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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6868016 No.6868016 [Reply] [Original]

Kicking off with DA KING OF BURRS

>> No.6868280
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I drank this beauty tonight. A little pricey but very, very good. Perfect tart sourness with a hint of peach flavor, and a pretty golden haze. I never really liked sour beers until someone brought me a bottle from a brewery in NC, but I'm really glad I tried this one out.

>> No.6868289

Eh ill drink it but its the worst american lager

>> No.6868316

>putting swill in a 'fancy' glass

>> No.6868346
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Im after quantity not quality


>> No.6868347
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>bottle poured in glass
>not smashed cans over head then poured into mouth
Your lord and savior Stone Cold Steve Austin is disappointed and thinks you're a prissy bitch.

>> No.6868367

as long as it has accahol in it ill drink it.

drinking SN torpedo right now

>> No.6868372

mah nigga, literally drinking one as I type this

>> No.6868378

Are there any american beers that DON'T have to be chilled so cold to hide the shit taste?

>> No.6868392

Hangover day, no drinkin til sat for college football.

>> No.6868402

>Implying I drink for taste

>> No.6868407

This is bait

>> No.6868411

Drinking this, it's pretty underwhelming but it was cheap enough.

>> No.6868421
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Oops drinking this

>> No.6868425

Nothing better than drinking 27 macro beers with the bros

>> No.6868445

What about drinking 28 macro beers with the bros?

>> No.6868456

27 is a prime number which is cooler

>> No.6868460

inb4 divide by 3

>> No.6868470

Well then what about 29 macro beers with the bros?

>> No.6868478

Also 27 isn't a prime number

>> No.6868482

ok now pretty sure 29 is real prime number

>> No.6868499
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Not bad tbh

>> No.6868501

Fine 29 macros with my bros but you're really pushing my limits

>> No.6868507

Like I always say, why drink 6 good beers when you can drink 30 shitty ones

>> No.6868520
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>> No.6868755
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High life checking in

If I had more NEETbux I would buy a six pack of sierra nevada.

This'll do

what are you guys up to?

>> No.6868776

I enjoy drinking Oettinger because it's cheap but not nasty

>> No.6868783

Went to my local brew pub.
Had a double IPA.
Not a fan of them, but out of their 15 or so beers only 3 are IPA's.
The other beers are all various German inspired ales.
Eagerly awaiting their seasonal stouts to start showing up so I've got a reason to go there.

>> No.6868856

nigger why did you pour that in a glass?
>a pretty golden haze
did you get that from the back of the bottle? that shit doesn't describe taste unless you're on acid and can taste colors and see sounds.
kill yourself asap

>> No.6868879

30 macros is the only prime number, there's 30 in tthe case and its divisible by 3. If you drink 29 beers and leave one can like a faggot I'll shit in your shoes.

>> No.6868904

>what are you guys up to?
being drunk, and installing q3a on my mac
probably not even gonna play it since my hands are fucked from CTS, but idgaf

>> No.6868912

just got a 32 of mickey's

should i kill myself?

>> No.6868921

no, only kill yourself when whatever phyical ailments you have get unbearably bad
if you have no physical ailments, you shouldn't even be asking this question.

>> No.6868932
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ok dr.


im drunk :)

>mfw select all pies
>mfw trying not to drunk eat

>> No.6868949

just eat whatever bruh, you have tomorrow to regret it :) imma probably get a mcgangbang to go with my bud in a bit

captcha: type in a few numbers because I'm a patrician who uses legacy captchas

>> No.6869011

>implying color isn't important in the experience of drinking a beer

>> No.6869037
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Drinking this now. From a brewery about 30 minutes away. Pretty good, they always make good stuff.

That's a nice beer. Had it recently, really liked it.

Went to a local brewery, had their double mango IPA. Was pretty good.

>> No.6869043

Or by 9.

>> No.6869077

Gonna get hate for it but heiniken with 7 up.
Its 87 degrees where im at and this is wonderful to sip on my porch

>> No.6869097

challenge mode: what does IPA have to do with india?

>> No.6869102

back in the day (like 1700s) british colonists in india wanted britsh beer, so to make it last for the long ass journey, they added a shitload of hops, despide making it taste a bit shit tbh. then in the 2000s middle class american hipsters thought it was authentic or whatever and started ruining the craft beer scene by making everthing with 9000% more hops

>> No.6869103

Added hops, preserving the beer better for the long trips, yadda yadda yadda.

The super "420 dank" dank hops trend is dying off seemingly. Now most overhyped IPAs are full citrus bombs or really good and balanced like they're meant to be.

>> No.6869104

They were made to be shipped to India with hops as the preservatives

>> No.6869106

>Look ma, I'm shitposting!

>> No.6869107

>implying this isn't true

>> No.6869112

>Look ma, I'm doing it even harder!

>> No.6869113

>not even trying to disprove my point
just shows how true it is tbh

>> No.6869117

>implying you know what you're talking about

>> No.6869124

>I'm reaching for the stars, ma!!!!

>> No.6869128

here's your (You)
now go to bed, it's almost midnight!

>> No.6869129
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Let me offset some of this shitposting by posting the best beer ever made.

>> No.6869132

>Ma! Look! Ma!!!!!! I swear I almost got him!!!

>> No.6869133
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>> No.6869135

You start

>> No.6869136

I'm not the other faggot

>> No.6869143

>Ma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6869144

Can we go back to talking about beer?

>> No.6869145
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>> No.6869146
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Having this again. Criminally underrated brewery and oatmeal stout IMO.

As far as macro stuff goes, yeah. PBR is good. Usually get it when I go fishing with my pops.

>> No.6869148
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Had one of these with dinner last night. Not bad.

What's the logic of using snifters?
Are they traditional?

>> No.6869151

just stop and have drink bruh, no way to beat a tard at his own game

>> No.6869152

ok but bud is a terrible beer
theres nothing in the mouth, its just hollow
its something emant to be chugged, not tasted
if youre going to drink a beer the proper way start with flying dog, im getting triggered over this

>> No.6869157
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>> No.6869158
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>I'm after quantity not quality
Come on man there are plenty of cheaper options that would be better than that shit what are you doing?

>> No.6869167

PBR is a solid beer though. Ain't nobody wrong with it

>> No.6869189

man i feel you i would be triggered too but you mentioned flying dog and i am drinking muh variety pack right now

>> No.6869196

: |

>> No.6870179
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Decided to take today off (3 day weekend, woo), so thought I'd treat myself to an early evening beer. Always love stuff by The Kernel and this was no exception, way too quaffable.

>> No.6870288

You're all so fucking dumb. There's nothing higher than 24

>> No.6870357
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>> No.6870603
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Is the guy asking for the Humle Kanon by Haandbryggeriet here? I got some from my local Vinmonopolet.

I don't think I'm noticing any off flavor. It's a pretty delightful beer with lots of head. The taste reminds me of Engelszell Nivard.

>> No.6870627
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pick one you fucking retard.

>> No.6870678
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Followed it up with this, which I'm drinking now. Pretty below average red ale, might have to have be a drain beer as it has a weird sickly sweet aftertaste.

>> No.6870698

Thats not true, friend :)

>> No.6870775
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I will be drinking High Life tonight, special occasion but limited funds and I would like to feel comfy.

>> No.6871073

Their beers are super affordable (minus the Ground Control one), but none have impressed me all that much. Maybe the IPAs I had weren't fresh, but the Vanilla Oatis I had had next to no vanilla character to it. I'm much more impressed with Ballast Point's hoppy beers (Grunion and Sculpin are awesome) and their Calm Before the Storm / Victory at Sea.
snifters are more for high alcohol beers. If you're serious about glassware just get a few tulip glasses, a snifter, a couple pint or gueuze glasses, a nice wine glass or two, and maybe some teku glasses. It's not like all those styles are necessary, but you can get a feel for what you like the most for certain styles. People can tell you glassware makes no difference and that you can/should just throw everything in a pint glass, but there's absolutely an effect on how much you end up warming the beer and the speed at which you drink the beer.

>> No.6871085
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Don't know what I'm gonna do when I finish...

Also just got back from Munich this week where I got to visit some awesome beer gardens/halls. Not much selection there, but what they do they do well

>> No.6871138
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Not bad for a cheap cider

>> No.6871149

does beer cause GI problems?

lately whenever i drink more than 10 beers a night my GI is fucked for like 4 days after

>> No.6871166
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I'm drinking this today

>> No.6871192

Obviously the answer is yes. How is that something you're unaware of?

Also you should probably take it easy. If you're a longtime heavy drinker and you're at the stage where you're having serious GI problems (persistent heartburn, diarrhea, etc.), your liver's probably not doing too well either.

>> No.6871199

At least drink Miller High Life

>> No.6871219

This. It's the champagne of beer

>> No.6871225

I love their raspberry cider. Mostly I just love shit with raspberries in it.

Anyone else know a better raspberry cider?

>> No.6871227


>> No.6871235

Too corny. I still like it better than Bud, though I'd rather have a Pabst if I'm going for that sort of thing. A Coors (NOT light) hits the spot from time when I'm in a yeasty mood.

>> No.6871239
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All day everyday. Love this stuff

>> No.6871240

I get that. Its what I always drink whenn I cant handle heavy craft beers that night. Or I will buy a session ipa if I can find it on sale.

>> No.6871242

Anyone else drinking Oktoberfest-beer right now?

>> No.6871247

plus you're not gonna find 30 craft beers for 17.49 at walmart. just not gonna happen

>> No.6871249

One of the 2 or 3 beers I will drink from DFH. The rest is liquid feces. Especially their bullshit recreations of supposed "ancient" recipes. I don't understand why this brewer feels the need to rely on gimmicks when they can produce a solid beer using traditional ingredients.

>> No.6871253

Just got a pick your own 6 pack and picked one Ballast Point Dead Ringer. Going to drink it later but I'm sipping on a hoptimum right now.

>> No.6871255
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molson dry ftw

>> No.6871266

Agreed. Their 90 minute and 120 minute are the only other things I'll drink. The 120 is like 12$ a bottle though which is ridiculous.

>> No.6871761
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Did I do alright or is my fedora showing?

I usually keep a bottle from each beer really like throughout the month and put it on my kitchen window.Really Enjoyed Real Ale's Oktoberfest this year.

I have been on a IPA kick lately and I don't know why...

>> No.6871822
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Nice as fuck and not too expensive

>> No.6871828

Midas Touch is delicious, your mouth is obviously broken or you are pretending not to like it because drinking something that isn't a hop bomb makes you question your sexuality

>> No.6871831

Empties are more frat boy than fedora, m'lord

A fedora would have a half empty bottle of Laphroaig that he refuses to share with anyone because they might want to put ice in it

>> No.6871926
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Drinking that stouty stout.

Have a wheat ale and a IPA in the fridge.

>> No.6871941

Yeah I can't believe they want to experiment and offer something unique to the public. What an idiot

>> No.6871955
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$1.88 for a pint+, fam. Its fucking good too. For some reason a 6 pack of it is nine fucking dollars though.

>> No.6871987

When I worked at a gas station only people that bought this piss was hobos.

>> No.6871997

got a 12 pack of PBR gonna get drunk tonight i reckon, and making chili. I will do a thread on it later.

>> No.6872001
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drinking the GOAT stout

>> No.6872011

this some good shit anon. I love nitrogenated stouts.

>> No.6872021

The brewery is about 20 minutes from me, so I can get it fresh from the source.

The flavors aren't nearly as bold as the carbonated version, but the creaminess makes it superior.

>> No.6872048
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Entry level Watery piss.
You can do better as far as stouts are concerned.

>> No.6873332


Some of us are fat and don't want to be any more.

I enjoyed myself three habanero sculpins and a couple of Sierra Nevada's red ipas with my grilled asparagus baby potatoes and spicy pork last night.

I feel like a fatty now, but it would have been worse with cheaper beer.

>> No.6873362

>budweiser king of beers

is this an opinion anyone actually holds? for real? its gassy pisswater

>> No.6873381
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Loved it.

>> No.6874489
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>no stouts/porters in your country
>in fact the only one is guiness dry stout wich suck ass hard
>see this thread
>life is suffering

>> No.6874511

>being this new

It's a joke.

>> No.6874621
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Drunk this tonight. Tons of flavour for something so low in ABV, very tasty.

>> No.6874633

Can you mix beer with ice cream to make a beer float?
What beers go well with vanilla ice cream?

>> No.6874635
File: 215 KB, 450x547, old-rasputin-russian-imperial-stout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're from Burgerland, you need to shop around more. Most liqueur stores here in Buttfuck, Indiana usually carry some imports and craft beers. The one nearest to me possesses pic related. It's one strong and tasty stout.

>> No.6874640


most peoples don't even know that a beer can be black

>> No.6874656
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>> No.6874666

any Wisconsin people see this?

>> No.6874690
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got one of these for tonight.

What am I in for? Did I do gud?

>> No.6874694

stout goes well with ice cream

>> No.6874758
File: 18 KB, 456x228, Champane's Wine Cellar Warren MI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're from Burgerland, you need to shop around more.

Indeed, damn near every beer made on Earth is available in the U.S. if one looks around a bit.

There may even be a speciality beer/wine/booze store in the area.

>> No.6874921

You're in for a good ass imperial stout

>> No.6874956


I don't know about cider, but Founder's Rübæus is delicious.

>> No.6875201
File: 1.22 MB, 2656x1494, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 different beers I and my roommate drank over the year.

>> No.6875764

My tv could beat up your tv.

>> No.6875784

>100 beers
>365 days
>not 4 days
go be an attentionwhore somewhere else.

>> No.6875830
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Get on my level, plebes.

>> No.6875865

Anyone seen the bottles and lineup for this years Bourbon County Brand beers?

I fucking hate how theyre doing this. Now theyre not even selling 4 packs, 22oz, or 12oz bottles. Only singles of 16.9oz bottles.

As if the shit wasnt a bitch and a half to get as it was. Now its gunna be near impossible to get anything but the plain vanilla BCB stout. Forget getting any of the other variations.

>> No.6876021

Keystone makes a 30 pack

>> No.6876081
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>> No.6876225

Imperial stouts go really good with cheesecake.

>> No.6877136

Pathetic attention whore

>> No.6877138

>My local store finally got Sorachi Ace
>Got some Rochefort 10
>Couple Anchors and Sierra Nevadas
Not gonna be enough for the afternoon I have planned. What else should I get?

>> No.6877139

Kill yourself you fucking ignorant yuropoor

>> No.6877150

Those are all shit

>> No.6877151

Well, we didn't buy 100 different beers, they all came in 6 packs or those 12 pack samplers. Probably closer to 1000 beers total.


>> No.6877549

Not technically American, but Red Stripe tastes ok room temp.

>> No.6877838

I finally tried that Not Your Father's Root Beer thats been the talk of the town and I hated it. I wasn't expecting it to taste exactly like root beer.

>> No.6877919


It's memebeer

>> No.6877992

That's brewed in Fort Bragg near mendiceno, California. That's what it said on the menu in the restaurants where it was 3.50 to 5 dollars a pint. Also said so on the packaging.

>> No.6878112

Forbidden root makes a great one. Expensive though. Coney island root beer is a lot better than not your father's, but it still has an off taste.

>> No.6878370

What's the best and the worst beer you drank?

>> No.6878448

I kind of want a job in brewing. Is it easy to get into? There are a bunch of microbreweries near me but they're not exactly advertising tons of jobs.

>> No.6878675

>Is it easy to get into?
No, because
>I kind of want a job in brewing.
Is something that every 20-something dude who even remotely likes beer has thought to himself at one time or another.

>> No.6878762
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Drinking pic related and watching Jackass. It's a good sunday.
This is one of my favorite stouts out there and only 5$. Recommend to anyone who digs coffee stouts

>> No.6878804
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this and natty ice 40 in the fridge. i hate these plastic bottles though. anyone still get glass bottles?

>> No.6878814

I 100% stopped buying 40s once they all switched to plastic. It's dumb.

>> No.6879000
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I got two six packs of this for $8.09. I think I've made a mistake.

>> No.6879012
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>a station I go to just stopped selling glass 40s of highlife and OE
It was a sad day man

>> No.6879013

It's the best lieny beer... Still meh. 12 for $8.08 is what it should sell for imho

>> No.6879015

Why in the everloving FUCK do they not sell Orange Shandy anymore?

>> No.6879018

it taste slightly better than coors

>> No.6879021

Naa their doppelbock is the best one they put out

>> No.6879028
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Currently enjoying every sip of this

>> No.6879035

Winter seasonal

>> No.6879048

Shit man, I cannot wait for it to come back. It tastes like cheap beer with OJ, but for some reason that really hits the spot.

>> No.6879054

They still sell them where I am even the lemon shandy as well
I just purchased the harvest patch Shandy to give it a try. It's aight but it taste like drinking a pumpkin pie

>> No.6879061

The problem with almost all pumpkin beers is they just have dominating flavors of cinnamon, cloves, and allspice and call it a day. I'm in Houston and still see the lemon shandy and a few other things, but have not seen orange since last December

>> No.6879063

My wife annihilates the stuff. My local liquor store had it on a clearance in spring so I bought 4 cases cheap to last through July. Idk if you're a fan but she replaced it with the grapefruit shandy in the meantime. If it's good idk but it works for her.

>> No.6879081

Yeah I hear you they're still selling but I'm sure it's only with the stock they got left until the next season

>> No.6879090
File: 183 KB, 800x600, great-lakes1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to liquor store because i ran out of the good stuff (namely Anchor Steam and a few pales)
>see a big gaudy sticker declaring "NEW!!!" in the refrigerated area
>it's Great Lakes Oktoberfest
>remember enjoying their Nosferatu and Edmund Fitzgerald beers, so maybe this one will be good too
>price check at the counter
>it's not even that pricey, all right let's do it
>give it a try
>my fucking fw

I think this has legitimately replaced Steam as my favorite beer. It's sweeter than any other Märzen I've tried (including legitimate Reiheinsgebot products from Munich) while not being syrupy or saccharine. The cracker flavor is really there; the caramel flavor is really there. This shit is fucking gorgeous.

>> No.6879094

I don't think I've ever had a bad beer from great lakes. Underrated brewery

>> No.6879112

Way too pricey though. At least for me, $3 for a single bottle is a bit much. But this Oktoberfest was $9 for the six pack, and that's more than reasonable.

>> No.6879124

Their standard beers are decently priced though. Eliot Ness is still one of my favorites.

>> No.6879147

>Eliot Ness
As someone who generally doesn't like really sweet brews (prefer porters over stouts, but generally don't like anything too dark), will I like this?

>> No.6879168

I prefer Heineken (besides the price)

>> No.6879176

I agree with the other anon, get Rubaeus before it's all gone, it's a summer exclusive.

>> No.6879187
File: 56 KB, 420x562, dogfish-head-kvasir[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kvasir is fucking delicious nigger

>> No.6879200

I stopped buying 40's once I graduated college. I have no idea who would buy them other than to duct tape them to your hands with some bros.

>> No.6879206

Tell me about Stella Artois. Is it a decent pisswater for when I cannot afford really good stuff?

>> No.6879245

i never knew anyone to buy 40s in college besides as a novelty, everyone bought 30 packs. I always thought 40s were a homeless person thing

>> No.6879352

I prefer "malt liquors" like King Cobra over "cheap beers" like PBR and Corona. I don't know why, but they taste better to me. So yeah, naturally I'm reaching for a Cobra when I'm jobless and living with my dad.

>> No.6880005

My favorite "cheap but not grain belt tier" beer is probably Molson, but Stella is not bad at all either.

I have a few favorite for eachtype of beer, but over all, if I had to drink no other beers for the rest of my life, I'd probably pick Kalik. I put some of my other favorites in the front row of that picture.

Worst beer was one of those pumpkin flavored seasonals. Literally made me want to vomit.

>> No.6880045


>> No.6880049

I buy 40s when I want something cheap, but don't want it hanging around in my fridge once my cheap craving goes away. It's like mcdonalds. I want to eat it all in one sitting, not have a couple extra burgers hanging around after the fact to shame me.

>> No.6880322
File: 433 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150914_150345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might have been me, i know i raised some question if someone else had gotten a seemingly spoiled bottle? Remember i had to pour it out after trying real hard to get it down, tasted bad homebrew with hints of plastic!

Got some new stuff today, no work tomorrow so it´s that time again!
Well i did start of with an old favorite!

>> No.6880371

at least you tried anon

>> No.6880386
File: 444 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150914_153119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a mix pack from this brewer, 4 different czech beers. Started out with the bohemian lager, really it is an czech svetly though, pretty decent one at that!

>> No.6880487
File: 445 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150914_162443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to pour this one, vile and bitter as hell. Something clearly gone wrong!

>> No.6880491

As far as macro lagers go, it indeed tastes like one. Nothing too terrible, also nothing noteworthy.

>> No.6880543

Gotta watch those oatmeal stouts. Some of them are awful.
Local brewery of mine makes some really bitter, watery stouts with absolutely no redeemable qualities. All their beers a german style ale of sorts. Half of them being lagers.
Most of them tasting like piss.

>> No.6880549
File: 644 KB, 750x2000, bavbev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started drinking this recently, it's most enjoyable

>> No.6880586
File: 439 KB, 1664x1248, IMG_20150914_171905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it come in a small ass bottle where you are at as well?

Next out in the mix pack. Very nice darker lager, expected a vienna style one but this is way darker than that!

>> No.6880816

Anyone here Luke arrogant bastard?

>> No.6880878

I buy them in 500ml bottles, nearly a pint

>> No.6880902

Oh, they come in 250ml ones here. just a bother to pick up them because of it really.

>> No.6880911
File: 1013 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cracked a bottle of my first home-brew in celebration of this god-awful thread.

>> No.6880922
File: 59 KB, 320x480, IMG_0132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also may as well post a question here too--I can't remember when or how much dextrose to add. I seem to recall using about 100g of sugar as soon as i started fermentation, just after cooling the wort, and another 200g to prime it just before bottling. sound about right? Thanks (y)

>> No.6880928

wups didn't copy pasta right. this is about home brewing using a basic malt extract kit. Hopefully this thread attracts more experienced people than mine did haha

>> No.6880954

...that's just Coke.

>> No.6880969

>Not brewing your own coke

>> No.6881003

That's a shame, I'd do the same in your situation though

>> No.6881015

It is a great thirst quencher though, i have friends that actually like the bottle size!

>> No.6881042

They are kind of a one trick pony making mostly on IPAs do dipas. That being said they make them damn well and tasty

>> No.6881054

That sucks though. Watered down to shit

>> No.6881059

I appreciate what stone does for the brewing community but their beers are mediocre as fuck.

>> No.6881067
File: 1.08 MB, 1981x1404, budvar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a real Budweiser
pic related is.

>> No.6881746
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x1836, 1442275757521-1818064121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on these three?

>> No.6881864

Was the store out of Mike's Hard Lemonade? Are you old enough to drink?

>> No.6881941

Nice meme, dude. Buying lambic (or anything over $3) is so gay, right?

>> No.6881952

Samuel Smith is top tier, good choice.

>> No.6882127

Glad to hear that. Do you prefer the chocolate or oatmeal?

>> No.6882181

fuk i miss wisc

>> No.6882359

Just had a War Bird from Pipeworks. Awesome beer, sad I only have one left.