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6866600 No.6866600 [Reply] [Original]

I work a full time office job, and have breakfast at about 6:40am.

When I eat a bigass bowl of oats for breakfast, I'm fucking starving by 11 am. If I eat eggs, I last a little longer, but I'm still frustratingly hungry before lunch.

But if I eat a regular bowl of motherfucking coco pops, devoid of fat or protein (or much else of nutritional merit), I'm not hungry at all.

How does this shit work?

>> No.6866872

>When I eat a bigass bowl of oats for breakfast

Just regular oats? Processed oats (instant oatmeal)? Be specific.

>But if I eat a regular bowl of motherfucking coco pops, devoid of fat or protein (or much else of nutritional merit), I'm not hungry at all

Sounds like a lot of calories and sugar there. Do you add a lot of milk? Processed shit like that might not leave you full for long, but the milk will do it.

>> No.6866884

Regular rolled oats.

And I'd consume substantially more milk with my oats than the sugary cereal.

>> No.6867036

I find I last pretty long with Bircher Müsli

rolled oats + nuts + yogurt + grated apples + some sour fruit + honey

That gives a good mix of short-term and long-term energy together with plenty of fiber to slow down digestion

>> No.6867100

I know for a fact the grease and calories in the egg will keep your brain functioning for longer and stave off hunger. Eating fats is best done in the beginning of the day. In the 50s they used to put a whole stick of butter in a mug of coffee. Scientist would say that it actually increased their overall work process

>> No.6867143

Its the sugar, your probably hungry cause your blood sugar is dropping, im diabetic and if i eat a low sugar breakfast im hungry by lunch, if i eat cereal it keeps my blood sugar higher and i dont get hungry as fast

>> No.6867164

Nice theory, but I add like 20g of golden syrup to my oats. The oats have the cereal beat in every nutritional area. Maybe the oats stimulate my appetite more.

>> No.6867202
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>In the 50s they used to put a whole stick of butter in a mug of coffee.

>> No.6867224

Spotted the yuropoor

>> No.6867229

Maybe it's the fiber.

>> No.6867232

>In the 50s they used to put a whole stick of butter in a mug of coffee

no they didn't, fuck off you massive shill

>> No.6867246

>In the 50s they used to put a whole stick of butter in a mug of coffee.

must have been something in that butter

but what?

>> No.6867247
File: 35 KB, 480x600, MICHELLE-ELLEN-ANN-WARO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the 50s they used to put a whole stick of butter in a mug of coffee. Scientist would say that it actually increased their overall work process

Yep. Nothing like a cup of coffee, some butter, and good ol' Vitamin A(sbestos) to start the morning.

>> No.6867248
File: 251 KB, 1280x600, land-olakes-indian-butter-boob-trick.1280x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's a clue, 2 clues really

>> No.6867259
File: 10 KB, 288x175, weiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the 50s they used to put a whole stick of butter in a mug of coffee

your chariot await, ya wiener

>> No.6867281

hunger will depends on many factors
if you got a shitty sleep you will get hungrier earlier

protip: you can make the oats last until lunch if you put a scoop of organic peanut butter in it.
or snack on a handful of nuts halfway to lunch.

>> No.6867284

oh also, dont drink coffee or tea, it speeds up digestion.

has good advice

>> No.6867392

how are you bad at breakfast, i've been doing the same thing for years it's like i'm on auto pilot

>drink a glass of water, start the coffee
>let the dog out, get the paper
>pour a cup of coffee
>scissor chop spinach and put water in a pan, wilt that shit
>coffee halfway done
>scramble 3 eggs, chop up ham and add seasoning to mix
>add butter and pour in pan
>finish coffee, pour second cup
>breakfast is done, cover it in crystal
>total time, 20 minutes

>> No.6868204


>> No.6868247

meth omelette?

>> No.6869500

Well think it through biologically. Oats are more nutritious for two main reasons: Fiber and protein.

The protein in oats is actually of a pretty negligible amount, just more than coco puffs so it's only technically the healthier option. So we can write that off for helping you stay full.

Fiber is good for you because it's difficult to digest, regulating your bowels. Difficult to digest mostly translates to you passing it before too much of the matter has been absorbed.

Coco puffs, being ground and processed god knows how many times are quite literally pre-packed for absorption by your body.

Basically, eat a bagel or toast or something if your goal is sating hunger for longer. Carbs have staying power.

>> No.6870480

Yooo it isn't good to eat a lot of spinach for extended periods of time

>> No.6870535

And why would that be?

>> No.6871416
File: 36 KB, 485x640, 1007265-popeye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forearm gigantism.

>> No.6871476

This motherfucker knows for a fact. leave him alone.

>> No.6871525

High calcium oxalate content makes you prone to kidney stones.