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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 186 KB, 1688x1688, dp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6866284 No.6866284 [Reply] [Original]

What gas station snack pairs best with Dr. Pepper?

>> No.6866298

teriyaki beef jerky, maybe some funyuns

>> No.6866317


>> No.6866319

Salted peanuts. But you have to dump them into the bottle after you've drank a little out. Then you have a god tier snack.

>> No.6866345

that sounds vile dude

>> No.6866351

Red vines

>> No.6866352

wrinkled gray hot dogs
is this really a thing that people do or are you just fucking with me

>> No.6866353

Viva zen shots

>> No.6866354
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>> No.6866361

You have no idea how glorious it is on a hot summer day. Your loss.

>> No.6866383

Alcoholism and acute depression

>> No.6866387

slim jims are just fucking dog treats

>> No.6866392

hot lead

>> No.6866393

that doesn't make his answer invalid, Anon.

>> No.6866394


>> No.6866402

Oh sure, because a small bag of sslted peanuts is way fattier than fucking slim jims, funyons, or any of the other shit tier snacks in this thread.
Fucking idiot..,,.

>> No.6866409

Barbecue pretzel pieces.

>> No.6866433

>defending such a disgusting combination so hard
Fat Fat Fat

>> No.6866442

fat fingers

>> No.6866443

>being such a shit tier pleb
stupid, stupid, stupid

Go back to shoveling cheetos and mountain dew down your wobbling gullet and shut the fuck up.

>> No.6866444
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>> No.6866450

>dat projection

>> No.6866453

More like tiny keyboard. See, some people actually have jobs and get out during the day, unlike people like you, who sit in their mom's basement and just get fatter and smellier while picking fights with their superiors on the internet.

>> No.6866456
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captcha: select all peanuts

>> No.6866460

I must be on tumblr because you are triggered.
Stop projecting, it's creepy.

>> No.6866462

Chili fritos or honey barbecue fritos

>> No.6866463

ITT: ignorant yankees

>> No.6866464

You are angry friend, a big, fat, raging ball of hate. Settle down and have a Snickers or five.

>> No.6866466

The mere fact that you mentioned tumblr and used the word "triggered" automatically gives you away, little faggot tumblrina.

>> No.6866471
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>coming from the fatty who eats peanuts soaked in dr.pepper because it's such a "refreshing snack :3"

>> No.6866473

butthurt bong detected

>> No.6866475

>Projecting: The Post

Do you waddle up the stairs yourself to refill your Mighty Mug and get a hamfist full of candy, or do you call your mom to bringnit to you?

>> No.6866476

How new are you?
Or are you an old person who can't into "yougins speak?"

>> No.6866478

He's from the South, they do the Coke and peanut thing there.

>> No.6866480

Calm down, fatstuff.
Why don't you go dip some peanuts in dr. pepper?

>> No.6866482

Only little sjw faggots still use the word "triggered"around here. Don't you have a pintrest page to get back to?

>> No.6866484

Old then.
I don't feel like explaining internet memes to you.

>> No.6866486

>Single story house masterrace here

What the fuck is bringnit? Or did your small keyboard get in the way of your sausage fingers?

>> No.6866493

You're an idiot. Keep eating those slim jims, kid, they won't even have to add any preservatives to your corpse.

>> No.6866494

Best thread on /ck/ right now. Thanks friend.

>> No.6866498

Aww, its cute how you think you're smart. Keep that sunny disposition, jr.

>> No.6866502

I am literally 100% sure you are underage.

>> No.6866506


fuck off, fatboy.

>> No.6866507

The blinding rage gave it away, didn't it?

>> No.6866508


I'm 100% sure you have the IQ of a turnip.

>> No.6866512
File: 259 KB, 2048x1536, dr-p-p-in-the-high-stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat junk food, i'm just here for the freak show.

I find it hilarious that when you Google peanuts in Dr pepper, all of the hands holding the bottles are fat.

>> No.6866517
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>> No.6866522
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Is that ham on a motorized cart?
top kek

>> No.6866527

Jokes on you, I'm actually a real life turnip with an above average iq, faggot.

>> No.6866528

That's not a fat hand. The part that's showing is the thickest part of the hand, also called the "pad". You are a raging retard.
Take a pic of your hand in the same position and let us be the judge. And don't forget the timestamp.

>> No.6866534

Well since IQ is measured against a set population, if he had the IQ of a turnip, statistically speaking, he is likely to have a 100 IQ. Just thought we would add pedantry to this grease fire thread.

>> No.6866536

Do you really think i'm trying to intimidate you by being "smart?"
Are you really THAT stupid?

>> No.6866537

Sure buddy, we all know you're a rutabaga that rides the short bus.

>> No.6866541

>That's not a fat hand.
Are you judging by comparing it to your own meaty shovel?

>> No.6866544
File: 1.28 MB, 2000x1132, 1441666040267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not a fat hand.

>> No.6866545

No, I think YOU imagine yourself to be smart. It's funny. Even seeing how much you're trying to read into my responses is hilarious.

>> No.6866548

Not being able to detect sarcasm and irony is a sign of autism

>> No.6866550

>100 IQ

And you think that's. .....helpful to his case?

>> No.6866557

>ya'll city folk think yer soooo smart
flyovers everybody.

>> No.6866559

Oh here we go, I was waiting for some idiot to use the word "autism". Now we can have a true shitfest.

>> No.6866560
File: 421 KB, 2048x1536, dr-p-p-in-stand1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the woman who belongs to that hand.

She's pretty fat.

>> No.6866566


it's even more hilarious how simplistic and typical your responses are.

>> No.6866569
File: 133 KB, 311x366, 09c0c3d0-a26f-4a2f-8696-56a4ca06fb45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And accurate I bet.
Otherwise you wouldn't be so mad.

>> No.6866573

>avoiding the request.

keep dodging, fatty.

>> No.6866579

Being average isn't that bad, especially when you get into things like BMI.

>> No.6866580

Again, you're ability to imply things the way you wish they were is outstanding. Are you this delusional around people irl?

>> No.6866581
File: 47 KB, 600x450, dpp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice projection

>> No.6866586

But the subject isn't BMI, it's IQ. Two completely separate subjects.

>> No.6866588

What kind of heathen backwoods nignog would ever think that's a good idea.

>> No.6866589

Same to you, Zippy.

>> No.6866594

People with taste, who aren't some underage inner city faggot.

>> No.6866595

>being this defensive
I'm not stopping you from consuming your beetus snack, so calm down.
Your freedom remains, so wheel yourself down to the corner store and pig out.

It isn't something I care to stop.

>> No.6866597

This thread is showing some correlation.

>> No.6866605

I haven't drank soda since 2007, when I grew up.

I wonder how old you are, and why you still drink soda.

>> No.6866609

This thread is only the first of many shitposting bait threads that will pop up today. You can't make a correlation without studying more instances.

>> No.6866611

>People with taste,
Anyone with good taste would never drink peanuts in dr. pepper.

>> No.6866613

>people with taste
>putting gas station salted peanuts in bottles of shitty Dr pepper

>> No.6866614

or a doctor pepper

>> No.6866616

Who says I still drink soda. Do you ONLY talk about and/or give advice based on your current experiences, because that would be fucking bizarre. People generally take their whole life experiences into account. I don't think you've grown up at all.

>> No.6866617

Or "salted" peanuts tbh

>> No.6866623

How would you know? You obviously have no taste.

>> No.6866626

>Who says I still drink soda
If you're not the idiot gushing about peanut dr. pepper, then you must be some autismo butting into the discussion for no reason.

>> No.6866627

Again, you're implying. You are boring.

>> No.6866631

Shouldn't you be in school right now? Jesus. .....

>> No.6866634

Yet, you're still here.
A nerve was struck somewhere in your body where the beetus has not ravaged.

>> No.6866637

>eating unsalted peanuts

Do you hate yourself? Are you a cutter? Come on, you can tell us....

>> No.6866640

>defending peanuts in dr. pepper
Scary tbh

>> No.6866641

And so are you. Hello Pot, meet Kettle.

>> No.6866648

It's sad that you find peanuts and Dr. Pepper scary. I feel sorry for you. Maybe seek a therapist.

>> No.6866655

I'm talking to someone too.
Sorry if you feel less special.

>> No.6866658

No, it's YOU I find scary, not the junk food.
I feel bad for your future children.

>> No.6866663

There's nothing funny about your schizophrenia, anon. Take your meds and call your doctor.

>> No.6866668

And I hope you're sterile. So....good tidings all around.

>> No.6866672

Same to you for your beetus tbh

>> No.6866673

I think we will have a decent sample size soon enough, especially with King coming back.

>> No.6866674

>quads confirm
He's sterile!

>> No.6866677

I wonder if you really will let your kids eat that "snack." at 490 calories, it won't take long for them to reach your weight.

>> No.6866679

Sorry to disappoint you, but I have no beetus and am in perfect health. But thanks for caring, anon!!!!!!!!

>> No.6866682


>> No.6866684

>trying this hard

Nope, try harder.

>> No.6866686

You will if you keep drinking dr.pepper.
Seriously, get checked.

>> No.6866691

Found the anorexic vegan.

How's that popped air treating you?

>> No.6866694

It's adorable you're so concerned, but my health is fine. Now, tell me anon, when was the last time you saw your shrink for that mental illness?

>> No.6866696
File: 95 KB, 500x742, 1441889522731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. How's the beetus treating you?

>> No.6866702

HAES am I right? XD

>> No.6866727


>> No.6866742


Its an old fashioned Southern thing. Sometimes called 'farmers lunch'. Works with coke too. Its a salty-sweet thing.

>> No.6866772

Stop being a fucking idiot. I've already answered that idiotic inquiry, moron.

>> No.6866787

>why didn't you recognize me from this anonymous post??
Autism everybody.

>> No.6866796

Now you're just being pathtic. It's time to stop posting, short bus.

>> No.6866810

Follow that chain of posts and tell me where you mention you don't have diabetes.
I'll make it easy for you.

>> No.6866813

Fucking >>6866679
You goddamn stupid fucking MONG.
Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.6866818

That is a completely different chain of posts grandpa.

>> No.6866819
File: 55 KB, 396x266, corn_nuts-tumblr_li8soipETt1qzaq1no1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corn nuts, be careful and don't break a tooth.

>> No.6866823

Autism really does speak

>> No.6866826

No, you're just a moron.
Your chain skips around, just like your brain.

>> No.6866828

You two should get a room, make sure to bring a tub of crisco and some cucumbers.

>> No.6866829

Go to bed grandpa.
Have your grandson show you how to use this website tomorrow.

>> No.6866838
File: 40 KB, 640x512, 1279519337248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently so do idiots.
(I'm talking about you, in case you don't get it)

>> No.6866840

You stupid cunt

Nobody can tell that
are the same person.
Kill yourself.

>> No.6866841


>> No.6866850

You seem to be under the delusion that everyone is keeping track of your posts. You need to realize no one gives a fuck.

>> No.6866855

If you are so triggered about people not recognizing every post you make on an ANONYMOUS image board, then put a trip on, you stupid faggot.

>> No.6866860

whoops, meant for

>> No.6866861

No one can tell that ANY posts are made by the same person. It's really funny how narcissistic some of you are. This thread has become fucking pathetic.

>> No.6866865

What are you, stupid?
>put a trip on

>> No.6866867


>> No.6866871

You're certainly stupid enough to use a trip.

>> No.6866877

Fucking disgusting.
Are you black?

>> No.6866878

Guess what, those are both me, faggot.

>> No.6866882

Then listen to your own advice, retard.

>> No.6866886

I'm green. With chartruse yellow spots. And a 6 ft. Penis. On my head, like a unicorn.

>> No.6866894

There you go, being stupid again.

>> No.6866895


>> No.6866899

How many times a month do you drink that?

>> No.6866905
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Lamest comeback ever

>> No.6866916

Everything. Dr. Pepper is the best

>> No.6866926
File: 25 KB, 600x476, magical_unicorn_fag_bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a special purse for you too.

>> No.6866929

He drinks it when he's having his period.

>> No.6866943

>quads confirm
It's like watching a pod person trying to blend in with society.

>> No.6867196

Not the guy you were replying to, but dubs used to be banned on a bunch of boards so people would do that instead. But you wouldn't be too new to remember that, now would you? ;^)