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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6858510 No.6858510 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite way to cook mushrooms, /ck/?

>> No.6858513


>> No.6858539

I never cook with mushrooms because they smell like cum.

>> No.6858559


Maybe you just need to wash your mouth and blow your nose after date night.

>> No.6858583

step one
throw them out
thats it
there's no more steps

>> No.6858590

Flyovers everybody.
When will they learn...

>> No.6858593


>> No.6858598

>implying mushrooms don't thrive in fly over conditions

>> No.6858600

Too many tornadoes.

>> No.6858602


>> No.6859008

Sinhalese mushroom curry side dish.

Mushrooms, 400g
Water, as needed
Curry powder of your preference, as needed (about a half cup, give or take)
>I use Sinhalese roasted black curry powder, homemade
Garlic, 4 cloves
Ginger, a fingerslength
Chillies, if/as desired
Cooking oil, 1tbsp
Stock or broth, 200ml (about 1 cup, US)
>if using stock cube/powder, omit the salt below
Cornflour/cornstarch, 1 tbsp
Salt, to taste
>if using stock cube/powder for your stock/broth, omit this ingredient
Coriander leaves, a handful
Scallion greens, a handful
Optional, but semi-traditional: bonito flakes/katsuobushi, a handful
>Maldives fish flakes are properly traditional but as they're impossible to find where I live, many Sinhalese use katsuobushi instead as they're just about the same thing as Maldives fish flakes, differing only in the length of time for which they are smoked (katsuobushi is far lighter in colour and smokiness)

Wash mushrooms (peel first, if you're into that).
Slice mushrooms.
Wet mushrooms a second time, drain fairly well and put into a bowl.
Using your hands, toss with just enough curry powder so that every piece of mushroom is coated.
Peel and mince garlic and ginger. Mince the chillies, too, if using. Toss them in the pan with oil.
Set to high heat and, when fragrant, add the mushrooms.
Add the broth/stock to the bowl the mushrooms were in; stir-fry the mushrooms in the pan in the oil.
Add cornflour to the broth/stock and stir to combine as well as remove all curry powder from the bowl sides; keep stir-frying the mushrooms all the while.
When the mushrooms are soft and greatly reduced, add the stock mixture and cook down.
When thick, salt to taste.
Off the heat.
Wash and slice the coriander and scallion greens and toss them and the bonito flakes, if using, with the curry.
Serve as part of a rice plate meal.

It's one of the few Sinhalese curries that's Chinese-inspired.

>> No.6859314

Most mushrooms are best eaten raw. If you like you have put them in a salad with lemon juice and evol.

>> No.6859330

The times that I've done it have been after I've cooked steak in a cast iron skillet, then I've had sliced mushrooms allready, throw those babbys in with some red wine make a reduction out of that, I like some hot peppers but that's me, when it's reduced around pour it onto the steaks that were resting.

They're also nice sliced up and put into some chicken noodle soup.

A dash of red wine, say a Rioja helps a lot in these things, I nice Rioja goes pretty damn well with mushrooms.

>> No.6859338

>remove stem
>slice into threes
>get pan med-hot
>put in a nob of butter and some olive oil
>throw mushrooms in
>give them some salt and basil
>cook for about 7 mins

>> No.6859365

I have mushrooms at least 4 times a week. They're the perfect side dish.

They taste the best though whenever i have steak, and cook them in the steak juices. So good.

>> No.6859812

Throw them bitches in a screaming hot pan to carmamelize on all sides a little, add thyme (a fuckin lot) and garlic. Wait 20 seconds while stirring and then deglaze with white wine and more butter. Optional: wilt some greens in it like arugala or spinach. Salt TT and eat with red meat.

>> No.6859818

i love mushrooms but ive been having a hard time getting some to grow.

i always try to /diy/ it first, but on this occasion i think ill need to buy a kit to watch it happen.

anyone have a kit the recommend?

>> No.6859938

You have to be over 18 to post on this site Anon.

>> No.6860051

I like to saute some halved mushrooms in a bit of butter. After they've softened up, deglaze with a little red wine and a dash of Worcester. They go best with steak.

>> No.6860084

olive oil and butter, shallots, parsley, squeeze of lemon at the end.

>> No.6860096

I like mushrooms with my butter.

>> No.6860114

this is the method of the gods

>> No.6860152
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did a foil packet cooked on the gas grill yesterday (about 30 minutes at medium heat all 3 burners)

medium onion sliced
1/2 pound white mushrooms sliced
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp soy sauce
1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce
2 tps chopped garlic

shit was the bomb

>> No.6860170

open foil you fucktwad!

>> No.6860196
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>posts picture of folded up foil package

>> No.6860206
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Commander, tell me about what's in your foil package.

>> No.6860782
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depends on the mushroom type really.
with Asian mushrooms like Shiitake or SHimeji, I like to stir-fry them with some spring onions, soy sauce and sesame/ginger oil;
with parasol mushrooms, I like to cover them in a light batter and deep fry them whole;
Boletus or Porcini are my ultimate favourite, especially when I can pick my own; with these, I like to use them in a Stroganoff;
Oyster mushrooms are also amazing, I like these fried in garlic butter, whole, and then just served on a nice bit of toast;
Champignion mushrooms are the worst and would not recommend them, they have no taste and too much water in them; nice in an omlette though...

mushrooms are amazing OP, thanks for making this thread and making me reminisce about my days of foraging.
also, here's a pic of some oyster mushrooms I grew from a kit.

>> No.6860791

GroCycle make nice kits, though they specialise on oyster mushrooms and only ship in the UK. it's the only kit I've used and it worked fine for me.

the problem with kits though is that most of them use a base of usually coffee grounds that can sprout two, maybe three crops at most, then you have to buy a new one. I tried to make my own "compost base" from recycled coffee grounds (as I worked in a coffee shop) but it didn't work.

they're fun as a learning experience but ultimately it's cheaper and more efficient to buy them from the shop/market.

>> No.6860841

I went through a phase of eating mushrooms almost every day. I like them best in a beef stir fry or grilled as part of a full English.

>> No.6860879

Depends on the mushroom but usually just sautéed or in brown butter
I'm not big on portabellas but they're good on the grill & so are lions mane with a pat of butter

>> No.6860934

thx for the tip. failing at recreating is ok, just keep trying.

>> No.6861700

Depends on the type of course
Button mushrooms are good raw on salads
Shiitake and bell mushrooms are good in stir frys
Portobello and crimini mushrooms are good sauteed with steak juice
Psychedelic mushrooms go well with a banana