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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6874849 No.6874849 [Reply] [Original]

Yo cu/ck/s, lemme axe you a question.

In a hour or so I'm making burger helper for dinner, and the directions call for 2 cups of milk and 3/4 a cup of water.

I would think using all milk would be more flavor-townish.

Is there a purpose to adding water? Or does the corporate hamburger helper gaiboys just want the prepared nutritional information to be lower?

>inb4 questioning my culinary decision for making burger helper

Wife is out of town and gotta feed my kid something, fuck you.

>> No.6874856

It's still going to taste like boxed Hamburger Helper either way.

>> No.6874911


Yeah I know.

I'm not really trying to "elevate" the dish all that much.

But there's no cons in using all milk then?

>> No.6874916

Wife is probably out getting wine and dined then fucked by a real man OP. Its sad how you lived your whole life without the skill to feed yourself.

>> No.6874928


>real man

Lol your pic plus timestamp please.

>> No.6874937

My situation doesn't change the fact that you are a man child who can't feed himself and if let with his children for a week will starve or shove fast food down his children's throats until obese.

Its okay anon when your wife divorces you takes the kids house and car at least a real man will take care of your children and feed them properly.

Remember when she comes back check her panties for stains.

>> No.6874946

Yeah, there isn't any cons. Go for it.

>> No.6874949


>> No.6874954
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Frig off Randy!!!

>> No.6874955


I can feed myself tho, idiot.

I think you mean I'm not making things from scratch.

Also if you raise someone else's kid that makes you a cuck... So you see how you invalidate your own statement.

>panties for stains

Someone tell this kids mom he's been eating jizz out of her panties for years.

>> No.6874977

Obviously you cant feed yourself a healthy balanced meal since this thread is here.

Raising someone else's kid while using the child support gained to raise your own. Its an extremely common occurrence while in a second marriage sadly, i hope it doesn't happen to your son.

>> No.6874987

Guy has a kid and can't figure out hamburger helper. I weep for this planet.

>> No.6874993


I know you just want to try to get a rise from me.

But you're stupid

>every meal has to be healthy

No. You can deviate if you actually are active and not a fat shit.

So you're raising someone else's kid then? You're the real cuck thinking you're the better man when in reality he's a deadbeat, she's a whore, and your the fool.

Lmao you suck at this.

>> No.6874996


No you dull lifed shitposter.

I had a question deviating from the recipe.

I bet you're here to post about your favorite burger chain.

>> No.6875009

Anon now you are just trying to justify your failure at one the most basic life skills its honestly sad. I'm trying to give you some tough love so you understand your faults and try to become a better man but you are lashing out.

Of course not every meal has to be healthy but the majority do, i don't know your families eating habits but if Hamburger Helper is on the menu it seems like its a weekly thing which of course correlates more frozen or boxed food which is terribly unhealthy for a developing child.

You have child anon try to teach learn then teach proper life skills not just for yourself but for your child.

At no point did i ever say i was raising another persons kid. For a defensive measure you arbitrarily decided that yourself. I just let you know it happens and the hard work you put in daily in the end gets blown raising someone else's kid.

>> No.6875012


>> No.6875018

hey op i dont used fresh milk just the boxed kind, and usually just mix water and what equates to the whole shebang like you suggested when stirring it all up. works fine. go feed your kids.

(it doesnt foam up or expand or do anything weird i guess lol)

>> No.6875024
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>bitches about making projections
>made a shit ton of projections

You said you hope it doesn't happen to my son, I have a daughter.

And you say I'm lashing out, you said my wife is out fucking another dude. What would you call that?

Which I just laugh because I know how my relationship is. It's pretty petty behavior but this is 4chan so I expect it.

You say its a weekly occurrence, but wrong again. Told the wife to get it because I wanted to be lazy on my day off.

So don't try to play the bigger man, you've been nothing but hostile from the beginning.

>> No.6875039

A mistake you know when you don't make a definite claim on a gender most people assume its a son.

Eh, i was having a good time fucking with you but still doesn't change the fact your a grown man who can't cook.

Lazy on a day off eating hamburger helper when there are multitudes of different things that taste better with slightly more work but of course.

"I wanted to be lazy on my day off"

Come on anon teach your daughter some life skills and stop the degeneration of life skills being taught to the younger generation.

>> No.6875058


I cook shit man. But I have a 70 hour a week job and it was more like 80 this week and I'm tired.

My wife is an extremely good cook and I usually just grill shit or deep fry the Thanksgiving turkey.

I fed my daughter a sandwich earlier. Oh god was that horrible? Will the carbs kill her?

There you go again projecting:

>teach her

She's 2 and a half years old. She wants to watch Dora the fucking explorer and I don't quite trust her on a hot stove yet.

>> No.6875062

Anon, anon if you knew how to cook you wouldn't be cooking hamburger helper.

Sad to lie on a anonymous board anon.

>> No.6875064


Fine bitch.

Tell me what to make, with what I have on hand and I'll make it, post a pic and timestamp it.

What's your fucking recipe dickhole?

>> No.6875065
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Shit winds a comin' boys! Shit winds...

>> No.6875070
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>70 hour a week job and it was more like 80 this week


>> No.6875073

Post what you have on hand, dumb ass

>> No.6875076


>23 posts, 10 posters

I dunno which fag you are, but its samefags'R'us in here.

>> No.6875083


Not much

>Swiss cheese
>1 lb ground beef
>garden tomatoes
>tortillas (flour, I like corn better)
>tomato paste

And most basic seasonings in cupboard. The only other real thing is the box of burger helper. We went on vacation and cleaned out our fridge is why so bare. Haven't shopped yet.

And if you actually give me a recipe you need to explain technique, never said I was a pro.

>> No.6875084
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>> No.6875091



Have done a small shop, that's why meat is fresh.

Also have most basic condiments and other things not listed.

>> No.6875094


>28 posts, 10 posters

No, I'm right.

>> No.6875105
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Do you mean Cory and Trevor fucked up?

>> No.6875107
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You're right. Let's get two birds stoned at once.

>> No.6875124

Why not try Googling "recipe ingredients matcher" or something like that?

With what you have, I'd make something like this

>> No.6875203
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If you didn't expect this, your a newfag.

I threw in my prized emerald green glass bell pepper to show no hard feelings.

>> No.6875232

>Take time to try and help

/ck/ is usually a pretty chill place, though. Stick around and you'll learn a lot

>> No.6875244


I'm just fucking around. Kid woke up from nap and I had to feed her quick. So I went with it. I will lurk the board tho because she does need healthy options, usually does.

>> No.6875261

Absolutely reddit tier posting.
Fuck off leftist scum

>> No.6875270

Look for the "I'm a new student, pls halp" threads

http://ck.booru.org/index.php is where you'll find the verticals' archive.

is a pretty good pic, too

Ignore the /b/ shitposters

>> No.6875279


I always like this.

>calls something Reddit tier
>obviously knows about posting on Reddit

Go back, stay there.

>> No.6875280
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>Fuck off leftist scum
Oh no, you caught me

>> No.6875288


Noice, I'm not him I'm OP. Do you also /k/?

>> No.6875311
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/k/ and /ck/ have always been tight for some reason. /fit/ too. There used to be /k/ tripfag named Progun that made these "guns and food" threads.

I think he died

>> No.6875348

Typical reddit logic


>> No.6875367

make love not guns, eat tendies not bullets
give peace a chance m240!

>> No.6875369
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fite me

>> No.6875596
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>>fat shit
you think that guy is criticizing you because your food isnt healthy? hes criticizing you because you're too dumb to season and boil egg noddles with beef so you throw money down the drain for a box of salt, a handfull of pasta (litterally) and corn starch, and maybe a bit of seasoning, and a card board cereal box with step by step instructions on one of the most simple foods to make.

>> No.6875608

>>get told by everyone that they plan to gas and shoot all the gays and other people they don't like when they man up (ie waiting for orders that will never come

look, op can't cook but /ck/ is not chill. its practically pol lite.

>> No.6875613


First of all, it was elbow noodles.

Secondly, you didn't mention cheese. If you're a food snob you should of mentioned making a roux.

I think you're some kind of vegan, and I'd vomit at whatever you concocted.

>> No.6875706

>>bitches about people making assumptions about him
>>assumes i'm a vegan while knowing nothing about me
who the fuck said anything about a rouxe? you certainly dont need one to make what you're making, or do you think hamburger helper's spice packets are magic?

you simmer the corn starch into your broth/grease from the beef untill thickened. you add cheese, (where you are going to get the fake ass powdered cheese or squeezable shit is beyond me, maybe cheeze whiz?, or you could buy some fucking real cheese and stop pretending I forgot an "ingredient" you are obviously getting a "good deal" on, through hamburgler helper.

>> No.6875719

Hey fuck your gay ass argument and post nudes of your daughter faggot.

>> No.6875729
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>people coming to 4chan to ask for advice on raising their kids

>> No.6875774


You were too retarded, I stopped reading.


Do you give the kids animal crackers before you rape?

>> No.6875786
File: 101 KB, 1300x731, X7iK7n3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come into a thread expecting intricate fresh and exciting recipes with hamburger helper as the main focus

>instead watch how a new father gets stripped down and berated because anonymous people on an image board focused on food have deduced he's a bad parent

This is fucking awesome someone call OP a homo too pls

>> No.6875797


>be OP checking for posts

>see an anon who wasn't a dick.

1 out of 100. You get it, just feeding my kid.

>> No.6875802

You're a homo op

>> No.6875806

feeding her your dick would probably be less traumatizing to her future well-being op.

>> No.6875813

Same fag. How about you stop being a homo and feed your daughter some cawk

>> No.6875812


I would rape you into next week. But OK pissyboy.

>> No.6875819
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>> No.6875824


>Posting /b/ level shit on /k/

It's so cute newfags think they are edgy.

>rape yur daughter lol

Bunch of nothings.

>> No.6875828

It's not rape if she likes it


Straight out of reddit, huh?

>> No.6875835


>Social media dweeb

Your mom just swallowed my nut.

Reddit meme

>> No.6875843

Damn you are getting trolled hard, son.

For your daughters sake I hope you wise up and stop being so fucking stupid.

>> No.6875855


Not really.

This is /ck/. It's about cooking. The men here are basically women. You're mistakenly assuming I've taken anything here serious.

>> No.6875857

The fuck are you even talking about retard? Post pics of your daughter already you old faggot

>> No.6875860

>The men here are basically women. You're mistakenly assuming I've taken anything here serious.

Nice projection cuck retard

>> No.6875861

>You're mistakenly assuming I've taken anything here serious.

You've been literally feeding several trolls, possibly unwittingly.

You're a fucking maroon.

>> No.6875868


? No



Thanks for explaining 4chan, was lost without you.

>> No.6875871

You're the only women itt this because you've taken the role of house wife. Your wife is out banging some random 20 year old cock while you're left alone to feed your child, and even somehow manage to fail at that..

>> No.6875876

? Yes

>> No.6875880

>Thanks for explaining 4chan, was lost without you.

For an idiot you're pretty full of yourself.

20 bucks says your daughter is overweight.

>> No.6875883
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I don't fight gun wielding pussies

>> No.6875884

How did this happen all he asked was would it taste better if he skipped water and added more milk

>> No.6875885

Probably because he thinks doubling the recommended amount of milk in a recipe is a good thing >.>

>> No.6875889

Because he mentioned his wife was out sleeping with other dudes

>> No.6875894

welcome to trap thread

>> No.6875915


No. Re read.

>> No.6875924

>wife out of town
>not sucking and fucking every dick in sight

No, you re read

>> No.6875932


>being an adult
>something you're not

Just because your mom was a whore doesn't mean all women are junior.

Your mom did give good head tho, tbh fam.

>> No.6875944

Same fag. It's pretty easy to see that your mental capacity is lacking when you resort to falling back on HURR I BANGED YOUR MOM DUDE XDD. But I guess I shouldn't have high expectations for a cuck redditor as yourself

>not all women are whores!
Like I said, cuck redditor.

>> No.6875951


I never said I banged your mom...

I only implied she was a retarded whore because you are her offspring.

The rest of your post about Reddit.. Summers over see yourself out.

>> No.6875959

>I only implied she was a retarded whore because you are her offspring.
That's not what you implied at all retard. Did all that dick sucking back in college give you short term memory loss?

Also whilst we're talking about BJs, your daughter is quite talented if I do say so myself ;)

But yeah, you can go back to reddit at any time grandpa cuck

>> No.6875969



You tried to troll, no good. Lame as fuck.

>> No.6875980


Hit a little too close to home, eh old man? Why do you reddit cucks even come here?

Also I'm done giving you the attention you so desperately crave. I got this dumbass sloot ready to suck my dick. She's away while her husband watches their daughter that isn't actually his lol, and makes hamburger helper lmao the fucking cuck

>> No.6875984


E for effort.

Pretty lousy.

>> No.6875986

Weak retort cuck, weak.

>> No.6876003


See how lame your response is?

Just quit.

>> No.6876510

>>I am so retarded I can't comprehend the idea of cooking without a box
glad to hear you gave up before you even started you fat lazy fuck.

if your daughter ever learns respect for food and cooking, it wont be from you.