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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6869174 No.6869174 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on giving away family recipes, /ck/? After I let the cat out of the bag that the secret ingredient to my mom's potato salad was Miracle Whip, things got hairy.

>> No.6869193

I put a pinch of chicken bouillon in everything.

Everybody loves it. I'll never tell. :)

>> No.6869197

my mother is a nationally recognized but not famous chef. she used to work in a kitchen with someone who she shared a certain recipe with. this man later became famous, and now claims its a family recipe and has made MILLIONS off it. try and guess who it was and what the recipe is.

never give away family recipes, only pass them down to your children.

>> No.6869198

Since I hate Jerry so much, here's Jerry Secret Corn Recipe

>1 cob corn
>lob of butter
>add cumin to the butter
>add chives to the butter
>add cayenne to the butter
>mix and melt
>drizzle over corn
>place corn in foil

Fuck you Jerry.

>> No.6869199

Bush's baked beans?

>> No.6869200


>> No.6869201


How about some hints?

>> No.6869202

Colonel Sanders?

>> No.6869203




>> No.6869205


>> No.6869206

Are they still relevant in food? Or is it someone from times past?

>> No.6869208

McDonald's special sauce

>> No.6869210


semi relevant, was a household name for a long time, still sort of is


>> No.6869214

This is American, right?

>> No.6869217

no, what makes you say that? what is it with americans and being so damn ignorant? you guys are so fucking self centered its not even funny anymore. you think the whole world revolves around you guys. if you obese cunts dont stop eating, it might just happen, but with gravity, not your ignorant shit.

>> No.6869218

Caesar Dressing?

>> No.6869219

What country?

>> No.6869220
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>> No.6869222

Anon not everyone knows every secret recipe from every country. You need to narrow it down a bit.

>> No.6869223

I'm glad your mother got fucked out of millions tbh

>> No.6869225 [DELETED] 


best country on earth (not the united obese of fatmerica)

no, not the united cuckdom

its not a secret anymore, learn to read

why, because i called you ignorant and obese? did my comments hit home to hard?

>> No.6869227 [DELETED] 

Canada? France? Italy? Cuckstrailia?

>> No.6869230

no, because you're a bitter cunt with a stupid bitch for a mother who can't keep her trap shut.

She also gave away a recipe.

>> No.6869232


>> No.6869234

guess again

yep, i did hit home to hard. contain your butthurt, also contain your anal leakage, i know your to fat to shit properly but you need to stop letting it leak all over this thread


>> No.6869236


>> No.6869238

Nice projection.

>> No.6869240

Germany? Sweden? Spain?

>> No.6869241

whatever you say kid, whatever you say

>> No.6869243

Not the butthurt guy, but I am an amerifat. He did get super defensive, but you kinda jumped down his throat for a pretty innocent question. Is it a savory item you're talking about?

>> No.6869244

What a dumb bitch.

>> No.6869248


that isnt jumping down his throat, if i wanted to id do it. hes just a soft faggot, in both body and ego.

cant disagree with you there

>> No.6869250

Is it anywhere in Europe at all?

>> No.6869251

You have sand in your vagina.

>> No.6869252

You're just an attention seeking faggot.
There is no fucking recipe.Your mother probably told you that so you would go outside and get a fucking job.

>> No.6869253


whatever you say kid, whatever you say

>> No.6869255

sure thing kid, whatever you say. next time dont be so bitter when someone calls you out on being an obese ignorant faggot.

>> No.6869256

Is it an Asian country?

>> No.6869260

I think it's fine as long as who ever you give it to remembers where they got it from. The providence of a recipe is a great conversation during the resulting meal.

>> No.6869261

just spill the beans anon

>> No.6869266

Is it an item that's known nationally, or just in you're country?

>> No.6869268


guess it and i will go into detail. this is technically slander, because it would identify both my mother and the man involved, and its literally our word against his. so your going to have to be specific otherwise im not saying anything.

>> No.6869269
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>dat projection
holy shit

>> No.6869270

american education, everyone! thanks for living up to what your country is known for, ignorance.

sure thing kid, whatever you say

>> No.6869272

Can you at least name the fucking country?

>> No.6869273

So it is only famous in your country.

Who cares?

>> No.6869275


>> No.6869276


learn to read you ignorant faggot


>> No.6869277

seafood magic?


>> No.6869278

Someone already said Canada, Anon.

>> No.6869280

Whatever you say kid, whatever you say

>> No.6869284

nvm diff dude

>> No.6869286


hahahaha now hes so butthurt he cant even think of anything original to say

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid

>> No.6869287

>american education, everyone! thanks for living up to what your country is known for, ignorance.

You need to save your strength for building those refugee camps, europoor.

>> No.6869289

already stated im not from eu, learn to read ignorant faggot. you just cant help yourself, can you?

>> No.6869291

I'm Canadian

>> No.6869293

is it a sauce?

>> No.6869295

mexico or south america?

>> No.6869296

You know what they say, ignorance is bliss. I'd feel offended if there were less pros than cons to living in America, but hey, if degrading me makes you feel better about not living here, more power to you.

>> No.6869297


>> No.6869298

Is it mom's spaghetti?

>> No.6869301


it involves a certain meat, thats the only clue you get

>call you out on being ignorant
>again and again
>you display your butthurt over and over
>you can only say "stop" when confronted with someone both smarter and wittier than you



if you say so, kid

not me


>> No.6869304

Okay, Since some faggot is high jacking the thread, i'm leaving.
No one guessed right.

>> No.6869305

>not North America
>not South America
>not Europe
>not (east?) Asia
>not Australia

so are you a shitskin or a sandnig? or are you on some tiny ass island somewhere

>> No.6869306

Make another thread with a trip, now you've got my drunken ass curious. Are you Irish? Scottic? Isle of Mannish?

>> No.6869309

bye bye ms fatmerican pie!


that isnt me, and i hate trips. also no to your questions

>> No.6869317

How large is your country?

>> No.6869319

not as large as your gut!

>> No.6869322


Before you accuse me of being an ignorant American again, which I've already proudly admitted, just give me the decency to answer my question. If this person who now sells this makes only millions, would I be correct to assume the product has not left your country, therefore keeping me ignorant of such meat product.

>> No.6869326

learn to read. your answer is in this thread. holy shit how fucking stupid are you? second time i have told you this, for fuck sake kid get it together.

>> No.6869329

op left, It's just a shittier shitposter now

>> No.6869355

>>6869326 fuck you, you're americas hat

>> No.6869359

already stated i wasnt from canada you obese faggot

>> No.6869367

So then you never did answer my question. You only said you're slut mother was nationally known, realize you're wrong faggot.

>> No.6869370

read again kid, maybe when your not drunk you obese fuck

>> No.6869379

Well you must be a troll, because an answer to my question isn't in here. Either that or you are drunk. I do not drink.

>> No.6869380

it is you stupid motherfucker

>> No.6869384

I've been smackeldorfed!

>> No.6869386

no, your just a stupid retard who cant read

>> No.6869390

Noway josé, not takin the bait again

>> No.6869393

>to stupid to read the thread
>must mean im a troll

fuck off already

>> No.6869395

>to stupid
The irony.

>> No.6869396

speelng and grammer dont matter on this shitty site kid. this isnta resume or a theiss, its a shitty post in a shitty thread on a shitty board on a shitty site. a site that periodically clenses its entire boards of content when new contect gets posted

no one will remeber my posts. no one will remeber this thread. get a life, kid

>> No.6869399

Someone this stupid must be Russian.

>> No.6869400

Keep tryin to hook me with your bait, but I won't bite. I've read the thread multiple times, I may be a kid (20), and I may be an American, but I'm not stupid. Go troll elseware.

>> No.6869410

Are you Russian?

>> No.6869411

not even close

fuck off kid

>> No.6869417

You're hooks have dulled! I can't be caught in the fishing line of a troll any longer!

>> No.6869420

fuck off kid

>> No.6869422

fuck off kid

>> No.6869428

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid

>> No.6869430


get a life

>> No.6869434

wont work kid

>> No.6869437

This isn't me>>6869428
Troll that guy is not me. Be wary of troll trollers troll. Do not take his bait, as I have not done of yours.

>> No.6869440

>wont work
You getting a life? That's clear.

>> No.6869443

wahtever you say kid

>> No.6869447

fuck off kid

>> No.6869449

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid

>> No.6869452

Let's get curahzee!

>> No.6869453

I don't mind giving them away, but never to anyone remotely connected to professional cooking.

Also, anyone bragging about some dish which is from an inherited family recipe and who can't come up with anything of his own is a huuuuge faget. And I seen some.

>> No.6869455

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid

>> No.6869457

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid

>> No.6869459


>> No.6869461

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid.

>> No.6869463

You are taking their baits! Seize all actions! You are but a fish in a world of fisherman, ie. Trolls!!!

>> No.6869465

fuck off kid

>> No.6869468

speelng and grammer dont matter on this shitty site kid. this isnta resume or a theiss, its a shitty post in a shitty thread on a shitty board on a shitty site. a site that periodically clenses its entire boards of content when new contect gets posted

no one will remeber my posts. no one will remeber this thread. get a life, kid

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid.

whatever you say kid

>> No.6869475
File: 35 KB, 540x360, tumblr_ns9aingKBh1qmm37vo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna rape your mothers bitch hole.

>> No.6869477

Whatever you say kid, whatever you say

>> No.6869478

you sure you can even stand up you obese faggot?

>> No.6869480

fuck off kid

>> No.6869481

im gonna rape her cunt so hard bitches will feel it in your assholes.

>> No.6869491

sure thing kids whatever you say

>> No.6869492

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid.

>> No.6869494

they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but your just sucking my dick at this point, kid.

>> No.6870321

>ITT: Queers

>> No.6870352

fuck off kid

>> No.6870992

>>family recipe
survey says that if you are not making money on your recipes and you dont have plans to then withholding them is simply greed. I will always share recipes.

>> No.6871049

This fag saying his mother got fucked out of millions of dollars is clearly lying and trying to impress people on the internet. Just ignore his shitposting and move on, if he isn't going to even name the fucking country his mother's shitty recipe is from he can fuck right off

As for the recipe shit, nobody in my family is that much of a cunt that they don't share recipes. The only halfway "secret" shit we had was something we called "secret sauce". It was just ketchup cooked with a little brown sugar, but we never told anybody because then they would be grossed out

>> No.6871152

"Quinky" sauce?

>> No.6872061
File: 49 KB, 640x480, tough puzzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these retards taking the b8

>> No.6872105

said the guy that doesn't know the difference between "to"and "too"


>> No.6872972


OP you must be an insufferable cunt

>> No.6872980


>> No.6872991

>implying anyone actually has family recipes

>> No.6872998

Secret recipes are dumb. It's almost always one arbitrary ingredient that does little or nothing. My family's is mustard. Mustard in cake, pies, chili, soups, pretty much anything that gets mixed gets a dash of mustard.
>and i hate trips
this instance is LITERALLY the point of trips tho. Come on guy.

>> No.6873059

Secret to savory recipes: MSG. I'm not even kidding. Cuban Ropa Vieja tastes meh without it, but put some of that Goya Sazon on it and its like a different dish. America's Test Kitchen recently spoiled this one but I don't mind. Hopefully stores outside of south Florida will carry it now so I can make it while I'm at uni.

>> No.6873240

I told a friend about how I put a bit of cinnamon in when making this bean soup, I'm talking like half a teaspoon, so when he goes to make it he goes and dumps like 3 tablespoons in and complains about the taste saying how I must be lying and don't want to reveal the secret.
Generally a

>> No.6875043


>> No.6876625


>> No.6876643

Guy who fucked OP's mom out of money here. She actually moaned the recipe out while I was forearm-deep in her rectum. It was for edible, beef-flavored lube.

>> No.6878150

Holy shit this thread got immediately shat up by you. You probably felt so cool posting those canned patronizing posts. "OK kid" are you serious? Don't be surprised people don't want to play your game when you put yourself on a high horse fed from foal on your bullshit ego.

Hope you can turn your ego off for a second, reread the thread, and grow from the realization that you were a massive cunt. You did jump down that guys throat and tried desperately to insult him all for asking if you're from America, on an American imageboard. Texas is larger than Germany for fucks sake, America is fuck huge with a massive population. Don't be surprised when people ask where you're from.

>> No.6878214
File: 35 KB, 468x250, 823f12898e3e1de4dfcb746212b9ae46478f65cb6feb3b84b236e377f02b0fde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man this thread

>> No.6878221

Op is a salty cocksucker desperate for attention

>> No.6879720

>131 replies
>30 posters
what a shit thread.

>> No.6880125
