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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6856137 No.6856137[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is /ck/ vegan-friendly? I want to learn to cook but I don't know if /ck/ is the right place for me.

>> No.6856142


There are some vegans on here (like me), but then again this isn't exactly a website most known for civil discussion about ethical considerations for animals, so expect MUH BACON posts.

>> No.6856144

We only discuss fast food here. Good day, sir.

>> No.6856147

No, you should talk somewhere else about your eating disorder.

>> No.6856157

Do vegans eat soda?

>> No.6856162
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Yes, except maybe some brands of cream soda and these

>> No.6856167

I wouldn't exactly call /ck/ vegan friendly, but as long as you have a thick skin and can ignore the trolls and actually carry on a reasonable conversation without getting all preachy and talking shit about people who eat animal products and meat, you'll be fine.

>> No.6856171

Vegan friendly, you say......I'd say, no.

Now, if you want to just talk normally about meatless meals (which yes, even omnivores eat sometimes) or vegetable dishes or legume dishes, etc, that's fine and can be done, lots of people here eat meatless meals, or lots of beans and grains, and vegetable based dishes.
But coming here and SPECIFYING you're a vegan is only going to get you grief and pain, so stop being an attention whore and just erase this thread and start over.

>> No.6856191
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>> No.6856215

/ck/ isn't really vegan friendly, but it's because the vegans here tend to be insufferable, acting superior to omnivores.
If you don't like using animal products, that's fine, but be fucking accepting of other people's lives choices ffs, don't be a dick, it's not hard.

>> No.6856408

This. It's a good cooking forum all things considered, but just try not to mention it outside of vegan threads, or you'll get shitposted to death.

>> No.6857767

it's not vegan friendly at all. this is one of the most hostile places i've found when it comes to it. i only enter to ctrl + f vegan, enter a thread, see a moron and point out how dumb he is:
>be accepting of other people's live choices
>eats meat and does not accept other living things right to life
VERY nice

>> No.6857858

you cant learn to cook on /ck/. you can only learn how to be a shitty fast food shill.

>> No.6857874


This is why people don't like vegans. Why are most vegans the kind of people who would kill another human before, say, a deer or a cow? Anti-human aberrations.

>> No.6858533

i don't see how you would derive that conclusion from what i wrote? i hate those people too. just pointing out how dumb the whole "its okay to be vegan, but RESPECT other beings!" argument is. if you eat meat/milk have the decency to admit what you are doing is cruel (because if effectively killing, torturing and raping is not cruel, boy you got it wrong...)

any way dont respond im off!

>> No.6858535

The guy in the pic is eatin cheese tho

>> No.6858551

Why is it so easy to spot women when they post?

>> No.6858842

tofu is not cheese

>> No.6858849

They use crazy big words that are all dumb and stuff.

>> No.6858857


Actually anything that uses cane sugar like I think Jones Soda does or almost any baked good isn't vegan. Cane sugar is filtered during processing using bone ash which as you can guess is made from animal bones that were charred and ground into powder. Beet sugar is vegan because it is does not need to be filtered using bone ash.

>> No.6858859

Bread is totally vegan tbh

>> No.6858862


You'll have to check if the bread uses powdered milk, butter or sugar in it, those are not uncommon ingredients in bread.

>> No.6858863

Meat, okay I get it. Killing: bad.
Milk? Okay, industrial milk farming isn't pretty, so it's bad. I don't see what's wrong with keeping your own goat or sheep and milking it as appropriate, though.

Not eating eggs or honey just fucking confuse me. Chickens lay eggs. That's what they do. They'll lay them whether you eat them or not.

>> No.6858865

>Cane sugar
Wait a minute... I actually do eat cane sugar.

From Peta:
>Bone char—often referred to as natural carbon—is widely used by the sugar industry as a decolorizing filter, which allows the sugar cane to achieve its desirable white color.

My cane sugar isn't white but brown, i-i-is it vegan?

>> No.6858874
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I meant real bread. Not pic related

>> No.6858876


If you use raw sugar it's vegan. You could also use agave nectar which is also vegan.

My point is that it is damn near impossible to find vegan products because if we want to be honest how many people would think that white sugar isn't vegan? Unless it specifically says on the label something is vegan you might as well assume it isn't.

>> No.6858877
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Get fucking lost you lettuce gobbling cock-smokers. Vegans are fucking terrible, pretentious people who can't manage a proper diet and have their own hippie, self-righteous attitude. Your weak stomachs have no place on a board about food, and eating 10 pounds of leaves a day is not an accomplishment. You are the Hybrid Car drivers of meals, who think they are saving the planet, while your products cost so much to produce and ruin their local landscapes. Your taste sucks, but you can see that through your hipster glasses and your thriftstore scarf cuts off the bloodflow to your malnourished brain.

Fuck off veggie fags forever. Choke and die on a 14 dollar can of Wholefoods beanpaste.

>> No.6858880


Oh, lets add a few more things to that list: eggs and honey. The list of kinds of bread you can make get pretty thin once you remove those five ingredients.

>> No.6858883
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>If you use raw sugar it's vegan

>> No.6858889


Okay but think about all the other ingredients you might use every day that might use sugar, particularly with the way corn syrup has been demonized. Tomato sauce or paste, any kind of sauce or condiment like salsa, ketchup, etc., any kind of fruit or fruit topping packed in heavy syrup, etc.

Honestly though if I were vegan I think I would have to make peace with consuming small amounts of meat or animal products that same way everyone has to make piece with consuming the small amounts of cockroach or rats that are FDA allowable.

>> No.6858902

I'm pretty sure a majority of the animals I eat lived a rape-free life.

>> No.6858904

>You can't be 100% vegan because in this day and age it is not yet possible, so just stop making little to no efforts and start promoting unjustified murders of innocent beings. You will sure be less hypocritical

>> No.6858914

What is potato bread?

>> No.6858919

Calm down lady, this is a civil thread

>> No.6858924


Hah I'm amazed that you managed to get it completely ass backwards wrong.

My point is that in an absolute sense you will never be able to be ideologically pure. The examples I provided are to demonstrate how that position is ignorant of the physical realities of food preparation, you can't even be sure if a restaurant prepares their food on a separate surface or cleans their implements between orders. Instead idealism should focus on the intent rather than an abstract absolute that is unattainable.

>> No.6858926

You remind me of my ex gf and that's not a good thing to be reminded of

>> No.6858927


>murder murder murder, lets all eat quinoa whoops I destroyed an economy because of my selfish devouring of an unsustainable produce product lol silly me almond milk fuck california

>> No.6858928


Depends on the recipe, some recipes may include powdered milk or butter in them.

Now is it possible to remove these items from the recipe? Of course! One of the simplest bread recipes uses just flour, yeast and salt. However it may not have the taste or texture you would want in bread.

>> No.6858931

Good post

>> No.6858933

Anglo Saxons died off because they ate too much meat. They ate the meat in the first place to make up for their inferior, pink, cocks.

>> No.6858936

Did any bugs get ground up in that flour? Maybe weevil larva or roaches.

Isn't yeast a life form that also deserves protecting?

>> No.6858939


You seem to be mistaking me for a vegan. I have no problem answering questions or commenting on vegan cooking because at the end of the day they are all cooking questions. On the other hand I am not vegan and I've don't think I would ever open a restaurant catering to them, although vegetarians wouldn't be to hard to accommodate within a normal menu.

>> No.6858942


don't forget honey. If you want to be a vegan-fag you better not eat that which is a product from an animal.

>> No.6858955

As someone who cooks vegan food, my problem with vegans isn't their ideology or reasoning, its that their food is either plain as fuck rabbit food or canned bean paste.

If the rest of y'all knew how to cook you wouldn't have such a bad rap.

>> No.6858959 [DELETED] 

Did she cuck you?

>> No.6858961

They didn't die off, they bred with Danes and Franks and various other nearby nations you dense cunt

>> No.6859592

no one on /ck/ is friendly

>> No.6859596

of course there won't be those discussions here, the majority of users here are omnivores. if you want that sort of dialogue, go to some vegan anti-gluten Google+ group and stop complaining.

>> No.6859628

Prime example of the kind of shitposting you should be ignoring/hiding when you see it.

>> No.6859633

Why is the word "vegan" such an easy way to bait /ck/?

>> No.6859634

>if i ignore it, it makes it not true

>> No.6859641

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.6859652

>it's not vegan friendly at all. this is one of the most hostile places i've found when it comes to it.
This is why people hate vegans. You get upset about others being hostile. Grow a fucking pair. Not everyone wants to play nice, and no one is compelled to respect you or the precious choices you make. You're just another jerk in a sea of jerks. Get over yourself.

That said, I'm glad more and more people are eating like you, because it makes vegan options more common on menus. In a fast/convenience food situation I'd much rather go for the vegan option than eat commodity grade meat and/or dairy.

I just have no patience for people who want to make the world a "better place". Sounds like the height of arrogance to me.

>> No.6860190


>prime example of being a faggot

>> No.6860213

Because we've all encountered "those vegans."

>> No.6860470
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>implying I buy canned beanpaste

>> No.6860523

>industrial milk farming isn't pretty, so it's bad.
I hope you are aware that the only milk people consume today is industrial. Those small happy farms are a thing of the past, they had to upgrade or fuck outta business.
>I don't see what's wrong with keeping your own goat or sheep and milking it as appropriate, though.
But you don't consume milk from you own goat, do you? You buy from the one neglected every right. Not no mention, milk is a substance made to feed infants. So you are being breastfed at the age of... 21? Isn't that disgusting to you? Since everyone does it you never quite make the connection.

If you truly are interested abotu why eating eggs is wrong check out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciesism but on a less "ethical" levels, let's just say they don't nicely wait for the chichens to lay eggs, but force them (by depriving them of light or whatever) to do so and then kill them as soon as they don't produce enough.

Literally all cows have to be raped in order to keep them pregnant so that they can 1. produce milk 2. steal their songs/daughters (and cut them up so you can eat them as meat).

>> No.6860540

>he thinks feta is tofu

That's a greek salad, you fucking retard

>> No.6860544

>Isn't that disgusting to you?

Not at all. Why would it be? The idea that you should or shouldn't eat something because "that's not what it's for" is beyond stupid.

Think about it: a carrot's purpose is to absorb and store nutrients from the soil--it's not meant to feed you. The greens on the top of a turnip are meant to gather sunlight and CO2 to "feed" the plant--they're not meant for you to eat either.

>> No.6860548

>This is why people hate vegans. You get upset about others being hostile
You want the world to be hostile instead o nice? Why? Genuinely curious.
>In a fast/convenience food situation I'd much rather go for the vegan option than eat commodity grade meat and/or dairy.
That's cool, hope you go full vegan one day.
>I just have no patience for people who want to make the world a "better place". Sounds like the height of arrogance to me.
Are you a sociopath? Why don't you wan't to make the world a better place? How is it arrogance? Nobody even knows I'm vegan.

>> No.6860560

>You want the world to be hostile instead o nice?

Who said anything about "wanting to be"? It was a statement of fact, not a discussion of what someone wished things were.

>> No.6860565

they throw all the male chicks in a blender and kill the spent hens after a few years

>> No.6860566

i just realized that meat/no meat is like god/no god.

which one gets more press in the media right now?
genuine thought.. thx blog

>> No.6860568

Some people just realize that they live in the real world instead of fairytale lala land where everything is sunshine and rainbows.

>> No.6860579

>Why would it be? The idea that you should or shouldn't eat something because "that's not what it's for" is beyond stupid.
Yeah I guess I can't argue with that, but to me it was sufficient to make that connection to assure I wouldn't consume dairy any more.

Well even if you think it's tasty and great, just think about the fact that they are raped. How is that not enough? Imagine a human sex slave being raped so she can lactate and then be deprived of her son which is going to die soon after being born. Really puzzles me how that doesn't make enough of a strong impression to people. You can argue humans are above animals and that they aren't the same thing, but then do you realize this is the same logic fascism followed? Even more, if you discern by something like intelligence or looks, that would make killing retards, infants or negros admissible.

And okay, let's say the breastfeeding part doesn't disgust you, and the endless torture doesn't affect you, then here's one that does affect you: animals are the number 1 cause of climate change, and that's a fact (google it if you don't believe so, this is backed up by big organizations and concrete data).

Yeah but later you say
>I just have no patience for people who want to make the world a "better place".
That's pretty close to you not wanting the world to be a better place, I understand.

Wow, such a bold realization. Negros are held slave, women can't vote, the Nazis are winning the war... yeah it's a sad world better go all the way to the bottom and not try to make it better.

I'm off. Think critically about what I wrote or trash it and masturbate to your unmovable ideas, whatever, bye!

>> No.6860589

>Negros are held slave, women can't vote, the Nazis are winning the war

I just told you that the world sucks, quit talking about this amazing fantasy land where everything is great and wonderful.

>> No.6860591

when you say animals are the number one source, which i agree they totally are...

do you understand why they are the number one source? we humans are a parasite on this planet. we do things without regard as a whole. there are people that understand the big picture of what we create on this planet. and they are the ones that have been creating it for a few centuries id guess.

sorry my /pol/ was getting the best of me

>> No.6860597

That's not what he said at all. You didn't read it. He said "It's really hard to be 100% vegan so don't fuss over the things you can't eliminate." The "but keep trying to get those numbers down if you want to" was implied.

Some people do use the logic you implied. He didn't. Faggot. kill youself.

>> No.6860598
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>> No.6860611

>just think about the fact that they are raped

Why? It's an animal, not a human being. It has no concept of "rape".

>>imagine a human sex slave
Why are you anthropomorphizing cows?

>> No.6860640

Human nature does not change. Those who came up without much struggle in times of plenty think about making the world a better place and all kinds of other do-goodery. Those who struggled more and got less work to hold on to what little they've got. Those who have nothing struggle to stay alive.

Wanting the world to be nice is just a symptom of a privileged life. It's not a goal that can actually be accomplished. The arrogance that your precious ethics ought to extend to animals and the environment is borderline absurd when people are starving to death and killing each other every day. And that shit is never going to change because that is the human condition. You only think you have the power to change it because you've never had to struggle for anything.

>hope you go full vegan one day.
No chance. I eat like a vegan most of the time for health reasons. But I take great pleasure from the few animal products I consume. To me that pleasure outweighs any ethics. The planet will still be doing fine when we no longer exist as a species. I'd rather dedicate my short time here to pleasure seeking than so-called good works.