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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6853139 No.6853139 [Reply] [Original]

How many times have you left a restaurant without paying because you didn't like the food or the food took too long?

>> No.6853147

never times

>> No.6853148

hi mike

>> No.6853149


>> No.6853150

Zero, for I am not a nigger.

>> No.6853152

OP here and I'll reply myself to get the thread started that isn't immature shitposting

I've done it a few times when the food is shit. I don't ask for a new order because it's just going to be shit again and we've wasted each others' time. Never because of the wait though, I have patience and my 3DS if it takes long.

>> No.6853168

i have left a few times before the food arrived, instances such as waiter taking forever to bring drinks or not even stopping by the table

never left after taking a bite of the actual meal, though. sounds like something i need to try

>> No.6853170

I've never walked out after ordering. I have left after waiting an hour because my waitress took my drink order and then fucked off and never came back to get my food order.

>> No.6853172

>I have patience and my 3DS

Nintendrone acting like an entitled manchild? Wow, I'm shocked. Truly.

>> No.6853175

People defend the businesses way too much. If they don't uphold their end of the deal and give me shit food am I supposed to give them shit money? 50% of the price?

Nope, because if you don't feel satisfied with the food any decent restaurant will let you leave without paying.

>> No.6853188

>any decent restaurant
in a "decent Restaurant" the food is good and the Service also...

but if you eat somewhere then pay your fucking bill... no tipp if you want

>> No.6853192

I left once before my food came because the high retards in the kitchen preferred to fuck around for 30 minutes instead of making the pancakes and bacon I ordered.

That's it.

Well, I guess one time my friends and I did pay for a $40ish dollar tab with about $80 in pennies just by leaving them in a bag on the table, but pennies are legal tender, so I don't think that counts.

>> No.6853196

Satisfaction isn't part of the agreement when you order from a restaurant. You give them money in exchange for food. As long as they bring you what you ordered, you're obligated to pay the agreed upon amount.

>> No.6853197
File: 2.36 MB, 320x287, 0b8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pennies exist

>> No.6853207

Don't care. 99% of times they'll understand they are in the wrong for not giving you good enough food. Them causing a scene is not worth the $10-20

The other 1%? Just leave and see how far a police report will go

>> No.6853227

Yep. Welcome to a land where it costs mite to produce a low value coin than the coin is worth, and you can buy things with only said coin if you have enough of them.

I dislike pennies too, I'd be totally fine with prices being rounded to the nearest nickel.

>> No.6853250

legally stores can refuse your payment if it includes more than 100 pennies.

>> No.6853262

Lmao i dont think so. All forms of legal tender must be accepted as payment

>> No.6853278

>stores can refuse your payment if it includes more than 100 pennies.

>> No.6853297

Never. Even if the food is bad i still pay.
Ill just never go back to that place again.

If you don't have the time to wait at a restaurant you should have just gone to mcdonalds instead.

>> No.6853300

Never? You asked for a service, they delivered. You are obligated to pay the bare minimum.

I make sure to tip them one penny. Since the penny was phased out in Canada, leaving one means you didn't forget to tip, but that you are insulting them.

>> No.6853396

Service wasn't as expected and I refuse to pay. Just like I expect to get a refund on a product that I wasn't satisfied with.

>> No.6855231

Once, and I wasn't even the one who would have paid, but I was part of the party.
When I was younger I went out to eat with my Dads parents and his whole side of the family, genuine good people who had always emphasized respect, manners, and just treating people in restaurants well because they knew it was a privilege to go out. (My moms side of the family are the complete fucking opposite, but that's a different story all together).
I ordered some mini corndogs I think, and I distinctly remember going into the bathroom and vomiting while still there after eating them, they completely lost my grandparents order and when it took them an extra 45 minutes to get them out, they said they were out of potatoes and corn which where ALL THE SIDES IT CAME WITH, they didn't offer a replacement and getting the cunt waitress to refill our drinks was impossible unless we hunted her down.
Regardless to say, all this resulted in my grandparents refusing to pay.
TL;DR Corndogs made me sick, entire orders were lost, almost no communication after fuckups and when certain basic food items were unavailable.

>> No.6855236

you can return just about anything besides food, drink, and firewood, because these things are not reusable. not paying for something you've used and can't be adequately replaced is a shityy fucking thing to do. you're a faggot.

>> No.6855241

Eh, ive been to some restaurants that had an hour wait and the food came out warm or slightly cold.

This has happened around 8 times i pay for my drinks call my waiter to call the manager inform him/her and leave.

>> No.6855253

Never, but half the time I leave without making an order because I get anxious about making some sort of faux pas. Even at shitty fast food places, sometimes, because I start getting nervous about the possibility of holding up the line.

>> No.6855261


>> No.6855266

Only once when I was 13 on my first date with this qt at a pizza place. There was a fly in my pizza so I told them to suck my little midget cock and we left.

>> No.6856787

I've left if the service is taking forever and I haven't ordered any food or drinks yet - but I've never not paid.

>> No.6857180

I've left waiting for service, and I've left waiting for food, but I've never eaten a meal without paying.

>> No.6857232

Never, you fucking mong.

If you ordered food, and they brought you said food that you ordered, and you ate said food that you ordered, then you fucking PAY for it. Only people of the niggerly persuasion try to get out of paying for food they ordered.

>> No.6857234

Zero. Zero times.

>> No.6857251

> Waiting for a train
> Have one and a half hour to kill
> decide to have a snack in a small restaurant near the station
> drink comes fast, but food keeps me waiting
> remind the waiter after 40 minutes
> remind the waiter again another 20 minutes later
> food won't come
> I leave the table and get to the next waiter, pay my drink and cancel the food order

That's about it, happened one time and I know I will never go to that restaurant again.

>> No.6857305

Does that place still exist?

>> No.6857317

What the hell is wrong with you?

I'd feel uncomfortable holding up the line in a supermarket, but given how many people take what feels like 10 minutes to discuss something worth 5 cents, I absolutely cannot understand feeling bad for taking the time it just takes to do normal, quick shit.

>> No.6857445

once and only once

>go to restaurant with three friends
>only three other tables in the restaurant have diners
>order drinks, appetizers and entrees
>drinks show up after 20 minutes
>an hour passes and the appetizers arrive but are lukewarm
>10 minutes later entrees arrive, we order more drinks
>30 minutes pass and the waiter hasn't brought our drinks or even been remotely near our table
>we just leave

normally I would never do that type of trashy shit but it was pretty insulting. We made it clear that we were going to be spending a lot of money that evening but after being basically ignored for two hours in a restaurant that wasn't busy we just decided to say fuck em.
In retrospect we should have complained to management and paid our bill, but at the time I was furious