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6852737 No.6852737 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard to find decent BBQ joints /ck/?

>> No.6852743
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You're not supposed to eat the joints

>> No.6852746
File: 47 KB, 250x211, tumblr_l7wxt1qjKf1qdul8po1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause BBQ is literally sweet tasting shit.

>mfw someone offers me BBQ chicken

>> No.6852754

no it isn't. only SC and certain other styles are sweet.
texas BBQ isn't sweet.

because faggots like >>6852746
assume there is no different in anything they taste and fuck up everything they make

>> No.6852864

when you live in kansas city and bbq is the only point of culinary pride of your home

when there's a bbq shack every two blocks and a decent one every four blocks

>> No.6852926

Because BBQ done right is hard. Most places would rather slap some shitty meat on a grill, smother it in overly sweetened sauce from the store and call it a day.
Proper barbecue takes time and requires a proper slow cooker. If you live in the South, everyone and their grandmother has one, so it's not hard to find. If you live in the North, well, it's your fault for living amongst them Union faggots.

>> No.6852931

Serious answer: BBQ is a regional food. If you live in a place where the regional style suits your taste decent BBQ joints should be all around you. If you don't you're just living in the wrong place.

>> No.6852940

Because retards slap rub and sauces on their "barbecue" instead of letting the wood do its work. Less is more, you dummies. If you need to put any spices or sauce on your meat after or even before it's smoked, you should have your hands chopped off so you can never ruin food again.

>> No.6852953

I live way the fuck north and it is not

>> No.6852972

Smoking is not the same as barbecuing.

>> No.6852976

slavery should really be a states rights issue

>> No.6852979

Nigga you dumb.

>> No.6854444
File: 450 KB, 1600x1200, lexington barbecue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because the rest of the country has yet to accept the obvious superiority of barbecue from the Carolinas, so they just imitate shitty Kansas City or Texas style barbecue and douse everything in liquid smoke.

>> No.6854532

Die, heretic scum

>> No.6854866

Idk. I live in the Kansas City area, so it's not.

>> No.6855358


What am I looking at here?

>> No.6855371

>Flyover Detected
Try leaving the basement and broadening your horizons before sharing your inane opinions with the world. You might avoid embarrassment.

>> No.6855383

>I think this because I have never left home

>> No.6855404

It isn't, you fucking twat. Smoked salmon is not "Barbecued salmon", nor is lox. Smoked sausage is not BBQ either. Go back to your public school.

>> No.6855419

canada here, every time I've been to the southern states the bbq is completely lackluster, and the portions are fucking massive. I went to one place and the ribs tasted like they had 0 salt, were covered in some disgusting lone star sauce or some shit, and were overcooked.

one of over a dozen shitty bbq experiences, I dont think you southern states actually know what good bbq is, you just shovel shit in your gullets and assume its good because its your "thing"

dont bother responding im going to bed.

>> No.6855423


thats fucking stupid, who wants plain smoked ribs? spices add flavor you faggot.

>> No.6855427
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>he hasnt had texas barbeque

>> No.6855437
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What the fuck am I looking at here?

>> No.6855439
File: 651 KB, 1067x800, VNyk86k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

texas barbeque, idiot

>> No.6855787


You either have shit-tier meat or you're not using the correct wood. That's all you need, and it's not plain.

>> No.6855789

I lived in Memphis for 5 years, finding top notch BBQ was pretty easy. Niggers love their BBQ.

>tfw my first time at Rendezvous and I hear a woman order a bottle of wine and the nigger server yells "someone get this bitch a Halle Barry!"

>> No.6855794

>the meat doesn't need anything but wood guy
why aren't you banned

>> No.6855795

To have decent bbq all of the following are mandatory for any style
1. a big ass smoker or pit
2. a consistent supply of quality wood to put in it
3. a staff of dedicated professionals who know how to run the damned thing
4. a consistent supply of high quality

getting all these together in the same time and place is hard as balls. and of course you have to have a good location while also not pricing yourself out of the market just to break even.

>> No.6855798


Because I'm telling you that your food is garbage? Why would I be banned for the truth. Learn to smoke meat, you cretins.

>> No.6855800

>4. a consistent supply of high quality
*high quality meat

>> No.6855802

it at least needs salt and you have objected to the use of salt before

i love smoked meat more than most people, but you just come off as ridiculous with your extremism

using spices doesn't ruin bbq

>> No.6855805


I have objected to the use of salt before because you don't need it. You don't need any of that.

You need, like the anon above said too, quality wood and meat. That is all you need. Anyone that tells you differently doesn't know what they're talking about and should just stick to crockpots and liquid smoke.

>> No.6855810

what about the flavor compounds that you can only taste in the presence of salt?

they use it in literally everything for a reason and it's not like you have to use a lot of it

>> No.6855816



>> No.6855823


Smoke and meat are obviously the most important factors but I don't object to the use of seasonings, rubs or sauces as long as the enhance rather than mask the base flavors of meat and wood.

>> No.6855825
File: 60 KB, 510x384, full dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I open the board for the first time today and first thing I see is this stupidity.
Even your great grandpappy and his before him knew you needed to salt your meat. Not just for preservation (which is why smoking came about in the first place), but to enhance and retain flavor. While I agree that people these days tend to go WAY overboard in their seasonings and rubs for smoked meats, if you aren't at least using some basic seasoning, you're making an inferior product and need to shut the fuck up. Wood matters a lot, more than people realize, but so does a decent rub with salt (and some pepper or a couple other spices don't hurt anything either, depending on what you like).
Now shut the fuck up, you sound like an idiot.

>> No.6855831




You do not know what you're talking about. My forefathers knew that all it takes is good wood and good meat, and that's the way they taught me to smoke. That is the way most people smoke around here, the ones that don't own shitty restaurants that slather on sauce and rub.

You do not need spices or sauce or anything of that nature to make it good. I can't believe you dummies fall for this garbage, and therefore produce garbage food.

>> No.6855833
File: 3.21 MB, 2920x2208, Memphis_Pyramid_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Memphis there is literally a good BBQ place on every single corner

>> No.6855844

You do need salt. Always. It doesn't cover up any meat or smoke flavor and enhances it tremendously. You make shit meat if you aren't using any salt, period

I'm not talking about spice rubs and sauces that obscure the flavor of the meat. Just salt. It's ridiculously important for all types of food.

>> No.6855849

You and your forefathers are fucking retarded. What are you, some hillbilly with assburgers? Because that's what you sound like.
Go talk about your shitty meat somewhere else, we have real smoked meats to talk about without you shitty up the thread with your idiotic nonsense.

>> No.6855855

You're supposed to cook it rubbed with mustard and BBQ rub and then dip it in the sauce

>> No.6855858

I could be wrong about this but I think salt serves a critical function in the development of "bark" on bbq

something something maillard reaction

I personally wouldn't try to smoke a chunk of meat without salting it first.

>> No.6855921

You'd be right.
Idk what's wrong with this "no salt" guy, but he's wrong on all accounts. (except for the point that the wood matters a lot, but other than that, he's an idiot).

>> No.6856113
File: 1.52 MB, 2900x1648, Memphis-Pyramid-Bass-_Lock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggertown USA! Nice Bass Pro Shops you guys have there. How does it feel to be the next Detroit with your classy mayor A.C. Wharton pissing away every penny you give the city?

This is a great example of why you should never vote niggers into positions of power.

>> No.6856467

I'm blessed to be in mid-florida and surrounded by a shitload of bbq places.

Went to the best one in the area last week, had a pound of pulled brisket.

>> No.6856472

Because you don't live near Lockhart Texas?

>> No.6856474

>I'm blessed to be in mid-florida
said literally no one ever

I'm in Florida too, but I can't relate to a person that doesn't hate this place

>> No.6856502

Blessed for the bbq, hate nearly the rest, is what I mean. I like the fishing here and the bbq here.

>> No.6856503

That building is a straight up embarassment to this country.

>> No.6856506

Because BBQ joints are places that spew a shitload of smoke into the air and god forbid you have a business or residents nearby.

Everyday smoke billowing on to you all waking hours. Can't go outside if u dont want smoke.

>> No.6856522

>Hickory Park
>Smokey D's
>Uncle Wendell's
>Woody's Smoke Shack

I don't seem to have that problem

>> No.6856528

>fishing and bbq

Shit, if you said you also like rpg video games I would find your and make you my husband.

>> No.6856532

A-are you a grill?

>> No.6856554

Xhe's probably a smoking hot grill.

>> No.6856573

No but I have a man pussy that's begging for a juicy cock.

>> No.6856600

bird abortion i think? all i see is feathers and meat im terrified

>> No.6856644

/pol/ please stay in your board, thanks

>> No.6856701

Butt hurt Nigger confirmed.

>> No.6856723

i just want to look at pictures of food without hearing your babble
also i'm white tyvm