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File: 22 KB, 480x360, estus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6879894 No.6879894 [Reply] [Original]

What are the ingredients?
How does it taste?

>> No.6879897

I was actually talking about this yesterday; they're booze. Think about it: you're getting fucked up by some crazy shit and you pound this drink in one go and you go right back in? You'd have to be absolutely fucked to start a fight with some of those things

>> No.6879908

I think it's just liquid light or something like that and it probably tastes like nothing, just warmth

>> No.6879910

It consists of electrolytes from Gatorade, the Caffine from 5 hour energy, the blood of your enemies, literal fucking fire, 4g of protein, sunny D, and no high fructose cold syrup. It gives you so much energy you feel like you haven't been hit at all, every fire keeper soul is a shot of espresso.

>> No.6879913
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>> No.6879916
File: 44 KB, 560x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no high fructose cold syrup
>cold syrup
Of course there's no cold syrup, how the fuck would you pour it?

>> No.6879919
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>> No.6879944
File: 183 KB, 560x599, cosmic assburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a high dose of caffeine emulate that HOLY SHIT ENERGY LETS FK SHIT UP properly? Does caffeine go that quickly into your brain?

I'm thinking maybe cinnamon, warm spices, pinch of hot pepper, honey or maple syrup.
I'm not sure about the "base" though, don't know if orange juice would taste "right".

>> No.6879954

Take this from a guy who has taken a shit ton of caffeine pills at once before:


>> No.6879964

Is there any edible substance that would have instant release effects or am I doomed to rail a line or smoke a bowl after taking a sippy?

>> No.6880127

Its sunny D man

>> No.6880160

only answer

>> No.6880177

I think somewhere in the game it was said that an Estus Flask taste like life itself.

But I'm not 100% sure.

If I had to guess, I would assume it was a "feeling" as opposed to a taste.

Like, imagine on a blistering hot day, and you're fucking thirsty from working all day and drinking an ice cold water. You don't 'taste' anything, you just feel fucking rejuvenated and amazing.

>> No.6880239
File: 101 KB, 506x649, 1422747926979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved this ages ago, tfw can't make it because liver is fucked and will never again be able to process alcohol

>> No.6880286

<an Estus Flask taste like life itself.
That makes me think of Indian or Ceylon recipes that are sweet, bitter, savoury, salty and sour at the same time but I don't think that would be a pleasant experience in a drink hoho.
thanks for the recipe, I'll try this

>> No.6880310

the only answer that makes sense is drugs. mdma probably

>> No.6880414

It tastes like complete shit
Oscar would rather die than drink it so it must taste pretty fucking bad

>> No.6880421

he's clearly out homie

>> No.6881219

Glucose tablets are pretty instant.

>> No.6881231

Mead spiced with Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds and many other herbs and spices.

>> No.6881237

Literally screaming.

>> No.6881242
File: 126 KB, 480x608, 1439982234283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunny D and Absinthe, anyone who says otherwise is fucking lying

>> No.6881246


>> No.6881288

>every time the chosen undead wants to heal up he drinks 500ml of absinthe

>> No.6882951

a mini bonfire you can drink

>> No.6883231

Has anyone made this? I really wanna hear how this tastes, or if its any good!

>> No.6883243

I'm guessing it tastes like liquid smoke. Humans don't like it.

>> No.6883417

Tastes like kissing Solaire.

>> No.6883563

Estus flasks are filled with fire and ash. But yeah, they do make it look good

>time for a sippy

>> No.6883592

I always pictured it as a really high proof spiced rum. Made sense to me that the chosen undead was always drunk as shit, rolling about trying to dodge attacks and shrugging off immense amounts of pain.

>> No.6886039

fuck those seeds