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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6851397 No.6851397 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here actually work in a restaurant? Do you really spit in food? What are some things you do to food when the person receiving it does something you don't like?

>> No.6851412

i'll skimp on ingredients if the person is notably rude to FOH employees. there will be little effort put into their meal.

i'd never spit on food or drop it on the floor or tolerate anyone else doing it. i cannot vouch for night shifts at restaurants though -- i hear things get weird there.

>> No.6851424

Fast food with teenagers working? Yes, they're kids, they don't think things out, and like to be edgy and implusive.

Real restaurants? Not so much. If a chef gets caught spitting into someone's food, it could end their career. If you piss them off, you might get slow service cold food, subpar food, small portions. Plus the waitstaff might spit in it.

>> No.6851429
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>FOH comes and tells me someone hurt their feelings
I don't give one shit.

>> No.6851444
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>> No.6851452

You have to care about FOH though, a restaurant is a family.

>> No.6851461

Become a person worth caring about. Either way, I'm not gonna fuck with people's food over your ego.

>> No.6851464

Whoa hey I've been there

I'm with >>6851412
Don't do anything you'd get fired for.

>> No.6851466

I've never worked in a place that did disgusting things to peoples food. We would joke about it, but that's all. I wouldn't be surprised if it sometimes happens at chain restaurants though, because they treat their employees like shit and it's a way to lash out.
I don't believe you. We all know there are some bro tier waitstaff, the good ones. It's hard not to become friends with them unless they are really pricks.

>> No.6851470

yes, no, and we normally just talk shit about them because it's a window and we can make fun of their appearance.

>> No.6851477

our kitchen has a window. Sorry a little too stoned to complete thoughts

>> No.6851588

I sprinkle my piss over the food. I keep a bottle of piss in the bottom cabinet and lightly sprinkle it over the food after it's done cooking but before plating.

>> No.6851596

pics or you're a liar.

>> No.6851649

Line Cook here.

Usually just swallow your annoyance and make the food.

But I have served floor food when I first started :^)

>> No.6851667

work at dominos as a drive

i spit int the food of regulars who dont tip and shake their drinks. i hook good tippers up with free shit a lot though

>> No.6851678

I ordered pizza with my friend once and he answered the door. He asked for exact change and I almost assaulted him because I've always assumed that was what happened to people who don't tip. I was scared to order pizza for like 2 years after that because I figured it would be contaminated

>> No.6851681

self entitled faggot

>> No.6851698

i mean you have to do it a lot for people to remember you, we serve tons of people a night hard to remember some random ass faggot

fuck you nigger we are the ones that shave 5-10 time off your order by braking traffic laws. yoiu can afford 3 bucks anyway faggot

>> No.6851701
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>> No.6851708


>> No.6851727

Holy shit, I can wait 10 extra minutes for my slab of cardboard smothered in ketchup, you faggot.

Here's a tip, get a real job.

>> No.6851730

hey man cool with me, enjoy your spit and sometimes cum

>> No.6851731


>> No.6851738

I'm a hobbit we would never do that

>> No.6851755

>Don't do anything you'd get fired for.

I have a better idea.

Don't do anything to food that you wouldn't willingly eat after someone else, or even yourself did the same thing to it.

That should be a universal rule amongst all human beings.

>> No.6851762
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Nice trips

No need to thank me, move along

>> No.6851775

So you shouldn't cook anything with ingredients you don't personally like?

>> No.6851777

>hurr durr

I was obviously talking about doing BAD shit to food like spitting / adding sick shit / etc. to the food you fucking jackass. And you are well aware of that.

>> No.6851883

I've worked BOH in several restaurants anywhere from fast food to fine dining. I've never seen anyone spit in food or do anything irresponsible like that.

When a customer complains or makes a stupid request, we bitch and moan, but then we re-make the item and send it back out to them doing out best to please. We know we're in the service business and are there to serve others and please them, so we try to do our best to do that. Sure, we complain about it, but we know it's our job.

>> No.6851903

I used to work as a waiter in a clubhouse at a golf course so you could say it was on the fancier side of things. Never seen anything like that happen, though once a chef emptied his pan of fish and chips onto the kitchen counter and used his other hand to wipe it off the counter top and onto a plate. He then directly passed the plate to me and told me to serve it.

>> No.6851941
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>be worker in Burger King drive-thru
>some guy drives up and says: "Give me my orange soda, fag."
>Could not have heard that right, ask him what he said
>"hand me my orange soda, fag."
>reach back into buttcrack
>harvest great sweaty wad of ass crack lint.
>bumper crop
>place wad of ass lint into cup bottom.
>ice, soda, lid, straw, pass.
>dude starts chugging
>immeadiately tell my shift supe, who I be banging.
>incredulaous look
>story gets all around store in less time than it take for guy to park right outside drive-thru
>everybody looks out window
>shift supe says "don't everybody look, he'll know we did something.
>tfw humping the boss lets me do anything.

Be polite to the one who handles your food just before you get it.

>> No.6852001
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>delivery driver still, sucks but im saving money plus tips are great in the summer
>regulars always tip decently
>big orders nearly always tip decently
>one hill billy meth head out in the sticks (10 minutes away)
>always order late
>never tips
>insults my hair
I wanted to call him a pig fucker but I was still hoping for a decent tip. Everytime I think I should be slower about getting to certain people's houses, they end up tipping me that day. Can't complain much, but honestly being paid like a waitress sucks ass. Last two checks were cut nearly in half because we've been so busy lately and I've been getting tipped pretty well.

>> No.6852024

What kind of doooo do you wear?

>> No.6852072

it was more about the color.
It's blue right now. My hair color will fade but he'll never get his teeth back.

>> No.6852084

Did he have a cigarette with 2 inches of ash in his mouth and a sneer and a few days stubble on his face? That's what I imagined.

>> No.6852085







>> No.6852128

I deliver for a big pizza chain in the US, I'm a food corporate bitch and everyone likes me. The worst I'll do is wait a few seconds before knocking at your door.

Just carry on, getting pissed over one hick isn't worth it.

>> No.6852162

Well, I'd make fun of your smurf faggot hair too.

>> No.6852201

>Do you really spit in food?

No. Why do something I'd get canned and probably slapped with Jew martial arts for?

Can't vouch for the fags who take it in the ass on Tuesday nights. They don't seem to care about anything other than making sure food is barely ready for service.

>What are some things you do to food when the person receiving it does something you don't like?

Re/fire it at my convenience so the douche doesn't come back.

>> No.6852234

Like others said, we normally just bitch about it then go out and get drunk after the shift. I've been tempted when I used to serve, but never messed with someones food. Now I'm the GM of a fine dining restaurant and guest complaints dont get to me on a personal level much any more. I just try to make it right and keep people happy and coming back.

>> No.6852345

This. Insult the customer, not the food. Food will always be there for you in your brightest days, and darkest hours: unjudging.

>> No.6852491

I've never spit in anybody's food. We did have this little display stand to show what kind of soft drinks we had and when somebody ordered one we'd get them from the cooler. Occasionally people would steal the display pops when nobody was at the counter so I started opening and pissing in them. I can say without a doubt that there are definitely multiple people out there who have drank my piss.

>> No.6852509

>ass crack lint
you are a poet

>> No.6852510

I used to work at new york pizza. We had a prank with delivery pizza where we smeared toilet paper with human feces on the pizza first before adding the sauce. So if you ever ordered ny pizza I got bad news for ya.

>> No.6852513

you are scum

>> No.6852636

YES anyone who puts olives in anything should be mercilessly tortured and exterminated.

>> No.6852676
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>dfw tip well only out of fear

>> No.6852704

I work at Wendy's on sandwiches. When you order ten junior bacons half of them are smashed bc lettuce and tomato slide and my manager breathing down my neck. Also y youneed ten+ sandwiches?

>> No.6852716
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>Delivery driver for Dominoes
>Last week got a call
>Went out
>qt answered the door
>Chad comes up behind her
>I say ''Pizza time''
>I have a lisp
>Chad laughs
>''I didn't realise they stuffed your mouth and the crust''
>qt laughs

Fast forward 2 weeks

>Get a delivery
>Same place as the chad
>Remembered the address, even wrote it on a paper to keep in my pocket
>Burning with rage, this will be my revenge
>Get to the door
>Before knocking
>Take the pizza box and open it
>get my testicles out
>going to dip them in the cheese
>Suddenly hear noise next to me
>Neighbour is standing there
>I panic
>run as fast as I can
>As I pull away the cheese from the pizza smears my balls and it badly burns
>run and leave with cheese hanging off my sack and my pants down
>pull them up as I go downstairs
>pay for the pizza myself
>somehow the manager never found out

I can't even be scum correctly

>> No.6852718

Lol loser

>> No.6853543
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Worked at McD's in highschool. We'd steal shit, watch porn in the break room and talk about butt fucking each others grandmas all day long but we never messed with customers food

>> No.6853550

tipping doesn't stop what already has been done

>> No.6853552
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Sometimes I like to collect my goopy ass sweat and mix it into people's drinks.

>> No.6853557

Prepare it how i normally would

>> No.6854714

I will occasionally bitch: "Does that fuck know what medium is? Too fucking rare my ass, well done you shall receive" but I don't fuck with people's food. It isnt worth it