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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6870281 No.6870281 [Reply] [Original]

So I undercooked a burger and ate it anyway due to being too broke to throw away food.

Pic is the burger, think I'll get sick?

Supermarket meat never frozen, patty was in fridge since about 6PM EST yesterday

>> No.6870289

Start writing a will, OP.

>> No.6870293

Even I know worst case isn't quite that bad, although I am worried about getting a fierce case of diarrhea

>> No.6870294

Why post b8 on such a slow board? I never get that

>> No.6870296

>Is asking 4chan instead of calling 911

You might want to y'know, go to a hospital pretty soon

>> No.6870301

Not bait, just retarded and was always told having any red left in ground beef was not a good idea.

It tasted good though.

>> No.6870303

that's undercooked? am i color blind?

>> No.6870310

I've been told through my whole life anything but well done for a burger is a health hazard when using supermarket grade ground beef, I dunno the extent of the truth of this statement.

>> No.6870326

Why didn't you just microwave the burger when you realized it was under done?

>> No.6870329

Because I didn't think about that.

Also some voice in the back of my head says microwaving meat is sacrilege

>> No.6870335

oh supermarket grade beef maybe. i've been to restaurants and i asked for medium-rare burgers and was fine. honestly the only time i've gotten food poisoning is when I was working with e.coli and i guess i ingested some

>> No.6870341

How was having E.Coli?

>> No.6870346

Why didn't you just take it off the bun and cook it more?

>> No.6870348

I had condiments already on the roll.

>> No.6870349

You could have scrapped them off and put them back on man.

>> No.6870350

that's overcooked m8

>> No.6870383

you're fine.

>> No.6870399

complete anus leakage. felt cold constantly. couldn't stand up without fainting.

>> No.6870630

it depends if you live in a clean country with some kind of quality food or burgerfatland. If you are a burgerclap ameritard you are dead, if you are in glorious norther europe you are A ok

>> No.6870637

I mean, it's a burger made from beef right?

Isn't that how you normally prepare a burger?

>> No.6870638

You might shit your guts out and puke, you might get a tummy ache, you might be fine.

I don't know what your immune system is like, OP. Stop being dumb.

>> No.6870639

>undercooked a burger and ate it

OMG did it have flavor? Way to go, op. Throw some horseradish sauce on that thing.

>> No.6870658

>barabaric swine thinks having a tummy ache or explosive shits or puking once is the worst thing that can happen when eating raw food

>> No.6871189

Underrated post.

>> No.6871209


>> No.6871220
File: 79 KB, 640x480, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I undercooked a burger and ate it anyway due to being too broke to throw away food.

Pic is the burger, think I'll get sick?

>> No.6871223

You're probably fine. I don't ordinarily like to cook ground meat I got from a grocery store to anything less than well done, but I think the risks are still pretty low.

>> No.6871279
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jack approved

>> No.6871294

>>throw away food
op you fucking moron, just take out out and cook it.

>> No.6871402
File: 1.59 MB, 341x234, disappointed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No veggies!?
Come on OP, you at least need onion and pickle on a burger.

>> No.6871429
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 7234851465435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6871519

>being too broke to throw away food.

why not just cook it more?

>> No.6871530

It looks like you cooked it to my personal preference. It's fine man, you won't even have stomach pains.

>> No.6871538

had that yesterday.
pretty fucking amazing.

>> No.6871888

i use supermarket ground meat, and cook it med-rare all the time.

you're fine bro.

>> No.6871938

Does steak tartare actually taste good, and does it feel good textually?

>> No.6872241

What are you, an American?
How does it feel living in a third world country where eating medium rare meat can kill you?

>> No.6872673

Ground beef undercooked is only very safe if it's freshly ground.
This is why it's illegal to serve burgers under well in Canada. American customers are puzzled by this. Usually only more expensive restaurants freshly ground their beef.

>> No.6872693

i bet jack personally inspects all the beef he gets before serving it to his wife

>> No.6872728

Yeah definitely, though it's not for everyone even if you exclude those who are disgusted by medium-rare steaks. I'd say it's more intense than a rare, fatty Ribeye. Think of the taste of steak as a spectrum, you have the caramelized meat on the far right and tartare on the other side.

Its texture is very mushy (it was twice as I'd imagined), I personally like something crispy not just in the tartare, like onions or celery, but an actual side like a toasted sourdough, or fried kale/fries. Anything to diversify the already amazing dish. I don't see any reason why any cooking enthusiast (read avg co/ck/) wouldn't try it. I'd have some citrusy, minty sauce with a hint of garlic next to it.

I realize my taste might be unusual to some. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

>> No.6873220

Fine, just throw it back on the bloody grill/pan

>> No.6873232

I prefer carpaccio when it comes to raw beef but honestly it's neither bad nor that great. Like >>6872728 said, it's very mushy and borderline gooey but flavour-wise it's nice, and this is someone who prefers their steaks well done. It feels more like it should be eaten as a snack than as a full meal imo, it's a bit much without anything else to cut the taste.

>> No.6873272

Oh my! That's one tasty dish!

>> No.6873275


your mum was abit underdone but i still devoured her frozen patty and didn't get sick

>> No.6873279

If I could live on hors-d'oeuvres, I would.

>> No.6873290

You know what? I grew up in Saudi, where it's taboo to eat raw food (I can only think of 2 exceptions*), but the first time I had sushi I was blasted by the complexity of the flavor; It's the food I love reskined. I have been having a blast just trying all of these amazing, yet admittedly weird, dishes: Sushi, Ceviche (I know it's hated here, but it's really good if you get it down in FL), steak tartare, raw kibbeh, and sunny side up eggs :)

>> No.6873984

That looks perfectly well cooked OP