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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6881431 No.6881431 [Reply] [Original]

Nutrition advice/general health questions encouraged. Constructive criticism, please.
Here's mine:
Protein: Chia seeds for omega 3's, Powdered hemp seeds for omega 6's, minimal eggs/dairy, occasional imitation meat stuffs, lentils, black beans, nuts, mushrooms(crimini/oyster)
General Nutrients: Beets, broccoli, bell peppers, kale, chard, cabbage, tomatoes, okra, cucumbers, carrots, apples, pears, bananas.
Grains/carbs: Millet, oats, quinoa, potatoes, corn.
Miscellaneous: Honey, nutritional yeast (b12 supplement among other benefits,) garlic, onions, curries, Sunflower/pumpkin seeds, vitamin C(Acerola berry extract) Vitamineral Green(Superfood powder supplement, Spirulina, chlorella, various herbs and gut supportive, bacteria)

I'd suggest this diet for anyone dealing with chronic illness(of all varieties)/joint/muscle inflammation.

>> No.6881435

Fuck off faggot, /ck/ is for the discussion of fast food and alcoholism only

>> No.6881486


>> No.6881488

fuck you ill eat as much cheddar cheese blocks as I want faggot

>> No.6881516

Looking at your list, I eat pretty much everything you eat, except I'm an omnivore, and eat a lot of eggs and fish, as well as the occasional steak or other meat. BUT, I do not eat any dairy (or any fake meat substitutes).
Seeing that you like chia seeds, there's a cereal by Enjoy Life called Crunchy Flax with Chia that I love for breakfast with some berries and almond or cashew milk. It reminds me of Grape Nuts, because it's small and crunchy and doesn't get soft in milk, but it's made with sorghum flour, flax flour, and chia flour. I fucking love it.
Also, chard wraps are awesome. Had some last night with tuna salad in them, fucking delicious.
I made a fantastic bean salad for lunch today: chickpeas, limas, black eyed peas, and green beans with celery, scallions, red bell pepper, and chopped parsley in a dressing made with apple cider vinegar, olive oil, a small touch of honey, a bit of dry mustard, salt, pepper, and a dash of hot sauce. Ate it on a bed of greens with some sliced tomato and avocado. Wonderful.

>> No.6881588
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I have been miserable and fat for several years. Finally, a doctor suggested I try an elimination diet to see what foods I was sensitive to. I followed the GAPS diet protocol and then introduced foods back into my diet to see what made me feel better or worse, I have dealt with chronic illness and inflammation and I found dropping soy and corn out of my diet helped a lot. It is hidden in a lot of foods so you have to read labels and know what you are looking at, they use lots of ingredient names to mean corn or soy. I eat dairy, not much but it is from grass fed/pastured cows or goats and unpasteurized or low temp pasteurized. I eat very little wheat, it doesn't seem to bother me in small quantities. I do eat meat and delicious fresh yard eggs, good meat- pastured or wild caught if possible and in smaller portions than my vegetables (I eat a variety of vegetables everyday- I try to eat seven servings of different colored vegetables a day). I am not afraid of fat. I eat fruit once a day, avoiding sugar helps reduce inflammation. I feel better! I take a probiotic from Garden of Life that works great, I don't have brain fog anymore- I credit the probiotis for that. I was insulin resistant, but am not anymore. I had what doctors swore was Firbomyalgia, but I have not had any symptoms since I started eating better. My depression is manageable without medication and I no longer have to take adderall for A.D.D. OH, and I lost 60lbs too. I don't like to say I eat paleo because I do eat dairy and some grains on occasion, but most of the recipes I eat are paleo. This lady's blog helped me a lot: i even torrented her book and it was very helpful: http://balancedbites.com/

>> No.6881597
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>> No.6881615
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>grains and meme foods: the diet

No thanks fam, 40/40/20 split of carbs, protein and fats, from minimally processed sources master race

>> No.6881617
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>> No.6881703

Please, suit yourself :)
Ya got me, I'm not a hetero-normative guy. My ratio of female-to-male sexual relations is virtually 100% female, however. So, assuming your shitposting is anything to go off, you're really freakin' gay compared to me.

That salad sounds freakin' delish

Reading that made me really happy. I'm glad you were able and (probably out of desperation) willing to take proactive steps to understand the causation of your conditions. I've also enjoyed liberation from chronic inflammation/depression(Which are actually closely related in many cases; look into psychoneuroimmunology)

Ya whatevs dude hav fun w/that shitposting career ya got there.

>> No.6881712


>> No.6882812


>> No.6882937

>I take a probiotic from Garden of Life that works great
Fermented foods (milk kefir, water kefir, sauerkraut) and many many times cheaper and more effective than any extracted, pill of the very same thing which is what probiotics are. I have experienced improvement taking water kefir and will soon add milk kefir to the mix when my grains arrive.

>> No.6882940

>Protein: MEAT

ftfy you fucking hippie

>> No.6882941

imo elimination diets are dumb. You react because you are missing something (gut flora or needing to cleanse the bile of toxins and make new bile, etc.) It's like using pain killers to fix a sprained ankle. It's not a fix, its a patch that keeps you spending personal power (money) on the rich.

>> No.6882954

I've been eating shit lately but will move back on a rice-masa-sweet potato with beans staple diet soon.

I'm trying to find some francophone Africans I can trust here give me a dihe hookup so I don't have to spend so much on bulk western or Asian spirulina and I'm trying to call a university who has access to Ocean growing lactobacilus that can break down seaweed in fermentation but otherwise I'm not much a fan of greens.

Smoked fish and things like that would be my ideal meat but not picky. Over all I'm kinda over super foods, that was my world though my work but now its kinda not my thing.

I'm mostly into seasonal eating and now is the time to make some changes because it's fall now! Time for storage foods more than anything "fresh".

>> No.6883126
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This is $180/mo for me:
4 42oz oats = $32
20lbs rice = $9
8 bags broccoli = $48
4 tilapia = $48
4lbs fresh chicken breast = $2/lb = $32
28 bananas = $8
2 gal milk = $8
2 32ct eggs = $17

1 cup oats = 300 cal
2 fried eggs = 160 cal
1 banana (in oats)= 110 cal
1 cup milk = 150 cal

8oz chicken breast = 240 cal
8oz broccoli = 30 cal
8oz cooked rice = 200 cal

8oz tilapia = 200 cal
8oz broccoli = 30 cal
8oz cooked rice = 200 cal

Totals are 189g carbs, 1620 cals, 123g protein, 37g fat per day. I can’t find any better for the price, if someone can improve this please tell me. Also protein powder is like $0.88 / 30g protein 100cal per scoop and tastes like a chocolate milkshake.

>> No.6883131

Looks good, OP. I'd include at least a little lean meat in your diet.

>> No.6883142
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american heart association says 1500mg sodium a day others say 2500mg, my macros are high protein low carb and i've read that low carb means i am allowed more sodium, is this true? how much?

>> No.6883145
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i've read that i'm supposed to get no more than 300mg of cholesterol a day and my current diet is at 703mg, how serious is this?

>> No.6883148

>i've read that low carb means i am allowed more sodium
Never heard of this, just drink more water if you consume sodium slightly above those levels.
Dietary cholosterol limits are completely arbitrary.

>> No.6883158
File: 33 KB, 592x910, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks! can you improve on my diet >>6883126 with my budget? i think i've found the best possible food combination that tastes great and hits my macros and is super cheap! but i'm always looking for improvement.

>> No.6883162

Omega 6 is easy to get, how are you struggling?

>> No.6883316

There isn't enough protein here (assuming you're a male older than 12 and weighing more than 100lbs)
There are only two complete sources of protein in that list, one you eat minimally and another that is a carb source

>> No.6883939

Meat is a waste of energy on many levels. From the industrial farms to your belly tons of joules(energy, take physics) are lost through the cracks of a hugely inefficient process. Over a third of all industrial farming crops in America is thrown in the trash. Our bodies also can't convert flesh-based amino-acids as readily as plants, either. Also does a number on the pancreas. FTFY.

>> No.6884108

About to start fermenting stuff soooon

Eating an abundance of gluten and sugars will actually impede the villi's(nutrient absorbing protrusions along the epithelial lining of the small intestine) ability gather nutrients from the gut.

In my opinion, having an opinion about something you know little about is dumb. Elimination diets have saved cancer patients more effectively than any other practice. Of course there are measures to be taken that cleanse the more detrimental organs to maximise recovery, but I don't see how your opinion of detoxing ties into your little conspiracy musings. Read more, kid.

Mmmm need moar sweet potato. Vitamineral green is top notch if you'd like to do a strong (although mildly pricey) detox while you're waiting to find your overseas hookup.

My only opinion of sodium is that it confuses the body's metabolism. Not worth worrying about unless you're trying to exercise as effectively as possible.

You're assuming my reason for providing that specification. No struggle here.

Maybe if I hunt it.
Chia seeds have a better amino acid score than beef. Merely two tablespoons of hemp protein is 10grams. I could go on but it seems you don't care to fact check yourself so I shouldn't either.

>> No.6884163

>About to start fermenting stuff soooon

I recommend the water and milk kefir and to take goldenseal (a natural antibiotic) 3 times a day (500mg) each with a bit of vitmin oil each time and also 1/3 tsp of cayenne pepper.

Make sure the antibiotic are at least 6 hours apart and the ingestion of probiotics is at least 2 hours apart from the last and next dose of goldenseal. Why anti-biotic with probiotic? Because it will destroy ll the bad and the good in your body, free up space for the probiotic to colonize you with little resistance. It's a good thing.

>> No.6884344

I'd avoid the flax, unless you're trying to sprout some chesticles. Otherwise, sounds damn good.