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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 492x232, 0611Feat_5DaysOnTheLine06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6861824 No.6861824 [Reply] [Original]

I have a reservation at Alinea tomorrow night. Watch this space for pics.

>> No.6861827

Nice blog post breh

>> No.6861834

Don't you ever fucking tell me what to do ever again.

>> No.6861836

So things worked out with your internet boyfriend?

>> No.6861841

pls like subscribe commend upvote sage if you enjoy thanks

Yes, internet relationships are serious business

>> No.6861848

You know, I appreciate fine and luxury dining. I really do.
But that picture.....especially when you understand the processes it took to make it......makes me unreasonably angry, and it is nearly unbearable to read, it's like something Bugs Bunny would rattle off as a joke to piss off Yosemite Sam.

>> No.6861852

>mozzarella balloon with tomato water foam


>> No.6861870

The pic is from an internet article written about a decade ago. It's ok anon.

idk but mozzarella and tomato is always a winning combo

>> No.6861880

>I have a reservation at Alinea tomorrow night.

I ate a lot of ginger last night and now my farts smell delicious.

>> No.6861890

Show us your tits, fatty.

Or, as they would say in your native tongue, CHING CHONG CHONG CHINGITY CHONG CHING

>> No.6861931

Are you the fat spic that posted her face in a thread about beer?

>> No.6861932


>> No.6861939

So yes? K

>> No.6861940

How come you never said you were going to Chicago when you asked for suggestions for your 'murrica trip awhile back?

>> No.6861949

I'm only in Chicago for a few days and I've lurked enough to know to try the deep dish and hot dogs. Do you have anything in particular you'd suggest?

>> No.6862157


Despite what /ck/ commonly says about Chicago, there are many, many different foods unique here.

Do you know what area of Chicago you're going to be in, or what you'd like to try (aside from deep dish and hot dogs)?

Also, deep dish pizza takes forever to make, and unless you're with a group (or call ahead and get take-out) it will fill you up. I haven't lived here long enough to suggest a definitive Chicago dog (there are extensive websites devoted to the issue), but Superdawg would probably be my best recommendation for the overall experience of what to expect (they also have some nice plushies for sale, if you're into that).

It otherwise depends on what you're looking for (if you're doing Alinea I'm guessing you're going to wan't to not spend too much elsewhere).

Looking forward to pics.

>> No.6862174

going to chicago and not trying the mexican food is like a cardinal sin

>> No.6862180
File: 726 KB, 2048x960, 2014-08-12-AlineaDessert[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy! Can't wait to see pics of tiny portions of shitty overpriced food that people pay tons of money for just for the "presentation".
French places like Alinea and The French Laundry are the most pretentious bullshit ever. People literally only go there so they can take pictures of all their dishes and brag about their expensive meals on twitter.
>inb4 poorfag
I've been to plenty of upscale Italian restaurants and nice steakhouses and had great meals that the chefs prepared based on taste and not some artsy fartsy bullshit.

>> No.6862229

Alinea isn't a French restaurant, and both Alinea and The French Laundry are like 12-16 course meals. The idea is to try many different dishes with the same amount of food as a normal 3 course meal.

>> No.6862241

Unless you can get a reservation at dorsia no one gives a shit.

>> No.6862394
File: 34 KB, 550x412, mozzarella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They obviously just take clear tomato juice, add foaming agent like liquid soy lecithin, charge it in syphon with NO2 and bloat hot nearly melting mozzarella with it.
Picrelated is mozarella baloon without stuffing.

>> No.6862401

> israeli cous cous
Triggered tbh

>> No.6862409

>upscale Italian restaurant

So you've eaten lasagne and a slab of meat, and now you're qualified to class places like Alinea and The French Laundry as 'artsy fartsy bullshit'?

A plate of food doesn't have to weight 5kg and cost $5.99 for it to be nice. A quick search for the Alinea menu and you can see that they are serving 18-25 course for a taster menu. Clearly each plate of food isn't going to be very large.

>> No.6862410

>upscale Italian restaurants and nice steakhouses


>> No.6862605

I'm staying close to chinatown. I don't mind travelling a bit as I want to see more of the city anyway.

Will check out Superdawg, thanks for the rec!

Is mexican food big in Chicago? What dishes would you recommend?

The tasting menus I've tried have all been delicious as well as beautiful. You sound like you have zero idea what you're talking about.

That's a really cool technique! Can't wait to try it.

I love me sum elaborate tasting menus. It's like going to the amusement park but all the rides are in your mouth.

>> No.6862607

No, she's the fat Asian

>> No.6862612

>Is mexican food big in Chicago? What dishes would you recommend?
Holy shit, at least do some kind of research about a city before going there. Chicago has a fucking huge Mexican population and their Mexican food is some of the best in the country. I can't recommend anything because frankly I don't remember the names of anywhere I went. They were all shady places that looked like you'd get stabbed and raped. But if you can find a place with beef tongue tacos, do it.

>> No.6862621
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>Murray river sea salt

>> No.6862631

I'm only here for Alinea. And the museums/aquarium/tourist shit.

Beef tongue sounds good, will keep an eye out.

>> No.6862638

I live right by Chinatown, all my neighbors are asian but me.

>> No.6862642

>The tasting menus I've tried have all been delicious as well as beautiful. You sound like you have zero idea what you're talking about.

Thats typically the way it goes with some people. The ones who have never experienced dinner in a 2/3 star restaurant are those most critical of it. Same old criticisms every time as well.

>Portions are too small
Yes, if you're eating just 1 course. Given that you're eating 7,8 courses all the way up to 25 courses, the amount of food is actually quite a lot.
>Too expensive
Yes, its expensive. But if you're eating 10 courses, and paying £120, thats only £12 per dish. Thats the same price as a main course in a high street restaurant.
>Its too pretentious
It really isn't. These kinds of restaurants are frequented by a wider section of society than they used to be. Young people, old people, people who save up their money for a few months for a special occasion, people who go to these places on a weekly basis using the company credit card. The staff appreciate this and adjust accordingly. If you want to have a joke and laugh with them, they do that. If you want them to shut up and pour your wine, they do that. Theres no reason to feel uncomfortable.
>Its style over substance
Well thats something that can't be explained in words. You can only appreciate that it mostly isn't once you've tried the food.

>> No.6862649

Landlady of this apartment is white as flour. I see what you mean though.

Mind if I copypasta that response? I should use it as a starter for fine dining threads.

>> No.6862662

My landlord is an italian ex-mob guy who doesnt care for asians so i learn not to ask questions

>> No.6862686

Chicago style pizza isn't pizza

>> No.6862689

All the good Mexican food I've had here has been in the Pilsen neighborhood, which is pretty near Chinatown. It's got some nice murals and stuff too if you want to walk around there.

>> No.6862731

Neither is New York style.

>> No.6862756
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>Now with 10% more nitrates and pelican shit!

>> No.6862770

If you like goat then the best goat you will ever try will be in chicago for less than 10 dollars. Its a locals favorite


>> No.6863249

Do you go with friends or your boyfriend or something?
Would you ever go to a top restaurant from a stranger from /ck/ if you were in their town and they were paying?
And they were a bit shy and awkward but had money and were essentially good guys but possibly older than you by 10 years?

>> No.6863255

I'm 27 and would love to eat out with strangers from /ck/.
Hell I would even pay my share, just for the experience. (Shit sucks when none of your friends like trying new things/eating out)

>> No.6863259

Cool. If you're ever in Madrid let me know.

>> No.6863262


what a contrived hypothetical scenario, i don't think it's worth answering borneo it's not like it will ever happen

>> No.6863277

I could swear I've seen restaurant reports from her from France so its not that unlikely.

>> No.6863281


lol not what i meant dude, i meant the 'hypothetical scenario' of the stranger who was obviously you.

>> No.6863285

>sea salt
But a sea isn't a river. And who is Murray

>> No.6863295

>Inland brine deposits
You fucking retard.
Do they teach Geography in whatever fucked up country you live?

>> No.6863309

Wow, what a fucking pretentious shithole. If you can afford to eat at Michelin starred places why not go to Gordon Ramsay's restaurants, or some of the other good ones in Chicago. Not this over priced pissing contest created to engorge the chef's ego

>> No.6863314

Kek , this guy Took the bait

>> No.6863323

>Not flying to London to eat at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay.

I dont know why some people even bother with life

>> No.6863325



too obvious

>> No.6863328

Nothing I said was bait. Alinea exists purely for rich snobs to stroke their own egos about the fact that they can afford the overpriced food. If you use 4 dozen adjectives to describe every ingredient in your dish, you are a pretentious prick. My friend actually had the opportunity to dine there last year and he said the waiter actually scoffed at his date when she asked a question.

What a horrible restaurant. Food doesn't taste better just because the beef comes from cows who listened to Mozart everyday, and the beef was chilled with the same liquid nitrogen used in the space station or some shit. Good food comes from fresh ingredients and a confident chef, not an egotistical one

>> No.6863372


>My friend actually had the opportunity to dine there last year and he said the waiter actually scoffed at his date when she asked a question.

either completely fabricated bullshit or chinese whispers

>> No.6863387

maybe she asked for a well-done steak...

>> No.6863442
File: 744 KB, 1327x663, fud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In general I approve of pretentious restaurants, but this place relies too much on their gimmicks of;
>oh look no plates!
>oh look, we separated all the ingredients and cut them into squares.

>> No.6863451
File: 112 KB, 1300x866, oh my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza is a lie

>> No.6863460

why is that plate smoking, WHY IS THE PLATE SMOKING A CIGAR

>> No.6863466

Wow. I thought the first image I saw was pretty cool. But looks like they just apply the same technique to every dish.

>> No.6863473
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 5564691_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pizza even pizza?

>> No.6863510

This oughta be good.

See if you can find a crying baby to take along and kick off another ridiculous Internet storm.

>> No.6863519
File: 93 KB, 864x540, what the fuck is THIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I real or will I disappear when he wakes up?

>> No.6863542


how do you know they're not the same dish just with different seasonal ingredients?


the whole 'gimmick' is that every presentation and way of eating is wildly different. it's not a singular thing it's a central philosophy behind the restaurant. keep the diner surprised.

>> No.6863545
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_142608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre eating at McDonald's

>> No.6863557

I'd totally be up for it, I have a dinner date with a ck friend in a couple weeks even.

>> No.6863572


Kill yourself.

Well dont, but seriously McDonalds? Why would you ruin your pallet with such filth? I can taste McD's on my tongue for like two days after I eat it.

If the restaurant isn't filling you eat something else afterwards, not before.

>> No.6863580


pallet? she's eating it, not moving it with a forklift.

>> No.6863582
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>> No.6863587


palette? Better? IDK how to spell without looking it up.

>> No.6863594



>> No.6863598

Im more concerned about black shirt/red tie combinations.

>> No.6863623 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6863630


You forgot to mention something about steak

THEN it'd be complete.

>> No.6863652


>> No.6863667

>Murray river sea salt

>> No.6863701

I am looking forward to the floods of autism that this thread will generate with you going to a fine restaurant on their home turf.
Please jump over to the continent and do Noma some time, that would be great.

>> No.6863756

Nah mate I'll do as I please

Yeah, we don't really know how to dress ourselves formally. It's a bit of a train wreck, hopefully we don't get turned away at the door

> outfit from Target

>> No.6863777

I don't think I'd like the food at Noma tbh, maybe if I had extra money to throw around I'd go for shits and giggles but I don't think the dishes would suit my palate

>> No.6863795

>that outfit
is that a joke?
if not drop the tie
i'd say to fuck off the black shirt too but I don't know what disaster would replace it

a pair of jeans away from being a shitty screamo covers band

>> No.6863798

>Nah mate I'll do as I please

You're a disgrace.

>> No.6863802

looks like some pleb waiting for a job interview at Wal Mart

>> No.6863809

Bye bye anon

>> No.6863817

when can we expect pictures?

>> No.6864039

I dunno, pre-eating is wrong. It always has to be post.

>> No.6864147
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>> No.6864157

Portillo's. Get the cake shake.

>> No.6864193

Did she ask the waiter for some neon green pickle relish?

>> No.6864522

The man is probably very grateful to be alive from surviving stage four tongue cancer. And his confidence would come from being one of the best restaurants in America, and one of the best in the world.

>> No.6865483

so Borneo where are them pictures?

>> No.6865505


As much as she plays along with all the current trends here, I'm worried her gamer friend has turned her off of taking pictures and posting her amazing meals.

Is this the end of /ck/, Borneo? Don't fuck around with us like this; it's nothing but fast food and... shitposting.

Did you really pre-game at McDonald's? That can't possibly be true after taking the Superdawg suggestion.

>> No.6865540

whats a alinea?

>> No.6865681

would be disheartening tbh.

i need my fix of fresh foodporn

>> No.6865683

borneo where are you i need my fix of pleb shitposting

>> No.6865684
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_162830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bout the late pics, we went for a walk after the meal and I crashed in

My apple cider with lemon zest and thyme

>> No.6865692
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_163649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frozen white chocolate sphere filled with peach puree and a tiny basil leaf on top

This was amazing, the thin chocolate layer practically popped in my mouth and the peach flavour was intense

>> No.6865698

muh dick

>> No.6865699
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_164339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tapas themed appetizers, jamon and cheese, pepper and potato

As if anyone could stop me from blogging about food on 4chan

>> No.6865701

funny, Peach and Basil is a combination we made in the restaurant I worked 1998

>> No.6865703


what is the middle one you slacker bitch

>> No.6865705

peach and basil is a classic, also thyme

>> No.6865708
File: 1.61 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_165120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fennel and tapioca broth in the bottom, strawberry that was actually tomato and tomato that was actually strawberry on top

>> No.6865711

so the big question: has was the service? are waiters nice with you ?
I suppose that you don't had wine as usual?

captcha: select 'tee'

>> No.6865716
File: 1.72 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_165129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works


>> No.6865720

whats the whites tuff?

shit looks delish though

how many course meal?

>> No.6865724
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_170009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically a salad in flavour. Honeydew sorbet, avocado puree, olive oil ice, jalapeno jelly and salmon roe

Sounds random but the flavours melded together surprisingly well

Flawless service, waiters were friendly and jokey
Alcohol is still haram, I had apple cider tho

>> No.6865731
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_171038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truffle meringue, asparagus puree, radish, pickled white asparagus and caramelized carrot sprayed on

The meringue and asparagus puree were incredibly fresh tasting

Frozen burrata, some sort of cheese

20ish course meal, I wasn't counting

>> No.6865732
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_172750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese sweet corn with togarashi and uni butter, was creamy and sweet

>> No.6865734
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_172801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dried seaweed and fish paste on a cracker

>> No.6865736
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>> No.6865746
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_173109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooseneck clam served hidden on a piece of driftwood

>> No.6865756
File: 1.70 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_172932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a skewer with perfectly cooked eel and raw tuna

The waiter roasted a shishito pepper on the fire and some sort of flower by the fire while we ate

I accidentally put out the fire while trying to light my skewer on fire

>> No.6865761
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_173831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out one of the logs was actually a piece of daikon radish and another seaweed wrapped chicken, both used in the next dish

>> No.6865762


She claims she's a she so well call her she whether she's a she or not. Though I expect she probably is a she in this case. Its just polite. Now gtfo.

>> No.6865766

>Turns out one of the logs was actually a piece of daikon radish


>> No.6865768
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_174513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blossom, chicken, radish and pepper

>> No.6865770


lol that's clever

>> No.6865776

are they putting two or three courses down at a time?

>> No.6865778
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It came with chicken liver and nasturtium, and crispy seaweed

Yep, the rectangular piece behind the pepper

Was a wtf moment when the waiter told us

>> No.6865787
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_180124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot potato cold potato
We were instructed to pull out the metal pin until the truffle, potato, chive, butter cube and parmesan fell into the hot truffle and potato soup, then down it like a shot

Delicious flavours, perfect textures, I could've downed 50 of these


>> No.6865790
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_181353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mediterranean style
Olive cake in the back, lamb shoulder, belly and tongue cooked to tender perfection topped with olive and grape

I didn't like this dish as much because I don't like olives

>> No.6865796


>olive cake

i can't believe restaurants are still doing that microwave cake thing.

>> No.6865798
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_182550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing cheesecake dessert with lemon sauce, matcha, hibiscus gelee, pickled blueberries, vanilla meringue and papery raspberry thing

>> No.6865810
File: 1.16 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_183753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple taffy balloon with dehydrated apple string

Super duper tasty, and inhaling the helium made me dizzy

Sorry bout the face, my shot had my bf's face in it

>> No.6865814
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Finally, the infamous dessert painting

>> No.6865820
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_184419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They put a silicon sheet over our table and the chef came out to do the painting

Liquids were mango puree, vanilla and rum, Jamaican allspice cream

>> No.6865829
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x1836, 20150909_184551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All tropical flavours

There were pineapple caramels (my favorite), kaffir lime candies in edible wrappers, compressed melon, guava and dragonfruit

He shattered a sphere of frozen coconut milk stuff on it and threw glittery sugar looking stuff over the lot

Very theatrical and memorable ending to a most excellent

I forgot to mention they also catered to my partner's lactose intolerance

>> No.6865833

Thanks for the pics :D

>> No.6865835
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x1836, 20150908_150054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not related but I want to share this picture of a funny looking moray eel with you guys

>> No.6865837

Rating out of 10?

Better or worse than l'enclume? and by what margin?

>> No.6865846

No girls on the internet you faggot.

>> No.6865894

go back to /b/ faggot

>> No.6865897

how it is to eat directly from the table?
a picture from the mess after ?

>> No.6865905


what about the little passionfruit things? they have a weird shape

>> No.6865909

Looks amazing. Im Jealous.

How much was it?

>> No.6865926

Wow, what a pretentious shithole

>> No.6865932


>> No.6866102

dat ill fitting shirt

>> No.6866106

Whoa, Achatz came out and did your dessert? Cool.

>> No.6866110

ITT: what retards do with their money

>> No.6866112

9/10, I like the food at L'Enclume more but I may be a bit biased. It's down mainly to personal preferences, I don't like olives and fennel and they featured in a big part of dishes here.

It was fun, we cleaned it up really well. I'm not shy about eating with my hands and I did lick a few plates clean.

Around $300 each including tip and taxes. There's lots of more affordable tasting menus however. I'm going to Moto this weekend so there'll be another thread.

>> No.6866115

We got our outfits from Target

Naw, I wish. It was some other chef, Achatz was missing that day. They're really chill, they were happy to let me stand outside the kitchen and watch

>> No.6866137
File: 2.86 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20150909_200016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After digging around I found you a pic
Don't lick the sheet it tastes funny

It was a passion fruit jelly in the rind of the fruit, very tart and tasty

>> No.6866141

>dat fat spoonface
would smash fist into/10

>> No.6866153

Lookout, we got a tough guy over here

>> No.6866157

Borneo, I just want to say that I appreciate you doing threads like these. It's very refreshing to have one of these every so often, even if it triggers people who are offended by the existence of a $300 tasting menu.

It's a great break from the fast food threads and it's part of the variety I love about /ck/.

>> No.6866164

Calm down, he's not the one with a ugly ass girlfriend with a busted face. Looks like you bought her and flew her into the US from Cambodia. She love you long time, anon? She sucky sucky?

Looks like all the money in the world couldn't buy you a girl with a face that doesn't look like a goblin shark

>> No.6866169

I make these threads for you anon. Keep your eyes peeled this weekend, I have a reservation for Moto to look forward to

>> No.6866170

And you are telling him to calm down? Holy shit.

Thanks for sharing man, don't mind the autists.

>> No.6866174

>being this new

Back to your home board.

>> No.6866178

i really, really want to know what borneo's bf looks like.

>> No.6866182

>a girl with a face that doesn't look like a goblin shark

>> No.6866183

I'll ask him if he mind me posting him

They're easy to ignore

>> No.6866203

Perfect. Can't wait.

>> No.6866209

you should go to the aviary next bjorn, i really wanna see what that shit is like, dunno if you'd heard of it or if you can get a reservation this soon


>> No.6866211
File: 3.26 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20150909_172711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this satisfies your curiosity

>> No.6866213


ok, i could take him.

>> No.6866218

lol you have more muscle mass than that 90 pound jew

>> No.6866223

So how the fuck do you eat this? Do they give you a little dustpan or do you just have to leave 90% there?

>> No.6866228

you get a spoon and i used my fingers to wipe tasty bits up

>> No.6866229

You scoop it up with your fedora.

>> No.6866234


who'd you get to take the picture

did you make a server take the picture

>> No.6866254

I gather you do this a lot so I wanted to ask: Are these tasting menus enough food? Sure it's not about that but I don't think it would kill them to sate your hunger and not just get you drunk.

>> No.6866257


imagine it all on one plate dude

>> No.6866268


> creased black shirt
> fat red tie hanging too low
> beige canvas belt
> chinos

> the nose knows

>> No.6866270


The portions are small but in those quantities they are perfectly filling for the average person

>> No.6866300
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>> No.6866310

>strawberry that was actually tomato and tomato that was actually strawberry on top


I kid, I always enjoy your threads. Especially since it generates a huge amount of first world class envy/conflict.

>> No.6866312

I appreciate them too :D

>> No.6866492
File: 13 KB, 325x270, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking outfit

>> No.6866515

Thanks, and appreciated.

>> No.6866713

It's not my thing, I don't like alcohol

I do enjoy the rustled jimmies, that's why I posted the McD fries

>> No.6866718

thank Borneo, which I was there too

>> No.6866741

what I appreciate in you is that you have a understand that enjoying a meal at that level has nothing to do with "I am rich I can eat this every day" or " i eat to be full and not for the pleasure"

meals like to his are like theater or concerts, everybody should try it once

>> No.6866748
File: 44 KB, 604x450, 1288368608955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the thread as usual Borneo

>> No.6866790

>that fucking nose
your boyfriend is based

>> No.6866803

the only people I know who don't enjoy drinking are socially awkward aspies. Therefore your lack of drinking makes you subhuman.

>> No.6866914

it's a religious thing for Borneo... so around 3-4 billions people on earth are subhuman for you?

>> No.6866917

Much more than that

>> No.6866921

wait, there are people who DON'T think mudslimes are subhuman?

shit nigger, are you retarded or something?

also, show us your fat tits, boreo.

>> No.6866953

go back to /b/

>> No.6866956

Go back to Syria, Mahmoud.

>> No.6867015
File: 45 KB, 352x329, nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you enjoyed the meal, keep up the good threads!

>> No.6867089

Yes, exactly!

Well I do spend my free time posting on an Egyptian hieroglyph discussion forum

It's purely personal preferences

To infinity and beyond my friend

>> No.6867097

What a Jewish faglord, he has an extremely punchable face.

>> No.6867107

Fuck off Muhammad

>> No.6867129
File: 734 KB, 2560x1707, 1441681941381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck dude. I laughed so hard.

>> No.6867144

>see >>6866137
>what a date-able qt, I will teach her my food ways
>see >>6866211
>literally downgraded to a -1/10 for dating a string-bean kike 14 year old faggot wearing a shirt he found in a dumpster and a tie he got free from a homeless shelter donation bin

I was going to ask you to come to Vegas and dine with me at Robuchon, Borneo.

Alas, it was not meant to be ;_;

>> No.6867149

Holy fuck you are ugly

>> No.6867150

has anyone ever found where this picture was taken?

Even if it's faked, its a fucked up scene. You can see the edge of an easter bunny head on the left, and a really fucking expensive bottle of sherry.

>> No.6867154

Brown people are all the same to me

>> No.6867168

of course it's fake you gullible nimrod.

>> No.6867194


how do you know? Theres an exceptional level of detail in it.

>> No.6867223

>my bf



>> No.6867228

It's bread.

>> No.6867245

With bones?

>> No.6867257

More bread.


>> No.6867434
File: 36 KB, 604x453, 553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the thread. Very nice pics. Looks great.

Heres a dish I had at Dinner by Heston. Its not a fucking orange.

>> No.6867440


pleb choice

>> No.6867460

I got it as an extra just because I had heard about it and wanted to see what it was like. It was ok, but not great.

>> No.6867468

Is it an actual leaf on there, or a fake one?

>> No.6867474

I don't remember, but it wasn't edible.

>> No.6867478

So many London restaurants I need to go

That orange looks so real

>> No.6867487


from what i remember it was an actual mandarin leaf.


gurl i'll take you anywhere

>> No.6867490
File: 39 KB, 604x453, 876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you choose one, make it Restaurant Gordon Ramsay. By far my favourite.

This dish had the not so inventive name 'Meat Fruit'

>> No.6867574

This. And a combo.

>> No.6867616

tres amusant

>> No.6867627

I love how Borneo gets accolades, yet most of the OC threads where people cook something, even well done ones, simply die with one or two comments unless they're done by some faggy edgelord, terrible, or otherwise easy to make fun of.
Not that I dislike Borneo, but it's just a sad reality of /ck/.

>> No.6867638


>OC thread where someone cooks well

Choose one

>> No.6867644


shut the fuck up


if you make consistent content it will generate discussion regardless of what it is.

i do feel like the guy who does those very well presented cookalongs doesn't get quite enough attention though.

>> No.6867660

Someone's an angry little puppy!

>> No.6867692

Not really. I did quite a few threads over several years where I cooked. Each one died pretty quickly because there wasn't enough for people to make fun of or disparage.

>> No.6867697


it might be to do with the time you're doing it or something because i had pretty successful threads when i did cookalongs. especially if you encourage other peopke to contribute

>> No.6867702

It's because the neckbeard virgins on here think that if they're nice to the chink lady that she'll let them have a pity bang or see her feet or other stupid horseshit like that. They're so stupid and immature that they suck up to a stranger on the internet purely because she has a vagina, and then go back to posting about Taco Bell and Big Macs. That's the kind of person you share this site with.

>> No.6867712

To be fair, a dozen dishes from a place like Alinea provide a lot more to comment on and argue about than a competently cooked home meal. All you can really say to that is "looks nice anon."

>> No.6867738

What if you're doing dishes that no home cook would attempt, or the fact that a lot of home cooked meals are very different depending on cuisine and particular technique. No, the difference is that most on /ck/ think things should be cheap as dirt or some progressive-ideal form of abstract art. The very fact that you think a home cooked meal cannot be more impressive or have more to comment on than a decently done tasting meal (I recall several one star and less "critically acclaimed" that get way more attention here) is revealing.

>> No.6867742


you might have a good argument there if most of the replies to the thread were about alinea

>> No.6867762

I did specify "home meal". I'm sure if some anon did amazing avant garde cuisine it'd get plenty of comments. Thanks for the unnecessary insult though.

You make a strong point.

>> No.6868180

Restaurant Gordon Ramsay is on my to go list. Might just do it alone one weekend tbh.

There's an anon who does a weekly cooking thread with great pics and instructions and they seem quite well received. It's probably because people want to see more novel and interesting dishes as there's more to talk about. I've had plenty of threads bomb, I just post these tasting menus consistently because I know there's a handful of people who genuinely enjoy them and it's fun to talk about

>> No.6868202

Do you speak with an English accent Borneo?

>> No.6868239

>amazing avant garde cuisine
You still don't get it. Obviously the "insult" wasn't strong enough. There is so much more to food than some crappy avant garde deconstructionist ooh look at muh experimentalism! And it's not just about excellent things, which you somehow managed to miss as well, but whatever.

>> No.6868450

It sounds like a mix of American, British and Malaysian

>> No.6868468

Are you just looking for a fight to win or something? You're assigning a lot of issues based on two fairly innocuous posts.

>> No.6868479

A bunch of weeds and lemon rind in a flower vase with barely ANY cider.
Chocolate and peach. Super rare! Only $849.98!
Ham and cheese, pepper, and potato. Staple foods at 200x the price, served on upside-down candlestick holders.
Dog vomit with a side of cottage cheese scrapings, a strawberry, and a tomato, served on...whatever that abomination of a plate is.
Up close, it turns out the tomato and strawberry are served on a bed of dead ants.
Random crap in a bowl with flowers from the side of a road.
Dandruff covered garbage from a craft store dumpster. Whoever pissed all over it wasn't hydrated.
Literally corn on a cob.
White trash delight, served on more garbage from a craft store dumpster.
I don't know what the fuck that disease is supposed to be.
That looks like it was lit on fire by accident. I'm glad you put it out.
Carcinogens: The Meal
More burnt shit.
I doubt half that stuff is edible.
A microphone.
A little (I mean little) bit of actual food covered with weeds from my front lawn.
Cheesecake is one of my favorite foods and somehow, they managed to make that disgusting.
A balloon.
I used to do that with ketchup and mustard when I was 3.
Oops! I spilled my food!

>> No.6868481


ugh fuck Hesto Bloomo

so overdone at this point

>> No.6868492


this pics are sub par for you but basically you da real MVP Borneo

thanks so much for being a cool tripfag for so long and for posting good OC

>> No.6868498


>i try hard to be cool

>sage bitch

>> No.6868526

>look I quoted every single post by the OP please pay attention to me and my opinions!

>> No.6868636

the most pathetic post on 4chan right now

>> No.6868649


>> No.6868662

hah, not even close, only you are so bitter you would spend all that time spiting someone

>> No.6868684

Or more than one person likes expensive food on a cooking board.

>> No.6868689


>> No.6868810

are you ok? do you want to talk about it?

>> No.6868821

Sorry, I'm trying to imagine how that sounds and I'm hearing a retarded voice.

>> No.6869001

lighting in the restaurant wasn't good enough for nice pics i think

maybe idk

>> No.6869726

Sometimes I get drunk and make really bad shitposts like this and then forget about it later except for the (You), but only when the browser cache hasn't been cleared

I was drunk on Tuesday night, I'm sorry if it was me

>> No.6869883

It's ok anon, I know you don't really mean it.

>> No.6870784


How do you eat this?

>> No.6870938

Anon you replied to here. To be fair, I lurk all these threads. I almost never reply. It is a shame, though these tasting menu threads naturally have like 25 very different pictures of unusual food. It only takes one post to say "10/10 would eat, OP" when it's 10 pictures of the process of a single batch of chili

>> No.6871024 [DELETED] 

does he ever shove his nose up your cooter?

just wondering :^)

also the black shirt red tie combo needs to be taken out back and shot ASAP

>> No.6871065

ck is completely obsessed with tripfags and YouTube food reviewers. I lurk other boards and really you guys are probably the only ones that lose your shit when they see a name. I'm pretty sure I blame all the women here. But yea, namefags get reactions on ck, usually bad.

>> No.6871847

thanks for the pics OP. your gf is cute

>> No.6871859

Looks like the lonely guy who used to attack FF and 100Bowl has found a new target

>> No.6871907

This. Lmao. What an ugly bitch.

>> No.6871911

lmao bro

>> No.6872498

Nope, try harder buddeh

>> No.6872500

Wrong again! Sorry man, guess you'll just have to start another Taco Bell thread. Thanks for playing!

>> No.6873570

Spoon and fork. Though I have to admit to licking some plates clean.

>> No.6873574

Good thing for that flat fucking face then.

>> No.6874367

How do you afford all this good food op? Do you save up from you're 9-5, or are you a rich biach?

>> No.6874405

>sure, the portions are tiny, but they're only twelve dollars each!
Smh tbh fam

>> No.6874409




>> No.6874423

Seriously? Fucking TOAST?

>> No.6874432

>are tiny, but they're only twelve dollars each!
>Smh tbh fam

Thats not a dollar sign you retard

>> No.6874438

Wait, let me get this straight, you pay some guy to come out and throw shit all over your table?
>dude cubed foods lmao
>dude food shaped like other food lmao

>> No.6874475
File: 15 KB, 300x192, Jackie-Chan-Meme-300x192[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah but seriously though...
Why the fuck would you eat mcdonalds before going to a place like Alinea?
Makes no damn sense.

>> No.6874486

OP is the gf

>> No.6874722

I remember that Heston had a dish with two gelee dices ...a red one and an orange one...

the orange one was made with beetroot and the red one from orange

>> No.6874817

Aw shit you were in Chicago this week? I would totally have been down for some /ck/ dates even though it's a little ways away from home.

Next time maybe.