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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.30 MB, 5069x2979, IMG_20150913_012830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6876443 No.6876443 [Reply] [Original]

My house is tilted and there aren't adjustable legs on my range. Should I move?

>> No.6876453
File: 237 KB, 1024x795, crooked man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember reading about you in kindergarten.

>> No.6876607

Just make moon shaped eggs and deal with it.

>> No.6876651

from that photo, your burner is crooked, not the house. The other pan is sitting flush and square. Plus if your house was that crooked, the foundation would have crumbled and your doors would not open or close and your windows would have broken by now from all the weight going to one side and all your floors would be coming up. But I like the looks of that egg in a pan. Care to share with a bear or a mare just to be fair or even on a dare?

>> No.6876661

>my house is tilted

lmao you fucking retard.

>> No.6876693

Have the same problem with our burners. You can try putting something under the stove to right it, but more than likely you'll just be better off with heavy pans, and turning them till they sit flat.

Fuckin annoying as all hell.

>> No.6876727

I've seen a pic of you cuddling a cat and now I want to see your tits, please.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.6876736

Bad anon.

>> No.6876745
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>dropped the trip
You learn fast. Now I REALLY want to fuck you.

>> No.6876749

That wasn't me. And this is a worksafe board silly anon. Besides, if I posted pics it would completely derail the thread. I'm not that much of an attention whore.

I go over to /soc/ like...once every two years when I get a hair up my ass and want some attention.

>> No.6876811

The thread is dead now. No derailing is possible so you may just as well post one photo. Pretty please with artichoke hearts and honey on top?

>> No.6876818


If this somehow gets me banned, I will mad.

>> No.6876844

I came. Thanks!

>> No.6876855
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>> No.6876864

no but seriously the black and pink is nice. You should do a black and orange for halloween.

>> No.6876866
File: 670 KB, 1200x1200, 1440339675353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, okay?

>> No.6876874

Hey, I was just answering. Plus, you know, I sage when I post. So...all ya did is bump the thread smart one.

>> No.6876886

I don't know how to sage. I just respond to you and I like /ck/ and cooking so I probably bumped it with my response about the orange. My bad

>> No.6876889

sage goes in the options field, right under name.

>> No.6876895
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>"I'm not a robot"

>> No.6876899

if you're lying to me I am going to look dumb

>> No.6876907
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You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and lie like that?

>> No.6876922

hurry up and post tits before i lose my erection

>> No.6876925

My phone broke, why do you think those pictures are old?

Besides, there is this wonderful invention called PORN

>> No.6876931

i don't want to see just any tits. i wanna see your tits. i think they'll be special.

you dig?

>> No.6876934

Well then have fun with your blue balls.

>> No.6876938

Yes. They do it all of the time! like duhhhh. Still want to see black and orange

>> No.6876944

I don't have black and orange. I have black and pink.

>> No.6876948

I can fix that for you

>> No.6876951

Maybe some other time.

>> No.6876953

too late. already had a leg shaking orgasm fapping to the pics of your butt. the whole time i didn't blink and was leering into your poo hole with the piercing glare of a serial rapist.

how does this make you feel?

btw, i'm in my 90's.

>> No.6876960
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>an attention whore and her lapdog

This is great, please continue.

>> No.6876961
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It makes me feel like my fiance is secretly posting from his computer in our room and not sleeping like he should be...

Either that, oooor, it makes me slightly horny. But the two feelings are kind of hard to differentiate.

>> No.6876964
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>> No.6876968

You guys are the ones that keep bumping the thread instead of saging and reporting.

You only have yourselves to blame.

>> No.6876998

do you have nice boobs or are they large and disgusting?

>> No.6877030

quit being rude to my fiance

>> No.6877034

Posting with the same name and trip in different threads should result in an automatic ban. Tripfags are pure cancer, and I can't believe that there are people actually replying to them instead of filtering their name and trip on sight.

@Op, just put some cardboard under the legs until it evens out.

>> No.6877105


>> No.6877123

thoose cats are dead btw

>> No.6877140

>tfw you will never be pathetic enough to seek attention on an anonymous cooking board

I almost want to know what life these people have

>> No.6877190

>Tfw all these anons give so many fucks

It's like you anons have never felt the urge to do something for absolutely no reason besides your own amusement before.

>> No.6877211

I don't really have a horse in this, fucking about at work, but I'll bite.

tripfagging on a board like this is pretty much the epitome of attention whoring. The only people who would find entertainment in being recognized on here of all places are people who don't have much going on. I don't think I've ever seen a tripfag who even remotely had their shit together. It's like a peek behind the autistic curtain where trips just wallow in their shittiness

The people getting mad at it are similarly autistic, but really not nearly as much.

>> No.6877217

Or, you know, I just couldn't sleep. Like, I literally have nothing else to do right now. And you guys just keep replying...

>> No.6877230

but how long have you had the trip? This night only?

>> No.6877242
File: 9 KB, 236x177, 433534dc8970c9649a0e3f88cd9d0a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you can just report me for being off topic, right?

>> No.6877249

>that non-answer

all I needed, hope your prospects improve, I mean that

>> No.6877251

I look at all the lonely people.

>> No.6877262


>> No.6877277
File: 21 KB, 309x549, 810823174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a similar problem, only the burner itself is tilted (top right). It's one of these spirals and the only practical way to use it is to heat up coal for hookah. Any thoughts?

Also, what does trip, tripfag mean?

>> No.6877321
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>> No.6877325

Leave my fiance alone! She is just here trying to help you all learn to put sticks under a crooked house. You should be ashamed!

>> No.6877344
File: 134 KB, 800x600, cheetah-face-1307955888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh sir...sir

I...I think you have me confused with someone else. It's ok sir, just sit down right there and try to remember how old you are and where you are.

>> No.6877352
File: 19 KB, 400x533, 28jvrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots, what do yal think of my brand new trip? I just made it. 28/m/TX, straight. No fatties plz.

>> No.6877379

There were days where my only interaction with other humans was on /ck/
Just FML

>> No.6877388 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 300x171, ya bby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /ck/. Post food or get out.

>> No.6877390


>OP looks at feet
>only has one shoe on

>> No.6877396

noooooo stop denying my love you sweet little cheetah

>> No.6877403

Fuck off ye faking fag lord.

Either that, or tell me something only my man would know.

>> No.6877409

You have corns on your feet and only use shampoo in your hair every 3 days and are angry at the way your natural nails are shaped.

>> No.6877413

Prop it up with some sort of shit you dumb fucking cunt.

>> No.6877420

There is a very stupid convo going pls read the thread

>> No.6877421

Pommes frites is French for French fries. Doesn't make it any less random.

>> No.6877424

Yeah some gay fur faggotry shit it seems.

>> No.6877429
File: 86 KB, 500x701, 1440523921416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close!

>> No.6877430

Well dang. I tried. I know you have a very real hate for orange and black. Ughhhh

>> No.6877436

Put shims underneath the low corners. WAH LAH.

>> No.6877531


not necessarily. live in an old rental house that's old and crooked as fuck. the floors roll, like hills and valleys. not that bad of course, but noticeable. one wall has a crack. but shits crooked.

fucks anything you want to cook even all up. cakes and pan breads come out a half inch taller on one side. yeah, eggs are a pain. omelets get fucked up.

>> No.6877638

That has got to suck lol not to laugh at your misfortune but still..I rent a shitty ass place but it isn't that shitty yet

>> No.6878429

Just show your tits already you boring harlot.

>> No.6878439
File: 55 KB, 580x226, predios Tortos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plus if your house was that crooked, the foundation would have crumbled and your doors would not open or close and your windows would have broken by now from all the weight going to one side and all your floors would be coming up.

>> No.6878954

this is the weirdest fucking thread