/ years ago about a man with hepatitis who worked at KFC. Supposedly he would prick his finger and mix some droplets of blood into the gravy when he got an asshole customer.

>> No.6883543

Fucking americans, you're so disgusting.

>> No.6883549

Fast food isn't like it was 15 years ago.
It's not teenagers looking for spending money
It's grown adults who are pissed off at life that they're stuck in a service job

>> No.6883557
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>Work at McDonalds
>Cut finger at the start of my shift
>Pop on a blue plaster (bandaid)
>Work as usual
>Its my break
>Notice the plaster isn't on my finger
>Check the whole kitchen

It must have gone out with the food but I never heard any complaints from the managers. I wonder if some fat ass ate it
I would never fuck with food deliberately like you sick fucks, but I am dangerously clumsy

>> No.6883567


Because it's a rape your ass felony to do so, most of the 'horror' stories are bullshit power fantasies or honest to god mistakes.

>> No.6883573

i work at steak n shake and i remember a few years ago some dumb fuck shake maker lost his class ring in a shake and it was never found lol

>> No.6883580

Fucking bullshit.

>> No.6883584

You sick fuck.

>> No.6883587
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I used to manage a warehouse that sold bulk food wholesale.
The day before I quit I pull heaps of food out of the cool room with the forklift and put it up in the racks in random locations around the warehouse. For the rest of the day when trucks turned up with pallets full of food I just dumped them on the floor until you couldn't move in the warehouse. The next day if someone wanted a pallet down from the back racking they'd of had to move about 30 pallets of shit outside into the parking lot.
I actually have a photo from the beginnings of my shenanigans.

>> No.6883588

why is it bullshit dumbfuck

shit happens when you leave your fucking basement

>> No.6883591

How the fuck can you drop your class ring in a fucking shake and lose it forever you stupid fat american shitter? Not even you people can be this retarded.

>> No.6883593

because the guy was a literal retard

he was like a 50 year old homeless guy working at steak n shake you could tell he already was pretty fucked in the head

and the people that eat there and all massive fat hillbillies

now go choke on a black dick dumbfuck, oh waaaah everything isnt as neat and pretty as the bubble my mommy made for me waaaaah

>> No.6883610

I can't choke on a black dick because you're the one with the nigger country. Enjoy yourself though.

>> No.6883619

he'll probably end up with assburgers syndrome then.

>> No.6883624

internet battle of the decade

Who won?
I'll let you decide

>> No.6883628


You probably looked like a complete and utter fool while trying to meme-off while everyone else was working.

>> No.6883632

The guy not working in fast food.

>> No.6883633

When I worked in a kitchen I got caught putting my dick in the meat slicer.

We both lost our jobs.

>> No.6883636

>We both lost our jobs.

you and your dick?

>> No.6883657

What can a customer even do to you that would make you fuck with their food? They just complain like babies, it's not like they'll come up to your face and call you a bitchfaggot or key your car or something.

>> No.6883780

>We both lost our jobs

>> No.6883791

One time a rude Jewish family came to my pizza place and started bossing people around. So I rubbed pepperoni all over their cheese pizza before serving it to them. I still chuckle about it now and again.

>> No.6883797


>> No.6883821
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Isn't nasty, but worked at McDurdle's in high school. The breakfast shift was essentially me and 7-8 of my teenage bros plus one 40-something manager who even Jesus hated. Every hour on the hour we would sing Prince's 'Most Beautiful Girl in the World' in full falsetto to piss off himself and the customers. He would throw a shit-fit but knew that he couldn't send us all home

>> No.6883851

You are all sick fucks.
I hate humans.

>> No.6884228

Thats pretty funny

>> No.6884312 [DELETED] 
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>worked at family owned tex-mex restaurant through high school
>guy i hated game on with his family
>he and his family hated me too and his face showed the satisfaction he was getting from me having to serve them
>got vinegary ball/taint sweat all over my fingers
>dunked fingers in his and his mom's drinks
>and on each of their refills
>mfw he sat there acting smug as fuck the whole time

>> No.6884319
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>worked at family owned tex-mex restaurant in high school
>guy i hated came in with his family
>he hated me too and his face showed the satisfaction he was getting from me having to serve them
>got vinegary ball/taint sweat all over my fingers
>dunked fingers in his and his mom's drinks
>and on each of their refills
>mfw he sat there acting smug as fuck the whole time

>> No.6884349
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You son of a bitch.

>> No.6884357

>I'm better than you!! I'm not disgusting, I've never done a gross thing in my life ever!!

>> No.6884377

>I got caught putting my dick in the meat slicer
y tho?

>> No.6884380

ITT: Things that didn't happen

>> No.6884477


Why the need to narrate like a retard?

>> No.6884621
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Do you really not get the joke?

>> No.6884680
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>> No.6884815

Not the muslim

>> No.6884865

Put a fly in the flaps of a oyster and fried it.
Not my best moment.

>> No.6884887

omg i do this too at work if i need to fart or cry i pick a walk-in and have a moment

>> No.6884890

i wish i got laid :(

>> No.6885511


>> No.6885602


>> No.6885610

oh shit sorry wrong board

>> No.6885619

havent heard this in years

>> No.6885634

in denial

>> No.6885654


>> No.6886183
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>One time the boss left for five minutes so I dropped trou and dropped a deuce in the deep fryer and the whole place smelled like fried poo for hours

>> No.6886369

Yeah, you risked bodily injury and potential death to squat over a hot deep fryer and back one out. I can only imagine the splash hitting your asshole at 300 degrees, and you flinching, slipping and falling in. You lying faggot. I don't think you've been closer than ten feet to a working, full size deep fryer in your life.

>> No.6886713

Nope, sorry

>> No.6886721


i genuinely belive no job is better than fast food level shite

>> No.6886756

>girl I went to high school with worked at a local Subway/Jimmy John's, idk some kind of sandwich shop
>bragged on Twatter that she would drop food on the floor and still use it and would spit in customer's food if she thought they were ugly
>dumb bitch forgot that her boss followed her
>she gets fired, everybody in the entire town is fucking pissed at her
>next week at high school people fuck with her hardtime
>someone slashed all the tires on her car, they stabbed the gas tank and ruined it, cut hoses in the engine and whatnot
>people TPd her house and also wiped their own shit on the windows and stuck sandwich ingredients to the shit
fun times

>> No.6886765


I feel bad for your imaginary lady.

>> No.6886785

>not farting under the hood

>> No.6886950

This is why I'm happy that all low-skilled jobs are replaced with machines first.

>> No.6887799

>work in a cafe near a cheapass hotel
>normally love my job and pay attention to the coffee I serve
>know most regulars and we catch up on each others lives all the time
>cue titan
>calling her that because her body mass resembled the moon, titan
>she looks like she had just cried so I ask her if she'd like a glass of water with her order
>she gets on my face saying that I'm just jealous of her wealth since she stayed at the cheapass hotel everyday
>I literally said nothing about the hotel or wealth
>she begins to insult me and my occupation wildly enough to cause a big disturbance during our breakfast rush (long ass line)
>am a teenager at this moment so I'm hurrying to make the rest of her order whilst fighting tears
>I leave my coworker to finish and run to cry in the break room
>managers ask why happened and I tell my story
>she's gone by the time the managers head out to speak with her
>from then on she keeps coming back and bitches at a different coworker, somehow dodging the managers
>I happen to be here server again and do my best frozen smile
>she remembers me and starts to bitch claiming that I poisoned her food
>one of my regulars comes out of the longass line to defend me
>titan bitches right back causing a giant scene
>manager pulls me aside to deal with the conflict and I'm supposed to finish her order
>she wants a latte, latte machine is on the other side of the store, I have to pass behind the bakers station for a shortcut where its hidden from view
>spit in her cup as I walk
>Baker stops me and spits too
>I make her latte and give it to her, she snatches it away almost spilling the contents on me and runs out
>regular treated to free drink and snack item
>titan is banned from store
>baker and I share secret smiles

>> No.6887823
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I think I wiped my hand with my ball sweat before making pizzas for the police department a couple times. I also used to shoot up heroin in the kitchen, and I later found out I have hepatitus C.

>> No.6887832

you seem like an annoying girl. but nice digits

>> No.6887879

back to reddit faggot

>> No.6887884

Goddamn it Carlos.

>> No.6888156

>worked in a local pizza shop
>best friend of dude who raped my roommate orders
>he glared at her on the bus a week after she went to the police
>scrape all the white bacteria off my tongue with my teeth
did I mention that I forgot to brush my teeth that morning?
>ungodly smelling white sauce from tongue in sauce
>spread it through the sauce with a pepperoni

What's it like to have a part of someone else's body inside you when you didn't want it there?

>he orders again a few days later
>have some more watery parm

>> No.6888543

> I don't wash my hands after going to the bathroom
You must be a fucking Indian or some other lowlife scum. How can you live with yourself, it's so disgusting.

>> No.6888666
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I don't work at a restaurant, but I thought I should share this
>pick up Chipotle after ordering it online
>head over to grap some napkins and forks to take home
>this black landwhale of a woman is taking her time getting tons of napkins and shit to put in her bag full of Chipotle, I'm assuming is all for herself
>like she takes up the whole table, over two people wide
>then she takes a bottle of hot sauce and puts it in her bag and walks out the door casually
You guys don't do this, right?

>> No.6888730

>this little bitch cries at work

I used to work at a restaurant in Menasha, Wisconsin called Naut's Landing. Like the clever name? It's because the parasites who conned the city into opening a marina for the upper class to park their boats at public cost also put a nautically-themed restaurant at the marina's edge.

It took a few years, but we bankrupted the place. They involuntarily sponsored all our parties. I personally:

>always spit in the secret recipe "tiger sauce" (mayo + horseradish)
>spit in all the soups
>sprinkled a little urine in the chicken noodle
>breaded and deep-fried a loogie to serve alongside deep-fried clams
>(he ate it)
>sneezed on everything
>would give bros a heads-up about takeaway orders so they could steal them

We also broke into cars in the parking lot all the time, even on our breaks.

>> No.6888745

this is why we should boycott fast food they hired sick reddit fucks like op to piss on and fuck with yer food

>> No.6888770

Did something stupid once...

>working in the deli at a small market after closing
>just dumped the oil from two pressure fryers
>squirted degreaser into the fryers, ready to scrub
>manager walks up and pitches a hissy fit after noob coworker didn't properly clean/prep sandwich station
>makes me clean up after the noob
>go back to fryers, totally space it and forget to scrub and flush with water.
>close the bottom vents and pour oil back into fryers.
>driving home and realize what I'd done.
>fuck it
>noob opening next day, let him deal with it
>had next day off
>come in the following day, everyone talking about how previous day's chicken tasted like ass
>manager blames the noob

>> No.6888783

yeah sht gets real at walmart ok food stamp recipients that have never worked a day in their life like to go ape shit at a moments notice even when unprovoked lmao

>> No.6888828
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>> No.6888847

Worst things I've ever done in my job

>rub nose and not wash hands
>During late night make taco bell without gloves
>not wash hands everytime I touch stuff
>Drop shit and pick it back up and use it if there's nothing on it
>give customers 12hour old cinnabons
>don't change tea if its not empty

Such a shit job though

>> No.6889028

Small place it was literally me in there most of the time

>> No.6889122

Used to sous a 'wood fired pizza' place (gas ovens with wood for the 'authentic' taste).
One time I didn't put the wood in the oven so there was no soot or ash on the pizzas.

>I'm a monster, c-can you forgive me?

But seriously, I cooked in the Army and then in regular restaurants and cafes and I never fucked with the food. But I was a reasonably well paid professional, not a disgruntled parolee or semi pro drug user.

>> No.6889191

>You must be a fucking Indian or some other lowlife scum. How can you live with yourself, it's so disgusting.

Nah I'm an American...germs don't do shit to you, it's literally a phobia. Are you telling me you've never shoved your tongue in a girls ASSHOLE and swirled it around? I have, I don't need to worry about washing my hands just cause I touched my dick...which is clean considering I shower, and I know how to wipe so I don't get shit on my hands anyway.

>poo particles are in the air

Big deal...they're their when you fart as well, what do you do then? Put on a hazmat suit as to not touch any of the poop particles floating in the air? Do you not breathe in as you shit?

>> No.6889198

Were you part of project mayhem too?

>> No.6889209

It's not a phobia.

>> No.6889211

>I used to work at a restaurant in Menasha, Wisconsin called Naut's Landing. Like the clever name? It's because the parasites who conned the city into opening a marina for the upper class to park their boats at public cost also put a nautically-themed restaurant at the marina's edge.
>It took a few years, but we bankrupted the place. They involuntarily sponsored all our parties.

You know...I hate the rich as much as the next guy, but I'm not really getting your logic here...

>Rich assholes, assholes though they may be, open up a restaurant in your community
>Are they still assholes? Probably, but its still a business and that means jobs for people in your community
>Let's fuck them over

Like, I get the mentallity but it seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face....if you wanted to fuck them over, you should get a job somewhere in THEIR community and fuck it up

>> No.6889213

I've drank piss before and willingly put my tongue inside of assholes. I'm not going to get sick because of touching my dick or wiping my ass and then not washing my hands.

>> No.6889239

What people do on their own private life doesn't affect you they said...

>> No.6889247 [DELETED] 

did it taste like shit? Was it hairy? Why? Are you a dickless, beta cuck?

>> No.6889268


>he thinks eating booty is beta

>> No.6889291

>licking somebody's shit
>not beta

>> No.6889302

>confirmed for virgin

>> No.6889309
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Hey everyone this guy doesn't wipe his ass properly

>> No.6889320

>being virgin is worse than licking ass

>> No.6889323 [DELETED] 

No, no, because it's hot to lick girls assholes, not dickless, kinda beta, not a cuck but jerk off to cuck porn sometimes

I've tried to get a hooker to shit in my mouth when I was fricken zooted but she wouldn't do it, tried to claim it was one of her rules. Also...

>being so vanilla that you don't even eat ass

Is your name Ned Flanders, ya L7 weenie?

>> No.6889325
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I train people at a restaurant inside of a theme park every summer. Common sense does not run inside of these fresh out of high school young adults brains. I have seen these idiots compact a full trash can down with their hands, than immediately go back to preparing food, just because their lazy ass is too lazy to change the trash can. ALL while in full view of the customer too.

I have seen another girl cut raw chicken and then using the same cutting board, would cut veggies on it. Same goes with people reusing knifes from raw meats to raw produce.

I caught a guy using the same steel wool to clean the drains used to clean the dishes. Same with sponges and those green scrubby thingies.

We once had a girl come into to work on the tail end of a cold and she proceed to rub her nose every 20 seconds without washing hands. I wanted to send her home but the manager had a hard on for her.

Things I blame on my cheap manager:

1) We sell food WELL past their prime. Translucent veggies, slimy carrots, and rotten ground turkey etc. Just use a lot of seasoning and nobody notices.

2) We clean our HEAVILY used fryers every two weeks. The oil is a thick black goop when we change it out. At least we filter it every night. However, we should be changing the oil every 3-4 days.

3) We never clean our grills because he does not want to pay us to clean the whole place. The grill is a black charred mess.

>> No.6889348

>3) We never clean our grills because he does not want to pay us to clean the whole place. The grill is a black charred mess.

Back at the Pizzaria I worked at....me, a manager, and usually someone else who was trusted would come to work before hours to do the heavy cleaning stuff like that for free, but we were allowed to go out to eat somewhere with money from the stores register

>> No.6889358 [DELETED] 
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Nice dubs

>> No.6889361

You sound like an angsty faggot, OP. Seems like you were mad at yourself for being to lazy to just get a different fucking job.

On that note, I worked at Subvway for 16 months and this guy that I personally hated came in and I crushed his sandwiches when I rolled them.

>> No.6889394

I never did anything to people's food at Walmart working the service deli. My customers were usually nice, I wasn't gonna risk my job over the one cunt out of 100+ customers who asks me if the chicken is fresh, and proceeds to tell me how dry it looks.

I will admit I was pretty lax about the cleanliness of the dishes at my second job, but that's mostly due to the constant "not fast enough" I would hear all day. My coworker however, did eat a discarded edemame shell on a dish that came back. I didn't have the heart to tell him that shell was definitely in some fat fuck's mouth.

My third job however, I definitely fell asleep prepping grated cheese, and awoke to myself drooling into the bowl. I felt a little bad, but I wasn't about to explain to my boss why I had to throw away an entire 5lbs of cheese.

>> No.6889702

>worked at burger king
>had this weird OCD thing where I would lick the bottom of every whopper Jr
>I sold a lot of licked whopper jrs to people
>eventually got fired because I was lazy anyway


>> No.6889708
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not a single thing
because I'm like the only fucking one in the entire industry that gives a shit that you don't eat potatos washed with table sanitizer or tomatos left to rest and juice on the wall, or dishes picked up and delivered without washing your hands.

>> No.6890240

This. Personal standards. Although some of these stories are funny.

>> No.6890297

>roommate gets drunk and fucks some guy because she's a slut
>she tells everyone that she got raped to avoid the shame of a one night stand
>uses you as a shoulder to cry on because she knows you're a loser and won't make a move on her
>later you yourself cry yourself to sleep imagining yourself married to her
>see him at a restaurant when you guys are eating one time
>she sees him and gets worried
>you say "don't worry babe I got this"
>walk over to the food section and fuck with his food
>laugh as he eats the gunk from your teeth
>All the while your slut to roommate is planning on banging him again

Fixed that for you buddy

>> No.6890326

>Working at concession stand
>Have hotdogs and sourkraut
>Friend dares me all sumer to jerk in into the krout
>Finally do it b4 day we close down
>Camed into showerbout
>Serve all dey
>Week later, aparently one got pregnent

>> No.6892696
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>worked at deli that served roast beef and smoked meat sandwiches
>was known for having like 10 types of mustard, but nothing else as this was its specialty
>place gets crowded as fuck during lunch and dinner hours
>4 guys in there 40s walk in and order themselves each a roast beef sandwhich
>one orders one without mustard, so literaly bun + meat
>put that one on a sperate plate and showed the guy
>30mins later he comes back pissed, saying his had mustard
>told him it didnt and i even made sure his was sperate
>he started yelling and cussing, so i asked if i could see it
>he said he ate it
>told him that thats too bad then
>goes full retard screaming and shouting
>manager just says fuck it give him another sandwhich
>we had already threw out all the remaining meat cause it was closing time
>went to the back room, scooped up some garbage beef with my hand and put it on a moldy bun
>serve it to him and say here i made it special
>he starts eating it and leaves

fuck people like this guy he deserved that garbage sandwhich

>> No.6892742

Except you didn't. It was the rapist's friend who ordered. He glared at her because she already turned the rapist (his friend) in.

>> No.6892818

>working at some diner in the middle of Chattanooga, Tennessee
>hear we're going to have a "special" guest today
>prepare for breakfast as normal, when some extremely loud troll doll bursts into the kitchen and says some things I think might have been eldritch before asking for the house special
>he eats the entire plate in one bite, only leaving a single napkin behind
>thanks us for the meal in ancient Mayan, before getting in his car

>> No.6892898

fucking dumbass
you act like he was the rapist

>> No.6892912


>fuck people like this guy he deserved that garbage sandwhich

Usually, no. But in that case, yes. Good job.

>> No.6892916


I hate this image so much. Sorry anon.

>> No.6893831

Congratulations on lowering yourself to the level of a fat bitch that yells at hotel workers about coffee and showing that you have no pride, confidence, self esteem, or basically any ability to handle a difficult situation at all. Instead of showing you were a better person than her by taking it in stride and doing your job properly, or even defending yourself by yelling back and telling her off, you did the most cowardly thing possible by running away and crying. Then when you started feeling bad about yourself and wanted some petty revenge, so you went in secret and spit in her drink out of view. You didn't even have the balls to do or say anything right to her face because you have no spine. In fact that makes you even worse than her. If you were a good person you could have handled that a lot better than you did, and you would realize you fucked up. But you're not a good person, which is why you couldn't handle it, and why you don't realize it. So again, congratulations on proving that you are literally worse than a fat bitch yelling about coffee. No wonder it's such a shitty hotel considering they hire scum like you and your equally shitty coworkers.

>> No.6893847

>work in concession stand in high school
>do my best to prepare quality food for customers

>> No.6894153

If you don't wash your hands after shitting, when do you? And wiping with just dry toilet paper does nothing.

>> No.6894239

>I was this God like employee that was incredibly successful
>got fired unjustly
>restaurant fails after I refuse to back

>> No.6894249

kek. The only people who say things like this are people who have to deal with retards like the landwhore in his story. You just get used to your girlfriend or sister acting like a cunt in public so you expect others to too.

>> No.6894271
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Looks like someone remembered /ck/'s favourite bait. at least its not evry couple of days anymore.

>> No.6894282

Do you fuckers not wear gloves?

>> No.6894287

Jesus Christ I work at Wal-Mart and we filter the fryer every night and change the oil every week. We also get rid of disgusting food and store use ingredients if we have to. We also have to date everything and check dates every day on the shelf.

>> No.6894291

Fine, choke on Muslim dick eurochode

>> No.6894298


>> No.6894327
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I got me this job one time bussin' tables at a country club. So I could case all the big rich pricks that come in. I pick out this guy, go in one night and do his place. He wakes up and gives me shit. So I killed him. Him and the tasty bitch he was with.

That's the best part! She's fuckin' this prick, see, this golf pro, but she's married to some other guy! Some hotshot banker. He's the one they pinned it on! They got him down Maine somewhere doing time for the crime! Ain't that choice?

>> No.6895046

>2012, first job at typical trashy diner rife with "americana" clutter from the 1950s/60s
>university freshman, depressed and on SSRI's (not on them anymore)
>hate the job, only got it because parents pressured me into it
>dishwasher, also was in charge of salads. absolutely fucking HATED it
>manager insisted I used the hottest setting, my skin from the elbows down was always lobster red
>get chewed out for using cooler water

at this point i'm getting really fucking pissed off. i never tampered with food as i had a level of respect for what i was in charge of preparing. you DO get sloppy after a while, and may pick up some less than sanitary habits and timesavers, but I never did anything consciously. Worst thing I think I did was forget gloves once or twice, but I was always sure to wash my hands, especially after the bathroom.

>Try to tell parents about how shitty I'm treated and how poor the work conditions are
>"welcome to the adult world anon"
>can feel the anger building
>go to room and bawl my fucking eyes out

>> No.6895049

the next day
>friday night, we're busy
>two hours in and i'm ready to just quit and go home, fuck this nigger resturant
>stick it out
>salad gets sent back, i used bleu cheese when they wanted ranch
>get SUPER pissed, blood is boiling, ready to just go out and strangle the first smug looking asshole customer i see
>get started on the next salad
>in my anger, i put my pinky down and imagine burzum playing really loud in my head, decide to fuck the customer over
>sit there and slice through my pinky finger, hands were shaking and didn't get through the bone, slice into the back of my ring finger as well
>i'm in immense pain
>moment of clarity arises, what the actual fuck did I just do?
>holy shit what the fuck was I thinking
>in a haze of adrenaline and immediete regret, i begin to walk to the bathroom clutching my fingers
>blood all over my white shirt and pants, bleeding fast
>can't feel those fingers from the wound down
>manager looks at me and says something, all I can muster is a monotone "fuck'
>get in the bathroom, shut it and lock it
>try to hold a paper towel to the wound, can feel the bone through the paper towel, feels like a chicken leg bone

>regain consciousness, in ambulance
>get to hospital, lost a liter of blood
>had to get 15 stitches

to this day no one knows I did it on purpose. At the time what was going through my head was that I would cut my pinky off and put it in the dude's salad so he'd have a REAL reason to complain, but I just ended up making a tremendous fool of myself. I suppose it's a bit better knowing everyone thought it was an accident. It keeps me up at night thinking how people would look at me differently knowing I did that shit intentionally.

i got off the SSRI's. I felt horrendeously sluggish and depressed for weeks afterward, but I got in the habit of drinking coffee and not acting so sad at my lifestyle like a proper grown up adult.

>> No.6895060


Seriously you needed your parents to pressure you to get a job? You can't even fucking handle dishwashing?

It needs to be hot water for a reason, hot water helps kill the bacteria. Your skin is red? Use long thick dishwashing gloves.

Now you want to tamper with people's food because your life is so shit and you only have yourself to blame? Great, they'll fire your ass. Your parents will be tired of your unemployed ass and kick you out. Enjoy being homeless.

>> No.6895061

why are all the taco bell employees disgruntled? I got two of those Frito burritos that tasted like they had been cleaned up off the floor and I did nothing to deserve it :(

>> No.6895066

same shit happened to me
it's because they're all high school kiddies

>> No.6895071
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This was three years ago. I'm about to finish the final year in a bachelor program.

I had issues at the time. I never actually fucked with someone's food, that was the closest I ever got. That was my first job. All anyone saw it as was an accident in the kitchen, that was that.

I firmly believe SSRI's are fucked, tbh fam. I haven't had a burst of irrationality of that caliber since then.

>> No.6895281

But the person he was responding to didn't do anything confrontational. They did nothing to correct the behavior. They did something petty because they were too cowardly to confront someone themselves but were happy to let their customers act on their behalf. Sounds like a terrible employee. Getting revenge on someone isn't worth your store receiving a citation and fine for health code violations.

>> No.6895293

>Willing to destroy the business that employed him because a finger in food would have definitely resulted in a lawsuit that a small business couldn't possibly afford
>Willing to hurt himself in order to met out punishment to a completely innocent individual because you made a mistake on their order
>All the while pulling a "poor me, my parents pushed me to have a job!" bullshit

You were and still are a huge faggot. Home you didn't go for a BA.

>> No.6895334

nah just niggers

>> No.6895344

nice trips

>then she takes a bottle of hot sauce and puts it in her bag and walks out the door casually
it's a nigger thing

>> No.6895348

go back to 2012 and let us enjoy a decent thread

>> No.6896141

>fap in condoms on my way to work
>leave it dangling on dick until it was time to strike or had to piss
>smear cum on hot girls' orders
>or just dump it all in milkshakes
>use fresh warm fries to clean out my ear
>looked like shit when it came out but no one ever complained
>scratch chin that is flaky with fungus or eczema
>pop zits or ingrown hair from my back and ass
>itch my bloody external hemorrhoids
>forget to wash my hands most of the time

>> No.6896243

well i have this

>work in the only independent concession stand of this minor league baseball stadium
>have a separate lemonade cart (fresh squeezed)
>working with a fine piece of white trash ass
>very hot day, very busy, everybody wants their fresh lemonade
>this one lady comes back charges in front of about 15+ people
>"there's a fingernail in my drink"
>take it from her, look at it
>say "where"
>she's super pissed at this point
>points to bottom of glass
>sure enough one of my coworkers fake fingernails fell off into one of the glasses she was making
>send lady to boss at main stand for refund
>coworker and I laugh out asses off

My boss(es) were absolutely crazy too. one more if interested

>> No.6896250
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>> No.6896272

I always order the whooper j

>> No.6896284

Sounds like you need(ed) more than SSRI's you fucking psycho.

>> No.6896495


>> No.6896501
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i do if i get skimped

>> No.6896514

Just saying. I was on an SSRI too and I wasn't that fucking crazy.

>> No.6896595

>complains about hot water
> has no problem slicing through pinky

>> No.6897646
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go back to leddit or wherever you crawled out from you fucking faggot

>> No.6898019

hahahahaha! absolute madman!

>> No.6898110

>hot water helps kill the bacteria.

Sure it does. When it boils.

>> No.6898131

im sure if they found a finger in their fresh salad they could easily go back in the kitchen and spot the cook with the bloody stump and hold them personally responsible.

>> No.6898167

Used to work at cinabon and when I was at the back making the dough I didn't wear gloves (didn't know). Wherever there was a Jewish holiday at the mall with an amusement park in it the men would watch me knee the dough and just watch
And when I went to the front to make the buns they would wait till my rolls were done and buy the ones I made and give me tips even though we didn't have a tip har
I'm an asian girl so I'm practically hairless

>> No.6898189

when i worked at friendlies, i pissed in a cup out back, walked through the kitchen like i was drinking soda from it or something, and when i was alone with the ice machine, i threw the piss all over the ice. at least a hundred people ate my piss.

someone also came in late once, and it was the cooks idea to fuck with their food since they were total dicks, and we both put pubic hair on it.

my friend jizzed into the handsoap dispenser.

>> No.6898405

Laughing uncontrollabley

>> No.6898430

very true. they are terrifying if not treated with respect.

>> No.6898613
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>> No.6898999

>killed him
>he's doing time
So the wardens of hell looked upon your crime thinking it was his, and are punishing him for it?
ye gods

>> No.6899072

Reading comprehension you dumb FLID

>> No.6899587
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Once spit in a giant vat of marinara sauce at Dominos. I probably had mono at the time since I fell ill shortly after.

>> No.6899922


>I'm a girl
>She was literally dropped off in the middle of the night sobbing
>Had giant bite marks that broke skin all over her neck
>Texts her shit like "no one will believe you"
>Hospital attendant found evidence of bruising all over the entrance of her vagina due to unstimulated entry

But yeah, she's a liar.

>> No.6899924


Maybe don't try to intimidate rape victims?

>> No.6899958

> put basket on floor
>shit in basket
>put basket in deep fryer

>> No.6899969

fuck the rich

class war when??

>> No.6899982

not a restaurant worker but i regularly take long strands of hair off my girlfriends brush then put it in my food when i go to restaurants. free meals all day err day. i realize im scum, but im pretty broke, plus i dont do it at mom and pop joints.

>> No.6899987

>but im pretty broke

Then don't go to restaurants. Jesus Christ.

>> No.6900007

Tawana Brawley pls go

>> No.6900028

Dishwasher at a restaurant here. I use the same steel wool and green scrubbers to clean the drains that I use to wash the dishes, but it doesn't really matter since the dishes go in the dishwasher to be washed and sanitized again after I scrub them. I spray them off really well after cleaning gross shit too, but I rarely throw them away.

>> No.6900034

>mexican girls in fast food
They're too busy being housemaids and working as hotel/motel cleaners.

It's always mexican guys in food service, or at least guys that are the cooks with one or two grills that take your order.

>> No.6900050

You're a bigger redditfag than the guy who told his story with forced memes.

>> No.6900052

you sound like an edgy beta pussy tbh

>> No.6900058

I worked at Burger King for 10 months, and I don't get why you would reuse food that fell on the ground. That shit just goes into a waste bucket and costs the corporate faggots that own the franchise money. I'd rather get back at the shitheads profiting off of my near slave labor than fuck over the average customers. Maybe if I was getting shit for dropping too much stuff, then I would reuse food from the floor.

>> No.6900730
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>tfw I'm not a qt Asian girl getting 'mired by Jews as I subject them to pathogens
Why even live?

>> No.6901161

Or niggers who don't wanna fucking work

>> No.6901164

I work at a pizza joint where we hand stretch our dough. Lots of nose picking and ball scratching happening. Nasty Guatemalans!

>> No.6901218

>fucking with other people's food
You faggots are despicable. I'm all for fucking people over that did wrong to me but I would never fuck with anyone's food. I don't care how much they deserve it.

>> No.6901298
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>> No.6901332

That's not how franchising works.

>> No.6901738

Go for it bro

>> No.6902011

sometimes i steal fries from people's plates
>I'm a madman

>> No.6902121


>implying they arent paying for that sweet, sweet asian finger dough

>> No.6902131

Aw this scene made me sad.

>> No.6902166

fucking slut

>> No.6902188

>whiteknight calling other people redditors
oh man this is golden
go back to your reddit shithole and never come back stupid faggot